ASN (R & D) Assistant Secre- tary of the Navy (Research and Development)

ASN (R & D) Assistant Secre- tary of the Navy (Research and Development)

ASNA Advertising Specialty National Association asnap automatic-steerable null- antenna processor ASNC Atlantic Steam Naviga- tion Company ASNDE Associate of the Soci- ety of Non-Destructive Ex- amination

ASNE American Society of Naval Engineers; American Society of Newspaper Edi- tors; Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy (DoE)

ASNLH Association for the Study of Negro Life and His- tory

ASNP Army Student Nurse Program As & Ns Andamans and Nico- bars (Andaman and Nicobar Islands)

ASNSW Anthropological Soci- ety of New South Wales; Art Society of New South Wales; Astronomical Society of New South Wales

ASNT American Society for Nondestructive Testing aso allele-specifiic oligonucle- otide; arteriosclerosis obliter- ans; auxiliary switch open

ASO Adelaide Symphony Or-

chestra; Advanced Solar Ob- servatory (in space); Aero- nautica Supply Office(r); Air Signal Officer; Air Staff Of- ficer; Air Staff Orientation; Air Surveillance Officer; Ak- ron Symphony Orchestra; Al- bany Symphony Orchestra; Albuquerque Symphony Or- chestra; American School of Orthodontists; American Sokol Organization; Ameri- can Symphony Orchestra; an- tistreptolysin O; Area Safety Officer; Area Supply Of- fice(r); Area Supplies Officer; Armament Supply Officer; Assistant Secretary’s Office; Assistant Section Officer; Athens Symphony Orchestra; Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; Australian Security Organisa- tion; Australian Society of Orthodontists; Aviation Sup- ply Office(r); Aviation Safety Officer

ASOA American Society on

Aging; Australian Shipping Officers Association

ASOC Air Support Operations

Center asoj anti-standoff jammer (mis-

sile) ASOK Angfartygas Svenska

Ostasiatiska Kompaniet (Swedish—Swedish East Asiatic Steamship Line)

ASOL American Symphony

Orchestra League ASOP Atomic Standing Opera-

tion Procedures ASOPA Australian School of

Pacific Administration ASOR American Schools of

Oriental Research ASOS American Society of

Oral Surgeons; Automated Surface Observing Systems

aso titer antistreptolysin titer asp acoustic signal processor;

active server page; advanced signal processor; affirmative self protection; air stores park; ammunition supply

point; anti-social personality; anti-submarine patrol; appli- cation service provider; as- partic acid; aspen; automatic servo plotter; automatic switching panel; automatic system procedure

a s p a c c e p t é s o u s p ro t ê t (French—accepted under protest)

Asp American selling price ASP Alexander Sergeyevich

Pushkin; Allied Standing Pro- cedures; Amalgamated Soci- ety of Printers; American Schulzhund Products; Ameri- can Society of Parasitolo- gists; American Society of Pharmacognosy; American Society of Photogrammetry; Ammunition Supply Point; Antisubmarine Patrol; Apollo Space Program; Archival Se- curity Program; Arizona State Prison; Assistant Superinten- dent of Police; Association of Seattle Prostitutes; Associa- tion of Shareware Profession- als; Astronomical Society of the Pacific; atmosphere- sounding projectile; Atomic Strike Plan; Audio Signal Processor; Australian Social- ist Party; Australian Society for Parasitology; Australian Society of Prosthodontists; Automatic Schedule Proce- dure

A-S P Anglo-Saxon Protestant A/S/P Aleksandr Sergeyvich

Pushkin, apostle of freedom and father of Russian litera- ture

A.S.P. accepté sans protêt (French—accepted without protest)

ASPA Alloy Steel Producers Association; American Sal- vage Pool Association; Amer- ican Society of Pension Actu- aries; American Society of Professional Appraisers; American Society for Public Administration; Australian Sugar Producers Association



ASPAC Asia and South Pacific

ASPR American Society of Area Council; Asian and Pa-

ASPI American Society for

Psychical Research; Armed cific Council

Performance Improvement

Services Procurement Regu- A-span a n t i c i p a t i o n s p a n

ASPIRE Associated Students

lations; Association of South (eye–voice span); capi-

Promoting Individual Rights

Polar Research tal-A-shaped span

for Everyone; Art Shared by

ASPRL Armament Systems ASPAP Australian South Pa-

People Investing in Relevant

Personnel Research Labora- cific Aid Programme


tory (USAF) aspb assault support patrol boat

ASPIRIN Automatic System

aspro ass prostitute (male ho- ASPB Armed Services Petro-

for Passenger Reservation by

mosexual) leum Board


ASPRS American Society of aspc accepté sous protêt pour

aspis application software pro-

Plastic and Reconstructive acompte (French—accepted

totype implementation sys-

Surgeons under protest for account)


asps advanced sleep-phase syn- ASPC American Sheep Pro-

aspj advanced self-protection

drome; annular suspension ducers Council

jammer; airborne self-protec-

and pointing system ASPCA American Society for

tion jammer

ASPs Anglo-Saxon Protestants; the Prevention of Cruelty to

ASPL American Society for

Assistant Superintendents of Animals

Law Pharmacy; Associated

Police ASPCC American Society for

Steamships Proprietary

ASPS Acoustic Ship-Position- the Prevention of Cruelty to


ing System Children

ASPLP American Society for

ASPSPOM American Society ASPE American Society of

Political and Legal Philoso-

for the Preservation of Sa- Plumbing Engineers


cred, Patriotic, and Operatic ASPERS American Society of

ASPM American Society of

Music Professional Draftsmen aspect acoustic short-pulse


ASPM Armed Services Pro-

ASPT American Society of Plant Taxonomists; Army

echo-classification techniques

curement Manual

ASPER Assembly System for

aspn asparagme

School of Physical Training

ASPTC Army Support Center Peripheral Processors; As-

ASPO American Society of

ASQ Anthropological Society sistant Secretary (of Labor)

Planning Officials; Avionics

for Police Evaluation and

System Project Officer

of Queensland; Anxiety Scale Questionnaire

ASQ Administrative Science ASPERS Armed Services Pro-


ASPOD Autonomous Space

Processor for Orbital Debris aspp alloy-steel protective

Quarterly curement Regulations

ASQC American Society for ASPET American Society -for


Pharmacology and Experi-

ASPP American Society for the

Quality Control ASQDE American Society of

Questioned Document Ex- aspf annual service practice fir-

mental Therapeutics

Perfection of Punctuation;

aminers ings

American Society of Picture Professionals; American So-

asr air staff requirement; airport ASPF Association of Special-

surveillance radar; air-sea res- ized Film Producers; Associ-

ciety of Plant Physiologists;

cue; answer and receive; api- ation of Superannuation and

American Society of Polar Philatelists; Australian Soci-

cal sensory region; automatic Pension Funds

send-receive; armed strike re- ASPFA Association of Super-

ety of Plant Physiologists

connaissance; assessor; avail- annuation and Provident

ASPPA Armed Service Petro-

able supply rate Funds of Australia

leum Purchasing Agency

ASR Accounting Series Re- asph asphalt; asphaltic

ASPPO Armed Services Pro-

lease; American Society of ASPH Australian Society of

curement Planning Office

Rocketry; Army Scripture Professional Hypnotherapists

ASPPT Association for Suppli-

Reader; Army Status Report; asphalt solid bitumen pitch

ers of Printing and Publishing

Army Support Regiment; As- asphaltum mineral pitch


sociation of Southeastern asphic asphaltic

ASPQ Association Suisse pour

Railroads; Aviation Safety asph mac asphalt macadam

la Promotion de la Qualite

Regulation(s); submarine res- asphy asphyxia

(French—Swiss Association

for Quality Improvement)

cue vessel (naval symbol) cue vessel (naval symbol)


asra athwartships reference

mated Supported for Soft- axis; automatic stereophonic

ass anterior superior spine; as-

ware Engineering Techno- recording amplifiier

sault supply ship; assurance

logy asraam advanced short range

Ass Assyrian

ASSGB Association of Ski air-to-air missile

ASS Accordion Symphony So-

Schools in Great Britain asradi adaptive surface-signal

ciety; Anglo-Swedish Society;

ASSH American Society for recognition-and-direction

Army Special Staff; Associ-

Surgery of the Hand indicator

ated Scholastic Society; Asso-

ASSIFONTE Association de ASRAPS A c o u s t i c S o n a r

ciated Sociologists Society;

l’Industrie de la Fonte de Fro- Range Prediction System

Australian Security Service;

mage (French—Association of ASRB Australian Sales Re-

Aviation Security System

the Processed Cheese Industry) search Bureau

A-SS Anti-Slavery Society

assigt assignment asrc (ASRC) air-sea rescue

A.S.S. Associate in Secretarial

assim assimilated craft

Science; Associate in Secre-

ASSIST Assessment of Infor- ASRC Alabama Space and

tarial Studies

mation Systems and Technol- Rocket Center; Atmospheric

ASSA American Society for the

ogies (in medicine) Sciences Research Center .

Study of Allergy; Army Sig-

assist. assistant asrd aircraft shipment readi-

nal Supply Agency; Astro-

assm anti-ship supersonic mis- ness date

nomical Society of South

sile; anti-surface ship missile ASRE Admiralty Signal and

Australia; Australian Society

assmt assessment Radar Establishment (UK);

of Security Analysts

assn association American Society of Refrig-

ass. & rob. assault and robbery

Assn Brain Injured New York eration Engineers

ASSArthr American Society

Association for Brain Injured ASREC American Society of

for the Study of Arthritis

Children Real Estate Counselors

ASSASSIN Agricultural Sys-

Assn Brit Zool Association of asrf air-sea rescue flight

tem for Storage and Subse-

British Zoologists ASRI Aluminum Smelters Re-

quent Selection of Information

assnce assurance search Institute

assassrep assassination report

Assn Clin Biochem Associa- ASRL Aero-elastic and Struc-

A-S Scale Anti-Semitism Scale

tion of Clinical Biochemists tures Research Laboratory

(measuring negative atti-

Assn Consumer Res Associa- (M.I.T)


tion for Consumer Research ASRM American Society of

Assateague Assateague Island

assnd assigned Range Movement

National Seashore linking

Maryland and Virginia

Assn Ed Comm Tech Associa- tion for Educational Commu-

asro (ASRO) astronomical

ASSC Airborne Systems Sup-

port Center

nications and Technology Assn Pr Association Press

roentgen observatory (satellite)

asroc (ASROC) a n t i s u b m a -

Assn Sch Busn Association of rine rocket

assce assurance

School Business Officials of ASRP American Society for

ASSCO American Steam Ship

the United States and Canada the Republic of Panama


Assn Study Anim Behav A s - ASRPP American Society for

Ass Com Gen Assistant Com-

sociation for the Study of An- Research in Psychosomatic

missary General

imal Behaviour Problems

assd assigned

Assn Supervision Association asrs air-surveillance radar sys-

ASSE American Society of

for Supervision and Curricu- tem

Safety Engineers; American

lum Development a-s rs air-sea rescue service

Society of Sanitary Engineers

Assn Tchr Ed Association of ASRS Aviation Safety Report-

assem assemble

Teacher Educators ing System

Assem God Assemblies of God

Assn Under Man Association ASRT Air Support Radar

assess. analytical studies of sur-

for the Understanding of Man Team; American Society of

face effects of submerged

ASSO Anti-Submarine Support Radiologic Technologists


Operations asrv angle-stop radiator valve;

ASSESS Airborne Science-

ASSOBANCA A s s o c i a z i o n e armored scout reconnaissance

Spacelab Experiments-Sim-

Bancaria Italiana (Italian— vehicle

ulation System

Italian Bankers’ Association) ASRY Arab Shipbuilding and

ASSET Aerothermodynamic

assoc associate; associated; as- Repair Yard (Bahrain)

Elastic Structural System En-

vironmental Tests; Auto-


Assoc Bk


Assoc Bk Associated Book-

ASTAP Advanced Statistical sellers

assu (ASSU) air support signal

Analysis Program Assoc Coun Arts Associated


ASTAS Antiradar Surveillance Councils of the Arts

ASSU A m e r i c a n S u n d a y

and Target Acquisition System Assoc Eng Associate in Engi-

School Union

astc (ASTC) airport surface neering

assw antistrategic submarine

traffic control ASSOCHAM A s s o c i a t e d


ASTC American Society of Chambers of Commerce

assy assembly

Theater Consultants; Appala- Assoc IEE Associate of the In-

Assyr. Assyrian

chian State Teachers College; stitution of Electrical (Elec-

Assyr-Babyl Assyro-Babylo-

Arkansas State Teachers Col- tronic) Engineers


lege; Aroostook State Teach- Assoc I Min E Associate of

ast absolute space-time; air

ers College the Institute of Mining Engi-

staff target; aspartate amino-

A.S.T.C. Associate of the Syd- neers


ney Technical College Assoc INA Associate of the In-

ast (AST) advanced supersonic

astd anti-ship torpedo defense stitute of Naval Architects

transport; average spring tides

ASTD American Society of Assoc ISI Associate of the Iron

Ast astigmatism; Astoria(n);

Teachers of Dancing; Ameri- and Steel Institute

Asturian; Asturias

can Society for Training and Assoc Met Associate of Metal-

AST Academic Salaries Tribu-

Development; American So- lurgy

nal; Adult Sexual Theme;

ciety of Training Directors Assoc Pr Associated Press

Aerial Survey Team; Air Ser-

ASTE American Society of Assoc Sci Associate in Science

vice Training; Air Surveil-

Tool Engineers assoc w associated with

lance Technician; Alaska

astec advanced solar turboelec- asson assonance

State Troopers; Alaskan

tric concept; advanced solar assp application specific stan-

Standard Time; American

turboelectric conversion dard part

Radiator and Standard Sani-

ASTEC Antisubmarine Tech- ASSP All Saints Sisters of the

tary (stock exchange sym-

nical Evaluation Center; Aus- Poor

bol); Army School of Trans-

tralian Science and Technol- ASSPHR Anti-Slavery Society

port; Army Satellite

ogy Council for the Protection of Human

Tracking; Army Specialized

ASTECNAVAIR A s s i s t a n t Rights

Training; Arts Society of

Secretary of the Navy for Air ASSR American Society for the

Tasmania; Association for

Student Training; Astronom-

a sten aortic stenosis

ical Society of Tasmania; At-

ASTEO Association Scientifi- ASSS American Society for the

Study of Religion

lantic Standard Time

ique et Technique pour l’Ex- Study of Sterility; Australian

p l o ra t i o n d e s O c e a n s Society of Soil Science

asta aerial surveillance and tar-

(French—Scientific and asst anti-ship surveillance and

get acquisition

Technical Association for the targeting; assist; assistance;

ASTA Aerial Surveillance and

Exploration of the Oceans) assistant

Target Acquisition; American

ASTER Advanced Spaceborne ASST American Society for

Seed Trade Association;

American Society of Travel

Agents; American Spice


ASTF Aeropropulsion System ASST Aziendo de Stato per i

Steel Treating

Trade Association; American

Test Facility; Aerospace Servizi Telefonici (Italian—

String Teachers Association;

Structures Test Facility State Telephone Service)

Army Strategy and Tactics

asth asthenopia Asst Att Gen Assistant Attor-

Analysis; Australian Science

astheno asthenosphere ney General

Teachers Association

asti a n t i s p a s t i c i t y i n d ex Asst Chf Engr Assistant Chief

ASTA A l l g e m e i n e r S t u -

(ASTI); antisubmarine train- Engineer

dent-enausschuss (German—

ing indicator asstd assented; assorted

General Students Committee)

ASTI American School of Asst Engr Assistant Engineer

ASTAC Australian Shipping,

Technical Intelligence Asst Pur Assistant Purser

Trading, and Chartering

ASTI Applied Science and Asst Stwd Assistant Steward

ASTANO Astilleros y Talleres

Technology Index A-S Study Ascendance-Sub-

del Noroeste (Spanish—

ASTIA Armed Services Tech- mission (reaction)

Dockyards and Workshops of

the Northwest)

nical Information Agency nical Information Agency


astig astigmatic; astigmatism;

as’ts assists astigmatizer; astigmato-

astro astrograph(ic); astrolabe;

ASTSECNAV Assistant Secre- scope; astigmatoscopy;

astrology; astrometry; astro-

tary of the Navy astigmia; astigmometer;

nautics; astronomer; astro-

astt (ASTT) action-speed tacti- astigmoscope

nomical; astronomy; astro-

cal trainer astinator procrastinator


ast t astronomical time ASTIP Army Scientific and

Astro Astronautics

ASTT American Society of Technical Information Pro-

ASTRO Air-Space Travel Re-

Traffic and Transportation gram

search Organization

A.S.T.T. Associate in Science ASTM American Society for

astro-ad-anon astrological ad-

Teacher Training Te s t i n g a n d M a t e r i a l s ;

ventures anonymous

ASTU Air Support Training American Society of Tropi-

astrobio astrobiological; astro-

Unit cal Medicine

biologist; astrobiology

asu all screwed up ASTME American Society of

astrochem astrochemical(ly);


asu (ASU) administrative sys-

Tool and Manufacturing En- tems unit; acromedical stag-

astrochronics astrochronologi-

gineers ing unit

cal relatives

ASTMH American Society of ASU Aircraft Storage Units;

Astrodome Astrodome Sta-

Tropical Medicine and Hy- American Secular Union;

dium, Houston, Texas

giene American Student Union;

astrodyn a s t r o d y n a m i c ( a l )

ASTMS Association of Scien- Arab Socialist Union; Ari-

(1y); astrodynamic(ist)

zona State University; Asun- tific, Technical, and Manage-

astrog astrogeological; astroge-

cion, Paraguay (airport); rial Staffs

ologist; astrogeology

Atheist Student Union; Aus- asto antistreptolysin

astrogen astrogenealogy

tralian Swimming Union; as tol as tolerated (by the patient)

astrogeo astrogeology of celes-

(Lat Am St) Arizona State astor (ASTOR) antisubmarine

tial bodies

University Center for Latin torpedo

astrol astrology

American Studies A-story top story of the tallest

Astrol Astrology

ASU-57 Soviet self-propelled tree

astromonk astronautical mon-

57mm gun on tracked chassis ASTP American Society of Tax

key (specimen used in biolog-

ASUA Amateur Swimming Professionals; Apollo-Soyuz

ical tests)

Union of the Americas Test Project; Army Special-

astron astronomer; astronom-

ASUC American Society of ized Training Program

nic(al)(ly); astronomy

University Composers; Asso- ASTPPTP American Society

Astron Astronomy

ciated Students of the Univer- for the Preservation of Profes-

astronaut astronautical(ly); as-

sity of California sional Tax Professionals


asupt advanced simulator for astr astronomy

Astron J Astronomical Journal

undergraduate pilot training ASTR American Society of

Astron Nachr Astronomische

ASUSSR Academy of Sci- Therapeutic Radiologists

Nachrichten (German—As-

ences of the USSR astra advanced structure ana-

tronomical News)

ASUTS American Society of lyzer; advanced system for ra-

Astron Zh Astronomicheskii

Zhurnal (Russian—Astro-

Ultrasound Technical Spe-

cialists diological assessment; auto-

nomical Journal)

matic scheduling with time-

Astro Obsv Astrophysical Ob-

ASUUS A m a t e u r S k a t i n g

Union of the U.S. integrated resource allocation


asv acceleration switching valve; ASTRAC Arizona Statistical

astrophys astrophysics

airborne radar for detecting Repetitive Analog Computer

Astrophys Astronomy and As-

surface vessels; air- astrag astragalus (ankle bone


craft-to-surface vessel; angle connecting with heel bone)

Astrophys J A s t ro p h y s i c a I

stop valve; armored support ASTREA Air Support to Re-


vehicle; avian sarcoma virus gional Enforcement Agencies

Astrophys Lett Astrophysical

asv (ASV) automatic self-ver- (helicopter surveillance)


ification astrion astrionic(al)(ly); astri-

ASTS Alabama State Training

a-s v anti-snake venom; arterio- onics

School (for female delin-

superficial venous Astrl Australia

quents at East Lake near Bir-


a/sv arterio/superficial venous



ASV American Society of Viti-

a & t acceptance and transfer; culture; American Standard

ASWEX Anti-submarine War-

assemble and test Version; Anthropological So-

fare Exercise

At ampere-turn; astatine ciety of Victoria; Astronomi-

aswf arithmetic-series weight

AT Adirondack Trail; Adult cal Society of Victoria


Theme; Advanced Technol- ASVA Associate of the Society

ASWG American Standard

ogy; Advanced Trainer; Air of Valuers and Auctioneers

Wire Gage; American Steel

Travel; Ammunition Techni- ASVAB Armed Services Voca-

and Wire Gage

cian; Appalachian Trail; tional Aptitude Battery

aswgw anti-submarine wire-

Atherton Tablelands (Queen- asveo advance space vehicle

guided weapons

sland parks); Army Transport; engineering operation

ASWI Antisubmarine Warfare

Atlantic Time; Austria; Auto- ASVT Applications Systems

Installations (NATO)

genic Training Verification Test

ASWIPT Antisubmarine War-

A T Absolute Time (compact ASVU Army Security Vetting

fare In-Port Training (NATO)

disc) Unit

aswlr anti-submarine warning

A/T American terms asw air/sea warfare; antisubma-


AT Antico Testamento (Ital- rine warfare

ASWPL Association of South-

ian—Old Testament) ASW Association of Scientific

ern Women for the Prevention

a-t anti-tank Writers; Association of Social

of Lynching

A-T Alef-Tav (Hebrew—from Workers; Australian Standard

ASWRC Antisubmarine War-

the first to the last letter of the White (wheat)

fare Research Center (NATO)

alphabet)—similar to the En- ASW (LR) A n t i s u b m a r i n e

ASWS Audubon Shrine and

glish expression from A to Z Warning (long-range)

Wildlife Sanctuary

at 3 anti-thrombin III ASW (SR) A n t i s u b m a r i n e

ASWSOW Anti-Submarine

AT 7 hexachlorophene (disinfec- Warning (short-range)

Warfare Standoff Weapon

tant) AS & W American Steel and

ASWSS Anti-submarine War-

AT 19 dihydrotachysterol Wire (gage)

fare Schoolship (USN)

AT-26 Aermacchi jet-trainer ASWA American Society of

ASIVTDS A n t i - s u b m a r i n e

ground-attack aircraft also Women Accountants; Anthro-

Warfare Tactical Data System

known as Xavante pological Society of Western

asy asylum

ata academic travel abroad; ac- Australia

asym asymmetrical

tual time of arrival; air-to-air; A/S WA Aviation/Space Writ-

async asynchronous

air training area; azimuthal ers Association

ASYTS Armed Services Youth

torque amplifier aswacs anti-submarine warfare

Training Scheme

ASZ American Society of Zo-

ata a d m i s s i o n t e m p o ra i r

air close transport (French—temporary admis-


asw/aaw antisubmarine war- sion) fare/anti-air warfare

ASZD American Society for

Zero Defects

ata (ATA) advanced tactical

ASWBPL A r m e d S e r v i c e s aircraft

at accounting tabulating (card);

Whole Blood Processing ATA Advertising Typographers

advanced technology (com-

Laboratory Association; Air Transport

puter); aircraft technician;

ASWC Antisubmarine Warfare Association; Air Transport

airtight; air transport; alterna-

Auxiliary; Albanian Tele- Center (NATO)

tive technology; anti-tank;

graph Agency; Amateur Trap- aswcr airborne surrveillance

anti-torpedo; appropriate

shooting Association; Ameri- warning and control radar

technology; artillery tractor;

can Taxicab Association; aswcsi anti-submarine warfare

asphalt; asphaltic; asphalt

American Taxpayers Associa- combat system integration

tile; atmosphere (technical);

tion; American Telemarketing ASWD Army Special Weapons

atomic (AT); automatic trans-

Association; American The- Depot

mission; auxiliary tug

atre Association; American ASWDU Air-Sea Warfare De-

at. (AT) approximate technol-

Thyroid Association; Ameri- velopment Unit


can Tinnitus Association; ASWE A d m i r a l t y S u r fa c e

a t a tempo (Italian—at the

American Title Association; Weapons Establishment

speed written)

American Topical Associa- ASWEPS A n t i - S u b m a r i n e

at. attendant

tion; American Transit Asso- Warfare Environmental Pre-

at.% atomic percent

ciation; American Translators diction System

a/t action/time; antitank; anti-


Association; American Tree



Association; American Truck- ing Association; American Tunaboat Association; Ana- tomical Transplant Associa- tion; Applied Technology As- sociates; Area Transportation Authority; Army Temperance Association; Army Transpor- tation Association; Asia Teachers Association; Associ- ation of Talent Agents; Atlan- tic Treaty Association; Aus- tralian Taxpayers Association; Australian Toolmakers Asso- ciation; Australian Translators Association; auxiliary ocean tug (naval symbol)

A.T.A. Associate Technical Aide ATA Agence Telegraphique Al- banaise (French–Albanian News Service); Art Through the Ages by Helen Gardner

ATAA Advertising Typogra- phers Association of Amer- ica; Air Transport Association of America; Amateur Trap- shooting Association of America

atac air-to-air combat ATAC Air Transport Associa-

tion of Canada; Anatomical Transplant Association of California; Army Tank Auto- motive Center; Army Tank and Automotive Command

ATACS Army Tactical Com- munications System atad absent on temporary addi- tional duty ATAD Air Transport and Deliv- ery (service) ATAE Association of Tutors in Adult Education; Automotive Trade Association Executives

ATAF Allied Tactical Air Force; American Trucking Associations Foundation

ATAFCS Airborne Target-Ac- quisition and Fire-Control System

ATAG Air Training Advisory Group ATAI Air Transport Associa- tion International

ATAIU Allied Tactical Air In-

telligence Unit ATAJ Association of Transport

Advisers of Japan ATALA A s s o c i a t i o n p o u r

I’Etude et de la Linguistique Appliquee (French—Associa- tion for the Study of Applied Linguistics)

atam air-to-air missile ATAO Application for Tax-

payer Assistance Order ATAM Association for Teach-

ing Aids in Mathematics atan arc tangent atar above transmitted and re-

ceived; (ATAR) antitank air- craft rocket

ATAR A u t o m a t e d Tr ave l

Agents Reservation atars advanced tactical air-

borne reconnaissance system ATARS Anti-Terrain-Avoid-

ance Radar System ATAs American Tinnitus As-

sociation members ATAS Academy of Television

Arts and Sciences; Air Trans- port Auxiliary Service

atasm advanced tactical air-to-

surface missile atav atavism; atavist; atavis-

tic(al)(ly) atb amphibious training base;

asphalt tile base; at the time of bombing

atb (ATB) advanced technol-

ogy bomber; stealth bomber ATB Air Transportation Board;

Army Tank Battalion

A & TBCB Architectural and Transportation Barriers Com- pliance Board

ATBI Allied Trades of the Bak-

ing Industry atbm average time between

maintenance atbm (ATBM) advanced tech-

nology ballistic missile; anti- tactical ballistic missile

atbt a c o u s t i c t e l e m e t r y

bathythermometer atbyropt at buyer’s option atc ablative thrust chamber;

acoustic test(ing) chamber; acoustical tile ceiling; aerial

tuning condenser; allergic to combat; anti-torpedo craft; approved type certificate; ar- mored troop carrier; auto- matic temperature control; automatic tint control (tv)

atc (ATC) all-terrain cycle; au- tomatic train control; average variable cost

ATC Advertising Training Cen- ter; Air Traffic Conference; Air Traffic Control; Air Train- ing Command; Air Training Corps; Air Transport Com- mand; Air Transportation Corps; Aircraft Technical Committee; Airport Traffic Control; Airway Traffic Con- trol; Alcohol Treatment Cen- ter; All Things Considered (radio program); Alpine Tour- ist Commission; Appalachian Trail Conference; Armament Test Center; armored troop carrier; Army Training Cen- ter; Army Transportation Corps; Associated Traffic Clubs; Associated Travel Clubs; Athletic Training Council; Australian Tariff Council; Australian Tourist Commission; mini-armored patrol vehicle (naval symbol)

atca (ATCA) advanced tanker- cargo aircraft ATCA Air Traffic Conference of America; Air Traffic Con- trol Association; Allied Tac- tical Communications Agency; American Theater Critics Association

ATCAS Air-Traffic-Control Automated System atcase aspartate transcarbamy- lase ATCB Air Traffic Control Board ATCC Air Traffic Control Cen- ter; American Type Culture Collections; Automatic Train Control Center

ATCDE Association of Teach- ers in Colleges and Depart- ments of Education

atce ablative thrust chamber engine atce ablative thrust chamber engine


atcen air traffic control evalua-

Atex Atlantic tradewind ex- tion unit

ATDU Air Transport Develop-

periment ATCF Automobile and Touring

ment Unit; Armored Trials

atf accounting tabulating form; Club of Finland

and Development Unit

actual time of fall ATCGP Air Training Com-

ate altitude transmitting equip-

ATF Acceptance Test(ing) Fa- mand Ground Personnel

ment; automatic test equip-

cility; Advanced Technical atch armored troop-carrier heli-


Fighter; Advanced Technol- copter; attach; attaching; at-

Ate Almirante (Spanish—ad-

ogy Fighter; Air Task Force; tachment


Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fire- atchd attached

ATE Associated Telephone Ex-

arms (bureau); Airborne Task ATCL Associate of Trinity Col-

changes; Association of

Force; Allied Task Force; Al- lege of Music–London

Teacher Educators; Auto-

ternative Test Facility; Amer- ATCMD A t l a n t a C o n t r a c t

matic Telephone and Electric

ican Type Founders; Amphib- Management District

(New Zealand company)

ious Task Force; Australian ATCMS Advanced Technology

ATEA American Technical Ed-

Teachers Federation; ocean Cruise Missile Study

ucation Association; Ameri-

tug (3-letter symbol) ATCO Air Traffic Coordinating

can Toy Export Association;

ATFAC American Turpentine Office(r)

Australian Telecommunica-

Farmers Association Coop- ATCOM Atoll Commander

tions Employees Association

erative ATCOS Atmospheric Compo-

ATEC Air Transport Electron-

ATFCNN Allied Task Force sition Satellite

ics Council; Aviation Techni-

Commander–Northern Nor- ATCP Antarctic Treaty Consul-

cian Education Council

way (NATO) tative Parties

A.Tech. Associate in Technol-

atfi attitudes toward feminist is- ATCRBS Air Traffic Control

sues scales Radar Beacon System


ATEM Aircraft Test Equipment

atfr automatic terrain-follow-

Modification; Anti-Tank Euro

atcru air-traffic-control radar

ing radar unit

ATFS Association of Track and atc’s airtight containers; any


ATEMIS Automated Traffic

Field Statisticians

terrain motorcycles atg air-to-ground

Engineering and Manage-

ATCU Association of Texas ATG A c c o r d i o n Te a c h e r s

ment Information System

Colleges and Universities Guild; Alaskan Territorial atd absent (on) temporary duty;

A temp a tempo (Italian—in

Guard; Army Technical actual time of departure; an-

the speed written)

Group thropomorphic test dummy;

Aten Atenas (Portuguese or

atgar (ATGAR) a n t i - t a n k armored tank destroyer

Spanish—Athens); Atene

guided air rocket atd a tak dale (Czech—et cetera)

(Italian—Athens), Athenes

at gemss anti-tank ground-em- ATD Actual Time of Departure;


placed mine-scattering sys- Aid to the Totally Disabled;

ATEN Association Technique

tem Armament Test Division; Art

pour la production et l’utili-

ATGM A n t i - Ta n k G u i d e d Teachers Diploma

sation de 1’Energie Nucleaire

Missile atda augmented target docking

(French—Technical Associa-

ATGSB Admission Test for adapter

tion for the Production and

Graduate Study in Business ATDA American Train Dis-

Use of Nuclear Energy)

atgw (ATGW) antitank guided patchers Association; Army

At Energ Atomnaya Energiya

weapon(s) Training Device Agency; Aus-

(Russian—Atomic En-

ath above the horizon; atheism; tralian Telecommunications


atheist(ic); athletic Development Association

ATEP Aboriginal Teacher Edu-

äth äthiopisch (German— atdc after top dead center (valve

cation Programme

Ethiopian) setting)

A Term Air Terminal

Ath Athens atdp attitudes toward disabled

ATES Advanced Techniques

ATH Athens, Greece (airport); persons

integration into Efficient Sci-

Philadelphia Athletics ATDS Airborne Tactical Data

entific Software

AT-H August Thyssen-Hutte System; Association of

ATESL Association of Teach-

Athab Athabasca(n) Teachers of Domestic Sci-

ers of English as a Second

athe allotetrahydrocortisol ence; Automated Data and


ath dfld atheism defiled Telecommunicatitons Service

ATEWS Advanced Tactical

Electronic Warfare System

Athel Athel Line



Athen Athenian

Atlas-Centaur first American atheol atheological; atheolo-

ATJS Advanced Tactical Jam-

high-energy launch vehicle gist; atheology

ming System

for space exploration— athodyd aerothermodynamic

atk attack

D-Series Atlas boosts Centaur duct (ramjet engine)

a-tk anti-tank

space vehicle athsc atherosclerosis

atl analog threshold logic

Atlas-E intercontinental ballis- athw athwartship

Atl Atlanta; Atlantic; Australia

tic missile designed to place ati actual time of interception;

a thermonuclear warhead on aerial tuning inductance; ap-

Atl Atlantico (Italian; Portu-

a 9000-mile-distant target titude-treatment interaction;

guese, or Spanish—Atlantic);

atlas fol atlas folio—a book average total inspection

Atlantique (French—Atlan-

tic); Australia (Spanish—

about 25 inches high ATI Air Technical Intelli-


Atlas icbm first American inter- gence; American Technol-

ATL Acoustic Test(ing) Labora-

continental ballistic missile ogy Institute; American

ATLB Air Transport Licensing Television Institute; Ansett

tory; Adult T-cell leukemia;

Board (UK) Transport Industries; Army

Adult T-cell lymphoma; Alex-

Atl C Atlantic City Training Instruction; Asbes-

ander Turnbull Library (Well-

ATLD Air-Transportable Load- tos Technical Institute; As-

ington, NZ); Associated Truck

Lines; Atlanta, Georgia (air-

ing Dock bestos Textile Institute;

port); Atlantic Tankers Lim-

ATLIS Army Technical Library Australian Textile Institute

ited; Automatic Totalisators

Limited; Brooklyn Atlantics

Improvement Studies; Auto-

matic-Tracking Laser-Illu- nical Institute

A & TI Agricultural and Tech-

ATLA Air Transport Licensing

mination System ATI Aero Transporti Italiani

Atl O Atlantic Ocean (Italian—Italian Air Freight

Authority; American Theo-

Atl Pil Aut Atlantic Pilotage Line); Air Technical Index;

logical Library Association;

American Trial Lawyers As-

Authority Azienda Tabacchi Italiani


ATLS Air Transport Liaison (Italian—Italian State To-

ATLAJ American Trial Law-

Section bacco Board)

Atl Sym Atlanta Symphony ATIC Aerospace Technical In-

yers Association Journal

Atlanta capital of Georgia;

atm air-turbine motor; anti-tank

telligence Center; Air Techni- mine; anti-tank missile; atmo-

U.S. Penitentiary at Atlanta,

cal Intelligence Center; Anti- sphere (normal)


gua Tourist Information at. m atomic mass

Atlanta Youth Atlanta Youth

Center; Australian Tin Infor- a&tm ammunition and toxic

Development Center (for fe-

mation Centre materials

male juvenile delinquents) in

ATIGS Advanced Tactical Iner- at/m ampere turns per meter

Atlanta, Georgia

tial Guidance System At/m ampere turns per meter

Atlantic Ridge s u b m e rg e d

ATII Associate of the Taxation ATM Apollo Telescope Mount;

mountain range extending

Institute Incorporated Association of Teaching Aids

from Antarctica to Iceland in

ATIL Air Target Intelligence in Mathematics; Associated

the mid-Atlantic

Liaison program (USAF) Tobacco Manufacturers; Au-

ATLANTIC Atlantic Refining

tomated Teller Machine atiob as this is our best


ATM Amateur Telescope Mak- ATIP Alaskan Talent, Informa-

Atlantol Atlantologic(al)(ly);

ing; Azienda Tranviaria Mu- tion, and Practices

Atlantolgist(ic)(al)(1y); At-

nicipale (Italian—Municipal atis automatic terminal infor-


Rapid Transit Board) mation service

atlas anti-tank laser-assisted

ATMA Adhesive Tape Manu- ATIS Adirondack Trail Im-


facturers’ Association; Amer- provement Society; Air Tech-

Atlas Atlas Mountains of Alge-

ican Textile Machinery Asso- nical Intelligence Study

ria and Morocco

ciation ATISC Air Technical Intelli-

ATLAS Abbreviated Test Lan-

atm ab atmospheres absolute gence Services Command

guage for Avionic Systems;

ATMAC Air Traffic Manage- (USAF)

Automated Tape Label As-

ment Automated Center ATIU Air Technical Intelli-

signment System; Automatic,

ATMC Army Transportation gence Unit

Tabulating, Listing, and Sort-

Materiel Command; Auto- ATJ Association of Teachers of

ing System

motive Training Managers Japanese

Atlas-Agena two-stage launch


Council Council


atm/d (ATM/D) a u t o m a t i c

at pres at present teller machine deposit

ATOC Allied Tactical Opera-

atps ambient temperature and atmds antitank mine-dispens-

tions Center

pressure–saturated with water ing system

atoll acceptance, test, or launch

vapor ATMI American Textile Manu-


atpu air transport pressurizing facturers Institute

atomdef atomic defense

unit atmos a t m o s p h e r e ; a t m o -

atomdev atomic device

atr advanced test reactor; ad- spheric(al)(1y)

atoms. automated technical or-

vanced tactical radar; air ATMOSPHERE Atmospheric

der maintenance sequence(s)

transport rating; antitrans- Monitoring System for Pro-

ATOM August Twenty-One

mit-receive; transmitter-re- tection of Health and Envi-

Movement (Philippines)

ceiver ronment from Risky Emis-


atr (ATR) after tax rate; audio- sions

tus Report

tape recorder atm press atmospheric pres-

aton at once

Atr Achilles tendon reflex sure

atorp antitorpedo; atomic tor-

ATR Admiralty Test Rating; atmr advance transport, me-


Advanced Test Reactor; Air dium-range

ATOS American Theatre Organ

Transport Rack; Association ATMS Air Traffic Management

Society; Association of Tem-

of Teachers of Russian; ocean System; Automatic Teller

porary Office Services

tug, rescue (3-letter naval Machine System(s); Auto-

atot actual time over target

symbol) matic Transmission Measur-

atp actual time of penetration;

ATR Admission Temporaire ing System

array transform processor;

Roulette (French—Tempo- ATMU Aircraft Torpedo Main-

authority to proceed

rary Admission on Wheels); tenance Unit

atp (ATP) adenosine triphos-

Anglican Theological Review atm/w (ATM/W) a u t o m a t i c

phate, material found in al-

ATRA American Television teller machine cash with-

most all terrestrial life

and Radio Artists; American drawal

atp a tout prix (French—at any


Tort Reform Association; Au- tomatic Transmission Re-

ATMX railcar used by the De-

ATP Acceptance Test(ing) Pro-

builders Association ping defense waste

cedure; adenosine triphos-

atran automatic terrain recog- atn actual test number; acute tu-

partment of Energy for ship-

phate; Admissions Testing

Program; Advanced Technol-

nition and navigation

atrax air-transportable commu- bular necrosis; augmented

ogy Program; Allied Techni-

nications complex transition network

cal Publication; Army Train-

atrc anti-tracking control

ATN Alabama, Tennessee, and

ing Program; Associated Tax

ATRC Air Traffic Regulation Northern (railroad)

Processors; Association of

Center ATNA A u s t r a l i a n Tr a i n e d

Tennis Professionals

atrd automatic target recogni- Nurses’ Association

ATP Accorde Transports Periss-

tion device atnav acoustic-transponder

able (French) European agree-

atr fib atrial fibrillation navigation

ment on international ship-

atrial atrial fibrillation atndt attendant

ment of perishable foodstuffs

atrid automatic target recogni- at. no. atomic number

atpa auxiliary turbopump as-

tion, identification, and detec- ATNP Atherton Tablelands Na-


tion tional Parks (Queensland)

ATPAS Association of Teach-

atrima as their respective inter- ato according to others; as-

ers of Printing and Allied

ests may appear sisted takeoff, arsenic triox-


ATRIS Air Traffic Regulation ide; automatic train opera-

ATPase adenosine triphosphate

Identification System (USA) tion

atpcc attitudes toward parental

atrl anti-tank rocket launcher; ATO Academy of Teachers of

control of children

atrial Occupations; Alternative

atpd ambient ternperature and

atrls actual time of release Trade Organization; Ammu-


atrm after torpedo room nition Technical Officer; Aus-

ATPE Association of Teachers

ATRM American Tax Reduc- tralian Taxation Office; ocean

in Penal Establishments

tion Movement tug, old (3-letter symbol)

ATPI American Textbook Pub-

atro actual time of return to op- ATOA Australian Transport Of-

lishers Institute

eration ficers Association

ATPM Association of Toilet

Paper Manufacturers

atrop atrophy

A Tr Ps

at w/od

attn attention cations (NATO)

A Tr Ps Allied Training Publi-

ATSFSD Air Traffic Service

atto attorney atrr advanced threat-reactive

Flight Services Division

ato atento (Spanish—atten- receiver; allocated transfer


tively); 10 –18 risk reserve

atsit automatic techniques for

attr attractive ATRS Australian Tape Record-

the selection and identifica-

attrd attributed ing Society

tion of targets

attrest(s) attitude arrest(s)— atrso accepts transfer as offered

ats/jea automated test system/

made by law-enforcement of- atrt anti-transmit-receive tube

jet engine accessories atsm advanced tactical stand-

ficers who dislike the atti- advanced technological satel-

ats absolute temperature scale;

off missile

tude(s) of the person(s) ar- lite; air-to-ship; air-turbine

ats/m air-turbine starter/motor

rested starter; anxiety-tension state;

ATSOA American Truck Stop

attrib attributive astronomical time switch

Owners Association

attrit attrition ATs Achievement Tests

ATSOCC Applications Tech-

ATTS Automatic Telemetry ATS Acoustic Transmission

nology Satellite Operations

Tracking System System; Acquisition and

Control Center (NASA)

ATTW Aircrew Training and Tracking System; Adminis-

ATS’s Advanced Technological

Test Wing trative Terminal System; Ad-


atty attorney vanced Technological Satel-

ATSSA A m e r i c a n Tr a ffi c

atty & c attorney and client lite; Aeronautical Training

Safety Services Association

Atty Gen Attorney General Society; Air Tactical School;

AtST Atlantic Standard Time

AT type adenine and thymine Air Traffic Services; Air

ATSU Association of Time-

type Transport Service; American

Sharing Users

atu alien tax unit; atomic time Theological Society; Ameri-

att attach; attempt; attorney

unit can Therapeutic Society;

a t & t all tacos and tamales

Atu Atinosphärenüberdruck American Trudeau Society;

(American Southwestern

American Travel Service;

roadside-stand short form);

(German—atmospheric ex- Anglican Truth Society; Ap-

always talking and talking

cess pressure) plications Technology Satel-

Att Attic(a)

ATU Alliance of Telephone lite; Army Technical School;

ATT Army Training Test

Unions; Amalgamated Transit Army Transport Service; As-

AT & T American Telephone

Union; Anchorage Telephone sociation of Theological

& Telegraph

U t i l i t y ; A n g l o - Tu r k i s h Schools; Automatic Transfer

A & TT Alcohol and Tobacco

Union; Anti-Terrorist Union; Service (bank accounts);


Anti-Terrorist Unit; Arab Auxiliary Territorial Service;

atta atenta (Spanish—atten-

Telecommunications Union salvage tug (naval symbol)


atum antitank nonmetallic ATSBNZ Associated Trustee

ATTA Association of Travel and

ATURM Amphibious Training Savings Banks of New

Tourist Agents (Singapore)

Unit–Royal Marines Zealand

ATTAIN A p p l i c a b i l i t y i n

atv (ATV) all-terrain vehicle; ATSC Air Technical Service

Transport and Traffic of Arti-

armored transport vehicle Command; American Traffic

ficial Intelligence

ATV Amateur Television; As- Safety Council

ATTC American Towing Tank

sociated Tele Vision ATSDR Agency for Toxic Sub-


ATV Akademiet for de Tekniske stances and Disease Registy

ATTDU Air Transport Tactical

Videnskaber (Danish— Acad- ATSE Alliance of Theatrical

Development Unit

emy of Technical Sciences) Stage Employees

atten attenuation, attenuator

atvm attenuator thermo-ele- Systems Committee

ATT & F Alcohol, Tobacco

ATSF Advanced Television

ment voltmeter ATSF Avion de Transport Su-

Tax, and Firearms (Division

of U.S. Treasury Dept.)

atvr armored transport vehicle personique Futur (French—

AttGen Attorney General

reconnaissance Supersonic Airplane of the

Att Gen Attorney General

at. vol atomic volume Future—French-British Con-

ATTI Association of Teachers

atw (ATW) antitank weapon corde)

in Technical Institutions

at/w atomic hydrogen weld AT & SF Atchison, Topeka,

Attica Facility Attica Correc-

at w/od automatic transmission and Santa Fe (railway)

tional Facility (for males) at

Attica, New York

with overdrive



ATW A d va n c e d Tr a i n i n g

AUCSRLFRVWAM A l l - Wing; American Theater

lands West Indies (airport);

Union Central Scientific Re- Wing; Atlantic & Western

Associated Unions of Amer-

search Laboratory for the (railroad)

ica; Austrian Airlines

Restoration of Valuable at/wb ampere turns per weber

A.U.A. Associate of the Univer-

Works of Art in Museums ATWE Association of Techni-

sity of Adelaide

auct auction(eer) cal Writers and Editors

AUAF Association of Univer-

auct auctorum (Latin—of au- ATWg Air Transport Wing

sity Affiliated Facilities

thors) (USAF)

AUAS Academy of Underwater

AUCTU All-Union Council of atws adjustable thermal wire

Arts and Sciences

Trade Unions stripper; automatic track

aub alstublieft (Dutch—please)

aud audible; audit; audition; while scanning

Aub Aubrey

auditor; auditorium at. wt. atomic weight

Aud (AUD) Australian dollar(s) ATWU A u s t r a l i a n Tex t i l e

AUB American University of

Aud a (Spanish— Workers Union


AUBC Association of Universi-

audiencia court of justice, hearing)

atx air taxi

AUDACIOUS Automatic Di- at. xpl atomic explosion

ties of the British Common-

rect Access to Information ATYP Australian Theatre for


with On-line UDC System Young People

AUBER Association for Uni-

versity Business and Eco-

audar autodyne detection and

ranging pographique Internationale

A Typ I A s s o c i a t i o n Ty -

nomic Research

aud disb auditor disburse- (French—International Typo-

AUBTW Amalgamated Union

ments graphic Association)

of Building Trade Workers

AUDDITS A u t o m a t e d D y - atyropt at your option

Auburn Facility Auburn Cor-

namic Digital Test System ATZ Air Traffic Zone

rectional Facility (for males)

Audel Theodore Audel au activity unit; angstrom unit;

at Auburn, New York

Aud Gen Auditor General antitoxin unit; arbitrary

auc average unit cost

Aud Gen Nav Auditor General unit(s); author; azauridine

a.u.c ab urbe condita (Latin—

of the Navy au aurum (Latin—gold)

from the founding of the city,

Audie Audry a.u. aures unitas (Latin—both

usually refers to Rome)

auding auditory hearing, listen- ears); au usum (Latin—ac-

AUC Aberystwyth University

ing, and understanding cording to custom)

College; American University

audio audiofrequency; audio- Au angstrom unit; astronomical

of the Caribbean; American

genic; audiogram; audiology; unit; gold (symbol)

University Club; Australian

audiometer; audiometry; au- AU Aarhus Universitet (Univer-

United Corporation; Austra-

diophile; audiovisual; audio- sity of Aarhus); Air Univer-

lian Universities Commission

visual aids; et cetera sity; Alfred University; Allen

AU of C American University

audiol audiologist; audiology University; American Univer-

of Cairo

audiom audiometer; audiomet- sity; Andrews University;

AUCA American Unitarian

ric(al)(ly); audiometrist Army Unit; Assumption Uni-

Christian Association

audiovis audiovisual; audiovi- versity; astronomical unit;


sual aids Atheists United; Atlanta Uni-

Canada, New Zealand, United

audre audio response; auto- versity; Auburn University;

Kingdom, United States

matic digit recognizer Australia (Internet code)

AUEC Association of Univer- AÜ Ankara Üniversitesi (Uni-

AUCANUKUS Australia, Can-

sity Evening Colleges versity of Ankara)

ada, United Kingdom, United

AUEW Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers ons


A/U advanced undersea weap-

AUCAS Association of Univer-

sity Clinical Academic Staff

AUF Australian Underwriters

Federation lishers

A & U Allen & Unwin Pub-

AUCC Association of Univer-

Aufdr Aufdrucke (German— Au 198 radioactive gold (symbol)

sities and Colleges of Canada

imprint) AU-23A Fairchild piston-pow-

AUCECB All Union Council of

Aufl Auflage (German—edition) ered STOL aircraft

Evangelical Christian Baptists

AUFL Americans United For AUA American Unitarian Asso-

Auck Auckland

Life ciation; American Urological

Aucklands Auckland Islands

AUFS American Universities Association; Aruba, Nether-

AUCOA Association of United

Contractors of America

Field Staff



AUFUSAF A r m y U n i t f o r

AUSCS Americans United for United States Air Force

AUP Acceptable Use Policy;

Separation of Church and aug augment; augmentation;

Andrews University Press;

State augmentative

Australian United Press

AusE Australian English Aug Augsburg; August; Au-

AUPE Amalgamated Union of

Ausg Ausgabe (German—edi- gusta; Augustan

Public Employees (Sin-

tion) Augember August and Sep-


Au sh Australian serum hepa- tember

AUPF Australian Uranium Pro-

titis Augie August; Augusta, Geor-

ducers Forum

AUSHC Australian High Com- gia; Augustine; Augustus

AUPG American University

mission augm augmentation

Publishers Group

AUSIMM Australian Institute augm augmente (French—aug-

AUPHA Association of Uni-

of Mining and Metallurgy mented)

versity Programs in Hospital

Aus Slang Australian Slang augra authority granted


AUSLFL All-Union State Li- August Augustine; Augustus

AUPO Association of University

brary of Foreign Literature aui adaptive user interface

Professors of Ophthalmology

(Moscow) AUI Associated Universities

AUPOSTCOM A u s t r a l i a n

AUSS Association of Univer- Incorporated

Postal Commission

sity Summer Sessions auj aujourd’hui (French—today)

aur auricle; auricular; auricu-

AUSSAT Australian Satellite Auk Auckland

laris; aurum

Aussie(s) Australian(s) aul above upper limit

Aur Auriga

AUR Adelaide University

Aust Australia; Australian Aust Alps Australian Alps of

AUL Aberdeen University Li-

Regiment; Association of

New South Wales and Victoria brary; Air University Li-

University Radiologists

Aust Cur Australian Current Life; American United Life

brary; Americans United for

AURA Association of Univer-

sities for Research in Astron-

Aust$ Australian dollar austen austenitic


omy; Automated Reasoning


Austen Australian sten gun Aust Engl Australian English

AULC American University

Language Center

aureq authority is requested

auld auld lang syne (Scot-

aur fib auricular fibrillation

(Cockney with Australian ac-

cents) tish—old times fondly re-

Auster Auster-Beagle light liai- membered)

Auri Auriga

AURI Angkatan Udara Repub-

son aircraft Austin Augustina; Augustine;

AULI As You Like It

lik Indonesia (Indonesian Air

AULLA Australasian Universi-

capital of Texas ties Language and Literature


AUSTIRAN Australian-Iran Association

auric auricular

Shipping Company aum (AUM) air-to-underwater

AURISA Australian Urban and

Aust J Phys Australian Journal missile

Regional Information Sys-

of Physics aum aumentado (Spanish—

tems Association

AUSTRAFORD Ford Motors augmented)

aurist. auristillae (Latin—ear

of Australia AUM Animal Unit Month; As-


Austrail Railways of Australia sociation of University Man-

aurora australis ( L a t i n —

austral unit of Argentina cur- agers

southern lights)

rency AUMLA Australian Universi-

aurora borealis (Latin—north-

Austral Australian ties Modern Language Asso-

ern lights)

Australas Australasian ciation

Aus Austin; Austria; Austrian

AUs Area Units (New Zealand)

Australasian Australia, Tasma-

nia, New Zealand, and islands (Latin—without annotation)

a. u. n. a b e s q u e u l l a n o t a

AUS Army of the United States;

of Melanesia AUNT Alliance for Undesir-

Austin, Texas (airport); Aus-

Australs Austral Islands of able but Necessary Tasks

tralian Union of Students

Polynesia, also called the auntie. automatic unit for na-

AUSA Assistant United States

Tubuais tional taxation and insurance

Attorney; Association of the

Austria Republic of Austria, (UK)

United States Army; Austra-

Republik Österreich AUO African Unity Organiza-

lian Universities Sports As-

AUSTRIATOM A u s t r i a n tion; Atlantic Union Oil


ausc auscultation

Atomic Energy Group

Austro-Hungarian Empire


Austro-Hungarian Empire

autosate automatic data sys- Austria, Bohemia, Bosnia,

autodin automatic digital net-

tems analysis technique Croatia, Moravia, Bukovina,


autoscript automated system Transylvania, Galicia, Hun-

autodoc automatic documen-

for composing, revising, illus- gary, and part of Yugoslavia


trating, and typesetting and Italy (1867–1918)

autodog automatic dog feeder

auto s & cv a u t o m a t i c Austronesia islands of South

autog autograph

stop-and-check valve Pacific from Madagascar in

auto. lean automatic lean

AUTOSERVCEN Automated Indian Ocean to Hawaiian Is-

autom automatic, automation;

Service Center lands in the Pacific

automobile; automotive

autosevocom automatic secure AUSUDIAP Association of

autom automobile (Italian—au-

voice communication(s) U.S. University Directors of

tomobile); automóvel (Portu-

autospec automated specifica- International Agricultural

guese—automobile); au-

tion(s) Programs

tomóvil (Spanish—auto-

autospot automatic system for aut autore (Italian—author)


positioning tolls Aut Autriche (French—Austria)

automag automatic-loading

AUTOSTATIS A u t o m a t i c AUT American Union Trans-

magnum (handgun)

Statewide Theft Inquiry Sys- port; Association of Univer-

Auto Mag Automobile Maga-

tem (California) sity Teachers


autostrad automated system AUTA Association of Univer-

automap automatic machining

for transportation data sity Teachers of Accounting


autosyn automatically syn- AUTE Association of Univer-

automast automatic mathe-

chronous sity Teachers of Economics

matical analysis and symbolic

autotr autotransformer AUTEC Atlantic Underwater


autotran automatic translation Test Evaluation Center

automát a u t o m á t i c a ; a u -

auto trans automatic trans- AUTELCOM Australian Tele-

tomático (Spanish—auto-

mission communications Commission


autovon automatic voice net- auth authentic; authenticate; au-

automatic automatic revolver

work thenticity; author; authority;

automation automatic opera-

auto w/od automatic (transmis- authorization; authorize(d)


sion) with overdrive Auth Authority

automtn automation

au tr aural training authab authorized abbreviation

auton autonomous; autonomy

autran automatic t a rg e t - r e c - (USAF)

autonet automatic network

ognition analysis Auth Ver Authorized Version

autop automatic pistol; autopsy

AUTRANAVS A u t o m a t e d AUT(I) Association of Univer-

autopet automatic pet feeder

Transponder Navigation sity Teachers (Ireland)

AUTOPIC Automatic Personal

System autiobio autobiograph; autobi-

Identification Code

AUT(S) Association of Univer- ographer; autobiographic(al);

autopilot automatic pilot

sity Teachers (Scotland) autobiography

autopistol automatic pistol

AUT(W) Association of Uni- autmwtr ck automatic water

AUTOPOLIS Automatic Po-

versity Teachers (Wales) check

licing Information System

AUU Association of Urban auto. automobile; automatic;

autoprom autoprompter (tape)

Universities automotive

autoprompt automatic pro-

auv administrative use vehicle; auto (Latin prefix—self)—auto-

gramming of machine tools

armored utility vehicle mobile (self-moving vehicle)

AUTOPROS Automated Pro-

Au virus Australian antigen autobird automatic bird feeder

cess Planning System

AUVMIS Administrative Use autocade automobile parade

AUTOPSY Automatic Operat-

Vehicle Management Infor- AUTOCAP Automobile Con-

ing System (IBM)

mation System (USA) sumer Action Programs(s)

auto pts automobile parts

AUVS Association of Un- autocat automatic cat feeder

autoqest automatic generation

manned Vehicle Systems autocolor automatic color (tv)

of requests

auw airframe unit weight autocom automated combustor

auto. recl automatic reclosing

auw (AUW) advanced under- (design code)

auto. rich automatic rich

water weapon(s) autodidac autodidact(ic)(al)

autorotic(s) automobile neu-

auwc a d va n c e d u n d e r s e a (ly)


autos automobiles; automatics

weapon circuitry



AUWE Admiralty Underwater

avcat aviation high-flash tur- Weapons Establishment

AVA Academy of Vocal Arts;

bine fuel aux auxiliary, auximones,

Aerodynamische Versuchsan-

Av Cert Aviation Certificate auxocardia

stalt ; Alaska Visitors Associ-

avcs atrioventricular conduc- aux (Greek—grow, increase)—

ation; American Video Asso-

tion system auxiliar ; (Spanish—auxil-

ciation; American Vocational

AVCS Advanced Videcon Cam- iary)

Association; Asbestos Vic-

era Systems; Assistant Vice aux m auxiliary machinery

tims of America; AudioVisual

Chief of Staff AUXOPS Auxiliary Opera-

Aids; Australian Veterinary

avd air vehicle detection; auto- tional Members (USCG)

Association; Australian Vol-

matic voice data; automatic auxrc auxiliary recording con-

unteers Abroad; Award(s) in

voltage digitizer trol

the Visual Arts

avd avdeling (Dano-Norwe- av acid value; anteversion; aor-

A-V A All-Volunteer Army

gian—part, section) tic valve; armored vehicle; ar-

AVAC Asociación Venezolana

AvD Automobil Club von Deut- teriovenous; assessed valua-

para la Avance de la Ciencia

schland (German—German t i o n ; a t r i ove n t r i c u l a r ;

(Spanish—Venezuelan Asso-

Automobile Club) auriculoventricular; average;

ciation for the Advancement

AVD Army Veterinary Depart- average; aviator; avoirdupois

of Science)

ment; high-speed seaplane av (AV) audiovisual

AVADS Autotrack Vulcan Air

tender (3-letter naval symbol) a-v atriventricular; audio-visual

Defense System

Avda avenida (Spanish—ave- av avril (French—April)

av/af anteverted/anteflexed

avail. available; availability


AVDA American Venereal Dis- a/v (A/V) ad valorem (Latin—

a v a vista (Italian—at sight)

aval availability; available

ease Association; American as valued)

Aval Pen Avalon Peninsula in

Veterinary Distributors Asso- aV attovolt


ciation Av Avenue; Aves; Avestan;

’Avana Havana

a-v difference arteriovenous Avian; Avila(n)

avasi abbreviated visual-ap-

concentration difference Av avenida (Portuguese or

proach slope indicator

AVDO Aerospace Vehicle Dis- Spanish—avenue); Avrum

AVASIS Abbreviated Visual

tribution Office(r) (Yiddish—Abraham)

Approach Slope Indicator

avdp avoirdupois AV American viewpoint; Anto-


avdth average depth nio Viivaldi; arteriovenous;

avb avbeta (Swedish—depar-

ave automatic volume expansion Artillery Volunteers; audiovi-


’ave have sual; Authorized Version;

AVB advanced aviation base

Ave Avenue aventurine (green); large sea-

ship (naval symbol)

AVE Asociación Venezolana de plane tender (naval symbol)

avbl armored vehicle bridge

Ejecutivos (Spanish—Venezu- AV alta voltagem (Portu-


elan Association of Executives) guese—high voltage); alto

avc (AVC) audio-visual con-

AVEA American Veterinary voltaggio (Italian—high volt-

nection; average variable cost

Exhibitors Association age); alto voltaje (Spanish—

av C avanti Cristo (Italian—be-

avec amplitude vibration ex- high voltage); Avtomat

fore Christ)

citer control Kalashnikov (Russian—

AVC American Veterans Com-

AVEM Association of Vacuum Kalashnikov automatic)—

mittee; Antelope Valley Col-

Equipment Manufacturers Soviet assault rifle

lege; Army Veterinary Corps;

Association of Virginia Col-

AVENSA Aerovias Venezolanas

(Spanish—Venezuelan Air- (she) lived (a given number

A. V. Anno Vixit [Latin—he

leges; Association of Visual

lines) of) years]

Communications; Associa-

AVERA American Vocational AV-8B U.S. Marine Corps

tion of Vitamin Chemists; Au-

Education Research Associ- fighter-bomber jump-jet (ca-

dio-Visual Center; automatic

ation pable of taking off and land-

volume control; average vari-

Averroes Abul-ibn-Roshd ing vertically)

able cost

Aves Los Aves—Bird Islands ava arteriovenous anastomosis;

AVCA acceleration vector con-

off Venezuela, west of azimuth versus amplitude

trol; allantoid vaginal cream;

Curaçao in the Caribbean ava (AVA) automatic voice

Australian Volunteer Coast-

avf arteriovenous filstula; azi- alarm

guard Association

AvCad Aviation Cadet

muthally varying field



AVF All-Volunteer Force;

AVN Air Vietnam American Vineyard Founda-

AVIP Association of View-data

AVNA Australian Visiting tion

Information Providers

Nurses Association avfr available for reassignment

AVIS Active Vibration Isolation

AVNMED Aviation Medicine avfuel aviation fuel


(DoD) avg average

AVISCO American Viscose

av node arterioventricular node Avg Avgust (Russian—August)


AVNOJ Antifasisticko Vijece AVG Army Volunteer Group

AVISPA Aerovias Interameri-

N a ro d n og 0 s l o b i d j e n j a Av Gar Avant Garde

canas de Panamá (Spanish—

Jugoslavije (Serbo-Croat— avgas aviation gasoline

Interamerican Airways of

Anti-Fascist Council of Na- avge average


tional Liberation of Yugo- avgp armored vehicle general-

avit (AVIT) audiovisual in-

slavia) purpose

struction(al) technology

avnrt atnoventricular nodal re- avh acute viral hepatitis

av JC a v a n t J é s u s C h r i s t

(French—before Jesus

entrant tachycardia

Avh Avhandlinger (Swedish— avo ampere-volt-ohm; avocado


transactions) AVO Allam Védelmi-Osztály

avl average versus length

AvH Alexander von Humboldt (Hungarian—Hungarian Se-

avl. available

avhrr advanced very-high-res- cret Soviet Police); avoid ver-

av l average length

olution radiometer bal orders

AVL Asheville, North Carolina

avi airborne vehicle identifica- Avog Avogadro


tion; air velocity index; auto- avoid airfield vehicle obstacle

avla amphibious vehicle land-

matic vehicle identification; indication device

ing area; amphibious vehicle

aviation AVOIDS Avionic Observation

launching area

AVI American Virgin Islands; of Intruder Danger System

AVLA Audio-Vimsual Lan-

Audio-Visual Institute; Auto- avoil aviation oil

guage Association

matic Vehicle Identification avoir avoirdupois

Av Labs Aviation Laboratories

avolo automatic voice link ob- d’Aviculture Scientifique


AVI Association Universelle

servation (French—Universal Associa-

avlb armored vehicle-launched

avos avocados tion of Scientific Aviculture)


AVLH Assam Valley Light

avozvots average Australian Aviaco Aviación y Comercio


voters (Spanish airline)

AVLINE A u d i ov i s u a l s

avp arginine vasopressin AVIADOR Avery Videodisc

On-Line (computer retrieval

AVP Assistant Vice President; Index of Architectural Draw-


seaplane tender, small (3-let- ings on RLIN (Research Li-

avlm anti-vehicle land mine

ter symbol); Wilkes-Barre/ braries Information Network)

avloc airborne visible-laser op-

Scranton airport at Avoca, AVIANCA Aerovias Naciona-

tical communication

Pennsylvania les de Colombia (National

AVLS Automatic Vehicle Loca-

AVP A r u b a Vo l k s p a r t i e Airlines of Colombia)

tion System

(Dutch—Aruba People’s AVIATECA Empresa Guate-

avlub aviation lubricant

Party) malteca de Aviacion (Guate-

avm automatic voting machine

avpv anteroventral periventric- malan Aviation Enterprise)

avm (AVM) arteriovenous mal-

ular nucleus avica advanced video endos-


avr aircraft rescue vessel; ar- copy image communication

AVM Air Vice Marshal; Allied

mored vehicle reconnais- and analysis

Victory Medal; guided-mis-

sance; aortic valve replace- AVID Advancement Via Indi-

sile ship (naval symbol)

ment vidual Determination (educa-

AVMA American Veterinary

AVR Army Volunteer Reserve tional program); American

Medical Association; Audio-

AVRA Audio-Visual Research Veterinary Identification De-

Visual Management Associa-

Association vice; Audio-Visual Instruc-


Avram (Hebrew—Abraham) tion Department

AVMF Aviatsiya Voenno Mor-

AVRE Armored Vehicle Royal avigation aircraft navigation

skikh Flota (Russian—Soviet

Engineers aviob aviation observation

Naval Aviation)

AVRI Animal Virus Research avionics aviation and astronau-

avn atrioventricular node; avia-

Institute tics electronics


Avn Avonmouth

AVRO A.V. Roe (Ltd.)



