Winds and Rains of the World

Winds and Rains of the World

The wind bloweth where it listeth. —John 3:8 Aajej southern M o r o c c a n

blows from north to south, Ti- whirlwind

the Arabian Sea with light

vano blows from south to Abroholos E a s t e r l y s q u a l l

winds favoring small sailing

north sweeping Brazil’s southern


Brickfielder dusty hot wind coast between May and Au-

Bat Hiddan (Arabic—Closed-

originating in sandy wastes of gust

Sea Season)—when south-

central Australia Afer hot southwest wind in It-

west or summer monsoon ag-

Brisa northeasterly wind along aly, so called because it

itates the Arabian Sea with

the west coast of South Amer- comes from Africa; also

high winds

ica called Africanus ventus (the

Bayomo gusty northerly wind

Brisote northeastern trade wind African wind), Africino, Af-

on flanks of Cuba’s Sierra

refreshing Cuba rico, Africuo


Broboe dry southeastern trade Alizé trade wind from the

of Sulawesi, Indonesia northeast in southern France

Bergwind foehn wind of South

Buran blizzard of Central Asia Anabatic an uphill wind result-

Africa’s south coast

Burster southerly wind of New ing from local heating

Bise cold and dry northerly

South Wales Antitrades w i n d s b l ow i n g

wind of southern France and


Cacimbo heavy mists and low

above the trade winds but in clouds on the coast of Angola opposite directions

Blaast cold, wet gusts in Scot-

Canterbury Northwester h o t Apheliotes ( G r e e k — E a s t


dry wind sometimes blowing Wind)

Black Roller dust storm com-

over New Zealand Arashi a storm wind in Japan

mon to western United States

cat’s fir Guatemalan mist Arifi Sirocco wind in Morocco

Blizzard cold northerly gale

Caurus the Northwest Wind Asifa-T circular tropical storm

occurring during winter

Chemsin (Arabic—Sirocco) of the Arabian Gulf

months in Canadian prov-

Chergui Moroccan name for Auger dust devil found in Cali-

inces and north United States;

great Blizzard of 1888 cov-

the Sirocco

Chichili Algerian name for the fornia

ered much of Canada and

Austru dry, cold winter west- Sirocco

northern United States;

Chili Tunisian name for the Si- erly wind of the Lower

needlelike ice crystals and

rocco Avalaison steady west wind of


fine dry snow make up the

blizzard’s pattern of penetrat-

Chinook foehn wind blowing

over the plains east of the western France

ing cold

Rockies from northern Can- Aziab hot, wet, southerly wind

Blood rain rain tinted red from

ada to southern Colorado; of the Red Sea


Bad-i-sad-o-bist roz (Persian—

Blossom showers rains from

warm southwesterly wind

characteristic of the lower 120-day wind)—northerly

March through May in mon-

Columbia River of Oregon dust-and-salt-laden wind

soon regions of Southeast

and Washington blowing over Seistan prov-


ince of Iran from June

Bofu gale in Japan

Choclatero chocolate-colored dusty wind common about

Yucatan Baguio circular tropical storm

through September

Bohorok f o e h n w i n d o f

Chubasco rain-filled violent in the Philippines


Bora cold north wind blowing

wind threatening west coast of Mexico from May to No-

Bali strong easterly wind in

over the Adriatic and originat-

vember Barat strong, blustery north-


ing in the Dinaric Alps

Colla fi e r c e w i n d o f ga l e wester in Sulawesi, Indonesia

Boreas (Greek—North Wind)

