Inventions and Inventors

Inventions and Inventors

AC motor Nikola Testa

electric telegraph Samuel F B adding machine Blaise Pascal

cement Joseph Aspdin

Morse and William Burroughs

chronometer John Harrison

cigarette-rolling machine

electric washing machine

addressograph J S Duncan

Alva Fisher air brake George Westing-

James A Bonsack

electric welder Elihu Thomp- house

coal stove Jordan Mott

son air conditioning Willis H Car-

color photography G a b r i e l

electrocardiograph Wi l l e m rier


Einthoven airline passenger ticket Rich-

compound microscope H a n s

electroencephalograph H a n s ard Roselle

and Zacharias Janssen

Berger airplane Orville and Wilbur

computer chip Jack Kilby and

electromagnet Joseph Henry, Wright

Robert Noyce (according to

William Sturgeon AK-17 (automatic rifle) M i k -

US Patent Office)

electronic television Vladimir hail Kalashnikov

computer cookies L o u M o n -

Zworykin Alexander Technique m a s -


electron microscope E r n s t sage and physical-manipula-

computer mouse Douglas En-

Ruska tion therapy developed by F


electroplating G e o rg e a n d Mathias Alexander

condenser steam engine

Henry Elkington analog computer Va n n eva r

James Watt

Esperanto Lazarus Ludwig Bush

cotton gin Eli Whitney

Zamenhof autogyro Juan de la Cierva

craniosacral therapy William

Feldenkrais Technique p o s - automatic rifle J o h n M o s e s


ture therapy developed by Browning

cream separator Gustf de La-

Moshe Feldenkrais automobile Karl Benz


field ion microscope Erwin W bakelite Leo H Baekeland

cyclotron Ernest O Lawrence

Mueller ballpoint pen John Loud

cylinder lock Linus Yale

fluorescent light E d m u n d barbed wire Joseph Glidden

cylinder phonograph T h o -

Germer barometer Evangelista Torri-

flush toilet Joseph Brahmah celli

mas A Edison

detective story Edgar Allan


foot-operated sewing machine

Ben Day Process photoengrav-

Isaac Singer ing process; Benjamin Day

fountain pen Lewis Waterman Bessemer steel H e n r y B e s -

Diesel engine Rudolf Diesel

fractal geometry Benoit Man- semer

digital computer H owa r d

delbrot bicycle Karl Drais von Sauer-


Franklin stove B e n j a m i n bronn

diode-tube radio John Flem-


bifocals Benjamin Franklin

disk brake Frederick Lanches-

Franklin frequency modulation Edwin

Bowen Therapy musculoskele-

H Armstrong tal-release therapy developed

ter disk phonograph Emile Ber-

frozen food Clarence Birdseye by Tom Bowen of Australia

gas lighting William Murdock Braille printing Louis Braille


dynamite Alfred Nobel

gasoline-powered automobile

bubble gum Walter Deemer

Karl Benz (for Fleers in 1928)

electric battery A l e s s a n d r o

gas stove Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen burner Robert Wil-


Bunsen helm von Bunsen

electric bulb Thomas Alva Edi-

Geiger counter Hans Geiger calculus Wilhelm von Leibniz


gramophone Emile Berliner and Isaac Newton

electric fan Schuyler Wheeler

electric flat iron H W Seeley

gyrocompass Elmer A Sperry

carbon-filament electric lamp

gyroscope Jean Bernard Léon Thomas A Edison

electric generators M i c h a e l

Foucault carburetor Gottlieb Daimler

Faraday (disk), Hippolyte

half-tone engraving F r e d e r- carpet sweeper M R Bissell

Pixii (coil)