AVRO Algemeene Vereniging

awac airborne warning and Radio 0mroep (Dutch—Gen-

avtur aviation turbine fuel

control eral Broadcasting Associa-

AVUS Automobile Versuchs and

AWAC American Women’s tion)

Untersuchungs Strecke (Ger-

Army Corps AVROS Algemeene Vereniging

m a n — A u t o m o b i l e Te s t

AWACS Airborne Warning and van Rubberplanters ter Oost-


Control Systems kust van Sumatra (Dutch—

avv avvocato (Italian—advo-

AWADS All-Weather Aerial General Association of Rub-


Delivery System ber Plantations of the East

av vales atrioventricular (heart)

AWAE Automotive Wholesal- Coast of Sumatra)


ers Association Executives avrp atrioventricular refractory

av w average width

AWAIK Abused Women’s Aid period; audiovisual recording

AVWV Antilliaans Verbond van

in Crisis and presentation

Werknemers Verenigingen

AWAL American-West African AVRS Army Veterinary Re-

(Dutch—Antillean Confeder-

Line mount Service; Audiovisual

ation of Workers’ Unions)

AWAM Association of West Recording System

AVX Avalon Bay, Catalina Is-

avrt atrioventricular reentrant African Merchants

land, California (airport)

tachycardia AWANS Aviation Weather and

aw abandoned woman; above

avs adaptive variable suspen- Notice to Airmen System

water; acid waste; actual

sion; aerospace vehicle simu- awar area-weighted average

weight; air-to-water; air

lation; area vocation school(s) resolution

warning; air weapon; am-

aware advance warning equip- ety; Association for Voluntary

phibious warfare; anterior

AVS American Vacuum Soci-

ment Sterilization; aviation supply

wall; antiwear; atomic war-

fare; atomic weight; auto-

AWARE Actively Working ship (naval symbol)

matic weapons(s)

Against Racism and Ethno- A-V S Anti-Vivisection Society

aW attowatt

centrism; Addiction Workers AVSA African Violet Society of

Aw A n t w e r p e n ( D u t c h —

Alerted to Rehabilitation and America


Education (NYC); Associa- AVSC Audio-Visual Support

a/w actual weight; all-water;

tion for Women’s Active Re- Center (USA)

turn to Education AVSECOM Aviation Security


AWARS Airborne Weather and Command (Philippines)

a & w alive and well

AW Air Work, Ltd.; American

Reconnaissance System AVSL Assistant Venture Scout

Welding; Articles of War;

AWAS Acoustic Wave Analysis Leader; Association of Visual

Aruba (Internet code); distill-

System; Australian Women’s Science Librarians

ing ship (naval symbol)

Army Service avst automated visual-sensi-

A-W Addison-Wesley Pub-

AWASA Australian Women’s tivity test(er)


Army Service Association AVSYCOM Aviation Systems

A & W Atlantic & Western

AWASM A s s o c i a t e o f t h e Command (USA)


Westem Australia School of avt audiovisual tutorial; argin-

awa absent without authority;

Mines ine vasotocin

advise when able

awasp advanced weapons am- Avt Allen vision test

AWA Air Warfare Analysis;

munition supply point AVT Adult Vocational Training;

All-Weather Attack; Alumi-

awb air waybill auxiliary aircraft transport

num Wares Association;

AWB A g r i c u l t u r a l Wa g e s (naval symbol); Aviation

America West Airlines,

Board (UK); Arizona White Medicine Technician

American Warehousemen’s

Battalion (neo-Nazi group); avta automatic vocal transac-

Association; American Watch

Australian Wheat Board; tion analyzer

Association; American Wa-

Australian Wine Board; Aus- AVTC Army Vocational Train-

terfowl Association; Ameri-

tralian Wool Board; Austra- ing Center

can Wine Association; Amer-

lian Wool Bureau av tmp average temperature

ican Woman’s Association;

AWBA American Wholesale AVTP Adult Vocational Train-

American Wrestling Alliance;

Booksellers Association; ing Program

Army Wives Association; As-

American World Boxing As- AVTRW Association of Veteri-

sociation of Women in Archi-

sociation nary Teachers and Research

tecture; Aviation/Space Writ-

AWB/CN Air Waybill or Con- Workers

ers Association

AWA All the World’s Aircraft

signment Note



AWC Air War College; Ameri-

awk awkward can Watershed Council; Air

AWED American Woman’s

AWK Wake Island (airport) Warfare Coordination; Amer-

Economic Development

awkm a wonderfully knowl- ican Wool Council; Anaconda

A Weld I Associate of the

edgeable man Wire & Cable (stock exchange

Welding Institute

awl absent with leave; adminis- symbol); Area Wage & Classi-

AWES Army Waterways Ex-

trative weight limitation; all- fication (office); Arizona

periment Station; Association

weather landing; artesian well Western College; Army War

of Western European Ship-

lease College; Army Weapons Com-


Awl Soviet infrared or radar- mand; Army Work Corps;

awf all-weather fighter; aw-

guidance system (NATO Australian Whaling Commis-


nickname) sion; Australian Wool Corpo-

a wf acceptable work-load fac-

AWL Animal Welfare League ration

tor; adrenal weight factor

AWLC Association of Women AWC Amgueddfa Werin Cymru

AWF African Wildlife Founda-

Launderers and Cleaners (Welsh Folk Museum)

tion; American Wildlife

AWLF African Wildlife Lead- AWCC Australian Wine Con-

Fo u n d a t i o n ; A u s t r a l i a n

ership Foundation sumer’s Cooperative

Wheat-growers Federation

AWLNET Area Wide Library awcls all-weather carrier land-

AWFS All-Weather Fighter

Network ing system


AWLOGS Army Wholesale awcm acoustic warfare counter-

AWG American Wire Gage; Art

Logistic System measures

Workers Guild; Australian

AWLS All-Weather Landing AWCO Area Wage and Classi-

Writers Guild

System fication Office

AWH Association of Western

awm automatic washing ma- awcs agency-wide coding

Hospitals; Australian

chine; awaiting maintenance structure

Women’s Hospital

AWM American War Mothers; AWCS Air Weapons Control

AWHA Australian Women’s

Association of Women Math- System

Home Army

ematicians; Australian Wall- AWCSSI Army War College

AWhitman Albert Whitman

covering Manufacturers; Strategic Studies Institute


Australian War Memorial AWCU Association of World

AWHPS Association of White

AWMA American Wholesale Colleges and Universities

House Press Secretaries

Marketers Association awcw airborne warning and

awi anterior wall infarction

AWMF Andrew W. Mellon control system

AWI Air Warfare Instructor;

Foundation awd all-wheel drive; award

All-Weather Interceptor;

awmi anterior wall myocardial AWD Action for World Devel-

American Watchmakers In-

stitute; Animal Welfare In-


AWMPF Australian Wool and opment; Air Warfare Divi-

stitute; Architectural Wood-

Meat Producers Federation sion; Air Worthiness Division

work Institute; Australian

awn awning AWDA Automotive Warehouse

Welding Institute; Austra-

AWN Activation Work Notice; Distributors Association

lian Wire Industry; Austra-

Automated Weather Network awdats artillery weapons data

lian Wool Industries

AWngSvc Air Warning Service transmission system

AWIA American Wood In-

AWNL Australian Women’s AWDCS Alternate Waste Dis-

spection Agency

National League posal Concepts Study

awips advanced weather infor-

AWNP American White Na- awdr advanced weapon-deliv-

mation processing system

tionalist Party ery radar

AWIPS Advanced Weather In-

AWNY Advertising Women of awdrey atomic weapons detec-

teractive Processing System

New York tion, recognition and yield

AWIRA American Wax Import-

AWO Accounting Work Or- awe accepted weight estimate;

ers and Refiners Association

der; Admiralty Weekly Or- advise when established; av-

AWIS Association of Women in

der; American Waterways erage weekly earnings


Operators AWEA American Wind Energy

AWIU Agricultural Workers In-

awol a wolf on the loose; absent Association; Australian Wind

dustrial Union; Allied Work-

without leave; absent without Energy Association

ers International Union; Alu-

official leave AWEASVC Air Weather Ser-

minum Workers International

AWOP All-Weather Operations vice


awiy as we informed you

Panel Panel


awp amusements with prizes;

AWU A l u m i n u m Wo r ke r s automatic withdrawal plan

tem; Alston Wilkes Society;

American War Standards;

Union; Australian Workers

Union Point (railroad)

A & WP Atlanta and West

American Watercolor Soci-

AWVS American Women’s AWPA Academy of Wind and

ety; American Weather Ser-

Volunteer Service Percussion Arts; American

vice; American Welding Soci-

aww average weekly wage Wire Producers Association;

ety; Amphibious Warfare

AWWA American Water Works American Wood Preservers

School; Army Welfare Ser-

Association; Asian Women’s Association; American Wood

vice; Association of Winery

Welfare Association; Austra- Products Association; Austra-

Suppliers; Atlas Weapon Sys-

lian Water and Wastewater lian Women Pilots Associa-

tem; Attack Warning System;

Association tion

Automatic Warning System;

awwf all-weather wood founda- AWPB American Wood Pre-

Automatic Weather Station;

tion(s) servers Bureau

Aviation Weather Service

AWWU A m e r i c a n Wa t c h A-WPC Addison-Wesley Pub-

AWSA American Water Ski As-

Workers Union lishing Company

sociation; American Woman

awx (AWX) all-weather aircraft AWPI American Wood Pre-

Suffrage Association; Associ-

awy airway servers Institute

ation of Wisconsin School

ax attack experimental (air- AWPL Australia-West Pacific


craft) Line

AWSCPA American Woman’s

ax. axiom(atic); axes; axis AWPPW Association of West-

Society of Certified Public

AX A-12 fighter plane; Ameri- ern Pulp-Paper Workers


can Air Export & Import AWPs Allied Weather Publica-

AWSF Australian Wholesale

Company (stock exchange tions

Softgoods Federation

symbol) awr adaptive waveform recog-

AWSG A r m y Wo r k S t u d y

A/X Armament Exchange nition


AXAF Advanced X-ray Astro- AWR Arctic Wildlife Refuge

AWSJ Asian Wall Street Journal

physics Facility (Alaska); Australian Wire

AWSM Association for Women

axbt a i r c r a f t - ex p e n d a b l e Rope

in Sports Media

bathythermograph AWRA American Water Re-

AWSOS Army Women’s Ser-

axd auxiliary drum sources Association; Austra-

vices Officers School

axe (AXE) automatic elec- lian Welding Research Asso-

AWSP Association of Washing-

tronic exchange ciation; Australian Wool

ton School Principals

AXF Advanced X-ray Facility Realization Agency

AW & ST Aviation Week &

axfl axial flow AWRC Australian Water Re-

Space Technology

axgrad axial gradient sources Council

awt advanced waste treatment

axidnt accident AWRE Atomic Weapons Re-

AWT Aero-elastic Wind Tun-

axio axiological(ly); axiologist; search Establishment

nel; Arctic Warfare Training;

axiology; axiom; axiom- AWRF American Wire Rope

Associate in Wildlife Tech-

atic(al)(ly) Fabricators


axmin(s) axminster(s) AWRIS Army War Room In-

AWTA American Working Ter-

AXO Assistant Experimental formation System

rier Association; Australian

Officer AWRNCO Aircraft Warning

Wool Testing Authority

Axon Axelson (Swedish—son Company (Marines)

AWTAO Association of Water

of Axel) AWRO Atomic Weapon Retro-

Transportation Accounting

AXP Allied Exercise Publica- fit Order


tion AWRT American Women in

AWTC Army Watership Train-

Ay Ayala Radio and Television

ing Center

Ay Ayios (Modern Greek—Holy) aws adjustable wire stripper;

AWTE Association for World

AY Allied Youth; Ayrshire Yeo- advanced warning system

Travel Exchange

manry AWS Air Warning Service; Air

AWTEW All’s Well That Ends

AYA American Yachtsmen’s Warning Squadron; Air Warn-


Association ing System(s); Air Weapon

AWTI Air Weapons Training

ayat ayatollah (Arabic—inter- Systems; Air Weather Ser-


preter of Muslim law)—a re- vice; Aircraft Warning Ser-

awtss all-weather tactical strike

ligious leader among Shiite vice; Aircraft Warning Sys-


awu atomic weight unit




AYC A l b a ny Ya c h t C l u b ;

Az I Azores Islands American Yacht Club; Amer-

AYSC Army Youth Selection

AZI American Zinc Institute ican Youth Congress; Arthur


Azië (Dutch—Asia) Young & Company; Atlantic

AYSO American Youth Soccer

az ld azure laid (paper) Yacht Club; Audubon Yacht


azm azimuth Club

AYT Army Youth Team

azon azimuth only AYD American Youth for De-

aytng anything

Azores Azores Islands in the mocracy

az azure

North Atlantic far to the west ayer (Malay—water); (Span-

az (AZ) azimuth

of Portugal ish—yesterday)

a Z aan Zee (Dutch—on sea);

Azorín José Martínez Ruiz Ayers Ayers Rock National

auf Zeit (German—on ac-

Ayer NW Ayer and Son

count, on credit)

Azov Sea of Azov (landlocked Park, in Australia’s Northern

a/z aan zee (Dutch—on sea)

body of water between Territory, features a colossal

Az azimuth; Azores; Aztec; Az-

Ukraine and Russia) red sandstone rock—the

tecan; azure

Azr Azores world’s largest monolith

AZ Azote (Greek—nitrogen)

azran azimuth and range ayf anti-yeast factor

AZ Active Zone; Alitalia (Ital-

AZRI Arid Zone Research In- AYF Australian Yachting Fed-

ian International Airlines);

stitute eration

Alzheimer’s disease; Arizona;

azrock asbestos rock AYH American Youth Hostels

Azerbaijan (Internet code)

Azru Aztec Ruins National AYHA American Youth Hostel

A-Z Ascheim-Zondek (preg-

Monument Association; Australian Youth

nancy test)

azs automatic zero set Hostels Association

A to Z from the beginning to

AzSEA Arizona Society of En- AYI Academic Year Institute

the end; thoroughly

rolled Agents (NSF)

AZ Akademisch Ziekenhuis

azt azusa transponder Ayla Aylett; Aylmar; Aylmer;

(Dutch—Academic Hospital)

azt (AZT) azidothymidine, one Aylsworth; Aylward; Aylwin

AZA American Zionist Assoc-

of several drugs used in the AYLC Association of Young


treatment of AIDS Launderers and Cleaners

Azania South Africa’s name ac-

Azt Aztec; Aztecan Aym Aymara

cording to African nationalists

AZT Ascheim-Zondek Test AYM Ancient York Mason; An-

AZAPO Azania People’s Orga-

aztc azusa transponder coherent cient York Masonry

nization (militant South Afri-

can Blacks)

AYM-YWHAs Association of

Aztec Ruins Aztec Ruins Na- Young Men-Young Women’s

tional Monument, New Mexico Hebrew Associations of

azas adjustable-zero adjustable


A-Z Test A s c h e i m - Z o n d e k Greater New York

Azb Azerbaijan; Azerbaijani;

Test (for pregnancy) AYP Alaska-Yukon Pacific;


aztran azimuth from transit Alaska-Yukon Pioneers

AZC American Zionist Council

Azuero Pen Azuero Peninsula AYPE Alaska-Yukon Pacific

azel azimuth elevation

in northwestern Panama Exposition

Azer Azerbaijan

azur azauridine ayr all-year ’round

AZF American Zionist Feder-

azusa azimuth, speed, altitude Ayr Ayrshire


az wo azure wove (paper) AYSA American Yarn Spinners

azg azaguanine

azy azyme (matzos, unleavened Association

AZGS Azusa Ground Station

azi azimuth

bread) bread)

b7d buyer (has) seven days (to bass (instruments or voices);

B Baai (Afrikaans or Dutch—

pay) bats; bicuspid; birth; bitumi-

bay); Bad (German—bay);

B7D buyer has seven days to nous; black; blinkers; blue;

Bahia (Spanish—bay); Baia

pay boatswaine; bondsman; book;

(Portuguese—bay); Baie

B7F Boeing 707 fan jet airplane born; brass; breadth; bridge;

(French—bay); Baja (Span-

B8H Boosey and Hawkes brother; bulb (camera expo-

ish—lower); bajar (Span-

B-25 World War II light bomber sure device); bus; wing span

ish—to descend) Ban (Indo-

called the Mitchell (symbol)

Chinese—bay); Bay (Turkish

—Mister) Bir (Arabic—cis-

B-26 modernized Douglas B-26

b. bis (Latin—twice)

tern, well); Bucht (Ger-

Invader renamed Counter In-

b bas (French—down); span

man—bay); bueno (Span-


B-47 Stratojet all-weather stra- (symbol in newspaper stock

B annual rate plus stock dividend



tegic medium bomber listings); Bacillus; bad; balboa


B-52 Stratofortress all-weather (Panamanian currency); Bal-

B’ Ben (Hebrew—son, son of)

intercontinental strategic tic; bandwidth; Barber Lines;

b 1 booster 1

heavy bomber bass; bassoon; bastard;

B+ B-plus; B-positive

B-57 Canberra two-place twin- Baume; Baume scale; bay; Be-

B–1 B-minus; B-negative (bat-

engine turbojet all-weather atrice (Beatrice Foods); Beech;

tery terminal); North Ameri-

tactical bomber Belgium (auto plaque); belted;

can-Rockwell strategic super-

B-58 Hustler strategic all- Bendix; Benoist scale; unit of

sonic bomber

weather supersonic bomber marijuana measurement con-

B 1 thiamine vitamin

B-66 Destroyer twin-engine sisting of just enough to fill a

B-1B Rockwell International

turbo-jet tactical all-weather small matchbox; benzene;

long-range supersonic swept-

light-bombardment aircraft body; Boeing; boils at; bolivar

wing bomber

B 77 Bratislava 77 (viral) strain (Venezuelan currency); bolivi-

b 1 p booster 1 pitch

B-707 one of a Boeing aircraft ano (Bolivian currency);

b 1 y booster 1 yaw

series bomber; bonded; borderline;

B-747 Boeing jumbo jet aircraft boron; Boston; bowels;

b 2 booster 2

ba baby addict; bachelor; bad at- Bravo—code for letter B; Brit-

b2b (B2B) business to business

b2c (B2C) business to con-


titude; baptized; base line; bath; bath(room); batting average;

blind approach; bomb aimer; Brother; Bruning; Buddhist;

ish; brightness (symbol);

B 2 riboflavin vitamin

broken appointment Bulb (camera setting); Bull

B-2 Advanced Technology

b-a bare ass(ed); naked; un- Lines; buoyancy; Burroughs;

Fighter aircraft

clothed contrabass; flux density (sym-

B2F Boeing 320 fanjet air-

b/a backache; billed at; boric bol); Fraunhofer line caused by

plane; Boeing 720 fan jet air-

acid; budget authority; bud- terrestrial oxygen


get authorization; budget au- B/ balboa (Panamanian cur-

b 2 p booster 2 pitch

thorized rency unit)

b 2 y booster 2 yaw

b.a. balneum arenae (Latin— °B degrees Baumé

B3F Boeing 320 aircraft

b4 before

sand bath)

Ba 140


Ba Baia (Portuguese—Bahia);

Bac. Baccalaureus (Latin— barium (symbol)

BAAL Black Academy of Arts

Bachelor) BA Bank of America; Basic Air-

and Letters; British Associa-

BAC Bendix Aviation Corpora- man; Bellas Artes (Fine Arts);

tion for Applied Linguistics

tion; Black Action Commit- Belt Association; Bengal

BAAP Bilateral Aid to Asia and

tee; Blair Athol Coal; blood Army; Berkshire Athenium;

Pacific (program)

alcohol concentration, Boe- Bettmann Archive; Bombay

BAAR Board of Aviation Acci-

ing Airplane Company; born- Army; Boreal-Asiatic; Boston

dent Research

again Christian; British Air- & Albany (railroad); British

BAAS British Association for

craft Corporation; British As- Academy; British Admiralty;

the Advancement of Science

sociation of Chemists; Bu- British Airways (airline code);

bab (Arabic—gate, strait)

reau of Air Commerce; British Army; British Associ-

Bab Barbara; Babbitt; Baboo

Business Advisory Council ation (for the Advancement of

(Anglo-Inthan dialect); Baby-

(U.S. Department of Com- Science); Budget Authority;

lon; Babylonia; Babylonian;

merce); Business Archives Buenos Aires; Bureau of Ac-

WS Gilbert

Council of Australia counts; Bureau of Apprentice-

BAB British Airways Board;

BAC B a i l e A t h a C l i a t h ship; Busted Aristocrat (an of-

BT Babbitt (Babo cleanser)

(Gaelic—Dublin) ficer reduced to the ranks)

BABA British Antiquarian

BAC-145 British Jet Provost B-A Basses-Alpes

Bookseller’s Association

trainer aircraft

BACA British Aerospace Com- (Latin—Bachelor of Arts)

Babars Babar Islands of Indo-

B.A. Baccalaureus Artium

mercial Aircraft; Business B/A Bank of America; British


and Consumer Affairs American (oil company)

babb babbit metal

Babbie Barbara

Consultants in Agriculture (railroad); Boston & Albany

babbitt babbitt metal (named

BACAH British Association of

B & A Bangor & Aroostook

and Horticulture (railroad)

for its inventor, Isaac Babbitt

BACAIC B o e i n g A i r p l a n e BA Bayerische Landesbank

of Taunton, Massachusetts)

Company Algebraic Interpre- (German—Bavarian National

Babb’s computer B a b b a g e ’s

computer (the first computer)

tive Computing

Bank); Biological Abstracts; BACAICS Boeing Airplane

BABEL Broadcasting Across

Bonne Action (French-Good Company Algebraic Inter-

the Barriers of European Lan-

Deed); Bowker Annual; Busi- preter Coding System


ness Automation ; Britannica BACAL Butter and Cheese As-

Babette Elizabeth

Atlas sociation Limited

BABI Brooke Army Burn Insti-

baa benzoyl arginine amide; BACAN British Association for

tute (San Antonio, Texas)

bleat of a sheep; brigade ad- the Control of Aircraft Noise

Babines Babine Mountains of

ministrative area bacat barge aboard catamaran

British Columbia

Baa Baal; Baalam BACAT Barge Canal Traffic

bab met babbitt metal

BAA Brewers Association of bac bag bactine bag

Babo Boolean approach for

America; British Acetylene B.Acc. Bachelor of Accoun-

bivalent optimization; BT

Association; British Airports tancy

Babbitt detergent scouring

Authority; British Archeolog- BACC British-American Col-


ical Association; British As- lector’s Club

babord ( N o r w eg i a n — l a r-

tronomical Association; Bu- BA & CC Billiards Associa-

board) port side

reau of African Affairs tion and Control Council

Babs blind approach beacon

B.A.A. Bachelor of Applied BACCHUS B o o s t A l c o h o l


Arts Consciousness Concerning

Bab(s) Barbara

BAAA British American Arts Health of University Stu-

BABS Babbage Society; Blind-

dents; British Aircraft Corpo- Association; British Associ-

Approach Beacon System

ration Commercial Habitat ation of Accountants and Au-

BABT Brotherhood of Associ-

Under the Sea ditors

ated Book Travelers

BACD Boeing Airplane Com- BAAB British Amateur Athletic

Baby Babylon(ia); Babylonian


bac bacilli; bacillus; bacteria;

pany Design

bace basic automatic checkout BAAC Bank of Agriculture and

bacterial; bacterial antigen

equipment Agricultural Cooperatives

complex; bacteriologist; bac-

BACE British Association of (Thailand)

teriology; blood-alcohol con-

Consulting Engineers; Bu- BAADS Bangor Air Defense

centration; blood-alcohol

reau of Agricultural Chemis- Sector

content; buccoaxiocervical

try and Engineering BAAF Brigade Airborne Alert

bac (BAC) binary asymmetric

BACGA British-Australian Force


Cotton Growing Association BAAG British Army Aid Group

bac bachot (French abbrevia-

bach bachelor Baal Baalbek

tions for baccalaureat)—ba-

chot also means ferryboat

Bach (German—brook, stream)

B.A. Chem.


BAEF Belgian-American Edu- Chemistry

B.A. Chem. Bachelor of Arts in

BADD Bartenders Against

cational Foundation; British- bach girl(s) bachelor girl(s)

D r u n k D r iv i n g ; B l a c k s

American Educational Foun- bachot (French—baccalau-

Against Drunk Driving; Both-

dation reat, also means “ferryboat”)

ered About Dungeons and

Ba enem barium enema Bach Soc Bach Society


BAEng. Bureau of Agricultural BACI Brazilian-American Cul-

baddies bad ones

Engineering tural Institute

baddie(s) bad guy(s)—incorri-

baer (BAER) brainstem audi- BACIE British Association for

gible criminal(s)

tory-evoked response Commercial and Industrial

Baden Baden-Baden

baf baffle; bunker adjustment Education

Baden ( G e r m a n — B a t h s ) —

Baden bei Wien (Baden near


ba & f budget, accounting, and back. backwardation

finance BAF Admiral Bradley Allen grants from Mexico)

Vienna) and Baden-Baden

’backs wetbacks (illegal immi-

near Karlsruhe, Germany

Fiske (inventor of many naval BACM British Association of

BADGE Basic Air Defense

instruments); British Air Colliery Management

Ground Environment

Force; Burma Air Force; Bu- BACMA British Aromatic and

BADGES Base Air Defense

rundi Air Force Compound Manufacturers

Ground Environment System

BAFCom Basic Armed Forces Association

badhouse bawdyhouse

Communication Plan BACNATO British Atlantic

Badian(s) Barbadian(s)

BAFF British Air Forces in Committee of NATO

B.Admin. Bachelor of Admin-

France BACO British Aluminum Com-


bafflegab ambiguous expres- pany

Bad Reich Bad Reichenhall

sions (see Bafflegab adden- BACP Blair Athol Coal Pty

(German bath close to

dum) BACS Ben Asia Container

Salzburg, Austria)

BAFG British Air Forces in Service

BADS British Association of

Greece bact bacteria; bacteriological;

Dermatology and Syphilology

Bad-Württemberg ( G e r m a n

bafgab bafflegab—see Baffle- gab addendum

bacteriologist; bacteriology;

BAFL Baltic-American Free- bacterium


dom League BACT Best Available Control

bae Beacon antenna equipment

BAFM British Association of Technology

Ba e barium enema

Forensic Medicine; British bacter bacteriologist

Bae British Aerospace

Association of Friends of Mu- bacteriol bacteriologic(al)(ly);

BAE Board of Architectural

seums bacteriologist; bacteriology

Examiners; Bureau of Agri-

BAFMA British and Foreign bactrian bactrian camel (two-

cultural Economics; Bureau

Maritime Agencies hump camel of Asia)

of American Ethnology

BAFO British Air Forces of Oc- BACU Battle Area Control Unit

BA of E Badminton Associa-

cupation; British Army Bad Badajoz

tion of England

Forces Overseas Bad (German—bath)—short

B.A.E. Bachelor of Aeronauti-

BAFS British Academy of Fo- form for more than a hundred

cal Engineering; Bachelor of

rensic Science Austro-German hydrothera-

Agricultural Engineering;

BAFSEA British Air Forces, peutic resorts ranging from

Bachelor of Architectural En-

South-East Asia Bad Abbach to Bad Zwis-

gineering; Bachelor of Art

BAFSC British Association of chenahn

Education; Bachelor of Arts

Field and Sports Contractors BAD Bantu Administration and

in Education

BAFSV British Armed Forces Development; Base Air De-

BAE Buque Armada Ecuatori-

ana (Spanish—Ecuadorian

Special Vouchers BAFT Bankers Association for

pot; Benefit Assessment Dis-

Foreign Trade trict; Berlin Airlift Device;

Naval Ship) BAEA British Actors’ Equity

BAFTA British Academy of Black, Active, and Deter-

Film and Television Arts BAFTM British Association of tion; British Association of


mined; British Army Delega-

BAEC British Agricultural Ex-

Fishing Tackle Makers Dermatology

port Council

bag. bagasse; baggage; ballis- BADA Base Air Depot Area;

B.A.Econ. Bachelor of Arts in

tic attack game; buccoaxiog- British Antique Dealers’ As-


ingival sociation

B.A.Ed. Bachelor of Arts in Ed-

Bag Baghdad BADAS Binary Automatic Data


B.Ag. Bachelor of Agriculture Annotation System

BAED British Airways Euro-

BAG Beaverbrook Art Gallery badc binary asymmetric depen-

pean Division

BAGA British Amateur Gym- dent channel

B.Ae.E. Bachelor of Aeronauti-

cal Engineering

nastics Association



BAGBI Booksellers Associa-

Balanchine Georgy Melitonov- tion of Great Britain and Ire-

baib beta-amino-isobutyric

ich Balanchivadze land


bal. arenae balneum arenae BAGDA British Advertising

BAIC Bureau of Agricultural

(Latin—sandbath) Gift Distributors Association

and Industrial Chemistry

balast balloon astronomy B.Ag.E. Bachelor of Agricul-

baid boolean array identifier

Balaton Lake Balaton, central tural Engineering

BAIE British Association of In-

Europe’s largest lake, nick- bagg buffered azide glucose

dustrial Editors

named the Hungarian Ocean glycerol

BAINS Basic Advanced Inte-

Balb Balboa B.Agr. Bachelor of Agriculture

grated Navigation System

balboa unit of currency in Pan- BAGR Bureau of Aeronautics

BAIO British Air Intelligence

ama General Representative


balc balconette; balconied; bal- B.Agr.Eco. Bachelor of Agri-

bait. bacterial automated iden-

cony cultural Economics

tification technique

Bald Baldwin B.Agric. Bachelor of Agriculture

B.A.J. Bachelor of Arts in Jour-

Baldie Archibald; Baldassare; BAGS Bombing and Gunnery


Baldomero; Balduin; Baldur; School

Baja Baja California (Span-

Baldwin; Baldwina B.Ag.Sc. Bachelor of Agricul-

baldie(s) bald person(s) tural Science Bah Bahamas; Bahia; Bahrain

ish—Lower California) Bajan Barbarian (inhabitant of

Barbados); Barbadian En-

BaIdy Baldemar; Baldram;

Baldred; Baldrey; Baldric; BAH Bahrain Island, Persian

glish; Barbadian people; per-

Baldur; Baldwin Gulf (airport); British Air-

Balearics Balearic islands of ways Helicopters

taining to Barbados

Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, For- B-A H British-American Hos-

Baja Norte Baja California

Norte (Spanish—Northern

mentera, Aire, Aucanada, Botafoch, Cabrera, Dragon-


Baja California—Mexican

Baha’l (Abdul) Baha Bahai

state including Ensenada,

Bahm Bahamas (whose capital

Balgol Burroughs algebraic is Nassau)

Mexicali, Tecate, and Tjuana

era, Pinto, and El Rey

compiler Bahamas Commonwealth of the Bahamas off coast of

Baja Sur Baja California Sur

BALH British Association for Local History Cuba (discovered by Colum-

(Spanish—Southern Baja

California)—Mexican terri-

tory including Cabo San Lu-

balid ballistics identification

Balkans Balkan mountains, Bahams Bahamas Bahia São Salvador de Bahia

bus on October 12, 1492)

cas, La Paz, and Loreto

B.A. Jour. Bachelor of Arts in


peoples, and states in south-

eastern Europe (Albania, Bul- Bah Ind Bahasa Indonesian

garia, Greece, Romania, Tur- (national language)

Bajuns Barbadans

key, Serbia, and Montenegro) BAHOH British Association of

bak bakery

ball. ballast the Hard of Hearing

Bak Baku, Azerbaijan

Ball Ballerup; Balliol College, BAHPA British Agricultural

baka African pygmy

Oxford and Horticultural Plastics As-

Bakery Workers Bakery and

Ball Coll Balliol College—Ox- sociation

Confectionery Workers Inter-

ford Bahr Bahrain (whose capital is

national Union of America

Ballenys Balleny Islands Manama)

baktr baktrisch (German—

ballots. bibliographic automa- Bahrain Bahrain Island in the


tion of large library operations Persian Gulf

bal balance; balcony; baloney;

ballute balloon parachute Bahrains Bahrain Islands in the

blood-alcohol level; broad ab-

bally ballyhoo Persian Gulf between Qatar

sorption line

Ballyhouras Ballyhoura Hills and Saudi Arabia

bal (BAL) basic assembly lan-

of southern Ireland BAHS British Agricultural His-

guage (computer program-

bat. mar. b a l n e u m m a r i s tory Association


(Latin—salt-water bath, sea- baht unit of currency in Thailand

Bal Baleares; Ballarat; Bal-

water bath) Ba I Bahama Islands

thasar; Baltimore; British

Bal-Mol B a l l e s t e r- M o l i n a BAI Bank Administration Insti-


( . 4 5 - c a l i b e r A rg e n t i n e tute; Bank of America Inter-

BAL Baltimore Lord Balti-

semi-automatic pistol) national; Barrier Industrial

mores; Baltimore, Maryland

BALO British Air Liason Of- Council; Book Association of

(Friendship Airport); Bar-

ficer Ireland; British Airports In-

clays Australia Ltd; Belgian

balop balopticon (projector) ternational; Bureau of Animal

African Line; Bonanza Air-

B Alp Basses-Alpes Industry

lines (3-letter coding);

Borneo Airways Ltd.

balpa balance of payments;

ballpark geniaria (Latin—Bachelor of

B.A.I. Baccalaureus in Arte In-

bala balalaika

BALPA British Airline Pilots’ Engineering)

balance. basic and logically ap-

plied norms-civil engineering




Banana Republics c o u n t r i e s bals balsam

B-alpes Basses-Alpes

bambi (BAMBI) ballistic mis-

of Central and northern South bals. balsamum (Latin—balsam)

sile bombardment interceptor

America; Jamaica often in- Bals Balearic Islands

bame benzoylarginine methyl

cluded B.A.L.S. Bachelor of Arts in Li-


Banape Banco Nacional de la brary Science

BAMIRAC Ballistic Missile

Pequeña Empresa (Span- BALSA Black American Law

Radiation Analysis Center

islm—National Small Busi- Students Association

BAMM Black Afro Militant

ness Bank)—Mexico Bait Balthasar; Baltic; Balti-


BANC British Association of more

BAMO BuAer Material Officer

National Coaches BALTAPs Baltic Approaches (NATO)

bamp basic analysis and map-

ping program

balth balthazar (16 bottle ca-

BAMR BuAer Maintenance

The Bank)—World Bank for Reconstruction and Develop-

ment balthum balloon temperature



Bancomer Banco de Comercio and humidity

BAMS British-American Mine-

(Spanish—Bank of Com- Balti Baltimore (slang)


merce) Baltic Baltic and Mercantile

B.A.M.S. Bachelor of Ayurvedic

Bancoop Banco Nacional de Shipping Exchange (in Lon-

Medicine and Surgery

las Cooperativas del Perú don); Baltic Sea

BAMTM British Association

(Spanish—National Bank of Baltic(s) E s t o n i a , L a t v i a ,

of Machine Tool Merchants

Peruvian Cooperatives) Lithuania

B.A.Mus. Bachelor of Arts in

Banc. Sup. Bancus Superor Baltis Baltistan (Karakoram


(Latin—Upper Bench)— Range between N Kashmir

BAMW British Association of

King’s or Queen’s Bench and NW Tibet)

Meat Wholesalers

Band Bandung Balto Baltimore

ban. best asymptotically nor-

Bandas Banda Islands of Indo- Balts Baltic countries and peo-

mal; bond anticipation note

nesia ples on the Baltic Sea (Den-

Ban B a n c o r ( Ve n e z u e l a ) ;

Bandeirante Brazilian 12-pas- mark, Estonia, Finland, Ger-

Bantu; Byron Bancroft

senger transport honoring many, Latvia, Lithuania,


frontier pioneers, Bandei- Poland, Russia, Sweden);

BAN Base Activation Notice;

rantes Baltic peoples; Balto-Slavs

British Association of Neu-

Bandelier Bandelier National (East Prussians, Estonians,


Monument and cliff-dweller Latvians, Lithuanians);

Indian reservation in New Balto-Slavic-speaking peo- ples

BAN Biblioteka Akademii Nauk

Mexico west of Santa Fe Banffs Banffshire Balt Sym Baltimore Symphony

(Russian—Library of the

Academy of Sciences)—St

BANEWS British Army News Baluch Baluchistan


Banaca Banco Nacional de

Service Bang Bangalore; Bangladesh

baluchi tribal rug (often woven

Credito Agrícola (Spanish

(whose capital is Dhaka) Bangla Bangladesh (formerly work)

in Afghanistan)

National Agricultural Credit

balun balance-to-balance (net-


East Pakistan) balute balloon parachute

Banace Banco Nacional de

Bangladesh People’s Republic bal. vap. b a l n e u m v a p o u r

Credito Ejidal (Spanish—

of Bangladesh—formerly (Latin—steambath, vapor

Public Land Credit National

East Pakistan bath)


bang(s) bombing(s); explo- bam bio-activated mineral lo-

Banacoex Banco Nacional de

sion(s) tion; broadcasting am

Comercio Exterior (Span-

bang torp bangalore torpedo Bam Bamberger

ish—National Bank of For-

BANHC Bengal Army Native BAM Baikal-Amur-Magistral

eign Commerce)

Hospital Corps (railroad); BankAmerica Cor-

Banafoco Banco Nacional de

banir bombing and navigation poration (stock-exchange

Fomento Cooperativo (Span-

inertial reference symbol); Basic Access

ish—National Bank for Co-

Banjul formerly Bathurst, The Method; broadcasting AM;

operative Promotion)

Gambia Brooklyn Academy of Music

Banamex Banco Nacional de

bank. banking B-A-M Baikal-Amur-Magistral

México (Spanish—National

Bank Bangkok; The Bank of (railway of eastern Siberia)

Bank of Mexico)

England ’Bama Alabama

banana build almost nothing

BANK International Bank for BAMA British Air Motoring

anywhere near anyone

Reconstruction and Develop- Association; British Amster-

Bananagate Honduran scandal

ment dam Maritime Agencies

involving high officials

BankCal Bank of California bamb bamboo

bribed to lower export taxes

on bananas

bankcy bankruptcy


Bare Con Cam

Bankers Bankers Publishing

BAPSA Broadcast Advertising (Boston); Bankers Trust (New

BAO Bankruptcy Annulment

Producers Society of America York)

Order; British Army of Occu-

bapt. baptism; baptized Bankhead Bankhead National

pation; British Association of

Bapt Baptist Forest in northwest Alabama

Otolaryngologists; British-

BAPT British Association of BANKPAC Bankers Political

American Oil

Physical Training Action Committee

B.A.O. Bachelor of the Art of

baq basic allowance for quarters banks. bank holidays (West In-

Obstetrics; Bachelor of Arts

BAQ Barranquilla, Colombia dian English)

in Oratory

(airport) Banks the Banks (shallow fish-

BAOD British Airways Over-

BAQC Bureau of Air Quality ing banks offshore Can-

seas Division

Control ada—the Grand or New-

bao-mao basal acid output to

bar. baritone; barometer; baro- foundland Banks, or Georges

maximal acid output (ratio)

metric Banks off New England)

BAOP British Atlantic Ocean

Possessions (Ascension, St

bar (BAR) battery acquisition

radar; buffer address register banks clgs bank clearings

Helena, and Tristan da Cunha

bar billets à recevoir (French— bankster(s) banker gangster(s)


bills receivable) who deprive(s) you of your

BAOR British Army on Rhine

Bar Baroque; Baruch, Book of deposits under the cloak of

bap baptism; baptized; base

Bar Barone (Italian—Baron) bank management

auxiliary power; beginning at

B.Ar. Bachelor of Architecture Bann Bannockburn

a point; biotechnology action

BAR Base Address Register Banobras Banco Nacional de

program; blood-agar plate;

(computer); Board of Airline Obras y Servicios Publicos

brachial artery pressure

Representatives (Singapore); (Spanish—National Bank of

bap b i l l e t s a p a y e r

Board of Anthropological Re- P u b l i c Wo r k s a n d

(French—bills payable)

search; Broadcast Advertis- Services)—Mexico

Bap Baptist; Baptista; Baptiste

ers’ Reports; Browning auto- Banpeco Banco Peruano de los

BAP Bankers Association of

m a t i c r i fl e ; B u r e a u o f Constructores (Spanish—Pe-

the Philippines; Booksellers

Aeronautics Representative; ruvian Constructor’s Bank)

Association of Philadelphia

Bureau of Automotive Repair Banrural Banco Nacional de

B A & P Butte, Anaconda &

BARA Bureau d’Analyse et de Credito Rural (Spanish—Na-

Pacific (railroad)

R e ch e rch e A p p l i q u é e s tional Rural Credit

BAP Barco de la Armada Peru-

(French—Bureau of Analysis Bank)—Mexico

ana (Spanish—Ship of the

Peruvian Navy)

and Applied Research) Barak Israeli version of the

ban’s bond anticipation notes

French Mirage military aircraft BANS Basic Air Navigational

BAPA British Airline Pilots’

barb. barbarian; barbary ape; School; Bright Alphanumeric


barbary horse; barbecue; bar- Subsystem; British Associa-

BAP & C British Association

ber; barbiturate tion of Numismatic Societies

of Print & Copyshops

Barb Barbados Islands; Bar- BANSA Banco del Ahorro Na-

BAPCO Bahrain, Petroleum

bara; Barbary cional (Spanish—National


barbi baseband radar bag ini- Savings Bank)—Mexico

bapd base ammunition and pe-

troleum depot

BANSW Band Association of

bape baseplate

tiator Barbie Barbara

barbies barbiturates Bantam Bantam Books; Swed-

New South Wales

B.A.P.E. Bachelor of Arts in

bar-b-q barbecue ish antitank guided missile

Physical Education

Barbra Barbara BANTSA Bank of American

BA Phys Med British Associa-

barbs. barbiturates National Trust and Savings

tion of Physical Medicine

barbus b a r bu d o s (Span- Association

BAPL Bettis Atomic Power

ish—bearded ones) BANU British Army News Unit

Laboratory (AEC)

BAPM British Association of

barc barge amphibious resup-

B.A. Nurs. Bachelor of Arts in ply cargo; barometric rate Nursing

Physical Medicine

BAPO British Army Post Office


BANWR Bosque Apache Na- Barc Barcelona; Barclay

B.App.Arts Bachelor of Ap-

BARC Bay Area Reference tional Wildlife Refuge (New

plied Arts

Mexico) Center; Bay Area Research

B.App.Sci. Bachelor of Applied

Collective; British Aeronauti- BANZ Bahrain-New Zealand


cal Research Committee Trading and Storage Company

BAPS Beacon-Automated Pro-

Barca Barcelona BANZARE British, Australian,

cessing System; British Asso-

Bare Con Cam B a rc e l o n a New Zealand Antarctic Re-

ciation of Pediatric Surgeons;

Conjunto Cameristico (Span- search Expedition

British Association of Plastic

ish—Barcelona Chamber En- bao basal acid output

Surgeons; Bureau of Air Pol-

lution Sciences




B.Arch. Bachelor of Architec-

bas basenji; basic airspeed; ba- ture

b & arp bare and acid resisting

sic allowance for subsistence; B.Arch.E. Bachelor of Archi-


basilica; basophil(s); basset; tectural Engineering

BARP British Association of

beam-alignment sensor; ben- B.Arch. & T.P. Bachelor of Ar-

Retired Persons

zyl analog of serotonin chitecture and Town Planning

barq barquentine

bas (BAS) baths BARCS Battlefield Area Re-

Bas Basel; Basil; Basilica; Ba- connaissance System

Barq Barranquilla

silicata; Bass Strait; Bas- Barents Barents Sea in the Arc-

barr barrister

togne; Bastrop; Basuto; Basu- tic between Norway and Russia

BARR British Association of

toland barg(s) bargain(s)

Rheumatology and Rehabili-

BAs British Airways; Business bari baritone; baritone saxo-


Agents (of unions) phone

Barrens Barren Grounds of

B.As Buenos Aires Bari Bari delle Puglie, Italy

northern Canada west of Hud-

BAS Basic Allowance for Sub- Bariloche San Carlos de Bar-

son Bay in treeless tundra;

sistence; Behavioral Ap- iloche, Argentina

Pine Barrens of New Jersey

proach Scale; Brazilian- Barisans Barisan Mountains of

Barrow Point Barrow (Alaska’s

American Society; British Sumatra

most northerly point of land

Acoustical Society; British barite barium sulfate

and settlement)

Barry Barrymore

Antarctic Survey; British

Arachnological Society; Brit- Bark Barker; Barkhain

BARS Backup Attitude-Refer-

ish Army Staff

Barlinnie Glasgow, Scotland’s

B.A.S. Bachelor of Agricultural great prison

ence System; Ballistic Analy-

sis Research System; British

Barme Bartolome

Association of Residential

Science; Bachelor of Applied Science

bar mitz b a r m i t z v a h ( H e -

BAS Bulletin of the Atomic Sci- brew—one who is responsible


entists for the Commandments)—re-

BARSR Biblioteca Academiei

Basa Baronessa (Italian—Bar- ligious ritual marking a boy’s

Republicii Socialiste Roma-

oness) 13th birthday; similar cere-

nia (Academic Library of the

BASA British Architectural mony for girls called bas mitz-

Socialist Republic of Roma-

Students’ Association; Buck- vah or bat mitzvah

nia)—in Bucharest

eye Association of School barn. bombing and reconnais-

BARSTUR Barding Sands Un-

Administrators sance navigation

derwater Test Range

BASAF British and South Af- Barn Barnard

bart bartender; barter

rica Forum BARN Body Awareness Re-

Bart Baronet; Bartel; Barth(el);

BASAM British Association of source Network

Barthold; Bartholomew; Bar-

Grain, Seed Feed, and Agri- Barna Barcelona

timeus; Bartlet(t); Bartley;

cultural Merchants Barney Barnabas; Barnett; Ber-

B. A. Sc. Bachelor of Applied nard; Bernardino; silver ciga-

Bartolo; Bartolomeo; Barton;

Science rette box engraved with draw-


BASC Berlin Air Safety Center; ings of Barney Google and

BART Bay Area Rapid Transit

Booth American Shipping Snuffy Smith (awarded to the

(San Francisco); Brooklyn

Corporation year’s best cartoonist)

Army Terminal (New York)

base b bascule bridge BARNS Bombing and Recon-

BARTD Bay Area Rapid Tran-

basd basic active service date naissance Navigation System

sit District

base. (BASE) basic semantic Barnum P(hineas) T(aylor)

Bartenders Union Hotel and

element Barnum; 19th-century Amer-

Restaurant Employees and

BASE Bank-Americard Service ican impresario and showman

Bartenders International

Exchange; buildings, anten- who brought his circus to all


nas, spans, earth formations parts of the United States;

BARTOC Bus Advanced Real

(term used by parachutists); presented the Swedish so-

Time Operational Control

Business Assessment Study prano Jenny Lind, the midget

Bartolo B a r t o l o m e o ( I t a l -

and Evaluation General Tom Thumb, Jumbo the enormous elephant, the


Barts Saint-Barthelemy in the

Base 2 binary Base 8 octal

Base 10 decimal shown in America; also estab-

first hippopotamus ever

French West Indies; Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital in

Base 16 hexadecimal lished model industrial and

BASEC British Approvals Ser- workers community in


vice for Electric Cables Bridgeport, Connecticut

Barty Bartholomew

BASEEFA British Approvals BARONS Business-Accounts

BARU Bay Area Revolutionary

Service for Electrical Equip- Reporting Operating Network


ment in Flammable Atmo- System

barv beach armored recovery





BASF Badische Anilin und

bathy b a t h y m e t e r ; b a t h y - Soda Fabrik

bass. bassoon

sphere; bathyscaphe bash. body acceleration given

BASS Basic Analog Simulation

BATLSK British Army Train- synchronously with the

System; Bass Anglers Sports-

ing Liaison Staff, Kenya heartbeat

man Society

BATM British Admiralty Tech- BASH Bird Aircraft Strike Haz-

B.A.S.S. Bachelor of Arts in

nical Mission ard; Bulimia Anorexia Self

Social Science

bat mitz see bar mitz Help

bass con basso continuo (Ital-

bato balloon-assisted takeoff BASI British Association of Ski

ian—continuous bass)—fig-

B.A.T.P Bachelor of Arts in Instructors

ured bass background

Town Planning basic. (BASIC) battle-area sur-

Bassie Sebastian

batreadcompi battle readiness veillance and integrated com-

BASSR Bashkirian Autono-

and competition instructions munications; beginner’s all

mous Soviet Socialist Repub-

BATRON battleship squadron purpose symbolic instruction

lic; Buriat Autonomous So-

batrop baratropic code (computer language)

viet Socialist Republic

Bat Rou Baton Rouge BASIC British-American Sci-

bast. bastard; bastardization;

bats ballistic aerial target system entific International Commer-

bastardize; bastardly; bastard

Bats British-American Tobacco cial (English)

title; bastardy

(stock-exchange sobriquet) BASIC Biological Abstracts

Bast Sebastian

BATS Business Air Transport Subjects in Context

bas tit. bastard title (half title)

Service BASICO Behavior Science

Basto Sebastiano

BATSU British Army Training Corporation

ba sw bell-alarm switch

and Support Unit basicpac basic processor and

BASW British Association of/

batt batter; batteries; battery computer

for Social Workers

batt. battalion basictng basic training

basys basic system

BATT British Army Training BASIE British Association for

bat battalion anti-tank; body

Team Commercial and Industrial

adjustment test; brown adi-

BATUS British Army Training Education

pose tissue

Unit Suffield basil. basilect(ic)(al)(ly)

bat. battery; battle; best avail-

bau basic assembly unit; Brit- BASIL Barclays Advanced

able technology

ish absolute unit (BTU, Btu) Staff Information Language

Bat Bartholomew; Battista

Bau Bauer; Bauhaus basis. (BASIS) bibliographic

BAT Beaux Arts Trio; Blind

BAU Bangladesh Agricultural author of subject interactive

Approach Training; Body

University; British Associa- researches

Adjustment Test; Boeing Air

tion Unit BASIS-H BASIS history

Transport; Bolshoi All-azi-

BAUA Business Aircraft Users’ BASIS-P BASIS political sci-

muth Telescope; British

Association ence, public administration,

American Tobacco; Bureau of

Baubie (Scottish—Barbara) urban studies, amd interna-

Apprenticeship and Training

baud telecommunication unit tional relations

BA & T Bureau of Apprentice-

measuring speed of signalling BASIS-S BASIS sociology

ship and Training

and equal to one code element bask b a s k i s ch ( G e r m a n —

B-AT British-American Tobacco

or pulse per second—named Basque)

BATAB Baker and Taylor Au-

for its French inventor, JME Bask Baskir(ia)

tomated Bookordering

Baudot (1845–1903) Bask(er) Baskerville

BATC British Amateur Televi-

BAUS British Association of BASMA Boot and Shoe Manu-

sion Club

Urological Surgeons facturers’ Association

batch. bachelor

bav bon h vue (French—good at bas mitz see bar mitz

bat. chg battery charger; bat-

sight)—sight draft BASO Base Accountable Sup-

tery charging

Bav Bavaria; Bavarian ply Officer; Brigade Air Sup-

BATDIV battleship division

BAV Biblioteca Apostolica Vat- port Officer; Bureau of Aero-

bate base activation test equip-

icana (Latin—Apostolic Vat- nautics Shipping Order


ican Library), in Rome’s Vat- BASOC Brigade Air Support

batea best available technology

ican City Operations Center

economically available

BAVA Bureau of Audio-Visual basops base operations

bates battlefield artillery target

Aids (NY) baso(s) basophile(s)

engagement system

BAVE Bureau of Audio-Visual baspm basic planning memo-

b-a test blood-alcohol test

Educational (Calif.) randum

BATF Bureau of Alcohol, To-

BAVIP British Association of BASR Bureau of Applied So-

bacco, and Firearms (U.S.

Viewdata Information Pro- cial Research (Columbia Uni-


viders versity)

BATFOR battle force

BAVTE Bureau of Adult, Voca- BASRA British Amateur Scien-

bath. bathroom; best available

tional, and Technical Educa- tific Research Association

true heading

batho bathometer

tion (HEW) tion (HEW)


baw bare aluminum wire

Corporation; Brown Boveri BAWA British Amateur Wres-

BB (DCO) Barclays Bank (Do-

Couporation; Buchanan tling Association

minion, Colonial and Over-

Borehole Colleries BAWHA Bide-A-Wee Home


BBC-1 British Broadcasting Association

B B former Columbia presi-

Corporation’s first television BAWR Bertrand Arthur Will-

dent Belisario Betarhcur

network featuring cinema and iam Russell


sports BAWRA British Australian

B-B Bora-Bora

BBC-2 British Broadcasting Wool Realization Association

B.B. Bernard Berensen; Bjørn-

Corporation’s second televi- BAX Burlington Air Express

stjerne Børnson; Boys’ Bri-

sion network featuring classi- bay. bayonet


cal music bay cand dc bayonet candela-

B & B Brown and Bigelow

BC Big Bend Community bra double contact

B of B Bureau of the Budget

College Bay Bayern (German—Bavar-

BB Banco do Brasil (Portu-

BBCCS B’nai B’rith Career Bbados Barbados

guese—Bank of Brazil)

and Counseling Services Bayer Bayerisch (German—


BB 62 USS New Jersey

BBC dissociation Braid-Ber- Bavarian)

bba born before arrival

heim-Charcot dissociation bayr bayrisch (German—Bavar-

BBA Balanced Budget Act; Big

Brothers of America; Black

BBC Eng BBC English ian)

Business Alliance; born be-

BBC English cultured way of BAYS British Association of

fore arrival (of the midwife or

speaking English Young Scientists

doctor); British Bankers’ As-

BBCF British Bacon Curers’ baz. bazooka


Federation bazuco Colombian cocaine

B.B.A. Bachelor of Business

BBCL Bermuda Broadcasting product


bbac bus-to-bus access cir-

Company Limited

BBCM Bandmaster—Bands- beaters; ball-beating contests;

bb bail bond; ball bearing; ball


men’s College of Music balloon barrage; baseball,

BBAC British Balloon and Air-

BBCMA British Baby Carriage bases on balls; basketball, bil-

ship Club

Manufacturers’ Association liards, cricket, football, hockey,

Bbados Barbados

BBC Northern British Broad- ping-pong, soccer, tennis, vol-

b-ball basketball

casting Corporation’s North- leyball; bank burglar(y); base-

b/bar bull bar (fender)

ern Symphony line-to-baseline measure in ty-

BBAR Broad-Band Anti-Re-

BBCS Browne Book-Charging pography; bases on balls


System socket); below bridges; bill

bbb banker’s blanket bond; ba-

(walks); bayonet base (lamp or

BBC Scot British Broadcasting book; blocking back; blood

sic boxed base; bed, break-

Corporation’s Scottish Sym- bank; blood buffer (base); blue

fast, and bath; beleaguered by

phony bloaters; border bearded; both

bullets and burglars; blood

brain barrier; triple black

BBCSO British Broadcasting bones; both to blame; break-

BBB Bach, Beethoven, Berlioz;

Corporation Symphony Or- through bleeding; breast bi-

Bach, Beethoven, Brahms;

chestra opsy; buffer base; bungling bu-

Bach, Beethoven, Bruckner;

BBC Sym British Broadcasting reaucrat; double black; pellet

Best Berlin Broadcast; Best

Corporation Symphony fired from or made for a bb gun

British Briar (pipes); Better

Business Bureau

bbcw bare beryllium copper

wire script)

bb (BB) billboard (television

BBBC British Boxing Board of

BBCWS BBC World Service b-b black bordered; bogie-bo-


bbd baby born dead; beta-bino- gie (single-unit locomotive)

BBBS Boat Builders’ Benefit

mial distribution; big bass b/b bail; bottled in bond; bread-


drum; bucket-brigade device; board

BB & BU Bagel Boilers and

Bakers Union

bulletin board

b & b bed and board; bed and

bbdc before bottom dead center breakfast; benedictine and

bbc barrels, boxes, and crates

brandy BB(DCO) Barclays Bank (Do-

(cargo); broad-band chaff

b or b brass or bronze (cargo) minion, Colonial, Overseas)

(anti-radar foil); bromoben-

BBDO Batton, Barton, Durst- b2b (B2B) business to business

zylcyanide (gas)

b to b back to back

BBC Bank of British Colum-

bia; Beautiful British Colum-

ine, and Osborne

BBE Board of Barber Examiners BB Bailey Bridge; Barbados

bb babord (Swedish—port side)

bia; Best British Cinema; Bet-

BBEA Brewery and Bottling (Internet code); battleship;

ter Breathers Club (for those

Engineers Association Before Bach; B’nai B’rith;

with pulmonary disease); Bil-

bb & em bed, breakfast, and Brigitte Bardot; Bureau of the

lionaire Boys Club; Biwako

evening meal Budget

Broadcasting Corporation

(Japan); British Broadcasting

bbf boron-based fuel



BBF Biblioteca Benjamin Fran-

BBW B’nai B’rith Women klin (Mexico City); Boiler-

BBP Boletim de Bibliografa

BBWAA Baseball Writers’ As- makers, Blacksmiths, Forgers

Portuguesa (Portuguese—

sociation of America (union)

Bulletin of Portuguese Bibli-

BBX Bluebird (stock-exchange BBFC British Board of Film

ography )

symbol) Censors

b & b pericarditis bread-and

BBYO B’nai B’rith Youth Or- bbg bundle branch block

butter pericarditis

ganization BBG Bermuda Botanical Gar-

BBPR Bianfi, Barbiano, Pere-

bbz bearing bronze dens; Brooklyn Botanic

sutti, and Rogers (avant-garde

bc back country; back course; Garden

Italian architects)

back-cross; bad check; ballis- BBGA British Broiler Grow-

bbq barbecue

tic camera; base (shield) con- ers’ Association

BBQ Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens

nection; basic computer; be- bb-gun airgun shooting bb’s

bbr balloon-borne radio

tween centers; bills for (ball bearings)

BBRM British Bombing Re-

collection; binary code; bi- BBHC Buffalo Bill Historical

search Mission

nary counter; birth control; Center (Cody, Wyoming)

BR Brookhaven Beam Re-

bogus check; bolometric cor- BBHF B’nai B’rith Hillel

search Reactor (AEC)

rection; bolt circle; bone con- Foundations

BBRS Balloon-Borne Radio

nection; book club; born in BBI Barbecue Briquet Institute;


colony; bottom (dead) center; Brandeis-Bardin Institute

bbs baby-bottle syndrome; ball

bearings; barrels of basic sed-

broadcast control; budgeted

cost; building center; burden conomie (French—Bachelor

B Bibl Bachelier en Bibliothal-

iment; basic battle skills; box

center; bursa copulatrix in Library Science)

bark strips

bc (BC) bio-conversion; bulk BBINA Bed and Breakfast Inns

Bbs British biscuits

carrier of North America

BBS Barber Blue Sea (steam-

b/c bales of cotton; bills for col- bbing bureaucratic bumbling

ship line); Bermuda Biologi-

lection; birth control; broadcast BBiP British Books in Print

cal Station; Bhutan Broad-

b & c building and contents BBIRA British Baking Indus-

casting Service; Brunei

b2c (B2C) business to con- tries Research Association

Broadcasting Service; Bulle-

tin Board System


B c Banc (French—bank, reef or bbj ball-bearing joint

B Bisc Bay of Biscay

B.B.S. Bachelor of Business

sandbank) bbk breadboard kit


BC Bacone College; Bad Con- bbl barrel

BBSATRA British Boot, Shoe

duct; Baja California, Mex- BBL Bahia Blanca; Bangkok

and Allied Traders Research

ico; Bakersfield College; Bal- Bank Ltd; Barclay’s Bank


liol College (Oxford); Bank Limited; Big Brothers League

BBSE Board of Behavioral Sci-

Clearing; Bankruptcy Court; bbl roll barrel roller

ence Examiners

BBSI Beauty and Barber Sup-

Bard College; Barnard Col-

bbls/day barrels per day lege; Barrington College;

ply Institute; British Boot and

bbm big bowel movement; Barry College; Baruch Col-

Shoe Institution

break-before-make lege; Bates College; Battery

bbsj ball-bearing swivel joint

b & b magazine periodical fea- Commander; Battle Cruiser;

B & B SNC British and Bur-

turing breasts and buttocks Beaver College; Beckley Col-

mese Steam Navigation

BBMRA British Brush Manu- lege; Before Christ; Belgian


facturers Research Association Congo; Belhaven College;

BBSR Bermuda Biological Sta-

BBNNR Braunton Burrows Bellarmine College; Belmont

tion for Research

National Nature Reserve (En- College; Beloit College;

bbsu bid bond service under-

gland) Benedict College; Bengal


BBNP Big Bend National Park Cavalry; Bennett College;

bbs & w barrels of basic sedi-

Bennington College; Berea (Texas)

ment and water

College; Berry College; Beth- BBNR Back Bay National Ref-

bbt basal body temperature;

any College; Bethel College; uge (Virginia)


Bill Clinton; Bishop College; Bbo Bilbao

BBTA British Bureau of Televi-

Blackburn College; Blinn B-Bomb b e n z e d r i n e b o m b

sion Advertising

College; Bliss Classification; (slang—benzedrine inhaler)

BB & TC Bahamas Broad-

Bliss College; Bloomfield bboy bound boy

casting and Television Com-

College; Bluefield College; B-boy busboy; mess sergeant


Bluffton College; Bombay bbp boxes, barrels, packages,

BBU Bagel Boilers Union;

Cavalry; Bomber Command; (cargo); break bulk point;

Blue-Brick University (one of

Borough Council; Boston building block principle

the highest academic tradi-

College; Bourget College; BBP Beech Bottom Power

tions such as Cambridge,

Bowdoin College; Boys Club; Company

Harvard, Oxford, or Yale)

bbw bare brass wire

Brandon College; Brasenose



College (Oxford); Bren Car-

BCCA Beer Can Collectors of rier; Brenau College; Brent-

bcac biology classroom activity

America; British Cyclo-Cross wood College; Brescia Col-


Association; Broadcast Cable l eg e ; B r eva r d C o l l eg e ;

BCAC British Conference on

Credit Association Briarcliff College; Bridgewa-

Automation and Computation

BCCBP Biblioteca de Cataluña ter College; British Colum-

BCA/DoS Bureau of Consular

y Central de Biblioteca Pop- bia; British Commonwealth;

Affairs—Department of State

ulares (Spanish—Library of British Council; Brooklyn

BCAir British Commonwealth

College; Bruyere College;

Air Force

Catalonia and Central Public

Library)—Calle Carmen, Bryant College; Burdett Col-

Barcelona lege; Bus Controller; Butler

BCAL British Caledonian Air-

BCCCUS British Common- College


wealth Chamber of Com- B-C Barber-Colman

BCALA Black Caucus of the

American Library Associa-

merce in the United States

bccd buried-channel charge- Bachelor of Commerce; Baja

B.C. Bachelor of Chemistry;


coupled device California; Before Christ;

BCAM Breast Cancer Aware-

BCCF British Cast Concrete British Columbia

ness Month (annual)

BCAP B e a c o n C o l l i s i o n -


BCCG British Cooperative (Senate Committee)

B & C Banking and Currency

Avoidance Program

BCAPT Braverman-Chevigny

Clinical Group

BCCI Bank of Credit and Com- reau of the Census

B of C Bank of Canada; Bu-

Auditory Projective Test

merce International BC Baja California (Span-

BCAR British Civil Airworthi-

BCCLA B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a ish—Lower California),

ness Requirements; British

Civil Liberties Association northern section is a state

Council for Aid to Refugees

BCCO Base Consolidation whose capital is Mexicali

BC-ARS Birth Control-Abor-

Control Office(r) while the southern part is a

BCCR Banco Central de Costa territory whose capital is La

tion Referral Service

Rica (Spanish—Central Bank Paz; Banco Central (Span-

BCAS Beacon-compatible Colli-

of Costa Rica) ish—Central Bank), Spain’s

sion-Avoidance System; Brit-

ish Compressed Air Society

BCCS B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a

largest; Biological Conserva- Coastal Service

b’cast(ing) broadcast(ing)

tion bcd barrels per calendar day;

BCAT Birmingham College of

B C basso continuo (Ital- binary-coded data ian—continuous bass back-

Advanced Technology

BCD Bad Conduct Discharge; ground)

BCATP British Commonwealth

Batelle’s Columbus Division; bca best cruise altitude; blood

Air Training Program

British Columbia Dragoons color analyzer

bcb binary code box; broadcast

BCDA Biscuit and Cracker bca barrica (Spanish—cask,

band; button-cell battery

Distributors Association keg); biblioteca (Portuguese

BCBC British Cattle Breeders’

bcdc binary coded decimal or Spanish—library)


bcbh boiler casing bulkhead

counter BCDDP Breast Cancer Detec-

B ca Boca (Portuguese or Span-

BC/BS Blue Cross/Blue Shield

tion Demonstration Project ish—mouth, river mouth)

B-cdf B-cell differentiation BCA Bank Credit Analyst; Bat-

bcc beam-coupling coefficient;

factor tery Control Area; Billiard

blind carbon copy; body-

BCDIC Binary-Coded Decimal Congress of America; Blue

centered cubic

Interchange Code Cross Association; Boys’

BCC Battery Control Center;

bce (BCE) book club edition Clubs of America; British

Battery Control Central;

Bce Belice (Spanish—Belize) Caledonian Airways; British

Berkshire Community Col-

formerly British Honduras Canoe Association; British

lege; Board of Crime Control

BCE before the Christian era Colonial Airlines; Bureau of

(Montana); British Commu-

BCE (B.C.E.) Before the Com- Consular Affairs; Bureau of

nications Corporation; British

mon Era Consumer Affairs; Business

Council of Churches; British

BCEL British Commonwealth Committee for the Arts

Crown Colony; Broadcasting

Ex-Services League B/C of A British College of

Complaints Commission;

bcer. birth certificate Aeronautics

Broadcasting Corporation of

BCESL B r i t i s h C o m m o n - bcaa branched-chain amino

China; Bronx Community

wealth Ex-Services League acids

College; Bureau Central de

bcf bromo-chloro-fluoromethane BCAA British Columbia Auto-

Compensation; Bureau of

BCF Battle Cruiser Fleet; Bat- mobile Association

Charities and Corrections

tle Cruiser Flotilla; Battle BCAB Birth Control Advisory

(South Dakota); Burlington

Cruiser Force; British Com- Bureau; British Computer

Community College; Bus &

monwealth Forces; British Association for the Blind

Coach Council; Business Co-

operation Center

Cruiser Force



BCF B a t a i l l o n C a n a d i e n

B.C.S. Bachelor of Criminal Français

BCMA Bank Capital Markets

Science BCFK British Commonwealth


BCSC B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a Forces, Korea

B & CMA Biscuit and Cracker

Steamship Company BCFMA Broadcast Cable Fi-

Manufacturers Association

BCSP Board of Certified Safety nancial Management Asso-

bcme bichloromethylether

Professionals ciation

bcmg becoming

BCSR B o a r d o f C e r t i fi e d bcfsk binary code frequency

bcn beacon

Shorthand Reporters shift keying

BCN British Commonwealth of

BCSS Bard Cardiopulmonary BCG Board for Certification of


Support System Genealogists

BC-NET Business Cooperation

bcst broadcast B-cgf B-cell growth factor


bct basic combat training Bch Beach

BCNY Bond Club of New York

BCT Bell Canyon Test BCH Bachelor of Clinical Hyp-

BCNZ Broadcasting Corpora-

B & CT Bank and Corporation notherapy; Bomber Com-

tion of New Zealand

Tax mand Headquarters; Boot

bco binary-coded octal

bctmp bleached chemi-thermal Command High; British Co-

BCOA Bituminous Coal Oper-

mechanical pulping lumbia Horse; British Colum-

ators Association

BCTWU Bakery, Confection- bia Hussars

BCOF British Commonwealth

ery and Tobacco Workers BCHA B r i t i s h C o l u m b i a

Occupation Force

Union Health Association

B.Com. Bachelor of Commerce

bcu big closeup; bus-control BCHCM Board of Certified

BCOO Bomber Command Op-

unit Hazard Control Management

eration Order

bcwp budgeted cost of work bchcmbr(s) beachcomber(s)