strength in the Philippines Barber icy wind of midwestern

Brave West Wind w e s t e r l y

Collada strong wind in the Gulf Canada and United States

winds of the southern hemi-

of California Barine westerly gale from the


Breath of the Sahara the Si-

Cordonazo de San Francisco

autumnal equinox falling Bat Furan (Arabic—Open-Sea

sea on Venezuela’s coast


close to St Francis Day—4 Season)—when northeast or

Breva and Tivano a f t e r n o o n

October—and often ushered winter monsoon wafts over

and morning winds blowing

over Lake Como—Breva

in by a short but violent hur-

Winds and Rains of the World

ricane; blow struck with a

Kaikias (Greek—Northwest knotted cord or rope like one

Fremantle Doctor cool south-

Wind) worn by St Francis; storm felt

west wind coming from the

Karaburan black-dust blizzard along west coast of Central

Indian Ocean to the Swan

of the Gobi Desert America and Mexico around

River Valley of Western Aus-

Khamsin Egyptian name for St Francis Day during autum-

tralia around Fremantle and

the Sirocco nal equinox


Kochi easterly wind in Japan Coromuel s o u t h e r l y l a n d

Friagem (Portuguese—Cold

Kohilo soft Hawaiian breeze breeze felt from November to

Wave)—sometimes lasts for

Kokaze small wind of Japan May and from sunset to about

several days during Brazil’s

winter season

Kona southeastern wind of Ha-

waii nearby entrance to Gulf of

9 A . M . around La Paz and

Furious Fifties storms ranging

Lake breeze wind blowing in- California

from west to east in the south

land from a lake Criador moisture-laden wind

fifty latitudes of the southem

Land breeze w i n d b l ow i n g in Spain


seaward from the land Cyclones counterclockwise

Gale wind of at least 35 miles

Landlash gale-force wind in winds of the northern hemi-

per hour (56 kilometers per

Scotland sphere—often called tropical

hour)—a high wind

Leste Sirocco in Madeira and cyclones: hurricane in West

Garmsal hot wind of Turkestan

nearby North African coastal Indies, typhoon in China Sea,

Garua thick mist or drizzle in

region willy-willy off northwestern

western Peru in winter

Levanter easterly wind charac- Australia, clockwise winds of

Ghibli Libyan name for the Si-

teristic of southern Spain and the southern hemisphere-


Straits of Gibraltar frequently of great force and

Greco t h e G r e e k w i n d —

Leveche hot dry wind found in considerable duration

easterly wind encountered in

southeastern Spain where it Datoo ocean wind refreshing

the Mediterranean

Gregale northerly wind of

comes from North Africa

Gibraltar Libecio (Italian—Southwest

south central Mediterranean

Doctor sea breeze refreshing Wind)—Genoese wind blow-

area—the Greek gale—often

ing inland from the Mediter- inhabitants of African coasts

a cold northeast wind blowing

ranean and west coast of Australia

from eastern Mediterranean

Lip (Greek—Southwest Wind) Dust Bowl area suffering from

Haboob Sudanese dust storm

Maestral cold north wind af- dust storms as in Oklahoma,

noted for its many colors and

flicting Genoa and Gulf of West Texas, New Mexico, and

gritty intensity

Genoa Arizona

Harmattan dry dusty desert

Maestro northwesterly wind of Dust Devil harmless whirls of

wind blowing to Atlantic

central Mediterranean area dust ascending from the de-

coast of Africa from the Sa-

about Italy and Yugoslavia sert floor as high as 3000 feet;


Maize rains heavy rain from may be as wide as 10 feet

Helm Wind cold northeasterly

February through May in East Easter wind on Oregon’s coast

wind of northern England

Africa East Wind rainy wind charac-

Hokuto northeasterly wind in

Mango showers r a i n s f r o m teristic of many places such


March through May in mon- as England, New England

Hubbub Sudanese sandstorm

soon regions of Southeast Eecatl (Aztec—Wind)—de-

Huracán ( S p a n i s h — H u r r i -

Asia rived from the wind god


Mausim (Arabic—Season)— Quetzalcoatl

Hurricane devastating rain-

the monsoon, a seasonal Eliseos northeast trade wind in

filled wind along Atlantic

wind, is derived from mausin Spain

coast of the United States

Medina land breeze felt at port Etesian Wind northerly sum-

originating in the Caribbean

of Cadiz in southwestern mer wind found in the eastern

and Gulf of Mexico; hurri-

Spain Mediterranean

cane months recalled by these

lines: June—too soon; July—

Meltemi ( Tu r k i s h — E t e s i a n

Euros ( G r e e k — S o u t h e a s t Wind)

stand by; August—look out

Millet rains heavy rain, Octo- Wind)

