Students` perception on the use of edmodo in writing descriptive text.



Apriani, Tabhita Dwi. (2015). Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Writing is one of the four important language skills that the students need to develop. Therefore, teacher needs an appropriate strategy to teach writing. Nowadays, the use of technology as a medium in teaching and learning process has widely spread. It enables the teacher to use appropriate media in teaching English. Edmodo is one of the appropriate media for teaching writing.

This research aimed to investigate how the first grade of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta students perceive the use of Edmodo as a medium in writing descriptive text and how Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills. There are two research questions in this research namely: (1) what the

students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text was, and (2) how Edmodo helped the students in developing their writing skills.

This research was included as quantitative research and used survey method as the data gathering technique. The research participants were the first grade of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. The research instruments used by the researcher were a questionnaire, an interview, and a direct observation towards 30 respondents. In addition, the researcher did a selective interview to 6 from 30 respondents.

The results of the questionnaire, interview and direct observation showed that the students perceived the use of Edmodo as a medium in writing descriptive text positively and Edmodo was helpful for the them to develop their writing skills. Therefore, the conclusion of this research showed that majority of the students had positive perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text. The use of Edmodo also gave positive impacts on the students’ writing. Based on the second research findings, the use of Edmodo helped the students to develop their skills in writing descriptive text.



Apriani, Tabhita Dwi. (2015). Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menulis adalah salah satu dari empat ketrampilan berbahasa yang penting bagi pelajar untuk dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu, guru membutuhkan cara yang tepat untuk mengajar ketrampilan menulis. Saat ini, penggunaan teknologi sebagai media di dalam proses belajar mengajar telah tersebar luas. Hal ini memungkinkan guru untuk menggunakan media yang tepat dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Edmodo adalah salah satu media yang tepat untuk mengajar ketrampilan menulis.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana siswa kelas satu di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta menerima penggunaan Edmodo sebagai media di dalam menulis teks deskripsi dan bagaimana Edmodo membantu para siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka. Terdapat dua pertanyaan di dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) apa persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan Edmodo di dalam menulis teks deskripsi, dan (2) bagaimana Edmodo membantu para siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka.

Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode survei sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah kuesioner, wawancara, dan pengamatan langsung terhadap 30 responden. Di sisi lain, peneliti melakukan wawancara yang bersifat selektif kepada 6 dari 30 responden.

Hasil dari kuesioner, wawancara dan pengamatan langsung menunjukkan bahwa siswa menerima penggunaan Edmodo sebagai media di dalam menulis teks deskripsi dengan positif dan Edmodo sangat membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka. Oleh karena itu, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan Edmodo di dalam menulis teks deskripsi. Penggunaan Edmodo juga memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap ketrampilan menulis siswa. Berdasarkan hasil temuan kedua di dalam penelitian ini, penggunaan Edmodo membantu para siswa untuk mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka di dalam menulis teks deskripsi.

Kata kunci: perception, Edmodo, writing





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Tabhita Dwi Apriani Student Number: 111214060








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Tabhita Dwi Apriani Student Number: 111214060








I know the plan

s I have for you”

-Jeremiah 29:11-

“I can do all things through HIM who gives me strength”

- Philippians 4:13-

“Everybody wants happiness nobody wants pain, but we can’t

have a rainbow without any rains


Sincerely, I dedicate this thesis to:

My beloved parents,

My self,

All the people who love me.





Apriani, Tabhita Dwi. (2015). Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Writing is one of the four important language skills that the students need to develop. Therefore, teacher needs an appropriate strategy to teach writing. Nowadays, the use of technology as a medium in teaching and learning process has widely spread. It enables the teacher to use appropriate media in teaching English. Edmodo is one of the appropriate media for teaching writing.

This research aimed to investigate how the first grade of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta students perceive the use of Edmodo as a medium in writing descriptive text and how Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills. There are two research questions in this research namely: (1) what the

students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text was, and (2) how Edmodo helped the students in developing their writing skills.

This research was included as quantitative research and used survey method as the data gathering technique. The research participants were the first grade of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. The research instruments used by the researcher were a questionnaire, an interview, and a direct observation towards 30 respondents. In addition, the researcher did a selective interview to 6 from 30 respondents.

The results of the questionnaire, interview and direct observation showed that the students perceived the use of Edmodo as a medium in writing descriptive text positively and Edmodo was helpful for the them to develop their writing skills. Therefore, the conclusion of this research showed that majority of the students had positive perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text. The use of Edmodo also gave positive impacts on the students’ writing. Based on the second research findings, the use of Edmodo helped the students to develop their skills in writing descriptive text.

Keywords:perception, Edmodo, writing



Apriani, Tabhita Dwi. (2015). Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Menulis adalah salah satu dari empat ketrampilan berbahasa yang penting bagi pelajar untuk dikembangkan. Oleh karena itu, guru membutuhkan cara yang tepat untuk mengajar ketrampilan menulis. Saat ini, penggunaan teknologi sebagai media di dalam proses belajar mengajar telah tersebar luas. Hal ini memungkinkan guru untuk menggunakan media yang tepat dalam mengajar Bahasa Inggris. Edmodo adalah salah satu media yang tepat untuk mengajar ketrampilan menulis.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti bagaimana siswa kelas satu di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta menerima penggunaan Edmodo sebagai media di dalam menulis teks deskripsi dan bagaimana Edmodo membantu para siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka. Terdapat dua pertanyaan di dalam penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) apa persepsi siswa terhadap penggunaan Edmodo di dalam menulis teks deskripsi, dan (2) bagaimana Edmodo membantu para siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka.

Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode survei sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas satu di SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah kuesioner, wawancara, dan pengamatan langsung terhadap 30 responden. Di sisi lain, peneliti melakukan wawancara yang bersifat selektif kepada 6 dari 30 responden.

Hasil dari kuesioner, wawancara dan pengamatan langsung menunjukkan bahwa siswa menerima penggunaan Edmodo sebagai media di dalam menulis teks deskripsi dengan positif dan Edmodo sangat membantu siswa dalam mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka. Oleh karena itu, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mempunyai persepsi positif terhadap penggunaan Edmodo di dalam menulis teks deskripsi. Penggunaan Edmodo juga memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap ketrampilan menulis siswa. Berdasarkan hasil temuan kedua di dalam penelitian ini, penggunaan Edmodo membantu para siswa untuk mengembangkan ketrampilan menulis mereka di dalam menulis teks deskripsi.




First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Lord Jesus Christ. Because of His blessings and guidance, I am able to struggle and be strong along the process of my thesis completion. I believe that without His blessings and guidance, I cannot have a spirit and heart to finish my thesis.

Then, I would like to express my biggest gratitude to my best advisor, Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd., M.Hum., for all his help, time and patience in guiding me from the first time I worked on my thesis until I completed my thesis. His comments, suggestions, and corrections were so precious to me in finishing my thesis.

I especially thank the big family of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta who has given me the opportunities to conduct the research. I am grateful for their help during the process of conducting this research. Without them, I could not finish my thesis.

I also thank my proofreaders, Christina Yuli Astuti, S.Pd., Novita Carolina, S.S., and Damar Widiseta, S.Pd., for their willingness and sincerity in reading my thesis. Their comments, suggestions, and corrections were so beneficial for me in completing my thesis. I also thank all of PBI lecturers for their teaching and all of PBI staff for their help during my study in the English Language Education Study Program.

