This chapter presents and discusses the results of research which are obtained from observation, questionnaire, and interview guided from the researcher. This chapter is divided by two parts; A Result and B Discussion.

A. Findings

This part shows the research results by observing the debate extracurricular. The researcher elaborated this section into three parts. First, the researcher distributed questionnaires to the debate extracurricular members. Second, the researcher observed the implementation of debate extracurricular. The last, the researcher interviewed the members of debate extracurricular.

1. Questionnaire

In the first observation, the researcher gave out questionnaires to eight members of debate extracurricular. The questionnaire contains 10 close-ended questions. The questionnaire helped the researcher to know the students’ perception on the use of debate activities in improving their speaking skills. Table 4.1 Questionnaire result of the students’ motivation to join the debate extracurricular No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. I join the debate extracurricular because I want to improve my speaking skills. 5 62.5 3 37.5 0 0 0 0 37 38 2. I join debate extracurricular because I think my English is quite good. 2 25 3 37.5 3 37.5 0 0 Table 4.1 showed the result of the statements in order to find out the students’ motivation to join debate extracurricular. The first statement showed that five students 62.5 chose “strongly agree” and three students 37.5 chose “agree”. It meant that the students decided to join debate extracurricular because they wanted to improve their English speaking skills. For the second statement, two students 25 chose “strongly agree”, three students 37.5 chose “agree”, and three more students 37.5 chose disagree. It showed that most of students taught that their speaking skills are quite good so they did not afraid to join debate extracurricular and few of them taught that they should improve their poor speaking skill through debate extracurricular. Table 4.2 Questionnaire result of students’ feeling about the debate extracurricular No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. The teacher lets me speaking English during debate extracurricular. 4 50 4 50 0 0 0 0 2. I am confident to speak English in front of my friends. 0 0 7 87.5 1 12.5 0 0 3. I enjoy the activities in the debate extracurricular. 4 50 4 50 0 0 0 0 Based on table 4.2, four students 50 chose “strongly agree” and four students 50 chose “agree” for the first statement. It meant the debate instructor let them to speak English during the activities and the students responded well by speaking English. In the statement number 2, seven students 87.5 chose 36 39 “agree” and just one student 12.5 chose “disagree”. It showed the previous statement influenced the second statement. They have enough confidence to speak English with others because their instructor let them to speak English in each meeting. Four students 50 chose “ strongly agree” and four students 50 chose “agree” in the third statement. It showed that they enjoy the English debate activities. Table 4.3 Questionnaire result of students’ improvements No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. Debate extracurricular helps me to improve my speaking skills. 5 62.5 3 37.5 0 0 0 0 2. I have improvements in each meeting of debate extracurricular. 1 12.5 6 75 1 12.5 0 0 3. The debate extracurricular helps me to know many new English vocabularies. 2 25 6 75 0 0 0 0 In the statement number 1 , five students 62.5 chose “strongly agree” and three students 37.5 chose “agree”. It meant the students felt the differences between before and after joining debate extracurricular; they improved their speaking skills. For the second statement, one student 12.5 chose “strongly agree”, six students 75 chose “agree”, and one student 12.5 chose “disagree”. It meant that most of the students have improvements in each debate extra extracurricular meeting. Two students 25 chose “strongly agree” 40 and six students 75 chose “agree” for the last statement in table 4.3. It meant that the students enrich their English vocabularies through debate activities. Table 4.4 Questionnaire result of students’ learning method No. Statements Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1. I always make outlines before speaking in front of audience. 2 25 6 75 0 0 0 0 2. I repeat to learn the material of debate extracurricular at home. 1 12.5 4 50 3 37.5 0 0 In the first statement, two students 25 chose “strongly agree” and six students 75 chose “agree”. It meant all of them wrote the outlines or notes before speaking. For the second statemen t, a student 12.5 chose “strongly agree”, four students 50 chose “agree”, and three students 37.5 chose “disagree”. It meant that just some of them who repeat the debate material at home. The second part of questionnaire indicated students’ opinion on activities which can improve their speaking skills. Students had many ways to improve their speaking skills. Therefore, the researcher prepared activities list which probably students do in their daily life. The following table shows the result of the second part of questionnaire. Activities Quantity Listening to music 8 Watching moviesEnglish TV programs 8 41 Speaking English to my friends 5 Chatting with foreigners via social media 3 Reading English articles 7 From the table above, the activities there are done the most by students in their daily life to improve their speaking skills are listening to music and watching moviesEnglish TV programs. There are a lot of English songs, movies and TV programs. The students easily found those files from internet. Besides, seven out of eight students like to read English articles in their free time. Nowadays, they could access many news portals via smartphone. The next activity which is done by students to improve their speaking skills is speaking English with friends. This activity helped students a lot because they could practice directly to speak English. The last activity is chatting with foreigners via social media that done by three out of eight students. The third part of questionnaire indicated the quality of students’ speaking skills. The researcher asked the students to rate their speaking skills. However, the researcher not only concluded the students’ speaking skills quality by the questionnaire result, but also from observations. From this part, the researcher found that most of the students, seven out of eight students, rated their speaking skills as good. The following table shows specific findings on the students’ opinion on their speaking skills. Rates Quantity Not so good 1 42 Good 7 Very good Excellent

2. Interview

This part shows the results from the students’ interview. The researcher set an interview for each eight members of debate extracurricular. This method is used to know the deeper information from the students and to know the speaking level of each student. The researcher let the students to speak English and answered the questions orally. From the students’ speaking way, the researcher can measure the vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar level of each student. Table 4.5 The result of interview question number 1 Question: Why do you join this extracurricular? Quantity Responses 5 Improve the English skills 3 Want to open the mind to new things The most of students decided to join the extracurricular because they wanted to improve their English skills. They taught that English debate extracurricular would give them speaking and listening practicing. The others said that they wanted to open their mind to new things. One of them said that people who have debating habit are open-minded. They taught that they can be themselves in debating environment 43 Table 4.6 The result of interview question number 2 . Question: Does the instructor give you some tips and trick for debate? What are the activities in your debate extracurricular? Quantity Responses 8 The instructor divided the students into two groups and gave a topic. Then, stimulated a debate. All of the students answered that they did not have kind of special activities. In the beginning of meeting, their instructor divided the students into two groups pro and contra and gave them a topic. After that, each group would discuss the topic for around 15 minutes. Then, the students have a kind of debate simulation. In this section, the instructor would be a time keeper. Also, he would write some notes about the students’ performance. At the end of meeting, the instructor evaluated the performance both in group and individually. Table 4.7 The result of interview question number 3 Q: Is debate effective to improve your speaking skills? Why? Quantity