ick Ives cash register James Ritty

electric locomotive We r n e r

heart pacemaker Wi l s o n cathode-ray tube Sir William

von Siemens

Greatbach Crookes

electric motors Z e n o b e

Heimlich maneuver u p wa r d cellophane Jacques E Bran-

Gramme (DC), Nikola Testa

thrust on abdomen, per- denberger


formed on choking victims celluloid Alexander Parkes

electric power plant Thomas

A Edison

(developed by Dr Henry He-

celluloid-film photography

imlich) Hannibal Goodwin

electric razor Jacob Schick

electric stove W S Hadaway

helicopter Igor Sikorsky

Inventions and Inventors

holography Dennis Gabor

Rolfing physical therapy devel- homeopathy Samuel Hahne-

multiplex theaters Stan Dur-

oped by Ida Rolf mann


rotary printing Richard Hoe hot-air balloon Jacques and

music synthesizer R o b e r t A

safety elevator Elisha G Otis Joseph Montgolfier


safety pin Walter Hunt jet aircraft engine Sir Frank

neon lamp Georges Claude

safety razor King C Gillette Whittle

newspaper vending machine

science fiction M a r y Wo l l - kiss-proof lipstick movie di-

George Thiemeyer Hemmeter

stonecraft Shelley, author of rector Preston Sturges

nylon Wallace Carothers

Frankenstein Kodak camera George Eastman

offset printing Ira Rubel

science of flight S i r G e o rg e laser Gordon Gould

oil pipeline Samuel van Syckel

Cayley La-Z-Boy reclining chair E d -

osteopathy Andrew Taylor Still

Scoville Test measure of chil- win Shoemaker

outboard engine Ole Evinrude

ies’ hotness by how much lever-fill fountain pen W A

parallel computer processor

sugar water is required to neu- Shaeffer

Gene Amdahl

tralize heat; invented by Wil- lightning rod Benjamin Frank-

parking meter Carlton Magee

bur Scoville lin

pendulum clock C h r i s t i a a n

Scrabble (board game) Alfred linoleum Frederick Walton


Butts linotype typesetting O t t m a r

photoelectric cell G R Carey

screw propeller John Ericsson Mergenthaler

photoengraving William Fox

self-propelled torpedo Robert Linux computer operating sys-


Whitehead tem developed by Linus Tor-

photographic camera Joseph

self-starter Charles F Kettering valds


semaphore telegraph Claude liquid-crystal display James L

photography on metal J o -

Chappe Fergason

seph Niepce

sewing machine Elias Howe, liquid-fuel rockets R o b e r t

photography on paper Wi l l -

Barthélemy Thimonnier Goddard, Herman Oberth,

iam Fox Talbot

sextant John Hadley, Thomas Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

piston steam engine T h o m a s

Godfrey lithography Alois Senefelder


shopping cart Sylvan Goldman long-playing records P e t e r

pneumatic tires John B Dun-

spectroscope J o s e p h vo n Goldmark Elihu


Fraunhofer machine gun Richard J Gat-

Polaroid camera Edwin Land

spinning frame Richard Ark- ling

polymeric chain reaction

Kary Banks Mullis


magazine-insert advertising

spinning jenny J a m e s H a r- cards Lester Wunderman

polyurethane W E Hanford and

greaves magnetic tape recording J A

Donald F Holmes

stainless steel Harry Brearley O’Neill

power loom E d m u n d C a r t -


steam locomotive R i c h a r d

manual washing machine

Trevithick Hamilton Smith

projected motion pictures

steam railway G e o rg e mechanical television John L

Auguste and Louis Lumière

Stephenson Baird

propeller John Ericsson

steamship Robert Fulton metronome Dietrich Nikolaus

punched cards Herman Hol-

steam shovel William Otis Winkel


steam tractor Nicholas Cugnot microchip Robert Noyce and

radar A l b e r t Ta y l o r, L e o

steam turbine Charles Parsons Jack Kilby


steel plow John Deere microphone Emile Berliner

radio Guglielmo Marconi

stethoscope René Théophile- microwave oven P e r cy L

radio telescope Karl Jansky

Hyacinthe Laennec Spencer

railway car couplings Eli Jan-

submarine David Bushnell milking machine Anna Bald-


suburbs William Levitt, who win

railway sleeping cars George

designed Levittown, Pennsyl- miner’s safety lamp Humphry


vania Davy

rayon Hilaire Chardonnet

supercomputer Seymour Cray modern oilwell Edwin Drake

reaping machine Cyrus H Mc-

swim fins Benjamin Franklin monotype typesetting Tolbert


telegraph signals S a m u e l B Lanston

reflecting telescope I s a a c

Morse motion picture camera T h o -


telegraphy Alexander Graham mas A Edison

refracting telescope G a l i l e o

Bell motorcycle Gottlieb Daimler


telephone Alexander Graham motor scooter Greville Brad-

repeating rifle O F Winchester

Bell shaw

respirator Forrest Bird

telephone dial tone Almon movable-type printing J o -

revolver Samuel Colt

Strowger (1891), an undertaker hann Gutenberg

rigid dirigible airship F e r d i -

nand von Zeppelin

telescope Hans Lippershey

Inventions and Inventors

thermometer Galileo Galilei

vulcanized rubber C h a r l e s thermos bottle James Dewar

triode vacuum tube L e e D e

Goodyear Trager Work soft-touch ma-


waterproof raincoat C h a r l e s nipulation combined with ex-

tungsten filament I r v i n g

Macintosh ercises to release tension, de-


tungsten-filament electric

wire-cable suspension bridge

John A Roebling transformer Otto Blathy

veloped by Milton Trager

lamp William Coolidge

wireless telegraphy Guglielmo transistor J o h n B a r d e e n ,

typewriter Carlos Glidden,

Marconi Walter Brattain, William

Christopher Sholes

xerography Chester Carlson Shockley

vacuum cleaner I W McGaffey

videotape recorder Charles P

X-ray Wilhelm Roentgen

transparent paper-film pho-

zipper Whitcomb Judson tography George Eastman


vocal radio Valdemer Poulsen

Irish Counties Abbreviated