My greatest gratitude also goes to my beloved parents for their prayers, support, and patience. I sincerely thank Bapak Suharno and Ibu Samiyem, who



always be my best parents I have ever had. Their love and prayers were so precious in order to raise my spirit in finishing my thesis. They are the reason for me to struggle during the process of working on my thesis. Without them, my thesis cannot be finished. They have given a big motivation for me to finish my thesis.

My gratitude also goes to my best friends who kindly supported and shared their knowledge in completing my thesis, especially Raras Ganita, Indrias Pratama, Alexandra Thefannia, Irfanda Adie Prabowo, Kharismawan Pudiastowo, and Hanung Yulianto. I would like to thank them for their craziness and togetherness from the beginning of our journey in the English Language Education Study Program and hopefully we can be together till the end. They are not only my best friends but they are also my family. Then, I also thank Annisa, Rindi, Bella, Lisa, Woro, and other friends whose names cannot be mentioned for the moments when we laughed and cried together.

Finally, I would like to thank all people who love me; I thank them for their support and prayer. They really mean so much for me. May God always be with them wherever they are.

Tabhita Dwi Apriani










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 5

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 6

E. Research Benefits ... 6

1. Students ... 6

2. Teachers ... 7

3. Future Researchers ... 7

F. Definition of Terms ... 7

1. Perception ... 7

2. Edmodo ... 8

3. Writing Skills ... 8

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description ... 10

1. Perception ... 10

2. Educational Technology ... 15

3. Writing ... 22

B. Theoretical Framework ... 26

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 32

B. Research Setting ... 34

C. Research Participants ... 34

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 36





1. Questionnaire ... 36

2. Interview ... 42

3. Direct Observation ... 45

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 45

F. Research Procedure ... 46


1. Data Frequency Distribution ... 51

2. Data Percentage Distribution ... 51

B. Data Analysis and Interpretation ... 52

1. Students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text ... 53

a. Part A –Students’ background related to the general information ... 53

b. Part B – The implementation of Edmodo in writing descriptive text ... 64

c. Part C –Students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text ... 78

2. How Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills ... 90


B. Recommendations ... 98

1. Recommendations for Students ... 98

2. Recommendations for Teachers ... 99

3. Recommendations for Future Researchers ... 99






Table 3.1 The Score Distribution of Each Item ... 38

Table 3.2 The Questionnaire’s blueprint ... 39

Table 3.3 The Example Form of Questionnaire on the Students’ Background ... 40

Table 3.4 The Example Form of Questionnaire on the Implementation of Edmodo ... 41

Table 3.5 The Example Form of Questionnaire on the Students’ Perception ... 41

Table 3.6 The Form of Open-Ended Questions ... 42

Table 3.7 The Example of the Interview Guideline ... 43

Table 3.8 The Mean Score Criteria ... 49

Table 4.1 The Students’ Background Related to the General Information ... 53

Table 4.2 The Implementation of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text ... 65

Table 4.3 The Results of the Open-Ended Question about the Implementation of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text ... 76

Table 4.4 The Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text ... 79

Table 4.5 The Results of the Open-Ended Question about the Students’ Perception on the Use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text ... 87






Figure 2.1 The Perceptual Process ... 13

Figure 2.2 Derewianka’s Genre Model ... 25

Figure 3.1 The Percentage Formula ... 46

Figure 3.2 Survey Method Procedure ... 47

Figure 4.1 The First Students’ Writing Project ... 92





APPENDIX A The Research Permission Letter ... 105

APPENDIX B The Pilot Questionnaire Blueprint ... 108

APPENDIX C The Pilot Questionnaire ... 111

APPENDIX D The Questionnaire Blueprint ... 116

APPENDIX E The Questionnaire ... 119

APPENDIX F The Questionnaire Changes List ... 125

APPENDIX G The Interview Protocol ... 127

APPENDIX H The Data of the Respondents ... 130

APPENDIX I The Computation Result of the Questionnaire ... 134

APPENDIX J The Mean of the Data in each Category ... 140

APPENDIX K The Results of the Open-Ended Question ... 144

APPENDIX L The Results of the Interview ... 147




In this chapter, the researcher presents the background why the researcher is interested in the research about the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text. The researcher divides this chapter into six sections: the research background, the research questions, the problem limitation, the research objectives, the research benefits, and also the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

In the globalization era, the world becomes more competitive where the use of technology is needed in order to support people’s life. “Technology is becoming important in both our personal and professional lives and our learners” (Dudeney & Hockly, 2007, p. 5). Nowadays, technology has widely spread in any fields including in the teaching and learning process. Technology in education exists because it has been used in language teaching for decades. According to Januszewski (2001), educational technology is a complex, integrated process, involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning (p. 78). In other words, the use of educational technology helps to identify the learning problems in the learning process.


2 Since the use of technology in education is needed, the use of technology in the classroom becomes important and will be a part of English Language Teaching (ELT). Therefore, language teachers master master the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) which have widely spread. Warshauer and Kern (2000) state that it is not surprising that many language teachers have enthusiastically embraced networking technology and have developed creative ways of using networked computers with their students (p. 2). Basically, the use of internet is increasingly available to the learners because younger learners are growing up with technology as part of their lives. Therefore, the use of internet in English teaching is much needed for the teacher. Based on Teeler and Gray (2000), a teacher seems to use internet just for developing, updating language skills, finding materials, learning about computer applications, keeping in touch with friends and colleagues, teaching, working on class projects and activities, and just having fun (p. 5). So, for the teacher, the use of internet was very profitable in learning process and also in their lives needs. Even the use of internet is very significant in the learning process; the successful result depends on how the internet is used.

The use of technology as media in teaching and learning process has widely spread; it enables the teacher to use the appropriate media in English teaching. Teachers have to consider the media which are accordance with the material that they want to deliver. The use of internet in English teaching gives many benefits for both of the teacher and the students. Internet offers many kinds of applications, online media, social networks and also software which support the


learning process. Teeler and Gray (2000) state that there are many ways to deliver the information on this digital network through the various application programs such as e-mail and the World Wide Web (p. 1).

Nowadays, people are familiar with social networks which give them some advantages to support their lives especially for communicating. One of the social networks used by the teacher to support the learning process is Edmodo. Campos and Garaizar (2010); Galan (2011) state that social networks which is dedicated to education such as Yammer, Edmodo or Ning are suggested to be used in order to support the learning process (as cited in Mathupayas, 2013, p. 2). According to Cauley (“A guide to explain it all,” n.d.), Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom (p. 1). Duncan and Chandler (2011); Halm, Tullier,

D’Mello, Bartels, Wittman, Lamboley, Smith, Hartless, Lay, Gockenbach,

Bucholtz, and Nichols (2012) describe that Edmodo is a private social platform which provides a secure space for teachers and students to connect and collaborate (as cited in Mathupayas, 2013, p. 2). It enables the teacher and the students to be linked to each other so that the learning process can be built easily. Moreover, teachers can also monitor their students’ interactions. Edmodo can be applied easily in the classroom because the design of Edmodo is similar to Facebook that the students are familiar with. Based on those definitions about Edmodo, the use of Edmodo in this research is a medium for the students to submit and publish their writing works where their friends can see and give suggestions towards their


4 writings directly. Hopefully, the use of Edmodo can help the students in order to develop their writing skills.

