Modify your plan. Most likely, you will need to adjust


4. Be prepared. New situations can make people

nervous. Find out where the TOEFL exam test center is and plan how you will get there. Organize the materials you will need for the test the night before. Use this book to learn about the format of the exam and what types of questions to expect. If you prepare well, the TOEFL exam will not be new to you.

5. Create realistic goals. Break up big goals into smaller,

easier-to-manage tasks. Instead of telling yourself what you “should” do, do the best you can. Keep things in perspective—the TOEFL exam is an important test, but don’t lose sight of the other important parts of your life.

6. Think positively. Imagine yourself doing well—

picture yourself at the exam, calmly answering each question. If you believe you can do it, you will be more likely to achieve your goals.

7. Reward yourself. Give yourself rewards throughout

your preparation for the TOEFL exam. This can make studying less burdensome. Set up realistic rewards for following your study plan and, eventually, for your well-earned test score. COUNTDOWN TO EXAM DAY After months of preparation, your hard work will soon pay off. The test is just a week away. How can you make the most of your final days? Here’s a countdown plan that will help you reach your goal and reduce unnecessary stress. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK TO GET A TOP SCORE 19 The week before ■ Get detailed directions to the test center. Take a practice drive or practice commute so you know how long it takes to get there. ■ Do an overall review of your material. ■ Get plenty of sleep every night. ■ Picture yourself doing well on the test. The day before ■ Go to bed early. ■ Get light exercise. Avoid heavy workouts—you do not want to be physically exhausted on exam day. ■ Pack everything you need: pencilspens, admission materials, identification, mints, or snacks for break time. ■ Set your alarm and ask a family member or friend to make sure you are up on time. Exam day ■ Get up early. ■ Eat a light, healthy breakfast. Don’t drastically change your diet on exam day. For example, if you drink coffee regularly, don’t skip it because you may get a headache. But don’t overdo it, either. ■ Dress comfortably in layers so you can adjust to a room that is too hot or too cool. ■ Arrive at the test center early. ■ Think positively. Remember, you are prepared. 20 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS USE THIS BOOK WITH OTHER TEST-PREPARATION MATERIAL TOEFL Exam Essentials gives you key information about the TOEFL exam in a quick, easy style and format. Unlike other test- prep books that use a question-and-answer format, TOEFL Exam Essentials offers strategies for studying and test taking that can make the difference for you in getting a top score on this important exam. When used in combination with other test-preparation materials, TOEFL Exam Essentials is a powerful tool that will help you succeed. If you are committed to doing well on the TOEFL exam, you should also invest the time and money into purchasing or using other test-preparation materials that contain practice tests. As you prepare for the exam, consider taking several practice tests. Use the study plan described earlier in this chapter to schedule your practice test. You will find many test-preparation books at your bookstore, library, or for purchase online. See Learning Express’s TOEFL Exam Success LearningExpress, 2002 for detailed study and learning strategies, lessons, and practice questions targeted to the kinds of questions asked in each section of the official exam. The Internet also contains resources for the TOEFL exam. Some websites offer online practice tests and scoring, with an analysis of your results. If you register for the computer-based TOEFL exam, taking a practice test on a computer will be an advantage to you. You will become more familiar with the expe- rience of taking a standardized test on a computer so that when you take the official exam, it won’t be new to you. See Appendix B in the back of the book for more print and online resources.