you must; September—

ber–December in East Africa Favonius ( L a t i n — S o u t h

remember, October—all over

Mistral ( L a t i n — m a s t e r f u l ; Wind)—also known as Foehn

Ibe foehn-type wind blowing

masterly)—the Master or Föhn

through Dzungarian Gate in

Wind—cold dry northerly Flakt a gentle breeze in Sweden

western China near Lake Bal-

wind blowing down Rhone Foehn warm dry mountainous


Valley into Gulf of Lyons— wind characteristic of the

Irish Hurricane a flat calm

cold north wind characteristic Alps where its downward

when no wind blows; also

of Marseilles, southern rush melts snowdrifts rapidly

called Paddy’s hurricane

Jet Stream high-altitude wind

France, and the Rhone Valley

Winds and Rains of the World

Monsoon Asiatic wind blowing

Skiron ( G r e e k — N o r t h w e s t from northeast in winter and

Purga the Siberian blizzard—

Wind) southwest in summer

extremely cold northerly

Smokes heavy mists and low Mud rain rain which has large

wind filled with cutting nee-

clouds on the Guinea Coast dust particles in its drops

dlelike ice crystals and fine

Snoweater foehn-type Chinook Nevados cold Andean winds

dry snow

wind blowing down eastern found in Ecuador

Quara Bulgarian west wind;

slopes of the Rockies in Can- Nor’easter storm blowing from

also called Karajol

ada and the Rocky Mountain the northeast characterized by

Reppu a warm, cyclonic wind

states high winds and rain of three

in Japan

Solano easterly rainy wind of days’ duration

Roaring Forties r o a r i n g

southern Spain and Straits of Norte cold north wind often ex-

storms sweeping from west to

Gibraltar—the Levanter perienced in Central America

east around the southern

Sonora desert wind of Arizona and Mexico

hemisphere in the south forty

Sou’easter rain-filled south- North Canadian icy-cold wind


east wind Norther cold north wind char-

Samiel hot, devilish, and dusty

wind of northeast Africa

South Wind along the Mediter-

ranean this is the Sirocco acteristic of Texas; hot dry

Samun (Egyptian—Sirocco)

Sou’wester rain-filled south- foehn-type wind of California

Santa Ana foehn-type hot dry

west wind; oilskin hats, coats, Nor’wester s t o r m b l ow i n g

wind of California usually blowing in late spring, sum-

and pants are also called from the northwest

sou’westers as they offer pro- Notus (Greek—South Wind)—

mer, and early fall; named for

tection from rainy winds the Sirocco

Mexican general who once

Sover or Vento late afternoon Oberwind katabatic wind of the

charged from the north and

winds blowing over Lake Salzkammergut in Austria

seemed to take the path of this

Garda in northern Italy—di- Ora late morning to early after-

wind from north to south

rection is north to south (see noon wind blowing over Lake

Schneefresser (German—Snow-

Ora) Garda in northern Italy—

eater)—foehn wind warming

Squall violent wind of short du- direction is south to north (see

lower mountainsides and val-

ration Sover or Vento)

leys of Switzerland where it

Suchowej desert wind of the Ox’s Eye West African sailor’s

melts the snow drifts almost

steppes of southern Russia name for the hurricane of the

as rapidly as it contacts them

Sudestadas southeasterly pam- Guinea Coast

Scotch mist mist and drizzle

pero-type gales along coasts Paddy’s Hurricane (see Irish

combination common in

of Argentina, Uruguay, and Hurricane)