Writing is one of the four important language skills that the students need to develop. Students learn and think about the idea that they want to convey and deliver in written form with the correct grammar. According to Walvoord (1985), writing is a useful tool for discovering and thinking (p. 1). In order to improve the

students’ writing skills are crucial for the teacher. DeVoss, Aadahl, and Hicks (2010) state that considering about writing which is still an important act and an essential tool for learning and social participation, skill in writing is still crucial either inside or outside of schools (p.1). Writing is still recognized as a socially situated act of great complexity and it is still hard to be developed. Therefore, the teacher needs an appropriate strategy to teach writing; and Edmodo is one of the exact strategies for it. Using Edmodo in teaching writing makes the students share their ideas easily. Besides, they can publish their writing which can be seen by other students directly so that they can share their knowledge in order to improve

their writing skills. “The ability to communicate ideas and information effectively

through the global digital network are crucially dependent on good writing skills” (Richards, 2003, p. xiii).

This research was aimed to identify the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text for the first grade of junior high school students in SMP N 2 Yogyakarta. As the result, the use of Edmodo as a teaching medium can be a new strategy for teaching writing particularly of writing descriptive text. It helps the students to share their ideas freely and without any


limitations because they can always connect to each other. In the process of using Edmodo for learning, the students may have different opinions; whether it really helps them to develop their writing skill or not. However, the students who have different opinion will have different responses towards the use of Edmodo in the learning process. Therefore, understanding the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text is important. The findings of this research can be a good evaluation of the use of Edmodo as a medium for teaching writing especially in writing descriptive text.

B. Research Questions

According to the research background, the researcher has two questions to be answered in this research:

1. What is the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text?

2. How does Edmodo help the students in developing their writing skills?

C. Problem Limitation

The research is limited to the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text for the first grade of junior high school students in SMP N 2 Yogyakarta and also the use of Edmodo in helping the students to develop their writing skills. The researcher only focuses on the students’ personal perception and experiences of the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text. The research


6 focuses in developing the students writing skills through writing descriptive text. Moreover, this research is also limited to the first grader of SMP N 2 Yogyakarta.

D. Research Objectives

According to the research questions, the researcher finds that there are two objectives which are in accordance with the research questions. They are stated as follow:

1. To understand the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo through their experiences in using Edmodo in writing descriptive text.

2. To understand how Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills.

E. Research Benefits

Based on the results of this research, there are several benefits that can be had. Those benefits are addressed to the students, teachers, and for the future researchers who are interested in this research. To clarify those benefits, the researcher explain them below:

1. Students

This research will be useful for the first grade of junior high school students. By understanding their perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text, students are able to choose the appropriate strategy in order to develop their writing skills. Therefore, the result of this research can be a


consideration for the students to choose Edmodo as the appropriate media in order to develop their writing skills.

2. Teachers

An appropriate strategy is an important key in delivering the materials in the learning process. Hopefully, the results of this research help the teacher to find an appropriate medium for teaching writing especially in writing descriptive text. By understanding the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text, teachers can consider the appropriate media to be implemented in teaching writing.

3. Future Researchers

The benefit of this research for the future researchers who are interested in conducting the same research is that this research can give some reviews in order to help them in developing their research. For example, the next researchers can conduct research on the use of Edmodo in other writing fields. They can explore more about the use of Edmodo in learning, particularly of its methods or material design.

F. Definition of Terms

In this section, the researcher defines the key terms in order to clarify concepts and avoid misinterpretation. Those terms are explained below:

1. Perception

According to Pickens (2005), perception is closely related to attitudes (p. 52). On the other hand, Lindsay and Norman (1977) state that perception is the


8 process by which organism interprets and organizes sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world (as cited in Pickens, 2005, p. 52). In other words, a person is confronted with situation or stimuli. The person interprets the stimuli into something meaningful to him or her based on prior experiences. However, what an individual interprets or perceives may be substantially different from reality. Based on that theory, in this research, the researcher defines perception as the way of the students interpret the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text.

2. Edmodo

According to Cauley (“A guide to explain it all,” n.d.), Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom (p. 1). Duncan and Chandler (2011); Halm et al. (2012) describe that Edmodo is a private social platform which provides a secure space for teachers and students to connect and to collaborate (as cited in Mathupayas, 2013, p. 2). Thus, the researcher sees Edmodo as an educational website which is used for communicating between teacher and students in order to support the learning process.

3. Writing Skills

According to Walvoord (1985), writing is a useful tool for discovering and thinking (p. 1). Writing can be the vital connection which education, culture, and commerce in the society depend on. Walvoord (1985) also states that writing is effective when it accomplishes its purpose for its audience (p. 2). It means that writing presents a challenge to the researcher, but it does not change the basic


principle of writing. Based on Richards (2003), writing is the process whereby a person selects, develops, arranges, and expresses ideas in units of discourse (p. 28). In addition, there are a lot of genres in writing. One of the genres is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text which tells what a person or thing looks like with the purposes of describing a particular person, place or thing. Based on that definition, the researcher defines writing as a process of delivering the





In this chapter, the researcher presents the review of theories and some researches related to the research matter. It is an attempt to synthesize one theory to the other theories in order to draw the theoretical framework to conduct the research. Therefore, this chapter is divided into two sections: the theoretical description and the theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher presents the theories which are relevant to this research. This part is divided into three parts; they are the perception, the educational technology, and the writing skills.

1. Perception

In this part, the researcher defines seven theories related to perception. In addition, there is a review related to perception which comes from Hodgetts, Altman, and Valenzi (1985) as the main theory used by the researcher. Because that theory is considered as an old theory, then there are some other theories related to perception to support the research.

Hodgetts et al. (1985) state that perception is the way stimuli are selected and grouped by a person so that they can be meaningfully interpreted (p. 85). In other words, it is a person‟s view of reality. The process of perception enables people to understand and to perceive the environment where people live.


Huffman and Vernoy (2000) describe that perception refers to the process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensory data into useful mental representations of the world (p. 107). It means that perception is built because of some processes. First is selecting the data in which the sensory have been received and then organizing the data that have been selected and the last is interpreting all of the data that have been organized.

In 2000, Rookes and Willson state perception as a process which involves the recognition and interpretation of stimuli which are registered in our sense (p. 1). In other words, perception is related to the way people make sense of their environment and sensation that refer to the basic stimulation of the sensory organs. In addition, according to Gibson, perception is direct and all the information needed is contained in the visual display (as cited in Rookes & Willson, 2000, p. 13). Others believe that the brain uses the past experience and other influences to construct a version of reality.

According to Pickens (2005), perception is closely related to attitudes (p. 52). Moreover, Lindsay and Norman (1977) describe that perception is the process by which an organism interpreting and organizing sensation to produce a meaningful experience of the world (as cited in Pickens, 2005, p. 52). In other words, a person is confronted with situation or stimuli. The person interprets the stimuli into something meaningful to him or her based on prior experiences. However, what an individual interprets or perceives may be substantially different from reality. In the past, the students were introduced and learned using Edmodo in writing descriptive text so that they have mastered the use of Edmodo to


12 develop their writing skills. If the students‟ goal towards learning descriptive text could not be achieved through Edmodo then the students would bring a bad perception on it. However, if the students‟ goal towards learning writing descriptive text could be achieved through Edmodo then the students would bring a good perception.

