27 Figure 2.4: Speaking order of the debate The rules for all speakers:  Speak for 7 minutes  Can accept Points of Information between the 1st and 6th minute  Can present rebuttals, examples and new analysis  Can make new arguments except Whips - Government Whip and Opposition Whip The rules for Opposition Reply, Government Reply:  Speak for 4 minutes  Cannot accept Points of Information  Cannot make new arguments, rebuttals, examples or analysis. Must only compare and analyze things that have already been said in the debate.

B. Theoretical Framework

This section connects all of the relevant theories that have been mentioned before. The theories are used to help the researcher answering the problems that have been stated in chapter one. There is a research problem in this research. The 28 researcher wants to reveal the students’ perceptions on the use of debate activities in improving their speaking skills. The researcher employs the theory of debate in order to compare how the real practice of teaching speaking skills compared to the debate which is used by the teacher in the extracurricular. Freely 1969 pointed out that debate encourages effective speech composition and delivery p. 35. Moreover, to observe the teacher’s role in the extracurricular, the researcher used theory from Lepper 1988, teachers can help students develop speaking ability by making them aware of the scripts for different situations so that they can predict what they will hear and what they will need to say in response p. 13. In addition, the researcher used the theory of generating ideas in speaking in order to observe what the students preparation before speaking. Nicholls 1990 said that a speaker could start by writing an outline to generate the ideas p. 66. According to Grice and Skinner 1994, to help organizing the body speech, there is a four- step sequence which is called the 4 S’s – signpost, state, support, summarize - p. 18. The theory of perception is used to see the students’ respond to the debate activities. Moreover, the factors in perceptions are also used as a theory that guides the researcher developing the research. According to George Jones 2015, perception is the process by which individual select, organize, and interpret the input from our sense p. 105. 29


This chapter presents more in-depth explanation of the methodology employed in this study to find the answers to the problems indicate earlier in the first chapter. There are five points to be discussed in this chapter. They are: A Research Method, B Research Setting, C Research Participants, D Instruments and Data Gathering Technique, E Data Analysis Technique.

A. Research Method

The goal of this study is to seek the solution of the problem: what is the eleventh grade students’ perception on the use of debate to improve students’ speaking. In order to come up with the answers, a survey research method was employed. Brown and Rodger 2002 state, “Survey are most often use in most language education research and various kind of curriculum development projects” p. 372. This research investigated students’ perception on the use of debate activity in improving speaking skills in SMAN 8 Yogyakarta. In addition, this research is a qualitative research. According to Wahyuni 2012, qualitative research method develops in the social science to enable the writer to study the topic p. 11. Its goal is to gain a deeper understanding of people experiments. The data obtained were presented in the form of a descriptive explanation. According to Fraenkel and Wallen 2015, descriptive research explains things the way they are p. 218. In other words, the researcher does not have control over what already exist. This type of research is often related to the matters such as 29