Is debate effective to improve your speaking skills? Why? Quantity Do you have certain themes for debate practicing in the extracurricular?

43 Table 4.6 The result of interview question number 2 . Question: Does the instructor give you some tips and trick for debate? What are the activities in your debate extracurricular? Quantity Responses 8 The instructor divided the students into two groups and gave a topic. Then, stimulated a debate. All of the students answered that they did not have kind of special activities. In the beginning of meeting, their instructor divided the students into two groups pro and contra and gave them a topic. After that, each group would discuss the topic for around 15 minutes. Then, the students have a kind of debate simulation. In this section, the instructor would be a time keeper. Also, he would write some notes about the students’ performance. At the end of meeting, the instructor evaluated the performance both in group and individually. Table 4.7 The result of interview question number 3 Q: Is debate effective to improve your speaking skills? Why? Quantity Responses 5 Yes, I gain many vocabularies in each meeting. 3 Yes, debate teach me to speak smartly, think before speaking. For this question, five students said that debate improved their speaking skills because debate enriched their English vocabularies in each meeting. Also, three students said that debate made them to think before speaking. The students 44 said that the debate extracurricular gave them the opportunities to practice speaking English directly to other people. Beside that, they learn about how to respect other people, for examples: other people would not mock them if they made mistakes, they would listen if others speak. Table 4.8 The result of interview question number 4 Q: Do you have certain themes for debate practicing in the extracurricular? Quantity Responses 8 Some parliament and small topics The researcher also asked about the theme that used in the extracurricular. The students said that they talked about parliament topics because most of topics that used in debate competitions are about parliament, such as government policy. However, in their free time, they debated about little things, for example which better between chocolate and strawberry ice cream. Those little topics helped them to refresh their brain.

3. Observation

The researcher observed the debate extracurricular of SMAN 8 Yogyakarta for three times. The researcher made an observation sheet to help the observing process. The observations sheet contained six statements. Each statement had range score from the lowest 1 to the highest 5. To get the result, the researcher counted all the score in each aspect divided 3 then the total score in each aspect. The average scores can be seen in the table below. 45 Aspects Theories Statements Standards Average Score Instructor’s preparation Murcia 2000 A teacher must see the big picture of the course and be aware of the goals and objectives for the entire term before planning weekly and daily lessons p. 407. The teacher prepares a lesson plan before teaching the students. Come late 1 point 4 On-time 2 points Do not have a lesson plan 3 points Have a non- formal lesson plan 4 points Have a formal written lesson plan 5 points Instructor’s capability Fertig 2012 Teachers play a crucial role in providing opportunities for students in their charge to develop students’ ability p. 14. The teacher is capable explaining the materials. Do not lead the activities 1 point 5 Do not have any solution for students’ problems in speaking 2 points Answers some students’ questions 3 points Answer mostly students’ questions 4 points Answer all the students’ questions 5 points Instructor’s delivery Tuan Mai 2015 Teachers should personalize and simplify the topics in the textbook to make them easier, more interesting and The teacher conducts the activities interestingly. Force the students to talk seriously 1 point 4.3 Do the debate strictly 2 points 46 relevant to their lives p. 11. Give the students break moments 3 points Use teaching media 4 points Have ice breaking moments 5 points Students’ responses Gibson, Ivancevich, Donnely, and Konopaske 1985 If someone needs something, he or she will have positive perception on his or her goals to get the needs p. 101. Students are proactive during the activities. 20 of students ask the teacher 1 point 4.6 40 of students ask the teacher 2 points 60 of students ask the teacher 3 points 80 of students ask the teacher 4 points 100 of students ask the teacher 5 points Students are enthusiastic on debate activities. 20 of students give arguments enthusiastically 1 point 40 of students give arguments enthusiastically 2 points 60 of students give arguments enthusiastically 3 points 47 80 of students give arguments enthusiastically 4 points 100 of students give arguments enthusiastically 5 points Students have improvement during the activities. 20 of students have improvements in speaking 1 point 40 of students have improvements in speaking 2 points 60 of students have improvements in speaking 3 points 80 of students have improvements in speaking 4 points 100 of students have improvements in speaking 5 points The first aspect is the instructor’s preparation. The statement for this aspect is: the instructor prepares a lesson plan before teaching the students. The researcher gave score four out of five because the instructor had some of preparations but not really formal. He is a student in a university in Yogyakarta. 48 He prepared the topic and set the activities, but he did not make a formal lesson plan because the school did not need the lesson plan for debate extracurricular. The second aspect is about the instructor’s capability. The statement for the second aspect is: the instructor is capable explaining the materials. The researcher gave five out of five points because he really did great job. He led the students during the activities. He monitored the students’ performance in debating, then gav e evaluation for each students. He explain the students’ mistakes and gave them some solution for the mistakes. As the result, the students had some improvements for the next performances. The third aspect is about the instructor’s delivery during the activities. The statement for this aspect is: the instructor conducts the activities interestingly. The researcher gave 4.3 out of five point. The instructor could take control the activities but still let the students to enjoy the activities. Sometimes, the instructor gave some ice breaking moment s to refresh students’ brain. The instructor conducted student-centered learning activities. The instructor let the students to give their opinion about the issues. The instructor conducted the extracurricular outside of school, so the students had other new learning environments. The last aspect is students’ responses. This aspect had three statements. The first statement is: students are proactive during activities. For this statement, the researcher gave score 4.6 out of five. During the extracurricular meetings, the students expressed their ideas freely. Each student respected to other’s opinions and gave the feedback. The second statement for this aspect is students are 49 enthusiastic on debate activities. The researcher gave five out of five points for this statement. The students were enthusiastic to build some background knowledge from many sources and gave their opinion while debating with other group. The third statement is students have improvements during the activities. The researcher gave 4.3 out of five points to this statement. The researcher observed the extracurricular for three times. The students always attended the meetings and make some improvements. They enriched their vocabularies and spoke more fluently.

B. Discussion