Kleinke (1978) says that participants who have just experienced a positive feeling of success are significantly more likely to help the person in need than participants whose immediate feelings are neutral (p. 32). In other words, the participants who have positive reaction will influence other people to have positive feeling. In addition, perception is also related to motivation. According to Lai (2011), motivation involves a constellation of closely related beliefs, perceptions, values, interests, and actions (p. 2). Based on that definition, it can be concluded that students who have positive perception will have a high motivation in order to achieve the learning goals. It is proven by the data gained from the interview and direct observation in this research (p.90) that students are motivated to learn English when they are using Edmodo. Through Edmodo, they can develop their writing proficiency by revising the writing products repeatedly after they got some suggestions and feedbacks. That is the way the researcher chose Edmodo as a medium to teach writing.

Hodgetts et al. (1985, p. 85) state that the way people see things depends on how the available information is organized. It means that every person has different perception because he or she has availability to organize the information


that is received. Therefore, according to Hodgetts et al. (1985, p. 86) the process of the perception is called perceptual process.

Figure 2.1 The Perceptual Process (Source: Hodgetts et al., 1985, p. 86)

Based on the perceptual process drawn in Figure 2.1, the people‟s individual sensors select data from the stimulus and allow people to interpret, or give meaning to the sensory message. The way people interpret or perceive this information depends on several factors, including the clarity and familiarity of the stimuli, the physical characteristics (blurry vision or poor hearing will distort the massage or the stimuli), people‟s need and value, knowledge, feeling, and past experience. After the data are organized and interpreted, then people will give responses through them. In addition, Hodgetts et al. (1985, p. 86) state that, there are number of factors influenced someone‟s perception. They are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation, and the person‟s self concept.

a. Selection of Stimuli

The first factor is selection of stimuli. In the process of receiving all the stimuli, people only focus on a small number. They do not catch all the stimuli that they have had at the same time. Therefore, they need to select them so that

behavioral response perception,

organization, and interpretation of

stimuli stimuli

sensors‟ selection of stimuli


14 they can receive it well. The process of selecting the stimuli is known as „selection‟. People usually select specific cues and then they filter or screen them. It is one of the reasons why people perceive things differently. Actually, people have different threshold levels. Some people can write or read and still be able to follow the plot of a television program, whereas others cannot. Because there are different threshold between people, the same person may have different threshold at different times (Hodgetts et al., 1985, pp. 86-87).

b. Organization of Stimuli

The second factor influencing perception is organization. After information has undergone the screening process that is selected, it should be arranged to be meaningful. The mind tries to bring order out of the chaotic onslaught of sensory data by selecting certain items and putting them together in a meaningful way that is based on experience.

The perceptual organization of information, then, helps people to categorize sensory inputs. The central function of the categorization process is to reduce initially complex information into simpler categories. This categorization occurs not only with objects but also with people. People take familiar cues and translate them into meaningful wholes (Hodgetts et al., 1985, pp. 87-89).

c. The Situation

Another factor influencing perception is the situation. A person‟s familiarity with, or expectations about a situation, as well as his or her past experience, affect what that person perceives. Perceiving a situation accurately is


also related to how well a person adjusts his or her behavior to situations (Hodgetts et al., 1985, p. 89).

d. Self-concept

The fourth factor which influences perception is the self-concept. The way people feel about and perceive themselves is known as a self-concept. The way people see themselves affects people‟s perception on the world around them. This self-concept is important because the mental picture of every person determines much of what she or he perceives and does (Hodgetts et al., 1985, p. 90).

In addition, Pareek (1996, p. 13) states that there are two factors which influence the organization of perception; they are internal and external factors (as cited in Sobur, 2003, p. 452). The internal factors are related to the psychological need, background, experience, personality, attitude, belief, and also self acceptance. Then, the external factors consist of intensity, measurement, contrast, movement, repetition, familiarity, and something new.

2. Educational Technology

In the past, ideas have lived longer. According to de Bono (1969): “Technology has so speeded things up that ideas may have to be changed within a generation, instead of between generations” (as cited in Davies, 1971, p. 4). Yet the culture and education have always been concerned with establishing ideas, not by changing them.

According to Drucker (1969), people are living, in fact, in an age of instability or discontinuity, when skills based on mechanization are gradually


16 being replaced by skills based on information and knowledge by using technology (as cited in Davies, 1971, p. 4). In other words, people are living in the world which is full of instability; everything can be changed fast. Therefore, people need technology in order to face the era in the world where they live.

The term of educational technology, which also includes training technology, has generally come to have two very different meanings, depending on who is discussing the matter and how the context is debating. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between these two meanings, each meaning has entirely different associations and consequences. Lumsdaine (1964) suggests some definitions which can be the most useful to distinguish the meaning of educational technology in the following manner (as cited in Davies, 1971, p. 5):

a. Hardware Approach

Educational technology is essentially a hardware approach, stressing the importance of teaching aids, and its origin lies in the application of physical science to the education and training system. This concept dominates most of the literature on the subject of educational technology. Related to this view, it held an assumption that the technology of teaching and progressive views are often associated with the possession of the latest projector or language laboratory.

In this way, the process of teaching has been gradually mechanized through the increasing use of teaching aids. These transmit, amplify, distribute, record, and reproduce stimuli materials, with a consequent increase in teacher impact. At the same time, the teacher can deal with larger groups of students, without decreasing the availability of properly qualified and experienced teachers.


Thus, the aim of educational technology as a hardware approach is to increase the impact of teaching without increasing the students‟ cost (Davies, 1971, p. 6). b. Software Approach

The second concept of educational technology is essentially a software approach and refers to the application of learning principles to the direct and deliberate shaping of behavior. It is originally available in the application of behavioral science to the problems of learning and motivation; mechanization is seen purely as a problem of presentation. This view of educational technology is closely associated with the modern principles of learning program, and is characterized by task analysis, writing precise objectives, selection of appropriate learning strategies, reinforcement of correct responses, and constant evaluation (Davies, 1971, p. 7).

These two meanings of educational technology are defined as a hardware and software. The first concerned with teaching aids like teaching machine, and the second with learning aids like program, however, both of them are obviously related to each other. Therefore, these two meanings should have some development in order to make the concept becomes clear.

Davies (1971, p. 15) describes the third definition of educational technology as a combination which is combining both the hardware and the software approaches. It builds a bridge between the educational theory and practice. It means that a combination between hardware and software approach is the right way in order to have a better education.


18 According to Bruner (1966), he characterizes theory of teaching as a set of rules concerning the most efficient way of achieving knowledge, skill, or attitude, and he considers that these rules should be derived from the more general view of learning (as cited in Davies, 1971, p. 15). However, according to Davies (1971, p. 14), in the past, schools and colleges had tended to adapt rather than to adopt innovation, but this strategy was becoming less possible. Change and innovation in education and training may not be realized by some teachers and administrators, but the system approach undoubtedly introduces a new type of increased professionalism and expertise. The teacher is seen not only as the learning resources, but also as the manager of learning resources. The teachers are able to balance and reconcile the task needs of the curriculum either in the personal or group needs of their students.

Klopfer, Osterweil, Groff, and Haas (2009) describe that technologies are already demonstrating how they impact the way people think, learn, and interact-and they also demonstrate the tremendous potential they have in these areas as well (p. 1). The emergence of social networking technologies and the evolution of digital games have helped to shape the new ways in which people are communicating, collaborating, operating, and forming social constructs. In fact, the recent research shows that these technologies are shaping the way people think, work, and live. According to Dudeney and Hockly (2007), online learning is often delivered via a learning platform or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE); it also known as Learning Management System (LMS), or a virtual classroom, a VLE is a web-based platform on which course content can be stored (p. 137). In


this case, the teachers can see who has logged in and what activities that the students have done, or what documents and forums they have accessed.