BCOS British Chief of Staff

performed BCHP Banco Central Hipote-

BCP Bonus Community Plan

(telephone service)

bcz because

bd bank draft; barrack depart- ish—Central Mortgage Bank

c a r i o d e l Pe r ú (Span-

bcp boom clearance party

ment; base depot; battle dress; of Peru)

BCP Banco de Credito del Perú

behavior(ally) disorder(ed); bci broadcast interference

(Spanish—Credit Bank of

bills discontinued; birth date; BCI Bat Conservation Interna-

Peru); Book of Common

blessed; board; boat deck; tional; Battery Council Inter-


bomb disposal; bond; boom national; Birth Control Insti-

BCPA British Copyright Pro-

defense; bound; bridge deck tute; Bureau of Correctional

tection Association

b & d bondage and discipline Institutions (Iowa); Bureau of

BCPE Board of Certification in

(sado-masochism) Criminal Identification

Professional Ergonomics

bd. buried BCIS Bureau of Collection and

BCPM British Columbia Pro-

b/d broker/dealer Investigation Services

vincial Museum (Victoria,

bd bind (Dano-Norwegian— BCIU Border of Crime Inter-

British Columbia)

volume) vention Unit

BCPs Black College Presidents

Bd Bahrain dinar; board BCKB British Commonwealth

BCPSM Board of Certified

BD B a n k i n g D e p a r t m e n t ; Korean Base

Product Safety Management

Bangladesh (Internet code); bcl broadcast listener

BCPT Breast Cancer Preven-

blowing dust (aircraft code) BCL Battelle’s Columbus Lab-

tion Trial

B.D. Bachelor of Divinity oratories; Bermuda Container

BCPU Border Crime Preven-

B.D. Bona Dea (Latin—good Line; Bougainville Copper

tion Unit

goddess) Roman goddess of Limited

BCR British Columbia Railway;

chastity and fertility B.C.L. Bachelor of Civil Law

British Columbia Regiment

BCRLRA Beverage Container

B/D Banker’s Draft

b clar b a s s e c l a r i n e t t e

BDA bomb damage assess- (French—bass clarinet)

Recycling and Litter Reduc-

ment; Broadcast Designers BCLA Birth Control League of

tion Act

Association America

BCRP B a n c o C e n t ra l d e

BDAC Bureau of Drug Abuse BCLO Bomber Command Li-

Reserva del Perú (Span-

Control aison Officer

ish—Central Reserve Bank of

bdc binary decimal counter; bcm basic control monitor;


bottom dead center brightest cluster member

bcs because

BDC Berlin Documentary Cen- BCM Berklee College of Mu-

BCS Battle Cruiser Squadron;

tre (National Archives) sic; Bougainville Copper

Black Christian Students;

BDCC British Defence Coordi- Mine (Papua, New Guinea)

Bowl Championship Series;

nating Committee BCM Banco Comercial Mexi-

British Conchological Soci-

bdd body dysmorphic disorder cano (Spanish—Mexican

ety; Budget Control System

BDE Board of Dental Examiners Commercial Bank)

B-C-S B a r d e e n - C o o p e r -


bde. brigade



BDF Bangladesh Forces; Bel-

beec birmary error-erasure ize Defence Force; Birth De-

Be Baume; Berkeley (Univer-

channel fects Foundation

sity of California Library at

Beech 99 Beechcraft seven- BDHI B e a r i n g , D i s t a n c e ,


teen-seat aircraft Heading Indicator

BE Beginning Experience (re-

Beecham Beauchamp bdi both days included

treat program for separated,

Beech F-33C five-place Bo- BDI Beck Depression Inventory

divorced and widowed); Bel-

nanza training airplane BDI Bundesverband der Deut-

gium (Internet code); Black

Beech Queen Air Beechcraft schen Industrie (Federation

English; Bleriot Experimen-

Seminole transport aircraft of German Industries)

tal (aircraft); Borough Engi-

beef. business-and-engineer- bdl baseline demonstration laser

neer; British Embassy; Brit-

ing-enriched fortran bdle bundle

ish English

beefalo beef cattle + buffalo bdm bomber defense missile

B/E bill of exchange

(hybrid) BDM Bund Deutsche Mädchen

BE Buque Escuela (Span-

BEEP Bureau European del’ (Hitler Youth, Females)


E d u c a t i o n Po p u l a i re bdm’s births, deaths, marriages

be4 before

(French—European Bureau BDMS Bulk Direct Mail Service

Bea Beatrice

of Adult Education) BDO Boom Defence Officer

BEA Broadcast Education As-

Beethoven Nine 9 Beethoven bdp biparietal diameter

sociation; Bureau of Eco-

symphonies (1st, 2nd, 3rd BDPA Black Data Processing

nomic Analysis

Eroica , 4th, 5th, 6th Pasto- Associates

BEAM Brain Electrical-Activ-

rale , 7th, 8th, 9th Choral) BDPC Breakthrough Drug

ity Mapping

bef before; blunt end first; buff- Pricing Committee

BEAR Bureau of Electronic

and Appliance Repair

ered emitter follower

Bef Befehl (German—com- bdr. bombardier

b dr bass drum

BEAR HUG Basic Extended

mand, order) bdra basic daily ration allowance

Acronym Human Users Guide

BEF Bonus Expeditionary bdrk bomb damage repair kit

Beatrix Beatrix Wilhelmina

Force; British Equestrian (for runways)

Armgard, Queen of the Neth-

Federation; British Expedi- bdrm bedroom

erlands, 1980–

tionary Force BDRU Baor Drops Trials Unit

Beau Beauford; Beaufort;

BEFA British Emigrant Fami- bds brands; bomb-disposal

Beaumont; Beauregard

lies Association squad

beautility beauty + utility

befm bending form bds bis in die summendus

BEBA Bureau of Economic and

befo’ before (Latin—take twice daily)

Business Affairs (U.S. State

beg. begin; beginning BDS British Defence Staff


beg begynde(lse) [Dano-Nor- B.D.S Bachelor of Dental Sur-

bec because

wegian—begin(ning)] gery

bec. became

BEG Belgrade, Yugoslavia (air- B.D.Sc. Bachelor of Dental

BEC Bose-Einstein Condensa-

port); Bureau of Economic Science


Geology BDSO British Defence Sales

BECA Bureau of European and

BEG B a n k E u ro p a e i s ch e r Organisation

Canadian Affairs

Genossenschafsbanken (Ger- B-D Squad B o m b - D i s p o s a l

BECC Boeing Engineering &

man—European Cooperative Squad

Construction Company

Bank) BDSS Bayesian Decision-Sup-

BECL Bangkok Expressway

Begl Begleitung (German—ac- port System

Company Limited

companiment) BDSW British Defence Staff,

Bedloe’s Bedloe’s Island in

begr begrundet (German—es- Washington

New York’s Upper Bay, also

tablished) bdt. birth date

called Liberty Island, site of

BEH Bureau of Education for bdt bundt (Dano-Norwegian—

the Statue of Liberty

the Handicapped bundle)

bedoc beds occupied

BEHA British Export Houses bdt’s back-door trots (diarrhea)

bed(s). bedroom(s)

Association BDU Bomb Disposal Unit;

Beds Bedfordshire

behav behavior; behavioral; be- Bombing Development Unit

Bed Smet Bedrich Smetana

haviorist(ic) bdv boom defense vessel

Bed-Stuy Bedford-Stuyvesant

BEE Basic Earthquake Educa-

Behavioral Res B e h av i o r a l

Research Laboratories beige; below elbow; bent; bi-

be base excess; beam expander;

tion; Basic Economic Edu-

BEHC B i o - E nv i r o n m e n t a l lingual education; binding


Health Center edge; black enterprise

B.E.E. Bachelor of Electrical

behp bisethylhexyl phthalate b/e bill of entry; bill of ex-


bei butanol-extractable iodine change

BEE Bulletin of Environmental


BEI Bridgeport Engineering In-

b & e beginning and ending;

stitute breaking and entering

Beeb BBC (British Broadcast-

ing Corporation)

BEI British Education Index



BEIA Board of Education In-

BEMA Bakery Equipment spectors’ Association

Belg Belgian; Belgium

Manufacturers Association; Beibl Beiblatt (German—sup-

Belg Belgica (Portuguese or

Business Equipment Manu- plement)

Spanish-—Belgium); Belgio

facturers Association beif beifolgend (German—sent


BEMB British Egg Marketing herewith)

Belgium Kingdom of Belgium

Board Beih Beiheft (German—supple-

(lowland nation on the North

BEME Brigade Electrical and ment)

Sea); Royaume de Belgique

Mechanical Engineer beil beiliegend (German—en-

(French); Koninkrijk België

bemews basic missile early closed)

Belglais Belgian-English

warning system Beil Beilage (German—appen-

Belgolux Belgium and Luxem-

BEMO Base Equipment Man- dix, supplement)


agement Office beir biological effects of ioniz-

Bell Bell Aircraft; Bell System

bems bug-eyed monsters (sci- ing radiation

(American Telephone and

ence-fiction jargon) BEIS British Egg Information

Telegraph and associated

BEMS B a ke r y E q u i p m e n t Service

companies collectively called

Manufacturers Society; Bio- Beisp Beispiel (German—ex-

Ma Bell or Mother Bell)

electromagnetics Society; ample or illustration)

Bell 47 Sioux utility helicopter

Building Energy Manage- Beitr Beitrag (Gerrnan—con-

built by Bell Aircraft

ment Systems tribution)

Bell 204 gunship helicopter

BEMSA British Eastern Mer- bek bekendgørelse (Dano-Nor- wegian—announcement)

nicknamed Huey as it is des-

chant Shippers Association bel below; 10 decibels

ignated UH-1

Bell 206 five-seat turbo-pow-

ben. bene (Latin—good, well);

benedictio (Latin—blessing) bel (Turkish—pass)

ered helicopter also called Jet

Ben Benard; Benedict; Bengali; Belem; Belen; Belfast; Bel-

Bel Bela; Belcher; Belden;

Ranger or Sea Ranger

Beni (Bolivian province); Be- ford; Belgian; Belgium; Bel-

niah; Benito; Benjamin; Ben- grade (capital of Yugoslavia);

bella belladonna (drug stimu-


Bella Arabella; Isabella

net(t); Benno; Beno; Be-noni; Bentley; Benvenuto

Ben Ben Hur Bellanca; Belmont; Belorus-

Belham; Belize (whose capi-

Bellas Artes Instituto Nacional

tal is Belmopan); Bellamy;

de Bellas Artes (Span-

ish—National Institute of

BEN Bureau d’ Etudes nucle-

aires (French—Belgian Bu- sia; Belos; Beltram

reau of Nuclear Studies) Bel Bacharel (Portuguese—

Fine Arts)—Mexico City

Benavides o r i g i n a l l y B e n Bachelor)—academic degree

Belle Bella; Arabella; Isabella

David BEL Belém do Pára, Brazil

Bellevue New York City hospital

Bend Bendigo (airport)

noted for its psychiatric ward

Béla Béla Bartok; Béla Kun; benday benday (photoengrav-

BELLMATIC Bell Laborato-

Béla Lugosi ing) process named for a

ries Machine-Aided Techni-

BELAIR Belgian Air Staff 19th-century American

cal Information Center

printer, Benjamin Day (NATO)

bells bell-bottom pants

Belar Belarus (whose capital is BENDEX Beneficial Data Ex-

Bell’s Cr C B e l l ’s C r ow n

Minsk) change (linking Social Secu-

Cases (British)

Belau Republic of Belau (for- rity Administration with state

Bell Sys Tech J B e l l S y s t e m

merly Palau) welfare agencies) Belchers Belcher Islands in

Technical Journal

B en Dr Bachelier en Droit Hudson Bay just north of

Belmo Belmopan

(French—Bachelor of Law) James Bay

BELNAV Belgian Naval Staff

bends caisson disease belcrk bellcrank


bene benzine Bel & Dr Bel and the Dragon

Belsen Bergen-Belsen (World

BENECHAN Benelux Subarea B.Elec. & Tel. Eng. Bachelor

War II concentration camp

Channel (NATO) of Electronics and Telecom-

town in northwest Germany)

Bened Benedict; Benedictine munication Engineering

Belvac Société Belge de Vacu-

benef beneficiary Belém (Portuguese—Bethle-

ologie et de Vacuotechnique

Benef Benefice hem)—also the Amazon

(French—Belgian Society for

Ben Eil Benedenwindse Eilan- River port of Belém do Pará;

Vacuum Science and Tech-

den (Dutch—Leeward Islands) Lisbon suburb


Benelux economic union of bel ex bel example (French—

bem (BEM) behavior engi-

Belgium, Netherlands, and fine example)—fine copy of a

neering model

Luxembourg book, engraving, map, etc.

Bem Bemerkung (German—

Bene’t Benedict Belf Belfast; Belfastian(s)

comment, note, observation)

benev benevolent belg belgisk (Dano-Norwe-

BEM British Empire Medal

Beng Bengal; Bengali gian—Belgian)

B.E.M. Bachelor of Engineer-

ing of Mines

B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering B.Eng. Bachelor of Engineering


bengals bengal tigers; thick ci-

Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich Be- gars

bepti bionomics, environment,

ria (director of Stalin’s secret Bengis Bengalis

plasmodium, treatment, im-

service) Bengs Bengalis

munity (factors in malaria ep-

Bering sea linking the Arctic B.Eng.Sci. Bachelor of Engi-


Ocean with the North Pacific neering Science

BEPZ Bataan Export Process-

Beringia Bering and Chukchi B.Eng.Tech. Bachelor of Engi-

ing Zone (Philippines)

Seas area neering Technology

beq bequeath

Berk Berkeley Ben-Gur David Ben-Gurion

BEQ Bachelor Enlisted Quar-

Berks Berkshire (Israeli statesman)

ters; Background and Experi-

Berl Berlin BENHA Board of Examiners of

ence Questionnaire

Berl Tid Berlingske Tidende Nursing Home Administrators

beqd bequeathed

(Danish—Berling’s Times)— Benin People’s Republic of Be-

beqt bequest

a leading daily newspaper nin (West African nation for-

ber basic encoding rules; be-

Berm Bermuda (whose capital merly called Dahomey)

yond economic repair; buffer

is Hamilton); Bermuda Is- Benj Benjamin

(flow chart)

lands Benja Benjamin

ber berechnet (German—com-

Bermudas Bermuda Islands Benjn Benjamin


Bern Berna; Bernal(do); Ber- Benjy Benjamin

Ber Berber; Berlin; Berwickshire

nan; Bernard(o); Bernarr; Bennie Benjamin

Ber Bericht (German—report)

Berner; Bernhard; Bernold bennies benzedrine stimulants

BER Berlin, West Germany

Bernh Bernhard benny benzedrine

(Tempelhof airport); Bureau

Bernie Bernard Benny Benjamin

of Economic Regulation

Berno Bernardo ben sug beneficial suggestion

BERA Business Education Re-

Ber Phil Berlin Philharmonic Bento Baruch; Benito

search Associated

Berb Berber

Bert Albert; Alberta; Albertina;

b & ent & pl breaking and en-

Berb Berberia (Spanish—Bar-

tillon (system); Bertin; Ber- benz benzedrine; benzine

tering and petty larceny

bary Coast)

Bertel; Bertha; Berthel; Ber-

tol; Berton; Bertram; Ber- Benziger Benziger, Bruce, and

Ber Bunsenge Phys Chem

trand; Bertwin; Cuthbert; Glencoe

Berichte der Bunsengesell-

Delbert; Elbert; Elberta; Fil- BeO beryllium oxide

schaft für Physikalische Che-

bert; Gilbert; Herbert; Hil- BEO Borough Education Of-

mie (German—Report of the

bert; Ibert; Lambert; Norbert; fice(r)

Bunsen Society for Physical

Philbert; Roberta; Wilbert; beoc battery echelon operating

Chemistry )

BERC Biomedical Engineering


bertm berth term BEOG Basic Educational Op-

Research Corporation; Black


Ber Tri B e r m u d a Tr i a n g l e portunity Grant

Economic Research Center

(North Atlantic shipwreck bep biomolecular engineering

BERCO British Electric Resis-

area extending from Bermuda program; break-even point

tance Company

to Cape Hatteras to Key West BEP Bureau of Engraving and

BERCON Berlin Contingency

and back to Bermuda) Printing


Berts Bertillon Measurements BE & P Bureau of Engraving

Berdoo San Bernardino, Cali-

BERU Building Economics and Printing


Research Unit B.E.P. Bachelor of Engineering

berg iceberg (sometimes writ-

Berw Berwick Physics

ten ’berg)

Berg Berger; Bergin

beryl beryllium aluminum sil- BEP Brevet d’Études Profes-

Berg (Dutch or German—

icate sionelles (French—Profes-


bes balanced electrolyte solution sional Studies Diploma)

Bergen Bergen-Belsen (site of

Nazi German concentration

bes besonders (German—espe-

cially) ciation

B EpA British Epilepsy Asso-

camp); Norway seaport city;

Bes Bessel’s functions BEPC B e i j i n s E l e c t r o n

Bergen op Zoom (Dutch

BES Biological Engineering Positron Collider

port); county in New Jersey;

Society; Bureau of Employ- BEPI Budget Estimates Presen-

former name of Mons, Bel-

ment Security; Bureau of En- tation Instructions


vironmental Statistics BEPO British Experimental

Bergman I n g m a r B e rg m a n

B.E.S. Bachelor of Engineering Pile Operation

(Swedish film-writer direc-

Science bepoc Burrough’s electro-

tor); Ingrid Bergman (Swed-

B es A Bachelier des Arts graphic printer-plotter for

ish actress); Torbern Berg-

(French—Bachelor of Arts) ordnance computing

man (Swedish chemist and

BESA Birmingham, England, BEPQ Bureau of Entomology


Small Arms; British Engineer- and Plant Quarantine

BERH Board of Engineers for

Rivers and Harbors

ing Standards Association



BESE Bureau of Elementary

b.f. bonafide (Latin—genuine, and Secondary Education

Bets Betsy

sincere)—in good faith; with- BeShT Baal Shem-Tov (Israel

BETS Business Entities Tax

out deception; without fraud Ben Eliezer)


Bf black female; Bowser factor besi bus electronic-scanning in-

Betsy Elizabeth

BF Battle Fleet; Battle Force; dicator

BETTS Bolt Extrusion Thrust

Termination System

Bengal Fusiliers; black fe-

male; Bombay Fusiliers; (French—Bachelor of Letters) BESL British Empire Service

B es L Bachelier des Lettres

Betty Elizabeth

Bowser factor; Breadalbane League

betw between

BEU Black Economic Union;

Fencibles; Bristol Fighter; British Forces; Burkina Faso;

BESN British Empire Steam

Burrhus Frederic Skinner (be- Navigation (company)

British Empire Union

haviorist) BESRL Behavioral Science

BEUC Bureau Européen des

BF B a n q u e d e Fra n c e Research Laboratory (USA)

Unions Consommateurs

(French—Bank of France); bess binary electromagnetic

(French—Bureau of Euro-

B.F. Bachelor of Forestry signature

pean Consumer Unions)

BF Beogradska Filharmonica Bess Bessemer; Mrs Harry S

bev bevel; beverage; billion

(Serbo-Croat—Belgrade Truman

electron volts

bev (BeV) billion electron volts


bfa basal forebrain area (French—Bachelor of Science)

B es S Bachelier es Sciences

Bev Beva; Bevan; Beveridge;

BFA Black Faculty Associa- BESS Bank of England Statis-

Beverley; Beverly; Bevis

tion; British Fellmongers’ tical Summary

BEV Black English Vernacular;

Association; British Film Bessie Bethlehem Steel (Wall

Blake E Vance

Academy; British Forces, Street slang); Elizabeth

Bevans Charles I. Bevans’

Antwerp; Broadcasting Foun- Bessy Elizabeth

compilation of Treaties and

dation of America; Bureau of BESSY Bestell System (Ger-

Other International Agree-

Financial Assistance man teleordering)

ments of the United States of

B.F.A. Bachelor of Fine Arts Best Bestellung (German—or-


bfaln buffer boundary alignment der); bestyrelse (Dano-Nor-

BEW Board of Economic

BFAP British Forces—Arabian wegian—board, direction)


Peninsula BEST Basic Essential Skills

BEWT Bureau of East-West

BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Training; Believing, Encour-


Aquatic Resources (Philip- aging and Studying Together;

bex broadband exchange

pines) Black Efforts for Soul in Tele- vision; British Expertise in

bexec budget execution

BEY Beirut, Lebanon (airport)

bfb breakage-fusion-bridge BFB Bureau of Forensic Bal-

listics bet. best estimate of trajectory;

Science & Technology

bez bezahlt (German—paid);

best ofr best offer

BFBC British Forces Broad- casting Service between

bezüglich (German—refer-

ring to)

BFBPW British Federation of Bet Beirut; Betsy; Elizabeth

Bez Bezirk (German—district)

Business and Professional BET Biker Enforcement Team

bezw beziehungsweise, bezieh-

Women (of law-enforcement offic-

ungsweise (German—re-

BFBS British Forces Broad- ers); Black Entertainment


casting Service; British and Television; British Electric

bf back feed; batsmen faced;

Foreign Bible Society Traction

beer firkin; before; blackface

bfc benign febrile convulsion beta battlefield exploitation and

(minstrel makeup); blackface

BFC British Forces in Cyprus; target acquisition

(sheep); bloody fool; board

Broadcasting and Film Com- Beta Betamax (video-cassette

feet, board foot; body flap;

mission system)

boiler feed; boldface (type);

BFCA British Federation of BETA Billion-Channel Extra-

bold face; both faces; boy

Commodity Associations Terrestrial Assay; Business

friend; broadleaf forest; buff-

BFCC Brothers for Christian Equipment Trade Association

ered; butter fat

Community BETFOR British Element Tri-

b-f beat-frequency

BFCF Bremerton Freight Car este Forces

b/f black female; brought for-

Ferry Beth Bethlehem; Elizabeth

ward; brown female

BFCS British Friesian Cattle Bethlehem Bethlehem Steel

b & f bell and flange

Society Corporation

bf b a s s a f re q u e n z a ( I t a l -

BFCSD Brewery, Flour, Ce- Bethnel Bethnel Green, London

ian—bass frequency); be-

real, Soft Drink and Distillery Beth Steel Bethlehem Steel

stemtform (Dano-Norwe-

(Workers of America) betr better

gian—definite shape); bonum

bfct boiler feed compound tank betr betrefend (German—con-

Jactum (Latin—good deed;

bfcy beneficiary cerning)

approved); bouillon filtrate

(French—filtered bouillon)

bfd big fucking deal



BFD Blind Fire Director

BFS Belfast, Northern Ireland BFDC Bureau of Foreign and

BFNHRA British Food Manu-

(airport); Board of Foreign Domestic Commerce

facturing Industries Research

Scholarships; British Frontier bfe beam-forming electrode;


Service; Bureau of Family buyer furnished equipment

BFMO Base Fuels Manage-

Services; Bureau of Federal BFEA Bureau of Far Eastern

ment Officer (USAF)

Supply Affairs (U.S. Department of

BFMP British Federation of

B.F.S. Bachelor of Foreign State)

Master Printers

Service BFEBS British Far Eastern

Bfn Bloemfontein

BFS Bundesanstalt für Flug- Broadcasting Society

BFN British Forces Network

sicherung (German—Air- BFF Berlin Field Force

BFNE British Forces, Near

Traffic Control Authority) BFFA B r i t i s h F i l m F u n d


BFSA Black Faculty and Staff Agency

bfo beat-frequency oscillator;

Association; British Fire Ser- BFFC British Federation of

blood-forming organs

Bfo Buffalo

vices Association BF set British Field (radio)

BFO Bath Festival Orchestra;

BFSS British and Foreign Sail- BFFI British Forces, Falkland

Folk Clubs

Bureau of Field Operations

ors’ Society Islands

bfoq bona-fide occupational

bft basic fitness test; binary file bfg brute-force gyro


transmission; bio-feedback Bfg Bank für Gemeinwirtschaft

B.For. Bachelor of Forestry

training (German—Bank for Munici-

BFT Bentonite Flocculation pal Management)

bform budget formulation

B.For.Sci. Bachelor of Forestry

BFG BF Goodrich; British

B.F.T. Bachelor of Foreign Forces, Germany



Trade BFH British Field Hospital

bfozp best-fit optic Z-plane

BFTA British Fur Trade Alliance BFHMF British Felt Hat Man-

bfp batters facing pitcher; bio-

logical false-positive (reac-

BFTS British and Foreign Tem- BFHS Benjamin Franklin High

ufacturers’ Federation

tions); boiler feedpump

BFTC Boeing Flight Test Center

perance Society School

BFP British Fishing Port (regis-

BFUP Board of Fire Under- bfi battlefield interdiction:

tration symbols appearing on the bows of British fishing

writers of the Pacific beam-forming interfact

BFUSA Basketball Federation BFI British Film Institute;

vessels and indicating their

of the United States of America Business Forms Institute; Se-

home ports)—(see British

BFUW British Federation of attle, Washington (Boeing

Fishing Port appendix)

University Women Field)

BFPA British Film Producers

BfV Bundesamt für Verfas- BFIA British Flour Industry


sungsschutz (German—Fed- Association

BFPC British Farm Produce

eral Office for the Protection BFICC British Facsimile In-


of the Constitution)—German dustry Compatability Com-

bfpdda binary floating-point

FBI roughly equivalent to the mittee

digital-differential analyzer

bfpgp batter facing pitcher per

Special Branch in Britain)

BFIG British Forces in Greece bfw boiler feedwater

game for the player

bfl back focal length BFYSG British Forces Youth

bfpgt batters facing pitcher per

BFL Barber Fern Line; Belgian Service, Germany

game for the team

bg back gear; bag; battle group; Fruit Line; Blue Funnel Line

BFPO British Field Post Office

beach group; before girls (en- (Holt’s); Books For Libraries

BFPPS Bureau of Foods, Pesti-

tered the armed forces); big BFLF Biblioteca della Facolta

cides, and Product Safety

grin; bluish-green; bombard- di Lettere e Filosofia (Ital-


ment group; buccal ganglion; ian—Library of the Faculty of

bfpv bona fide purchaser for

buccogingival; business girl Letters and Philosophy)—in


bg (BG) background (behind tv Florence

bfr biologic false reactor; blood

performers); block grant BFM British Forces, Malta

flow rate; bone formation

b/g bonded goods BFM Ballet Folklórico de Méx-

rate; buffer

bG bluish green ico (Spanish—Folklore Ballet

Bfr Belgische frank (Dutch—

Bg Bengal; Bengalese; Bengali of Mexico)

Belgian franc)

Bg Berg (German—mountain); BFMA Business Forms Man-

B Fr Belgian franc

Bogen (German—arch or agement Association

bfr(s) b e l g i s k ( e ) f ra n c ( s )

bow) BFMB British Field Message


BG Benny Goodman; Birming- Book


ham Gage; Birmingham BFMF British Federation of Mu-

BFRS Bio-Feedback Research

(wire) gauge; Bombay Gren- sic Festivals; British Footwear


adiers; Bren Gunner; Brigade Manufacturers’ Federation

bfR sol buffered Ringer’s solu-


of Gurkhas; Brigadier-Gen-


bh ad

BGT Battle Group Trainer; (Internet code); Butchart Gar-

eral; British Guiana; Bulgaria

bgirl bound girl

B-girl bar girl

Bender Gestalt Test; British

Guiana Time Columbia)

d e n s ( Vi c t o r i a , B r i t i s h

Bgk Bangkok

BGTA Birmingham Group B-G Bach Gesellschaft; David

bgl below ground level

Training Association Ben-Gurion

B.G.L. Bachelor of General


BGTT Borderline Glucose Tol-

erance Test Bing and Grøndahl; buildings

B & G Barton and Guestier;

BGLA Business Group for

B Gu British Guiana and grounds

Latin America

BGU Ben Gurion University BG Bibliothèque publique et

bglb brilliant-green lactose

(Beersheba); Bowling Green universitaire de Genève


University (French—Public and Univer-

bglr burglar

BGU Biblioteca General da sity Library of Geneva)

bgl(s) bagel(s); beagle(s); bu-

Universidade (Portuguese— bga blue-green algae (virus)


University General Li- BGA Better Government Asso-

bgrn background music

ciation; British Gliding Asso-

BGM Bethnal Green Museum;

brary)—in Coimbra

BgUL Bibliothèque générale de ciation

Binghamton, New York (air-

BGAS Boys and Girls Aid So-

port); British Guiana Militia;

l’Université de Liège

(French—General Library of ciety

Burma Gallantry Medal

BGAU Berlin Garrison Admin-

BGMA British Gear Manufac-

the University of Liege)

BGVF British Guiana Volun- istrative Unit

turers’ Association; British

teer Force B-G b Bordet-Gengou bacillus

Guiana Militia Artillery

bgw (BGW) battlefield guided Britain

bgmn baggageman

weapon BGB Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch

BGB Booksellers of Great

Bgn Bergen

BGW Baghdad, Iraq (airport) (German—Complete Civil

BGN Board on Geographic

bh bloody hell (British exple- Law)


tive); boiler house; breast bgc blood group class

BGNR Barren Grounds Nature

height; Brinell hardness BGC Bren Gun Carrier; British

Reserve (New South Wales)

bh bougie-heure (French—can- Gas Corporation

BGNY Bookbinders’ Guild of

dlehour); brysholder or bust- BGCC Bowling Green College

New York

eholder (Dano-Norwegian— of Commerce

Bgo Bugo

bra or brassiere) BGCCC Board of Governors of

bgp below-ground pool

Bh Brinell hardness the California Community

bgr bombing and gunnery

BH Bahrain (Internet code); Colleges


Base Hospital; Bath & Ham- Bge barrage (artificial dam)

bgrv (BGRV) boost-glide re-

mondsport (railroad); Ben- BG & E Baltimore Gas and

entry vehicle

jamin Harrison (23rd Presi- Electric

bgs bags

bg(s) back gear(s); bag(s)

dent U.S.); Bill of Health;

Brigade Headquarters; Engineering

B.G.E. Bachelor of Geological

Bgs Brightlingsea

Brinell hardness; British BGEN Biogen Incorporated

BGS Brigadier, General Staff;

Honduras; Broken Hill; mag- B.Gen.Ed. Bachelor of General

British Geriatrics Society;

netization curve (symbol) Education

Brotherhood of the Good

B/H Bill of Health; Bordeaux- BGF Banana Growers’ Federa-


Hamburg (range of ports) tion; Black Guerrilla Family

B&GS Bombing and Gunnery

B & H Bell and Howell; Breit- BGFE Boston Grain and Flour


kopf and Härtel Exchange

BGS Bundevgrenz Schutz (Ger-

B of H Board of Health BGFO Bureau of Government


BH Bonne Humeur (French— Financial Operations

Tr o o p s ) — We s t G e r m a n

Good Humor); Boston Her- bgg booster gas generator; bo-

NATO forces

ald vine gamma globulin

bgsa blood-granulocyte spe-

B H Ben Hur BGGRA British Gelatine and

cific activity

bha base helix angle Glue Research Association

BGSC Belfer Graduate School

bha (BHA) butylated hydroxy- BGGS Brigadier-General Gen-

of Science (Yeshiva Univer-

anisole eral Staff

sity); Boise-Griffin Steam-

BHA Bank Holders of Amer- bgh bovine growth hormone

ship Company

ica; Bengal Horse Artillery; bght bought

BGSM Bowman Gray School

Bombay Horse Artillery; BGI B e c h t e l G r o u p I n c ;

of Medicine

Boston Housing Authority; Bridgetown, Barbados (air-

BGSU Bowling Green State

British Homeopathic Associ- port)


ation; British Honduras Air- BGIRA British Glass Industry

bgt bought

ways Research Association

Bgt Bight

Bgt Bugt (Danish—Bay)

bh ad broach adapter



B.H.Adm. Bachelor of Hospi-

B & HRO Biotechnology and tal Administration

BHIS Burroughs Hospital In-

Human Research Office BHAFRA British Hat and Al-

formation System

(NASA) lied Feltmakers’ Research

BHISSA Bureau of Health In-

bhs betahemolytic streptococ- Association

surance, Social Security Ad-

cus B’ham Birmingham


Bhs Bohus BHB British Hockey Board

BHK type-B Hong Kong influ-

BHS Balboa High School; BHBNM Big Hole Battlefield

enza virus

Boys High School; British National Monument

bhl biological half-life

BHL Borax Holdings Limited

Home Stores; British Horse

Society; Bureau of Health BHBS British Honduras Broad-

B Hbr boat harbor

Bhm Birmingham, England;

Services; Burlesque Histori- casting Service


cal Society; Bushwick High bhc beaching cradle; benzene

BHM Birmingham, Alabama

School hexachloride (BHQ

(airport); Bureau of Health

B & HS Bonhomie and Hat- BHC Barbers’ Hairdressers’


tiesburg Southern (railroad) Cosmetologists (and Propri-

BHMIA Bald-Headed Men of

B.H.Sci. Bachelor of House- etors’ Union); Black Hawk

America; British Hard Metal

hold Science College; British High Com-


BHSS Bronx High School of missioner; British Hovercraft

BHMC Bell & Howell/Mamiya

Science Corporation; Brotherhood of


bhst bottom-hole static temper- the Holy Cross

BHMH Benjamin Harrison

ature BHCIUS Barbers, Hairdress-

Memorial Home (Indianapo-

bht baht tical (Thai monetary ers, and Cosmetologists Inter-

lis, Indiana)

unit) national Union of America

BHMRA British Hydrome-

bht (BHT) butylated hydroxy- BHCSA British Hospitals Con-

chanics Research Association

toluene tributory Scheme Association

bhm(s) b l a c k h o m o s ex u a l

BHTA British Herring Trade bhd beachhead; bulkhead


Association BH$ British Honduras dollar

BHMS Bishop’s Home Mission

bhtm(s) black heterosexual BHD British Forces in Greece;


male(s) Bronx House of Detention

bhn bephenium hydroynaph-

Bhu Bhutan BHDF British Honduras De-


Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan fence Force; British Hospital

Bhn Bremerhaven; Brinell

(Asian Himalayan nation); Doctors Federation

hardness number

BHNWR Bombay Hook Na-

Druk-yul (its name in the of-

B.H.E. Bachelor of Home Eco-

tional Wildlife Refuge (Dela-

fi c i a l l a n g u a g e c a l l e d Dzonkha Bhután)



B Hond British Honduras B-hor B-horizon (soil zone be-

Bhv Bhavnagar

BHVG British Honduras Vol- cation

B of HE Board of Higher Edu-

unteer Guard B’head Birkenhead

low A-horizon)

bh/vh body hematocrit/venous BHEW Benton Harbor Engi-

B.Hort. Bachelor of Horticul-

hemocrat (ratio) neering Works


Bhvn Bremerhaven Bhf Bahnhof (German—sta-

B.Hort.Sci. Bachelor of Horti-

bhw boiling heavy water tion)

cultural Science

BHW Boston Hospital for BHF Berliner Handels und

bhp biological hazard potential;

Women Frankfurter (bank); British

boiler horsepower; brake

BHYC Boothbay Harbor Yacht Heart Foundation


Club bhf(s) black homosexual fe-

BHP Borehole Plugging Pro-

B.Hyg. Bachelor of Hygiene male(s)

gram; Broken Hill Propri-

bi background investigation; bhfx broach fixture


bhp hr brake horsepower hour

bacteriological index; base ig-

nition; base of prism in; bi- Gardens

B H& G Better Homes and

BHPRD Bureau of Health

opsy; brother in law; burn in- BHGMF British Hang Glider

Planning and Resource De-

dex; bodily injury; buffer Manufacturers Federation

velopment (HEW)

index bhi brain-heart infusion

Bhpric Bishopric

bi (BI) binary BHI Better Hearing Institute;

bhq battalion headquarters

bi. bisexual British Horological Institute

BHQ Brigade Headquarters

b/i battery inverter BHI British Humanities Index;

bhr basal heart rate; biotech-

b & i bankruptcy and insol- Bureau Hydrographique In-

nology and human research

vency; base and increment ternationale (French—Inter-

Bhr Bahrain

b or i brass or iron (cargo) national Hydrographic Bu-

BHRA British Hotels and Res-

Bi biot; bisrnuth (symbol) reau)

taurants Association; British

B i Beni or Beni (Arabic—sons bhib beef-heart infusion broth

Hydromechanics Research



BI 158


BI Babson Institute; back-

corial Palace)—monastic li- ground investigation; Ba-

lioteket (Dano-Norwegian or

brary within the Escorial Pal- hama Islands; Beer Institute;

Swedish); bibliotheek (Dutch

ace in the Guadarramas near Bermuda Islands; Braniff In-

or Flemish); bibliotheka

Madrid ternational; British India;

(Latin); bibliotheke (Greek);

BIBF British and Irish Basket- British Isles; Brookings Insti-

Bibliothek (German); Biblio-

ball Federation tution; Bureau of Investiga-

thèque (French)

bi or bin (Latin bini—two by tion; Burundi (Internet code);

bib. bibe (Latin—drink)

two; Latin bis—twice)—bi- Business International; Na-

Bi Bible; Biblical

nary, binoculars, binomial, bi- tional Biscuits (stock ex-

Bib Biblica (Latin—Bible)

polar change symbol)

BIB Biennale of Illustrations

Bratislava (international exhi-

bibl bibliotec-; bibliotek-; bib-

liothec-; bibliothek; biblio- BI Banca d’Italia (Bank of Italy)

B of I Bureau of Investigation

bition of children’s book il-

thèque BIA Barbecue Industry Associ-

lustrations); Board for Inter-

biblio bibliographical imprint or ation; Bicycle Institute of

national Broadcasting;

note; biblioclasm (book de- America; Binding Industries

Broadcast Information Bu-

struction); biblioclast (book of America; Board of Immi-

reau; Bureau of International

destroyer); bibliogenesis gration Appeals; Braille Insti-


(book production); bibliognost tute of America; Brazilian In-

BIB B e r l i n e r I n s t i t u t f ü r

(bibliographic expert or book ternational Airlines; Brick



expert); bibliogony (book pro- Institute of America; Building

man—Berlin Business Man-

duction); bibliograph (bibliog- Industry Association; Bureau

agement Institute)

rapher); bibliographer; biblio- Issues Association; Bureau of

BIBA Babson Institute of Busi-

graphic(al); bibliography Indian Affairs; Bureau of In-

ness Administration; British

biblioc biblioclasm; biblioclast sular Affairs; Bureau of Inter-

Insurance Brokers’ Associa-

bibliog bibliographer; biblio- American Affairs; Business


graphic(al); bibliography Improvement Area

Bib Amb Biblioteca Ambrosi-

bibliograph bibliographer; bib- BI & A Bureau of Intelligence

ana (Italian—Ambrosian Li- brary)—in Milan

liographee; bibliography and Research (US Depart-

biblioklept bibliokleptoma- ment of State)

Bib Apo Vat Biblioteca Apos-

BIAA Bureau of Inter-Ameri-

tolica Vaticana (Italian—Vat-


bibliol bibliolater (person with can Affairs (US Department

ican Library)

of State) excessive admiration or rever- BIAC Business and Industry

bib b b i b l i o t e k s b i n d


ence for books); bibliolatrous

(characterized by bibliolatry); Advisory Committee (NATO)


bibliolatry (book worship); BIAE British Institute of Adult

bibber winebibber

bibliological; bibliologist; Education

Bib Bod Bibliotheca Bodmeri-

bibliology (scientific descrip- BIALL British and Irish Asso-

ana (Latin—Bodmer Li-

tion and study of books) ciation of Law Librarians

brary)-in Cologny/Geneva

bibliom bibliomancy; bibliom- bialy bialystok roll (holeless

contains first editions of Cer-

ane (collector of books); bib- onion-flaked bagel)

vantes, Dante, Goethe,

liomania; bibliomaniac; bib- bias battlefield illuminator air-

Homer, Shakespeare, a

liomanist borne system

Gutenberg Bible and one of

bibliop bibliopegic (relating to BIAS Brooklyn Institute of Arts

the three recorded copies of

book binding); bibliopegist; and Sciences

Luther’s Disputio pro Decla-

bibliopegy; bibliophagist; BIATA British Independent Air

ratione Indulgentiarum from

bibliophile; bibliophilia; bib- Transport Association

liophobe; bibliophobia; bib- bib. bibliography; biographical

BIBC British Isles Bowling

liopole inventory blank; bottled in


bibliopsy bibliopsychology bond

Bib Cen Biblioteca Central

(study of authors, books, and bib. (BIB) baby incendiary

(Spanish—Central Li-

readers as well as their inter- bomb

brary)—in Mexico City’s

relationships) bib biblioteca (Italian, Latin,

Ciudad Universitaria

bibliothec bibliotheca (bibliog- Portuguese, Romanian, Span-

Bib Ecu Biblioteca Ecuatori-

rapher’s catalog or a library); ish—library); bibliotecario

ana (Spanish-Ecuadorian Li-

bibliothecal (belonging to the (Spanish—librarian); bib-

brary)—in Quito, also known

library); bibliothecar (librar- lioteka (Albanian, Bulgarian,

as Padre Aurelio Espinosa

ian); bibliothecary Macedonian, Polish, Russian,


bibliother bibliotherapeutic; Serbo-Croatian, Slovene,

Bib Esc Biblioteca de San

bibliotherapist; bibliotherapy Ukrainian); bibliotek (Dano-

Lorenzo el Real de El Esco-

bibliotrain railroad car—con- Norwegian or Swedish); bib-

rial (Spanish—Library of

Royal San Lorenzo of the Es-

verted into a mobile library verted into a mobile library


bibl mun bibliothèque munici-

BIEN Basic Income European pale (French—city library,

BICERI British Internal Com-

Network public library)

bustion Engine Research In-

BIEPR Bureau of International Bib Mus Biblioteca Musicale


Economic Policy and Re- (Italian—Musical Li-

bichrome sodium bichromate

search brary)—in Rome’s Via dei

BICs Business and Innovation

BIET British Institute of Engi- Greci


neering Technology Bib Nac Biblioteca Nacional

BICS British Institute of Clean-

BIETA Biblioteca Interameri- (Spanish—National Library)

ing Science

cana de Estadistica Teórica y Bib Nar Biblioteka Narodowa

BICTA British Investment

Aplicada (Spanish—lnter- (Polish—National Li-

Casters’ Technical Associa-

american Library of Theoret- brary)—in Warsaw


ical and Applied Statistics) Bib Nat Bibliothèque Nationale

bicv biconcave

bif buyer-induced failure (French—National Li-

bicx biconvex

BIF Bombardier’s Information brary—Paris)

Bicycle Bicycle Thieves

File; British Industries Feder- Bib Naz Bra Biblioteca Nazio-

bicyea best ice cream you ever

ation n a l e B ra i d e n s e (Ital-


biff binary interchange file for- ian—Braidense National Li-

bicyplane bicycle-powered air-

mat brary)-in Milan

plane (first cross-Channel

BIFMA Business and Institu- Bib Naz Cen Biblioteca Nazio-

flight achieved June 12, 1979

tional Furniture Manufactur- nale Centrale (Italian—Na-

by the Gossamer Albatross

ers Association tional Central Library)

designed by Paul MacCready

BIFN Banque Internationale Bib Pal Biblioteca de Palacio

of Pasadena, California

pour le Financement de ( S p a n i s h — Pa l a c e L i -

pedalled and piloted by Bryan

1 ’ É n e rg i e N u c l é a i re brary)—Madrid


(French—International Bank BIBRA British Industrial Bio-

bid. (BID) brought in dead

for the Financing of Nuclear logical Research Association

b.i.d bis in die (Latin—twice

Energy) bibs. bibliographies


bif O opium Bib Soc Ain Bibliographical

Bid Bideford

bifs biologically integrated Society of America

BId Bureau of Identification

farm system Bib Soc Can Bibliographical

BID Business Improvement

BIFUS Britain, Italy, France, Society of Canada


United States Bib Sor Bibliotèque de la Sor-

BID Banco Interamericano de

big. best in group; bigamist; big- bonne (French—Sorbonne

Desarrollo (Spanish—Inter-

amy; biological isolation gar- Library)

american Development Bank)

ment Bib Uni Biblioteca Universi-

B.I.D. Bachelor of Industrial

BIG Bartoni International Gal- taria (Spanish—University


lery (Melbourne); Basic In- Library)

B. of I.D. Bachelor of Interior

dustries Group; Beneficial In- bic bank instrument contract;


surance Group; Better bank investment contract

bidap bibliographic data pro-

Independent Grocers; Blacks Bic Société Bic (ballpoint pen

cessing program

In Government factory founded by Baron

Biddy Bridget; Briged; Brigid

BIG Bazak Israel Guide Marcel Bich)

bidec binary-to-decimal con-

Big Belts Big Belt Mountains BIC Barrier Industrial Council;


of Montana Bengal Irregular Cavalry;

BIDP Basic Institutional De-

Big Cats lions, tigers, jaguars, Bronx Irish Catholic; Bureau

velopment Program

leopards, and pumas of International Commerce

BIDS Brittle hair, Impaired in-

big demo big demonstration BIC Bureau International des

telligence, Decreased fertility

biggies big ones Containers (French—Inter-

and Short stature

big H big house (slang—peni- national Container Bureau)

BIE Bureau of Industrial Eco-

tentiary such as San Quentin bicarb sodium bicarbonate

nomics (DoC); Bureau Inter-

or Sing Sing); hernia; heroin BICC Battlefield Information

national d’Education

Big Horns Big Horn Moun- Control Center; British Insu-

(French—International Bu-

tains, Wyoming lated Callenders Cables

reau of Education); Bureau

BIGI Bond Investors Guaranty BICEMA B r i t i s h I n t e r n a l

International des Expositions

Insurance Combustion Engine Manu-

(French—International Bu-

Big Mac Municipal Assistance facturers Association

reau of Expositions)

Corporation bicept book indexing with con-

B.I.E. Bachelor of Industrial

big mo big momentum text and entry points from text


big O’s obsolescence, over- BICERA British Internal Com-

Bieder Biedermeier

crowding, overburdening, bustion Engine Research As-

BIEE British Institute of Elec-

omigod! sociation

trical Engineers

bien biennial

bigr bigger bigr bigger


bigs biological isolation gar-

BINCOS Binder Control Sys- ments

bilj bi1jarttern (Dutch—bil-

tem bigst biggest


BIND Berkeley Internet Name Big Ten also known as the

bil k bilge keel

Domain Western Conference; college

bill billede (Dano-Norwegian

bind. binding teams formed around football


B.Ind. Bachelor of Industry in 1896

Bill Billie; Billy; William

B.Ind.Ed. Bachelor of Indus- big. unlwfl—trig awf bigamy

BILL Bofors Infantry Light

trial Education is unlawful—trigamy is aw-

and Lethal (missile)

BINDT British Institute of ful, explained Ogden Nash

BIO Brigade Intelligence Of-

Non-Destructive Testing bih benign intracranial hyper-


Binet Binet-Simon (psycholog- tension

bill. acad billiard academy

ical test) BIB Beth Israel Hospital

Billie William

Bing Binghampton BIHA British Ice Hockey Asso-

billion (American—a thousand

million, 10 9 ); (British—a mil- 12 Binj Benjamin ciation

BINL Basic Inventory of Natu- bihor. bihorium (Latin—two

lion million , 10 )

ral Language hours)

Bill of Rights first ten amend-

BINM Buck Island National BII Beckman Instruments In-

ments to the Constitution of

Monument, St Croix, Virgin corporated; Biosophical Insti-

the United States

Islands tute Incorporated

Billy William

binocam binocular and camera BIIA British Institute of Indus-

bil(s) billion(s)

(combination instrument) trial Art

BILS British International Law

binocs binoculars BIICL British Institute of Inter-

Society; Butterworth Indus-

bins ( C o c k n ey c o n t r a c - national and Comparative

trial Laws Service

tion—binoculars) Law

bilt built

BINS Barclays Integrated Net- Bij Benjamin

bim ballistic intercept missile;

work System bijb bijbelse term (Dutch—bib-

beginning of information

binsum brief intelligence sum- lical term)


mary bijv bijvoorbeeld (Dutch—for

bi-m bi-monthly

BINW Blackbeard Island Na- example)

bim bimensile (Italian—semi-

tional Wildlife Refuge (Geor- bi k bilge keel

monthly); bimestrale (Ital-

gia) Bik. Bikkurim

ian—bimonthly); bimestre

BINZ Bankers Institute of New bike bicycle

(Italian—two-month period)

Zealand BIKE Biotechnology Informa-

Bim Barbadan

bio biographical; biography; bi- tion Knot for Europe

BIM British Institute of Man-

ological; biology bikers motorcyclists


bio (Latin prefix—life)— biol- biki bikini

B.I.M. Bachelor of Indian Med-

ogy, the study of life and liv- bil bilateral; billet; billion;


BIM Bord Iascaigh Mhara

ing things Bio Biology

BIO Base Installation Officer; b-i-l brother-in-law

block input length

(Gaelic—Sea Fisheries Board)

Bedford Institute of Oceanog- Bil Bilbao

bimac bi-stable magnetic core

raphy; Biological Informa- BIL Billings, Montana (air-

BIMCAM British Industrial

tion-Processing Organiza- port); Braille Institute Li-

Measuring and Control Appa-

tion; Brigade Intelligence brary; Brierly Investments

ratus Manufacturers Associa-

Officer; Broadcasting Info- Limited; British India Line;


mation Office Bulk Items List

BIMS Business Information

BIOA Bureau of International BILA Bureau of International

Management System

Organization Affairs (U.S. Labor Affairs

BIMT Bahama Islands Minis-

Department of State) bilat bilateral

try of Tourism

bioact bioactive; bioactivity Bilders Bilderbergers (now

bin. bank identification num-

bioastro bioastronaut(ic)(al) called Tri-Laterals)

ber; binary

(ly) bildg bill of lading

BINA Broadcast Institute of

bioauto bioautograph(ic)(al) bildl bildeich (German—figura-

North America

(ly) tively)

BINA Bureau International des

biocam binocular camera bile. balanced-inductor logical

Normes de l’Automobile

biochem biochemical; bio- element

(French—International Bu-

chemist; biochemistry BILG Building Industry Li-

reau of Automobile Stan-

Biochem Biochemistry braries Group


biochron biochronometry bili bilirubin

binac high-speed electronic

biocid biocidal; biocide biling bilingual(ism); bilingual-

digital computer

bioclean biologically clean ist(ic)(al)(ly)

b-in-B banned in Boston (and

therefore a best-seller)

biocon biocontamination biocon biocontamination


biocyb biocybernetics

BIPO British Institute of Public biodef biological defense

biosat biosatellite

Opinion biodeg biodegradability; biode-

biosci bioscience; bioscientific;

bipp bismuth, iodoform, paraf- gradable; biodegradation;


fin paste biodegrade; biodegraders;

biosen(s) biosensor(s)

BIPP British Institute of Practi- biodegrading

BIOSIS Biosciences Informa-

cal Psychology biodeg(s) biodegradable(s)

tion Service of Biological Ab-

BIPS British Integrated Pro- biodes biodestructible


gramme Suite biodet biodeterioration

biospel biospeleologist(ic)(al)

BIPS Bibliographic Informa- bioelectrog bioelectrogenesis

(ly); biospeliology

tion Publication System bioelectron b i o e l e c t r o n ( i c )

biostat biostatistic(s)

bipyr bipyramidal (al)oy); bioelectronics

biot biotron(ic)(al)(1y)

biquin biquinary bioeng bioengineer(ing); bio-

BIOT British Indian Ocean

bir basic incidence rate; built-in logical engineer(ing)

Territory (Aldabra, Chagos

robes (closets) bioenv b i o e nv i r o n m e n t ( a l )

Archipelago, Des Roches, Di-

Bir Birmania (Italian or Span- (1y); bioenvironmentalist

ego Garcia, Farquhar, Mauri-

ish—Burma); Birmânia (Por- bioex bioexperiment(ation)

tius, Seychelles)

tuguese—Burma) biog biographer; biographical;

BIOTA Biological Institute of

BIR Board of Inland Revenue; biography

Tropical America

Board of Internal Revenue; biogeo biogeology biogeog biogeographer; bio-

biotec biotechnical(ly); bio-

technological(ly); biotechnol-

British Institute of Radiology;

Bureau of Intelligence and geographic(al); biogeography

ogist; biotechnology

Research; Bureau of Internal bioinstru bioinstrument(al)

biotech biotechnologist; bio-

Revenue (ly); bioinstrumentation

BIRC Bio-Integral Resource biol biological; biologist; biol-


Center biol biologi or biologisk (Dano-

biotel biotelemetric; bioteleme-


BIRD Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Norwegian—biology or biol-


biotrans biotransformation;

Développement (French—In- ogist)


ternational Bank for Recon- Biol Biology

biowar biological warfare

struction and Development) Biol Abstr Biological Abstracts

bip background interference

BIRDDOG Basic Investigation BIOLWPNSYS B i o l o g i c a l

procedure(s); bacterial intra-

of Remotely Detectable De- biomass mass of biological ma-

venous protein; balanced in

Weapon System (USA)

plane; binary image proces-

sor; bismuth iodoform paraf-

posits of Oil and Gas birdie battery integration and


radar display equipment source of ethanol and metha-

fin; books in print; borough-

bio-mass b i o l o g i c a l m a s s

BIRE British Institution of Ra- dio Engineers nol from crops and trees

interborough problem(s)

bip (BIP) body improvement

B.Ir.Eng. Bachelor of Irrigation BIOMASS Biological Investi-


Engineering gations of Marine Antarctic

BiP Books in Print

BIRF Brewing Industry Re- Systems and Stocks

BIP Board for International

search Foundation biomath biomathematician;

Broadcasting; Border Indus-

BIRF Banco Internacional de biomathematics

trial Program; British Indus-

Reconstrucción y Fomento biomed biomedical; biomedi-

trial Plastics; British Institute

(Spanish—International cine

of Physics

Bank for Reconstruction and bionics biology + electronics

BIP Banco Industrial del Perú

Development) bio-org bio-organic(al)(ly)

(Spanish—Industrial Bank of

BIRG Basic Income Research biophys biophysical; biophysi-


Group (England) cist; biophysics

BIPAD Bureau of Independent

birg(ing) bask(ing) in reflected biopol(s) biopolymer(s)

Publishers and Distributors

glory bior business input-output re-

bipco built-in-place compo-

birl girlish boy (transvestite) run


Birm Birmingham biore bioresearch(er)

bipd biparting doors

Birmingham notation ( s e e BIOREP Biological Attack Re-

biphet biphetamine (drug stim-

GKD-notation) port


BIRMO B r i t i s h I n f r a - R e d bios basic input/output system;

bipkwele former unit of cur-

Manufacturers’ Association biologically integrated or-

rency in Equatorial Guinea

BIRMPDis Birmingham Pro- chard system

BIPL Burma Industrial Prod-

curement District (U.S. bios (BIOS) biological satellite

ucts Limited

Army) BIOS Basic Input/Output Sys-

BIPM Bureau international des

BIRMS Battelle Interactive Re- tem; Biological Investiga-

Poids et Mesures (French—

sources Management System tions of Space

International Bureau of

Weights and Measures)



B of J

BIRP Beverage Industry Recy-

bito burnishing tool cling Program

Bishop B i s h o p M u s e u m ;

BITO British Institution of birr monetary unit of Ethiopia

Bishop Museum Press

Training Officers BIRS Basic Indexing and Re-

BISITS British Iron and Steel

bit(s) binary digit(s) trieval System; British Insti-

Industry Translation Service

BITTC B u i l d i n g I n d u s t r y tute of Recorded Sound


Technicians Training Council birt bolt installation and re-

BISL British Information Ser-

bitu benzyl-thiourea moval tool

vice Library

BITU Bustamante Industrial birthquake population explo-

Bismarck North Dakota’s capi-

Trade Union sion

tal; Prince Otto Eduard Le-

bitum bituminous bis best in show; bissextile

opold von Bismarck-Schön-

bitumd bituminized Bis Bismarck; Bissau

hausen—the Iron Chancellor

bituminous soft coal BIS Bank for International Set-

Bismarck Pen North Dakota

biu basic income unit; bus in- tlements; Bismarck, North

Penitentiary at Bismarck

terface unit Dakota (airport); Board of In-

Bismarcks Bismarck Islands

B-I U Bar-Ilan University spection Survey (USN); Brit-

BISN British India Steam Nav-

BIU Bureau International des ish Imperial System; British

igation (company)

Universités ( French—Inter- Information Service; British

bisp between ischial spines;

national University Bureau) Interplanetary Society; Busi-

bispinous (interspinous diam-

biv bivouac ness Information System


BIV Banco Industrial de Vene- bis in 7d. bis in septem diebus

BISPA British Independent

Zuela (Spanish—Industrial (Latin-twice in seven days,

Steel Producers Association

Bank of Venezuela) twice weekly)

BISRA British Iron and Steel

bivar bivariant (function gener- BISA British International

Research Associates

ator) Studies Association

BISS Battlefield Identification

bivs biologically integrated BISAC Book Industry System

System Study (NATO)

vineyard system Advisory Committee

BISTA Bureau of International

bi-w bi-weekly bisad business information sys-

Scientific and Technological

BIW Bath Iron Works; Boston tems analysis and design

Affairs (U.S. Department of

Insulated Wire (and Cable BISAKTA British Iron, Steel,


Company) and Kindred Trades Associa-

Bister Bicester

BIWF British Israel World Fed- tion

bisw bisweilen (German—

eration BISAM Basic-Indexed Sequen-


BIWS Bureau of International tial-Access Method

bisync binary synchronous

Whaling Statistics BisArch Bismarck Archipelago


bix binary information ex- bisc biscuit

bit. binary digit; bituminous

change Bisc Biscayan

BIT Bradford Institute of Tech-

BIX McGraw-Hill trademark BISCA Building Industry Sub-

nology; British Independent

Television; Built-In Test; Bu-

BIY Bedfordshire Imperial

Yeomanry contractors Association

reau International du Travail

biz bizarre; business Biscayne national park south of

(French—International Labor

Miami, Florida, consisting of BIZ Bank für Internationalen


islands leading to Key West Zahlungsausgleich (Bank for BISCO British Iron and Steel

BITA British Industrial Truck


International Settlements)

bizad business administration Corporation

BITB Building Industry Train-

bizjet business-type jet airplane bis in d. bis in dies (Latin—

ing Board

bizmac business machine com- twice daily)

bitblt binary digit block trans-

puter BISDN Broadband Integrated


bizman business man Services Digital Network

BITC Bahamas International

BIZNET American Business bisett b i s e t t i m a n a l e ( I t a l -

Trust Company

Network (database of Cham- ian—bi-weekly)

BITCH Black Intelligence Test

ber of Commerce) bisex bisexual(ism); bisexual-

of Cultural Homogeneity

B j Burj (Arabic—bluff, cliff, ist(ic)(al)(ly); bisexually

bite. base installation test

fort, tower) BISF British Iron and Steel

equipment; built-in test

bj back judge (football); biceps Federation


jerk; blow job (fellatio) BISFA British Industrial and

BITE Base Installation Test

b & j bone and joint Scientific Film Association


BJ Benin (Internet code); Be- BISG Book Industry Study

bitm bituminous

nito Suarez; Byron Jackson Group

BITM Birla Industrial and

(Borg-Warner) Bish Bishop

Technological Museum

B.J. Bachelor of Journalism bishaw bicycle rickshaw

bitn bilateral iterative network

B & J Burke & James Bish Mus Bishop Museum

BITNET Because It’s Time


B of J Bank of Japan



BJA Burlap and Jute Associa-

bl blad, blank (Dano-Norwe- tion; Bureau of Justice Assis-

bkfst breakfast

giarm—leaf, sheet, blank) tance,

bkg banking; bookkeeping;

Bl Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) b/Jan binding expected in Jan-


Bl B l a s i n s t r u m e n t ( G e r- uary (for example)

bkgd background

man—wind instrument; bjc book jacket cover

bkge brokerage

woodwind); Blatt(er) [Ger- BJC Baltimore Junior College;

bkhs blockhouse

man—leaf; leaves; page(s)]; Bismarck Junior College;

BKII Vsesoyuenaya Kommu-

nisticheskaya Partiya ( Rus-

Böluk (Turkish—company)

BL Barrister-at-Law; Basuto- Brevard Junior College; Bu-

B o i s e J u n i o r C o l l eg e ;

sian—All-Union Communist

land; Bengal Lancers; reau of Juvenile Correction


Blessed Lady; Boatswain (Delaware)

BKK Bangkok, Thailand (air-

Lieutenant; Bonanza Air- BJCEB British Joint Commu-


lines; British Legion; British nications-Electronics Board

bkkpr bookkeeper

Leyland; British Library BJCO British Joint Communi-

bklr black letter

(formerly British Museum cations Office

bklt booklet

Reading Room); British Li- BJCPA Baptist Joint Commit-

Bklyn Brooklyn

brary (London); Bundelkund tee on Public Affairs

Bklyn Brdg Brooklyn Bridge

Legion bjf batch-job format

Bklyn HTF Brooklyn Homi-

B-L Belgium-Luxembourg BJ1P Better Jobs and Incomes

cide Task Force

B.L. Bachelor of Letters Program

Bklyn Mus Brooklyn Museum

Bklyn Phil Brooklyn Philhar-

B/L Bill of Lading

B & L Bausch & Lomb; Build- BJOS British Journal of Occu-

B Jon Ben Jonson

monic Symphony

ing and Loan (association or pational Safety

bkm buckram

bank) BJp Bence Jones protein

BKM Moscow, former USSR

bl a blandt andet (Dano-Nor- BJP Bharatiya Janata Party (In-

(Bykovo Airport)

w eg i a n — a m o n g o t h e r dia)

bkn broken

things); blandt andre (Dan- BJS Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bkn Birkenhead

ish—among other things) BJSM British Joint Services

BKN broken (aircraft code)

Bla Belawan; Brasilia Mission

bkpg bookkeeping

BLA Bangladesh Library Asso- bjt bipolar junction transistor

bkpr bookkeeper

ciation; Black Liberation BJTRA British Jute Trade Re-

bkpt bankrupt

Army; Board of Landscape search Association

bkr baker; beaker; breaker

Architects; Bombay Library BJU Bob Jones University

bks bunks; barracks; books;

Association; British Legal B.Juris. Bachelor of Jurispru-


Association; British Libera- dence

BKS British Kinematograph

tion Army; British Library bk balk; bank; below the knee;


Association black; book; brake; break

BKS B i o t e c h K n ow l e d g e

B.L.A. Bachelor of Landscape Bk berkelium; Brook


bk sh bookshelves

Architecture; Bachelor of

Liberal Arts Bk Buku (Indonesian or Ma-

B k Bank

Bks for Libs Books for Librar-

BL-AA Biblioteca Luis-Angel lay—hill, mountain)


Arango (Spanish—Luis-An- B-K Blaw-Knox

bksp backspace (flow chart)

gel Arango Library)— B/K oscillator B a r k h a u s e n /

bkt basket; bracket

Bogotá, Colombia’s library Kurz oscillator

Bkt Bukit (Malay—hill, hilly

named for a former bank BK Biblioteka Kombëtare (Al-


president banian—National Library)—

bkt(s) basket(s)

BLAC British Light Aviation Tirana

bktt below knee to toe

Center bka below-knee amputation

bkw breakwater

BLACC British and Latin BKA Bundeskriminalamt (Ger-

bkwp below-knee walking

American Chamber of Com- man—Federal Criminal Min-

plaster (cast)

merce istry)

bl balls; bank larceny; baseline;

black. blackmail bkble bookable; bookmobile

bats left (baseball); billet;

Black Black’s United States Su- bkbndg bookbinding

bleed(ing); black; blood;

preme Court Reports bkbndr bookbinder

blood loss; blue; body length;

Blackfeet Blackfeet Indians bkbrd bakboord (Dutch—port)

bomb line; breech-loading;

Black Islands see Melanesia port side

buccolin-gual; butt line; but-

Blackstairs Blackstairs Moun- bkc benzalkonium chloride

tock line

tains of Ireland (BKC)

bl. bibliography

Blackstone Sir William Black- bkcy bankruptcy

b/l basic letter; bill of lading (B/

stone’s Commentaries on the bkd blackboard

L); blueline; blueprint

Laws of England bk di brake die

b & l ball and lever; business

and loan

blad blotting pad blad blotting pad


blade. basic level automation of

blkd bulkhead data through electronics

BLESMA British Limbless Ex-

Blk Eng Black English BLADES Bell Laboratories

Service Men’s Association

blk lt black light Automatic Design System

bless. bath, laxative, enema,

blk rt bulk rate BLAISE British Library Auto-

shampoo, and shower

Blk(s) Black(s) mated Information Service

bleu blind landing experimental

blksh blackish Blake Blakely; Blakeman;


blksmith blacksmith Blakeslee

BLEU Belgium-Luxembourg

blkstp blackstrap (molasses) Blan B l a n c a ; B l a n c h a r d ;

Economic Union

bll below lower limit Blanco; Bland(on)

bleve boiling-liquid expanding

BLL Butyrka, Lefortovo, and Blanca Blanche

vapor explosion

Lubyanka (Moscow’s most B.Land.Arch. B a c h e l o r o f

Blf Bluff

dreaded prisons) Landscape Architecture

BLF & E Brotherhood of Lo-

BLLD British Library Lending Blaskets Blasket Islands on Ire-

comotive Firemen and En-

Division (Boston Spa) land’s Atlantic coast


BLLRCS Bureau of Library blast blastos (Greek—sprout)

blg betalactoglobulin

and Learning Resources and —blastoderm, blastodisc,

Blg Bulgarian

Community Services (Office blastopore, osteoblast

BLG Burke’s Landed Gentry

of Education) Blast Blastoidea

BLH Baldwin-Lima-Hamil-

blm bilayer lipid membrane BLAST Black Legal Action for

ton; Bihar Light Horse

blm besa la mano (Spanish—a Soul in Television

BLHA British Linen Hire As-

kiss to your hand) Bla Sta Blackfriars Station


BLM British Leather Manufac- BLAT British Life Assurance

BLHS Ballistic Laser Holo-

turers; British Leland Motor Trust

graphic System

(corporation at one time Blatch Blatchford’s United

BLI Bliss & Laughlin Indus-

merging Austin, British Mo- States Circuit Court Reports

tries; Buyers Laboratory In-

tor Moldings, Jaguar, Morris, BLAV British Latin American


Riley, Rover, Triumph, Volunteers

B.L.I. Bachelor of Literary In-

Wolseley); Bureau of Land Blaxican(s) Black Mexican(s)


Management (General Land BLB Boothby-Lovelace-Bulbu-

BaLI Bank Leumi le-Israel

Office and Grazing Service) lian (oxygen mask)

(Bank Association of Israel)

B.L.M. Bachelor of Land Man- blc balance; boundary-layer

BLIA Buddha’s Light Interna-

agement control

tional Association

BLM Bonniers Literary Maga- BLC Bengal Light Cavalry;

