Research Setting Research Participants Data Analysis Technique

30 attitudes, opinions, demographic, information, conditions, and procedures. Descriptive data are usually obtained through questionnaires, survey, interviews, as well as observations. This study is related to understand some topic aspects by words since this study observed students ’ perception on the use of debate activities in improving speaking skills. To initiate the study, the researcher distributed the questionnaire to debate extracurricular members of SMA N 8 Yogyakarta. The questionnaire to obtain necessary information about facts, such as their opinion and thought on a new technique to develop their speaking ability especially the skills related to speaking in public setting.

B. Research Setting

This study was conducted in SMA N 8 Yogyakarta. The study was done in debate extracurricular of SMAN 8 Yogyakarta. The researcher chose debate extracurricular of SMAN 8 Yogyakarta because the debate teams were great and had won many titles from school debate competitions. To know the student’s improvement in speaking, the researcher conducted three observations in the extracurricular. First observation observed the teacher and students condition during the extracurricular. Second and third observation observed the students’ improvement. The first observation and questionnaire distribution was conducted on March 29th 2017 at 7.30 PM. The researcher distributed the questionnaires on the first observation meeting because the researcher wanted to cross check between the questionnaire’s answers and the fact. The second observation was conducted on April 3 rd , 2017 at 7.00 PM. The 31 third observation was conducted on April 17 th , 2017 at 7.00 PM. The researcher could not interview all the eight students on the same day cause the time limitation. Therefore, the researcher interviewed them on different days. The interviews with the students were conducted on April 7th, 10th, and 11th 2017.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this study were members of debate extracurricular in SMAN 8 Yogyakarta. The researcher used debate extracurricular because the members had already experienced English debates. The number of respondents for each instrument questionnaires and interviews were the same.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

To conduct the study, instruments are needed so that the research will be easily administered and the gathered data will be well-organized. The research instruments that will be used in this study are qualitative observation and written description by participant. It will investigate the students’ perception on the use of debate activities in improving speaking skills.

1. Qualitative Observation

Observation seeks to ascertain what people think and do by watching them as they express themselves’ feeling in various situation. Observation used to be popular in educational research because it requires no preparation and no apparatus. Johnson and Christensen 2012 stated that “qualitative observation involves observing all potentially relevant phenomena and taking extensive field 32 note, notes taken by an observer, without specifying in advance exactly what to be observe” p. 207. This study would be helped by qualitative observation since the observation observed all things that potentially relevant and connected to the topic.

2. Description by Participants

The writer analyzed the obvious evidence to produce a core description of the experience. According to Wahyuni 2012, the data from written description by participants serve as the ground on which the findings are based p. 26. In constructing the study report, the researcher drew excerpts from the data to illustrate the findings and to show the readers how the findings were derived from the data. To complete the description by participants, the researcher conducted questionnaire and interview.

a. Questionnaire

In this study, the questionnaire was utilized in the needs survey as well as in efforts to obtain feedback on the designed set of material. This kind of instrument was primarily used to obtain written data to support this study. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 1990 said questionnaire can reveal more truthful responses which are sometimes hard to do in the interviews because the respondents are sometimes reluctant to answer questions honestly p. 189. This kind of instrument was used to obtain written data to support this study. There was a questionnaire in this study. It was written in English to measure students’ English skills. The questionnaire consists of three parts. In the first part, the respondents were asked to give opinion about ten close-ended 33 statements. Close-ended statements are needed because the researcher should know students’ perception on the use of debate activities. The second part of questionnaire asked the respondents about their activities which can improve their speaking skills. The last part asked the respondents to rate their own speaking skills. Table 3.1: The description of questionnaire Aims Theories Type Total Items Statements First Part To know students’ motivation to join debate extracurricular Lepper 1988 Student motivation naturally has to do with students desire to participate in the learning process p. 14. Close- ended 2 I joined debate extracurricular because I want to improve my speaking skills. I join the debate extracurricular because I think my English is quite good. To know instructor’s response in student’s speaking skills British Journal 2004 By encouraging students to use clarification phrases in class when misunderstanding occurs and by responding positively when they do, instructors can create an authentic practice environment within the classroom itself p. 2. Close- ended 1 The teacher lets me speaking English during debate extracurricular. To know students’ confidences while using their English skills British Journal 2014 Teachers develop control of various clarification strategies, students will gain confidence in their ability to manage the various communication situations that they may encounter outside the Close- ended 1 I am confident to speak English in front of my friends. 34 classroom p. 2. To know students’ method before speaking Nicholls 1990 A speaker can start by writing an outline to generate the ideas p. 66. Close- ended 1 I always make outlines before speaking in front of audience. To know students’ opinion on the implementatio n of debate Kennedy 2007 Debate gives many experiences for students to analyze, deliver, and organize speeches quickly and correctly p. 43. Close- ended