Berking and Gallagher (2013, p. 6) state that, “A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software package used to administer one or more courses to one or more learners”. In other words, Learning Management System (LMS) is used by some learners to learn some courses in the same place.

Besides, according to Gallagher (2007) describes a Learning Management System (LMS) as typically web-based system that allows learners to authenticate themselves, register for courses, complete courses and take assessment (as cited in Berking & Gallagher, 2013, p. 6). It means that, by using this web the learners are allowed to register and join themselves in order to get the material or complete some tasks here.

Learning Management System (LMS) is an enterprise level, a server-based software system used to manage and deliver learning of many types through a web browser, particularly asynchronous e-learning. They also generally include the capability of tracking and managing many kinds of learners‟ data, especially for the learners‟ performance. Many training organizations rely on their Learning Management System (LMS) as a single point of access for all their e-learning contents and student records. They are the keys for enabling technology for-anytime, anywhere access to learning content and administration (Berking & Gallagher, 2013, p. 6).

According to Cobb and Steele (2013), Learning Management System (LMS) is a software for delivering, tracking and managing training and education.


20 It means that, this software provides some facilities for delivering, tracking and managing some materials to the learners. In addition, Learning Management System (LMS) is an application that provides a comprehensive set of tools for educators to manage learning resources, administrative functions, assessments, and grading (Richard, 2010, p. 2). In this application, there are some tools which help the educators to manage the learning process easily, to give some materials and tasks, and also to assess the learners‟ tasks. The category of Learning Management System (LMS) includes applications which consist of a variety of names, including virtual learning environments, course management systems, and collaborative learning environments. According to Richard (2010), the different commercial and open-source platforms also vary in terms of capabilities and features (p. 2).

Based on those definitions about Learning Management System (LMS), it could be concluded that learning management system (LMS) is an application that provides some facilities to support the learning process and it is designed to help teachers manage online educational courses. In this case, students do not only see course content, such as documents, audio and video, but also do activities such as quizzes, questionnaires, and tests, or use communication tools like discussion forums or text and audio chat. One of the applications that provides those facilities is Edmodo.

According to Duncan and Chandler (2011); Halm et al. (2012), state that Edmodo is a private social platform which provides a secure space for teachers and students to connect and collaborate (as cited in Mathupayas, 2013, p. 2). In


this case, students and teacher are linked together in private room and teacher can easily monitor their students‟ interaction. Moreover, according to Cauley (“A guide to explain it all,” n.d.), Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom (p. 1). On the other hand, Edmodo is a social media platform often described as a Facebook for schools. Edmodo enables exceptionally secure cloud-based collaboration. A teacher, school, or district can manage a system that provides the best features of the cloud while practically eliminating the anxiety that teachers associate with students on the internet easily.

Based on those definitions, it can be concluded that Edmodo is a private social network which is designed in a secure learning platform for students and teachers. Edmodo is primarily a tool for within class communication, but it also provides several ways for teachers to communicate with other teachers. In addition, Edmodo is used by the students to share their ideas freely and the teacher can monitor them easily. In this research, Edmodo is used to help the first grade of junior high school students in developing their writing skills through writing descriptive text. The teacher used Edmodo as a teaching medium to learn writing descriptive text because the teacher realized that the students consider writing as difficult skills. Usually, most of the students used Google translate in making English writing assignment. Therefore, the teacher should have an appropriate medium to teach writing and Edmodo is one of the teaching media which is suggested to be used in English teaching. According to Campos and Garaizar (2010); Galan (2011), state that social networks dedicated to education


22 such as Yammer, Edmodo or Ning are suggested to be used in order to support the learning process (as cited in Mathupayas, 2013, p. 2). Since Edmodo is still new for the students, the teacher should explain the functions and the procedure of the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text clearly at the beginning.

Remembering that the students are growing up with digital media in this globalization era, most of them are familiar with Internet. Therefore, the teacher has decided to use Edmodo in teaching writing because the design of Edmodo is similar to Facebook where the students are already familiar with. However, Edmodo is more secure for teaching and learning because there are no other websites which are not related to education offered in Edmodo and the students can only enter the room in Edmodo by entering the code which is given by the teacher so that the students can focus in learning. The use of Edmodo is aimed to connect between the teacher and the students even they do not meet directly. Since they are connected to each other, it helps the teacher to help the students in developing the students‟ writing skills because the teacher can give some feedbacks to them directly. Moreover, the students also can communicate to their friends in order to give some comments and suggestions in order to make their writing better.

3. Writing

According to Walvoord (1985), writing is a useful tool for discovering and thinking (p. 1). Writing can be a vital connection on which education, culture, and commerce in the society depend. Sampson (1985, p. 26) states that writing might


be defined, at a first approximation to communicate relatively specific ideas by means of permanent, visible marks. The term permanent is included in this definition because people would not normally count, for instance, the sign language used by the deaf and mute as an example of writing. More problematic is the term „specific‟. This word is included in order to eliminate cases where ideas are conveyed to be called as writing. Therefore, in 1985, Sampson states the proper definition of writing as a system for representing utterances of a spoken language by means of permanent, visible marks (p. 26).

Hyland (2002, p. 6) states that writing is a textual product and a coherent arrangement of elements structured according to a system of rules. When people are writing texts, there are a lot of considerations and rules; one of them is that texts should have a structure, they are orderly the arrangements of words, clauses, and sentences. By following the principles which guide the correct arrangement of elements, researchers can encode a full semantic representation of their intended meanings.

According to Shannon and Weaver (1963), the function of the idea of the text can be carried contextually, embodying the mechanism view that human communication works by transferring ideas from one mind to another via language (as cited in Hyland, 2002, p. 7). It means that people can transfer what people thought through writing. Moreover, based on Richards (2003), writing is the process whereby a person selects, develops, arranges, and expresses ideas in units of discourse (p. 28).


24 Hyland (2002, p. 7) states that for many years, writing is virtually an extension of grammar and often used simply to develop a general understanding of language. Grammar is very important in writing because the use of incorrect grammar will deliver a different meaning to the reader. Therefore, researchers should pay attention on what they are writing so that the readers can receive and understand the message which the researcher wants to convey.

According to Bazerman (1988) and Hyland (2000), through features such as references to prior research, technical lexis and familiarity with particular argument forms, researchers work to establish a coherent context and enrich propositional meanings (as cited in Hyland, 2002, p. 8). In other words, the researchers should have competence towards what they write. Therefore, the readers can get the meaning and the content of the texts easily.