B.Lib.S. Bachelor of Library

sin (Bonnier’s Literary Mag- British Lighting Council;


azine) Bombay Light Cavalry

B.Lib.Sci. Bachelor of Library

BLMA British Lead Manufac- blchd bleached


turers’ Association bichg bleaching

Blick Blickensderfer portable


BLMC British Leyland Motor

bl cult. blood culture Corporation bld blood; blood and lymphatic

Blinder NATO code name for

Soviet Tu-22 bomber

BLMRA British Leather Man-

ufacturers’ Research Associ- system; bloody; bold; bold-

blip background-limited infra-

ation face

red photoconductor

BLMRCP Bureau of Labor- BLD Burglary Larceny Divi-

blip. background-limited infra-

Management Relations and sion (NYPD)

red photography

Cooperative Programs bldg building

BLIP Big Look Improvement

BLMS Book-Library-Manage- Bldg Engr Building Engineer


ment System bldi blank die

BLIS Bell Laboratories Inter-

bin balloon; bronchial lymph bldr builder

pretive System

nodes BLE Brotherhood of Locomo-

BLISS Baby Life-Support Sys-

Bln Berlin tive Engineers


B-lite baton-flashlight combi-

blnk blank (flow chart)

blnkt blanket Erie (railroad)

B & LE Bessemer and Lake


BLNR Benton Lake National bleap bought ledger and expen-

B.Litt. Baccalaureus Literarum

Refuge (Montana) diture analysis package

(Latin—Bachelor of Litera-

BLNWR Big Lake National BLEDCO B r o o k l y n L o c a l


Wildlife Refuge (Arkansas); Economic Development Cor-

Blitz Blitzkreig (German—

Bitter Lake NWR (New Mex- poration

lightning war)

ico); Buffalo Lake NWR Blemish Belgian & Flemish

bliz blizzard; blizzardly; bliz-

(Texas) blems blemishes (acne, black-


BLNY Book League of New heads, pimples)

blk black; block; blocking; bulk

York; Booksellers League of blenno blennorrhea

Blk Block

blkcnt block count (flow chart)

New York New York


bm basal metabolism; base- BLO Bombardment Liaison

blo blower

B.L.S. Benevolenti Lectori Sa-

ment membrane; beam; board Officer; British Liaison Of-

lutern (Latin—Salutations to

measure; body mass; bone ficer

the Kind Reader)

marrow; book of the month; BLOB Ban Large Office Build-

BLSA Black Law Students As-

bowel movement; boy me- ings


chanic; buccal mass; buc- Bloch Pub Bloch Publishing

BL & SA Bank of London and

comesial Company

South America

bm (BM) bench mark; buffer block. blockade

BLSC Basic Logistics Support

mark (flow chart); buffer blodi block diagram (compiler)


modules blokops blockade operations

BLSGMA British Lampblown

b/m (B/M) bill of material; bloody (Early English—By

Scientific Glassware Manu-

black male; brown male Our Lady)

facturers’ Association

bm bez mista (Czech—no place Bloomies Bloomingdale’s

blsh bluish

of publication) blooper blunder and error

blsn blowing snow

b.m. balneum maris (Latin— Blos Blossom

blstg pwd blasting powder

bath in sea water); bene mer- BLOT British Library of Tape

blstl billet steel

enti (Latin—to the well-de- Recordings

blsw barrels of load salt water

serving) blou blouse

blswd barrels of load salt water

Bm beam; birthmark; black B-love being love (unselfish ac-

per day

male; board measure; bowel cepting love of another per-

blt blood type; built

movement; Burma; Burmese son, according to Maslow)

blt (BLT) b o t t o m - l o a d i n g

BM Beachmaster; Bermuda BLOWS British Library Of


(Internet code); Boatswain’s Wildlife Sounds

b-l-t bacon, lettuce, and tomato

Mate; Boston & Maine (rail- blp back-loading point


BLT Battalion Landing Team;

road); Bravery Medal (Aus-

tralia); Brian Mulroney— b1p besa los pies (Spanish—a

Canada’s 23rd prime minister kiss to your feet)

Before Large Telescopes

Brigade Major; British Mu- BLP British Labor Party

Bltc Baltic bltg belting

BLPES British Library of Po-

bltn(s) built-in(s)

seum; Bronze Medal (USA); Brooklyn Museum; Bureau of

Medicine; Bureau of Mines; (London)

litical and Economic Science

blu blue

Bureau of the Mint; Business bl pr blood pressure

B-L u Bessey-Lowry units

Manager blr beyond local repair; boiler;

Blubo Blut und Boden (Ger-

B-M Bolinder-Munktell; Bris- breech-loading rifle; broad-

man—blood and soil)

tol-Myers line system

BLUCB Bancroft Library of

B.M. Bachelor of Medicine; BLR Ballistic Research Labo-

the University of California at

Bachelor of Music ratories (USA); Business &


B & M Beaufort & Morehead Legal Reports Incorporated

blue bullet blue-tipped bullet

(railroad); Boston & Maine BLRA British Launderers’ Re-

color-coded to indicate its in-

(railroad) search Association

cendiary purpose

B of M Bank of Montreal; BLRD British Library Refer-

Blue Ridge Blue Ridge Moun-

Bishop(ric) of Münster; Bu- ence Division (British Mu-

tains of the Appalachian

reau of Mines seum Library)

range; national parkway in

BM Banca Mondiale (Ital- blrmkr boilermaker

North Carolina and Virginia Blues Blue Mountains

ian—World Bank); Banco de BLROA British Laryngologi-

Méx ico (Spanish—Bank of cal, Rhinological, and Oto-

blunt marijuana joint rolled in

Mexico); Banco Mundial logical Association

a cigar

(Portuguese or Span- blrp boilerplate

BLV British Legion Village

ish—World Bank); Banque bls bales; barrels; binary light

Blvd Boulevard

du Monde (French—World switch; blood sugar

BLW Baldwin-Lima-Hamil-

Bank); Beata Maria bls bawang. luya, siling labuyo

ton; Bount Land Warrant

(Latin—Blessed Mary) (Philippines— tea)

BLWA British Laboratory Ware

bma brigade maintenance area BLS Boston Latin School;


BMA Bald Men of America; Brooklyn Law School; Buc-

Bly Blyth

Baltimore Museum of Art; cal-Lingual Syndrome; Bu-

BLYMSA Banco de Londres y

Bank Marketing Association; reau of Labor Standards; Bu-

México SA (Spanish—Bank

Bible Memory Association; reau of Labor Statistics

of London and Mexico Cor-

Bicycle Manufacturers’ As- B.L.S. Bachelor of Library Sci-


sociation; British Medical ence; Bachelor of Library

Blz Belize (formerly British

Association; British Military Service

Honduras); Belizian

b1z bladzijde (Dutch—page)

Administration; British Mil-



itary Authority; Stockholm,

BM & ESA Building Materials Sweden, airport (3-letter

BMDCA Ballistic Missile De-

and Equipment Southeast code)

fense Communications

Asia (Singapore) BMAD Black Mothers Against


BMET Biomet Incorporated Drugs

BMDEAR Ballistic Missile

B.Met. Bachelor of Metallurgy B.Mar.E. Bachelor of Marine

Defense Emergency Action

B.Met.E. Bachelor of Metallur- Engineering


gical Engineering B.Mar.Eng. Bachelor of Ma-

BMDITP Ballistic Missile De-

BMEWS B a l l i s t i c M i s s i l e rine Engineering

fense Integrated Training

Early Warning System BMASR Bureau of Military


bmf broken mixed fannings Application of Scientific Re-

BMDM British Museum De-

(tea) search

partment of Manuscripts

BMF Business Master File bmat beginning of morning as-

BMDMB Ballistic Missile De-

BMFA Boston Museum of Fine tronomical twilight

fense Missile Battalion

Arts BMAT British Military Advi-


bmg business management sory Team

BMDMP Ballistic Missile De-

game B.Math. Bachelor of Mathe-

fense Master Plan

BMG Browning Machine Gun matics

bmdns basic mission, design

B.Mgt.Eng. Bachelor of Man- BMATT British Military Advi-

number, and series (aircraft)

agement Engineering sory Training Team

BMDO Ballistic Missile De-

BMH British Military Hospital BMB Ballistic Missile Branch

fense Operations; Bomb and

bmi ballistic missile interceptor (USA); British Medical

Mine Disposal Officer

(BMI); body mass index Board; British Metrication

BMDOA Ballistic Missile De-

BMI Barley and Malt Institute; Board

fense Operations Activity

Battelle Memorial Institute; BMB British Medical Bulletin

BMDPM Ballistic Missile De-

Book Manufacturers Insti- B-M B Baader-Meinhof Bande

fense Program Manager

tute; Boulton’s Mounted In- (German—Baader-Meinhof

BMDPO Ballistic Missile De-

fantry; Broadcast Music In- Gang)—terrorist Red Army

fense Program Office(r)

corporated; Broadway Group

bmdr bombardier

Memorial Institute BMBW Bundesministerium für

bmds ballistic missile defense

B.Mic. Bachelor of Microbiol- Bildung und Wissenschaft


ogy (German—Ministry for Edu-

BMDSCOM Ballistic Missile

BMIC British Music Informa- cation and Science)

Defense System Command

tion Centre (London); Broad- bmc blockhouse monitor con-


cast Music Incorporated sole

BMD System Ballistic Missile

(Canada) BMC Ballistic Missile(s) Cen-

Defense System

BMIC Bureau of Mines Infor- ter; Ballistic Missiles Com-

bme biomedical engineering;

mation Circular mittee; Book-of-the-Month

bulk memory element

B.Min.E. Bachelor of Mining Club; Box Maker’s Certifi-

BME Blue Mountains Expedi-

Engineering cate; British Mountaineering

tions; Brotherhood of Marine

BMIP Basic Medical Insurance Council; Bryn Mawr College;


Plan Business Microcomputer

B.M.E. Bachelor of Mechani-

BMIS Business Management (Technology Group)

cal Engineering; Bachelor of

Information System BMCC Blue Mountain Com-

Mining Engineering; Bache-

BMJ British Medical Journal munity College

lor of Music Education

bmk birthmark; bookmark(er) BMCS Ballistic Missile Cost

BMEC British Marine Equip-

bmkr boilermaker Study; Bureau of Motor Car-

ment Council

BML Belfast & Moosehead rier Safety

B. Med. Bachelor of Medicine

Lake (railroad); Bodega Ma- bmd births, marriages, deaths;

B.M.Ed. Bachelor of Music

rine Laboratory (University bone marrow depression


of California); Bougainville BMD Ballistic Missile De-

B.Med.Biol. Bachelor of Medi-

Mining Limited; British Mar- fense; Becker Muscular Dys-

cal Biology

itime League; British Mu- trophy; Bengal Medical De-

B.Med.Sc. Bachelor of Medical

seum Library (London) partment; Bombay Medical


B.M.L. Bachelor of Modern Department; Bureau of Med-

BMEF British Mechanical En-

Languages ical Devices

gineering Federation

B & M L Belfast & Moose- B-M-D Blow-Me-Down, Nova

BMEG Building Materials Ex-

head Lake (railroad) Scotia

port Group

BMLA British Maritime Law BMDATC Ballistic Missile De-

BMEL Barber Middle East

Association fense Advanced Technology


BMLG Branch and Mobile Li- Center (USA)

bmep brake mean effective


braries Group



BMM Belfast, Mersey and

BMW Bayerische Motoren Manchester Steamships; Brit-

BMR Basal Metabolism Rate;

Werke (German—Bavarian ish Military Mission

Bihar Mounted Rifles; Border

Motor Works) BMMA British Mantle Manu-

Mounted Rifles; Bureau of

BMWE Brotherhood of Main- facturers’ Association

Mineral Resources

tenance of Way Employees BMMA Biblioteca Municipal

BMRA Brigade Major Royal

BMWS B a l l i s t i c M i s s i l e Mário de Andrade (Portu-

Artillery; British Manufactur-

Weapon System guese—Mario de Andrade

ers’ Representatives’ Associ-

bmx (BMX) bicycle motor- Municipal Library)—named


cross in honor of Brazil’s musician-

BMRB British Market Re-

BMYC Baltimore Motor Yacht poet promoter of modernism

search Bureau

Club BMMFF British Man-Made Fi-

BMRL Building Materials Re-

bmz basement membrane zone bres Federation

search Laboratories

bn bassoon; battalion; between; BMMO Birmingham and Mid-

BMRR British Museum Read-

billion; bloody nuisance; land Motor Omnibus

ing Room

branchial neuritis bmn bone marrow necrosis

BMRS Ballistic Missile Recov-

Bn (BN) binary number (sys- Bmn Bremen

ery System

tem) BMN British Merchant Navy

bms balanced magnetic switch;

bn bijvoeglijk naamwoord BMNH British Museum (Natu-

ballistic missile ship

(Dutch—adjective) ral History)

BMs Black Muslims; Boat-

Bn beacon (daybeacon); bear- BMNP Bale Mountains Na-

swain’s Mates

ing; Benjamin tional Park (Ethiopia); Blue

BMS Boston Museum of Sci-

Bn Bayan (Turkish—Miss, Mountains National Park

ence; British Malachological

Mrs) (New South Wales)

Society; British Ministry of

B n Bassin (French—basin, BMNT beginning morning

Supply; Buffalo Museum of

pond) nautical twilight

Science; Bureau of Medical

BN Beverage Network; blow- bmo business machine operator

Services; Bureau of Medicine

ing sand (aircraft code); BMO Ballistic Missile Office

and Surgery

Braniff, Brief Nudity; Brunei bmoc big man on campus

B.M.S. Bachelor of Marine Sci-

Darussalam (Internet code); bmom base maintenance and

ence; Bachelor of Medical


Bureau of Narcotics; Burl-

operations model ington Northern (merger of

BMSA British Medical Stu-

B’mouth Bournemouth Chicago, Burlington, and

dents’ Association

bmp best management prac- Quincy, Frisco—St Louis

BMSE Baltic Mercantile and

tices; brake mean power; but- and San Francisco, Great

Shipping Exchange

termilk powder Northern, Northern Pacific,

BMSG British Merchant Ser-

BMP Beefy-Meaty-Peptide; Spokane, Portland, and Seat-

vice Guild

tle railroads) Bricklayers, Masons and

BMSS British and Midlands

B-N Bloomington-Normal, Illi- Plasterers’ (Union); Burma

Scientific Society

nois Military Police; Business Mi-

bmt bone-marrow transplanta-

B.N. Bachelor of Nursing gration Program (Australian)


B & N Barnes & Noble; Baux- BMP Banco Minero del Perú

BMT Basic Military Training;

(Spanish—Mining Bank of ite & Northern

Boston & Maine Transporta-

tion (railroad); Brooklyn-


B of N Bureau of Narcotics

BMP-76PB Soviet amphibious BN Biblioteca Nacional (Portu-

Manhattan Transit (subway

guese or Spanish—National armored-infantry combat ve-


Library); Biblioteca Nazion- hicle; also designated BTRM

B.M.T. Bachelor of Medical

ale (Italian—National Li- BMPA British Metalworking


brary); Bibliothèque National Plantmakers’ Association

BMTA Boston Metropolitan

(French—National Library) BMPIUA Bricklayers, Masons,

Transit Authority

bna (BNA) b e t a - n a p h t h y - and Plasterers International

BMTFA British Malleable

lamine Union of America

Tube Fittings Association

BNA Black Network Alliance; bmpp benign mucous-mem-

BMTP Bureau of Mines Techni-

Blackwell North America; brane pemphigus

cal Paper

Brazil Nut Association; Brit- BMPS British Medical Protec-

BMTS Ballistic Missile Target

ish Naturalists’ Association; tion Society; British Musi-


British Naval Attaché; British cians Pension Society

BMTV Ballistic Missile Test

North America; British North BMQ Best Memory Quiz


America Philatelic Society; BMQA B o a r d o f M e d i c a l

BMU British Medical Union

British North Atlantic; British Quality Assurance

B.Mus. Bachelor of Music

Nursing Association; Bureau bmr basal metabolic rate;

bmv bromegrass-mosaic virus

of National Affairs; Nash- bomber

BMVM British Military Volun-

teer Service

ville, Tennessee (airport)


bnp (BNP)

BNA Basle Nomina Anatomica

BNHA Badlands Natural His- (Basel Anatomical Nomen-

BND Bundesnachrichtendienst

tory Society clature)

(German—Federal Intelli-

BNHQ Battalion Headquarters BNAF British North Africa

gence Service)

BNHS British National Health Force

BNDD Bureau of Narcotics and

Service B’nai Brith Benai Berith (He-

Dangerous Drugs

BNI Bechtel National Inc; Ben- brew—Sons of the Covenant)

bndl bundle

gal Native Infantry; Black BNAPS British North Ameri-

Bndr Bandmaster

Nation of Islam; Bombay Na- can Philatelic Society

Bndr S-L Bandmaster—Sub-

tive Infantry BNAs British Naval Attachés


BNIB British National Insur- BNAU Bulgarian National

bndsmn. bondsman

ance Board Agrarian Union

bndy bindery; boundary

BNJ Bonn, Germany (Cologne- B.Nav. Bachelor of Navigation

bne but not exceeding

Bonn airport) BNB British National Bibliog-

BNE Bank of New England;

BNJM Biblioteca Nacional raphy; British North Borneo

Board of National Estimates

José Martí (Spanish—José (Sabah)

(CIA); Brisbane, Australia

Martí National Li- BNB British National Bibliog-

(airport); Buffalo Niagara

brary)—Havana’s library raphy

Electric Corporation

named for Cuba’s apostle of BNBC British National Book

BNEC British National Export

independence in the late nine- Centre; British North Borneo

Council; British Nuclear En-

teenth century Company

ergy Conference

Bnk bank BNC Bayonet Neill-Concel-

BNES British Nuclear Energy

bnkg banking man (antenna feedline con-


BNL Brookhaven National nection)

BNE & SAA Bureau of Near

Laboratory BNC Biblioteca Nacional de

Eastern and South Asian Af-

BNL Banco Nazionale del Chile (Spanish—National Li-

fairs (U.S. Department of

Lavoro (Italian—National brary of Chile); Biblioteca


Bank of Labor); Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia (Span-

bnf bomb nose fuse

Nacional de Lisboa (Portu- ish—National Library of Co-

Bnf Banff

guese—National Library of lombia)

Lisbon); Bibliothèque Natio- B.N.C. Brasenose College (Ox-

BNF Brand Name Foundation;

nale du Liban (French—Na- ford) BNCC Bay de Noc Community

Braniff International Airways

BNF British National Formu-


tional Library of Leba-

non)—in Beirut College BNCF Biblioteca Nazionale

BNLI Bengal Native Light In- Centrale Firenze (Ital-

BNFC British National Film

fantry BNLO British Naval Liaison ian—National Central Li-


BNFEX Battalion Field Exer-

Officer brary—Florence)


bnm bajo el nivel del mar BNCM Bibliothèque Nationale

BNFL British Nuclear Fuels

bnchbd benchboard

(Spanish—below sea level) BNM Badlands National Mon- du Conservatorie de Musique


BNFMF British Non-Ferrous

ument (South Dakota); Bib- (French—National Library of

Metals Federation

lioteca Nacional de México the Conservatory of Music—

BNFMRA British Non-Ferrous

(Spanish—National Library Paris)

Metals Research Association

of Mexico—Mexico City) BNCO British Non-Commis-

BNFMTC British Non-Ferrous

BNM Banco Nacional de Méx- sioned Officer

Metals Technology Centre

ico (Spanish—National Bank BNCOR British National Com-

BNFP Barnwell Nuclear Fuel

of Mexico); Biblioteca Na- mittee for Oceanographic Re-


cional de México (Span- search

BNFSA British Non-Ferrous

ish—National Library of BNCS British Numerical Con-

Smelters’ Association

Mexico)—in Mexico City; trol Society

Bng Bangor

Biblioteca Nazionale Marci- BNCSR British National Com-

BNGA British Nursery Goods

ana (Italian—Marcian Na- mittee for Space Research


tional Library)—in Venice (Royal Society)

BNG-DL Bibliothéque Nation-

bno barrels of new oil; bladder BNCVE Biblioteca Nazionale

ale du Grand-Duche de Lux-

neck obstruction; but not over Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II

embourg (French—National

BNO Bank of New Orleans (Italian—Victor Emanuel

Library of the Grand Duchy

BNOC British National Oil IInd Central Library)—in

of Luxembourg)

Corporation; British National Rome

BNGM British Naval Gunnery

Opera Company b/nd binding—no date avail-


bnp (BNP) b r u t t o n a t i o n a l - able

BNGS Bomb Navigation Guid-

produkt (Dano-Norwegian— Bnd Bend

ance System

bnh burnish

gross national product)



BNP Bahamas NP (West In-

’board aboard; all aboard; on dies); Bako National Park

BNYI Brooklyn Navy Yard In-

board; starboard (Sarawak); (Spanish—Na-


Boardwalk Atlantic City, New tional Bank of Panama)

BNZ Bank of New Zealand

Jersey’s famous promenade Banco Nacional de Panamá;

bnzn benzoin

BOAS British Orphans Adop- Banff NP (Alberta); Belair

bo base (of prism) out; battalion

tion Society NP (South Australia); Bonte-

orders; beat oscillator; black-

BOAT Business Operational bok NP (South Africa)

out; body odor; bowel ob-

and Administrative Training BNP Banque Nationale de

struction; bowels open; bri-

(program) Paris (French—National

g a d e o r d n a n c e ; bu c c o -

boat dk boat deck (lifeboat- Bank of Paris)

occlusal; buyers’ option

boarding deck) bnpa binasal pharyngeal air-

bo. boarder; bottom; bought

boatel boat + hotel (waterside way

bo’ bore; brother

hotel or motel) bnr burner

b/o back order; boiloff; brought

boats. boatswain (bo’sun) BNR Blue Note Records

over; budget outlay

BOAT/US Boat Owners Asso- BNRDC British National Re-

b & o belladonna and opium

ciation of the United States search Development Corpo-

’bo hobo (vagrant)

bob back of the book; best of ration

Bo Bolivia; Bolivian

breed BNRVR Bengal-Nagpore Rail-

BO Baltimore & Ohio (stock

Bob Robert way Volunteer Rifles

exchange symbol); Base Or-

BoB Bay of Bengal BNS Bank of Nova Scotia;

der; black oil (bunker oil

B o B Bookbuilders of Boston Bathymetric Navigation Sys-

fuel); Board of Ordnance;

BOB Bank One Ballpark; Bu- tem; British Naval Staff; Brit-

body odor; Bolivia (Internet

reau of the Budget ish Nylon Spinners

code); box office; British Of- ficer; branch office; broker’s

BOBA British Overseas Banks B.N.S. Bachelor of Natural Sci-

Association ence; Bachelor of Naval Sci-

order; Bureau of Ordnance

Bobbie Robert ence

B.O. Bachelor of Oratory

B & O Baltimore & Ohio Rail-

B of NS Bank of Nova Scotia

road; Bang & Olufsen; busi-

Bobbs Bobbs-Merrill Bobby Robert(a); London po-

B.N.Sc. Bachelor of Nursing

liceman, named after Sir Rob- Science

ness and occupations (tax) BO Boletín Oficial (Span-

ert Peel, who organized the BNSM British National Social-

London police BOBC British Outward Bound bnst bassoonist

ish—Official Bulletin)

ist Movement

BO-5 Messerschmidt-Bolkow-

Centre (Norway) b-o-b cult ban-on-bathing cult BNTL British National Tem-

Blohm five-seat helicopter

Bnt Burntisland

boa born on arrival; breakoff al-

titude Boa Balboa, Panama

Bob La Fol Robert La Follette perance League

BOBMA British Oil Burner BNU Banco Nacional Ultrama-

BoA Bookkeepers of America

Manufacturers Association National Bank)

rino (Portuguese—Overseas

B o A Board of Accountancy

BOA Basic Ordering Agree-

bobo bourgeois bohemian bo-bo bo-bo-type locomotive

bobr boring bar B-nut B-shaped nut

B Nurs Bachelor of Nursing

ment; Boat Owners Associa- tion; British Optical Associa-

boc back outlet central; blowout BNV Biblioteca Nacional de

tion; British Orthopedic

coil; body on chassis; butox- Venezuela (Spanish—Na-

Association; British Osteo-

ycarbonyl tional Library of Venezu-

pathic Association; British

Boc Boccaccio ela)—in Caracas

Overseas Airways (BOAC)

B o C Board of Cosmetology; BNVE Biblioteca Nazionale

BOA (Disp) British Optical

Bureau of Correction (Penn- Vittorio Emanuele III (Ital-

Association (Dispensing Cer-

sylvania); Bureau of Correc- ian—Victor Emanuel III Li-


tions (Virgin Islands) brary)—in Naples

BOAC Better on a Camel; Brit-

BOC Bank of China; British BNW Battelle-Northwest; Bu-

ish Overseas Airways Corpo-

Ornithologists Club; Brook- reau of Naval Weapons


lyn Opera Company; Burmah BNWR Blackwater National

BOAdicea British Overseas

Oil Company Wildlife Refuge (Maryland);

Airways digital information

BOCA Building Officials and Bowdoin National Wildlife

computer for electronic auto-

Code Administrators; Build- Refuge (Montana); Brigan-


ing Officials Conference of tine National Wildlife Refuge

BOADS Boston Air Defense

America (New Jersey)


boca(s) (Spanish—gulf(s); in- Bnx Bronx

BOAE Bureau of Occupational

let(s); mouth(s)) BNX British Nuclear Export

and Adult Education (Office

BOCCI Bureau of Organized Executive

of Education)

Crime and Criminal Intelli- BNY Bank of New York

BOAFG British Order of An-

cient Free Gardeners

gence (California)



B.Occu.Ther. Bachelor of Oc-

Boise St Univ Boise State Uni- cupational Therapy

bof beurre, oeifs, fromages

versity bocd barrels of oil per calendar

( F r e n c h — bu t t e r, eg g s ,

boj booster jettison day

cheeses)—big butter-and-egg

BoJ Bank of Japan BOCE Board of Customs and


bo juice body-odor deodorant Excise

BoF Bureau of Foods

BOK Book-of-the-Month Club BOCES Board of Cooperative

B-o-F Books-on-File

bokhara bokhara or bokhara- Educational Services

B of N Birth of a Nation (David

style rug BoCHS Bureau of Community

Wark Griffith’s three-hour

Boko Bohner & Kohle Health Services


’boks springboks BOCI Bloque de Obreros,

bofu bordfunker (German—ra-

bol beginning of life; bill(s) of Campesinos e Intelectuales

dio-radar operator)

lading; bollard(s) (Spanish—Bloc of Workers,

Bog Bogotá

bol (BOL) block output length Farmers, and Intellectuals)

BoG Board of Governors

bol. bolus (Latin—large pill) BoCI Bureau of Criminal In-

B o G Board of Governors

Bol Bolivar (Venezuelan prov- vestigation

BOG Bogotá, Colombia (air-

ince and hero); Bolivia; Bo- BOCM British Oil and Cake

port); Boston Opera Group

livian; boliviano Mills

bogaz boghaz (Turkish—strait)

boggan toboggan

Bol Bol’shaya or Bol’shoy(e)

(Russian—big) and Ohio—Chesapeake and

B & O—C & O B a l t i m o r e

bogh boghandel (Dano-Norwe-

bol-148 (also BOL-148) d - 2 - Ohio (merged railroad)

gian—bookstore, booktrade)

bromolysergic acid tartrate Boc Rat Boca Raton, Florida

bogie unidentified aircraft

(hallucinogen) BOCS Board of Cooperative

boh breakoff height

Bol cols Bolivarian colors (yel- Services

Boh Bohemia(n)

low, blue, and red as in the bod base ordnance depot; ben-

BoH Bank of Hawaii

flags of Colombia, Ecuador, eficial occupancy date; bio-

B O’H Bernardo O’Higgins

and Venezuela) chemical oxygen demand; bi-

Bohem Bohemia; Bohemian

BOLD Bibliographic On-Line ological oxygen demand;

B o HF Bureau of Home Fur-

Display (document retrieval blackout door


system); Blind Outdoor Lei- bod bodega (Spanish—wine-

bohica bend over—here it

sure Development shop); bodoniana (Ital-

comes again

BOLDS Burroughs Optical ian—Bodoni-style type)

BoHM Bureau of Health Man-

Lens Docking System Bod Bodaway; Bodel; Boden;


bolf barge off loading facility Bodil; Bodleian; Bodnar;

BoHP & RD Bureau of Health

Bolivar monetary unit of Vene- Bodo; Bodoni

Planning and Resources De-

z u e l a ; S i m ó n B o l í va r BoD Board of Directors; Bu-


(Guayaquil, Ecuador’s air- reau of Drugs

BOHS British Occupational

port) Bodl Bodleian Library

Hygiene Society

Bolivar Pen Bolivar Peninsula bod lang body language (com-

boi basis of issue; break of in-

north of Galveston munication via body move-


Bolivia Republic of Bolivia ments or postures)

boi (BOI) branch output inter-

(landlocked Andean nation Bodley Bodley Head


named for Simón Bolívar b-o d(s) box-office disaster(s)

Boi Boise

who liberated it from Spain) Bod units Bodansky units

BoI Board of Investment

República Boliviana boe back outlet eccentric

BOI Boise, Idaho (airport)

B & OI Bank and Office Interi-

boliviano monetary unit of Bo-

B E Bank of England



Bolivianos Bolivianos—el hado of Equalization

B o E Bank of England; Board

BoIA Board of Immigration

es propicio (Spanish—Boliv- BOE Board of Osteopathic Ex-


ians, destiny is propitious) na- aminers

BOIBIA Business One Irwin

tional anthem BOE Boletín Oficial del Estado


bolo be on the lookout (for a (Spanish—Official State Bul-

BOIC Boarding Officer in

criminal at large) letin)


bolo(s) bolshevik(s) Boeing 707 four-engine long-

BOIESA Bureau of Oceans and

Bolo(s) Bolshevik(s) range jet transport

International Environmental

bolovac bolometric voltage and Boerst Boerestaat (Boer State

and Scientific Affairs (U.S.

current (voltage measure- in South Africa)

Department of State)

ment) BOES Branch Ordinary En-

boil. boiling

bols bolster quiry System boiling point

BOLSA Bank of London and bof basic oxygen furnace; be-

Boi Phil Boise Philharmonic

South America ginning of file; binary oxide

Bois (French—woods)—Bois

bolshie(s) bolshevik(s) film

de Boulogne park, racetrack,

and recreation area of Paris

bolt. beam-of-light transistor



BOLT Basic Occupational

bopd barrels of oil per day Language Training; Basic

Bon Air Girls Bon Air School

bopf broken orange pekoe fan- Occupational Literacy Test

(for delinquent) Girls at Bon

nings boltop better on lips than on pa-

Air, Virginia

B o PM Board of Podiatric per (a kiss)

bond. bonding

Medicine Bolv Bolivia; Bolivian

bone(s) trombone(s)

bops blowout preventer stack(s) bom beginning of the month;

Bo’ness Borrowstounness

B o PS Board of Personnel Ser- bomb(ardier); business office

Boni Boniface

vices must

BONI Bombay Native Infantry

bopt broken orange pekoe tea Bom Bombay

Boniato Santiago de Cuba’s

B.Opt. Bachelor of Optometry BoM Bureau of Mines; Bureau

prison noted for inhuman

Boq Boquerón (Paraguayan— of the Mint

treatment of prisoners

department) BOM Boiler Operations &

Bonins Bonin Islands (Ogasa-

BOQ Bachelor Officers’ Quar- Management; Bombay, India


ters; Base Officers’ Quarters (airport)

boo brigade ordnance officer

bor boring; bowels open regu- BOMA Building Owners and

Boo Bootes

larly Managers Association

B o O Board of Optometry

Bor Boris; Borough BOMAP Barbados Oceano-

B o OE Board of Osteopathic

BOR Board of Review; Borg- graphic and Meteorological


Warner (stock exchange sym- Analysis Project

Book Bookman

bookie(s) bookmaker(s)

bol); Bureau of Outdoor Rec- reation

Bomarc Boeing long-range

bookmobile book + automobile

BORAD British Oxygen Re- nuclear warhead

surface-to-air missile bearing

(mobile branch library within

a truck)

search and Development

Borains people of Belgium’s BOMARC Boeing-Michigan

Bookstax Bookstax of Britain

Research Center

Booklist Booklist and Subscrip-

Borinage mining district

boram block-oriented random BOMAS Business Opportunity

tion Books Bulletin

access memory and Management Advisory

boom boomerang

borax sodium tetraborate Service

boomers baby boomer genera-

borazon boron nitrogen com- bomb. bombardment


pound harder than diamond; Bomb Bombardier

boonies boondocks

boron nitride heated and Bombay Hook Bombay Hook

BOOST Broadened Opportuni-

pressed with a catalyst National Wildlife Refuge

ties for Officer Selection and

Bore Ro-Ro Bore Roll-on Roll- near Dover, Delaware

Training (USN)

off Line bombex bombing exercise

Boot Bootes

boricua(s) b o r i n q u e ñ o ( s ) BOMC Book of the Month

Boöt Boötes (Latin—Herds-

(Spanish-American slang— Club

man constellation)

Puerto Rican(s)) Bom Com Bomber Command

Boothia Boothia Peninsula in

borino(s) borinqueño(s) [Span- BoMD Bureau of Medical De-

the Canadian Arctic, north-

ish-American slang—Puerto vices

ernmost extension of North

Rican(s)] BOMEX Barbados Oceano-


BORL Borland International graphic and Meteorological

bop balance of payments; basic

Incorporated Experiment; Board of Medi-

oxygen process(ing); bebop;

BORN FREE Build Options, cal Examiners

best operating procedure;

Reassess Norms, Free Roles bomfog brotherhood of man

broken orange pekoe; buy our

through Educational Equity under the fatherhood of god


boro borough BOMI Box Office Manage-

b-o-p balance of payments

Boro Borough ment International

Bop Buffalo orphan prototype

Boro’ Borough Bompo Bompensiero (Frank


BoP Bay of Pigs (invasion);

Borromeans Borromean Is-

lands in Lake Maggiore Bompensiero—San Diego,

Bay of Plenty

bos basic oxygen steel California’s mob boss slain in

B o P Board of Pharmacy; Bu-

bos’ bosun (boatswain) bomrep bombing report

reau of Prisons (U.S. Depart-

ment of Justice)

Bos Bosphorus; Boston

Bos Bosanski (Serbo-Croat- bomroc bombardment rocket

BOP Behavior Observation

ian—Bosnian) BoMS Bureau of Medical Ser-


BoS Bureau of Ships vices

BoPa Borgelige Partisaner

BOS Boston, Massachusetts bomst bombsight

(Danish—Middleclass Parti-

(airport); Boston Red Stock- Bon Bonin Islands

sans)—underground resis-

ings; British Oil Shipping BON Bonaire, Netherlands

tance against occupying Ger-

Boschaps Boston Symphony West Indies (airport); British

man forces during World War

II Chamber Players Organization for Non-parents

BoPat Border Patrol

Bösend Bösendorfer



Bos-Her Bosnia-Herzegovina

cial—with a company, coun- (formerly part of Yugoslavia,

botan botanic(al)(ly); botanist;

try, person, or their products formerly part of Austria-Hun-


or services gary)

BOTB British Overseas Trade

bozo brawny intellectual light- bo’s’n boatswain


weight Bo’sn Boatswain

bot & can bottle and can

bp back pressure; bandpass; Bosna (Yugoslav—Bosnia-

botel boat hotel

baptized; base pairs; basic Herzegovina)

BOTEX British Office for

pay; bathroom privileges; Bosnia Bosnia-Herzegovina

Training Exchange

beautiful people; bedpan; be- (part of the Austro-Hungarian

both. bombing over the horizon

fore present; behavior pat- Empire, now a federated re-

botmg bottoming

tern; below proof, benzy- public in Yugoslavia)

BOT-ohm Board of Trade ohm

pyrene; between Bosnywash Boston-New York-

botox botulinium toxin

perpendiculars; bills payable; Washington, D.C. corridor

botp both of this parish

biotic potential; biparietal; bi- Bosox Boston Red Socks (base-

botr battalion orderly room

polar; birthplace; bishop; ball team)

BOTR British Other Rank

black pimp; blood pressure; BosPops Boston Pops Orches-

bot(s) bottle(s)

blueprint; boiling point; bro- tra

ken pekoe; broncho-plural; boss basic orthographic syllabic

Bots Botswana

Botswana Republic of Bots-

buccopulpal structure

wana (landlocked South Afri-

bp (BP) back projection (tv BOSS Bioastronautic Orbital

can country)—formerly Be- chuanaland

slide-or-film background pro- Space System; Boeing Oper-

jection) ational Supervisory System;

botu botulism

b/p baking powder; bills pay- Bureau of State Security

BOTU Board of Trade Unit

(South Africa’s Secret Ser-

boty bike of the year

able; blood pressure; blue-

print vice)

Bou Boulogne-sur-Mer

b & p bare and painted; beer Bost Boston

BOU Bank Officers Union;

Boston Spa British Library

Boat Operating Unit; British

and pretzels; budgetary and planning

Lending Division in Boston

Ornithologists’ Union boul boulevard

b of p balance of payments Spa, Wetlmerby, West York-

bp Bergstrom Paper Company; Boston Tech Boston Technical


Boul’ Mich’ B o u l eva r d S t

buono per (Italian—good for) Publishers

Michel in the student quarter

b.p. bonum publicum (Latin— BOSTPDis Boston Procure-

of Paris

the public good) ment District (U.S. Army)

Boulogne Boulogne-sur-Mer

Bp Babinski’s phenomenon; bo’sun boatswain

(French—Boulogne by the

Bishop Boswash Boston-to-Washing-

Sea)—English Channel port

Bp Boerenpartij (Dutch— ton

bound. boundaries; boundary

Farmers’ Party) bot balance of time (to be

’bout about

BP Basic Protocol; Beach Party served by a convict); balance

bov best of variety; bovine;

(amphibious military opera- of trade; botanic; botanical;

bovril; brown oil of vitriol

tion); Beacon Press; Be Pre- botanist; botany; bottle; bot-

Bov Eil Bovenwindse Eilanden

pared (Boy Scout and Girl tled; bottom; bottomed; bot-

(Dutch—Windward Islands,

Guide motto); Beschleunigter toming; bought

Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao)

Personenzug (German—ex- bot (BOT) beginning of tape

Bovid Bovidde (Latin— bo-

press train); Board of Parole; b-o-t build-operate-transfer

vines: cows, goats, oxen,

Bombay Pioneers; Border Pa- (toll roads)

other ruminants, sheep)

trol; British Petroleum; Brit- bot botanik or botanisk (Dano-

bovinol bovinologic(al)(ly);

ish Pharmacopoeia; British Norwegian—botany or bota-

bovinologist; bovinology

Public; Broadcast Pioneers; nist)

bow bag of water (amniotic

Bureau of Power; Bureau of Bot Botany; Botswana (whose

sac); base ordnance work-

Prisons (U.S. Department of capital is Gaborone)

shop; blackout window; born

Justice); Burns Philp Lines BoT Bank of Tokyo

out of wedlock

bo & w barrels of oil and water

B & P Ben and Penn (Ben-

jamin Franklin and William Board of Transport (NATO)

B o T Board of Trade (British);

bowdler bowdlerize

Penn); Bombay Pioneers BOT Board of Trade; Board of

Bowker RR Bowker Company

B-P Basses-Pyrénées; Bermuda Trade unit; Board of Trustees;

bowla bowlathon

Plan (breakfast only); Lord Books On Tape

BOWO B r i ga d e O r d n a n c e

Robert S Baden-Powell, B.O.T. Bachelor of Occupa-

Warrant Officer

founder of the Boy Scouts tional Therapy

Box Post Office Box

B.P. Bachelor of Pharmacy; BOTAC Board of Trade Advi-

boyc boycott (named for C C

Bachelor of Philosophy sory Committee

Boycott), not having any

dealings—commercial or so-

B/P Bills Payable

B of P


B.Pd. Bachelor of Pedagogy Bureau of Prisons

B of P Bishop(ric) of Passau;

bpam basic partitioned access

BPD Bureau of the Public Debt BP Bassposaune (German—


bpd & a basic planning data bass trombone); Battleship

BPANZ Book Publishers Asso-

and assumption Potemkin; Berliner Philhar-

ciation of New Zealand

BPDC Berkeley Particle Data moniker (German—Berlin

BPAO Branch Public Affairs

Center; Books and Periodical Philharmonic); Biblioteca


Development Council (Cana- Pubblica (Italian—Public Li-

BPAS British Pregnancy Advi-

dian) brary); Biblioteca Pública

sory Service

BPDMS Basic Point-Defense (Portuguese or Spanish—

BPASC Book Publishers Asso-

Missile System Public Library); Boerenpartij

ciation of Southern California

BPDP Brotherhood of Painters, (Dutch—Farmers’ Party);

bpay bill(s) payable

Decorators, and Paperhangers Boite Pôstale (French—post

bpb bank post bills; blanket po-

bpe bit-plane encoding; black o ffi c e b o x ) ; B o x Po s t e

sition bond; boom patrol boat;

powder express (cartridge) (French—mail box); British

bromophenol blue

BPE Bureau of Postsecondary Pharmacopoeia

BPBD Bill Posters, Billers and

Education (Office of Educa- bp 120/80 lar blood pressure

Distributors (Union)

tion) 120 (systolic)/80 (diastolic)

BPBF British Paper Box Feder-

B.P.E. Bachelor of Physical Ed- left arm reclining


bpa boronated phenylalanine; ucation

BPBI British Plaster Board In-

BPE-LCA Board of Parish Ed- broadband power amplifier


ucation—Lutheran Church in Bpa B a h n p o s t a m t

BPBIF British Paper and Board

America man—Railway Post Office)

( G e r-

Industry Federation

B.Pet.E. Bachelor of Petroleum BPA Baltimore Publishers As-

BPBIRA British Paper and

Engineering sociation; Beach Protection

Board Industry Research As-

bpf batter’s park factor; bottom Authority; Bedding Plants


pressure fluctuation; broken Australia; Biological Photog-

BPBM Bernice P Bishop Mu-

pekoe fannings raphers Association; Blanket

seum (Honolulu)

Purchasing Agreement; Bon- bpf bon pour francs (French—

BPBMA British Paper and

neville Power Administra- good for francs)

Board Makers Association

tion; Book Publishers Associ- BPF British Pacific Fleet; Brit-

bpc back-pressure control;

ation; British Pediatric ish Polio Fellowship

beach patrol craft; book

prices current; book and peri-

Association; British Ports As-

bpg break pulse generator sociation; Broadcasters Pro-

BPGC Building Performance motion Association; Brun-

odical circulation

Guarantee Corporation swick Port Authority; Bureau

BPC British Pharmaceutical

Bpge bearing per gyro compass of Public Affairs (U.S. State

Codex; British Phosphate

bph barrels per hour; benign Department); Bureau of Pub-

Commission; British Printing

Corporation; British Purchas-

prostatic hyperplasia; benign lic Assistance; Bush Pilots

ing Commission; Business

prostatic hypertrophy Association (Australia);

and Professional Code

B.Ph. Bachelor of Philosophy Business Press Association;

BPC Bataillon De Parachut-

BPh British Pharmacopoeia Business Publications Audit

istes De Choc (French—Red

B.P.H. Bachelor of Public (of circulation)


Health B.P.A. Bachelor of Professional

b-p cartridge barricade-pene-

B.Pharm. Bachelor of Phar- Arts

trating cartridge

macy BPA B a n c o Po r t u g u é s d o

BPCC British Printing and

B.P.H.E. Bachelor of Physical Atlántico (Portuguese—Por-

Communication Corporation

and Health Education tuguese Bank of the Atlantic)

bpcd barrels per calendar day

B.Phil. Bachelor of Philosophy BPAA Bowling Proprietors’

BPCF British Precast Con-

BP & HL Brown Picton and Association of America

crete Federation

Hornby Libraries (Liverpool) B/PAA Business/Professional

BPCI Bulk Packaging and

B.Phys. Bachelor of Physics Advertising Association

Containerization Institute

B.Phys.Ed. Bachelor of Physi- BPAC Budget Program Activ-

BPCR Brakes on Pedal Cycle

cal Education ity Code; Business Publica-


B.Phys.Thy. Bachelor of Phys- tions Audit of Circulation

BPCRA British Professional

ical Therapy BP-ACT Blueport Associated

Cycle Racing Association

bpi bits per inch; bytes per inch Container Transportation

bpctca best practicable control

BPI Bernreuter Personality In- BPA/DoS Bureau of Public Af-

technology currently avail-

ventory; British Pacific Is- fairs—Department of State


lands; Brooklyn Polytechnic B.Paed. Bachelor of Paediatrics

bpcu bus power-control unit

Institute; Bureau of Public In- BPAGB Bicycle Polo Associa-

bpd barrels per day; boxes per

formation; Business Periodi- tion of Great Britain

day; bronchopulrnonary dys-


cals Index


b quark

BPICA Bureau Permanent In-

B psc bearing per standard com- ternationale des Construc-

Bpn Balikpapan

pass t e a r s d ’ Au t o m o b i l e s

BPNHM Banff Park Natural

bpsd barrels per steam day (French—Permanent Inter-

History Museum

bpsm bulk pre-sorted mail national Bureau of Automo-

BPNMA British Plain Net

BPsS British Psychological So- bile Manufacturers)

Manufacturers’ Association

BPO Base Post Office; Base


B p stg c bearing per steering com- signed as a second or sup-

B picture moving picture de-

Procurement Office; Berlin

pass porting feature in a cinema

Philharmonic Orchestra; Bos-

bpsk burst pulse shift key program

ton Pops Orchestra; British

BPSO Base Personnel Staff Of- b-pid book-physical inventory

Post Office; British Postal Or-

ficer difference

der; Brooklyn Philharmonia

B.Psych. Bachelor of Psychol- BPIF British Printing Indus-

Orchestra, Brooklyn Post Of-

ogy tries Federation

fice; Buffalo Philharmonic

bpt battle practice target; boil- BPISAE Bureau of Plant In-


ing point dustry, Soils, and Agricultural

BPO Berliner Philharmonis-

bpt. baptized Engineering

ch e s O rch e s t e r ( G e r-

bpt (BPT) bound plasma tryp- BP & JC FL B i r m i n g h a m

man—Berlin Philharmonic

tophan Public and Jefferson County


BPT Board of Prison Terms; Free Library

BPOE Benevolent and Protec-

British Petroleum Tanker; BPKT Basic Programming

tive Order of Elks

Bureau of Prison Terms Knowledge Test

BPOEW Benevolent and Pro-

B.P.T. Bachelor of Physiother- bpl birthplace

tective Order of Elks of the

apy Bpl Barnstaple


bpti bovine pancreatic trypsin BPL Belfast Public Library;

bpp bus-protection panel

inhibitor Binghamton Public Library;

BPP Black Panther Party;

bptv battleship propulsion test Birmingham Public Library;

Botswana People’s Party

vehicle Boston Public Library; Brass

BPP Banco Popular del Perú

bpu base production unit; bus Pounders League; Bridgeport

(Spanish—Popular Bank of

protection unit

BPU British Powerboating Public Library; Buffalo Pub- lic Library

Public Library; Brooklyn

Peru), British Parliamentary


BPPMA British Power Press


BPUNP Biblioteca Pública de BP Lib Broadcast Pioneers Li- brary

Manufacturers Association

BPR Bureau of Public Roads

la Úniversidad de la Plata

(Spanish—Public Library of BPLS Boston Public Latin

the University of La Plata) bpv bovine papilloma virus; bpm barrels per minute; beats

BPR Bloque Popular Revolu-


cionario (Spanish—Popular

Revolutionary Block)—El

Salvador; Book Publishing

bullet-proof vest

BPWA Business and Profes- means; blows per minute;

per minute; best practical

sional Women’s Association breaths per minute



bpwr burnable poison water re- BPM British Prime Minister

BPRA Book Publishers’ Repre-

actor B-Pyr Basses-Pyrénées cology

sentatives’ Association

BPM Bulletin of Paleomala-

bprf bulletproof

bq beauty quotient; boiler qual- BPMA British Photographic

bprs brief psychiatric rating

ity Manufacturers Association;


Bq Becquerel British Printing Machinery

bps bits per second; bytes per

BQ Bachelor’s Quarters; Basic Association; British Pump


Qualification; Basically Manufacturers Association

bp(s) black pimp(s)

Qualified (member of USCG BPMA/DoS Bureau of Polit-

bp’s beautiful people

Aux) ico-Military Affairs—De-

bpS broken pekoe Souchong

B Q Bibliotèque nationale du partment of State

BPs Book Publishers (sales re-

Québec (French—National BPMD Battelle Project Man-

ports); Burns Philp steam-

Library of Quebec)— Mon- agement Division


treal BPME Broadcast Promotion

B.Ps Bachelor in Psychology

Bqa Barranquilla and Marketing Executives

BPS Balanced-Pressure Sys-

BQL Bank of Queensland BPMF British Postgraduate

tem; Basic Programming Sys-

BQLI Brooklyn, Queens’ Long Medical Federation; British

tem; Bayou Preservation So-

Island Pottery Manufacturers’ Fed-

ciety; Benchmark Portability

BQMS Battery Quartermaster eration

System; Border Patrol Sector;

Sergeant BPMS Blood Pressure Measur-

Border Patrol Station; British

BQSF British Quarrying and ing System

Police Service; British Psy-

Slag Federation bpn bloody public nuisance

chological Society; Bureau of

Product Safety

b quark bottom quark b quark bottom quark


bque barque

BRANZ Basketball Referees Bquilla Barranquilla

BRA Bankruptcy Reform Act;

Association of New Zealand; br bank rate; bank robber(y);

Bee Research Association;

Building Research Associa- bats right; batting runs; berth;

Boston Redevelopment Au-

tion of New Zealand bill of rights; bills receivable;

thority; Bougainville Revolu-

bras ballistic rocket air sup- branch; bread (slang—

tionary Army (Papua, New

pression money); breath; breeder reac-

Guinea); Brigadier Royal Ar-

bra(s) brassiere(s) tor; broken; bromine; brown;

tillery; British Records Asso-

Bras Brasenose College, Ox- builder’s risk; butadiene rub-

ciation; British Robot Associ-

ford; Brasil; Brasileiro ber

ation; Building Renovating

Bras Brasil (Portuguese or br. brother


Spanish—Brazil); Brasile br (BR) bedroom; bedroom

Brab L a B ra b a n f c o n n e

(Italian—Brazil) steward; branch (flow chart);

(French—the Brabant) na-

BRAs Bosom-Rehabilitation break (request signal)

tional anthem of Belgium

Associates b/r bills receivable

brac base realignment and clo-

sure; basic rest activity cycle

BRASCFHESE Brotherhood

b & r budget and reporting

BRAC Brotherhood of Railway

of Railway, Airline, and

Steamship Clerks, Freight br bez roku (Czech—no date,

b or r bales or rolls (freight)

and Airline Clerks

Handlers, Express, and Sta- no year)

brachi b ra ch i o n ( G r e e k —

tion Employees Br Branch; Bridge; Britain;

arm)—brachiation, brachio-

BRASCO Brigade Royal Army British

pod, brachium

Service Corps Officer Br Bachiller (Spanish—Bache-

Bras Coll B r a s e n o s e C o l - l o r ) — a c a d e m i c d eg r e e ;

brachycephs brachycephalics

lege—Oxford Bratsche (German—viola);

(short-skulled people)

Brasilsat Brazil’s satellite Bredning (Danish—bay);

Bra Cur Brazil Current

brass b r e a t h e - r e l a x - a i m - Brücke (German—bridge);

Brad Bradburn; Bradbury;

squeeze-shoot Burun (Turkish—nose, Point)

Braden; Bradfield; Bradford;

b-r-a-s-s breathe, relax, aim, BR Baluch Regiment; Barba-

Bradley; Bradner; Bradshaw;

squeeze, shoot (marksman’s dos Regiment; Baton Rouge;

Bradstreet; Brady

acronym) bearing; Bermuda Regiment;

Bradshaw’s Bradshaw’s Rail-

BRASS Bottom Reflecting Ac- Boca Raton; branch; Brazil

way Guide

tive Sonar System (auto plaque); Breeder Reac-

brady bradycardia

brasses brass instruments: bu- tor; bridge; British; British

Brady Bradenton, Florida;

gles, cornets, French horns, Railways; British Resident

Brady Glacier, Alaska; Brady

horns, mellophones, trom- (commissioner); British

Lake, Ohio; Brady Moun-

bones, trumpets, tubas, wag- United Airways; Brockville

tains, Texas; Dr Brady C

ner horns Rifles; bromine; brown


brass knucks brass knuckles (buoy); Bureau of Reclama-

Bráh. Bráhmana

BRASTACS Bradford Scien- tion

braid. bidirectional reference

tific, Technical, and Commer- B-R Bas-Rhin; Business Route

array internally deprived

cial Service B/R Bills Receivable; Bor-

BRAIN Basic Research in

brat bananas, rice, applesauce, deaux or Rouen

Adaptive Intelligence and


toast (diet)

Brat bi-drive recreational all- Bureau of Rehabilitation

B of R Bureau of Reclamation;

BRAINS Behavior Replication

terrain transporter; Bratislava BR Banco di Roma (Ital-

by Analog Instruction of Ner-

(capital of Slovakia) ian—Bank of Rome)

vous System

BRAVE Boeing Robotic Air B.R. Bancus Reginae (Latin—

Bram Abraham

Vehicle Queen’s Bench); Bancus Rex

Bravo letter B radio code (Latin—King’s Bench)

Br.Am. British America safety

braz Brazil; Brazilian BR-1150 Breguet maritime-

lock invented by Joseph Bra-

Braz Brazil(ian) lantique


Brazil Federative Republic of bra bombing restricted area;

patrol aircraft, also called At-

Brambach Radiumbad Bram-

bach in Saxony

Brampton Women Va n i e r

Brazil (South America’s larg- est country), Republica Fed-

erativa do Brasil Bra Beira

brain; brassiere

Centre for (criminal) Women

Brazza Brazzaville Bra Brasil (Portuguese or

at Brampton, Ontario

Brb B o r b a ( Yu g o s l av i a — Spanish—Brazil)


Struggle)—leading newspa- BrA Bibliothèque royale Albert

Hydrographic Office

Brand Brandenburg

per in former Commu-

nist-controlled Yugoslavia Library)—Brussels library

I (French—Albert lst Royal

brane bombing radar naviga-

BRB Benefits Review Board; called Koninklijke Biblio-

tion equipment

British Railways Board; theek Albert I in Flemish

Brangus 3/8 Brahman + 5/8

Angus cattle

Builders’ Registration Board Builders’ Registration Board


brbc bovine red blood cells

Brgo Spgs Borrego Springs Brbds Barbados

breccia pyroclastic volcanic

Br Gu British Guiana BRBMA Ball and Roller Bear-


BrH British Honduras ing Manufacturers Associa-

Breck Breckinridge; Breck-

BRH Brussels, Belgium (air- tion


port); Bureau of Radiological brbzc brass, bronze, or copper

Brecon Breconshire (Breck-

Health (cargo)


BRHL British Rail Hovercraft brc business reply card

BRECSU Building Research

Limited Br.C. British Columbia

Energy Conservation Unit

BrHon British Honduras BRC Balcones Research Center

Breguet 765 S a h a r a fl y i n g

BRHS Bay Ridge High School; (University of Texas); Base

transport for 145 troops

Betsy Ross High School Residence Course; Bengal

Breguet 1150 Atlantique mari-

Bri B r i a n ; B r i d g e ; B r i t - Royal Cavalry; Bolivia Rail-

time-patrol aircraft

ish(er)(s); Briton(s) way Company; British Re-

brek breakfast

Br I British Isles search Council; Broadcast

BREL British Rail Engineering

BRI Babson’s Reports Incorpo- Rating Council; Broadcast


rated; Banque des Reégle- Research Council; Brother-

’brella umbrella

ments internationaux hood of Railway Carmen

Brem Bremen; Bremerhafen;

(French—Bank of Interna- BRCA Brotherhood of Railway

Bremerhaven; Bremerton

tional Settlements); Biologi- Carmen of America

BREMA British Radio Equip-

cal Research Institute; Brain BRCCP British Royal Com-

ment Manufacturers Associa-

Research Institute; Brand mission on Capital Punish-


Rating Index; Bristol Royal ment

BrEn Brno-Enfield

lnfirmary; Building Research Brch Branch

Brenner Brenner Pass in the

Institute; Bureau of Rehabili- BRCMA British Radio Cabinet

Alps connecting Bolzano, It-

tation Inc; Burlington-Rock Manufacturers’ Association

aly with Innsbruck, Austria

Island (railroad) Br Col British Columbia

Brennero Brenner Pass

BRI Banque des Règlements In- BRCS British Rail Catering

Brent Brentford and Chiswick

ternationaux (French—Bank Service; British Red Cross

Br’er Brother

for International Settle- Society

Bres Breslau

ments); Brand Rating Index BRCUSC Brotherhood of Rail-

bret bretonisch (German—Bre-

BRIA Biological Research In- way Carmen of the United


stitute of America; Bread Re- States and Canada

Bret Brittany; Breton

search Institute of Australia Br Cwlth British Common-

brev brevet; breviary; breviate;

BRIC British Columbian Re- wealth


source Investment Corpora- brd base remount depot; basic

brev breveté (French—patent);

tion retirement date; board;

brevetto (Italian—patent)

Bricklayers Union Bricklay- bomb-release distance; broad

brev. b rev i a r i u m

ers, Masons, and Plasterers BRD Bundesrepublik Deut-

(Latin—abridgement or bre-

International Union of Amer- schland (Federal Republic of


ica Germany)

brew. brewer; brewery; brew-

BRICS British Rail Inter-City BRDC British Racing Drivers’


Service Club

Brew Brewer; Brewster

BRICSHST British Rail Inter- brdcst broadcast

brew’d brewed

City Service High-Speed brdf bidirectional reflectance

Brewer’s Brewer’s Dictionary

Train distribution function

of Phrase and Fable

BRIDGE Biotechnology Re- BRDM Soviet amphibious re-

brf brief, briefing

search for Innovation, Devel- connaissance vehicle carrying

BRF Bass Research Founda-

opment and Growth in Eu- three men and antitank mis-

tion; Bible Reading Fellow-

rope siles

ship; British Road Federation

BRIDGEX Bridge Construc- Brdrck B ä re d re ck

BRFC British Record Fish

tion Exercise man—bear dung)—licorice

( G e r-

Committee (of rod anglers)

brig brigantine; ship’s prison Br Du bromodeoxyuridine

brg bearing; brewing; bridge;

Brig Brigade; Brigadier Brdw Broadwood


Brig Gen Brigadier General Bre Bremen; Bremerhaven

Brg Bridge

Brigitte Bridget BrE British English

BrG British Guiana

BRIGLEX Brigade Landing BRE Bureau of Readjustment

BRG Bibliotheek van de Rijk-

Exercise Education

suniversiteit te Gent (Flem-

Brigton Glasgow’s Bridgetown B.R.E. Bachelor of Religious

ish—Royal University Li-

Brilab bribery-labor (FBI in- Education

brary of Ghent)

vestigation’s code name) brec bills receivable

brghd bridgehead

brill brillante (Italian—bril- B/Rec Bills Receivable

brghm brougham (pronounced





BRIMEC British Mechanical

BRMA Board of Registration Engineering Federation

Brit J Surg British Journal of

of Medical Auxiliaries; Brit- BRINCO British Newfound-


ish Rubber Manufacturers’ land Corporation

brit. met britannia. metal (tin,

Association BRINDEX British Independent

copper, antimony alloy—

BRMBR Bear River Migratory Oil Exploration (Companies

sometimes bismuth, lead, and

Bird Refuge (Utah) Association)


BRMC Business Research BRINDIV British-Indian Divi-

Brit Mus British Museum

Management Center (USAF) sion

Brit Pat British Patent

BRMCA British Ready-Mixed Bris Brisbane

Brit Phos Comm British Phos-

Concrete Association Brisb Brisbane

phate Commmssmon

BRMF British Rainwear Man- Brissie Brisbane

BritRail British Railways

ufacturers’ Federation Brist Bristol

Brit-Rail Hover British Rail-

brn brown brit britisk (Dano-Norwegian—

ways Hovercraft

Brn Bahrain; Brunei; Sultanate British)

Brits British; Britons

of Brunei Brit Britain; Britannia; British

Brit(s) British(ers); Briton(s)

BRN Board of Registered Brit Britannica (Encyclopaedia

Brits (Dutch—British)

Nurses Britannica )

Brit Sam British Samoa

BRNC Britannia Royal Naval Britain Great Britain (England,

BRITSHIPS British Shipbuild-

College (Dartmouth) Scotland, and Wales)

ing Integrated Production

bng bearing; browning; burning Brit Book Centr British Book


BRNP Blue Ridge National Centre

Britt Britannorum (Latin—of

Parkway Brit and For British and For-

the Britons)

brnsh brownish; burnish eign State Papers

Brit Telecom British Telecom-

Brnx Bronx Britcoms British comedians;


brnz bronze; bronzing British comedies

Brix Brixham; Brixton

bro broach; bronchoscopy; BRITCON British Contingent

Br J App Phys British Journal

brother BRITE Basic Research in In-

of Applied Physics

brO brownish orange dustrial Technologies in Eu-

brk brick

Bro Brother rope

Brk Brook; Brooklyn

BRO Brigade Routine Order(s) BRITFORLEB British Forces

BRK The Bridge on the River

Broads The Broads (Norfolk in Lebanon

Kwai (movie)

Broads)—England’s east Britic Briticism

brkf breakfast

coast holiday resort area Brit Info British Information

brklyr bricklayer

Broadway main north-south Services

brkmn breakman

avenue of New York City; British pertaining to the British

brks breakers

New York’s theater district Commonwealth, the British

brkt bracket

broast(ed) broil(ed) + roast(ed) Empire, or the British people

brkwtr breakwater

broc brocaded (English, Scottish, and

brl bomb-release line

Brod Broderick; Brodie; Brody Welsh)

br/l brown line positive

broficon broadcast fighter con- British Am Bks British Ameri-

BRL Babe Ruth League; Bal-

trol can Books

listic Research Laboratories;

bro-i-l brother in law British Bk Ctr British Book

Beecham Research Laborato-

BROILER B i o p e d a g o g i c a l Center

ries; Bible Research Library;

Research Organization on In- British Commonwealth B r i t -

Bibliotheek der Rijksuniver-

tensive Learning Environ- ish Commonwealth of Na-

siteit te Leiden (Dutch—Li-

ment Reactions tions: Great Britain and

brary of the Royal University

bro-in-law brother-in-law Northern Ireland; British do-

in Leyden); British Research

brok broker; brokerage minions, republics, and de-


brom b r o m i d e ; b r o m i d i c ; pendencies

BRL 1241 Beecham Research

bromo; bromo-seltzer British Dependencies B e r-

Laboratories formula 1241

bromat bromatology (treatise muda, Cayman Islands, Falk-


on foods) lands, Gibraltar, South Geor-

BRL 1341 Beecham Research

brome bromeliad gia, South Sandwich, South

Laboratories formula 1341

bromidrosis bromohydrosis Shetlands, Turks, and Caicos


bromo bromidrosis; bromo- Islands

brlg bomb radio longitudinal

form; bromo-seltzer British India colonial India


bromo-seltzer (bromide + selt- (1757–1948)

brlp burlap

zer) British Virgins British Virgin

brl sys barrier ready light sys-

bromot bromotology [study of Islands


smell(s)] Brit J Psychiat British Journal

brm bedroom; biological re-

bronc bronco (Spanish—small of Psychiatry

sponse modifier

BRM British Racing Motors

half-wild horse) half-wild horse)


bronch bronchial; bronchitis;

Bruns Brunswick bronchoscopic; bronchosco-

way Signalmen; Bureau of

Brunsw Brunswick pist; bronchoscopy

Railroad Safety; Business Ra-

Brun U Brunel University broncho b ro n ch u s

dio Service; Buyers’ Re-

B.Rur.Sci. Bachelor of Rural (Greek—windpipe)—bron-

search Syndicate

Science chi(tis)

BRSA British Railway Staff

Brus Bruselas (Spanish—Brus- Bronx HTF Bronx Homicide


sels); Bruselle (Ital- Task Force (NYPD)

BR & SC Brotherhood of Rail-

ian—Brussels); Brussel Bronx Zoo New York Zoologi-

way and Steamship Clerks

(Dutch or Flemish—Brus- cal Gardens (Bronx Park)

BRSCC British Racing and

s e l s ) ; B r ü s s e l ( G e r- bronze 92% copper, 6% tin, 2%

Sports Car Club

man—Brussels) zinc

brskn brass knuckles

BRUTE British Universal Trol- Brookings Brookings Institu-

br snds breath sounds

ley Equipment tion

br sounds breath sounds

brux bruxism; bruxitic Brooklyn HTF Brooklyn Ho-

brst burst

Brux Brussels micide Task Force (NYPD)

Br std British standard

Brux Bruxelas (Portuguese— Brookwood Girls Brookwood

brstr burster

Brussels); Bruxelles (French— Center for (delinquent) Girls

brt bright

Brussels) at Claverack, New York

brt (BRT) bruttoregisterton

brv (BRV) ballistic reentry ve- Bros brothers


hicle brosch b ro s ch i e r t

tered gross tonnage)

BRVMA (BVA) British Radio man—stitched)

( G e r-

Brt Brest

Valve Manufacturers’ Associ- Brose Ambrose

BRT Brotherhood of Railroad

ation brot brought


Brw Barrow brotel brothel + hotel

B.R.T. Before Recorded Time

BRW British Relay Wireless BROU Banco de la República

BRT Belgische Radio en Tele-

Brx Bronx Oriental del Uruguay (Span-

visie (Belgian Radio and

bry bryology ish—Bank of the Oriental Re-

Television); Brutto-Regis-

Bry Barry; Bryant public of Uruguay)

ter-Tonnen (German—gross

Bryce Bryce Canyon National browners brown nosers

register tons)

Park, Utah; Mount Bryce, brownulated granulated brown

BRTA British Regional Televi-

British Columbia sugar

sion Association; British

bryol bryology Brown U Pr Brown University

Road Tar Association

Bryth Brythonic Press

BRTC British Rail Travel Cen-

brz bronze Brownwood Girls State Home,


brzg brazing Reception Center, and School

BR & TC Bermuda Radio and

bs balance sheet; beam splitter; for Delinquent Girls at

Television Company

bill of sale; blood sugar; blue- Brownwood, Texas

brt fwd brought forward

stone; bomb service; bomber brp bathroom privileges

brtg bartering

support; bonded single-silk BRP Breeder Reactor Program

Bru Bruce; Brunei; Bruno;

(insulation); border scouts; BRPF Bertrand Russell Peace


both sides; bowel sound; Foundation

BRU Brussels, Belgium (Na-

breath sound; bullshit brph bronchophony

tional Airport)

bs bancus superior (Latin—up- brPk brownish pink

BRU Bibliotheek der Rijksuni-

per bench) BRPL Baton Rouge Public Li-

versiteit te Utrecht (Dutch—

bs (BS) backspace (data-pro- brary

Library of the Royal Univer-

cessing character); binary brpp basic radio propagation

sity in Utrecht)

subtract(ion) prediction(s)