1 Debate

extracurricular helps me to improve my speaking skills. To know students’ achievements in speaking after using debate method Lepper 1988 Teachers can help students develop speaking ability by making them aware of the scripts for different situations so that they can predict what they will hear and what they will need to say in response p. 13. Close- ended 2 I have improvements in each meeting of debate extracurricular. The debate extracurricular helps me to know many new English vocabularies. To know students’ interest in debate and English speaking Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnely, and Konopaske 1985 Situation affected the feeling and habits in the daily life p. 101. Close- ended 1 I enjoy the activities in the debate extracurricular. To know students’ evaluation and reflection after speaking Close- ended 1 I repeat to learn the material of debate extracurricular at home. Second Part Aim: to know students’ activities which improve their English speaking skills beside debate. Third Part Aim: to know the students’ speaking standard. 35

3. Interview

Interview is a flexible instrument in research because the interviewer can observes the subject as well as the whole situation in which the subject gives the responses. If the question is unclear enough, the interviewer can explain it again to avoid misinterpretation. In this study, interview was used to obtain further information from the respondents in giving the answer in the questionnaire. Interview was important when the responses needed a clarification so that more complete comments and opinions were obtained. Table 3.2: The description of interview No. Aims Theories Questions 1. To know student’s reasons to join the extracurricular. Lepper 1988 Student motivation naturally has to do with students desire to participate in the learning process p. 14. Why do you join this extracurricular? 2. To know the instructorteacher’s method in debate extracurricular. Freely 1969 Debaters should know the subject and thoroughly prepared p. 179. Does the instructor give you some tips and trick for debate? What are the activities in your debate extracurricular? 3. To know the effectiveness of debate to improve students’ speaking skills. Kennedy 2007 Debate gives many experiences for students to analyze, deliver, and organize speeches quickly and correctly p. 43. Is debate effective to improve your speaking skills? Why? 4. To know the certain themes that be used for debate. Do you have certain themes for debate practicing in the extracurricular? 36

E. Data Analysis Technique

There were three main parts of analyzing the data. The first was analyzing the observations; the researcher analyzed the observation and made a description of the observation. The next was analyzing the questionnaire. There were four degree of agreements, the researcher counted the number of thick from every degree of agreements. After that, the researcher counted the raw data into percentages and made an interpretation. The formula of the questionnaire analysis was presented here: Note: n : number of students who choose a certain option ∑n : total number of students In addition, after the researcher finished calculating the percentage distributions. The researcher made descriptions on each statement based on the data. Furthermore, the researcher also collected the data from the interview. During the interview, the researcher used recorder to record the answer of the interviewee. The recording was listened repeatedly to make the transcript of the interview. The researcher concluded the main points and noted some important information from the interview. 37


This chapter presents and discusses the results of research which are obtained from observation, questionnaire, and interview guided from the researcher. This chapter is divided by two parts; A Result and B Discussion.

A. Findings

This part shows the research results by observing the debate extracurricular. The researcher elaborated this section into three parts. First, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the debate extracurricular members. Second, the researcher observed the implementation of debate extracurricular. The last, the researcher interviewed the members of debate extracurricular.

1. Questionnaire

In the first observation, the researcher gave out questionnaires to eight members of debate extracurricular. The questionnaire contains 10 close-ended questions. The questionnaire helped the researcher to know the students’ perception on the use of debate activities in improving their speaking skills. Table 4.1 Questionnaire result of the students’ motivation to join the debate extracurricular No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. I join the debate extracurricular because I want to improve my speaking skills. 5 62.5 3 37.5 0 0 0 0 37