Based on Hyland (2002, pp. 8-10), teachers‟ responses about writing in this perspective tends to focus on correction and identify problems in the student‟s control of the language system. Many students can construct syntactically accurate sentences and yet are unable to produce a written text with the correct grammar. Simply, students do not just need to know how to write a grammatically correct text, but how to apply this knowledge for particular purposes and contexts. According to Halliday‟s concept of register, this concept seeks to explain the relationship between text and context and suggests that the situations which determine how text meanings are interpreted differ according to their field, tenor and mode (as cited in Hyland, 2002, p. 16). Register consists of sets of texts. People recognize as having meanings in common with each other, and as sharing


the same context of situation. A term is used to describe the specific situation in which people use language. Based on Derewianka (1990) as cited by Knapp and Watkins (2005), the model of genre proposed for teaching practice can be drawn as follow:



Field Mode



Figure 2.2 Derewianka’s Genre Model (Source: Knapp & Watkins, 2005, p.23)

Hyland (2002, pp. 16-17), describes genre as abstract, socially recognized ways of using language. Teaching genres involves increasing learners‟ awareness of the conventions of writing to help them produce texts that seem well-formed and appropriate to the readers. On the other hand, Knapp and Watkins (2005) state that genre is place occasion, function, behavior, and interactional structures: it is very rarely useful to think of it as a kind of „text‟ (p. 21). Therefore, genre is classified according to their social purpose and identified according to the stages they move through to attain their purpose. There are five generic processes in writing; describing, explaining, instructing, arguing, and narrating. However, Knapp and Watkins (2005) described that the genre which is related to description


26 is one of the fundamental functions of any language system and one of the first skills emergent language-users learn to control (p. 97). According to Mardiyah, Saun, and Refnaldi (2013) descriptive text is a kind of text which has purpose to describe a particular person, place or thing in details (p. 281).

Based on the some definitions of writing skills the researcher concludes that writing skills referred to writing proficiency because in this research the researcher only focuses on grammar, spelling, minimum requirements, and organization of the text through writing descriptive text. In developing the students‟ writing skills, students should write and revise it repeatedly before it is finally submitted. According to Arroyo (2015) through coursework, students have opportunities to write papers over an extended period of time; such written work certainly attests to students' proficiency when given space and time to plan, draft, and revise. Moreover, Krashen (1984) states that there is also evidence that the more students write, the better they make written compositions (as cited in Magno, 2008). Hopefully, by revising their writing repeatedly, it helps the students to develop their writing skills through writing descriptive text.

B. Theoretical Framework

This research is discovering the students‟ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text. Hopefully, the students can reveal their perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text so that all of the questions can be answered well. Knowing the students‟ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text is important because the findings of this research can be a good


evaluation of the use of Edmodo as a medium for teaching writing especially in writing descriptive text.

As the researcher discussed before, there are a lot of definitions of perception by some experts which reveal the meaning of perception itself. Perception is a process of stimuli which registers on people‟s senses are selected, and then will be organized and the last will be interpreted in order to produce a meaningful experience in the world. In other words, people need to have a meaningful experience in their lives so that they could interpret the stimuli well even what every person interprets or perceives may be substantially different from reality. In addition, people need to select the stimuli because people usually focus only on a small number so that every person perceives things differently. In order to have a meaningful result of interpreting the stimuli, people need to organize the stimuli first because to perceive is influenced by the people‟s behavior or situations and it will affect the perception around them.

Based on those definitions about perception above, it can be concluded that perception is related to motivation. Motivation is a result from environmental stimuli and environmental itself is a result from the way people interpret the stimuli or the perception around them. A positive perception which is received by the students will give them a high motivation. Therefore, in the class activity when the students have a good perception toward what the way of the teacher delivers the material, it will motivate the students to learn. Regarding to the students‟ action where the students are motivated to learn, it means that the use of Edmodo is very helpful for them in developing their writing skills.


28 Nowadays, students should adopt than adapt. Students need to adopt the action toward the material given by the teacher in order to be independent students. As a teacher, it is not easy to change that concept whereas students always receive what their teacher delivered. Because of that, a teacher should have an appropriate strategy of learning. One of the learning strategies is the use of a technology in learning process. It is because nowadays people are living in an age of instability or discontinuity, when skills based on mechanization are gradually being replaced by skills based on information and knowledge technology (Drucker, 1969, as cited in Davies, 1971, p. 4).

Based on Drucker (1969), Davies (1971), Lumsdaine (1964), and Bruner (1955), the definition of educational technology is concerned with the problems in education or training context, and it is characterized by its disciplined and approach to the organization of resources for learning. In this way, the process of teaching has been gradually mechanized through the increasing use of teaching aids. At the same time, the teacher can deal with the larger groups of students, without decreasing the availability of properly qualified and experienced teachers. Thus, the aim of educational technology has been increased the impact of teaching without increasing the students‟ cost. Besides, it refers to the application of learning principles which is originally shaped to the direct and deliberate shaping of behavioral science toward the learning problems and motivation.

Some people in the world know that there is no limitation to talk about technology, it also happens in educational technology. Nowadays, there are a lot of educational technologies which provide many facilities toward the learning


process. One of them is by using Edmodo in learning process. Edmodo is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Besides that, Edmodo is a social media platform often described as a Facebook for schools. It is one of a good solution for the teacher to face some problems in learning process especially in teaching writing. From the observation that the researcher did, some of the students said that writing is still difficult for them. Therefore, the researcher decided to use Edmodo in order to help the students in developing their writing skills.

Nowadays, the word „Facebook‟ is familiar in any societies. The design of Edmodo itself is similar to Facebook which the students are already familiar with. By using Edmodo, students can post or publish their writing and the other students can give some comments or suggestions. The teacher can also give some feedbacks to their writing. After getting all the suggestions and feedbacks, then they can revise it and automatically they have developed their writing skills.

Edmodo is one of educational websites which gives many benefits for teachers and students. Teachers can make an online classroom because this website provides some facilities which support the learning process even though the students and the teacher do not meet directly. Although it is only an online classroom, this website looks like a real classroom because the teachers can communicate with their students as same as in the real classroom although they are in the different places. Moreover, the use of Edmodo also can be an appropriate strategy in the learning process because the way of using this website is not different from Facebook where the students are interested in. Although, the


30 design of Edmodo is similar to Facebook, it is more secure because it is a cloud-based collaboration and it only focuses on educational websites. By using Edmodo the teachers play role as the users and the students only can join the class by entering the code that the teacher has given to them. As users, teachers can add any files related to the material, assignments and can also make some quizzes. On the other hand, the students also can access this website in order to download the files or to do the assignments. Using Edmodo as an educational social networking site offers an opportunity to connect with students and helps them create norms and reflect on how different online actions will be interpreted.

In other words, Edmodo is a part of learning management system (LMS). According to Berking and Gallagher (2013), Cobb and Steele (2013), and Richard (2010), the definition of Learning Management System (LMS) is a software package in the form of web-based systems used to manage learning resources, administrative functions, assessments, and grading. Based on that definition, it means that Learning Management System (LMS) is one of the good educational websites for the teacher and students because it provides some facilities used in learning process and it uses a modern technology in terms of internet where most of the people in the world used.

In addition, because the use of Edmodo as one of parts in Learning Management System (LMS) is not really different from Facebook, the focus of using this website is only for writing skills especially for writing descriptive text. Based on the definition which is described by some experts above, writing is a system for representing and communicating some ideas of a spoken language in


written. Because this research only focuses on descriptive text, the use of Edmodo here is a medium use where the students can share and publish their works related to descriptive text. Hopefully, the use of Edmodo can help the students to develop their writing skills.



This chapter presents a rationale for the methods of research and analysis. This chapter is divided into six parts: the research method, the research setting, the research participants, the instruments and the data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

The methodology used in this research is quantitative research. According to Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, and Razavieh (2010) quantitative research is a research which deals with questions of relationship, cause and effect, or current status that researchers can answer by gathering and analyzing the numeric data (p. 39). Quantitative research may be further classified as either experimental or experimental. In this research, the quantitative research was classified as non-experimental quantitative research because the researcher conducted survey method to discover the answer of the research problems. According to Babbie (1973) surveys are frequently conducted for the purpose of making descriptive assertions about some population: discovering the distribution of certain traits or attributes (p. 57). In this regard, the researcher is not concerned why the observed distribution exists, but merely what that distribution is.