B.Ru.Eng. Bachelor of Rural

b’s boomerangs BRR Brockville Regiment of


b/s back stamp Rifles

BRUFMA British Rigid Ure-

b/s (B/S) bill of sale Br Rys British Railways

thane Foam Manufacturers

b & s beams and stringers; bell brs brass


and spigot; boosters and sus- brs (BRS) break request signal

brum brougham

tainers; brandy and soda br’s bedrooms

Brum Brummagen (Birming-

b-S by-Sea Brs Bristol

ham, England’s nickname)

Bs bolivares (Venezuelan cur- Br S Bedroom Steward

Brum Brumaire (French—

rency); bolivianos (Bolivian BRS Bertrand Russell Society;

Foggy Month)—beginning

currency) Bibliographic Retrieval Ser-

October 22—second month

BS Bahamas (Internet code); vices (database); Bomber Re-

of the French Revolutionary

Battle Squadron; Battle Star; corder System; British Road


Bethlehem Steel; Berlin Sec- Services; British Roentgen

Brun Brunei

tor; Birmingham Southern Society; Brotherhood of Rail-

brunch(eon) b r e a k fa s t -


(railroad); British Standard;



Broadcast Satellite; Bureau of

BSCA Bureau of Security and Ships; Bureau of Standards;

BSAP British South Africa Po-

Consular Affairs (U.S. De- Burma Star


partment of State) B-S Bedford-Stuyvesant

B.S.Arch. Bachelor of Science

B.Sc.Acc. Bachelor of Science B.S. Bachelor of Science

in Architecture

in Accounting B/S Bill of Sale

B.S.Arch. Eng. B a c h e l o r o f

Science in Architectural En-

B.Sc.Ag. & A.H. Bachelor of

Science in Agriculture and ship line); Brown and Sharpe;

B & S Bank and Savill (steam-


Animal Husbandry Butterfield and Swire

B.S.Art Ed. Bachelor of Sci-

B.Sc.Agr.Bio. Bachelor of Sci- BS Bayerische Staatsbibliothek

ence in Art Education

ence in Agricultural Biology (German—Bavarian State Li-

Bs As Buenos Aires

B.Sc.Agr.Eco. Bachelor of Sci- brary)

BSAS British Ship Adoption

ence in Agricultural Econom- bsa bismuth-sulphite agar;


ics body surface area; bovine se-

BSAVA British Small Animals

B.Sc.Agr.Eng. Bachelor of Sci- rum albumin; brown strain

Veterinary Association

ence in Agricultural Engi- apparent

bsb body surface burned

neering BSA Bank Stationers Associa-

bsb (BSB) backspace block

B.Sc.Ag(ri)(c). B a c h e l o r o f tion; Bibliographical Society

Bsb Brisbane

Science in Agriculture of America; Biofeedback So-

BSB Backer Spielvogel Bates

BSCAI Building Service Con- ciety of America; Birming-

(Worldwide); Brasilia, Brazil

tractors Association Interna- ham Small Arms; Black

(airport); British Satellite

tional Stuntmen’s Association;

Broadcasting; Brotherhood of

B.Sc.Arch. Bachelor of Sci- Blind Service Association;

St Barnabas

ence in Architecture Blinded Soldiers Association

BSBA British Starter Battery

B.Sc.B.A. Bachelor of Science (Australia); Botanical Society


in Business Administration of America; Boy Scouts As-

B.S.B.A. Bachelor of Science

BSCC British Society for Clin- sociation; British School of

in Business Administration

ical Cytology Athens; British South Africa;

BSBC British Social Biology

B.Sc.C.E. Bachelor of Science Brotherhood of St Andrew;


in Civil Engineering Bruckner Society of America;

bsbg burst and synchronous bit

B.Sc.Chem.E. Bachelor of Sci- Bureau of Supplies and Ac-


ence in Chemical Engineenng counts

BSBI Botanical Society of the

B.Sc.Dent. Bachelor of Science B.S.A. Bachelor of Agricultural

British Isles

in Dentistry Science

BSBSPA British Sugar Beet

B.Sc.Dom.Sc. Bachelor of Sci- BSAA British South American

Seed Producers’ Association

ence in Domestic Science Airways

B.S.Bus. Bachelor of Science in

BSCE Bank Street College of BSA(A) British School of Ar-


Education cheology (Athens)

bsc b a s i c ; b a s i c - m e s s a g e

B.S.C.E. Bachelor of Science B.S.A.A. Bachelor of Science

switching center; binary syn-

in Civil Engineering in Applied Arts

chronous communication

B.S.Ch. Bachelor of Science in BSAC Big Sky Athletic Confer-

Bsc British standard channel

Chemistry ence; British South Africa


B.S.Chm. Bachelor of Science Company; Brotherhood of

B.Sc. Bachelor of Science

in Chemistry Shoe and Allied Craftsmen

BSC Bank of Southern Califor-

B-school(s) business school(s) B.S.Adv. Bachelor of Science

nia; Bank Street College;

bscn bit scan in Advertising

Beltsville Space Center; Be-

B.Sc.Nurs. Bachelor of Science B.S.A.E. Bachelor of Science

midji State College; Bengal

in Nursing in Aeronautical Engineering;

Staff Corps; Bethlehem Steel

BSCO British Security Coordi- Bachelor of Science in Archi-

Corporation; Bibliographical

nation Office tectural Engineering

Society of Canada; Biological

B.S.Comm. Bachelor of Sci- BSAF British Sulphate of Am-

Stain Commission; Biomedi-

ence in Commerce monia Federation

cal Sciences Corporation;

BSCorp British Steel Corpora- BSAG Bristol Social Adjust-

Bloomsburg State College;

tion ment Guides

Bluefield State College;

BSCP Brotherhood of Sleeping B.S.Agr. Bachelor of Science in

Booth Steamship Company;

Car Porters; Business Service Agriculture

British Security Coordina-

Centers Program BSAM Basic Sequential Access

tion; British Society of Cine-

BSCP British Standard Code of Method

matographers; British Steel

Practice B.S.A.M. Bachelor of Suddha

Corporation; British Supply

BSCRA British Steel Castings Ayurvedic Medicine

Council; Business Service

Research Association BSAOT Bell System American


BSCS Biological Sciences Cur- Orchestras on Tour

B.S.C. Bachelor of Science in


riculum Study



B.Sc.S.S. Bachelor of Science

B.S.H.A. Bachelor of Science in Secretarial Studies

B.S.E.E. Bachelor of Science in

in Hospital Administration BSCU Blue Star (Line) Con-

Electrical Engineering

B.S.H.E. Bachelor of Science tainer Unit

B.S.El.E. Bachelor of Science

in Home Economics B.Sc.Vet.Sc. Bachelor of Sci-

in Electronic Engineering

B.S.H.Eco. Bachelor of Sci- ence in Veterinary Science

B.S.Eng. Bachelor of Science

ence in Home Economics bsd barrels per steaming day;

in Engineering

B.S.H.Ed. Bachelor of Science base supply depot;

b’s’er bullshitter

in Healtlm Education beam-steering device; bit

BSES British Schools Explor-

BSHS British Society for the storage density; blast-sup-

ing Society

History of Science pression device; burst-slug

bsf back scatter factor; bulk

bsi basic shipping instructions; detection

shielding facilities

bound serum iron BSD Ballistic Systems Division

bsf (BSF) beta-s-fetoprotein

BSI Baker Street Irregulars; (USAF); Bank of San Diego;

BSF Basic Skill Films; Black

British Sailors’ Institute; Brit- Berkeley Software Distribu-

Student Fund; British Salon-

ish Standards Institute tion; British Space Develop-

ika Force; British Shipping

BSI Business Survey Index ment


BSIA Better Speech Institute of B.S.D. Bachelor of Science in

B.S.F. Bachelor of Science in

America Design


BSIB Boy Scouts International BSDA British Spinners and

BSFA British Sanitary Fireclay

Bureau; British Society for Doublers Association

Association; British Steel

International Bibliography BSD Bancorp Bank of San Di-

Fo u n d e r s ’ A s s o c i a t i o n ;

bsic binary-symmetric indepen- ego Bank Corporation

Brotherhood of St Francis of

dent channel bsdc binary symmetric depen-

Assisi; Building Science Fo-

BSIC British Ski Instruction dent channel

rum of Australia

Council BSDC British Space Develop-

bsfe brake specific fuel con-

B.S.I.E. Bachelor of Science in ment Company; British Stan-


Industrial Engineering dard Data Code

BSFC Baltic States Freedom

BSIHE British Society for In- B.S. Dent. Bachelor of Science


ternational Health Education in Dentistry

BSFF Buffer Stock Financing


B.S.Ind.Art Bachelor of Sci-

bsdg breveté sans garantie du ence in Industrial Art gouvernement (French—pat-

B.S.Fin. Bachelor of Science in


B.S.Ind.Chem. B a c h e l o r o f

ented without government Science in Industrial Chemis- guarantee)

BSFL British Shipping Federa-

try B.S.D.H. Bachelor of Science

tion Limited

B.S.For. Bachelor of Science in

B.S.Ind.Ed. Bachelor of Sci-

ence in Industrial Education in Dental Hygiene


B.S.Ind.Eng. Bachelor of Sci- bsdl boresight datum line

B.S.F.S. Bachelor of Science in

ence in Industrial Engineer- BSDU Bomber Support Devel-

Foreign Service

ing opment Unit

BSFT B a s a l t S p e n t F u e l

BSIP British Solomon Islands bse base support equipment;


Protectorate bovine spongiform encephal-

BSF & W Bureau of Sport

BSIPDF British Solomon Is- opathy; breast self-examina-

Fisheries and Wildlife

lands Protectorate Defence tion (cancer control)

BSG British standard gage

Force BSE Base Support Equipment;

B.S.G.E. Bachelor of Science

B.S.I.R. Bachelor of Science in Birmingham & Southeastern

in General Engineering;

Industrial Relations (railroad); Broadcast Satellite

Bachelor of Science in Geo-

BSIRA British Scientific In- Experiment; Broadcasting

logical Engineering

strument Research Associa- Satellite for Experimental

B.S.Gen.Nur. Bachelor of Sci-

tion Purposes; Building Service

ence in General Nursing

BSIs Baker Street Irregulars Employees (Union); Bureau

B.S.Geog. Bachelor of Science

BSIS BioScience Information of Steam Engineering

in Geography

Services B.S.E. Bachelor of Sanitary En-

B.S.Geol. Bachelor of Science

BSIU British Society for Inter- gineering; Bachelor of Sci-

in Geology

national Understanding ence Education; Bachelor of

B.S.Geol.Eng. Bachelor of Sci-

bsj balanced swivel joint; ball- Science Engineering

ence in Geological Engineer-


and-socket joint

B.S.J. Bachelor of Science in eastern (railroad)

B & SE Birmingham & South-

B & S glands Bartholin and

Journalism B.S.Ec. Bachelor of Science in

Skene’s glands

BSJA British Show Jumping Economics

bsh bushel

Association B.S.Ed. Bachelor of Science in

BSH British Society of Hypno-

B.S.Jr. Bachelor of Science in Education

therapists; British Standard of


Journalism Journalism


bsk basket(s)

B.Soc.Sci. Bachelor of Social Bskrvile Baskerville

B.S.Mgt.Sci. Bachelor of Sci-

Science bskt basket

ence in Management Science

B.Soc.St. Bachelor of Social bsl billet split lens

B.S.Min. Bachelor of Science

Studies bs/l bills of lading

in Mincrology; Bachelor of

B.Soc.Wk. Bachelor of Social Bsl Bislig Bay

Science in Mining

Work BSL Bankers Security Life;

B.S.Min.Eng. Bachelor of Sci-

BSOIW Bridge, Structural and Barber Steamship Lines; Be-

ence in Mining Engineering

Ornamental Iron Workers havioral Sciences Laboratory;

BSMMA British Sugar Ma-

B.S.Opt. Bachelor of Science Black Star Line; Blue Sea

chinery Manufacturers Asso-

in Optometry Line; Blue Star Line; Boat-


B.S.O.T. Bachelor of Science in swain Sub-Lieutenant; British

bsmt basement

Occupational Therapy Sign Language; Building Ser-

B.S.Mus.Ed. Bachelor of Sci-

bsp bromosulphalein vice League; Bull Steamship

ence in Music Education

Bsp British Standard pipe Lines

bsmv barley-stripe-mosaic vi-

BSP Bering Sea Patrol; Border BSLA Bus Services Licensing


Security Police (NATO); Boy Authority (Singapore)

bsn bassoon; bowel sounds nor-

Scouts of the Philippines; B.S.Lab.Rel. Bachelor of Sci-


British Society for Parasitol- ence in Labor Relations

BSN Baker School of Naviga-

ogy; Brotherhood of St Paul; bslb ball-and-socket lower

Brunei Shell Petroleum; Bul- bearing

tion; Broadcasting System of Niigata (Japanese)

garian Socialist Party bsln ball-and-socket lower

B-S-P Bartlett-Snow-Pacific bearing bsl(s) bushel(s)

B.S.N. Bachelor of Science in


BSN Bayerische Staatsoper—

(foundry division) B.S.P. Bachelor of Science in

B.S.L.S. Bachelor of Science in

Pharmacy Library Science; Bachelor of

Nationaltheater (German— National Theater—in Mu-

BSP Bureau de Sécurité Pub- Science in Library Service

lique (French—Bureau of bsm bi-stable multivibrator;


Public Security) bottom sonar marker

bsna bowel sounds normal and

BSPA Basic Slag Producers’ BSM Battery Sergeant Major;


Association; Black Students Birmingham School of Mu-

BSNA Bureau of Salesmen’s

Psychological Association sic; Branch Sales Manager;

National Associations

B.S.P.A. Bachelor of Science in Bronze Star Medal

B.S.N.A. Bachelor of Science

Public Administration BSM beso sus manos (Span-

in Nursing Administration

B.S.P.E. Bachelor of Science in ish—I kiss your hands)— re-

B.S.Nat.Hist. Bachelor of Sci-

Physical Education spectfully yours

ence in Natural History

B-Specials Belfast’s special BSMA British Skate Makers’

BSNDT British Society for

soldiers (attached to the Ul- Association

Non-Destructive Testing

ster Special Constabulary) B.S.Mar.Eng. Bachelor of Sci-

BSNH Boston Society of Natu-

B.S.Per. & Pub.Rel. Bachelor ence in Marine Engineering

ral History; Buffalo Society

of Science in Personnel and BSMD Business System Mar-

of Natural History

Public Relations keting Division

B.S.N.I.T. Bachelor of Science

B.S.Pet. Bachelor of Science in B.S.M.E. Bachelor of Science

in Nautical Industrial Tech-

Petroleum in Mechanical Engineering;


B.S.Pet.Eng. Bachelor of Sci- Bachelor of Science in Min-

B.S.Nurs. Bachelor of Science

ence in Petroleum Engineer- ing Engineering; Bachelor of

in Nursing

ing Science in Music Education

B.S.Nurs.Ed. Bachelor of Sci-

B.S.P.H. Bachelor of Science in B.S.Med. Bachelor of Science

ence in Nursing Education

Public Health in Medicine

bso battalion standing orders;

B.S.Phar. Bachelor of Science B.S.Med.Rec. Bachelor of Sci-

blue stellar objects

in Pharmacy ence in Medical Records

BSO Baltimore Symphony Or-

B.S.Pharm. Bachelor of Sci- B.S.Med.Rec.Lib. Bachelor of

chestra; Bamberg Symphony

ence in Pharmacy Science in Medical Records

Orchestra; Birmingham Sym-

B.S.P.H.N. Bachelor of Science Librarianship

phony Orchestra; Bombay

in Public Health Nursing B.S.Med.Tech. B a c h e l o r o f

Symphony Orchestra; Boston

B.S.Phys.Ed. Bachelor of Sci- Science in Medical Technol-

S y m p h o ny O r c h e s t r a ;

ence in Physical Education ogy

Bournemouth Symphony Or-

B.S.Phys.Edu. Bachelor of Sci- B.S.Met. Bachelor of Science

chestra; Budapest Symphony

ence in Physical Education in Metallurgy


B.S.Phys.Ther. B a c h e l o r o f B.S.Met.Eng. Bachelor of Sci-

BSOA British Sexual Offenses

Science in Physical Therapy ence in Metallurgical Engi-


bspl behavioral science pro- neering

B.S.Occ.Ther. Bachelor of Sci-

ence in Occupational Therapy

gramming language



BSPL Blue Star Port Lines

BST Bering Standard Time; BSPM Battlefield Systems

(USA); Bureau of School

Blood Serological Test; Brit- Project Management

Systems; Bureau of State Ser-

ish Summer Time BSPMA British Sewage Plant


BSTA British Surgical Trades Manufacturers Association

B.S.S. Bachelor of Sanitary Sci-

Association BSPP Burmese Socialist Pro-

ence; Bachelor of Science in

BSTAS Battlefield Surveillance gram Party

Science; Bachelor of Secre-

and Target Acquisition Sys- B.S.P.T. Bachelor of Science in

tarial Science; Bachelor of

tem Physical Therapy

Social Science(s)

BSTC Ball State Teachers Col- bsp test bromsulphalein test

Bssa Baronessa (Italian—Bar-

lege B.Sp.Thy. Bachelor of Speech


bstd bastard Therapy

B.S.S.A. Bachelor of Science in

Secretarial Administration

B.S.Text. Bachelor of Science

in Textiles bspw bare silver-plated wire

B.S.Sc. Bachelor of Sanitary

bst lt blue stern light Bsq Basque


bstm biaxial shock-test machine BSQ Bachelor Sergeant Quar-

B.S.Sc.Eng. Bachelor of Sci-

B-story below the A-story (30 ters

ence in Science Engineering

to 110 feet up) bsr backspace recorder; bal-

bstr booster loon-supported rockets (rock-

B.S.See.Ed. Bachelor of Sci-

B.S.Trans. Bachelor of Science oons); basal skin resistance;

ence in Secondary Education

in Transportation bstrk bomb service truck relay; blood sedimentation

B.S.Sec.Sci. Bachelor of Sci-

basic service rate; battle short

ence in Secretarial Science

bstr rkt booster rocket rate; blue-streak request; bore

BSSG Biomedical Sciences

BSU Black Students Union; sight restricted

Support Grant

Boat Support Unit; British Bsr Basra (Busreh)

BSSM Blue Star Ship Manage-

Standard Unit(s) BSR British Society of Rheol-


bsub ball-and-socket upper ogy

BSSML Blue Star Ship Man-

bearing B.S.R. Bachelor of Science in

agement Limited

B.Sur. Bachelor of Surgery Rehabilitation

BSSO British Society for the

B.Surv. Bachelor of Surveying BSRA British Ship Research

Study of Orthodontics

bsut beam-steering ultrasonic Association

B.S.Soc.Serv. Bachelor of Sci-

transducer BSRC Battelle Seattle Re-

ence in Social Service

bsv blown saves (baseball); search Center; Biological Se-

B.S.Soc.St. Bachelor of Sci-

Boolean simple variable rial Record Center

ence in Social Studies

BSV Batten-Spielmyer-Vogt BSRD Behavioral Sciences Re-

B.S.Soc.Wk. Bachelor of Sci-

(syndrome) search Division

ence in Social Work

B.S.Voc.Ag. Bachelor of Sci- B.S.Rec. Bachelor of Science in

bssp broadband solid-state

ence in Vocational Education Recreation


bsw barrels of salt water B.S.Ret. Bachelor of Science in

BSSP Battelle Seminars and

bs & w basic sediment and wa- Retailing

Studies Program

ter bsrf brain stem reticular forma-

BSSR Bureau of Social Science

BSW Biological Society of tion

Research; Byelorussia Soviet

Washington; Boot and Shoe BSRI Bem Sex Role Inventory

Socialist Republic

Workers (union); Botanical BSRIA Building Services Re-

BSSS British Society of Soil


Society of Washington; Brit- ish Standard Whitworth

search and Information Asso-

B.S.S.S. Bachelor of Science in

Work BSRL Boeing Scientific Re-


Secretarial Studies; Bachelor

B.S.W. Bachelor of Social

of Science in Social Science

BSWB Boy Scouts World Bu- search Laboratories

reau bswd barrels of salt water per Radiological Technology

B.S.S.Sc. Bachelor of Science

B.S.R.T. Bachelor of Science in

in Social Science

day bss balanced salt solution; basic

B.S.Struc.Eng. B a c h e l o r o f

BSWE Boy Scouts in Western Europe system; black-silk suture;

Science in Structural Engi-

shaft system; beam-steering


BSWG British Standard Wire buffered saline solution

bssw bare stainless-steel wire

Gage BSS B i b l i o t h è q u e

bst beam-steering transducer;

BSWIA British Steel Wire In- Saint-Sulpice (Montreal); Bi-

blood serological test(ing);

dustries Association ological and Social Sciences

breast stimulation test (fetal

bt baby talk; Bacillus thuring- (NSF); British Sailors Soci-

test); brief stimulus therapy

iensis (biological pesticide); ety; British Security Service;

bst. (BST) bovine somatotro-

bathtub; bathythermograph; British Standard Specifica-


bedtime; bent; bishop’s tran- tion; Bronze Service Star

b s & t blood, sweat, and tears

b/st bill of sight

scripts; bitemporal; blue tet- scripts; bitemporal; blue tet-


razolium (stain); boat;

BTEF Book Trade Employers’ boat-tail; body temperature;

BTASA Book Trade Associa-

Federation bombing table; bottom time;

tion of South Africa

B.Tel.E. Bachelor in Telecom- bought; brain tumor; broader

btb braided tube bundle; bus tie

munications Engineering term; brought; bulk transport;


BTEMA British Tanning Ex- byssal thread

BTB Barbados Tourist Board;

tract Manufacturers’ Associa- bt (BT) basic typing

Belgian Tourist Bureau; Brit-

ish Troops in Berlin


b & t bacon and tomato sand-

BTES B eg i n n i n g - Te a c h e r wich; (cabin or room with)

BTBA Blood Transfusion Bet-

Evaluation Study bath and toilet; bridges and

terment Association

B.Text. Bachelor of Textiles tunnels

BTBL Braille and Talking

Book Library

btf balance to follow; barrels of

total fluid; bomb tail fuse Bt baronet

b of t balance of trade

BTBS Book Trade Benevolent

b/tf balance transferred Bt Bukit (Indonesian or Ma-


BTF British Trawlers Federa- lay—height, hill)

btc below threshold change; be-

tion B-t Bacillus thuringiensis (bio-

ryllium thrust chamber; bus

btg ball-tooth gear; battery tim- logical pesticide)

tie control

ing group; beacon trigger BT Babylonian Talmud; basic

BTC Bankers Trust Company;

generator; burst transmission trainer; Bering Time (Sa-

Basic Training Center; Beth-

group moa); Bhutan (Internet code);

lehem Transportation Com-

BTG B r i t i s h Te c h n o l o g y British Telecon/Telecommu-

pany; Board of Transport

Group; British Troops in Ger- nications; Broader Topic;

Commissioners; British Tex-

many; Building Trades Group Burgtheater (Vienna)

tile Confederation; Building

Trades Couticil

btgi ball-tooth gear joint

B & T Baker & Taylor

B.T.C. Bachelor of Textile

bth bath; bathroom; beat the

hell; berth; beyond the hori- of Trade

B of T Bank of Tokyo; Board


zon BT Berlingske Tidende (Dan-

btca biblioteca (Spanish—li-

B.Th. Bachelor of Theology ish—Berling’s Times—


BT-H B r i t i s h T h o m p s o n - Copenhagen); Bolshoi Teatr

Houston (Russian—Bolshoi theater)

BTCC Bloom Township Com-

BTHS Brooklyn Technical Moscow concert hall; Brevet

munity College; Board of

High School Technique (French—Techni-

Transportation Commission-

B th u British thermal unit cal Diploma); Burgtheater

ers for Canada; Broome Tech-

nical Community College

(btu, Btu, BTU) (German—Court Theater) Vi- enna opera house

B.T.C.P. Bachelor of Town and

bridgetape isolator BT-13 Vultee two-place basic-

Country Planning

bti bank-and-turn indicator;

Bti Bacillus thuringiensis israe- trainer aircraft used during

BTCV British Trust for Conser-

lensis (mosquito-control sub- World War II

vation Volunteers btd bomb testing device

stance) bta better than average; biolog-

BTI Bandung Technical Insti- ical terrain assessment

BTDB Bermuda Trade Devel-

tute; Benefit Tours Interna- bta (BTA) best time available

opment Board

tional; British Troops in Iraq (for tv broadcast)

btdc before top dead center

BTI British Technology Index BTA Blood Transfusion Asso-

btdl basic-transient diode logic

BTIA British Tar Industries As- ciation; Board of Tax Ap-

bte battery terminal equipment;

sociation peals; Border Trade Alliance;

better than expected; blunt

BTIPR Boyce Thompson Insti- Boston Transportation Au-

trailing edge; Boltzmann

tute for Plant Research thority; Brazilian Travel

transport equation; bourdon

btj ball-tooth joint Agency; Brith Trumpeldor of

tube element; Brayton tur-

BTJ Board of Trade Journals America; British Tourist Au-

boelectric engine; bulk tape

btk buttock thority; British Travel Associ-


BtK Bacillus thuringiensis ation; British Troops in Aus-

bte breveté (French—patent)

kurstaki tria; British Tuberculosis

BTE Board of Teacher Educa-

btk l buttock line Association

tion; Board of Transport Eco-

btl beginning tape label; behind BTAM Basic Telecommunica-

nomics; British Troops in

the lens (camera); bottle tions Access Method; Basic


BTL Bell Telephone Laborato- Terminal Access Method

B.T.E. Bachelor of Textile En-

ries; Bus Transceiver Logic BTANZ British Trade Associa-


BTLC British Troops in Low tion of New Zealand

BTEA British Textile Employ-

Countries BTAO Bureau of Technical As-

ers Association

BTLS Bell Telephone Labora- sistance Operations (UN)

B.Tech. Bachelor in Technol-

tories System BTAP Bond Trade Analysis


btlv biological threshold limit Program

Btee Brayton turboelectric en-





BTLZ British Telecom Lempel

versity; Brandeis University; Ziv

BTR-50 Soviet amphibious

Brown University; Brunel btm bottom

personnel carrier for 15

University; Bucknell Univer- btm (BTM) b r o m o t r i fl u o -

troops including the driver

sity; Burma (symbol); Butler romethane (fire extinguisher)

BTR-60P Soviet amphibious

University Btm Bottom (postal abbrevia-

armored personnel carrier in-

B & U Beechey and Under- tion)

cluding 12.7mm machinegun

wood BTMA Bow Tie Manufacturers

B.T.R.A. Bachelor of Town and

BU Bolletmino Uffciale (Ital- Association; British Type-

Regional Planning

ian—Official Gazette) writer Manufacturers Associ-

BTRM Soviet armored-infan-

BUA Belfast Urban Area; Brit- ation

try combat vehicle armed

ish United Airways BTME Babcock Test of Mental

with 76.2 gun and antitank

BuAer Bureau of Aeronautics Efficiency


(USN) BTMSQ Billy Tipton Memo-

btrmlk buttermilk

BUAF British United Air Fer- rial Saxophone Quartet

btry battery

bts back to school; base of ter-


BUAV British Union for the btn button

minal service (USAF); Bool-

Abolition of Vivisection Btn Batangas

ean time sequence BTS Blood Transfusion Ser-

Bubs Bubbles BTN Brussels Tariff Nomencla-

buc buccal; buccaneer; bucci- ture

vice; British Tanzania Soci-

nator BTNA British Troops in North

ety; British Textile Society

BUC Bangor University Col- Africa

BTSA British Tensional Strap-

lege BTNI British Troops in North-

ping Association

bucc buccal ern Ireland

BTSB Bound-to-Stay-Bound

BUCCS Bath University Com- bto big-time operator; bombing


parative Catalogue Study through overcast

BTSC British Transport Staff

Buchar Bucharest bto bruto (Spanish—gross


buck buckram weight); brutto (Dano-Nor-

BTSS Basic Time-Sharing Sys-

Buck House B u c k i n g h a m w eg i a n — bu l k o r g r o s s


House (Buckingham Pal- w e i g h t ) ; bu l t o ( S p a n -

BTTA British Thoracic and Tu-

ace—London residence of ish—bulk)

berculosis Association

British royalty) BTO Battalion Transport Of-

bttns battens

Buck Island Buck Island Reef ficer; Branch Transportation

btu (BTU, Btu) British ther-

National Park off the north Office(r); Brigade Transport

mal unit

shore of St Croix, American Officer; British Trust for Or-

BTU Board of Trade Unit

Virgin Islands nithology

btv basic transportation vehicle

Bucknell U Pr Bucknell Uni- bto(s) big time operator(s)

btw between; by the way

versity Press B-to-B business to business

BTW Belasting Toegevoegde

Buck Pal Buckingham Palace BTOW Boiler Technician of

Waarde (Dutch—value added

Bucks Buckinghamshire the Watch (USN)


Bucks Co Hist Bucks County B-town B e a n Tow n ( B o s -

BTWHS Booker T. Washington

Historical Society ton—sailor’s sobriquet)

High School

BUCOP British Union Cata- btp body temperature and pres-

btwn between

logue of Periodicals sure

btx benzene, toluene, xylene

bucu burring cutter BTP Bailment Test Program;

BTX Bildschirmtext (Ger-

bud beautiful, useful, durable British Transport Police;

man—viewdata interactive

bud. budget Bush Terminal Piers

videotext system)

bty battery

Bud Buddha; Buddhism; Bud- dhist; Buddy; Budweiser

B.T.P. Bachelor of Town Plan-

B-type Basedow type bu base (of prism) up; base unit;

BUD Basic Underwater Demo- ning

lition Team; Budapest, Hun- btps body temperature and

base up; biological urge;

gary (airport) pressure-saturated

brick unprotected; brilliant

Buda across the Danube from btr better; bus tie relay; bus

uncirculated; bromouracil;

Pest, together known as transfer

builder; burglary; bushel

Budapest BTR Baton Rouge, Louisiana

bu. burgundy; buried

Bud(dy) Brother (airport); Bureau of Trade

Bu Bulgaria; Bulgarian; Bureau

BUDFIN Budget and Finance Regulation

(United States Navy); butyl

Division (NATO) BTR British Tax Review

Bü Büyük (Turkish—big)

budgie(s) budgerigar(s) BTR-40 Soviet armored per-

BU Baker University; Baylor

BuDocks Bureau of Yards and sonnel carrier and scout car

University; Bishop’s Univer-

Docks (USN) for 10 troops including the

sity; Bloomsburg University;

Budpst Budapest driver

Board of Underwriters; Bos-

ton University; Bradley Uni-

budr bromodeoxyuridine budr bromodeoxyuridine


bue built-up edge

Bund Deut B u n d e s re p u b l i k BUE Buenos Aires, Argentina

bull. bulla (Latin—leaden seal,

Deutschland (German—Fed- (Ezeiza airport)

a papal pronouncement bear-

eral Republic of Germany) Buen Buenaventura

ing such a seal)

bunsenite nickel oxide BUET Bangladesh University

Bull bulletin

Bunty Barbara of Engineering and Technol-

BULL Bank Users Legislative

bunwich bu n + s a n d w i c h ogy


(sandwich made in a bun) buf buffer(ed)

Bull Acad Sci Bulletin of the

BuOrd Bureau of Ordnance Buf Buffalo (city and port)

Academy of Sciences

(USN) BUF British Union of Fascists;

Bull Am Astron Soc B u l l e t i n

bup backup plate; bull pup Buffalo, New York (airport)

of the American Astronomical

BUP Boston University Press; BUFF Big Ugly Fat Fellow (Air


British United Press Force nickname for the eight-

Bull Am Phys Soc Bulletin of

BUPA British United Provident engine B-52 bomber)

the American Physical Soci-

Association Buffalo Acad Buffalo Fine Arts


Bupers Bureau of Personnel Academy

Bull Astron Inst Neth Bulletin

(USN) bufg buffing

of the Astronomical Institutes

BuPers Bureau of Personnel bufno buffers, number of

of the Netherlands

(USN) Buf Phil Buffalo Philharm-

Bull Chem Soc Jp Bulletin of

bupp backup plate perforated nonic

the Chemical Society of Ja-

Buppies black urban profes- bug. black urban ghetto


sionals Bug Bugatti; standard-model

bullet(s) bullet train(s)

BuPubAff Bureau of Public Volkswagen (also called the

bulli. bulliat (Latin—let it boil)

Affairs Beetle)

Bull NYZS Bulletin of the New

bur built-up roof(ing); bureau BUG Brooklyn Union Gas

York Zoological Society

bur. buried (company)

bull(s) bulletin(s)

Bur Burma; Burmese; Burundi BUGA-UP Billboard Utilizing

Bull Seismol Soc Am Bulletin

(whose capital is Bujumbura) Graffitists Against Unhealthy

of the Seismological Society

BUR Bottom-Up Review; Bur- Promotions

of America

bank, California (Lockheed Büg Nay Mong Bügd Nayram-

bullsh Australian contraction of

Airport) dakh Mongol (Khalka—


Buran unmanned flight of the Mongolian People’s Repub-

buloga business logistics game

first Soviet space shuttle lic, now Mongolia)

BULVA Belfast and Ulster Li-

’burbs suburbs BUH Bucharest, Rumania (air-

censed Vintner’s Association

BURCEN Bureau of the Cen- port)

BUMA Bureau voor Muziek-

sus BUIA British United Island

Auteursrecht (Dutch—Au-

burd biplane ultralight research Airways

thor’s Rights Bureau)

device buic (BUIC) backup intercep-

BuMed Bureau of Medicine

and Surgery

Burd suc Burdick suction BuRec Bureau of Reclamation

Bur Eco Aff Bureau of Eco- sonnel) Unit Identification

tor control

bump-and-run bump-and-run

BUIC Bureau (of Naval Per-

mugger-team technique

nomic Affairs (U.S. Depart- Code (USN)

Bu M & S Bureau of Medicine

ment of State) build. building

and Surgery (USN)

B.U.M.S. Bachelor of Urani

Bur Eur Aff Bureau of Euro- pean Affairs (U.S. Depart-

builds. builders

Medicine and Surgery

buisys barrier-up indicating

Bun Bunbury, Western Austra-

ment of State)

burg burgess;. burgomaster system


Burg Burgess; Burgo; Burgos; Buk Bukit (Malay—hill, hilly

BUN blood urea nitrogen

Burgwald street)

buna butadiene + natrium (syn-

Burg B u rg t h e a t e r ( G e r- Buk Bukhta (Russian—bay)

thethic rubber) BUNAC British Universities

man—Castle Theater) Vienna bul below upper limit; bulletin

opera house Bul Bulgaria(n)

North America Club

burger(s) hamburger(s) BUL Bombay University Li-

Bund G e r m a n - A m e r i c a n

burgle(d) burglarize(d) brary

Volks-bund (pre-World War II

burgrep burglary report BUL Bibliotèque de l’Univer-

alliance of Hitler’s supporters

Bur Intl Aff Bureau of Interna- sité Laval (French—Laval

in the U.S. now supplanted by

tional Affairs University Library)—Québec

the American Nazi Party); se-

Burk Burke; Burkhardt Bulg Bulgaria; Bulgarian

cret cells of Jewish Social

Burke’s Burke’s Peerage bulg bu l g a r i s ch

Democrats in Russian Lithua-

Burk Fas Burkina Faso man—Bulgarian)

( G e r-

nia and Poland in 1897 who

burl. burlesque Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria,

organized the General Union

Burl Burleigh; Burley; Burlin- Republika Bulgaria

of Jewish Workers known as

the Bund


Burl N


Burl N Burlington Northern

BVA British Veterinary Associ- and St Louis San Francisco

bust(ed) arrest(ed)—slang

ation (railway merger)

Bus W Business Week

B.V.A. Bachelor of Vocational Burm Burmese

buswrec ban unsafe school-

Adjustment; Bachelor of Vo- Burma Socialist Republic of

buses which regularly endan-

cational Agriculture the Union of Burma (moun-

ger children

BVAL Blackman’s Volunteer tainous Asian country be-

but. butter; button

Army of Liberation tween India and Malaysia)

but. butyrum (Latin—butter)

bvbrf blood vessel of bronchial Burn amount of fuel needed for

BUT British United Traction

bute butazolidin (phenylbuta-


BVC Buena Vista College; nell; Burnett; Burney

a flight (aircraft code); Bur-


Bushveldt Carabiniers Burnaby Lower Mainland Re-

Buten Mus Buten Museum of

bvd beacon video digitizer; gional Correctional Centre in


boys vear dem (New York British Columbia’s Burnaby

Butterick Butterick Publishing

City slang) burner afterburner of jet plane Burns & Allen George Burns

Bu-Tyur Butyrskaya Tyurma


BVD Bradley, Vorhees & Day;

trademark brand of men’s un- (Nathan Birnbaum) and Gra-

Prison)—one of Moscow’s

derwear (also: BVDs) cie Allen

major prisons buv backscatter ultraviolet

BVD Binnenlandse Veiligheids- buro bureau

dienst (Dutch—Internal Se-

burocrap bureaucratic excess

curity Service)—FBI-type or- burp. backup rate of pitch

buvs backscatter ultraviolet

ganization in the Netherlands Bur Pub Aff Bureau of Public


BVDs trademark brand of Affairs (U.S. Department of

BUW Biblioteka Uniwersytecka

men’s underwear Burs Bursar

w Warszawie


BVDT Brief Vestibular Disori- entation Test Bursting Bursting Day (Febru-


saw University Library)

buwc basic underseas weapon

Bve Buenaventura ary 18, when the sea ice bursts


B.V.E. Bachelor of Vocational apart and crumbles in Ice-

BuWeps Bureau of Weapons

Education land’s icy waters)


Bventura Buenaventura Burun Burundi; Burundian

buy. buyer; buying

B/ventura Buenaventura, Co- Burundi Republic of Burundi

buz buzzer

lombia (Central African land)

bv balanced voltage; bellows

b ver back verandah bus. business; omnibus

valve; biologic(al) value;

BVES British Voluntary Eutha- Bus autobus; Busan; business

blow valve; blood vessel;

nasia Society BuSanda Bureau of Supplies

blood volume; boiling vessel;

B.Vet.Med. Bachelor of Veteri- and Accounts (USN)

bonnet valve; breakdown

nary Medicine BUSARB British-United States

voltage; breviary; bronchove-

B.Vet.Sci. Bachelor of Veteri- Amateur Rocket Bureau


nary Science busbar omnibus bar

bv (BV) breakdown voltage

B.Vet.Sur. Bachelor of Veteri- Busch Busch Stadium, St.

b/v brick veneer

nary Surgery Louis

bv bijvoorbeeld (Dutch—for

BVF Barbados Volunteer Force buscrit business critic(ism)


BVG B e r l i n e r Ve r k e h r s - BUSF British Universities’

b.v. balneum vaporis (Latin—

Betriebe (German—Berlin Sports Federation

steambath, vapor bath)

Traffic Carrier)—Berlin’s BuS glands Bartholin’s, ure-

Bv Benvenuto

transit system thral, Skene’s glands

B/v book value

bvh biventricular hypertrophy bush. bushing(s)

BV Bouvet Island (Internet

BVH British Van Heusen Bush George Herbert Walker

code); Bureau Veritas (French

bvi blood vessel invasion Bush, 4lst President and 43rd

ship-classification bureau)

BVI Better Vision Institute; Vice President of the United

B + V Blohm und Voss (ship-

British Virgin Islands States


Bville Bougainville (Papua BuShips B u r e a u o f S h i p s

BV Bayerische Vereinsbank

New Guinea) (USN)

(German—Bavarian Union

BVJ British Veterinary Journal bus hrs business hours

Bank); Besloten Vennootsc-

BVL Bowler Victory Legion busk(s) busker(s)

hap (Dutch—closed corpora-

BVLA British Volunteers, Latin BUSM B o s t o n U n ive r s i t y

tion, private partnership)

America School of Medicine

BV. B e a t a Vi rg o ( L a t i n —

bvm broncho-vascular markings Bus Mgr Business Manager

Blessed Virgin); bene vale

B.V.M. Bachelor of Veterinary busn business

(Latin—a good farewell);

Medicine Busn Intl Business Interna-

bene vixit (Latin—he lived a

B.V.M. Beata Virgo Maria tional

good life)

( L a t i n — B l e s s e d Vi rg i n BuSpar buspirone

BV-202 Norwegian Army ar-

mored personnel carrier




BVMA British Valve Manufac-

BWCI Beauty Without Cruelty, turers Association

body water; body weight;

Incorporated BVMGT Bender Visual-Motor

both ways; braided wire (ar-

bwcp bench welder control Gestalt Test


panel B.V.M.S. Bachelor of Veteri-

b/w backed with; black-and-

bw-cw biological warfare– nary Medicine and Surgery


chemical warface BVN Bund der Verfolgten des

b & w black and white; bread

bwd bacillary white diarrhea; N a z i R eg i m e s ( G e r-

and water

backward; barrels of water man—League of Persons Per-

bw bijwoord (Dutch—adverb);

per day secuted by the Nazi Regime)

bitte wenden ( G e r-

BWD Baldwin Wallace Col- BVNP Bolusan Volcano Na-

man—please turn over)

lege; British War Cabinet tional Park (Luzon, Philip-

bW blood Wassermann

B & WE Bristol and West of pines)

BW Bank of the West; Barrack

England bvo brominated vegetable oil

Warden; Bendix Westing-

BWF Baha’i World Faith; Be- bvp beacon video processor;

house; Biological Warfare;

biological weapon; Black

yond War Foundation

Wa t c h ; B o rg - Wa r n e r ;

Bwg Bowling

BWG Birmingham Wire Gage BVP British Visitors Program;

b o o s t e r va c u u m p u m p ; boundery value problem

Botswana (Internet code);

Business Week

bwh barrels of water per hour

BWH Book Week Headquar- British Volunteer Programme

B-W Bendix Westinghouse Au-

ters BVPS Beacon Video Process-

tomotive Air Brake; Borg-

BWI Baltimore Washington In- ing System; Booster Vacuum


ternational (airport); Boating Pump System

B & W Babcock and Wilcox;

Writers International; British bvr balanced valve regulator;

Barker and Williamson; Bur-

West Indies beyond visible range; black

meister and Wain

bwia better walk if able void reactor

B of W Bishop(ric) of Würzburg

BWIA British West Indian Air- BVR Bangalore Volunteer Ri-

BW B i t t e We n d e n ( G e r-

ways fles ; British Vehicle Registra-

man—please turn over); Busi-

BWIS British West Indian tion (symbols appearing on

ness Week

dollar automotive vehicle license

bwa backward-wave amplifier;

BWIP Basalt Waste Isolation plates)—see British Vehicle

bent-wire antenna

Project; Black Women In Registration Symbols in ap-

BWA Baptist World Alliance;

Publishing pendix ; Bureau of Vocational

Baseball Writers Association;

BWIPO Basalt Waste Isolation Rehabilitation

Boxing Writers Association;

Project Office BVRC Bermuda Volunteer Ri-

British West Africa; Building

BWIR British West India Reg- fle Corps

Waterproofers Association

iment BVRO Base Vehicle Reporting

BWAA Bowling Writers Asso-

BWISA British West Indies Officer

ciation of America

Sugar Association BVRR Bureau of Veterans Re-

BWAF Beijing Workers’ Au-

BWIU Building Workers In- employment Rights

tonomous Federation

dustrial Union BVRS Breadboard Visual Ref-

BWAL Barber West African

bwk brickwork; bulwark erence System


bwl belt work line BVS Best Vested Socialists;

BWAM Brain-Wave Activity

BWL Biological War Labora- Bevier & Southern (railroad)


tory B-V S Brisch-Vistem System

Bway Broadway

bwlt bow light (Visican punched-cards)

BWB British Waterways Board

bwm barrels of water per B.V.S. Bachelor of Veterinary

BWB Bundestampt für We-

minute Science; Bachelor of Veteri-

hrtechnik und Beschaffung

BWM British War Medal; nary Surgery

(German—Federal Office for

Broom and Whisk Makers B.V.Sc. Bachelor of Veterinary

Military Technology and Pro-

(union) Science


bwc basic weight calculator;

BWMA British Woodwork

Manufacturers Association B.V.Sc. & A.H. Bachelor of

broadband waveguide oscilla-

BWMB British Wool Market- Veterinary Science and Ani-


ing Board mal Husbandry

BWC Battered Women’s Coa-

BWN Basic Weather Network; bvt brevet; brevetted

lition; Biological Weapons

Brown Company (stock-ex- bvv bovine vaginitis virus

Convention; British War

change syrnbol) bvw binary voltage weigher


bwo backward-wave oscillator bw ballistic warning; band-

BWCA Boundary Waters Ca-

bwoc big woman on campus width; batting wins; best of

noe Area

B’worth Butterworth winners; bid wanted; biologi-

BWCC British Weed Control

bwos backward-wave oscillator cal warfare; birth weight;


bwcdi best we can do is

synchronizer synchronizer



bwot backward-wave oscillator

BYMS British Yard Mine- tube

BWWA British Water Works

sweepers bwp ballistic wind plotter


bynam byname (nickname) BWP Basic War Plan

bx biopsy; box; electrical cable

byo bring your own bwpa backward-wave paramet-

contained in flexible tubing

Byo Bulawayo ric amplifier

(bx cable)

byob bring your own beer; BWPA British Wood Preserv-

Bx Beatrix; Bos (post-office

bring your own booze; bring ing Association; British Wood

box); Brix; Bronx

your own bottle Pulp Association

BX Base Exchange (USAF);

byod bring your own drinks bwpd barrels of water per day

Bellingham-Seattle Airways

byog bring your own girl bwph barrels of water per hour

(2-letter code)

byp bypass bwr (BWR) boiling-water re-

BXA Bureau of Export Admin-

Byp Bypass actor


bypro(s) by-product(s) BWRA British Water Research

Bx-arts B e a u x - a r t s

(French—fine arts)

BX-C bithorax complex

byr(s) billion year(s) byssin byssinosis

Association; British Welding

byt bright young things (British BWRC Biological Warfare Re-

Research Association

bx cable insulated wires within

younger set) BWRS British War Relief So-

flexible tubing

search Center

bxd boxed

bxk broadband X-band klystron

byte eight adjacent binary dig- its that a computer processes

as a unit BWRWS Biological Warfare


bx k box keel

R a p i d Wa r n i n g S y s t e m Byu Bayou (postal place-name

BXL Bakelite Xylonite Limited

(USA) abbreviation)

Bxm Brixham

bws beveled wood siding BYU Brigham Young University

Bxng D B o x i n g D a y ( fi r s t

BWS Bandipur Wildlife Sanc- Byz Byzantine

weekday after Christmas in

England, Wales, Northern Ire-

tuary (India); Bank of West-

Byzantine Empire eastern seg- ern Samoa; Batch Weighing

ment of the Roman Empire System; Battered Wife Syn-

land, Canada, South Africa,

bz blank when zero; buffer drome; Battered Women’s

New Zealand, and Australia

zone; buzzer; (cartoonist’s Service; Battlefield Weapons

when boxes of gifts are given

symbol— buzzing, sawing, System; Beaufort Wind

lettercarriers, newspaper car-

snoring) Scale; Better World Society;

riers, and all others who pro-

Bz benzene; benzodiazepine; Biological Weapons System;

vide services)

Bx Pk Bronx Park

benzoyl; Brazil; Brazilian British Watercolour Society

Bz Beobachtungszinimer (Ger- BW & S Boyd, Weir & Sewell

bxs boxes

man—examining room)— BWSF British Water Ski Feder-

by buy stop limit

hospital observation room ation

by. billion years; brilliant yel-

BZ Air Congo (Brazzaville, BWSL Battlefield Weapons

low (litmus paper for testing

Congo Republic); B’nai Zion; Systems Laboratory


Belize (Internet code); Belize bwso backward wave sweep os-

b-y bloody

By Buryat(ic); Byron(ic)


B/Z British Zone BWSR Bruno Walter Society

BY Bedfordshire Yeomanry;


BZ Bild Zeitung (German— Pic- Recording(s)

Belarus (Internet code); blow-

ture Newspaper) bwt both-way trunk

ing spray

Bza Bizerta BWT Boeing Wind Tunnel

BYC Baltimore Yacht Club;

BZA Board of Zoning Adjust- BWTA British Women’s Tem-

Bayside Yacht Club; Bengal

ment perance Association

Yeomanry Cavalry; Benson-

bz brigade (Danish— besaet BWTP Bureau of Work-Train-

hurst Yacht Club; Berkshire

Yeomanry Cavalry; Beverley

brigade )—occupiers claim- ing Programs

Yacht Club; Boston Yacht

ing squatter’s rights on vacant bw-tv black-and-white television

Club; Brewers Yeast Council;

property bwu blue whale unit

Bridgeport Yacht Club; Bronx

bzbx brazing box bwv back-water valve

YachtClub; Buffalo Yacht

Bze Belize BWV Bach-Werke-Verzeihnis


bzfm brazing form (German—Bach’s Works

BYCH Buckinghamshire Yeo-

bzfx brazing fixture Catalog)

manry Cavalry Hussars

Bzi Benghazi BWVA British War Veterans of

bydv barley yellow dwarf virus

bzw beziehungsweise (Ger- America

Bye Byelorussia; Byelorussian

man—respectively) bwvs black-and-white vertical

Byelorussia White Russia bor-

bzz cartoonist’s symbol—buzz- stripes

dering on Latvia, Lithuania,

ing; sawing; snoring BWW Bad Weather Watch

and Poland

Bzzrds Buzzards Bay (Coast Guard)

byfml by first mail

byg buying

bzzz same as bzz

c calorie (small); cancel; can- dle; canine; capacity; capil- lary blood (symbol); carbon; cash; catcher; cathode; cau- dal; cent; cent-tavo; center; centi (prefix); centime; centi- meter; central; certified; cer- vical; cervix; chapter; charm; chest; child; chord length (symbol); circa; cirrus; clear- ance; clonus; closed; closure; clouds; cloudy; coarse; coast; cocaine; codicil; coefficient; cold; color; colored; color- less; common; compensation; competitor; complement; conductor; contact; continu- ously; contraction; control; cook (military arm badge); cortex; cousin; cranial; crys- tal(line); cube; cubic; cubical; cycle(s); cylinder(s); cyti- dine; cytochrome; cytosine; heat capacity per mole (sym- bol); see; speed of light (sym- bol)

c (C) convict

c cibus (Latin—meal); circa (Latin—about); colón; colo- nes (currency in Costa Rica and El Salvador); congius (Latin—gallon);

cum (Latin—with) c/ c a rg o ( S p a n i s h — t o t a l , weight); contra (Spanish— against, versus)

C calculated weight (symbol); calorie (large); candle; capac- itance; capacitor; Cape; Cap- tain; carat; carbon; Cardinal; cargo or transport airplane;

cargo vessel; carton; case; cathode; cavalry; celestial; Celsius; Celtic; Centigrade; century; cervical; chairman; Chaptered (Law); Charlie— code for letter C; Chief; Christ(ian); coast; cccaine; cold; college; colored; com- bat aircraft; commander; compliance; computer pro- gramming language; concen- tration; concentration of a gas in blood (symbol); Conserva- tive; consul; control; Convair; copyright; Cosmopolitan Shipping; coulomb; council; course; Curie’s constant; Fraunhofer line characteristic of hydrogen (symbol); hun- dredweight (symbol); liqui- dating dividend (in stock list-

i n g s i n n ew s p a p e r s ) ; molecular heat (symbol); see (popular phonetic spelling)

C. carbohydrates; cocaine; Conservative (political party) “C” Costa Line °C degree Celsius; degree cen-


C Cabo (Spanish—cape); Cap (French—cape); centum (Latin—one hundred); Col (French or Italian—highpass, pass); (Latin—Gaius)

C+ C-plus C++ computer programming

language C– C-minus

C o Cabeço (Portuguese—hill-

ock, knoll, mound); Comisa- rio (Spanish—Commisariat)

C 1 first class

C 1 bacteriologic complement c1 o canto primo (Italian—first soprano part or voice)

C l, C 2, C 3, etc. c e r v i c a l nerves or vertebrae 1, 2, 3, etc.

C I, C II, C III, etc. c r a n i a l nerves, I, II, III etc.

C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 , etc. cytochromes 1,

2, 3, etc.

C 2 command and control; sec- ond class C2MOS cloned complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor

C 2 D 2 (ARDC) Command and Control Development Divi- sion

C-3 mentally or physically de- fective (British equivalent of American 4-F)

C 3 command, control, commu- nications; third class

C 3 I Command, Control, Com- munications, and Intelligence

C.3.3. cell 3, 3rd landing, gal- lery C (occupied by Oscar Wilde while in Reading Gaol and the nom de plume he used there)

c3cm command control com- munication counter-measures C3S College Chemistry Con- sultants Service C4 Convair 440 airplane; crown quarto (7–1/ 2 × 10 inches) C-4 military explosive C5 Convair 580 turboprop air-

plane C-5A Lockheed military cargo transport airplane


C of A

C-6 hexamethonium

C-123 Provider twin-engine as-

c/a capital account; center an-

C 6 H 6 benzene

sault transport

gle; coated abrasive; current

account inches)

C8 crown octavo (5 × 7–1/ 2 C-124 G l o b e m a s t e r h e av y

c&a (C&A) command and ad- c8 va coll’ottava (Italian—in oc-

cargo four-engine transport

ministration taves)


c & a classification and audit C-9 McDonnell-Douglas twin-

C-130 Hercules medium-range

ca125 cancer antigen 125 engine jetliner designed for

cargo and troop transport air-

ca2729 cancer antigen 27, 29 medical evacuation, named

plane powered by four turbo-

ca circa (Latin—about); cor- Nightingale to honor Flo-

prop engines; Lockheed four-

rente alternada (Portu- rence Nightingale

engine transport aircraft for

guese—alternating current); C-10 decamethonium

military use

C-131 Convair 48-passenger

corriente alterna (Spanish—

aternating current) ments of complements

C 1 1, C 1 2, C 1 3, etc. c o m p l e -

military transport adapted

from 24/440 commercial air-

c a compañia (Spanish—com-

C 12 H 22 O 11 cane sugar



c a coll’arco (Italian—to be determining age of objects)

C 14 radioactive carbon (used in

C-133 Cargomaster heavy four-

engine turboprop cargo trans-


Ca calcium; Canada; Canadian known as blow, coke, flake,

C 17 H 21 NO 4 cocaine (also

port airplane

Ca Compagnia (Italian— com- freeze, happy dust, nose

C-135 Boeing Stratofreighter

pany) candy, lady, Peruvian, white

military transport carrying

Ca’ Casa (Venetian—house) girl)— derived from the

126 troops or equivalent cargo

C a Cabeça (Portuguese—head, (Erythroxylon coca)

leaves of the coca plant

C-140 Jet Star support-type

transport aircraft powered by

headland); Companhia (Por-

C 19 ster steroids containing

four turbojet engines

tuguese—company); Com-

19 carbon atoms pañia (Spanish—company)

C-141 Starlifter large cargo

C 21 ster steroids containing

transport airplane powered by

CA California; Canada (Inter-

21 carbon atoms

four turbojet engines

net code); Canadian Army; Capital Airlines; Central

America; Certificate of Air- tion number in Reading Gaol

C 33 Oscar Wilde’s identifica-

C200 Committee of 200

C-212 Casa 15-seat aero medi-

worthiness; Certification Au-

thority; Certified Acupunc- munication, Computers and

C I Command, Control, Com-

cal or paratrooper transport

turist; Chargé d’Affaires; Intelligence

plane made in Spain and

Chartered Accountant; C-42 Brazilian Neiva four-seat

called Aviocar

Chemical Abstracts; Chief utility aircraft called Regente

¢ cedi—monetary unit of

Accountant; Church Army; C-45 Beechcraft four-passen-

Ghana; centmonetary unit of

Civil Affairs; Coast Artillery; ger transport plane

the United States; colon mon-

Cocaine Anonymous; Com- C-46 Curtiss-Wright World War

etary unit of Costa Rica and

El Salvador

bat Aircrew; Combat Air-

c r ew m a n ; C o m m e r c i a l transport

II Commando 36-passenger

ca cable; calibrated altitude;

Agent; Compensation Act; C-47 Douglas DC-3 Dakota or

cancer; capital account; capi-

Comptroller of the Army; Skytrain 21-passenger air

tal asset; carbonic anhydrase;

Conditional Award; Confed- transport

carcinoma; cardiac arrest;

erate Army; Construction Au- C-54 Douglas DC-4 44-passen-

cash; catecholamine (neu-

thority; Construction Autho- ger transport called Skymas-

rotransmitter); cathode; cau-

rization; Consular Agent; ter

dal; centare; cervoaxial;

Consumers Association; Con- C-95 Brazilian 12-passenger

chances accepted, errorless

trolled Atmosphere; Conven- transport aircraft named Ban-

(baseball); chronological age;

ing Authority; Coordinating deirante honoring frontier pi-

circa; civil affairs; civil au-

Agency; County Attorney; oneers

thorities; clerical aptitude;

Court Auditor; Court of Ap- C-118 Douglas DC-6 92-pas-

cold agglutinin; common an-

peals; Cranial Academy; senger transport also called

tigen; compounded annually;

heavy cruiser (naval symbol) Liftmaster

controlled atmosphere; con-

CA (Aust) Institute of Char- C-119 Fairchild-Hiller Flying

vening authority; coronary ar-

tered Accountants in Austra- Boxcar carrying 62 para-

tery; council accepted; covert

lia troopers or an equal weight of

action; credit account; croup

C.A. Chartered Accountant cargo

associated; current account;

C & A Clemens and August C-121 Lockheed Constellation

current assets

Breeninkmeyer’s interna- or Super-Constellation trans-

ca (CA) cancer; carcinoma

tional house of fashion port carrying 63 or 99 passen-

ca’ calf; call (Scottish contrac-

C of A College of Aeronautics; gers, respectively


c-a computer aided

Commonwealth of Australia

CA 191


CA Centre Agricole (French—

Agricultural Bureau; Con- Agricultural Center)—prison

CAADRP Civil Aircraft Air-

sumer Affairs Bureau; Con- farm; Chemical Abstracts;

worthiness Data Recording

tract Appeals Board (Veterans corriente alterna (Spanish—

Program (UK)

Administration) alternating current); Compan-

CAAE Canadian Association

CABA Charge Account Bank- hia de Navegação Carrega-

for Adult Education

ers Association dores Açoreanos (Azore

CAAF Combined Allied Air

cabaf currency and bunker ad- Line)


justment factor caa caging amplifier assembly;

CAAFS Chinese Academy of

cabal c a b b a l a ( H e b r ew — circular aperture antenna;

Agricultural and Forestry Sci-

something secret) combat available aircraft;


CABAS City and Borough Ar- computer amplifier alarm;

CAAIS Computer-Assisted

chitects Society crime aboard aircraft

Action Information Sys-

CABB Captured Air-Bubble CAA Canadian Authors’ Asso-


Boat (naval) ciation; Canadian Automo-

caar compressed-air-accumula-

tor rocket

point of Brazil and all South Caribbean Atlantic Airlines;

bile Association; Cantors As-

Cabe Cabedelo (easternmost sembly of America;

CAAR Committee Against Ac-

ademic Repression

America close to João Pes-

Central African Airways; soa)

CAARC Commonwealth Ad-

CABE California Association President U.S.); Chief Air-

visory Aeronautical Research

Chester Allan Arthur (21st

of Bilingual Education craft Artificer; Chief of Army


CABEI Central American Bank Aviation; Civil Aeronautics

CAAs C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n


for Economic Integration Administration; Civil Aero-

CAAS Ceylon Association for

CABEZA California and Baja nautics Authority; Civil Avia-

the Advancement of Science;

California Enterprise Zone tion Authority; Clean Air Act;

Civil Aviation Authority of

Authority Collectors of American Art;

Singapore; Computer-As-

cabg (CABG) coronary artery College Art Association; Co-

sisted Acquisition System;

bypass grafting lonial Athletic Association;

Connecticut Academy of Arts

CABI Commonwealth Agricul- Commercial Apiarists Asso-

and Sciences

tural Bureau International ciation; Community Action

CAASE Computer-Assisted

CABIC Copper and Brass In- Agencies; Community Aid

Area Source Emissions

formation Centre (Australia) Abroad; Congressional As-

CAAT Campaign Against Arms

CABIN Campaign Against sassination Act; Cooperative

Trade; Canadian Academic

Building Industry National- Alumni Association; Correc-

Aptitude Test; Colleges of

ization tional Administrators Associ-

Applied Arts and Technology

CABLE Computer-Assisted ation; Council on American

CAATO Combined Army Air

Affairs; Creative Artists Bay Area Law Enforcement

Transport Organization

Agency; Cremation Associa- (San Francisco)

CA Att Civil Air Attaché

tion of America; Custom cablecast broadcast by cable tv; Agents Association

CAAV Central Association of

Agricultural Valuers

cablecaster; cablecasting

C.A.A. Civil Aviation Authority

cab cabal; cabbage; cabin; cab-

cablecast(ing) cable television

(United Kingdom) telecast(ing)

inet; cable; cabochon; cabrio-

CAAA Canadian Association cablese cablegram language

let; calibration; captured air

of Advertising Agencies; Col- (abbreviated, telegraphic,

bubble; cellulose acetate bu-

lege Art Association of Amer- truncated style)

tyrate; controlled amortiza-

cable tv community-antenna Artists of America

tion bond; taxicab

ica; Composers, Authors, and

television CAAB California Avocado Ad-

cab (CAB) cellulose acetate

cablevision cable television visory Board

butyrate; coronary artery by-


CABM C o m m o n w e a l t h o f CAABU Council for the Ad-

Cab Cabell; Cabot; NATO

Australia Bureau of Meteo- vancement of Arab-British

rology Understanding

nickname for Soviet Lisunov

transport plane designated

CABMA Canadian Association CAAC China Aeronautics Air-


of British Manufacturers and line Corporation (nicknamed

CAB Cabletelevision Advertis-

Agencies China Airlines Always Can-

ing Bureau; Canadian Associ-

CABMS Chinese-oriented An- cels); Civil Aviation Admin-

ation of Broadcasters;

tiballistic Missile System istration of China; Customs

Charles A(ustin) Beard; Cir-

Cabo Cabo San Lucas, Baja and Allied Affairs Committee

culation Audit Board; Citi-

California; San José del CAADAC California Associa-

zens Advice Bureau; Civil

Cabo, Baja California tion of Alcoholism and Drug

Aeronautics Board; Civil

CABO Council of American Abuse Counselors

Aeronautics Bulletin; Clark

Air Base; Commonwealth

Building Officials

Cabo de H.


Cabo de H. Cabo de Hornos

CaCO 3 calcium carbonate (Spanish—Cape Horn)south-

CACA Canadian Agricultural

(limestone) ernmost point of Chile and all

Chemicals Association; Cen-

CACOHIS Computer Aided South America

tral After-Care Association

Community Oral Health In- cabot cabotage (coastal naviga-

cacb compressed-air circuit

formation System tion)


cacoph cacaphonic; cacophony Ca bp calcium-binding protein

CACB Council Against Ciga-

cacp cartridge-actuated com- CABRA Copper and Brass Re-

rette Bootlegging

paction press search Association

cacc cathodal closure contrac-

CACPAF Continental Associa- Cabral Pedro Alvarez Cabral,


tion of Certified Public Ac- discoverer of Brazil

CACC Central Atlantic College

counting Firms cabs. cabbages

Conference; Civil Aviation

CACS California Aqueduct cab(s) cabochon(s)

Communications Center;

Corrective Action Control

Control System

CACSW Citizen’s Advisory CABS Children’s Adaptive Be-

Section; Council for the Ac-

Council on the Status of havior Scale; Computer-Au-

creditation of Correspon-

Women gumented Block System;

dence Colleges

CACTI Common Agricultural Computerized Annotated

CA-CC Christian Anti-Com-

Customs Transmission of In- Bibliographic System; Cur-

munist Crusade

formation rent Awareness in Biological

CACCE Council of American

CACTUS Capteur Acceler- Sciences

Chambers of Commerce in

ometrique Capacitif Triaxial cabtmkr cabinetmaker


Ultra-Sensible (French—Ul- CABWA Copper and Brass

CACCI Confederation of Asian

tra-Sensitive Triaxial Capaci- Warehouse Association

Chambers of Commerce and

tive Accelerometric Detector) cac cardiac-accelerator center


CACUL Canadian Association Cac Caceres

CACDA C o m b i n e d A r m s

of College and University Li- CAC California Administration

Combat Development Activ-

braries Code; California Advisory


CACVE California Advisory Council (on Vocational Edu-

CACE California Association

Council on Vocational Educa- cation); California Aeronau-

for Childhood Education;

tion tics Commission; California

Chicago Association of Con-

CAC & W Continental Air- Arts Commission; California

sulting Engineers

craft Control and Warning Arts Council; Canadian Arm-

CACEX Carteira do Comercio

cad cadastral; cadaver; caddie; moured Corps; Central Arbi-

Exterior (Portuguese—For-

cadenza; cadet; cadmium; tration Committee; Chief of

eign Commerce Depart-

caaridge-activated device; Air Corps; City Administra-

ment)—Bank of Brazil

cartridge-actuated device; tion Center; Civic Adminis-

CACF Colombian-American

cash against disbursements; tration Center; Civil Admin-

Culture Foundation

Cach Cachoeira (Portuguese—

cash against documents; cash

istration Commission; Coast available for distribution;

rapids, waterfall)

Artillery Corps; College Ad- central ammunition depot; missions Center; Colonial

cache. computer-controlled au-

tomated cargo-handling enve-

computer-aided design; con-

A m m u n i t i o n C o m p a ny ;


tract award date; coronary ar-

tery disease Combat Air Crew; Com-

CACHE Computer Aids for

cad (CAD) computer-aided de- mander Air Center; Commis-

Chemical Engineering Edu-

sign sion of Accreditation for Cor-


c.a.d. cash against disburse- rections; Community

cachi cachivache (Spanish—

ments Administration Council;

broken crockery, foolish or

cad cadenza (Italian—solo pas- Commuter Aircraft Corpora-

worthless person, poor qual-

sage near end of a concerto tion; Consumer Advisory

ity, pots and pans, utensils)—

movement) Council; Consumer Affairs

dialect heard around Buenos

c-a-d c’est-à-dire (French— Council; Consumers’ Associ-

Aires also called porteño

that is to say) ation of Canada; Continental

CACJ California Attorneys for

Cad Cadell; Cadiz; Cadmar; Air Command; Corrective

Criminal Justice

Cadmus; Cadogan; Cad- Action Commission; Correc-

CACL Canadian Association of

walader or Cadwallader (of- tive Action Committee; Cos-

Children’s Librarians

ten pronounced Calder) metology Accrediting Com-

CACM C e n t r a l A m e r i c a n

CAD California Association of mission; County

Common Market

the Deaf; Civil Affairs Divi- Administration Center

Caco Cacoliche (pidgin Argen-

sion; Civil Air Defense; CAC Comité de Acción Cultural

tine-Spanish including many

Claude Archille Debussy; (Spanish—Cultural Action

Italian words)

Combat Air Division; Com- Committee)

CACO Casualty Assistance

Call Office(r)

mission Against Discrimina- mission Against Discrimina-


tion; Computer-Aided Dis-

CA & E Council on Anthro- patch (police); Computer-

cadfiss computation and data

pology and Education Assisted Design; Consumer

flow integrated subsystems

CAE Cóbrese al Entregar Affairs Department; Crown

’Cadian(s) Acadian(s)

(Spanish—cash on delivery) Agents Department

CADIG Coventry and District

CAEA California Aviation Ed- cada clean air dot angle

Information Group

ucation Association; Char- CADA Centre d’Analyse Docu-

CADIN Continental Air De-

tered Auctioneers and Estate mentaire pour l’Archélogie

fense Integration North

Agents (French—Document Analy-

cadis coronary artery disease

CAEAI Chartered Auctioneers sis Center—Archaeology)

CADIZ Air Defense Identifica-

and Estate Agents Institute CADAFE Compañia Anónima

tion Zone

CADL Christian Anti-Defama-

CAED Canadian Association of

Equipment Dealers Electrico (Spanish—Corpo-

de Administración y Fomento

tion League

Ca edta calcium disodium eth- ration for Electrical Adminis-

CADM CONUS (Continental

ylene diamine tetra-acetate tration and Development)

United States) Air Defense Modernization

caef casualty air evacuation CADAM Computer-graphic

Augmented Design and Man-

flight ufacturing (registered trade-

CADO Central Air Documents

Cael Caelum mark of Cadam, Inc.)