Scottish highlands

Brazil Pampero c o l d s o u t h w i n d

Sea breeze wind blowing in-

Sumatra squall characteristic blowing offshore in South At-

land from the sea

of Malacca Strait where it oc- lantic and over adjacent

Seistan 120-day wind of Iran in

curs during the southwest coastal pampas or plains of

eastern province of Seistan

monsoon season Argentina and Uruguay—of-

Shamal northerly wind, like the

Taino Haitian hurricane ten carries much dust and rain

Seistan, but found in Iraq over

Tatsumake Japanese tornado Papagayo cold north wind of-

the Tigris-Euphrates plains

Tebbad sand-laden hot wind of ten causing crop damage in


Turkestan Costa Rica

Shrieking Sixties s h r i e k i n g

Tehuantepecer c o l d n o r t h Phyrhenerwind f o e h n - t y p e

winds coming from the east-

wind often blowing with hur- wind occurring in the Aus-

erly and southerly sections of

ricane force around the Gulf trian and Bavarian Alps

Antarctica and prevailing in

of Tehuantepec and the pen- Plum rain early summer rain

the south sixty latitudes

Simoon name given the Sirocco

insula of Yucatan Terral land breeze felt in Valpa-

of Japan, when plums are

when it is dirtier and hotter

raiso, Chile ripening, when rice is trans-

than usual as at this time na-

Tokalau northeasterly wind in planted; important to crops

tives believe it is a poisonous wind; a dry hot wind felt on

the Fiji Islands Ponente west wind from the

Tornado violent storm best western Mediterranean; sea

deserts of Africa and Arabia

known for its twisting vertical breeze refreshing west coast

during spring and summer

wind responsible for causing of Italy and sometimes pene-

Sirocco south wind blowing

great damage with little warn- trating as far inland as Rome

from Sahara across North Af-

ing Prester waterspout or whirl-

rica, Mediterranean, and

Tower of Winds o c t a g o n a l wind encountered off the

southern Europe; in North Af-

Greek structure near the Greek Isles

rica it is dry, dusty, and hot

Acropolis in Athens; each of Pruga intense and cold wind in

but after crossing Mediterra-

its eight sides is decorated Alaska

nean arrives in Europe moist

and warm

with a carved-marble allegor-

Winds and Rains of the World

ical figure representing the

Willyway violent squall char- principal winds: North, Bor-

Twister a vertical spiralling cy-

acteristic in Straits of Magel- eas; Northeast, Kaikias; East,

clonic wind often called a tor-

lan Apheliotes; Southeast, Euros;


Willy-Willy Australian cyclone South, Notus; Southwest,

Typhoon the hurricane of the

western Pacific

Wind of One-Hundred-and-

Lips; West, Zephyrus; North-

west, Skiron Twenty Days (see Bad-i-

Uala-andhi dusty Bay of Ben-

Trades Trade Winds (Northeast sad-o-bist roz )

gal squall ushering in the

Trades in northern hemi- Xaloch (Catalan—Sirocco)

southwest monsoon season

(April through June)

sphere blow from northeast-

Xaloque (Spanish—Sirocco) ern subtropics to the equator;

Yalca Peruvian snowstorm oc- Southeast Trades in southern hemisphere blow from south-

Uracano (Spanish American—

Hurricane)—originally hur-


curring in northern Andean mountain passes

eastern subtropics to the

Yellow Wind cold dry wind of equator)

Vendavales s o u t h w e s t e r l y

winds blowing around eastern

Spain and Straits of Gibraltar

eastern Asia depositing loess

Trade Winds n o r t h e a s t i n

dust over much of China northern hemisphere and southeast in southern hemi-

Virazon sea breeze cooling Ca-

Youg hot summer wind of the sphere; the Northeast Trades

diz on southwestern Spanish

coast; afternoon sea breeze—

Mediterranean Zephyrus ( G r e e k — We s t

cool the West Indies and

often reaching gale force at

Wind)—the balmy Zephyr Tramontana Lake Maggiore’s

much of the Spanish Main

Valparaiso on central coast of

Zobaa Egyptian dust whirl or morning wind blowing from

Chile; sea breeze felt along

whirlwind the south and followed by the

coast of Chile and Peru

Zonda westerly foehn wind afternoon wind blowing from

Waimea moisture-laden gusts

characteristic of Argentina the north and called the In-

in Hawaii

and southern Chile where it verna

Westerlies westerly winds

descends the eastern slopes of Tronada (Spanish—thunder-

Willie-Willie I n d i a n O c e a n

the Andes; enervating hot storm)


winds felt in Argentina and Tropical cyclone a hurricane

Williwaw violent squall afflict-

Uruguay where the zonda of- Tsumujikaze whirlwind in Ja-

ing mariners attempting pas-

ten precedes a cold pampero pan

sage through the Straits of