However, according to Albaum and Tull (1973, p. 2), a survey method is a term that is susceptible to a variety of interpretation. It connotes a project to get


information from a sample of people by use of a questionnaire or a personal interview. A survey may involve observation of respondent’s behavior, or evidence of such behavior, in conjunction with or separately from the asking question. Therefore, survey method is always concerned with the behavioral members of the population of interest. Based on those explanations, Albaum et al. (1973, p. 3) state survey method as the systematic gathering of information from (a sample of) respondents for the purpose of understanding and predicting some aspect of the behavior of the population of interest. Thus, Ary et al. (2010, p. 372) describe that in survey method, investigators ask questions about peoples’ beliefs, opinions, characteristics, and behavior. Surveys also permit the researcher to summarize the characteristics of different groups or to measure their attitudes and opinions toward some issues. Afterwards, the survey was also used to identify the students’ perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text.

Art et al. (2010, p. 28) state that the survey method is also called descriptive research. It uses instruments such as questionnaires and interviews to gather information from groups of individuals. Particularly, the researcher used three instruments in form of questionnaire, interview and direct observation to obtain the data. The questionnaire was used for collecting the data in order to answer the research questions. Then, the interview and the observation were aimed to enrich the data which is related to the student’s perception on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive and how Edmodo helps the students in developing their writing skills. Moreover, the goal of using three instruments in this research was not to compare the findings of each instrument but rather to combine them in


34 order to get the findings. Therefore, in this research, the researcher preferred to triangulate the data which were collected by distributing the questionnaire, doing interview, and doing observation.

B. Research Setting

This research was conducted in SMP N 2 Yogyakarta, particularly for the first grade of junior high school students. The researcher implemented Edmodo on February until April 2015. Then, the researcher distributed the questionnaire and interviewed the respondents on 18 May 2015.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were the first grade of junior high school students. Moreover, this research was also conducted only in writing descriptive text materials. However, the researcher conducted this research by using three instruments in the form of questionnaire, interview and direct observation in order to collect the data. Therefore, the researcher chose different numbers of the participants for each instrument.

In this research, the total population was 63 respondents who came from the first grade of junior high school. They were the students who had studied descriptive text by using Edmodo. In order to collect the data from the questionnaire, the researcher selected 30 students as the sample. According to Ary et al. (2010, p.148), the small group that is observed is called a sample, and the larger group about which the generalization is made is called a population.


Therefore, a sample is a portion of population. The sample used for gathering the data from questionnaire was a purposive sampling. Ary et al. (2010, p. 156) state that purposive sampling is also referred to as judgment sampling; sample elements judged to be typical, or representative, are chosen from the population. In other words, a purposive sampling is one of sampling that is selected based on the knowledge of a population and the purpose of the research. The subjects were selected because of some characteristics. The researcher chose 30 students as the sample of this research because they had same opportunity to be a respondent, then the researcher also considered that those students had implemented Edmodo in writing descriptive text. Therefore, the researcher decided to choose those 30 students as the research participants who fulfilled the requirements of this research. The researcher believed that they were able to give the information needed to complete the data.

In addition, in this research the researcher also employed a stratified sampling which was used for gathering the data from the interview. Stratified sampling is a form of probability sampling which is used when the population consists of a number of subgroups, or strata that may differ in the characteristics being studied. According to Ary et al. (2010, p, 153) in stratified sampling, the researcher has to identify the strata of interest and then randomly draw a specified number of subjects from each stratum. The basis for stratification maybe geographic or may involve characteristics of the population such as income, occupation, gender, age, year in college, or teaching level. The advantage of


36 stratified sampling is that it enables the researcher to look for the differences that might exist between various subgroups of a population.

Since the 30 students were chosen as the respondents in order to obtain the data from the questionnaire, the researcher also took some students from that sample by using stratified sampling as the respondents for the interview. The researcher chose 6 students from the same sample. The researcher decided to use stratified sampling because the researcher categorized those students into three types based on their learning level. The learning level that the researcher used is high, medium, and low level, so each level consisted of two students.

As stated before, the researcher used three different kinds of research instruments: questionnaire, interview, and direct observation. The total respondents of the questionnaire were 30 students and the total respondents of the interview were 6 students who were selected from the same sample by using stratified sampling.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

To answer the research questions, the researcher employed three instruments: questionnaire, interview, and direct observation and the further explanation will be explained in the following page as follows:

1. Questionnaire

The researcher used questionnaire in order to obtain the data based on the respondent’s response towards the questions given. The results of this questionnaire will be used as the main data of this research. According to Wilson


and McLean (1994), the questionnaire is a widely used and useful instrument for collecting survey information (as cited in Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007, p. 317). It is providing structured, often being numerical data, being able to be administered without the presence of the researcher, and often being comparatively straightforward to analyze.

In order to answer the two research questions, the researcher employed two parts of the questionnaire; the first one was close-ended and the second one was open-ended questionnaire. According to Wilson (1996), closed questions prescribe the range of responses from which the respondent may choose (as cited in Cohen et al., 2007, p. 321). Highly structured, closed questions were useful in which those questions can generate frequencies of response amenable to statistical treatment and analysis. It meant that in this close-ended part, the respondents only answered the questions based on the answers which were provided in the questionnaire. The researcher provided fifteen questions to be answered in order to get the information related to the research questions in this research. In addition, Bailey (1994) states that open-ended questions are useful if the possible answers are unknown or the questionnaire is exploratory or if there are so many possible categories of response that a closed question would contain an extremely long list of options (as cited in Cohen et al., 2007, p.321). In other words, open-ended questions also enable respondents to answer as much as they wish, and are particularly suitable for investigating complex issues, to which simple answers cannot be provided. It may be useful for generating items that will subsequently become the stuff of closed questions in a subsequent questionnaire. In this part,



The Result of the Open-Ended Question

No Category Question Answer Respondent n1 n2 %



Implementation of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text

Do you find any difficulties when implementing Edmodo for writing a descriptive text? What are they? (Please, mention it)


 Karena tidak ada koneksi dan harus login (sering lupa dengan kata sandi akun)

1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24,25, 26, 27, 28


21 70

 Tampilan kurang begitu menarik dan lumayan membingungka n.

10, 11 2

 Format tulisan yang berubah setelah dikirim (tidak menjadi sebuah paragraf).

15, 1

 Ada beberapa kata dalam Bahasa Inggris yang belum terlalu dimengerti.

22 1

-Tidak ada

 Karena dengan menggunakan Edmodo banyak dari teman-teman yang memberikan saran untuk memperbaiki kalimat yang salah sehingga hasil tulisan saya menjadi lebih bagus.

4 1

9 30

 Karena program Edmodo termasuk mudah untuk digunakan, karena kita bisa berbagi tugas sekolah yang berhubungan dengan Bahasa Inggris secara pasti dengan menggunakan akun Edmodo.

5, 9, 21, 23, 29, 30 6

 Karena sudah diajari bagaimana cara menggunakan Edmodo.



The Result of the Open-Ended Question

No Category Question Answer Respondent n1 n2 %



Perception on the use of Edmodo in Writing Descriptive Text

What is your opinion on the use of Edmodo in writing descriptive text? Please give your reason.