Office (USAF); Central

American Development Or-

CAEL Council for the Ad-

CADAN Centre d’Analyse Doc- vancement of Experimental

ganization; Current Actions

umentaire pour Afrique Noir Learning (French—Document Analy-

Duty Office(r)

CAEM Conseil d’Assistance sis Center—Africa)

Ca’d’Oro Casa de Oro (Ital-

Economique Mutuelle cadav cadaver(ous)

ian—House of Gold)

(French—Council for Mutual cadc central air data computer

’cado(s) avocado(s)

Economic Assistance) CADC Canadian Army Dental

CADPE Comprehensive Alco-

Caer (Cornish or Welsh—for- Corps; Continental Air De-

hol-Drug Prevention Educa-

tress)—Caermarthen, Caer- fense Command; Corrective


narvon, Caerphilly, Caer- Action Data Center

CADPIN Customs Automatic

went, and Caerwys—the cad/cam computer-aided de-

Data Processing Intelligence

Caers sign/computer-aided manu-

Network (U.S. Bureau of

CAER Centre for Applied Eco- facturing


nomic Research (New South CADCEP California Alcohol

CADPOS C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Wales) and Drug Counselors Educa-

and Data Processing Opera-

Caern Caernarvonshire tion Program

tion System

caerul. caeruleus (Latin—cer- cadco core and drum corrector

cadr clean-air delivery rate

ulian)—sky blue cadd computer-aided design

cadre. current awareness and

caes compressed-air energy drafting

document retrieval for engi-

storage CADDIA Cooperation in Auto-


Caes Caius Julius Caesar mation of Data and Docu-

cads. cellular-absorbed-dose

CAES Canadian Agricultural mentation for Imports/Ex-


Economics Society; Connect- ports and Agriculture

CADS Central Air Data System

icut Agricultural Experiment Caddie Charlotte

(USAF); Containerized Am-

Station Cad(dy) Cadillac

munition Distribution System

CA&ES College of Agriculture cade computer-aided design en-


& Environmental Sciences gineering; computer-aided

cadss combined analog-digital

caesar computerized automa- design evaluation; computer

systems simulator

tion by electronic system with assisted data engineering;

CADSYS Computer-Aided De-

automated reservations computer-assisted data evalu-

sign System

CAET Corrective Action Eval- ation

cadte cathodal duration tetanus

uation Team cadet. computer-aided design

Cadwal Cadwallader

CAEU Casualty Air Evacuation experimental translator

cae carrier aircraft equipment;

Unit; Council of Arab Eco- Cadet old Russian acronym for

computer-aided engineering;

nomic Unity Constitutional Democratic

computer-assisted electrocar-

CAEWW Carrier Airborne Party or one of its members

diography; computer-assisted

Early Warning Wing (USN) Cadets Constitutional Demo-


caf cafeteria; caffeine; central- crats (in czarist Russia)

Cae Caelum

ized authorization file; cleri- cadf commutated antenna di-

CAE Canadian Aviation Elec-

cal, administrative, and fiscal; rection finder

tronics; Columbia, South

cost and freight; cost, assur- CADF Central Air Defense

Carolina (airport); Common

ance, and freight; currency Force; Contract Administra-

Applications Environment;

adjustment factor; cytoxan + tive Data File

Council on Anthropology and


adriamycin + 5-fluorouracil adriamycin + 5-fluorouracil


caf c o û t , a s s u ra n c e , f re t

CAGS Canadian Arctic Gas (French—cost, assurance,

CAFO Command Accounting

Study freight)

and Finance Office; Confi-

CAGW Citizens Against Gov- CAF C a m b o d i a n A r m e d

dential Admiralty Fleet Order

ernment Waste Forces; Canadian Armed

CAFPF Commander, Amphib-

cah congenital adrenal hyper- Forces; Central African Fed-

ious Forces Pacific Fleet

plasia eration; Centralized Authori-

CAFR Comparative Annual Fi-

CAH Community of All Hal- zation File; Ceylon Air Force;

nancial Report

lows; Conzinc Asia Holdings Chief Air Fitter; Citizen Air

C Afr Fed C e n t r a l A f r i c a n

cahd coronary atherosclerotic Force; Conventional Armed


heart disease Forces

CAFS C a r t r i d g e - A c t u a t e d

CAHOF Canadian Aviation CAF Corporación Andina de

Flame System

Hall of Fame Fomento (Spanish—Andean

CAFSC Control Air Force Spe-

CAHS Comprehensive Auto- CAFA Chicago Academy of

cialty Code

mation of the Hydrometeoro- Fine Arts

Promotion Corporation)

CAFTA Council of Australian

logical Service CAFAF Commander, Amphib-

Food Technology Associa-

CAHT Canadian Association ious Forces Atlantic Fleet


for Humane Trapping CAFB Canadian Air Force

CAFU Civil Aviation Flying

cai computer-aided instruction; Base; Clark Air Force Base


computer-assisted instruc- CAFCINZ Campaign Against

CAFVTC C a n a d i a n A r m y

tion; confused artificial in- Foreign Control in New

Fighting Vehicles Training

semination Zealand


Cai Cairo; Gonville and Caius cafd contact analog flight dis-

cag chronic atrophic gastritis;

College, Cambridge play

constant aerial glide; constant

C-a I Computer-assisted In- cafe (CAFE) corporate average

altitude glide; cytosine, ade-

struction fuel economy

nine, and guanine (chemical

CAI Canadian Aeronautical In- cafe. computer-aided film edi-

building blocks of DNA)

stitute; Canadian Airlines In- tor; corporate average fuel

Cag Cagliari; Cagliostro

ternational; Career Apparel economy

CAG C a n c e r A s s e s s m e n t

Institute; Career Assessment CAFE Conventional Armed

Group; Carrier Air Group;

Inventouy; Computer Appli- Forces in Europe; Corporate

Civil Air Guard; Combat

cations Incorporated; Con- Average Fuel Economy

Arms Group; Commander Air

federation of Australian In- CAFEA-ICC Commission on

Group; Commissioner’s Ad-

dustry; Configuration Audit Asian and Far Eastern Af-

visoy Group; Composers-Au-

Inspection (USA); Container fairs—International Chamber

thors Guild; Computer Anal-

Aid International; Cruelty to of Commerce

ysis Group; Concert Artist

Animals Inspectorate; Culi- CAFEI Central American Fund

Guild; Corrective Action

nary Arts Institute for Economic Integration

Group; heavy guided-missile

CAI Club A l p i n o I t a l i a n o cafetorium cafeteria-audito-

cruiser (naval symbol)

(ltalian—Italian Alpine Club) rium

CAGA California Asparagus

CAIA California Association of caff caffeine

Growers Association; Com-

Independent Accountants; CAFG Commander, Air Forces

mercial and General Accep-

Customs Agents Institute of Gulf


Australia cafga computer applications

CAGE Convicts’ Association

CAIB Certified Associate of the for the graphic arts

for a Good Environment; Cut

Institute of Bankers CAFGU C i t i z e n s A r m e d

down on drinking? Annoyed

caic computer-assisted index- Forces Geographical Unit

by criticism of drinking?

ing and classification (Philippines)

Guilty feelings about drink-

CAIC Civil Aviation Informa- CAFI Commercial Advisory

ing? Eye-opener? (question-

tion Circular; Coalition for Foundation in Indonesia

naire to detect drinking prob-

the Apparel Industry of Cali- CAFIC C o m b i n e d A l l i e d


fornia Forces Information Center

cagel consolidated aerospace

Cai Col Gonville and Caius CAFIT Computer-Assisted

ground equipment list

College—Cambridge Fault Isolation Test(ing)

CAGEO Council of Australian

Caicos Caicos and Turks Is- cafm commercial air freight

Government Employee Or-

lands (in British West Indies movement


southeast of the Bahamas and CAFMS Continental Associa-

CAGI Compressed Air and Gas

north of Hispaniola) tion of Funeral and Memorial


CAIG Canadian Aircraft Insur- Societies

CAGRA Commander Army

ance Group cafo concentrated animal feed-

Group Royal Artillery

CAIL Coal and Allied Indus- ing operation

CAGRE Commander Army

Group Royal Engineers

tries Limited



CAIMAW Canadian Associa-

Calc Calçada (Portuguese— tion of Industrial, Mechani-

cal calando (Italian—calming);

Street) cal, and Allied Workers

carbine automatique légère

Calcasieu Calcasieu Lake or CAIN CAtaloging-INdexing

(French—light automatic car-

Calcasieu Pass in southwest- (National Agricultural Li-


ern Louisiana where the lake brary data base)

Cal Calabar; Calabozo; Cala-

waters flow into the Gulf of CAINS Carrier Aircraft Inertial

bria; Calafat; Calahan; Cal-

Mexico System

ais; Calamar; Calbert; Cal-

calcd calculated caint counter-air and interdic-

cutta; Caldecott; Calder;

CALCOFI California Cooper- tion

Caldwell; Cale; Caleb; Cale-

ative Oceanic Fishery Investi- caiop computer analog input-

donia(n); Calgary; Calhoun;

gation output

Caliente; California; Calixto;

Calcomp California Computer CAIP Computer-Assisted In-

Calkins; Call; Callaghan;

Products dexing Program (UN)

Callahan; Callao; Callcott;

Callyhan; Calorie (large);

Calc Univ Calcutta University

cald calculated; caldera CAIQ Chamber of Automotive

Calpurnius; Calumet; Cal-

CALDA Canadian Air Line Industries of Queensland

vagh; Calvary; Calven; Cal-

Dispatchers Association CAIR Council on American-Is-

vert; Calvin; Calvus

CALDAC California Debt Ad- lamic Relations

CAL Catholic Aviation League;

visory Commission CAIRA Central Automated In-

Center for Applied Linguis-

CALDEA California Driver ventory and Referral Activity

tics; China Airlines; Citizens

Education Association (USAF)

Action League; Common-

Calder Cadwalader; Cadwal- CAirC Caribbean Air Com-

wealth Acoustic Laborato-

lader mand

ries; Computer Accounting

CALE Canadian Army Liaison CAIRS Central Automated In-

Limited; Computer-Assisted

Executive ventory and Referral System

Learning; Conference-Ap-

CALEA Canadian Air Line (USAF); Computer-Assisted

proved Literature (Australia);

Employees Association; Information Retrieval Sys-

Continental Airlines; Conver-

Commission on Accreditation tem; Computer-Assisted In-

sational Algebraic Language;

for Law Enforcement Agen- teractive Resources Schedul-

Cornell Aeronautical Labora-

cies ing System

tory; Cyprus Airways; Point

Caled Caledonia CAIS Canadian Association for

Arguello (California) track-

Caled Can Caledonian Canal Information Science; Center

ing station

Caledonia (Latin—Scotland) for Advanced International

CAL Comandos Armados por

Caledonian Caledonian Canal Studies (Univ of Miami);

L i b e ra c i ó n (Spanish—

bisecting northern Scotland Central Abstracting and In-

Armed Commandos for Lib-

and connecting the Atlantic dexing Service; Common

eration)—Puerto Rican un-

Ocean with the North Sea; Agreement on Investment and

derground militants fighting

pertaining to Scotland and Society; Connecticut Associ-

for decolonialization

things Scottish ation of Independent Schools

cala calabozo (Spanish—cell,

calef. c a l e f a c t u s ( L a t i n — Caith Caithness

dungeon, jail)

warmed) CAITS Chemical Agent Identi-

CALA Chinese-American Li-

calen calendar; calender fication Training Set

brarians Association; Civil

Aviation Licensing Act

Ca/EPA California Environ-

caj calked joint mental Protection Agency

calaham California ham (pic-

CAJ Center for Administrative CALEV Compañía Anómina

nic ham)

Justice; Confederation of Luz Electrica de Venezuela

calamine smithsonite (zinc car-

ASEAN Journalists (Spanish—Electric Light of


caje c o n s o l i d a t e d a n t i j a m Venezuela Corporation)

CALANS Caribbean and Latin

equipment Calex Calexico (California bor-

American News Service

der city) ’cajun Acadian (native of Lou-

CalArts California Institute of

Cal Expo California Exposi- isiana)

the Arts

tion (permanent show at Sac- cak conical alignment kit; cube

CALAS Computer-Assisted

ramento) alignment kit

Language Analysis System

CALFAA Canadian Air Line CAK Akron, Ohio (airport)

calb computer-assisted line bal-

Flight Attendants Association CAK-C Concept Assessment


calfin calendered finish Kit-Conservation

C alb albumin clearance

Calg Calgary cal caliber; calorie (small);

calbr calibration

Calhan Calahan computer-aided learning;

calc calculate(d); calculation;

Calhoun Catquahoun; origi- computer-assisted learning;

calculator; calculus

nally Colquhoun conversional algebraic lan-

calc (CALC) calculate; calcu-

calib calibrate; calibration guage

lator (flow chart)

Calc Calcutta

calibn calibration calibn calibration


caliche calcium carbonate crust

CALMS Computer Automatic

Calz Calzada (Spanish—boule-

vard, highway) Caliente Agua Catiente, Mex-

(or) dust—CaC0 3 Line Monitoring System

cam camber; camouflage; cata- ico; Nevada (delinquent)

caln calculation

pult aircraft armed merchant- Girls Training Center at Cal-

calo calando (Italian—softer

man; catapult aircraft mer- iente, Nevada; racetrack town

and slower, bit by bit)

chant (ship); chemical agent adjacent to Tjuana, in Baja

calogsim computer-assisted lo-

monitor; circular area California

gistics simulation

method; cockpit area micro- Cal-ID California Identifica-

calomel mercurous chloride

phone; commercial air move- tion System

(Hg 2 C12)

m e n t ; c o m p r e h e n s ive Calif California; Californian

CAL/OSHA California Occu-

achievement monitoring; CALIF California

pational Safety and Health

computer-addressed memory; Calif Cur California Current


computer-assisted manufac- Calif Hist California Historical

CALPA Canadian Air Line Pi-

turing; content-addressed Society

lots Association

memory; continuous air mon- Calif Rev Pr California Re-

CalPAW California Parks and

itor; contract air mail view Press

Wildlife Initiative

cam (CAM) central address Calipuerto Cali Aeropuerto

Cal Pen California Peninsula,

memory; checkout and auto- (Cali, Colombia)

matic monitoring; computer cal it calorie (International Table

containing Baja or Lower

aided manufacturing calorie)


ca’m calm CALIT California Institute of

CALPERS California Public

Employees Retirement Sys-

Cam Camagüey (Cuban Prov- Technology (also Caltech or


ince) Cambodia; Cambodian; CIT)

Camden; Camelopardalis CALL Canadian Association of

CALPIRG California Public

(Latin-Giraffe constellation); Law Libraries; Community

Interest Research Group

Cameron; Cameroons; Access Library Line; Com-

Cal Poly California Polytech-

Campbell; Campechanos; munity Action for Limited


Campeche Learners; Composite Aero-

CalREN-2 California Research

C am amylase clearance nautical Load List(ing);

and Education Network

CAM Certified Administration Counselling at the Local

CALRI C e n t r a l A r t i fi c i a l

Manager; Civil Aeronautics Level (SBA)

Leather Research Institute

Cal Rptr California Reporter

CALLA Common Acute Lym-

CALS Canadian Association of

Manual; Civil Aviation Med- icine; Composite Army-Ma-

phoblastic Leukemia Anti-

rine; Computer-Aided Man- gen, J5

Library Schools

agement; Computer-Aided callas calla lillies

CALSO California Transport

Manufacture; Consumers Ac- calli calliope

CalSpace California Space In-

tion Movement; Contract Air Calli Callimachus of Alexan-


Mail; Contract Audit Manual; dria (bibliographer-poet-

CalTec California Institute of

Cooperative Autoworks Ma- scholar)


laysia; Cost-Account Man- callig c a l l i g r a p h e r ; c a l l i -

CALTEX California-Texas Pe-

ager; Course-A-Month graphic; calligraphy

troleum; Overseas Tankship

cama centralized automatic call-in call-in radio or televi-


message accounting sion program soliciting audi-

cal th calorie (thermochemical

CAMA Children’s Aid Move- ence participation; call-in


ment of Australia; Civil Aero- telephone call advising of an

CALTIP Californians Turn In

space Medical Association anticipated absence due to ill-

Poachers (who fish with two

camal (CAMAL) continuous ness, etc.

poles or hunt out of season)

air borne missile alert calm. collected algorithms for

CALTRAC California Track

C’Amalie Charlotte Amalie teaming machines

Caltrans California Depart-

CAMALS Cambridge Algebra calm calmato (Italian—calmly;

ment of Transportation

System tranquilly)

CALURA Corporation and La-

CAMAR Competition of Agri- CALM Child Abuse Listening

bour Unions Returns Act

culture and Management of Mediation; Citizens Against

calv calving

Agricultural Resources Legalized Murder; Com-

Calv Calvin; Calvin Coolidge

CAMARC Computer Aided puter-Assisted Library Mech-

(American president); Cal-

Movement Analysis in a Re- anization

vinism; Calvinist

habilitation Context CALMA California Marine

Calvary Calvary Hill outside

camb camber; cambium; cam- Associates

Jerusalem where its Aramaic

bric linen or tea Cal Maritime California Mari-

name is Golgotha—Place of

Camb Cambrian; Cambridge time Academy

the Skull

Cambod Cambodia; Cambo- Calmex California-Mexico

Cal-VDAC California Venereal

Disease Advisory Council




Cambodia former French Indo-

munication, Advertising, and Chinese colony, Peoples Re-

CAMM Canadian Association

Marketing Studies (System); public of Kampuchea

of Medical Microbiologists;

Confederation of Australian Cambrian Cambrian Airways

Council of American Master

Motor Sports; Continuous Cambrians Cambrian Moun-


Air-Monitoring System tains, Wales

CAMMIS Command Aircraft

camship catapult aircraft mer- Cambridge UP C a m b r i d g e

Maintenance Manpower In-

chant ship University Press

formation System

CAMSI Canadian Association Cambs Cambridgeshire and

cam obs camera obscura

of Medical Students and In- Isle of Ely

camof camouflage

terns CAMC Canadian Army Medi-

camol computer-assisted man-

Cam Soc Camden Society cal Corps; Cartoon Art Mu-

agement of learning

CaMV cauliflower mosaic vi- seum of California

camp. computer-assisted menu

rus CAMCE C o m p u t e r A i d e d

planning; cosmopolitan art—

can customer account number Multimedia Courseware En-

modern and personalized; cy-

can. canal; canalization; cana- gineering

clic adenosine monophos-

lize; cancel; canceled; cancel- camcorder camera and tape re-


lation; canister; cannon; corder device

cAMP cyclic adenosine 3′,5′-


canon; canopy; canto; canvas-

CAMDA Car and Motorcycle back (duck) Drivers Association

Camp Campeche (inhabitants

—Campechanos); Campion

can. (CAN) cancel character

camel. c o m m o n a u t o m a t i c (data processing)

Hall, Oxford

can canto (Italian—melody, assisted machine loading;

CAMP C a m p a i g n A g a i n s t

manifest language; computer-

song) credit, assets, management,

Marijuana Planting; Cam-

Can Caen; Canada; Canadian; earnings, liquidity

paign Against Moral Persecu-

Canal; Canberra; Cancer CAMEO Capitol Area Motion

tion; College-Assistance Mi-

(Latin-Crab constellation); Pictures Education Organiza-

grant Program; Computer

Canfield; Cano; Canyon tion (D.C.)

Applications of Military

Can Canal (French, Portu- Camer Cameroon (whose capi-

Problems; Continuous Air

Monitoring Program; Course-

guese, Spanish—canal); Ca- tal is Yaoundé)

A-Month Program; Craft At-

nale (Italian—canal); Cañon camera cooperating agency

titude Monitoring Package

(Spanish—-canyon) method for event reporting

campan campanological; cam-

Can. Canaanite and analysis

panologist; campanology

Can. Cantoris (Latin—cantor’s CAMERA Committee for Ac-

Camp Hall Campion Hall—

or preceptor’s side of the curacy in Middle East Report-


choir) ing in America

Campoformido Campo For-

CAN Canberra, Australia (air- Cameroon United Republic of


port); Citizens Against Noise: Cameroon (equatorial Afri-

CAMPS Centralized Auto-

Committee of an Advanced can nation); République Unie

mated Military Pay System;

Nature; Compagne Auxiliare du Cameroun

Cooperative Area Manpower

de Navigation ; Corporate An- CAMESA Canadian Military

Planning Systems

gel Network; Customs As- Electronics Standards Agency

CAMPSA Compañia Arrenda-

signment Number Camford Cambridge and Ox-

taria del Monopolio de Petro-

CANA Canadian Army; Clergy ford

leos (Spanish—Petroleum

Against Nuclear Arms; Cre- Cam High C a m d e n H i g h


mation Association of North School; Cameron Highland-

CAMP Test Christie-Atkins-

America ers

Munch-Peterson Test

CANABRIT Canadian Naval CAMI Civil Aeromedical Insti-

CAMPUS Comprehensive An-

Joint Staff in Britain; Cana- tute; Columbia Artists Man-

alytical Methods for Planning

dian Navy Joint Staff in Great agement, Incorporated

in University Systems

Britain camiknick camisole-knicker-

CAMQAB Consumer Affairs

CANACIN Camara Nacional bocker combination

Medical Quality Assurance

Board (California)

de la Industria (Spanish— National Chamber of Indus-

tries)—Mexico CAMIS Computer-Assisted

Camillo Escamillo

CAMRA Campaign for Real


CANACO Camara Nacional de Makeup and Imaging System

CAMRC Child Abuse and Mal-

Comercio (Spanish—Na- caml cargo aircraft mine laying

treatment Reporting Center

tional Chamber of Com- Caml Camelopardus

cams. cybernetic anthropomor-

merce) CAML Canadian Association

phous machines

CANACOR Canadian Agro- of Music Libraries

CAMS Chinese Academy of

Industrial Corporation cam luc camera lucida

Medical Sciences; Coastal

Anti-Missile System; Com-

Canad Canadian


Can Op

Canada formerly the Dominion

canew competitively aggres- of Canada (largest nation in

CANAVHED Canadian Naval

sive novelly engineered wa- the western hemisphere and


tercraft second largest in the world)

CANAVSTORES C a n a d i a n

Can F Canadian French Canad Fr Canadian French

Naval Stores

CANF Combined Allied Naval (French Canadian)

CANAVUS Canadian Naval

Forces; Cuban-American Na- Canadian Galápagos s o u t h -

Joint Staff in United States

tional Foundation ern tip of Queen Charlotte Is-

Canb Canberra

CANFARMS Canadian Farm lands, British Columbia

canc cancel; canceled; cancel-

Management Data System Ca Na F Campaña Nacional

lation; cancelling

CANFORCEHED C a n a d i a n Fronterizo (Spanish—Na-

Canc Cancer (constellation)

Forces Headquarters tional Frontier Campaign)

Canc. Cancellarius (Latin—

Can Fr Canadian French CANAIRDEF Canadian Air


CANHR California Advocates Force Defense Command


for Nursing Home Reform CANAIRDIV Canadian Air

Carrier Air Group

Can I Canary Islands Force Division

CANCEE Canadian National

CANI Committee on Non-dis- CANAIRHED Canadian Air

Committee for Earthquake

crimination and Integrity Force Headquarters


Canid Canidae (Latin—dog CANAIRLIFT Canadian Air

CANCIRCO Cancer Interna-

family) Force Transport

tional Research Cooperative

Can Imm Cen Canada Immi- CANAIRLON Canadian Air


gration Centre Force Joint Staff—London,

dian Maritime Commander,

canis canister England


Can J Chem Canadian Jour- CANAIRMAT Canadian Air


nal of Chemistry Force Material Command

Maritime Commander, Pa-

Can J Phys Canadian Journal CANAIRNEW Canadian Air


of Physics Force—Newfoundland

Can Cus Canadian Customs

Can J Res Canadian Journal CANAIRNORWEST C a n a -

cand candelabra; candidate

of Research dian Air Force—Northwest, Edmonton

Can$ Canadian dollar

cande command and edit (com-

Can-Jud Canadian-Judeo (Ca- nadian Jewish)

CANAIRPEG Canadian Air

puter program)

CANLANT Canadian Atlantic Force—Winnipeg

Can Ltd Canadair Limited (op- CANAIRTAC Canadian Air

CANDEP Canadian Naval De-

erating unit of General Dy- Force Tactical Command


namics Corporation) CANAIRTRAIN Canadian Air Force Training Command

candf cost and freight

Can. maj. Canis Major (Latin —Greater Dog)—astronomi- CANAIRVAN Canadian Air

candi cost and insurance

CANDLES Children of Aus-

cal constellation Force—Vancouver

chwitz Nazis’ Deadly Lab

Can Man Cen Canadian Man- CANAIRWASH Canadian Air

Experiment Survivors Candn Canadian

power Centre(s) Force Joint Staff—Washing-

Can Met Ser Canadian Meteo- ton, D.C.

CANDOC Canadian Electronic

rological Service (EAES) Canajan Canadian speech

Document Ordering Service cand sc candelabra screw

CANMET Canada’s Center for Canal Zone Pa n a m a C a n a l

Mineral and Energy Technol- Zone

Candu Canadian deuterium

ogy Can-Am Canadian-American


Can. min. C a n i s m i n o r Can-Am Cup C a n a d i a n -

CANDU Chelsea Against Nu-

(Latin—Lesser Dog)—astro- American Challenge Cup (au-

clear Destruction United

nomical constellation tomobile racing)

CANDUR Canadian Deute-

canna. cannabinoid; cannab- Canar Cur Canaries Current

rium-Uranium Reactor

inol; cannabis Canaries Canary Islands in the

Candy Candice

cannib cannibal(ism); canni- Atlantic off southern Mo-

CANDY Cigarette Advertising

balistic; cannibalization; can- rocco

Normally Directed to Youth

nibalize CANAS Canadian Naval Air

CANE C o m p u t e r- A s s i s t e d

CANO Chief Area Nursing Of- Station

Navigation Equipment

ficer CANAVAT Canadian Naval At-

Canea Khania

canola Canada oil taché

CanE Canadian English

Canola Canadian oil, rapeseed CANAVCHARGE C a n a d i a n

CANEL C o n n e c t i c u t A d -

Can/ole Canadian on-line en- Naval Officer in Charize

vanced Nuclear Engineering

quiry Canaveral Cape Canaveral,


Canon City Colorado State Florida also called Cape

Can-End Canton and Ender-

Penitentiary at Canon City Kennedy; national seashore

bury Islands

Can Op Canadian Opera Com- on Florida east coast

cane sugar saccharose or su-


pany (Toronto)



CANP Campaign Against Nu-

CAOGA Crown Agents for clear Power; Civil Air Notifi-

Cantuar. Cantuaria or Cantu-

Oversea Governments and cation Procedure

ariensis (Latin—of Canter-

Administrations Can Pac Canadian Pacific


CAOOAA Civil Air Operations Can Pen Ser Canadian Peni-

can’t win mnemonic abbrevia-

Officers Association of Aus- tentiary Service; Canadian

tion for community property

tralia Pension Commission

states—California, Arizona,

CAORB Civil Aviation Opera- cans. canvasbacks (ducks); cus-

Nevada, Texas, Wyoming,

tional Research Branch tom-assigned numbers

Idaho, New Mexico

CAORE Canadian Army Oper- CANSA California Association

canu can you

ational Research Establish- of Nurses in Substance Abuse

CANU Constabulary Anti-Nar-

ment CANSAV Canadian Save the

cotics Unit (Philippines)

CAOS Completely Automatic Children Fund

CANUKUS Canada—United

Operational System Can/sdi (CAN/SDI) Canadian

Kingdom—United States

CAOSOP C o o r d i n a t i o n o f selective dissemination of in-

CANUS C a n a d a — U n i t e d

Atomic Operations— Stan- formation


dard Operating Procedures CANSG Civil Aviation Naviga-

CANUSE Canadian-United

CAOT Canadian Association of tional Services Group

States Eastern (electric power

Occupational Therapy Can St Cannon Street (rail ter-


cap capacitance; capacity; cap- minal)

CANUSPA Canada, Australia,

ital(ize); capital letter; cap- Can Syrm C a n a d i a n S y m -

New Zealand, and United

sule; caput; catabolite activa- phony

States Parents Association

tor protein; cellulose acetate cant canto (Italian—song; sing-

canv canvas

proprionate; chlor-aceto-phe- ing; voice part; instrument

Can Ven C a n e s Ve n a t i c i

none (gas); client assessment string tuned to the highest

(Latin—Hunting Dogs con-

package; combat aircraft pro- pitch)


totype cant. cannot; cantaloupe

CANY Correctional Associa-

cap (CAP) c o m p u t e r- a i d e d can’t can not; cannot

tion of New York

production; consumer ac- cant. canticum (Latin—canticle

Canyon de Chelly Canyon de

count protection or hymn of praise)

Chelly National Monument

’cap handicap Cant Canterbury; Canton; Can-

(cliff-dweller ruins in north-

cap capìtolo (Italian—chapter); tonese

ern Arizona)

capìtulo (Portuguese or Span- cantab cantabile (Italian—

Canyonlands Canyonlands Na-

ish—chapter); (French— singable or songlike)

tional Park surrounding the

cape) Cantab Cantabria (Spanish

junction of the Colorado and

cap. captivity; captured province)

Green Rivers in southeastern

cap. capiat (Latin—take); cap- Cantab. C a n t a b r i g i e n s i s


CANYPS Canadian Yellow

sula (Latin—capsule)

(Latin—of Cambridge) c/a/p codice di avviamento

Pages Service

Cantabrians C a n t a b r i a n postale (Italian—mailing Mountains of northern Spain

canz canzone; canzonetta

code)— zip coding CANTAP Canadian Technical

CANZ Composers Association

of New Zealand

Cap capitol, captain; Captain;

Awareness Programme Caspar; Charles A; Pearce

cao chronic airway obstruction

CANTAT Canadian Transat- Cap. Captain; Chapter—Num- lantic Telephones

CAO Canadian Association of

ber of Act of Parliament can.tb canine tuberculosis

Optometrists; Central Ac-

counting Office(r); Chief Ac-

Cap Capitán (Spanish—cap-

cant b cantilever bridge tain); Capricornus (Latin—

counting Office(r); Chief Ad-

Horned Goat Constellation) Cant Chin Cantonese Chinese

ministrative Officer; Civil

CAP California Assessment Can Telsat Canadian Telecom-

Affairs Office(r); County Ad-

Program (educational); Cana- munications Satellite System

m i n i s t r a t i o n O ffi c e ( r ) ;

dian Association of Patholo- cantran cancel(led) in trans-

Crimean Astrophysical Ob-

gists; Central Arizona mission

servatory (USSR); Cultural

Project; Citizens Against Por- Can Tram Comm C a n a d i a n

Affairs Office(r)

nography; Civil Addict Pro- Transport Commission

caoc cathodal opening contrac-

gram; Civil Air Patrol; Col- cants cantaloupes


l eg e o f A m e r i c a n CANTT Cantonment Tele-

CAOC Consumers’ Associa-

Pathologists; Combat Air Pa- graph

tion of Canada

trol; Common Agricultural CANTU Compañía Anónima

CAOCS Carrier Aircraft Oper-

Policy; Commonwealth As- Nacional Telefonos de Vene-

ational Compatibility System

sociation of Planners; Com- zuela (Spanish—National

Ca OCI Cathodal Opening

munity Action Program; Telephone Corporation of


Community Artists Project; Venezuela)

CAOF Canadian Army Occu-

pation Force

Community Advancement



CAPH California Association sessment Program; Computer

Program; Comprehensive As-

Mendocino, Cape Muharm-

of Physically Handicapped Address Panel; Consumer

mad, Cape Palliser, Cape

Capitol Reef Capitol Reef Na- Action Panel; Cooperating

Race, Cape Sable, Cape San

tional Park, Utah Accountability Project

Antonio, Cape San Lucas,

CAPL Canadian Association of CAP Certificat d’Aptitude Pro-

Cape Spear, Cape St Cape

Public Libraries; Controlled fessionelle (French—Certifi-

Vincent, Cape Wrangell,

Assembly Parts List cate of Professional Aptitude)

Cape Wrath, Cape York

CAPLOT Canadians Against CAPA California Association

CAPE California Association

PLO Terrorism of Port Authorities; Canadian

of Polygraph Examiners;

capm capital asset pricing Association of Purchasing

Classification and Placement

Examination; Confederation

Agents; Commission on

model Asian and Pacific Affairs;

CAPM Computer-Aided Pa- Confederation of Asian and

of American Public Employ-

tient Management Pacific Accountants; Council

ees; Council for American

cap. moll. c a p s u l a m o l l i s of Australian Postgraduate

Private Education; Course

and Professor Evaluation

(Latin—soft capsule) Associations

Cape Breton Highlands B r e -

CAPMS Central Agency for capac capacity; cathodic pro-

ton Highlands National Park,

Public Mobilization and Sta- tection

Cape Breton Island

tistics CAPAC Canadian Association

Cape-Cairo Cape Town-to-

Cap’n Captain of Primary Air Carriers; Com-

Cairo Highway; Cape Town-

Cap n Capitán (Spanish—cap- posers, Authors, and Publish-

to-Cairo Railway

tain) ers Association of Canada

Cape Cod National Seashore

capo (Italian—capobanda— capal computer-and-photo-

on coast of Massachusetts

bandmaster; capo cameri- graphic-assisted learning

Cape Cod National Cape Cod

ere— chief steward; capo fab- CAPAR Cost-Account Prob-

National Seashore conserva-

brica— factory foreman or lem Analysis Report

tion and recreation reserva-

overseer; caporione—ring- CAPC Civil Aviation Planning

tion on Cape Cod, Massachu-

leader; capo stazione—sta- Committee; Canadian Army


tion master) Pay Corps; Canadian Army

Cape Colony Cape of Good

CAPO Canadian Army Post Provost Corps

Hope Colony (South Africa)

Office; Chief Administrative capche component automatic

CAPED California Association

Pharmaceutical Office(r) programmed checkout equip-

of Postsecondary Educators

CAPOSS Capacity Planning ment

of the Disabled

and Operation Sequencing cap com capsule communica-

Cape Hatteras national sea-

System tor

shore in North Carolina coast

C App Chartered Appraiser capcon(s) captured conversa-

Cape Lookout national sea-

CAPPA Crusher and Portable tion(s)—electronically re-

shore in North Carolina

Plant Association corded tape of speech be-

Cape Province Cape of Good

capp n capellán (Spanish— tween two or more persons;

Hope Province

chaplain) recorded conversation

Cape Roca Cabo da Roca, Por-

CAPPS Council for the Ad- CAPCR Canadian Armoured

tugal (Europe’s westernmost

vancement of the Psycholog- Personnel Carrier Regiment


ical Professions and Sciences bulatory peritoneal dialysis

capertsim computer-assisted

capd (CAPD) continuous am-

program evaluation review

technique simulation

cap & puncless capitalization and punctuationless Ameri-

Cape The Cape—short form

can author e e cummings for the Cape of Good Hope,

CAPES College Association

cap. quant. vult capiat quan- Cape Hatteras, Cape Horn,

for Public Events and Ser-


Cape Verde, or other well-

tum vult (Latin—allow the known headlands, such as:

patient to take as much as he Cape Aguilhas, Cape Ann,

Cape Verde Islands Republic

will) Cape Blanc, Cape Blanco,

of Cape Verde (small island

Capr Capricornus Cape Breton, Cape Camorin,

nation off Africa’s western-

most tip) Républica de Cabo

capri computerized advance Cape Canaveral (Kennedy),


personnel requirements and Cape Charles, Cape Clear,

Cape Verdes Cape Verde Is-

inventory Cape Cod, Cape Columbia,

lands off the Senegal coast of

Capric Capricorn (constella- Cape Cornwall, Cape Cruz,

West Africa, called Ilhas do

tion) Cape Disappointment, Cape

Cabo Verde by the Portuguese

capris capri pants Fear, Cape Finisterre, Cape

CAPEXIL Chemicals and Al-

Cap-Rouge M a i s o n N o t r e Flattery, Cape Guardafue,

lied Products Export Promo-

Dame de la Garde facility for Cape Law, Cape Leeuwin,

tion Council

juvenile delinquents at Cape- Cape Maisi, Cape May, Cape

CAPF Canadian Army Pacific


Rouge, Québec Rouge, Québec


caps collection account pro-

carbage car-floor garbage cessing system; computer-as-

caqa (CAQA) computer-aided

carbecue car + barbecue (de- sisted passenger screening

quality assurance

vice for melting waste out of caps. capital letters

car baggage car, boxcar, buffet

junked automobiles) caps. (CAPS) c o m p u t e r- a s -

car, cattle car, club car, coal

carb 14 carbon 14 sisted problem solving

car, dining car, electric car, el-

carbo carbohydrate caps. capsule (Latin—capsule)

evated car, freight car, mail

carboloy carbon-cobalt-tung- CAPs Community Action Pro-

car, motor car, observation

sten alloy grams; Consumer Action

car, parlor car, passenger car,

carbonado black or grayish- Panels

prison car, pullman car, rail- road car, refrigerator car,

black industrial diamond; CAPS Casette Programming

meat scored before grilling Processing System; Children

sleeping car, steam car, street

System; Cashiers Automatic

car, subway car, surface car,

carbon dioxide carbonic acid of Aging Parents; Clearing-

tourist car, trolley car; com-

over charcoal

gas Personnel Services; Coastal

puter-assisted retrieval

Carbonif Carboniferous Aerial Photolaser Survey;

house on Counselling and

car. carat; carton; cloudtop alti-

tude radiometer

carbontet carbon tetrachloride Collins Adaptive Processing

car (CAR) channel address

carbopol carboxypolymethyl- System; Combat Air Patrol


ene Support; Computer-Aided

Car Caradoc; Carberry; Car-

carborundum silicon carbide Pipe Sketching System; Com-

bury; Carel; Carew(e); Carey;

(SiC) puter-Aided Project

Carina (constellation); Carle-

carb(s) carburetor(s) Study; Computer-based Aid-to-

ton; Carlow; Caroline Is-

carbs. carbohydrates Aircraft Project Studies; Con-

lands; Carter; Carvel; Carver

CARBS Computer-Assisted ventional Armaments Plan-

Car. Carpenter

Rationalized Building Sys- ning System; Creative Artists

Car. Carolus (Latin—Charles)

tem Public Service

CAR California Association of

CARC Canadian Arctic Re- capsep capsule separation

Realtors; Canadian-American

sources Committee caps and lower case c a p i t a l

Rights; Canadian Association

carcin ( L a t i n p r e fi x — c a n - letters and lower case letters

of Radiologists; Central Afri-

cer)— carcinogenic CAPSS Computer-Assisted

can Regiment; Central Afri-

Carcross Caribou Crossing Public Safety System

can RepubIic; Chief Airship

card cardamon; cardinal; certif- case capital letters and small

Rigger; Children of the

caps and small caps u p p e r

American Revolution; Civil

Air Regulation(s); Civil Air

icate for amortizing revolving debt

card (CARD) compact auto- matic retrieval device; com- capt. captivity; captured

capital letters

Reserve; Commonwealth Ar-

capt caption

bitration Reports; Contract

pact automatic retrieval dis- Capt(.) Captain

Authorization Request; Cor- rective Action Request; US

play CAPT Clearinghouse for Ap-

Army, Caribbean (area)

Card Cardiganshire; Cardinal plied Performance Testing

CAR Cadena Azul de Radiodi-

CARD Campaign Against Ra- CAPTAINS Character and Pat-

fusión (Spanish—Blue

cial Discrimination; Civil tern Telephone Access Infor-

Broadcast Chain); Comité

Aeronautics Research and mation Network System

Agricole Régional (French—

Development; Compact Au- CAPTIVE Collaborative Au-

Regional Agricultural Com-

tomatic Retrieval Device (or thoring Production and Trans-


Display) mission of Interactive Video

cara combat air rescue aircraft

CARDA Continental Airborne for Education

CARA California Association

Reconnaissance for Damage Captn Captain

for Research in Astronomy;

Assessment (USAF) captor capsulated torpedo

Center for Applied Research

cardamap cardiovascular data Capulin Capulin Peak, Capulin

in the Apostolate; Chinese-

analysis by machine process- Mountain National Monu-

American Restaurant Associ-

ing ment, Mount Capulin—all in

ation; Combat Air Rescue

CARDE Canadian Armament New Mexico


Research and Development capun capital punishment

CARAC Civil Aviation Radio

Establishment capy capacity; capybara

Advisory Committee

cardi (Latin prefix—heart)— Caq Caquetá (Colombian de-

CARAL California Abortion

cardiac arrest (heart failure) partment, not be be confused

Rights Action League

CARDI Colorado Allergy and with Cúcuta on the border of

Carav Caravelle

Respiratory Disease Institute Venezuela)

carb carbon; carbonacious; car-

cardioac cardioacceleration; CAQ Craft Association of

bonate; carburetor; carburize

cardioaccelerator(y); cardio- Queensland

CARB California Air Resources


active; cardioactivity active; cardioactivity


cardiog cardiogenesis; cardio-

Carl Carla; Carle; Carleton; genetic; cardiograph(ic); car-

Cargomaster Douglas 200-

Carlisle; Cario(s); Carlton; diography

passenger military transport

Carlyle cardiol cardiolith(ic); cardiolo-

designated C-133

CARL Canadian Academic Re- gist(ic)(al)(ly); cardiology;

cargotainer cargo container

search Libraries; Chatfield cardiolysin

Cari Carina

Applied Research Laborato- cardiomeg cardiomegaly

CARI Civil Aeromedical Re-

ries; Colorado Association of cardiomyo cardiomyopathy

search Institute

Research Libraries; Com- cardiopul cardiopulmonary

C.A.R.I. Cuban Agricultural

puter Audio Research Labo- cardiov cardiovascular

Reform Institute

ratory cardiover cardioversion (elec-

Carib. Caribbean

Carla Carlotta; Caroline tric-shock therapy)

CARIBAIR Caribbean Atlantic

Carl Gustaf 9 m m S w e d i s h cardiv carrier division


submachine gun firing para- CARDIV Carrier Division (na-

CARIBANK Caribbean Devel-

bellum bullets; recoilless val)

opment Bank

84mm antitank weapon Cardl Cardenal (Spanish—

Caribbean Caribbean Area (is-

Carm Carmathenshire; Car- Cardinal)

lands in or washed by the Car-

michael; Carmo; Carmody CARDPACS Card Packet Sys-

ibbean Sea); Caribbean Sea

CARML County and Regional tem

Caribbean countries Antigua

Municipality Librarians (On- card(s). (CARDs) computer-

and Barbuda, Barbados, Do-

tario) aided research device(s)

minica, Dominican Republic,

carmrand civilian application Cards Cardinals

Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, St

Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St

of the results of military re-

CARDS Combat Aircraft Re- search and development

Vincent and the Grenadines,

cording and Data System; Carn Caernarvonshire

Trinidad and Tobaggo

Computer-Assisted Record- Carnegie Inst Carnegie Insti-

CARIBCOM Caribbean Com-

ing of Distribution Systems tution of Washington


care communicated authentic- Carnegie Tech Carnegie Insti-

Carib Cur Caribbean Current

ity, regard, empathy tute of Technology

Caribe (Spanish—Carib lan-

care. continuous aircraft reli- carni carnival

guage, Caribbean Sea)

ability evaluation Carnics Carnic Alps

Caribous Caribou Mountains

carnie(s) carnival(s); carnival CarE Caribbean English

of British Columbia

Care Caretaker

workers CARE Citizens Association for


Caro Carolina; Caroline Racial Equality; Comprehen-

Sea Frontier

Carol Carola; Carole; Carolina; sive Assessment and Referral

caric caricature; caricaturist

CARIC Contractor All-Risk In-

CAROL Caribbean Overseas Awareness Retailer Effort;

centive Contract (USAF)

Caroline; Carolyn

E va l u a t i o n ; C o n s u m e r

Lines Continental Association of

Caricom Caribbean Commu-

Carolina Art Carolina Art As- Resolute Employers; Cooper-

nity Anguilla, Antigua, Bar-

bados, Belize, Dominica,

sociation ative for American Relief Ev-

Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica,

Carolina Pop Ctr C a r o l i n a erywhere; Cooperative for

Montserrat, St Kitts-Nevis, St

Population Center American Remittances to Ev-

Lucia, St Vincent, Trinidad

Carolinas North and South erywhere; Cottage and Rural

and Tobago

Carolina Enterprises

CARIFESTA Caribbean Festi-

Carolines Caroline Islands CAREIRS Conservation and

val of the Arts

(Kusaie, Palau, Ponape, Truk, Renewal Energy Inquiry and

CARIFTA C a r i b b e a n F r e e

Yap) in the Western Pacific Referral Service

Trade Association

carot centralized automatic re- CAREL Central Atlantic Re-

CARIH Children’s Asthma Re-

cording on trunks (Bell) gional Educational Labora-

search Institute and Hospital

carp carpenter; carpentry; car- tory


pet(ing); computed air-re- CARES Computer-Assisted

CARIPLO Cassa di Risparmio

lease point; construction of Regional Evaluation System

delle Provincie Lombarde

aircraft and related procure- CARF Canadian Amateur Ra-

(Italian—Savings Bank of the

ment dio Federation; Canadian Ar-

Province of Lombardy)

Carp Carpathian; Carpentaria thritis and Rheumatism Soci-

CARIS Computerized Agricul-

CARP Campaign Against Re- ety; Central Altitude

rural Research Information

strictive Parking; Campaigns Reservation Facility

System; Current Agricultural

Against Rising Prices; com- CARG C a r i b b e a n R e a d y

Research Information System

puted air-release point Group (USN); Corporate Ac-


CARPAS Comisión Asesora countability Research Group

carl computer-assisted refer-

Regional de Pesca el Atlan- (Nader’s)

ence locator

Car L Carpenter Lieutenant

tico Sud-Occidental (Span-



ish—Regional Fisheries Ad-

ety; Contract Administration visory Commission for the

CART Cargo Automation Re-

Services; Controlled Ameri- Southwest Atlantic)

search Team; Central Auto-

can Sources; Cost Accounting Carpathians C a r p a t h i a n

mated Replenishment Tech-

Standards; Courier Air Ser- Mountains

niques; Championship Auto

vices; Current Australian Se- Carpaths Carpathian Moun-

Racing Teams; Coalition

rials; Current Awareness Ser- tains

Against Regressive Taxation;

v i c e ; C u s t o m s A g e n cy carpilf cargo pilferage

Complete Automatic Rating

Service carp(s) stage carpenter(s)

Technique; Complete Auto-

C.A.S. Certificate of Advanced Carps Carpathian Mountains

matic Reliable Testing

Studies carr carriage (flow chart); car-

CARTB Canadian Association

of Radio and Television capias ad satisfaciendum

(Latin—writ of execution) rier


Casa Casablanca Carrasco Montevideo, Uru-

Carter James Earl Carter, 39th

CASA Campaign Against Psy- guay’s airport

President of the United States

chiatric Abuse (in the former Carrie Carolina; Caroline

Carth Carthage; Carthaginian;

USSR); Canadian Associa- Carrie Mac California Associ-


tion of School Administra- ation of Realtors Mortgage

cartobib cartobibliographer;

tors; Canadian Automatic Assistance Corporation


Sprinkler Association; Catgut CARRIS Companhia Carris de

cartog cartographer; carto-

Acoustical Society of Amer- Ferro de Lisboa (Portu-

graphic; cartography

ica; Citizens Against guese—Lisbon Street Rail-

cartoonitorial cartoon editorial

Sneakin’ Aroun’; Contempo- way)

CARTS Computer-Automated

rary Art Society of Australia; CARR-L Computer-Assisted

Reserved Track System

Court-Appointed Special Ad- Reporting and Research—

Car Z Caribische Zee (Dutch—

vocates; Crafts Association of Louisville (Kentucky)

Caribbean Sea)

South Australia Carroll of Carrollton Charles

cas calibrated airspeed; casual;

CASA Construcciones Aero- Carroll of Carrollton, Mary-

casualty; close air support;

nauticas, SA (Spain) land—self-identified signer

commence average speed;

Casa Grande Casa Grande Na- of the Declaration of Inde-

communications application

tional Monument near Phoe- pendence


nix, Arizona cars cable relay stations

cas (CAS) cooperative applica-

CASANZ Clean Air Society of cars. collateralized auto receiv-

tions satellite

Australia and New Zealand able securities; community

ca’s catecholamines; combat

CASAO Chartered Accoun- antenna relay service

actions; covert actions

tants Students Association of CARS Canadian Arthritis and

Cas Caracas; Casimir; Caslon;

Ontario Rheumatism Society; Central

Cassiopeia (constellation);

CASB Cost-Accounting Stan- American Research Station


dards Board (for disease control); Combat

Cas ciencias (Spanish— sci-

CASBS Center for Advanced Arms Regimental System;


Study in the Behavioral Sci- Community Antenna Relay

CAS Consumers Associations;

ences (Stanford) Station; Community on Alco-

Cooperative Associations

casc computer-assisted cartog- hol and Road Safety; Com-

CAS California Academy of

raphy puter-Aided Routing System;

Sciences; Cambrian Airways

CASC Canadian Army Service Computer-Assisted Reliabil-

(symbol); Capital Assistance

Corps; Certified Alfalfa Seed ity Statistics

Scheme; Casualty Actuarial

Council; Ceylon Army Ser- Carson Carson City; Nevada

Society; Center for Adminis-

vice Corps; Council for the State Penitentiary in Carson

trative Studies; Center for

Advancement of Small Col- City

Auto(mobile) Safety; Change

Analysis Section; Chernical


Carson City Women’s

Abstracts Service; Chicago

CASCADE Citizens and Scien-

tists Concerned About Dan- Women’s Prison at Carson City,

Academy of Sciences; Chief

gers to the Environment Nevada

of Air Staff; Children’s Aid

CARSTRIKFOR C a r r i e r

Society; Chinese Academy of

Cascades Cascade Mountains

extending from British Co- Striking Force

Sciences; Civil Affairs Sec-

lumbia to California cart. carrot; cartage; carton;

tion; Civil Air Surgeon;

Cascadia region between Van- collision-avoidance radar

Clean(er) Air System(s);

couver, British Columbia and trainer

Coast Artillery School; Colli-

Eugene, Oregon cart carta (Italian, Portuguese,

sion Avoidance System (air-

cascan casualty cancelled Spanish—card, chart, docu-

craft); Combat Arms School;

CASCOMP Comprehensive ment, page of music)

Commercial Air Service;

Airship Sizing and Perfor- Cart Carter; Cartwright

Computer Acquisition Sys-

tem; Contemporary Art Soci-

mance Computer Program mance Computer Program


cascor casualty corrected

CASRO Council of American CASCU Cooperative Associa-

CASH Catalog of Available and

Survey Research Organiza- tion of Suez Canal Users

Standard Hardware; Citizen

tions CASD Center for Applied Stud-

Action for Safer Harlems;

cass cassette; cassowary; com- ies in Development

Commission for Administra-

bat air surveillance system; casdac computer-aided ship de-

tive Services in Hospitals

command active sonobuoy sign and construction

cash ad cash advance

system CASDO Computer Applica-

Casi Casimir

Cass Casimir; Cassander; Cas- tions Support and Develop-

CASI Canadian Aeronautics

sandra; Casseus; Cassidy; ment Office (USN)

and Space Institute; Conve-

nient Automotive Services In-

Cassius; Casso

casdos computer-assisted de- Cass Cassiopeia (Latin—Lady


tailing of ships in the Chair constellation)

CASIA Chemical Abstracts

case computer-aided software CASS California Agricultural

Subject Index Alert

engineering Statistics Service; Center for

CASIG Careers Advisory Ser-

Astrophysics and Space Sci- case. common-access switching

vice in Industry for Girls

entists equipment, computer-auto-

Casl Caslon

CASSA C o n t i n e n t a l A r m y mated support equipment

Ca S-L Catering Sub-Lieuten-

Command Automated Sys- Case Casey


tem Support Agency (USA) CASE Coalition of Agencies

CASLE Commonwealth Asso-

Cassi Cassiopeia Serving the Elderly; Coalition

ciation of Surveying and

CASSI Chemical Abstracts for Safe Energy; Colorado

Land Economy

Service Source Index Association of School Execu-

CASLIS Canadian Association

CASSIOPE Computer Aided tives; Commission on the Ac-

of Special Libraries and In-

System for Scheduling, Infor- creditation of Service Experi-

formation Services casm close air support missile;

mation and Operation of Pub- ences; Committee on

lic Transport in Europe Academic Science and Engi-

cycling air sampling monitor

CASSIS Communication and neciing; Committee on the

CASMT Central Association of

Social Science Information Atlantic Salmon Emergency;

Science and Mathematics


Conference Association of

CASNP Canadian Association

Service (Canada)

CASSO C o m m a n d A c t ive Society Executives; Coordi- nated Aerospace Supplier

in Support of Native Peoples

CASO Civil Aviation Safety

Sonobuoy System; Connecti- cut Association of Secondary

Evaluation; Council of Ad-

Schools ministrators of Special Edu-


CASSR Chuvash Autonomous cation; Council for the Ad-

CASOE Computer Accounting

Soviet Socialist Republic vancement of Secondary

System for Office Expendi-


cast castanets; computer appli- Education; Council for Ad-

casoff control and surveillance

cations and systems technic; vancement and Support of

computer-augmented scan- Education; Counselling As-

of friendly forces

ning technics sistance to Small Enterprises

CASOS Center for Advanced

Study in Organization Sci-

Cast Castel; Castile; Castilian; CaSEA California Society of

ence (U of Wisconsin)

Castillon; Castimir; Cas- Enrolled Agents

Casp Caspar(d)

tislav; Castle; Castor CASEA Center for the Ad-

CASP Capability Support Plan;

CAST Center for Application vanced Study of Educational

Cape Arago State Park (Ore-

of Sciences and Technology; Administration

gon); Country Analysis and

Citizens Adversity Support CASETT Cases of Settlements

Strategy Paper (U.S. State

Team; Contemporary Artists and Removals


Serving the Theater; Council casevac casualty evacuation

Caspar Cambridge analog sim-

for Agricultural Science and CASEX Close Air Support Ex-

ulator for predicting atomic


Technology CAST C l e a r i n g h o u s e A n -

ercise; Combined Aircraft

CASPER Contact Area Sum-

nouncements in Science and CASF Canadian Active Service

Submarine Exercise

mary Position Estimate Re-



CASTE Collision-Avoidance Force; Combat Alert Strike Force; Composite Air Strike

CASPERS Computer-Auto-

mated Speech-Perception-

System Technical Evaluation CASTLE Computer-Assisted


System Caspian Caspian Sea (land-

System for Theater-Level En- CASGTC California Academy

gineering of Sciences Geology Type

locked body of water between

Cast la Man Castilla la Man- Collection

Iran and Turkmenistan, Kaza-

cha (Spanish province) cash. cashew; cashier

khstan, Russia, and Azer-

castor cask storage (for trans- Cash Cashlin; Cassius


Cas Reps Casualty Reports

porting radioactive material)



CASTOR College Applicant

cath cathartic; cathedral; cathe- Status Report

Transport; Control and As-

ter; catheterize Castro San Francisco neigh-

sessment Team; Corrective

Cath Cathedral; Catherine; borhood

Action Team

Catholic; St Catherine’s Col- CASTS Canal Safe Transit Sys-

CAT Comisaría de Abastec-

lege, Cambridge; St Cathe- tem

imientos y Transportes (Span-

rine’s College, Oxford Cast y León Castilla y León

ish—Commisariat of Supply

CATHAY Cathay Pacific Air- (Spanish province)

and Transport)

ways CASW Council for the Ad-

Cata Catamarca (Argentine

Cathedrals Cathedral Caverns vancement of Science Writ-


near Grant, Alabama ing

CATA Canadian Air Transport

cath fol cathode follower casws close air support weap-

Association; Canadian Air

Cathie Catherine ons system

Transportation Administra-

Cath Lib Assn Catholic Li- cat carburetor air temperature;


brary Association catalog; catamaran; catapult;

catal catalog; catalogue

Cathlibs Catholic liberals catboat; category; caterpillar

Catal Catalan; Catalonia; Cata-

cathol catholic; catholically; tractor; caudé auxiliary tele-


catholicly; catholicalness; scope; clear air turbulence;

Catalina Catalina de Güines

catholicness; catholicate; combined arms teamwork;

southeast of Havana, Cuba;

catholice; catholicity compressed air tunnel; com-

Santa Catalina Island off

CAT houses Central American puter-assisted transcription;

Long Beach, California

Tropical (barracks) computer of averaged tran-

catawump catawumpus (cata-

Cath U Pr Catholic University sients; computerized axial to-

mount, mountain lion)

of America Press mography; customer-acti-

catc computer-assisted test con-

Cathy Catherine vated terminal


CATIB Civil Air Transport In- cat (CAT) choline acetyl-trans-

dustry Training Board ferase; computer-aided type-

CATC Coast Artillery Training

CATIE Centro Agronómico setting; computer-assisted

Center; Commonwealth Air

Transport Council; Continen-

Tropical de Investigación y test(ing); computerized adap-

tal (Oil), Atlantic (Refining),

Enseñanza (Spanish—Tropi- tive test(ing); computerized

Tidewater (Oil), and Cities

cal Agriculture Center of In- axial test(ing); computerized

(Service) (combined in mu-

vestigation and Teaching)— axial tomography

tual drilling)

Turrialba, Costa Rica Cat Catalán; Catalina; Catalo-

catk counterattack nia; Catalonian; Cataluña;

CATCALL Completely Auto-

catlg catalog(ue) Catalunya; Catamarca; Cata-

mated Technique for Catalog-

CATM Canadian Achievement nia; Cataño; Catarina; Ca-

ing and Acquisition of Liter-

Test in Mathematics terino; Catasauqua; Catawba;

ature for Libraries

CATNIP Computer-Assisted Caterpillar Tractor; Catesby;

CATCC Canadian Association

Technique for Numerical In- Catlett

of Textile Colorists and

dex Preparation Cat Cat Duet (Rossini’s comic

Chemists; Carrier Air Traffic

Catoctins Catoctin Mountains work for two voices); Catalan

Control Center

of Maryland and Virginia (language spoken in the Span-

CATCH Citizens Against The

CATOR Combined Air Trans- ish province of Catalonia,

Concorde Here

port and Operations Room France, and Andorra)

CATCO Catalytic Construction

CATP C o m p u t e r- A s s i s t e d CAT California Achievement

Company CATCS Central Air Traffic

Typesetting Process Test; California Advocacy for

CATPAC Catering, Planning, Trollops; Child’s Appercep-

Control School

Accounting and Control tion Test; Children’s Apper-

CATD Cooperative Association

catproc catalog(ue) procedure ception Test; Civil Air Trans-

of Tractor Dealers

CATRA Cutlery and Allied p o r t ; C iv i l i a n A c t r e s s

cate comprehensive automatic

Trades Research Association Technician; Clerical Aptitude

test equipment

Catracho(s) Honduran(s) Test; Cognitive Abilities Test;

CATE Currermt ARDC (Air

CATRALA C a r a n d Tr u c k College Ability Test; Colleges

Research and Development

Renting and Leasing Associ- of Advanced Technology;

Command) Technical Efforts

ation Commercial Airlift Contract;


CATs Civic Action Teams Computer-Aided Training;

catec c a t e c h i s m ; c a t e -

CATS Canadian Auxiliary Ter- Computer-Aided Translation;


ritorial Service; Canon Auto Computer-Aided Typesetting;

Cater Trac Caterpillar Tractor

Tuning System; Certificates Computer-Assisted Teaching;

Ca Test Calcium Test (dental)

of Accrual on Treasury Cer- Computerized Axial Tomog-

CATF California Tax-Free; Ca-

tificates; Civil Affairs Train- raphy; Consolidated Atomic

nadian Achievement Test in

ing School (USN); Compre- Time; Container Associates

French; Central American

Task Force

hensive Analytical Test hensive Analytical Test


System; Compute Air-Trans

ca virus croup-associated virus Systems; Computer-Assisted

CAUSE College and University

CAVN Compañía Anonima Test Shop; Computer-Auto-

Systems Exchange; Compre-

Venezolana de Navegación mated Test System (AT & T);

hensive Assistance to Under-

( S p a n i s h — Ve n e z u e l a n Concerned About Teen Sexu-

graduate Science Education

Steamship Line) ality

(National Science Founda-

cavu ceiling and visibility un- CATSA Cooperative Air Trans-

tion); Counselor Advisor Uni-

limited port System for Antarctica

versity Summer Education

caw cam-action wheel; channel CAT-scan computerized axial

caust caustic

address word tomography scan that depicts

caustic potash potassium hy-

CAW Carrier Air Wing; Church body structures not shown by

droxide (KOH)

of All Worlds conventional X-ray proce-

caustic soda sodium hydroxide

c-a w conflict-alert warning dures


CAW Cables and Wireless Catskills Catskill Mountains,

caut caution

(Company); Californians southeastern New York

CAUT Canadian Association of

Against Waste CATSS Cataloguing Support

University Teachers

CAWA Canadian-American System

CAUTION Citizens Against

Women’s Association catt conveyorized automatic

Unnecessary Tax Increases

CAWC Committee on Air and tube tester

and Other Nonsense (St Louis

Water Conservation (Ameri- cattalo cattle + buffalo—hybrid


can Petroleum Institute) CATTCM Canadian Achieve-

cav cavalier; cavalry; cavita-

CAWD Canadian-American ment Test in Technical and

tion; cavity; congenital ab-

Wolf Defenders Commercial Mathematics

sence of vagina; congenital

CAWE California Association CAT test Computerized Axial

adrenal virilism; continuous

of Work Experience Educa- Tomography Test

airworthiness visit; constant

tors CATTS California and Texas

angular velocity

cawg c o a x i a l a d a p t e r Telecommunications System

cav (CAV) class attendance

waveguide Catty Catherine

verification; construction as-

CAWG Clean Air Working CATU C o m b i n e d A i r c r ew

sistance vehicle

Group Training Unit

cav. caveat (Latin—warning,

cawgs covert all-weather gun catv cabin air temperature

writ of suspension)

system valve; cable television; com-

c.a.v. curia advisare vult (Latin

CAWM College of African munity antenna television

—the court cares to consider)

Wildlife Management catva computer-augmented to-

Cav Cavanagh; Cavanaugh;

CAWP Center for the American tal-value assessment

Cavell; Cavendish

Woman and Politics cau command arithmetic units

Cav C a v a l i e re ( I t a l i a n —

CAWS Central Aural Warning Can Caucasian


System; Conflict Alert Warn- CAU Child Abuse Unit (police

cav brk cavity brick

ing System; Conservation and department); Congress of

CAVC Canadian Army Veteri-

Wildlife Studies American Unions; Consumer

nary Corps

CAWSPS C o m p u t e r- A i d e d Affairs Union; Consumer Af-

cavd completion, arithmetic,

Weapon Stowage Planning fairs Unit

vocabulary, directions (test)

System (USN) Caucasus Caucasus Mountains

Cav Div Cavalry Division

CAWU Clerical and Adminis- between the Black Sea and

CAVE California Association

trative Workers’ Union the Caspian Sea

of Vocational Educators;

cax community automatic ex- Cauc(s) Caucasian(s)

Catholic Audio-Visual Edu-

change (telephone) caud caudal; caudate

cators Association; Consoli-

Caxton Caxton Printers, Ltd caud (Latin prefix—tail)—cau-

dated Aquanauts Vital Equip-

Cay Cayenne; Cayman dal appendage


Cayen Cayenne (coastal French CAUL Committee of Austra-

CAVEA Connecticut Audio-

Guiana) — see Inni lian University Librarians

Visual Education Association

Cayes Haitian seaport also cauli cauliflower

caveat code and visual entry au-

called Aux Cayes or Les caus causation; causative

thorization technic

Cayes CAUS Color Association of the

cav. emp. caveat emptor (Latin

Caymans C a y m a n I s l a n d s United States

—let the buyer beware)—also

(Grand Cayman, Little Cay- CAUSA Confederation of As-

appears as c.e.

man, Cayman Brac) sociations for the Unity of the

Cavendish Cavendish Labora-

cb cast brass; catch basin; ce- Societies of the Americas

tory (Cambridge University)

ment base; center of buoy- CAUSA Compania Aeronautica

CAVI Centre Audio-Visuel In-

ancy; chemical and biologi- Uruguay SA

ternational (French— Inter-

cal; circuit breaker; collective causat causative

national Audio-Visual Cen-

bargaining; common battery; ’cause because


caviol caviology

continuous breakdown continuous breakdown


Congressional Budget Com- c-b circuit breaker

cb (CB) container base

dian Bankers Association;

mittee; Contraband Control; c/b caught and bowled; circuit

Canadian Booksellers Asso-

Corset and Brassiere Council; breaker

ciation; Caribbean Atlantic

Airlines; Christian Booksell-

Cyprus Broadcasting Corpo-

c & b collating and binding

ers Association; Clydesdale

ration; large tactical-com-

mand ship (naval symbol) Cb base Capacitance; colum-

c of b confirmation of balance

Breeders Association; Col-

CBC Cadena Baja California bium (symbol); cumulo-nim-

lege of Business Administra-

(Spanish—Baja California bus

tion; Community Broadcast-

Radio Chain) Mexican border Cb contre-basse (French—dou-

ers Association; Consumer

network ble bass)

Bankers Association; Conti-

CBCA California Black Com- CB Cadet Battalion; Cape Bre-

nental Basketball Association

mission on Alcoholism ton (island); Caribair (air-

CBA Chemical-Biological Ac-

cbcc common bias—common line); Caribbean-Atlantic Air-


control lines; Carte Blanche; Cavalry

CBAA Canadian Business Air-

CBCII California Bureau of Brigade; Cemetery Board;

craft Association

Criminal Identification and Census Bureau; Chairman of

cbaf cobalt-base alloy foil

Investigation the Board (of directors);

CBAICP Chemical and Bio-

CB circuit common-base am- Chief Boilermaker; Chil-

logical Accident and Incident

plifier for junction transistors dren’s Bureau; Church of the

Control Plan (USA)

CB Club Citizen’s-Band (ra- Brethren; citizen’s band (ra-

c/bale cents per bale

dio) Club diofrequency); Companion of

cbam concerns-based adoption

cbcm cheque book-charging the Bath; compass bearing;


method confidential book; confiden-

cbar counterbore arbor

CBCMA Carbonated Beverage tial bulletin; confinement to

CBARC California Border

Container Manufacturers As- barracks; Construction Bat-

Area Resource Center

sociation talions (hence the nickname

CBAT Central Bureau of Astro-

CBCS Commonwealth Bureau reau; contrabass(o) (double-

nomical Telegrams

“seabees”); Consultants Bu-

of Census and Statistics bass viol); Control Branch;

cbb commercial blanket bond

CBB Chesapeake Bay Bridge

cbet circuit board card tester

CBCT Customer-Bank Com- ough; Cumulative Bulletin;


Counter Battery; County Bor-

munication Terminal Currency Bond; large cruiser

CBB Centre Belge du Bois

cbcu counterbore cutter (naval symbol); William

(French—Belgian Forestry

Research Center)

cbd cash before delivery; Cullen Bryant

CBBA Christian Brothers Boys

closed bladder drainage; C-B (Sir Henry) Campbell-


common bile duct Bannerman

CBBB Council of Better Busi-

ness Bureaus

Cbd Cambodian

CBD Central Business District; (Latin—Bachelor of Surgery)

C.B. Chirurgiae Baccalaureus

CBBI Cast Bronze Bearing In-


Construction Battalion De-

tachment meyer; Cleveland and Buffalo

C & B Clemens and Brennink-

CBBII Council of the Brass and

CBD Commerce Business Daily (steamship line)—Seeandbee

Bronze Ingot Industry

CBBT Chesapeake Bay Bridge-

cbdn can be done

CBDNA College Band Direc- Bahamas

C of B Commonwealth of the

Tunnel (Maryland to Virginia)

tors National Association CB Carte Blanche (French—

cbc cipher-block chain; com-

CBDS Carcinogenesis Bioas- white card) full discretionary

plete blood count

say Data System power; col basso (Italian—

cbc (CBC) combined blood

cbe cesium bombardment en- with the bass); contrabasso

count; complete blood count

gine; chemical binding effect; (Italian—double bass)

cb&c corned beef and cabbage

circuit board extractor; com- C-B Creditanstalt-Bankverein

CBC Canadian Broadcasting

petency-based education; (German—Credit Institution

Corporation; Caribbean

compression bonding encap- and Bank Association)—

Broadcasting Company; Cen-

sulation Austria’s largest banking in-

tral Bank of China; Central

CBE Central Bomber Estab- stitution

Bible College; Ceylon Broad-

lishment; Cheese Bureau of cba chemical bond approach;

casting Corporation; Chil-

England; Community-Based chronic bronchitis with

dren’s Book Council; Christ-

Education; Competency- asthma; cost-benefit analysis

mas Bird Count (Audubon

Based Education; Computer- cba (CBA) colliding beam ac-

Society); Columbia Basin

Based Education; Conference celerator

Council; Commendation for

of Biological Editors; Coun- CBA California Benefit Associ-

Brave Conduct; Commercial

cil for Basic Education; ation; California Broad-

Banking Company; Comnon-

Council of Basic Education; caster’s Association; Cana-

wealth Banking Corporation;

Congressional Black Caucus;

Council of Biology Editors



CBMQA California Board of der of the British Empire;

C.B.E. Commander of the Or-

Central Bureau of Investiga-

Medical Quality Assurance Companion of the Order of

tion; Chesapeake Bay Insti-

CBMS Conference Board of the British Empire

tute; Chicago Bridge and Iron

Mathematical Sciences CBEA California Business Ed-

(company); China-Burma-In-

cbmu current bit monitor unit ucators Association

dia (theater of war); Coffee

CBMU Canadian Board of Ma- CBEL Cambridge Bibliogra-

Brewing Institute; Confeder-

rine Underwriters phy of English Literature

ation of British Industries;

CBMUA Canadian Boiler and CBEMA Canadian Business

Confederation of British In-

Machinery Underwriters As- Equipment Manufacturers

dustry; Council of the Build-

sociation Association; Computer and

ing Industry; Council of

cbn chemical, bacteriological, Business Equipment Manu-

Burma Industries

nuclear; courses by newspa- facturers Association

CB&I Chicago Bridge and Iron

per CBer operator or owner of a


C bn contrabassoon Citizen’s-Band radio

CBI Cumulative Book Index

CBN Christian Broadcasting CB-er(s) citizen’s radio-fre-

CBIA California Building In-

Network; Columbia Carbon quency band (short-wave

dustry Association cbid counter bid

Company (stock-exchange two-way) broadcaster(s)

symbol); Commonwealth CBEST California Basic Skills

CBIS Campus-Based Informa-

Broadcasting Network Test

tion System (NSF); Commu-

CBNE California Bureau of cbf cerebral blood flow; coro-

nist Bloc Intelligence Ser-

Narcotics Enforcement nary blood flow

v i c e ; C o m p u t e r- B a s e d

Instruction(al) System

CBF Children’s Blood Founda-

CBNM Custer Battlefield Na- tion; Commander British

tional Monument Forces

cbit (CBIT) contract bulk in-

CBNS Commander, British Na- CBFAP Commander British

clusive tour (travel plan)

val Staff Forces, Arabian Peninsula

cbj common bulkhead joint

CBNY Chemical Bank, New CBFBS Cyprus British Forces

CBJO Coordinating Board of

York Broadcasting Service

Jewish Organizations

cbo collateralized bond obliga- CBFC Commander British

cbk checkbook

tion; combined bomber offen- Forces in Cyprus; Common-

cbl cable; cement-bond log;

sive; compensation by objec- wealth Bank Finance Com-

commercial bill of lading

tives pany

cb/l commercial bill of lading

Cbo Colombo CBFCA Commander, British

c bl carte blanche (French—

CBO Community-Based Orga- Forces, Caribbean

white card)—full power to act

CBL Clare Boothe Luce; Con-

nizations; Conference of Bal- CBFG Commander British

tic Oceanographers; Congres- Forces, Gulf

figuration Breakdown List;

s i o n a l B u d g e t O ffi c e CBFHK Commander British

Chesapeake Biological Labo-

(U.S.A.); Counter-Battery Forces, Hong Kong

ratories .

