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HOW TO USE THIS BOOK TO GET A TOP SCORE 15 where you left off. Try to put in extra time during the next few weeks to catch up. You may need to adjust your schedule to make deadlines more realistic, but be sure to give yourself enough time to finish everything before the exam.

5. Modify your plan. Most likely, you will need to adjust

your study plan as you proceed. Review your progress every week. Did you reach your goals? If not, where did you fall short and why? The more you assess what is working in your plan and what is not working, the more it will address your actual study needs. It may go without saying, but the key element to doing well on the TOEFL exam is mastering the material covered on the test. Proficiency in English-language skills is crucial for success. How can you best improve your listening, grammar, reading, and writing skills? Knowing how to study can be as important as how much time you spend studying. Effective study strategies are active rather than passive, meaning that you do something, such as the following: ■ Ask questions as you study, read, or listen to a conversation in English. • What is the main idea being expressed? • What is the author or speaker trying to prove? • What is fact and what is opinion? ■ Locate what is important. As you read, use a high- lighter or pencil to underline key information, such as: • terms that are defined in the text • main ideas 16 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS • words or grammar rules you want to remember • new ideas • vocabulary words or expressions you need to look up ■ Make connections. If you can make connections between ideas, you will better remember the material. For example, if Spanish is your native language, you might connect the word dormir “to sleep” in Spanish with dormitory the English word for a room or building where students sleep. ■ Make notes. Note taking can help you remember material, even if you never read your notes again. That’s because it’s a muscle activity, and using your muscles helps you remember. While reading or listening, make note of main ideas, supporting details, authorities, opinions and facts, and key terms. BEAT TEST STRESS Your palms sweat, your breathing quickens, and your heart races. Most test takers recognize these common symptoms—the signs of stress. However, by following a study plan and taking concrete actions to reduce the stress in your life, you can boost your con- fidence on exam day and lower your test stress. Keep your general stress levels low. Take note of the factors in your life that cause you stress, such as family, work, or school problems. Try to deal with those stresses that interfere with studying and preparing for the exam. For example, if you can’t study at home because it is loud or chaotic, make plans to find a quieter, calmer location like a friend’s house or the library. Taking