Positif respon

 Edmodo itu bagus,menyenangkan dan mudah untuk digunakan sehingga memudahkan kita dalam menulis teks deskripsi dan mengumpulkan tugas yang diberikan guru.

1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18,19, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30


28 93.3

 Edmodo dapat meningkatkan semangat saya dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris.

3, 22 2

 Menutut saya, Edmodo itu seperti sosmed yang pernah saya ketahui yaitu Facebook, jadi saya sudah agak bisa menggunakan Edmodo yang benar dan dalam Bahasa Inggris, saya semakin tertarik mengartikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan untuk belajar juga enak. Edmodo juga memberikan banyak manfaat.

4, 6, 20, 3

 Edmodo itu lebih efektif untuk digunakan dalam menulis tentang descriptive text karena kita bisa mempelajari bagaimana descriptive text tersebut dan kita juga mendapat revisi dari guru dan saran dari teman-teman mengenai hasil tulisan kita (grammar dan pengejaan kata) melalui akun Edmodo sehingga tulisan kita menjadi benar dan melatih untuk selalu teliti.

5, 21, 24, 26,

29 5

Negatif respon

 Edmodo ada yang menarik dan ada yang membosankan karena harus login dan logout.

11 1

2 6.7

 Edmodo itu tidak bagus dan tidak jelek, jadi biasa saja karena di Edmodo sepi tidak ada ketertarikan.






The Result of the Interview

Category No. Question Answer Respondent

Latar belakang penggunaan


1. - Seberapa sering kamu menggunakan Internet? - Apakah kamu menemukan kesulitan saat mengakses Internet?

- Jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya?

- Setiap hari. - Ada:

 Koneksinya.

1, 19, 14, 4, 26

- Tidak ada. 29

Implementasi Edmodo di

dalam menulis teks


2. Apa pendapatmu tentang Edmodo?


Ehmm,,, bagus. Ehm lebih simpel aja ngerjainnya lewat Edmodo. Bagus, ehm,,, cara kerjanya bisa dipahami dan cepat dipahami. Edmodo itu bagus ya, apalagi untuk pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Bisa lebih terkendali dengan gurunya.

1 19 4 29

- Ehm,, sebenernya bagus tapi kadang sepi gitu.

- Kemarin waktu pertama kan bisa digunain, tapi kemarin aku gunain waktu nanya materi UAS itu apa tapi gak bisa dijawab, gak ada yang jawab.

Jadi ya kadang hidup kadang mati. 14 26

3. Apakah

pengimplementasian/pelaksaanan Edmodo mudah untuk diikuti?

Mudah banget.

Mudah. Alurnya mudah mudah mudah.

1, 19, 14, 4, 26, 29 26 4. - Apakah ada kesulitan mengenai

penggunaan Edmodo untuk mengerjakan tugas-tugasmu dalam menulis teks deskripsi? - Jika ada, apa saja kesulitannya?

Tidak ada.

Tidak ada karena semuanya mudah.

1, 19, 14, 4, 26, 29 1 Pandangan siswa mengenai penggunaan Edmodo didalam menulis teks deskripsi

5. - Apakah kamu merasa termotivasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris ketika menggunakan Edmodo?

- Jika iya, mengapa?

- Iya. Karena Edmodo mudah untuk digunakan.

- Iya lebih termotivasi. Ehm apa ya, ya lebih simpel aja bacanya. Terus gak usah nulis tangan langsung ngeti aja.

- Termotivasi, apalagi lihat temen-temen yang udah jago nulis. Jadi termotivasinya karena temen-temen bisa ngepost tulisannya bagus-bagus jadi saya harus bisa juga.

- Termotivasi. Karena semisal temen juga nulis teks deskripsi yang bagus pasti kita juga pengen lebih baik lagi, terus kalau ada temen-temen kalau ada kosakata yang baru mereka semua pada ngerti masak aku gak ngerti.

- Ya otomatis dengan Edmodo kan bisa saling lihat dengan yang lain jadi punya semangat untuk lebih bagus lagi. 1, 26 19 14 4 29



The Result of the Interview

Category No. Question Answer Respondent

6. - Apakah Edmodo cukup membantumu dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris terutama untuk meningkatkan kemampuanmu dalam menulis teks deskripsi? - Contohnya seperti apa?

- Iya membantu. Karena dapat berkomunikasi dengan teman atauguru dengan mudah.

- Cukup. Iya cuman nulis terus kasih saran.

- Cukup membantu. Jadi seumpama kayak seharusnya satu apel gak pake s tapi kalau banyak ditambah s. Bisa dapat kata-kata baru.

- Iya. Contohnya mungkin ehm,,, membantunya di penulisan kata-katanya misal ada banyak apel gitu Bahasa Inggrisnya doang gak ditambah s. - Cukup. Misalnya harusnya a apple jadi harusnya an apple, dah.

- Iya. Ya,,,ketika dapat tugas terus dikerjakan di Edmodo kita kan dapat komentar to dari guru atau dari teman-teman itu bisa apa ya, untuk memperbaiki tugas kita.

1 19 14


26 29

7. Bagaimana pendapatmu mengenai penggunaan Edmodo dalam menulis teks deskripsi?

- Edmodo sangat membantu. - Baik. Ya lebih cepet aja ngerjainnya. - Sebenernya bagus. Bagusnya bisa

ngomen punya temen, abis itu lebih banyak share sama temen, dah. - Ya enak, cukup bagus sih. Alesannya

ya,,, ehm alasannya bagus, mungkin alurnya, alur penggunaannya cukup jelas, udah.

- Bagus. Ya kalau ada soal yang susah bisa ditanyain antara guru atau teman. - Ya bagus sih kalau untuk menulis

dalam teks gitu karena banyak apa ya,,, kan tulisan kita juga belum tentu bagus juga, nha nanti kan ada komentar dari temen atau dari guru, nha itu tadi kan bisa membantu untuk jadi lebih baik.

1 19 14


26 29

8. Bagaimana perasaanmu setelah menggunakan Edmodo dalam menulis teks deskripsi?

- Biasa aja 1, 14

- Seneng, karena asyik. - Ehm, cukup lega kan nanti

ada banyak temen yang lihat teks deskripsi kita jadi bisa ngasih saran dan kita termotivasi untuk lebih bagus lagi.

- Senang, abis itu kalau ada yang susah kan bisa ditanyain di Edmodo.

- Ya seneng sih, bisa buat komentar-komentar gitu.

19 4

26 29



The Result of the Interview

9. Apa saja keuntungan-keuntungan yang bisa kamu peroleh dari menggunakan Edmodo di proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

- Menambah kata-kata baru.

- Tugasnya lebih cepet selesai, terus kalau ada kosakata yang salah bisa dibenerin juga.

- Ehm,,, tahu kesalahan sendiri, abis itu lebih banyak kata-kata yang didapet. - Mungkin kosakatanya nambah jadi

dapat wawasan baru, terus memperbaiki kesalahan jadi lebih bagus dari yang sebelumnya.

- Ya kalau ada nulis yang salah misalnya typo kan bisa dibenerin lagi, abis itu kalau yang tadinya belum tahu jadi tahu. Ya itu tadi an sama a.

- Ehm, tentunya bisa mendapat ini,,, ehm kita tahu letak kesalahan kita dimana terus bisa lebih bagus lah kalau untuk menulis yang selanjutnya.

1 19 14 4