Officer cbfm constant bandwidth fre-

CB of L Chartered Bank of

CBOA Commonwealth Bank quency modulation


cbls carrier bomb light store

Officers Association cbft cubic feet

cbm chemical biological muni-

cboc completion bed occu- cbg (CBG) c o r t i c o s t e r o i d -

pancy care binding globulin; transcortin

tions; confidence-building

measure; conventional buoy

CBOE Chicago Board Options CBG Committee for Better

mooring; cubic meter(s)

Exchange Government

cbm Kubikmeter (German—

C-bomb cobalt bomb CBG Compagnie des Bauxites

cubic meter)

CBM Christian Blind Mission

cbore counterbore

CBOT Chicago Board of Trade Company of Guinea)

de Guinée (French—Bauxite

CBMA Carbonated Beverage

cbp ceramic beam pentode; CBH Cooperative Bulk Hold-

Manufacturers Association

constant boiling point ing

CBMC Corregidor-Bataan Me-

morial Commission

CBP Centro de Biologia Pis-

catória (Portuguese—Pisca- Bordeaux and Hamburg

C B & H Continent between

CBME Combined Bureau Mid-

torial Biological Center— CBHE Connecticut Board of

dle East

Lisbon) Higher Education .

CBM-I Common Bahasa Ma-

CBPA Catholic Book Publish- cbi complete background inves-


ers Association; Connecticut tigation; compound batch

CBMIS Computer-Based Man-

Book Publishers Association identification; computerbased

agement Information System

CBPBG Commonwealth Bu- information

CBMM Council of Building

reau of Plant Breeding and CBI Cape Breton Island; Car-

Materials Manufacturers

Genetics bonated Beverage Institute;

CBMPE Council of British

CBPC Canadian Book Publish- Caribbean Basin Initiative;

Manufacturers of Petroleum


ers’ Council



CBPDC Canadian Book and

cbx’s (CBXs) c o m p u t e r i z e d Periodical Development

cbs chronic brain syndrome;

business exchanges (tele- Council

concrete-block stucco

phone service) CB & PGNCS Circuit Breaker

cb’s citizen’s-band transceivers

cby carboy and Primary Guidance Navi-

cBs concerned Black students

Cbz carbobenzoxy gation Control System

CBs cost-of-living benefits

cc camp chair; canonical corre- CBPI Canadian Business Peri-

CBS Canadian Biochemical

lation; carbon copy (or cop- odicals Index

Society; Central Bureau of

ies); centuries; chapters; chief CBPM Certified Bonnie Prud-

Statistics (Jerusalem); Co-

complaint (medical history den Myotherapist

lumbia Broadcasting System;

chart); civil commotions; CBPO Consolidated Base Per-

Common Beliefs Survey;

close-captioned; close con- sonnel Office

Commonwealth Bureau of

trol; closed cup; closing coil; cbpp contagious bovine pleu-

Soils; Confraternity of the

coastal command; cognitive ropneumonia

Blessed Sacrament; Cur-

complexity; collector capaci- CBQ Children’s Behavior

rumbin Bird Sanctuary

tance; color code; combat Questionnaire; Civilian Bach-

(Queensland); Custom

command; combustion cham- elor Quarters

Bucket Service

CBS C e n t ra a l B u re a u d e

ber; command and control;

command center; complex & Quincy (railroad)

C B & Q Chicago, Burlington

Statistiek (Dutch—Central

conjugate; compounded con- CBQ Catholic Biblical Quar-

Statistical Bureau)

tinuously; condemned cell; terly

cbse caboose

continuation clause; contrast- cbr change board register;

CBSO City of Birmingham

ing color; county court; credit chemical, biological, radio-

Symphony Orchestra; City of

card; cubic centimeter(s); logical; computer-based ref-

Bournemouth Symphony Or-

current cost; customs clear- erence; crude birth rate

chestra; Czechoslovak Broad-

ance Cbr Calabar

casting Symphony Orchestra

cc (CC) check charge; chief CBR Canberra, Australia (air-

cbt cesium beam tube; com-

complaint port); Center for Brain Re-

puter-based training; criminal

c/c center to center; corner/card search (University of Roches-

breach of trust

cbt (CBT) cognitive-behav-


c & c capets and curtains; cav-

CBRA Chemical, Biological, iar and champagne; command

ioral therapy

Radiological Agency and control; consultation and

CBT Chicago Board of Trade;

CBRA Consolidated Budget concurrence

Computer-Based Testing;

Connecticut Bank and Trust

CB radio citizen’s band radio cost of construction (26.965 to 27.405 MHz)

Reconciliation Act

c of c certificate of occupancy;


c-to-c center-to-center C-branding c h r o m o s o m e

CBT Centre Belge de Traduc-

c.c. corpora cardiaca (Latin— branding

tions (French—Belgian

cardiac body)—heart CBRC Crichton Behavioral

Translations Center)

c/c compte courant (French); Rating Scale

CB & TC Connecticut Bank &

conta corrente (Portuguese); CBRE Chemical, Biological,

Trust Company

conto corrente (Italian); and Radiological Element

CBTE C o m p e t e n cy - B a s e d

cuenta corriente (Spanish)— CBRI Central Building Re-

Teacher Education

current account search Institute

cbts cesium beam time standard

Cc cirrocumulus CBRL Chemical, Biological,

cbu cluster bomb unit

Cc. Confessores (Latin— Con- and Radiation Laboratories

CBU Chicago Board of Under-

fessors) (Ottawa)


CC Cadet Corps; Caius Col- cbrn chemical, biological, ra-

c/bush cents per bushel

lege; Calvin Coolidge (30th diological, and nuclear

cbv central blood volume; cir-

President U.S.); Cape Corps; CBRN Caribbean Basin Radar

culating blood volume; cor-

Caterpillar Club (people who Network

rected blood volume

have parachuted to save their CBRO Chemical, Biological,

CB-VD citizen’s-band radio-

lives); Chamber of Com- Radiological Officer

contracted venereal disease

merce; Chief Constable; Cir- CBRS Canadian Bond Rating

(resulting from sexual pick-

cuit Court; City Center; Clare Service (Montreal); Child Be-

ups made along byways and

College (Cambridge); Coastal havior Rating Scale; Citizen’s


Commission; Cocos (Keeling Band Radio Service

CBVHS Clara Barton Voca-

Islands—Internet code); CBRTGW Canadian Brother-

tional High School

Colby College; Common hood of Railway, Transport,

cbw chemical-biological war-

Cause; Community College; and General Workers


Company Commander; Corps cbrw chemical, biological, ra-

CBW Canadian Black Watch

Commander; County Clerk; diological warfare

CBX Computerized Branch Ex-


County Commissioner;



County of City (Aberdeen,

CCAP C i t i z e n s C r u s a d e Dundee, Edinburgh, Glas-

America; Consumers Coop-

Against Poverty gow); Critical Care

erative Association; Con-

CCAPS Circuit-Card Assem- C-C Coca-Cola

tainer Corporation of Amer-

ica; Continental Control

bly and Processing System

CCAQ Consultative Commit- (railroad); Command and

C & C Columbia & Cowlitz

Area; Coordinating Commit-

tee on Administrative Ques- Control; Computer and Com-

tee on Alcoholism; Copy-

tions (UN) munications

writer’s Council of America;

CCAR Central Conference of C-by-C C o m e - b y - C h a n c e ,

Corduroy Council of Amer-

Arnerican Rabbis Newfoundland

ica; Corrections Corporation

of America (private operator

CCAs California Correctional

Association members; Cruis- Count(y) of Cleves

C of C Conclave of Cardinals;

of jails in the U.S.); Crafts

ing Club of America members CC corriente continua (Span-

Council of Australia; Cruis-

CCAS Council of Colleges of ish—direct current)

ing Club of America; Current

Arts and Sciences CC-106 Canadair version of the

Cost Accounting

ccat conglutinating comple- Britannia called Yukon

C & CA Consumer and Corpo-

ment absorption test CC-109 Canadian-built me-

rate Affairs (Canada)

CCATF Commander Com- dium-range transport de-

CA California Collegiate

bined Amphibious Task Force signed by General Dynamics

Athletic Association; Cement

CCATS Chief Controller Aux- and known as the Cosmopol-

and Concrete Association of

iliary Territorial Service; itan

Australia; Chefs de Cuisine

Communications, Command, CC-115 Canadian twin-engine

Association of America; Col-

and Telemetry Systems turboprop transport called the

lector Car Appraisers Associ-

cca unit chicken-cell aggluti- Buffalo


nation unit cca carrier-controlled ap-

CCAB Canadian Circulation

ccb command control block; proach; cellular cellulose ac-

Audit Board

convertible circuit breaker; etate (plastic); chimpanzee

CCAC California College of

cubic capacity of bunkers coryza agent; chromated cop-

Arts and Crafts; Canadian Ca-

CCB California Canadian per arsenate; cold cranking

sualty Assembly Centre

Bank; Civil Cooperation Bu- amperage; crop-condition as-

CCAD Commerce and Con-

reau (South African Secret sessment; current-controlled

sumer Affairs Department

Military); command-and- amplifier

CCAE California Council for

control boat (naval symbol); CCA Cacchetti Council of

Adult Education

Command Communications America; California Central

CCAF Commander-in-Chief—

Boat; Configuration Control Airlines; California Chiro-

Board; Criminal Courts practic Association; Califor-

Atlantic Fleet; Community

Building nia Commission on Aging;

College of the Air Force

CCBD Council for Children California Confederation of

CCAGW Council for Citizens

with Behavioral Disorders the Arts; California Correc-

Against Government Waste

CCAHC Central Council for

cc black conductive channel

tional Association; Camp and black

Agricultural and Horticul-

Cabin Association; Canadian CCBI Central City Business In-

tural Cooperation; Central

Council for Agricultural and

Cat Association; Canadian

stitute Construction Association;

CCBM Copper Cylinder and Central City Association;

Horticultural Cooperatives

Boiler Manufacturers Chief of Civil Affairs; Chem-

CCAI Chamber of Commerce

CCBO Cape Clear Bird Obser- ical Communications Associ-

of the Apparel Industry;

vatory (Ireland) ation; Circuit Court of Ap-

Chemical Coaters Associa-

CCBS California Canadian peals; Citizens for Clean Air;

tion International; Chinese

Children Adoption Interna-


Banks; Clear Channel Broad- casting Service

Citizens’ Councils of Amer-

ica; Cleaning Contractors As-

ccbv central circulating blood sociation; Coca-Cola Amatil

CCAIA California Council of

volume (Hungary); Colorado Correc-

the American Institute of Ar-

CCBW Commission on Chem- tional Association; Comics


ical and Biological Warfare Code Authority; Committee

CCAIR Citizens for Corporate

ccc cathodal closure contrac- for Conventional Armaments;

Accountability and Individual

tion; central computer com- Commonwealth Correspon-


plex; command control con- dents Association; Commu-

CCAIT Community College

sole; computer-command nity College Association;

Association for Instruction

control Community Concerts Associ-

and Technology

CCC California Cheese Com- ation; Community Correc-

CCAM Colby College Art Mu-

pany; California Conserva- tions Act; Conquest of Cancer


tion Corps; California Cor- Act; Conservative Clubs of

ccap communication capability

application program

rectional Center; Calorie

CC & C


Control Council; Camp Coast

ccd cash concentration and dis- to Coast; Canadian Chamber

CCCB Component Change

bursement; charge-coupled of Commerce; Cape Cod Ca-

Control Board (DoD)

device; computer-controlled nal; Car Care Council; Carib-

CCCC Cape Cod Community

display bean Conservation Corpora-

College; Cape Colony Cy-

ccd (CCD) charge-coupled de- tion; Caribbean Cultural

clists Corps; Committee for

vice (photographic) Center; Central Collegiate

the Conservation and Care of

CCD Center for Curriculum Conference; Central Commu-

Chimpanzees; Conference on

Development; Central Coun- nity Center; Central Control

College Composition and

cil for the Disabled; charge Commission; Central Crimi-

Communication; Council of

coupled device; Circuit Court nal Court; Changcheng

Car Care Centers

Decision; Commander (Great Wall) Computer Cor-

CCCCO Chicago Coordinating

Coastal Defense; Confrater- poration; Chimpanzee Crisis

Council of Community Orga-

nity of Christian Doctrine; Concern; Chopin Cultural


Cost Center Determination; Center; Christ Church Col-

CCCCSA California Commu-

Criminal Conspiracy Divi- lege; Christian Chamber of

nity College Community Ser-

sion Commerce; Christian Com-

vice Association

CCDA Commercial Chemical passion Center; Citizens

CCCD California Commission

Development Association Crime Commission; Civil

of College Districts

CC-DA Committee on Catalog- Construction Corps; Civilian

CCC-FID Central Classifica-

ing Description and Access Conservation Corps; Colum-

tion Committee—Fédération

(American Library Associa- bian Carbon Company; Com-

Internationale de Documenta-

tion) bat Cargo Command; Com-


CCDB Canadian Car Demur- mercial Credit Corporation;

CCC Highway Cleveland-Co-

rage Bureau Commissioner’s Coordina-

lumbus-Cincinnati Highway

CCDC Center City Develop- tion Council; Commodity

CCCI Computer Control Com-

ment Corporation; Central Credit Corporation; Com-

pany, Inc

Citizens’ Defence Commit- monwealth Credit Corpora-

CC circuit common-collector

tee; Centre City Development tion; Community Care Cen-

amplifier for junction transis-

Corporation; Commission on ter; Consumer Credit


Crime, Delinquency, and Counselors; Consumers’

CCCJ California Council on

Corrections (Nevada) Consultative Committee;

Criminal Justice

CCDN Central Council for Dis- Copyright Clearance Center;

cccl cathodal closure clonus

trict Nursing Corning Community College;

CCCM Central Committee for

CCDU Coastal Command De- Coronary Care Certificate;

Community Medicine

velopment Unit Corpus Christi College;

CCCN Customs Cooperation

cce carbon-chloroform extract; Council of Conservative Citi-

Council Nomenclature

control and computation zens; County Cadet Com-

CC Co Commercial Cables

equipment mandant; Cox Cable Commu-


CCE California Cooperative nications, Crime and

CCCO Coordinating Council

Extension; Council for a Correction Commission;

of Committee Organizations

Competitive Economy Crime and Correction Com-

CCCP California Coalition for

CCE Casa de la Cultura Ecua- mittee; Customs Cooperation

Capital Punishment; Citizens

toriana (Spanish—House of Council; Cuyahoga Commu-

Crime Commission of Phila-

delphia; Council on Coopera-

Ecuadorian Culture) CCEA Cabinet Council on

nity College

tive College Projects

CC & C Command Control

Economic Affairs; Chief Con- and Communications

CCCP (Russian translitera-


trol Electrical Artificer CCEBS Committee for the


Sovetchikh Sotsialisticheck- ikh Respublik (Union of So-

Collegiate Education of CCC Consejo de Cooperación

Black Students Cultural (Spanish—Council

viet Socialist Republics)

CCED Center for Compatible of Cultural Cooperation)—of

CCCPS Chicago College of

Economic Development; the Council of Europe; Cw-

Chiropody and Pedic Surgery

County Council Electoral Di- mni Cyfyngedic Cyhoeddus

CCCR Center for Crime Con-

vision (Welsh—Public Limited

trol Research; Communica-

ccei composite cost-effective- Company)

tions and Command Control


ness index

CCEL Chief Control Electri- Carolina (Latin—Carolinian

C.C.C. Constitutio Criminalis

CCCS Concerned Citizens for

cian Criminal Code)

Community Standards; Con-

CCEM Comprehensive Career CCCA Classic Car Clubs of

sumer Credit Counseling Ser-

Education Model America; Conservative Chris-


CCEMN Chief Control Electri- tian Churches of America

CCCT California Community

College Trustees

cal Mechanician



CCES Catholic Church Exten-

CCI Central Campesina Inde- sion Society

CCGEA Community College

pendiente (Spanish—Inde- CCET Carnegie Commission

General Education Associa-

pendent Peasant Central)— on Educational Television


political party in Mexico CCETSW Central Council for

CCGNY Community Council

CCIA Computer and Commu- Education and Training of So-

of Greater New York

nications Industry Associa- cial Workers

CCGS Canadian Coast Guard

tion; Consumer Credit Insur- CCETT Centre Commun d’

Service; Canadian Coast

ance Association Etudes de Télévision et de

CCIAP Cooperative Commit- Télécommunication (French

Guard Ship

tee on Interstate Air Pollution —Public Center for the Study

ccgt closed-cycle gas turbine

cch cubic capacity of holds

(New Jersey-New York)

of Television and Telecom- ccib computerized central in-

Cch C h r i s t c h u r c h , N ew

munication) formation bank


ccf cephalin-cholesterol floccu- CCIB Chinese Commodities

CCH Chaminade College of

lation; compound commi- Inspection Bureau; Comput-

Honolulu; Commerce Clear-

nuted fracture; congestive erized Central Information cardiac failure; chronic car-

ing House; Computerized

Bank; Cook County Inspec- diac failure; concentrated

Criminal Histories

tion Bureau complete fertilizer

C of CH Chief of Chaplains

ccig cold cathode ion gage CCF Canadian Commonwealth

CCHE California Coordinating

CCIL Commander’s Critical Federation; Captain Coastal

Council for Higher Educa-

tion; Central Council for

Item List (USA)

CCIM Certified Commercial Forces; Chinese Communist

Health Education; Coordinat-

Forces; Citizens Council Fo-

Investment Member rum; Combined Cadet Force;

ing Council for Higher Edu-

CCINC Cabinet Committee for Common Cold Foundation;


International Narcotic Con- Congressional Clearinghouse

CC-HEW Clinical Center—

trol on the Future; Cooperative

Health, Education, and Wel-

ccip continuously computed Commonwealth Federation;

impact point (USAF) Credit Commercial de France


CCIPT Canadian Center for In- CCFA Combined Cadet Force

CCHF Children’s Country Hol-

vestigation and Prevention of Association

idays Fund

CCHK Crown Colony of Hong


Torture CCIR Comité Consultatif Inter-

CCFATU Coastal Command

national de la Radiodiffusion Fighter Affiliation Training

CCHP C o n s u m e r C h o i c e

(French—International Con- Unit

Health Plan

sultative Committee on CCFC California Cut Flower

CCHPP California Council for

Broadcasting) Commission; Citizens Com-

the Humanities in Public Pol-

ccirid charge-coupled infrared mittee for a Free Cuba


imaging device ccfe commercial customer-fur-

cc/hr cubic centimeters per

CCIRN Coordinating Commit- nished equipment


tee for Intercontinental Re- CCFG California Contempo-

CCHS Christopher Columbus

search Networks rary Fashion Guild

High School; Computerized

ccis command and control in- CCFIS Coastal Command Fly-

Criminal Histories System

formation system; common ing Instructors School


channel Interoffice signaling ccfm cryogenic continuous-

CCHW Citizen’s Clearing-

CCIS Command Control Infor- film memory

mation System CCFPE Center for Commer-

house for Hazardous Wastes

CCIT California Council for cial-Free Public Education

cci chronic coronary insuffi-

International Trade ccfr constant current flux reset

ciency; circuit condition indi-

CCIT Comité Consultatif Inter- CCFR Chicago Council on

cator; concentric coordinate

n a t i o n a l Te l eg ra p h i q u e Foreign Relations

incident; corrugated, cupped,

or indented (cargo)

(French—International Tele-

graph Consultative Commit- CCG Canadian Coast Guard;

CCI California Correctional In-

tee) Choral Conductors Guild;

stitution; Certified Cellelelec-

CCITT Consultative Commit- Control Commission of Ger-

trology Instructor; Citizens

tee for International Tele- many

Committee of Investigation

phony and Telegraphy CCGB Cycling Council of

(into President Kennedy’s as-

CCIW Canada Centre for In- Great Britain

sassination); Community

land Waters; College Confer- CCGBE Control Commission

Concerts, Incorporated; Com-

ence of Illinois and Wisconsin for Germany British Element

puter Consoles Inc; Connect-

CCJ Center for Correctional CCGE California Council for

icut Correctional Institution;

J u s t i c e ( H a r va r d L aw Geographic Education

Conservative Caucus, Inc;

Cotton Council International

School); Center for Criminal



CCNP Callao Cave National Circuit Court Judge; Cook

Justice (Washington, D.C.);

Common Market; Certified

Park (Luzon, Philippines); County Jail (Chicago);

Club Manager; Council of

Carlsbad Caverns National County Court Judge

Communication Management

Park (New Mexico) CCJC Canadian Centre for Jus-

CCMA Canadian Council of

CCNR Citizens Committee on tice Statistics; Chicago City

Management Association;

Natural Resources; Consulta- Junior College; Cook County

Commander Corps Medium

tive Committee for Nuclear J u n i o r C o l l eg e ; C u s t e r

Artillery; Community Col-

Research County Junior College

lege Media Association

CCNS Cape Cod National Sea- CCJCA California Community

ccmc coincident-current mag-

shore (Massachusetts) and Junior College Associa-

netic core

CCNSC Cancer Chemotherapy tion

CCMC College-Conservatory

National Service Center CCJO Consultative Council of

of Music of Cincinnati;

CCNV Community for Cre- Jewish Organizations

Cross-Country Motor Club

ative Non-Violence cck (CCK) cholecystokinin

ccmd continuous-current moni-

CCNWR Cross Creeks Na- CCK Centre College of Ken-

toring device

tional Wildlife Refuge (Ten- tucky

CCMD Chicago Contract Man-

nessee) cck-pz (CCK-PZ) cholecysto-

agement District

CCNY Carnegie Corporation kinin-pancreozymin

cc/min cubic centimeters per

of New York; City College of cckw counterclockwise


the City University of New ccl cancel(ed); cancellation

CCMP Ceylon Corps of Mili-

York CCL Canadian Congress of La-

tary Police; Coalition of Con-

cco current-controlled oscilla- bour; Caribbean Cruise

cerned Medical Professionals

tor Lines; Center for Creative

CCMR Central Contract Man-

cc/o certificate of consignment/ Leadership; Commissioner

agement Region

origin ity Control List; Convective

CCMS California College of

for Crown Lands; Commod-

Cco Curaçao Condensation Level; Council

Mortuary Science; Chicago

CCO Casualty Clearing Of- for Civil Liberties

Chamber Music Society;

ficer; Chicago College of Os- CC 14 carbon tetrachloride

Committee on the Challenges

teopathy; Chief of Combined C-clamp C-shaped clamp

of Modern Socicty (NATO)

Operations; Clandestine C-class Soviet nuclear-powered

ccmt catechol-O-methyl trans-

Communist Organization; submarines nicknamed Char-


Commonwealth Communica- lies by NATO; capable of un-

CCMTC Crown Cork Manu-

tions Organization; Compre- derwater missile launchings

facturers’ Technical Council

hensive Certificate of Origin; CCLC Cooperative College Li-

ccmv (CCMV) cowpea chlo-

Convoy Control Officer; brary Center

rotic-mottle virus

ccn coronary care nurse; coro-

nizations; Crossroads Cham- line); soprano clef (on the first

nary care nursing

Council of Consulting Orga-

c clef alto clef (on the third

CCN Cloud Condensation Nu-

ber Orchestra

clei; Command Control Num-

Officers Association; County CC List Critical Condition List

line); tenor clef (on the fourth

CCOA California Correctional line)

ber; Community of the Cross

Court Officers’ Association; cclkws counterclockwise

of Nails; Contract Change

Crafts Council of Australia CCLM Coordinating Council

Notice; Contract Change No-

CCOC Command Control Op- of Literary Magazines


erations Center (USA) ccln consignment note control

CCN Companhia Colonial de

CCOD Coalition to Cease label number

Navegação (Portuguese—

Colonial Navigation Com-

Ocean Dumping CCLN Council for Computer-


CCOF California Certified Or- ized Library Networks

CCNA Canadian Community

ganic Farmers CCLP Cabinet Council on Le-

Newspapers Association

CCOFI California Cooperative gal Policy

CC-NASW California Chapter,

Oceanic Fisheries Investiga- ccl’s criminal criminal lawyers

National Association of So-

tions CCLs Court of Claims

cial Workers Incorporated

c conc cast concrete CCLS Canadian Council of Li-

CCNDT Canadian Council for

CCOHS Canadian Centre for brary Schools

Non-Destructive Testing

Occupational Health and ccm c u b i c c e n t i m e t e r ( s ) ;

CCNI Cía Chilena de Naveg-

Safety counter-countermeasure(s)

ación Interoceanica (Span-

CCOU Construction Central ccm Kubikzentimeter (Ger-

ish—Chilean Interoceanic

Operations Unit man—cubic centimeter)

Navigation Company)

ccp control change proposal; CCM California College of

CCNM Chaco Canyon Na-

credit card purchase Medicine; Canadian Cycle

tional Monument

ccp conto corrente postale (Ital- Manufacturers; Caribbean

CCNMA California Chicano

News Media Association

ian—current postal account)



CCP Caribbean Conservation

CCR & R covenants, condi- Program; Central Cataloging

CCPSHE Carnegie Council on

tions, restrictions, and reser- Project; Certificate in Com-

Policy Studies in Higher Ed-

vations puter Programming; Chinese


CCRs covenants, conditions Communist Party; Code of

CCPSO Council of Common-

and restrictions Civil Procedure; Code of

wealth Public Service Organ-

CCRS Canadian Centre for Re- Criminal Procedure; Com-


mote Sensing monwealth Centre Party;

ccr closed-cycle refrigerator;

ccrt cathodochromic cath- Consolidated Cryptologic

combat crew; command con-

oderay tube Program; Court of Common

trol receiver; complex chemi-

CCRT C h e c k C o l l e c t o r s Pleas; Cultural Center of the

cal reaction; computer charac-

Round Table Philippines

ter recognition; consumable

ccru complete crew ccpa cloud chamber photo-

case rocket; control circuit re-

CCRU Common Cold Re- graphic analysis

sistance; credit card reader;

search Unit CCPA Council of Canadian

cross-channel rejection; crys-

ccs central computer and se- Personnel Associations;

tal can relay; cube corner re-

quencer; collective call sign; Court of Customs and Patent


column code suppression; Appeals; Credit Card Protec-

C cr creatinine clearance

command, control, support tion Agency

CCR Center for Constitutional

(military function); computer CCPC Community Crime-Pre-

Rights; Central Commission

control station(s); continuous vention Centers

for the Navigation of the

commercial service; custom CCPE Canadian Council of

Rhine; Commission on Civil

contract service(s) Professional Engineers

Rights; Contract Change Re-

cc’s carcasses CCPF Commander-in-Chief—


cc & s central computer and se- Pacific Fleet

CCRA Commander Corps of

quencer CCPG Chemical Corps Prov-

Royal Artillery

Ccs Caracas (inhabitants called ing Ground

CCRB Civilian Complaint Re-

Caraqueños) CCPI California Consumer

view Board

CCs C o m m u n i t y C e n t e r s ; Price Index

CCRB Cooperatief Centraal


Community Colleges CCS Calculus of Communicat-

cc-pill compound-cathartic pill

(Dutch—Raiffeisen’s Central Cooperative Farmer’s Loan

ing Systems; Canadian Can- CCPIT China Commission for

cer Society; Canadian Chap- the Promotion of Interna-

Bank)—the Netherlands

lains’ Service; Cape Cod tional Trade

ccrc continuing care retirement

System; Caracas, Venezuela CCPL Corpus Christi Public


(Maiquetia Airport); Casualty Library

CCRC Combat Crew Replace-

Clearing Station; Catholic CCPO Central Civilian Person-

ment Center

Community Service; Center nel Office

CCRDC Chemical Corps Re-

for Chinese Studies (Univer- CCPO Comité Central Perma-

search and Development

sity of California); Center for nent de l’Opium (French—


Cuban Studies; Chemical Permanent Central Opium

Corporation of Singapore; Committee)

CCRE Canadian Council for

Chief Commissary Steward; CCPOA California Correc-

Research in Education; Com-

Church of Christ, Scientist; tional Peace Officers Associ-

mander Corps of Royal Engi-

Civil Communications Sec- ation


tion; Classification and Com- CCPOST California Commis-

CCRESPAC Current Cancer

pensation Society; Clergy sion on Peace Officer Stan-

Research Project Analysis

Consultation Service; Com- dards and Training


CCRF City College Research

bined Chiefs of Staff; Con-

CP Citizen Commission on troller of Communication


Services; Council of Commu- Pension Policy

CCRKBA Citizens Committee

nication Societies; Customer ccpr coherent cloud physics ra-

for the Right to Keep and

Conversion Statistics dar

Bear Arms

CCSA Canadian Committee on CCPR Central Council of

CCRMA Center for Computer

Sugar Analysis; Community Physical Recreation

Research in Music and

College Service Association; CCPS Center for Chemical

Acoustics (Stanford Univer-

Community College Student Process Safety; Certified


Association Crime Prevention Specialist;

CCRN Critical Care Registered

CCSB Credit Card Service Bu- Consultative Committee for


reau Postal Studies; Council of

ccros card-capacitor read-only

CCSC Central Connecticut Commonwealth Public Ser-


State College; Central Coor- vice

C Cr P Code of Criminal Pro-


dinating Staff, Canada



CCSD Counter Counter-Strate-

of deposit; change directory; gic Defense

CCTS Canaveral Council of

civil defense; coastal defense; CCSEA Council of the Church

Technical Societies; Combat

coin dimpler; cold drawn; of Southeast Asia

Crew Training School

commercial dock; communi- cc/sec cubic centimeters per

CT Cornell Critical Think-

cable disease; companion second

ing Test

dog; confidential document; ccsem computer-controlled-

cctv closed-circuit television

conjugate diameter (pelvic in- scanning electron microscope

CCTWg Combat Crew Train-

let); contagious disease; con- ccsep cement-coated single ep-

ing Wing (USAF)

vulsive disorder; convulsive oxy

ccu chart comparison unit;

dose; cord; corona discharge; CCSF City College of San

color-control unit; coronary

countdown; curative dose Francisco

care unit

cd (CD) compact digital; com- CCSL Communications and

ccu (CCU) camera-control unit

pact disc; compact-disc Control Systems Laboratory

(television); cardiac care unit;

player; compact-disc CCSN Center City Shelter Net-

coronary care unit; correc-

record(ing); companion dog; work

tional custody unit (U.S. na-

compounded daily CCSO Corpus Christi Sym-

val vessel’s brig or jail)

c-d countdown phony Orchestra

Ccu Calcutta

c/d cash against documents; ccsr cash-to-common-stock ra-

C-C u Cherry-Crandall units

cigarettes per day; cigars per tio

CCU Calcutta, India (airport);

day CS Charles Camille Saint

California Conservative

c/d (C/D) carried down (book- Saëns; Cleveland-Cliffs

Union; Community College

keeping); certificate of de- Steamship (company)

Unit; Confederation of Cana-

posit CCSSO Council of Chief State

dian Unions; Cooperative

c & d carpets and drapes; cen- School Officers

Care Unit; Council for Cana-

dian Unity

CCST Chelsea College of Sci-

CCUA Credit Card Users of

sorship and documents; col- lection and delivery

ence and Technology

cd cadde (Turkish—street); chocolate-coated tablet; con-


cct cathodal closing tetanus;

CCUDA Community College

Urban District Association

colla destra (Italian—with the right hand); corriente di-

trolled cord traction

CCUL California Credit Union

CCT Clarkson College of Tech-

recta (Spanish—direct cur- nology; Combat Control

rent) Team; Common Customs


c.d. c o n j u g a t a d i ag o n a l i s Tariff; Cumberland College

CCUN Collegiate Council for

(Latin—diagonal conju- of Tennessee

the United Nations

CCURR Canadian Council on

Cd cadmium; candela; caudal; ical Technology

Urban and Regional Research

gate)—pelvic inlet diameter

coefficient of drag CCTA Central Computer and

C & CT Chemistry and Chem-

CCUS Chamber of Commerce

of the United States

C $ cordoba (Nicaraguan mon- Telecommunications Agency;

c/cut crosscut

etary unit) Community College Trustees

ccv closed-circuit voltage; cool-

Cd ciudad (Spanish—city) Association

ant control valve

CD Canadair turboprop air- CCTC Chinese Cultural and

ccv (CCV) control-configured

plane; Canadian (Forces) Trade Center; Columbia


Decoration; Certificate of De- County Teachers College

ccw carrying a concealed

posit; Certified Doula; Civil ccte cathodal closure tetanus

weapon; channel command

Defense; coastal defense ra- CCTE Canadian Council of

word; counterclockwise

dar (for surface-vessel detec- Teachers of English

CCW Caldwell College for

tion); Collision Detect; com- cctep cement-coated triple ep-

Women; Circulation Control

municable disease; oxy

Wing; Citizens Crime Watch;

Community Development; cctf combat cargo task force

Combat Crew Wing

confidential document; Con- CCTF California Correctional

CCWA Consultative Commis-

gressional District; Continen- Training Facility

sion on Workers Affairs

tal Divide; Control Data; Cor- CCTI Composite Can and Tube

cc wr hdr canvas-covered wire

rections Department (New Institute

rope handrail

Mexico); Corrections Divi- CC & TI Community College

ccws counterclockwise

sion (Hawaii, Oregon); count- and Technical Institute

ccxd c o m p u t e r- c o n t r o l l e d

down; Customs Declaration cctks cubic capacity of tanks

X-ray diffractometer

C.D. Chancery Division CCTP Center City Transporta-

ccy currency

C/D Commercial Dock; consu- tion Program; Coronary Care

CCY Chief Communications

lar declaration; Customs Dec- Training Project


laration ccts closed cycle thermal sys-

cd Caesarian delivery; candela;

C & D Chemist and Druggist; tem

canine distemper; cash dis-

count; center door; certificate

collection and delivery

CD 216

C de C (CDC)

CD C e n t re d e D é t e n t i o n

CDCA chenodeoxycholic acid (French—Detention Center);

CDB Caribbean Development

cdce central data-conversion Centre Démocrate (French—

Bank; Combat Development

equipment Democratic Center); Com-

Board; Combat Development

CD circuit common-drain cir- mission du Danube


cuit for field-effect transistors (French—Danube Commis-

cdba clearance divers breathing

cdcm carbon-dioxide concen- sion); Computer Design;


tration module Corps Diplomatique

CDBA California Dining And

Cd Cmy O C o m m i s s i o n e d (French—Diplomatic Corps)

Beverage Association

cdbd cardboard

Commissary Officer

C & D Crime and Delinquency

CDBG Community Develop-

Cd C O Commissioned Com-

munications Officer (abolishing symptoms in 50

cd 50 median curative dose

ment Block Grant

Cd Con Commissioned Con- percent of all test cases)

CD/BMI C o l u m bu s D iv i -

structor Cd 115 radioactive cadmium

sion/Battelle Memorial Insti-

CDCP Construction and Devel- cda chain data address; com-


opment Corporation of the mand and data acquisition

Cd Bndr Commissioned Band-

Philippines cda (CDA) chenodeoxycholic


CDCR Center for Documenta- acid

cdc calculated date of confine-

tion and Communication Re- CDA California Dental Associ-

ment; call direction code; ca-

search; Control Drawing ation; California Dietetic As-

reer development course; ca-

Change Request sociation; Canadian Dental

sualty decontamination

CDCs Community Develop- Association; Canadian Die-

center; cell division cycle;

ment Corporations tetic Association; Catholic

command and data-handling

console; conservation data

CDCS Civil Defense Counter-

measures System; Construc- Daughters of America; Child


Development Association;

CDC Cadaver Disposal Center;

tion Dollar Control System

CDCT Centro de Document- Colonial Dames of America;

California Debris Commis-

Control Data Australia; Cop-

ación Cientifica y Téchnica per Development Association

sion; California Democratic

Council; California Depart-

(Spanish—Center of Scien- tific and Technical Documen-

CDA Christen Democratisch

ment of Corrections; Canada

Development Corporation;

tation)—Mexico City cdcu community-development

Appèl (Dutch—Christian

credit union cana de Aviación (Spanish—

Democratic Appeal)—politi-

Canadian Dental Corps; Car-

cal party; Compañía Domini-

ibbean Defense Com-

mand(er); Centers for Disease

cdd central data display; chart

distribution data; coded deci- Dominican Aviation Com-

Control; Certificate of Dispo-


sition of Classified Docu-

mal digit; color data display;

command-destruct decoder; CD Act(s) Contagious Dis-

ments; Cesspool Detergent

computer-directed drawing; eases Act(s)

Chemistry; Citizens’ Defense

cosmic dust detector; crater- CDAE Civil Defense Adult Ed-

Corps; Citizens Democracy

ing demolition device ucation

Corps; Civil Defense Coordi-

CDD Certificate of Disability Cd A Eng Commissioned Air

nator; Civil Defense Council;

for Discharge Engineer

Combat Development Com-

cddd comprehensive dishon- CDAI Crohn’s Disease Activity

mand; Command Destruct

esty, disappearance, and de- Index

Control; Commissioners of

struction (insurance policy) CD Aim Commissioned Air-

the District of Columbia;

cddi computer-directed draw- man

Commonwealth Develop-

ing instrument Cd Airn Commissioned Air-

ment Corporation; Communi-

CDDP Canadian Department of man

cable Disease Center; Com-

Defense Production Cdale Carriedale

m u n i t y D eve l o p m e n t

cde carbon dioxide economizer; CDAP Civil Defense Auxiliary

Corporation; Configuration

contamination-decontamina- Police

Data Control; Conservation

Data Center; Control Data

tion experiment

cde (CDE) canine distemper en- CDARC Chelsea Drug Addic-

Corporation; Control Distri-

cephalitis tion and Research Centre

bution Center; Criminal Di-

CDE Central Document Ex- CDAS Civil Defense Ambu-

agnostics and Counseling

change; Chemical Defense lance Service

C.D.C. Commonwealth Devel-

Establishment; Conference cdb caliper disk brake; capaci-

opment Corporation (for-

on Disarmament in Europe; tance decode box; cast double

merly Colonial Development

Cornell-Dubilier Electronics base; central data bank; could


C.D.E. Certificate in Data Edu- be; current data bit

CDC Centro de Documentação

cation Cd B Commissioned Boat-

Cientifica (Portuguese—Sci-

C de C (CDC) C a ny o n d e swain

entific Documentation Cen-





CDEE Chemical Defense Ex-

C Dip F & A C e r t i fi e d D i - perimental Establishment

CDFGI Charles Darwin Foun-

dation for the Galápagos Is-

ploma in Finance and Ac-

counting (French—College of France)

C de F Collège de France


CDFI Community Develop-

c div cum dividend

Cd J Ciudad Juárez (Spanish— (Spanish—Guatemala City);

C de G Ciudad de Guatemala

ment Financial Institutions

Juarez City) (inhabitants— Croix de Guerre (French—

CD film camouflage detection

Juaristas ) War Cross)


CDJ California Department of CDEG Chicago District Elec-

cdfr (CDFR) c o m m e r c i a l

Justice tric Generating Corporation

demonstration fast reactor

CDJ Comité de Défense des CDEI Control Data Education

CDFRS Charles Darwin Foun-

Juifs (French—Committee of Institutes

dation Research Station,

Academy Bay, Santa Cruz,

the Defense of Jews)

cdk containers (carried on) ( S p a n i s h — C o m p a ny o f

C de J Compañía de Jesus


deck Jesus)—Society of Jesuits

CDFS Chief of Defence Force

c$k consumer’s survival kit cdek computer data entry key-


cdl canal defense light; com- board

CDFSB Canadian Dairy Foods

mercial driver’s license; com- Cd El O Commissioned Elec-

mon display logic; construc- trical (Electronic) Officer

Service Bureau

cd/f 2 candela per square foot

C del S Corriere della Sera clearing

cd fwd carried forward

tion, demolition and land-

(Evening Courier—Milan) Cdl Cardinal

Cdg Cardigan; Cardiganshire

C de M Ciudad de México CDL Central Dockyard Labo-

CDG Coder-Decoder Group

(Spanish—Mexico City) ratory (UK); Christian De-

(USA); Costume Designers

C-de-N Côtes-de-Nord fense League; Citizens for


Decency through Law; Citi- Cd Eng Commissioned Engi-

CDGA California Date Grow-

zens for Decent Literature; neer

ers Association

Country and Democratic CDEOS Civil Defense Emer-

CD & GB TC Chicago, Du-

League gency Operations System

luth and Georgian Bay Transit

CDLA Computer Dealers and CDER Center for Death Educa-


Lessors Association tion and Research

Cd Gr Commissioned Gunner

CDLC Canadian Dental Labo- CDES Chemical Defense Ex-

Cd Gr O Commissioned Gun-

ratory Conference perimental Station

nery Officer

CDLS Canadian Defense Liai- cdev control panel device

cdh constant differential height

son Staff cdf command decoder film;

CDH College Diploma in Hor-

cdm contributing to the delin- command decoder filter; con-


quency of a minor fined detonating fuse; con-

CDHP C a l i f o r n i a D e n t a l

CDM Coalition for a Demo- stant current fringes; continu-

Health Plan

cratic Majority; Consolidated ous desk file; cumulative

CDHS Comprehensive Data-

Diamond Mines (South Af- distribution function

rica) CDF California Department of

Handling System

cdi course deviation indicator 2 cd/m candela per square meter Forestry; Canadian Depart-

cdhv could have

cdma code division multiple ment of Forestry; Channel

access Definition Format; Children’s

cdi (CDI) capacitor discharge

CDMA Chain Drug Marketing Defense Fund; Civil Defence


Associates Force; Coastal Defense

cd-i compact disk-interactive

Cd/m 2 candelas per square Force; Collider Detector at

CDI Center for Defense Infor-

meter Fermilab; Colorado Depart-

mation; Children’s Depres-

Cd M-a-A C o m m i s s i o n e d ment of Forestry; Community

sion Inventory; Classified De-

Master-at-Arms Development Foundation;

fense Information;

CDMB Civil Defense Mobili- Congregation for the Doc-

Comprehensive Dissertation

zation Board trine of the Faith (conserva-

Index; Contractor Demon-

CDMMA C a n a d i a n D i r e c t tive Catholics); Connecticut

stration Inspection; Conven-

Mail Marketing Association Department of Forestry;

tional Defense Improvement

CDMSWA Consolidated Dia- Council for the Defense of


mond Mines of South-West Freedom

CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Infor-

Africa CDFA California Department

mation Analysis Center

cdn (CDN) condition of Food and Agriculture (sta-

CDIB Certified Degree of In-

cDNA complementary deoxyri- tistics service); California

dian Blood

bonucleic acid Dried Fruit Association

CDIC Canada Deposit Insur-

CDN Chicago Daily News CDFC Commonwealth Devel-

ance Corporation

CDNAC C a n a d i a n D a i l y opment Finance Company

Cd In O Commissioned In-

structor Officer

Newspaper Advisory Council



CDNPA Canadian Daily News-

C d S Circolo della Stampa paper Publishers Association

cdr command-destruct re-

(Italian—Press Club); Codice CDNRA Coulee Dam National

ceiver; composite damage

della Strada (Italian—High- Recreation Area (Washing-

risk (audiometry); critical de-

way Traffic Code); Consiglio ton)

sign review

di Sicurezza (Italian—Secu- CDNS Chicago Daily News

cdr (CDR) crude death rate

rity Council) Service

Cdr Commander

CDs Catholic Documents; com- cdnt could not

C d R Casa di Risparmio (Ital-

pact discs cdo (CDO) chronic drunken-

ian—Savings Bank)

CDS California Dental Service; ness offender

CDR Change Design Request;

Cataloging Distribution Ser- Cdo Commando

Conceptual Design Report;

vice; Center for Degree Stud- Cd O Commissioned Officer

Countdown Deviation Re-

ies; Central Defense Staff; C-d’O Côte-d’Or

quest; Critical Design Re-

Civil Defence Services; Civil CDO California Disaster Of-


Defense Staff; Climatological fice; Civil Defense Organiza-

CDR Comité Defensa Revolu-

Data Sheet; Commander, De- tion; Community Develop-

cionario (Spanish—Revolu-

stroyer Squadron; Commu- ment Office(r)

tionary Defense Commit-

nity Dispute Services; Com- CDOA Car Department Offic-


prehensive Display System ers Association

CDRA Canadian Drilling Re-

(radar) Cd Ob Commissioned Ob-

search Association; Commit-

cdsa comprehensive digestive server

tee of Directors of Research

stool analysis Cd O E Commissioned Ord-

Associations; Corps of Driv-

Cd S B Commissioned Signals nance Engineer

ers Royal Artillery

Boatswain CDOGS Council for the De-

CDRB Canadian Defense Re-

cdse computer-driven simula- fence of Government Schools

search Board

tion environment Cd O O Commissioned Ord-

CDRBTE Canadian Defense

CdSh Commissioned Ship- nance Officer

Research Board Telecommu-

nication Establishment


CDSHA Country Day School cdos controlled date of separa-

CDRC Civil Defense Regional

Headmasters Association cdo(s) commando(s)



Cdre Commodore

Cd S O Commissioned Supply

Officer cdp checkout data processor;

CDRE Chemical Defense Re-

CDSO Commonwealth De- communications data proces-

search Establishment

fense Service Organization sor; complete decongestive

CDRF Canadian Dental Re-

CDSP Church Divinity School nition phase; cytidine 5-

physiotherapy; contract defi-

search Foundation

of the Pacific diphosphate

CDRI Central Drug Research

CDSP Current Digest of the So- CDP Centralized Data Process-


cdrl contract data requirements

viet Press

CDSs C iv i l D i s o b e d i e n c e ing; Certified Data Plan; Crit-


Squads ical Decision Point

cdrill center drill

CDSS British Post Office trade C.D.P. Certificate in Data Pro-

Cdrngtn C Codrington Col-

mark covering telecommuni- CD Pack Compact Disc Pack-



Cd R O Commissioned Radio

cations and telephonic appa-

ratus, instruments, and instal- aging


lations; Compressed Data CDPA Civil Defense Prepared-

cdrom (CD Rom) c o m p a c t -

Storage System; Customers’ ness Agency

disc read-only memory

Digital Switching System cdpc central data-processing

cdromxa compact disk read

CDST Central Daylight Saving computer

only memory extended archi-

Time CDPC California Delinquency


cdt command-destruct trans- Prevention Commission

CDRS Charles Darwin Re-

mitter; conduct; conductor CDPD Cellular Digital Packet

search Station

Cdt Cadet; Commandant Data

CDRSC Children’s Depression

CDT Canadian Department of CDPE Continental Daily Par-

Rating Scale for Classrooms

Transport; Center for Democ- cels Express

cds cards; circular date stamp;

cold-drawn steel; combat di-

racy and Technology; Central

cd pl cadmium plate

rection system; container de-

Daylight Time

CDT Catholic Dictionary of cdp’s comprehensive dwelling

cd player compact-disc player

livery service; single cotton

Theology policies

double silk (insulation)

CDT (ADA) Council on Dental CDQ Choice Dilemma Ques-

cds (Cd S) cadium sulfide

Therapeutics (American Den- tionnaire

cd’s (CDs) certificates of de-

tal Association) CDQAP C a l i f o r n i a D a i r y

posit; compact-disc players;

C.D.T. Certified Dental Techni- Quality Assurance Program

compact-disc record(ing)s—

played by a laser beam




Cdte Comandante (Spanish—

ciation; Combined Educa- Commander)

val architecture); center en-

tional Associations; CDTE Council for Distributive

trance; circular error; combat

Combustion Equipment As- Teacher Education

exhaustion; compression en-

gine; constant error; con-

sociates; Commodity Ex-

change Authority; Congres- ogy

cd tec compact-disc technol-

sumption entry; converting

sional Education Associates; Cdt Mid Cadet Midshipman

enzyme; counterespionage;

Connecticut Educational As- cdts constant-depth tempera-

critical examination; cum en-

sociation; Conservation Edu- ture sensor


cation Association; Coopera- cdu cable distribution unit; cen-

ce (CE) counterespionage

tive Education Association; tral display unit; chemical de-

c-e communications-electron-

Correctional Education Asso- pendency unit; control dis-


ciation; Cost-Effective Anal- play unit

c/e custom entry

ysis; Council of Economic CDU Cable Distribution Unit;

c & e commission and ex-

Advisers; Council for Energy Christian Democratic Union

change; customs and excise

Awareness; Council of Engi- (Germany); Civil Disobedi-

c of e coefficient of elasticity

neering Associations; County ence Unit; coastal defense

c.e. caveat emptor (Latin—let

Employees Association (radar) unit; Computer Dis-

the buyer beware); curvée ex-

CEA Comisión Económica de play Unit

tra (French—special sort)—

Africa (Spanish—Economic CDU Christlich-Demokratische

special quality

Commission of Africa); Com- Union (German—Christian

Ce Ceará; cerium; Ceylon

missariat à l’Energie Atom- Democratic Union)—politi-

CE Canada East; Canadian En-

ique (French—Atomic En- cal party

gineers; Certified Exchang-

ergy Commission) CDUEP Civil Defense Univer-

ors; Chemical Engineering;

CEAA Center for Editions of sity Extension Program

Chief Engineer; Chief Execu-

American Authors; Council cdv cadaver; computed dollar

tive; Christian Endeavor;

of European-American Asso- value; current domestic value

Church of England; circular

ciations Cdv Commonwealth dollar

error; City Editor; Common

CEAC Commission for Euro- value

Era; compass error; Contrib-

pean Airspace Coordination; CDV Civil Defense Volun-

uting Editor; Corps of Engi-

Consulting Engineers Associ- teer(s)

neers; cost effectiveness;

ation of California CD-V compact disc—video

Counselor of Embassy; Cus-

CEAC C o m m i s s i o n E u - cdv carte de visite (Spanish—

tomer Engineer

ropéenne de l’Aviation Civile visiting card, sometimes with

C-E communications electron-

(French—European Civil photograph)


Aviation Commission) cdvr cadaver

C.E. Chemical Engineer; Civil

CEAFU Concerned Educators cdw catcher’s day’s work;


Against Forced Unionism charge density wave; chilled

C/E Chancellor of the Exche-

CEAN Community Energy Ac- drinking water; collision

quer; Chief Engineer

tion Network damage waiver

C of E Church of England

CDW Civil Defense Warning; CEANAR Commission on Ed-

(Protestant Episcopal); Corps

Collision Damage Waiver ucation in Agriculture and

of Engineers

CD & W Colonial Develop- National Resources

CE Catholic Encyclopedia

ment and Welfare CEAPD Central Air Procure-

C E Chemical Engineering;

Cd Wdr Commissioned Ward- ment District

Comedy of Errors

CEARC Computer Education cdwe could we

C.E. Christian Era; Civil Engi-

and Applied Research Center Cd W O Commissioned Writer



CEARD Commission for At- Officer

cea circular error average

cea (CEA) carcinoembryonic


tention to Refugees and Dis-

c dwr chest of drawers; chilled

placed Persons (Guatemala) drinking water return

CEAT C a n a d i a n E n g l i s h CDWS Civil Defense Wardens

CEA California Earthquake

Achievement Test Service

Authority; Canadian Educa-

tion Association; Canadian

ceb cryogenic expulsive blad- cdwt cordwelt

Electrical Association; Cana-

der cdx companion dog excellent;

dian Export Association;

Ceb Cebu control differential transmit-

Captain’s Endowment Asso-

CEB Central Electricity Board; ter

ciation (police); Cement Em-

Continuing Education Books; cdz concordant zone

ployers Association; Certified

Council on Employee Bene- Cdz Cádiz

Environmental Auditor; Chief

Electrical Artificer; Child-


CEB Comité Electrotechnique carbon equivalent; career ed-

ce capillary electrophoresis;

birth Education Association;

Belge (Belgian Electrotechni- ucation; center of effort (na-

Classified Employees Associ-

ation; College English Asso-

cal Committee) cal Committee)


cebar chemical, biological, ra-

CEDAR Council for Educa- diological warfare

CECR Center for Environmen-

tional Development and Re- CEBS Certified Employee Ben-

tal Conflict Resolution; Cen-

search efit Specialist; Church of En-

tral European Communica-

Cedar Breaks Cedar Breaks gland Boys’ Society; Com-

tion Region (USAF)

National Monument in Utah’s monwealth Experimental

CECs C a l i f o r n i a E c o l o g y

Wasatch Mountains Building Station


CEDB Component Event Data Ceb-Vis Cebu-Visayan

CECS Church of England Chil-

Bank CEC California Energy Com-

dren’s Society; Communica-

CEDDA Center for Experimen- mission; Canadian Electrical

tions Electronics Coordinat-

tal Design and Data Analysis Code; Catholic Education

ing Section

Council; Central Economic cedi unit of currency in Ghana

CECS Comisión Especial de

Committee; Ceramic Educa- CEDI Centre Européen de Doc-

Consulta sobre Seguridad

umentation et d’Information tive Commissioner; Civil En-

(Spanish—Special Commis-

tional Council; Chief Execu-

(French—European Docu- gineer Corps; Coal Experts

sion for Security Consulta-

mentation and Information Committee; Commission of


Center); Centro Europeo de the European Community;

ced capacitance electronic disc;

Documentación e Infor- Commodity Exchange Com-


mación (Spanish—European mission; Commonwealth

doctrine; computer entry de-

Documentation and Informa- Economic Committee; Com- monwealth Edison Company;

vice; cooling effects detector

c-e-d carbon-equivalent-differ-

tion Center) CEDIC Church Estates Devel- Communications and Elec-


c & ed clothing and equipment

opment and Improvement Company

tronics Command; Consoli-


dated Edison Company; Con-

Ced Ceda; Cedomil; Cedric;

solidated Electrodynamics


CEDO Centre for Educational Development Overseas (UK)

Corporation; Consultung En-

CEDPA California Educational gineers Council; Continental

CED Committee for Economic

Development; Communauté

Data Processing Association Economics Center; Council

E u ro p é e n e d e D e f e n s e

ced’s captured enemy docu- for Exceptional Children

Entry Chart(s); Correctional

(French—European Defense

ments CECA C o m m u n a u t é E u -

Community); Communica-

cee computer-enhanced educa- ropéenne du Charbon et de

tions-Electronics Doctrine

tion l’Acier (French—European

(USAF manuals); Council for

CEE Center for Environmental Coal and Steel Community);

Economic Development

Education; Central Engineer- Comunidad Europea del Car-

CED Centro Elletronnico di

ing Establishment; Certifii- bon y del Acero (Spanish—

Documentazione (Italian—

cate of Extended Education; European Coal and Steel

Electronic Documentation

Citizens for Excellence in Ed- Community)

Center)—in Rome

ucation; College of Extended CECC California Educational

CEDA California Economic

Education; Common En- Computer Consortium

Development Agency; Cana-

trance Examination; Cultural Cece Cecil

dian Electrical Distributors

Environment Emergency CECEW Catholic Education


CEE Comunidad Económica Council for England and

CEDA Comisión Económica de

Europea (Spanish—Euro- Wales (often truncated to

Oeste Asiatico (Spanish—

pean Economic Community) CEC—Catholic Education

Economic Commission of

CEEA C o m m u n a u t é E u - Council)

West Asia); Confederación

ropéenne de l’Energi Atom- CECH Citizenship Education

Española de Derechas Au-

ique (French—European Clearinghouse

tonomas (Spanish—Spanish

Atomic Energy Community) Cechy (Czechoslovakian—Bo-

Confederation of Autono-

CEEB College Entrance Exam- hemia)

mous Rights)—Catholic party

ination Board Components Inspection Lab-

CECIL Compact Electronic

cedac central differential ana-

CEEC Council for European oratory

lyzer control; cooling effect

Economic Cooperation CE circuit common-emitter

detection and control

CEECC Consolidated-Edison amplifier for junction transis-

CEDAL Centro de Estudios

Energy Control Center tors

Democráticos de America

Ceece Cecil CECLA Comisión Especial de

Latina (Spanish—Latin

CEEED Council on Environ- Coordinación Latinoameri-

American Center of Demo-

ment, Employment, Econ- cana (Spanish—Special

cratic Studies)

omy, and Development Commission for Latin Amer-

CEDAM Conservation, Explo-

ceefax see the facsimile; see the ican Coordination)

ration, Diving, Archeology,

Museums (organization)




CEEP C e n t re E u ro p é e n

celeb celebrate; celebration; ce- d’Etudes de Population

Cost Effectiveness Index;

lebrity (French—European Center

Council of Engineering Insti-

celebs celebrities for Population Studies)


celest celestial CEev Central European en-

C & EI Chicago & Eastern Il-

Celia Cecilia cephalitis virus

linois (railroad)

celintrep accelerated intelli- cef cellular-expansion factor;

CEI Chemical Engineering In-

gence report chicken-embryo fibroblasts

dex; Commission Electro-

cell celluloid CEF Canadian Expeditionary

technique Internationale

CELL Case Existological Lab- Force; Child Evangelism Fel-

(French—International Elec-

oratories Limited; Continuing lowship; Children’s Emer-

trotechnical Commission)

Education Learning Labora- gency Fund(ing); Citizens for

CEIE Commission on Excel-

tory Educational Freedom; Citi-

lence in Education(U.S.)

celli cellos (violoncellos) zens for Energy and Freedom

CEIF Community Employ-

’cellist(s) violoncellist(s) CEF Corps Expéditionnaire

ment Initiatives Fund; Coun-

cell violoncello Français (French—French

cil of European Industrial

cellokon cellokonzert (Ger- Expeditionary Corps)


ceil ceiling

man—cello concerto)

cellphone cellular telephone Friesland Country

C of EF C o u n t ( y ) o f E a s t

cein contract end-item number

cell phone cellular telephone CEFA Council for Educational

CEIP Carnegie Endowment for

celnav celestial navigation Freedom in America

International Peace; Commu-

cel nitr cellulose nitrate ceff controlled energy flow

nications-Electronics Imple-

celo chicken embryo lethal or- forming

mentation Plan

phan (virus) cefo complete equipment flying

C-E-I-R Corporation for Eco-

CELOS Centrum voor Land- order

nomic and Industrial Re-

bouwkundig Onderzoek in CEFP Council of Educational


Suriname (Dutch—Center for Facility Planners

CEIS California Education In-

Agricultural Research in CEFT Children’s Embedded

formation System; Cost and

Surinam) Fissures Test(ing)

Economic Information Sys-

cels (Cels) celsius CEFTRI Central Food Techno-


CELS Continuing Education logical Research Institute

ceisd customer engineering in-

for Library Staffs CEG Coalition for Economic

struction system diagram

cel sheet cellulose (plastic) Growth

CEIWT Central Europe Inland

sheet CEGB Central Electricity Gen-

Wa t e r w a y s Tr a n s p o r t

CELSS Closed Ecological erating Board

(NATO) cej cement-enamel junction

Life-Support System CEGEP Collège d’Enseigne- ment Géneral et Profession-

celt classified entries in lateral transposition nel (French—General and

CEJEDP Central Europe Joint

Emergency Defense Plan


Celt Celtic CELT Comprehensive English

Professional College Teach-

Language Test(ing) CEGGS Church of England Girls’ Grammar School


CEJNSA Council of European

celtuce celery-lettuce (lettuce- derived vegetable whose CEGJA C o a l i t i o n t o E n d

and Japanese National Ship-

owners Associations

stalks taste like celery) Grand Jury Abuse

cel celesta; celluloid; cellulose

cem captured enemy material; CEGS Church of England

c-e-l carbon-equivalent-liquid

cement; cement asbestos; Grammar School

Cel Celeban; Celebes; Celsius

cemetery; channel electron CEHHS Charles Evans Hughes

CEL Constitutional Educa-

multiplier; communication- High School

tional League; Cryogenics

electronics and meteorologi- CEHS C iv i l i a n E m p l oy e e

Engineering Laboratory

cal; control electrical me- Health Service

cela celadon

chanic cei contract end item

CELAC Comisión Económica

CEM Center for Entrepreneur- CEI Certified Environmental

de Latinoamérica y el Caribe

ial Management; Council of Inspector; Charles Edward

(Spanish—Economic Com-

European Municipalities Ives (innovative American

mission of Latin America and

CEM Confederación Evangeli- composer); Claremont Eco-

the Caribbean)

cal Mundial (Spanish— nomics Institute; Cleveland

cel acet cellulose acetate

World Evangelical Confeder- Electric Illuminating Com-

CELADE Centro Latinoameri-

ation) pany; Commission Electro-

cano de Demografía (Latin

CEMA Canadian Electrical technique Internationale (In-

American Demographic Cen-

Manufacturers Association; ternational Electrotechnical


Connecticut Educational Me- Commission); Communica-

CELDS Computerized Envi-

dia Association; Consumer tions-Electronics Instruction;

ronmental Legislative Data


Electronics Manufacturers



cens censor; censorship; census Equipment Manufacturers

Association; Converting

CEN Captive European Na-

tions; Central Airlines; Certi-

CENS China Economic News

Service Equipment Manufacturers

A s s o c i a t i o n ; C o nvey o r

fied Emergency Nurse; Phila-

censor. centrifugal solids re- Association; Council for Eco-

delphia Centennials (National

covery nomic Mutual Assistance;


cent central Council for the Encourage-

CEN Comité Européen de Co-

cent. centrifugal; century ment of Music and the Arts

o rd i n a t i o n d e s N o r m e s

cent. centum (Latin—hundred) CEMAA Council for Egg Mar-

(French—European Commit-

Cent Centaurus; Century keting Authorities of Austra-

tee of the Coordination of Standards)


CENA Coalition of Eastern Na-

Cent Centaur (Latin—Centaur

constellation) cem ab cement asbestos board

tive Americans

Cent. Af. Central African Re- cemad coherent echo modula-

CENACO Centro Nacional de

Computación (Spanish—Na-

public (whose capital is Ban-

gui) cemb cembalo (Italian— harp-

tion and detection

tional Computation Center)

CENTA Committee for Estab- sichord)

Cenacolo Il Cenacolo (Ital-

lishing a National Testing Au- CEMB Communications-Elec-

ian—Refectory, Supper

thority tronic-Meteorological Board

Room)—Leonardo da Vinci m a s t e r p i e c e — L’ U l t i m a

centac(s) central tactical re- (USAF)

CEMCO Continental Electron-

Cena— The Last Supper


CENTACS Center for Tactical ics Manufacturing Company

CENAMEC Centro Nacional

Computer Sciences (USA) cemf counter-electromotive

para el Mejoramiento de la

CENTAG Central European force

Enseñanza de la Ciencia

Army Group cem fl cement floor

(Spanish—National Center

centen centennial CEMI Computer Exchange of

for the Betterment of the

Centennial(s) Coloradan(s) Museum Information

Teaching of Science)—Vene-

centi 10–2 c-e mix chloroform-ether mix-

zuelan society

CENTO Central Treaty Orga- ture

CENCOMMURGN C e n t r a l

nization (Great Britain, Iran, CEMLA Centro de Estudios

Communications Region

Pakistan, Turkey) Monetarios Latinoameri-

CENCOMS Center for Com-

Central Archives records of canos (Spanish—Center of

munication Sciences (USA)

the NSDAP on microfilm in Latin American Monetary

CENDES Centro de Enseñanza

the Hoover Institution on Studies)

para el Desarollo (Spanish—

War, Revolution, and Peace, CEMO Command Equipment

Center of Learning for Devel-

Stanford University, Califor- Management Office


nia cemon customer engineering

CENDHRRA Center for the

centrex central exchange monitor(ing)

Development of Human Re-

sources in Rural Asia

cents. centuries

cent(s) céntimo(s)—one-hun- CEMPIMS Communications

cem p cement paint

CENDIT Centre for Develop-

dredth of a peseta Electronics Meteorological

ment of Instructional Tech-

nology Cen Eccl Censura Ecclesias-

CENTURY Humanist Century Program Implementation

(tabloid) Management System (USAF)

ceo chick embryo origin; com- cem plas cement plaster

tica (Latin—Ecclesiastical


prehensive electronic office ceo (CEO) chief executive of- Mines, and Resources

CEMR C a n a d i a n E n e rg y,

CENEUR Compañia Española

de Navegación Marítima (Spanish—Spanish Maritime

ficer CEMREL Central Midwestern

CeO Chairman ex-Officio Regional Educational Labo-

Navigation Company)

CEO Chief Education Of- ratory

CENFAM Centro Nazionale di

fice(r); Chief Engineer’s Of- CEMS Church of England

Fisica dell’Atmospera e Me-

fice; Chief Executive Officer; Mens’ Society

teorologia (Italian—National

Chief Executives Organiza- CEMT Conferencia Europea de

Center of Physics of the At-

tion; County Employees Or- Ministros de Transporte

mosphere and Meteorology)

ganization (Spanish—European Confer-

C Eng Chartered Engineer;

CEOA Central European Oper- ence of Ministers of Trans-

Chief Engineer

ating Agency port)

CENIM Centro Nacional de In-

CEOAS Corps of Engineers cen center; census; central; cen-

vestigaciones Metalúrgicas

Office of Appalachian Studies tralization; centralize

(Spanish—National Center

(USA) Cen Cenozoic (last major era of

for Metallurgical Research)

CEOED Compact Edition of geologic time); Centaurus

cenio census input output

the Oxford English Diction- (constellation)

cenog computerized electro-





CEOs Chief Executive Officers

CER Center for Educational (conglomerate and multina-

CEPEX Controlled Ecosystem

Reform; Certification Evalua- tional corporations)

Pollution Experiment

tion Review; Combat Effec- CEOSL Confederación Cen-

CEPG Cambridge Economic

tiveness Report; Community troamericana de Organiza-

Policy Group

Educational Resources ciones Sindicales Libres

Ceph Cepheus

CERA Chief Engine-Room Ar- (Spanish—Central American

CEPH Centre d’Etude du Poly-

tificer Confederation of Free Trade

morphisme Humain

CERA/ACCE Canadian Edu- Unions)

(French—Center for the

cational Researchers Associ- cep circle of equal probability;

Study of Human Polymor-

ation/Association Cana- circle of error probability


dienne des Chercheurs en ’cep’ except

cephal (Latin prefix—head)—

Education Cep Cepheus


CERACS Comparative Evalua- CEP Capability Evaluation

tion of the Different Radiat- Plan; Chicano Education

ceph floc cephalin flocculation

ing Cables and Systems (tech- Project; Civil Emergency


nologies) Planning (NATO); Color

CEPM Center for Educational

Policy and Management

ceram ceramic; ceramicist; ce-

ramics trated Employment Program;

CEPO Central Engineering

Evaluation Program; Concen-

ceramal ceramic + alloy Continuing Education Pro-

Projects Office (NATO);

CERB Coastal Engineering Re- gram; Coordinated Examina-

Corps of Engineers—Port-

land, Oregon

search Board (USA)

tion Program; Council on cerc centralized engine-room

CEPR Center for Educational

Economic Priorities; Council control

Policy Research

on Educational Policy CERC Coastal Engineering CEPA Chicago Educational

ceps civil engineering problems

CEPS Central Europe Pipeline

Research Center; Coastal En-

Publishers Association; Civil gineering Research Council;

System (NATO); Common-

Engineering Program Appli- Concurrent Engineering Re-

wealth-Edison Public Ser-

cations; Consumers Educa- search Center

vice; Cornish Engines Preser-

tion and Protective Associa- CERCA Commonwealth and tion

vation Society

Empire Radio for Civil Avia- CEPACS Customs Entry Pro-

Cepsa Compañía Española de

Petróleos (Spanish—Spanish


cessing and Cargo System CERCLA Comprehensive En- CEPAL Comisión Económica

Petroleum Company)

cept chemically enhanced pri-

vironmental Response, Com-

Para América Latina (Span- pensation and Liability Act ish—Economic Commission

mary treatment

CERDS Charter on the Eco- for Latin America)—UNs

’cept accept; except

nomic Rights and Duties of ECLA

CEPT Conférence Européenne

States CEPB Civil Emergency Plan-

des Administrations des

Cer.E. Ceramic Engineer ning Bureau (NATO)

Postes et des Télécommunica-

cerebro (Latin prefix—brain)— CEPC City of Erie Port Com-

tions (French—European

Conference of Posts and

cerebral, cerebrospinal fluid

CERES Center for Research mission


and Education in Sexuality; CEPC Comité Européen pour

CEPTA Committee to End Pay

Clouds and the Earth’s Radi- les Problémes Criminels

Toilets in America

(French—European Commit-

’cepted accepted; excepted

ant Energy System; Coalition

for Environmentally Respon- tee on Crime Problems)

’cepting accepting; excepting

sible Economics CEPD Career Education Plan- ning District; Council for

’ception deception; exception;

perception; reception

CERF Canine Eye Registration Foundation; Coastal Educa-

Economic Planning and De-

tion and Research Foundation velopment

cept(s) concept(s); precept(s)

CERI Center for Educational CEPDs Communications Elec-

CEQ Council on Environmen-

Research and Innovation; tronics Policy Directives

tal Quality (appointed by the

Clean Energy Research Insti- (NATO)

President of the United States)

tute (University of Miami) CEPE Central Experimental

CERIC Central ERIC and Proving Establishment;

CEQA California Environmen-

CERIF Common European Re- Corporación Estatal Petrol-

tal Quality Act

search Project Information era Ecuadorian (Spanish—

ceqom c o m b i n e d e l e c t r o n

Format Ecuadorian State Petroleum

quench and optical masker

CERL Central Electricity Re- Corporation)

cer ceramic; conditioned emo-

search Laboratories; Coastal CEPEC Center for Profess-

tional response

Engineering Research Labo- tional Executive Career De-

cer. certificate

ratory; Cooperative Educa- velopment and Counselling

c & er combustion and explo-

sives research

tional Research Laboratory



CERLAL Centro Regional para

CESO Canadian Executive Ser- el fomento del Libro en Amer-

Ecological System; College

vice Overseas; Civil Engineer ica Latina (Spanish— Re-

of Extended Studies; Com-

Support Office (USN) gional Center for the Devel-

mercial Earth Station; Com-

CESO-W Council of Engineers opment of Books in Latin

mittee on Earth Sciences;

and Scientists Organiza- America)

Commonwealth Education

tions—West cermet ceramic-metallic (pow-

Scheme; Commonwealth

c esp con espressione (Italian— ders fused to form solid nu-

Employment Service; Com-

with expression) clear fuel elements)

prehensive Export Schedule;

CESP Centrais Eléctricas de CERN Center for Nuclear Re-

Conference on European Se-

São Paulo search

curity; Consolidated Elec- tronic Services; Consumer

cesr conduction electron spin CERN C o m m i s s i o n E u -

Electronics Show; Cost Ef-

ropéenne pour la Recherche

fectiveness Study; Council

resonance CESR Canadian Electronic

Nucléaire (French—Euro-

for European Studies; Crew

Sales Representatives pean Commission for Nuclear

Escape System

cess assess; assessment; cessa- CEROILFOOD C h i n a N a -


CES C e r t i f c a t d ’ E t u d e s

Supérieures (French—Ad-

tion; cession(aitre); cession-

ary; cessment; cesspipe; tional Cereals, Oils, and

vanced Studies Certificate);

Foodstuffs Import and Export

cesspit; cesspool; success Corporation

Consejo Económico y Social

cess. cesspit; cesspool; excre- CERP Current Economic Re-

(Spanish—Economic and So-

ment porting Program

cial Council)—UN

Cess Cecil CERP Centre Européen des Re-

CESA Canadian Engineering

CESS Council of Engineering lations Publiques (French—

Standards Association; Com-

Society Secretaries; Crew Es- European Center of Public

mercial Education Society of

cape Subsystem Relations)

Australia; Cooperative Edu-

CESSAC Church of England CERR Commonwealth Em-

cational Service Agency

Soldiers, Sailors, and Air- ployees Redeployment and

CESAALA Charles E Stevens

mens Clubs Retrenchment; Conference

American Atheist Library and

Cessna 180 6-passenger utility on Education and Race Rela-

Archives (Austin, Texas)

aircraft tions

CESAME C o m m o n w e a l t h

Cessna 185 6-passenger utility CE/RRT Central Europe Rail-

Employment Service Ani-

aircraft called the Cessna 185 road Transport (NATO)

mated Memory

E Skywagon cert certificate; certified; certify

CESAP Comisión Económica y

Cessna 310 6-passenger air- cert. certiorari (Latin—to cer-

Social de Asia y el Pacifico

craft designated U-3 tify; to be informed)—a writ

(Spanish—Economic and So-

Cessna FR-172 French four- from a superior court to a

cial Commission of Asia and

place rocket launcher aircraft lower court to produce papers

the Pacific)

CEST Career Education Study needed for a review of a case

CESAR Capsule Escape and

Trip(s) CERT Christian Emergency

Survival Applied Research

Cestr Chester Relief Team; Communica-

CESAR Compagnie d’Etudes

Cestr. Cestrensis (Latin—of tions Effectiveness Response

d e s S t a t i o n s A i r- R o u t e

Chester) Test; Computer Emergency

(French—Company for the

cet capsule-elapsed time; com- Response Team; Cost-Effec-

Study of Airfields)

bat engineering tractor; con- tive Rapid Transit; Council of

CESC Calcutta Electric Supply

t r o l l e d e nv i r o n m e n t a l Energy Resources Tribes


test(ing); corrected effective CE/RT Central Europe Road

cesemi computer evaluation of

temperature; cumulative Transport (NATO)

scanning electron micro-

elapsed time certif certificate(d)

scopic image

Cet Centus; Cetus (constella- cert inv certified invoice

CESG Communications-Elec-

tion) certs certificates

tronics Security Group

CET Center for Employment cerv cervical

cesi closed-entry socket insula-

Training; Central European ces central excitatory state;


Time; Cerebral Electrother- compressor end seal; constant

CESI Council for Elementary

apy; Certified Electrical elasticity of substitution; con-

Science International

Technician; Certified Elec- structive error source

cesk cable end-sealing kit

tronics Technician; Common CEs Council of Europe mem-

Cesko Soc Ceskoslovenská So-

External Tariff (European bers

cialistická (Czech—Czecho-

Communities); Control CES California Employment

slovak Socialist Republic)

E q u i p m e n t Te c h n i c i a n ; Security; Certified Environ-

CESMM Civil Engineering

Council for Educational mental Specialist; Closed

Standard Method of Measure-





CET Collèges d’Enseignement

certificates (in newspaper Technique (French—Techni-

CETO Center for Educational

stock listings); communica- cal Education Colleges)

Television Overseas

tion factor; compact fluores- CETA Chinese-English Trans-

cetol cetologic(al); cetologist;

cent; complement fixation; lation Assistance; Cleaning


conception formulation; con- Equipment Trade Associa-

cet. par. c e t e r i s p a r i bu s

ditional freedom; confer; con- tion; Comprehensive Em-

(Latin—other things being

tinuous flow; continuous fo- ployment and Training Act


cusing; contract formulation; CETA Centre d’études pour la

CETRA Centre des Etudes

corrugated furnaces; cost and Traduction (French-Center

Transatlantigues (French—

freight; counterfire; counting for the Study of Translation)

Center for Transatlantic Stud-

fingers; cubic feet, cubic foot; CETAG Centre d’études pour


cystic fibrosis la Traduction, Grenoble

CETS Church of England Tem-

c/f carried forward (French—Center for the

perance Society; Commission

c & f clearing and forwarding; Study of Translation, Greno-

on the Education of Teachers

cost and freight ble)

of Science; Contractor Engi-

c-to-f center-to-face CETAP Centre d’études pour la

neering and Technical Ser-

cf. confer (Latin—compare) Traduction, Paris (French—


c.f. cantus firmus (Latin—fiixed Center for the Study of Trans-

ceu continuing education unit

song) lation, Paris)

CEU C h r i s t i a n E n d e avo r

Cf californium CETC Combat Engineering

Union; Constructional Engi-

Cf. Confessor (Latin—Confes- Training Center; Community

neering Union CEUCA Customs and Eco-

sor) and Education Center

CF Canadian Forces; Canadian nicos (Spanish—Center for

nomic Union of Central Af-

CETC Centro de Estudios Tec-


CEUs Continuing Education

Fusiliers; Cape Fear (rail- road); Central African Re-

Technical Studies)

public (Internet code); Chap- Development Council


CETDC China External Trade

CEUSA Committee for Exports

to the U.S.A.

lain to the Forces; Chief of Finance; Coastal Frontier;

CETEC Consolidated. Engi-

cev combat engineer vehicle;

neering Technology Corpora-

convoy escort vessel; cryo-

Colorado Fuel & Iron (stock- exchange symbol); Com-

monwealth Fund(ing); Con- CETEDOC Centre de Traite-


genic explosive valve

servation Foundation; Con- ment Electronique des Duc-

cevat combined environmental,

s o l i d a t e d F r e i g h t wa y s ; ments (French—Center of

vibration, acceleration, tem-

Corresponding Fellow Electronic Treatment of Doc-


C/F Contract Formulation uments)

cevi contract exhibit vendor


CETEKA Ceskoslavenská Tisk-

CF Carlo Felice (Italian) the- ová Kancelár (Czechoslova-

cew circular electric wire

C of F Chief of Finance

ater in Genoa; Chemin de Fer kian Press Bureau)

CEW C h u r c h - E m p l oy e d

(French—Railroad); Club de CETEM Comprehensive Ele-

Women; Continuing Educa-

Fútbol (Spanish—Football mentary Teacher Education

tion for Women; Cosmetic

Club) Models

Executive Women

cewi combat electronic warfare

CF-5 Canadian version of the CETEX Committee on Con-

F-5 jet fighter tamination of Extra-Terres-

and intelligence

cewrm communications-elec-

CF-86 Australian-built Cana- trial Exploration (NASA)

tronics war-readiness material

dian version of the F-86 jet CETF Clothing and Equipment

cex charge exchange; civil ef-

fighter called Sabre Test Facility (USA)

fects exercise

CF-100 Avro two-seat jet inter- CETHV Council for the Edu-

CEX Corn Exchange Bank

ceptor called the Canuck cation and Training of Health

(stock-exchange symbol)

CF-101 Canadian-built version Visitors

Cey Ceylon; Singhalese

of the F-101 jet interceptor ceti communications with ex-

CEY Century Electric (stock-

named Voodoo traterrestrial intelligence

exchange symbol)

CF-104 Canadian version of the CETIS Centre de Traitement de

CEYC Church of England

F-104 interceptor called Star- l’Information Scientifique

Youth Council

fighter (French—Center for Process-

Ceyl Ceylon

cfa cavalry field ambulance; ing Scientific Information)

Cey Rs Ceylon rupees

complement-fixing antibody; CETME Centro de Estudios

cf calf binding; carried forward;

configural frequency analy- Tecnicos de Materiales Espe-

carrier frequency; carry for-

sis; cowl flap angle; crossed- ciales (Spanish—Center of

ward; cement floor; center

field amplifier Technical Studies of Special

field; center of flotation; cen-

cFa complete Freund’s adjunct Materials)

ter forward; central files; cen-

tral filing; centrifugal force;

CfA Coalitions for America



CFA California Farmer Advo-

CFCF Central Flow Control cate; California Forestry As-

CFAITC California Founda-

Facility sociation; Canadian Federa-

tion for Agriculture in the

cfd control functional diagram; tion of Agriculture; Canadian


cubic feet per day Field Artillery; Canadian

CFAL Current Food Additives

CFD Consumer Fraud Division Football Association; Cana-


CFDA Catalog of Federal Do- dian Forestry Association;

CFANS Canadian Forces Air

mestic Assistance; Council of Canadian Freight Associa-

Navigation School

Fashion Designers of Amer- tion; Cape Field Artillery; Cat

CFAP Canadian Foundation for

ica Fanciers’ Association; Center

the Advancement of Pharmacy

CFDC Canadian Film Devel- for Astrophysics; Chartered

cfar constant false alarm rate

opment Corporation Financial Analyst; Chilled

CFAR C h i c a g o f o r A I D S

CFDD C o n t r a c t F u r n i t u r e Foods Association; Clearing


Dealer Division and Forwarding Agents;

CFAS Curriculum Frameworks

CFDM Cognizant Functional Commercial Finance Associ-

Assessment System

Division Manager ation; Commission on Fine

CFAT Carnegie Foundation for

CFDT C o n f e d e ra t i o n Arts; Commonwealth Fire-

the Advancement of Teaching

Française et Democratique men’s Association; Commu-

CFAW Canadian Food and Al-

du Travail (French—French nity Facilities Administration;

lied Workers

Democratic Confederation of Consumer Federation of

cfb cipher feedback

Labor) America; Correctional Facili-

cfb (CFB) circulating fluidized

CFDTS Cold-Flow Develop- ties Association; Council for

bed (combustion)

ment Test System (AEC) Foreign Affairs; Country Fire

CFB California Farm Bureau;

cfe complex features (realty); Authority

Canadian Forces Base; Cen-

contractor-furnished equip- CF & A Chief of Finance and

ter for Family Business;

ment Accounting (USA)

Commonwealth Forestry Bu-

reau; Consumer Fraud Bu-

CFE Canadian Forces Europe;

Central Fighter Establish- Association

C & FA Cookery and Foods

reau; Council of Foreign

ment; College of Further Ed- CFA Colonies Française d’Af-


ucation; Conventional Forces rique (French—French Colo-

cf black conductive furnace

in Europe; Corps of Fiji En- nies of Africa); Communauté


gineers Financière Africaine (cur-

CFBS Canadian Federation of

CFE Comisión Federal de rency)

Biological Societies

Electricidad (Spanish—Fed- CFAA Circus Fans Association

CFBT Canadian Forces Base

eral Electricity Commission) of America


CFEME Canadian Forces En- CF&AC California Food and

cfc campus-free college; capil-

vironmental Medicine Estab- Agricultural Code

lary filtration coefficient; col-

ony-forming cells; complex


CFESA C o m m e r c i a l Fo o d CFAD Commander Fleet Air

Equipment Service Associa- Defense

c factor cleverness factor

facility console; contained fi-

nancial contraction

cfc(s)(CFC(s)) chlorofluoro-

tion cff computer forms feeder;

CFADC Canadian Forces Air


counter flip-flop; critical Defence Command; Con-

cf & c cost, freight & commis-

flicker frequency; critical fu- trolled Fusion Atomic Data


sion frequency Center

CFC Canadian Forestry Corps;

cfae contractor-furnished aero-

Catholics for a Free Choice;

Cff Cardiff CFF Cat Fanciers Federation;

space equipment

Chartered Financial Counse- lor; Christian Fellowship

Commission for the Future; CFAE Council for Financial

Compensatory Financing Fa- Aid to Education

Church; Chrysler Financial

cility CFAE Centre de Formation en

Corporation; Citizens for a

CFF Chemin de Fer Fédéraux Aérodynamique Expérimen-

Free Cuba; Combined Fed-

(French—Swiss Federal Rail- tale (French—Training Cen-

eral Campaign (USA); Com-

road) ter for Experimental Aerody-

mittee for a Free China; Con-

CFFA Chemical Fabrics and namics)

solidated Freight

Film Association CFAF California Financial Aid


cffc counterflow film cooling Form

CFC-113 chlorofluorocarbon

CFFC Catholics For a Free CFA franc unit of currency in

CFCA Canterbury Farmers Co-

Choice Benin, Burkina Faso, Came-

operative Association; Com-

cfg constant frequency genera- roon, Central African Repub-

munications Fraud Control

tor; cubic feet of gas lic, Chad, Comoros, Republic


CFG Camp Fire Girls of Congo, Gabon, Ivory

cfcb card feed circuit breaker

cfgd cubic feet of gas per day Coast, Niger, Senegal, Togo

CFCC Canadian Forces Com-

munications Command

cfgh cubic feet of gas per hour cfgh cubic feet of gas per hour


cfgm cubic feet of gas per

CFPC College of Family Phy- minute

cfm chlorofluoromethane; con-

sicians of Canada cfh cubic feet per hour

firm; confirmation; con-

CFPF Central Food Prepara- CFH Council on Family Health

firmed; cubic feet per minute;

tion Facility (USA) CFHO Canada-France-Hawaii

cubic feet per month

CFPO Center for Populations Observatory

CFM Cadet Forces Medal;

Options CFHQ Canadian Forces Head-

Canterbury Frozen Meat

CFPO Compagnie Française quarters

(New Zealand); Council of

des Phosphates de l’Océanie CFHS Canadian Federation of

Foreign Ministers

(French—French Oceana Humane Societies

CFMA Central Financial Man-

agement Activities; Construc-

Phosphates Company)

CFPS Captain Fisheries Protec- CFHT Canada-France-Hawaii

tion Financial Management

tion Squadron; Central Food Telescope


Preparation System (USA) cfi cost, freight, and insurance

CFMC Consumer-Farmer Milk

CFPTS Coalition For Peace CFI Canadian Film Institute;


Through Strength Canadian Forest Inventory;

CFMS Canadian Forces Medi-

cfr catastrophic failure rate; Chief Flying Instructor; Com-

cal Service

chauffeur; crash fire rescue mittee on Foreign Intelli-

CFMUA Cotton Fire and Ma-

cfr confronta (Italian—com- gence (CIA); Corporate

rine Underwriters Associa-

pare) Financial Instruction; Coun-


CFR Center for Future Re- selor Function Inventory;

Cfn. Craftsman

search; Code of Federal Reg- Court of First Instance

CFN Compagnie France-Navi-

ulations; Contact Flight CF & I Colorado Fuel and Iron


Rules; Coorong Fauna Re- CFI Corporación Financiera

CFNI Caribbean Food and Nu-

serve (South Australia); Internacional (Spanish—In-

trition Institute

Council on Foreign Relations ternational Finance Corpora-

CFNP Community Food and

CFRC Canadian Forces Re- tion)—IFC

Nutrition Programs

cruiting Centre CFIA Cavity Foam Insulation

cfo calling for orders; chlori-

CFR engine Cooperative Fuel Association; Center for Inde-

nated flour oil; coast for or-

Research (Council) engine pendent Action; Component


(for measuring quality of fu- Failure Impact Analysis

Cfo Channel for orders; Coast

els) CFIAB Canadian Federation of

for orders

cfrg carbon-fiber-reinforced Insurance Agents and Brokers

CFO Chief Financial Officer;

glass CFIC Canned Food Informa-

Chief Fire Officer; Common-

cfrgc carbon-fiber-reinforced tion Council

wealth Fisheries Offices;

Complex Facility Operator

glass ceramic

cfrp carbon fiber reinforced CFIEM California Forces In-

CFOA Chief Fire Officers As-

plastic stitute of Environmental


CFRPA California Fire Rescue Medicine

CFOL Corporate Files on Line

and Paramedic Association CFIL Connections for Indepen-

cfp certified financial planner;

CFRS Central Fisherics Re- dent Living

chartered financial planner;

search Station C-FIlE Coalition for Immigra-

cold frontal passage; com-

cfs chronic fatigue syndrome;, tion Law Enforcement

puter forms printer; contrac-

completely-finished sets; cu- CFIP Chamber of Furniture In-

tor-furnished property; cystic

bic feet per second dustries of the Philippines

fibrosis of the pancreas

cf’s confessions of fornication CFIT Culture Fair Intelligence

CFP Certified Feldenkrais

(colonial-style abbreviation Test(ing)

Practitioner; Common Fish-

originating in Massachusetts CFJS Center For Judicial Stud-

eries Policy; Consumer Fraud

and used before the American ies


Revolution) cfl cease-fire line; compact flu-

CFP Colonies Française du

CFS Canadian Forestry Ser- orescent lamp; context-free

Pacifique (French—French

vice; Central Federal Sav- language

Colonies of the Pacific);

Communauté Française de

ings; Central Flying School; Container Freight Station;

CFL C a n a d i a n Fo o t b a l l

Pacifiqu e (French—French Community of the Pacific);

Contract Field Service; Coun- League; Carnegie Free Li-

cil of Fleet Specialists brary; Consolidated Fertiliz-

Compagnie Française des Pe-

CFS Chemins de Fer Fédéraux ers Limited; Container Fleets

troles (French—French Pe-

Suisses (French—Swiss Fed- Limited

troleum Company); Cours du

eral Railways) CFL Chemins de Fer Luxem-

Franc Pacifique (French—

CFSA College Food Service bourgeois (French—Luxem-

French Pacific francs)

Association bourg State Railways)

CFPAE Council of Food Pro-

CFSAN Center for Food Safety cflg counter flashing

cessors Association Execu-


and Applied Nutrition (FDA)



CFSC Canadian Forces Staff

CGBR Central Government College

CFWIS Central Fighter Weap-

Borrowing Requirement CFSP Common Foreign and

ons Instructor School

cgc ceramic gold coating; criti- Security Policy

cfy clarify

cal grid current CFSPL Canadian Forces Spe-

CFZ Contiguous Fisheries

CGC Certified Good Citizen; cial Projects Laboratory


Chinese Grandmother Car- CFSR Commission on Finan-

cg cardiogreen; center of grav-

ryon (luggage); Coast Guard cial Structure and Regulation

ity; centigram; cerebral gan-

Cutter; Continental Grain (White House); Contract

glion; choking gas (phos-

Company Funds Status Report

gene); chorionic

CGCARC Commanding Gen- CFSTI Clearinghouse for Fed-

gonadotropin; chronic glom-

eral, Continental Army Com- eral Scientific and Technical

erulonephritis; colloidal gold;

mand Information

complete games; comer guard

CG circuit common-gate am- cft clinical full time; combat fit-

c/g coincidence guidance

plifier for field-effect transis- ness test; complement fixa-

c of g center of gravity

tors tion test; craft; craftsman; cu-

cg Zentigram (German—centi-

cgd chronic granulomatous dis- bic feet; cubic foot


ease CFT California Federation of

CG Captain General; cargo

cgd (CGD) cow grazing day Teachers; Colorado Federa-

glider aircraft (DoD symbol);

(13.5 kg pasture matter or tion of Teachers; Concept

Central of Georgia (railroad);

feed in average bale of hay) Formation Test; Cooperative

Certified Genealogist; Chap-

cge carriage Field Test(ing)

lain General; Coast Guard;

CGE Central Government Ex- CFT Compagnie Française de

Coldstream Guards; Com-

penditures Télévision (French—French

mandant-General; Command-

CG & E Cincinnati Gas and Television Company)

ing General; Commissary

Electric Company CFTA Cattle Food Trade Asso-

General; Congo (Internet

CGE Compagnie Générale ciation

code); Connecticut General

d’Electricité (French—Gen- CFTAU Canadian Friends of

(Life Insurance Company);

eral Electric Company) Tel Aviv University

Consul General; Covent Gar-

CGEC Committee on Global cftb controlled-flight test bed

den; guided-missile cruiser

Ecology Concern (U.S.— CFTB Commonwealth For-

(naval symbol)

USSR) estry and Timber Bureau

CG (ROH) C ove n t G a r d e n

cge fwd carriage forward CFTC Commodity Failures

(Royal Opera House)

CGEL & PB C o n s o l i d a t e d Trading Commission; Com-

C of G Central of Georgia

Gas, Electric Light and Power modity Futures Trading Com-

(railway); College of Guam

Company of Baltimore mission; Commonwealth


C Gen Consul General Fund for Technical Coopera-

CG Consumer Guide; Croix de

cge pd carriage paid; charge tion

Guerre (French—War Cross)

paid c-f tests complement-fixation

C G cassa grande (Italian—

cgf center of gravity factor; tests

bass drum)

chemotaxis-generating fac- CFTH Compagnie Française

cga cargo (proportion of) gen-

tor; coarse-glass frit Thomson-Houston

eral average; catabolite gene

CGF College of Great Falls cftmn craftsman

activator; color graphics

CGFA Columbus Gallery of CFTR Citizens For The Repub-


Fine Arts; Consolidated Gold lic

CGA Canadian Garrison Artil-

Fields of Australia cfts captive firing test set(s)

lery; Canadian Gas Associa-

CGFMFLANT Commanding CFTSD Canadian Forces Tech-

tion; Cape Garrison Artillery;

General, Fleet Marine Force, nical Services Detachment

Coast Guard Auxiliary; Coast

Atlantic cfu colony-forming units

Guard Academy; Common-

cgfp calcined gross fission CFU Central Functional Unit;

wealth General Assurance;

product Commonwealth Film Unit;

Compressed Gas Association;

CGFSA Consolidated Gold Consumer Fraud Unit

Corcoran Gallery of Art

Fields of South Africa CFUA C r o a t i a n F r a t e r n a l

CGAC Coast Guard Air Corps

cgg continuous grinding gage Union of America

CGADC Commanding Gen-

CGG Canadian Grenadier cfv cavalry fighting vehicle;

eral, Air Defense Command

Guards conventional friend virus


cgh computer-generated holo- cfvd constant-frequency vari-

ing General, Air Fleet Marine

gram able dot

Force, Atlantic

cgh (CGH) chorionic gona- CFWA Canadian Fruit Whole-

CGAS Coast Guard Air Sta-

dotrophic hormone salers Association

tion; Cornell Guggenheim

CGH Cape of Good Hope CFWI County Federation of

Aviation Safety Center

(medal); São Paulo, Brazil Women’s Institutes

CGB Canadian Geographic


(Congonhas Airport)

C of GH


CGRLS Coast Guard Radio Li- CGHB Cape of Good Hope

C of GH Cape of Good Hope

CGMIS Commanding Gen-

aison Station Bank

eral’s Management Informa-

CGRM Commandant Gen- CGHSB Cape of Good Hope

tion System

eral—Royal Marines; Com- Savings Bank

cGMP cyclic GMP

mando Group Royal Marines cgi computer-generated imag-

CGMW Commission for the

cgs centimeter gram second ery; computer graphics inter-

Geological Map of the World

CGS Canadian Geographical face; corrugated galvanized

cgn chronic glomerulonephritis

Society; Central Glider iron; cruise guide indicator

Cgn Cartagena, Colombia

School; Central Gulf Steam- CGI Capital Guaranty Insur-

(British maritime abbrevia-

ship (corporation); Central ance; Chief Ground Instruc-

tion) (see Ctg)

Gunnery School; Chief of tor; Chief Gunnery Instructor;

CGN Cologne, Germany (air-

General Staff; Coast and Geo- City and Guilds of London

p o r t ) ; n u c l e a r- p ow e r e d

detic Survey; Council of Institute

guided-missile cruiser (naval

Graduate Schools (in the CGIAR Consultative Group on


U.S.) International Agricultural Re-

CGNM Casa Grande National

C & GS Coast and Geodetic search


Survey CGIC Comisaria General de

cgo cargo

Cgo Chicago

CGSA Carriage of Goods by

Sea Act; Computer Graphics (Spanish—Commissariat

I nv e s t i g a c i ó n C r i m i n a l

CGO Committee on Govern-

Structural Analysis General of Criminal Investi-

ment Operations; Connecti-

CGSAC Commanding Gen- gation)—Spain’s Interpol of-

cut Grand Opera

eral, Strategic Air Command fice

Cgo Chkr Cargo Checker

CGIL Confederazione Gen- CGSB Canadian Government

cg/oq cerebral glucose oxygen

erale Italiana del Lavoro Specifications Board


CGOT Canadian Government

(Italian—Italian General

C & GSC Command and Gen-

Confederation of Labor) eral Staff College

Office of Tourism

C-girl call girl (prostitute); cgse centimeter-gram-second

CGOU Coast Guard Oceano-

hundred-dollar girl electrostatic

graphic Unit

cgit compressed-gas-insulated cgsfu ceramic glazed structural

cgp c h o l i n e g l y c e r o p h o s -

phatide; chorionic growth


facing units

cgsm centimeter-gram-second- Foundation for Analytical

hormone prolactin; circulat-

C G Jung Foun C G J u n g

electromagnetic Psychology

ing granulocyte pool; grid

CGSS Cryogenic Gas Storage cgk grid cathode capacitance

plate capacitance

CGP College of General Prac-

System cgl center-of-gravity locator;

CGSSC Columbia Gas Service continuous-gas laser; con-

titioners; Comparative Guid-

ance and Placement Program

Corporation trolled ground landing; cor-

CGP Current Geographical

CGST Caribbean Graduate rected geomagnetic latitude


School of Theology (CGL)

CGPM Conférence Générale

CGSTC C e n t ro G i o v a n i l e cgl (CGL) chronic granulo-

d e s Po i d s e t M e s u re s

Scambi Turistici e Culturali cytic leukemia

(French—General Confer-

(Italian—Youth Center for CGL Canadian Gulf Line; Cen-

ence of Weights and Mea-

Tourism and Culture) tral Gulf Lines


cgsub ceramic glazed structural CGL Confederazione Generale

CGPN Catalog of Galactic

unit base del Lavoro (Italian—General

Planetary Nebulae

CGSUS Council of Graduate Confederation of Labor)

CGPP Comparative Guidance

Schools in the United States CGLAT Cassel Group Level of

Placement Program

cgt capital gains tax(ation); Aspiration Test

CGPS Canadian Government

chorionic gonadotropin; com- CGLI City and Guilds of Lon-

Purchasing System

bustible gas tracer; gains don Institute

CGPSq Cartographic and Geo-

detic Processing Squadron


cgt (CGT) corrected geomag- cgm centigram(s); ciliated

cg lkr cleaning gear locker


netic time groove to mouth; computer

cgr captured gamma ray; crime

CGT Compagnie Générale graphics metafile

on government reservation

Transatlantique (French cgm (CGM) central gray mat-

CGR Canadian Garrison Regi-

Line); Confederación Gen- ter


eral del Trabajo (Spanish— CGM Conspicuous Galantry

CGRA Canadian Good Roads

General Confederation of La- Medal

Association; Chinese Gov-

bor); Confederation du Tra- CGMA Covent Garden Market

ernment Radio Administra-

vail (French—General Con- Authority

tion (Taiwan)

CGRDO Coast Guard Radio

federation of Labor)



CGTA Companie Générale de

CHABA Committee on Hear- Transports Aériens (French—

Ch Chad (whose capital is

ing and Bio-Acoustics (US Air Algeria)

N’Djamena); Chancery;

Army) CGTAC Commanding Gen-

Channel; Chile; Chilean;

chabak chabakano (Philippine eral, Tactical Air Command

China; Chinese; choreogra-

Spanish dialect) CGTB Canadian Government

pher; Christchurch (New

C-habit cocaine habit Travel Bureau

Zealand or Oxford or other);

Chaco Canyon Chaco Canyon CGTEL Coast Guard Teletype

church; Clearinghouse

National Monument near CGTSF Compagnie de Télé-

Ch. Chaplain

Bloomfield, New Mexico graphie San Fils (French

Ch. Chirurgiae (Latin—sur-

chacom chain of command wireless company)


chad code to handle angular cgtt (CGTT) cortisone glucose

CH Camp Hospital; Carnegie

data tolerance test

Hall; Chaucer (Geoffrey

Chad Chadburn; Republic of cgtv (CGTV) command guid-

Chaucer); Chicago Helicop-

Chad (landlocked North Afri- ance test vehicle

ter (airways); Chiracahua

can country) République du cgu ceramic glazed units

Mountains; College Heights;

Tchad CGU Canadian Geophysical

Companion of Honor; com-

CHAD C o m b i n e d H e a l t h Union

pass heading; concentration

Agency Drive CGUSACE Commanding Gen-

of hydrogen ions in moles per

CHADS Chicago Air Defense eral, United States Army

liter (symbol); Court House;

Sector Corps of Engineers

Custom House; Switzerland

CH AE Chief Artificer Engi- CGUSACOMZEUR C o m -

(autoplaque and Internet

neer manding General, United


Chafarinas Chafarinas or Zafa- States Army, Communica-

C-H Crouse-Hinds;Cutler-

rinas Islands (in the Spanish tions Zone, Europe


Mediterranean off Morocco CGUSARMC C o m m a n d i n g

C.H. Companion of Honour

and southeast of Melilla) General, United States Army

C and H California and Ha-

CHAFB Chanute Air Force Materiel Command

waiian Sugar Company

Base CGUSCONARC C o m m a n d -

CH Church History; Confeder-

chaffroc (CHAFFROC) chaff ing General, United States

atio Helvetico (Latin—Swiss

rocket Continental Army Command


chag compact high-perfor- CGUSFET Commanding Gen-

CH 2 O formaldehyde

mance aerial gun eral, United States Forces—

CH 3 COOH acetic acid

Chagos Chagos Archipelago European Theater

CH-46 Boeing-Vertol twin-ro-

CHAIN California Housing, cgv critical grid voltage

tor helicopter called Sea

Action, and Information Net- cgvs ciliated groove to ventral


work sac

CH-47 Boeing-Vertol helicop-

Chair Chairman CGW Chicago Great Western

ter called Chinook

Chairp Chairperson Railway; Coast Guard

CH-53 Sikorsky heavy-assault

chal challenge; chalumeatu (an- Women

helicopter called Sea Stallion

cient clarinet) Cgy Cagayan de Oro

CH-54 Sikorsky crane helicop-

ter called Sky Crane or S-64

chal chaleur (French—heat,

warmth) (field hockey); chain; chain

ch case harden; center halfback

CH-113 Canadian version of

Chald Chaldean home (radar); champagne

Boeing-Vertol helicopter des-

CHALFA Charlottesville/Al- (color); champion; chancel-

ignated CH-46 and called La-

bemarle Foundation for the lor; chancery; change; chap-


Encouragement of Artists ter; chest; chief; child;

cha cable-harness analyzer;

chalicos chalicosis (sickness chipped; choke; choline;

congenital hypoplastic ane-

caused by metallic-dust inha- church; coat hook

mia; cyclohexylamine

cha (CHA) cyclohexylamine


chalk c a l c i u m c a r b o n a t e broadcast signals can cause

ch (CH) critical hours (when

Cha Chamaeleon (constella-

(CaCO 3 ) interference)

tion); Chamber maid; Charles

CHA California Hospital As-

cham chamfer; champagne;

champion; combustion, heat, c/h cards per hour

ch. children

sociation; Canadian Horse

Artillery; Catholic Health As-


Cham Chamaeleon (Latin— and hot

c & h cocaine and heroin; cold

sociation; Catholic Hospital

Association; Chattanooga,

Chamaeleon constellation)

chamb chamber château (French—wine es-

ch chambre (French—room);

Tennessee (airport); Chicago

Chamb Chamberlain tate); cheque (French, Portu-

Helicopter Airways; Child

Chamb Ency Chambers’s En- guese, or Spanish—check)

Health Association; Commu-

nity Health Association;


ch. chori (Latin—choruses)

County Health Authorities

Chamber Chamber of Deputies


Ch of C

Chambers Chambers Diction-

chart. charta (Latin—paper) ary of Science and Technol-

Chao Phraya K r u n g T h e p

chart. bib. ch a r t a b i bu l a ogy

(Bangkok) river

(Latin—blotting paper) Chambly Girls Girls’ Cottage

CHAOS Committee for Halt-

chart. cerat. ch a r t a c e ra t a School (for delinquents) at

ing Acronymic Obliteration

(Latin—waxed paper) Chambly, Québec

of Sense; Consortium for the

chartul. chartula (Latin—small chammy ( E n g l i s h s l a n g —

Hastening of the Annihilat-

paper) champagne)

ion of Organized Society

Char X Charing Cross (rail ter- champ champion(ship)

CHAOTIC Computer-and-Hu-

minal) Champ Beauchamp

man-Assisted Organization of

chas chassis CHAMP Character Manipula-

a Technical Information Cen-

Chas Charles tion Procedure(s); Civilian

ter (NBS)

CHAS Catholic Housing Aid Health and Medical Program;

chap. chapter; cychophospha-

Society Community Health Air Mon-

mide, hexamethylmelamine,

chase. cut holes and sink ’em itoring Program

doxorubicin and cisplatin

(navalese acronym for sink- Champ Intl Champion Inter-

(chemotherapy for ovarian

ing old ammunition cases or national


obsolescent barges or boats) champion. compatible hard-

Chap Chaplain

Chase Chase Manhattan Bank ware and milestone program

CHAP Certified Hospital Ad-

Chasn Charlestown for integrating organizational

missions Program; Charring

Ablation Program (NASA);

Chat château (French—castle)

Chat Choo-Choo C h a t t a - Champs C h a m p s E l y s é e s


Child Health Assistance Pro-

nooga Choo-Choo (restau- (French—Elysian Fields)—


rant) main boulevard of Paris

chapa chaparral

chat mtg chattel mortgage CHAMPUS Civilian Health

Chap(pie) Chapin; Chapman;

Chat(ty) Charlotte and Medical Program for the


Ch au Chateau (French—castle, Uniformed Services

chaps. chaparajos (Spanish—

country mansion) CHAMPVA Civilian Health

open-backed leather overalls) CHAPS Children Have A Po-

Chauc Geoffrey Chaucer and Medical Program of the

chaud chemical audit Veterans Administration

tential Society; Clearing

chauf chauffeur chan. chancery

Houses Automated Payments

chan channel

Chávez Jorge Chávez Interna- Chan Channel

System (trademark)—Lon-

don; contractor-held Air

Force property

tional Airport of Lima, Peru

chb complete heart block Chanc Chancellor; Chancery

Chapter 7 liquidation

Chb Cherbourg; Chiba CHANCE Complete Help and

Chapter 11, etc. bankruptcy—

Ch B Chief of Bureau Assistance Necessary for

Chapter 11, etc., of the Bank-

CH B Chief Boatswain College Education

ruptcy Act of the U.S.

Ch.B. Chirurgiaé Baccalaureus CHANCOM Channel Com-

char character; characteristic;

(Latin—Bachelor of Surgery) mand (NATO)

charcoal; charwoman

chbd chalkboard CHANCOMTEE C h a n n e l

char (CHAR) character (data

CHBI Commission on Health Committee (NATO)


Benefits and Integration Chandeleurs Chandeleur Is-

Char Charter

ChBuAer Chief of the Bureau lands of Louisiana

Char Amal Charlotte Amalie

of Aeronautics ’change exchange; produce ex-

Charbray Charolais-Brahman

ChBuDocks Chief of the Bu- change; stock exchange


reau of Yards and Docks ’Change R oy a l S t o c k E x -

charc charcoal

ChBuMed Chief of the Bureau change in London

char-flip charitable family lim-

of Medicine and Surgery Chan Isl Channel Islands (Al-

ited partnership

ChBuOrd Chief of the Bureau derney, Guernsey, Jersey,

Chard. Chardonnay

of Ordnance Sark)

Charl Charlottenburg

ChBuPers Chief of the Bureau Channel The Channel (Beagle,

Charles University University

of Naval Personnel Bristol, English, Old Ba-

of Prague

ChBuSanda Chief of the Bu- hama, Saint George’s, Santa

Charley Charles

reau of Supplies and Ac- Barbara, Ten Degree)

Charlotte Corday M a r i e -

counts Channel Islands Park islands

Anne-Charlotte Corday d’Ar-

ChBuShips Chief of the Bu- off California


reau of Ships Channels Channel Islanders;

Charm Charmian

ChBuWeps Chief of the Bu- Channel Islands

char reac character reaction

reau of Weapons chans chanson (French—song)

(sometimes simply cr)

chc choke coil CHANSEC Channel Commit-

chars characters

Ch of C Chamber of Com- tee Secretary (NATO)

char(s) c h a r wo m a n ; c h a r-





CHC Chicago House of Cor-

CHEMI Chemical Engineering rection; Christchurch, New

CHEAR Council on Higher

Modular Instruction Zealand (airport); Commu-

Education in the American

chemly chemically nity Health Council; Compre-


Chem & Met Eng C h e m i c a l hensive Health Center; Con-

Cheb. Chebeague Island (in

and Metallurgical Engineer- gressional Hispanic Caucus

Casco Bay off coast of



chem mill chemically milled; CHCF Component Handling

ch cab china cabinet

chec checked; checkered

chemical milling and Cleaning Facility

CHEC Citizens Helping Elimi-

chemo chemotherapist; chemo- Chch Christchurch

nate Crime; Commonwealth

therapy Ch Ch Christ Church College,

Human Ecology Council

chemonuc chemonuclear Oxford

Chech Checheno-Ingush Re-

public (whose capital is

spheric(al)(1y) CHCMD Chicago Contract

CHC 13 Chloroform


chemos chemosphere; chemo-

chemosens chemosensory Management District

Checo Checoslovaquia (Span-


CH CR Chief Carpenter

Chee Chee-chee (Anglo-Indian

chemoster c h e m o s t e r i l a n t ; chemosterilization; chemo-

chd chaldron; childhood dis-

sterilize(d) ease(s); congestive heart dis-

dialect) cheesesan cheese sandwich

chemosurg chemosurgical(ly); ease; coronary heart disease

chetnosurgery Ch.D. C h i r u rg i a e D o c t o r

cheesewich cheese sandwich

Ch D Charles Darwin

CHEF Contour-clamped Ho-

chemotax c h e m o t a x o - (Latin—Doctor of Surgery)

mogeneous Electric Field

Cheka Chrezvychainaya Kom-

nomic(al)(1y); chemotaxono- mist; chemotaxonomy

C-H d Chediak-Higashi dis-

missiya po Borbe s Kontrrev-

chemoth chemotherapy ease

olutisiei i Sabotzhem (Rus-

CHD Charles Halliwell Duell

Chem Phys Chemical Physics Ch d’A Chargé d’Affaires


Commission for Combating

Chem Phys Lett C h e m i c a l

Physics Letters (French—railroad)

ch de f ch e m i n d e f e r

Counterrevolution and Sabo-

tage)—original Soviet Secret

Chem Pub Chemical Publish-

CHDF Civilian Home Defense ing Company

Police founded December 20,

Force Chem Rev Chemical Reviews

1917, at Lubianka Prison in

chdl computer hardware de- Chem Rubber Chemical Rub-

Moscow (q.v.—VOT)

scription language ber Company

CHEL Cambridge History of

chdm cyclohexanedimethanol CHEMS Chemical Education

English Literature

CHDP Child Health and Dis- Materials Study

Chelm (ancient Jewish town in

ability Prevention chemsearch chemicals selected

Poland known in folklore as

CHDR Center for Health-care for equal, analogous, or re-

the Town of Fools); short

lated characters che cholinesterase

form for Cheltenham

Dispute Resolution

chemsol chemical solution (for che (CHE) channel end(ing)

Chelon Chelonia

cheloniol cheloniologic(al)


CHEMTREC Chemical Trans- making education

(ly); cheloniologist; cheloni-

portation Emergency Center Che C h e t v e rg ( R u s s i a n —

c & he consumer and home-


chelons chelonians (tortoises,

chem war. chemical warfare Thursday); Ernesto (Che)

terrapins, turtles)

CHEN Chail Nashim (He- Guevara

Chelt Cheltenham

brew—Women’s Force of the Ch e Chapelle (French—

chem chemical; chemist; chem-

Israeli Army); chen is the He- Chapel)


Chem Chemistry

brew word for grace

CHEOPS Chemical Opera- Ch E Chief Engineer

C he Chaine (French—chain)

tions System Ch.E. Chemical Engineer

chemanal chemical analysis

Chem E C h e m i c a l E n g i -

CHEP Commonwealth Han- CHE Chete Game Reserve;


dling and Equipment Pool Chewore Game Reserve;

Chem.E. Chemical Engineer

Cher Cherilyn; Cherilyn Sarki- Chizarira Game Reserve

Chem Econ Chemical Eco-

sian C-head coke head (slang—co-

nomic Services

chert ironstone sedimentary caine addict)

Chem Ed Chemical Education

rock Cheaha Cheaha Mountain or

Publishing Company

Cherv Cherville; Chervin Cheaha State Park south of

Chem Educ Chemical Educa-

Ches Cheshire Anniston, Alabama

tion Publishing Co

Cheskey(s) C z e c h o s l ova - CHEAP Computerized Health

Chem Elements Pub C h e m i -

kian(s) Education Assessment Pro-

cal Elements Publishing Co

chesky cherry-flavored whis- gram

cbem etch chemically etched;

chemical etching



China Nac

CHESS Center for Health Sys-

child. computer having intelli- tems Research and Analysis;

CH & H Continent between

gent learning and develop- Comprehensive Health En-

Havre and Hamburg

ment hancement Support System

chi clutch hitting index; specific

Children’s Children’s Crusade chester(s) (Early English—

magnetic susceptibility

(in 1212 when 90,000 chil- city, old fortification, town)—

Chi C h i c a g o ; C h i c h e s t e r ;

dren from France and Ger- short form for such places as

China; Chinese

many set out to free the Holy Manchester, Winchester, and

Chi. China (whose capital is

Land); Children’s Opera even Tadcaster and Worcester


[Hansel and Gretel by Engel- Chet Chester

CHI Catastrophic Health Insur-

bert Humperdinck (1854– chev chevron

ance; Chicago; Chicago

1921)]; Children’s Hospital Chev Chevalier (French—

White Stockings (National

Chile R e p u b l i c o f C h i l e , Knight)

Association); Crouse-Hinds

República de Chile Cheviots Cheviot Hills be-

(stock-exchange symbol)

chilidog c h i l e - c o n - c a r n e tween England and Scotland

Chia Chiapas

sauced hotdog (frankfurter) Chevron Standard Oil of Cali-

CHIA Canadian Health Insur-

chili(es) chili pepper(s) fornia

Chillicothe Institute Chillico- Chev(y) Chevrolet

ance Association

CHIAA Crop-Hail Insurance

the Correctional Institute at Chewko Chewing Tobacco

Chillicothe, Ohio Company

Actuarial Association

Chillicothe School Tr a i n i n g Chey Cheyenne

chic cermet hybrid integrated

School for Girls at Chillico- chf congestive heart failure;

circuit; compact high inten-

the, Missouri critical heart flux

sity cooler

Chic Chicago

Chilterns Chiltern Hills of En-

Chf Chief; Crimean hemor- gland

Chicagorican Chicago Puerto

rhagic fever Chilton Chilton Book Com- Ch F Chaplain of the Fleet


pany CHF Carnegie Hero Fund; Co-

Chicano (diminutive nickname

for Mexicano)

chim chimica (Italian—chemis-

alition for Health Funding try); chimie (French—chem- CHFA California Housing Fi-

CHICC Community Health In-

istry) nance Agency

formation Classification and

Chimbo Chimborazo, Ecuador; ch-factor chutzpah factor (de-


Chimbote, Peru gree of guts or nerve)

Chich Chichester

Chi Met Chicago Metropolitan Chf Bkr Chief Baker; Chief

chick. chicken

Correctional Center Bookkeeper

Chick Chickering

CHI-MIA Chicago-Miami ChFC Chartered Financial

chickensand chicken sandwich

chimponaut chimpanzee astro- Consultant

chickenwich chicken sandwich

naut (primate used in space CHFC Carnegie Hero Fund

chick(s) chicken(s)

travel experiments) Commission

Chico Francisco

chimp(s) chimpanzee(s) Chf Engr Chief Engineer

Chicom Chinese communist

chin. chinchilla Chf Libr Chief Librarian

Chicos Chinese communists

chin chinesisch (German—Chi- Chf M Sgt Chief Master Ser-

Chi$ Chilean peso

nese) geant

Chin China; Chinese Chf Off Chief Officer

Chidic Chinese dictionary

Chin Chinese (world’s leading Chf Pur Chief Purser

Chief Chief Engineer

language in terms of num- Chf Stwd Chief Steward

CHIEF Controlled Handling of

bers) Chf Surg Chief Surgeon

Internal Executive Functions;

Customs Handling of Import

and Export Freight

CHIN Canadian Heritage In-

formation Network Chf Wt Ofcr Chief Warrant

China People’s Republic of Officer

ch fwd charges forward

Chih Chihuahua (inhabitants—

China (communist-controlled chg change; charge

Chihuahuenses, chihuahua

mainland); Republic of China Chg Chittagong

dogs characteristic of this

(nationalist island of Taiwan CHGC Committee for Hand


Chih. Chihuahua (Mexican

state or small dog)

once known as Formosa plus Matsu, Quemoy, and the Pen-

ghus or Pescadores chgd charged

Gun Control

chil children(’s)

CHINALIGHT C h i n a N a - Chgo Chicago

Chil Chile (whose capital is

tional Light-Industry Prod- chgph choreographer; choreo-


ucts Import and Export Cor- graphic; choreography

CHI-LAX Chicago—Los An-

poration (mainland China) chg pl change plane


China Nac China Nacionalista CH GR Chief Gunner

Chil Cur Chilean Current

(Spanish—Nationalist chgs charges

child (CHILD) children hav-

China)—offshore China also chh cartilage-hair hypoplasia

ing individual learning diffi-


known as Formosa or Taiwan

China Sea(s)


China Sea(s) East China Sea

chlamy chlamydia (sexually and South China Sea

ChiPs California Highway Pa-

transmitted bacterial infec- Chinat Chinese nationalist

trol cops

tion) CHINATEX China National

CHIPS Chemical Engineering

Chla Vsta Chula Vista Textiles Import and Export

Information Processing Sys-

chlb chlorobutanol Corporation (mainland

tem; Clearing House Inter-

Ch Lbr Chief Librarian China)

bank Payment System; Clear-

chldn. children CHINATIVE China National

ing Houses Interbank

ch-lkr chiffonier-locker Native Produce (mainland

Payments System (trade-

Ch lle Chapelle (French— China)

mark)—New York

Chapel) Chi Nats Chinese Nationalists

chir chiropody

chlor chloride; chlorination; CHINATUHSU C h i n a N a -

chir chirurgia (Italian—sur-

chlorine tional Trading Corporation


chloro chloroform; chloro- (mainland produce and ani-

Chir. Doc. Chirurgiae Doctor

phyll; chloroprene mal by-products)

(Latin—Doctor of Surgery)

Chiricahua Chiricahua Na-

chloro ch l o r u s ( G r e e k —

Chinese restaurant syndrome

green)—chlorine, chloro- monosodium glutamate (msg)

tional Monument in south-

phyll symptoms first associated

castern Arizona

chloroform trichloromethane with eating Chinese food con-

Chiricahuas C h i r i c a h u a

(CHC13) taining msg, resulting in chest

Mountains of Arizona

chloroprene synthetic rubber pain, dizziness, headache, and

Chiricano(s) Panamanian(s)

(C 4 H 5 Cl) numbness

chiro chirography; chiroprac-

chlw commercial high-level Chin J Phys Chinese Journal

tic; chiropractor

waste of Physics (Acta Physica Sin-

CHIRP Center to Help Instill

chm chamber; checkmate ica—Wuli Xuebao )

Respect and Preservation;

Chm Chairman; Chairwoman; CHINKUNG China National

Community Housing Im-

Choirmaster; Choirmistress Trading Corporation for Light

provement and Revitalization

Ch.M. Chirurgiae Magister Industrial Products (mainland


(Latin—Master of Surgery) China)

Chis Chiapas (inhabitants—

CHM Cleveland Health Mu- chins. children in need of su-


seum; Community of the pervision

CHI-SAN Chicago—San Di-

Holy Myrrhbearers Ch Insp Chief Inspector


C-H M Cooper-Hewitt Mu- Chinsyn Chinese-English syn-

CHI-SEA Chicago—Seattle

seum thesis-oriented machine

CHI-SFO Chicago—San Fran-

CH MAA Chief Master At translation system


Arms chinu chinook (warm, dry wind

Chish Chisholm

chmbl center high-mounted on the lee slope of a mountain

Chisox Chicago White Sox

brake light or mountain range)

(baseball team)

CHMC Children’s Hospital CHI-NY Chicago—New York

Chi Sym Chicago Symphony chit ch i t t y ( H i n d u s t a n i —

Medical Center (Boston) Chios English equivalent of

CHMDDA Cooper-Hewitt Mu- Khios island in the Aegean

voucher signed to cover small debts for drinks, food, to-

seum of Design and Decora- Chip Chipre (Portuguese or

tive Arts Spanish—Cyprus) CHIP Chieftain and Challenger

bacco, etc.)

ch-mir chiffonier-mirror Improvement Program; Chil-

CHMK Chung-Hua Min-Kuo (Republic of China) dren’s Health Insurance Plan;

Chita Conchita

Chi-Trib Chicago Tribune

chmn chairman Community Housing Im-

chiv chivalry

ChMNH Chicago Museum of provement Programme (New

chix chickens

Natural History Zealand)

Ch J Chief Justice

chmp chairperson CHIPDis Chicago Procure-

CHJM Carnegie Hall— Jeun-

Chn Cochin ment District (US Army)

esses Musicales

chn. children Chipitt Chicago-to-Pittsburgh

CHJMKHK Chung-Hua Jen-

Chn China (Spanish abbrevia- (complex of cities)

Min Kung-Ho Kuo (People’s

tion) chippy fish-and-chip shop

Republic of China)

CHN College of the Holy Chippy Chipping Norton, En-

chk check

Name; Community of the gland

chkpt checkpoint

Holy Name chips children in need of pro-

chkr checker

C-H-N carbon, hydrogen, nitro- tection and services

chl chain home low (radar);

gen, oxygen, phosphorus, sul- chips. coherent high-intensity

chloroform; confinement at

fur (compounds) photon source

hard labor

CHNAVPERS chief, Naval Chips ship’s carpenter

Chl Chalna

CHL Central Hockey League





Chris Christian(a); Christiana; Navy Section, Military Assis-

chor choral; choreographer;

Christina; Christopher tance Advisory Group

choreographist; choreogra-

CHRIS Cancer Hazards Rank- Chne C h a î n e ( F r e n c h —

phy; chorus; choruses

ing and Information System Chain)—mountain range

Chord Chordata

Chrissie Christina; Christine chngd changed

chorégr ch o r é g ra p h i e

Christ. Christian; Christianity; CHNOPS mnemonic for car-


Christmas bon, hydrogen, nitrogen, ox-

C Horn Cur Cape Horn Cur-

Christ Her Christian Herald ygen, phosphorus, sulfur


christie Christiania turn chns chains

chortle chuckle and snort

Chrlstn Charleston CHNS Cape Hatteras National

Chou Chou En-lai

Chrlstn SC Charleston, South Seashore (Buxton, North

cho/vac cholera vaccine

Carolina Carolina)

chovr changeover

chrm chrome CHNSRA Cape Hatteras Na-

chovy anchovy

Chrm Chairman; Chairwoman tional Seashore Recreational

chp child psychiatry; commu-

chrom (Latin prefix—color)— Area

nity health plan; comprehen-

chromatic, chromoplast, CHNSY C h a r l e s t o n N ava l

sive health plan(ning)

chromosome, chromosphere Shipyard (South Carolina)

Chp Chepstow

chromite iron chromate CHNT Community Health

ChP Choiseul Province (So-

chromolith c h r o m o l i t h o - Nurse Teacher/Tutor

lomon Islands)

graph(y) ChNZAgCo C h i n a N ew

Chp Chipre (Spanish—Cyprus)

chromo(s) c h r o m o l i t h o - Zealand Agricultural Con-

CHP California Highway Pa-

graph(s); chromosome(s) chron chronogram; chrono- cho (Cho) containers carried in


trol; Chihuahua Pacific (rail-

road—Ferrocarril de Chihua-


hua al Pacifico)

graph; chronology; chronom- eter; chronometry

ch/o child of

CH P Chief Paymaster CHPA California Highway Pa-

Chron C h ro n i c l e ( s ) — F i r s t Cho Chosen (Korea)

Book of Chronicles; Second CHO Cameron Highlanders of

trol Academy

Book of Chronicles alized formula); Christian

Ottawa; carbohydrate (gener-

chpae critical human perfor-

mance and evaluation

chrono chronologic(al)(1y); chronology; chronometer;

Haitian Outreach; Commu-

ch pd charges paid

chrono order chronological CHOBS Chief Observer (USN) choc chocolate

nity Health Organization

Chpn Chairperson


CHPP Cypress Hills Provincial

Park (Saskatchewan)


chro pltd chrome plated chocbar(s) chocolate bar(s)

Chrp Chairperson chocmalt chocolate malted

ch ppd charges prepaid

Chrs Chambers; Christians; milk

chpx chickenpox

Churches choco chocolate

chq cheque

CHRS Charming Shoppes In- chocs chocolate candies; choc-

CHq Corps Headquarters CHQ Company Headquarters

corporated olate drops; chocolates

Chrys Chrysler CHOD Chief of Defense

chr character; chrome; chro-

chrysanthemum n a t i o n a l i s t choirm choirmaster

mium; chromobacterium;

symbol of China and Japan; choke choke hold (bar hold or


symbol of the Orient Over- carotid hold)

c hr candle-hour

seas Line CHOKE Care How Others

chr. christened

chrysoberyl beryllium alumi- Keep the Environment

Chr Choir; Christ; Christ Col-

nate chol cholesterol

lege, Cambridge; Christian;

chrysocolla hydrous copper sil- chol (Latin prefix—bile)—


icate cholecyst, cholera, choles-

Chr Chronicles

chrysoprase chalcedony gem- terol(ic), cholic

CHR Commission on Human

stone chol est cholesterol esters

Rights; Connecticut Hard

chs chapters; crime on the high Cho Min Inm Kon C h o s u n

Rubber (company)

seas Minchu-chui Inmin Kongh-

CHRB California Horse Rac-

Chs Chambers; Charles; Ches- waguk (Democratic People’s

ing Board

ter Republic of Korea) North Ko-

Chr Coll C h r i s t C o l l eg e —

Ch of S Chamber of Shipping rea


C-H s Chediak-Higashi syn- CHOMPS Canine Home Pro-

chrg charge

drome tection System

CHRG Citizens Health Re-

CHS Canadian Hydrographic Chonos Chonos Islands

search Group

Service; Charleston, South CHOP Change of Operational

CHRIE Council on Hotel, Res-

Carolina (airport); Chicago Control

taurant, and Institutional Ed-

Historical Society; Childrens CHOPS Chief of Operations


chris. christened

Home Society; Citizens for



Highway Safety; Community

c/i carriage-to-interference (ra- Health Service (HEW); Com-

Chumley (British contrac-

tio); configuration interface munity of the Holy Spirit;


c/i (C/I) certificate of insurance Confederate Hammer Skins

CHUMS C a n c e r H o p e f u l s

c & i commercial & industrial; (neo-Nazi group, Dallas,

United for Mutual Support;

cost and insurance; cowboys Texas); Connecticut Herpeto-

Care and Help for Unmarried

logical Society; Cristobal and indians


High School; Curtis High Ci cirrus; curie (unit of activity

Chung Chungking

School in radiation dosimetry); input

Chung Min C h u n g - h u a

CHSA Chest, Heart, and Stroke capacitance

Minkuo (Mandarin Chi-

Ci cerveau isolé (French— iso- CH SB Chief Signal Boatswain

nese—Republic of China)—


lated intellect, intellectual) CH SCH Chief Schoolmaster

offshore China

Chunnel Channel Tunnel (un-

CI Carnegie Institute; Cayman ch’ship championship

Islands; Channel Islands; Ch Skr Chief Skipper

der the English Channel)

Chuqui Chuquicamata

Chlorine Institute; Color In- CHSL Cleveland Health Sci-

Chur Churchill College, Cam-

dex; Combustion Institute; ences Library


Communist International; Ch. Slav. Church Slavic

Churchill Sir Winston Chur-

Confidential Informant; Con- CHSM China Service Medal


servation International; Con- CHSS Children’s Hypnotic

chut cable households using tv

sumers Institute; Cotton In- Susceptibility Scale; Cooper-

(audience survey)

corporated; Cranberry ative Health Statistics System

’chute parachute

Institute; Crown of India, Im- Ch Supt Chief Superintendent

Chuuk Truk (Micronesian)

perial Order; Curtis Institute; cht cylinder head temperature

ch v check valve

Ivory Coast (Internet code) Cht Chittagong

chw chilled water; cladding

C.I. Lady of the Imperial Order chtg charting

hull waste; cold-and-hot wa-

of the Crown of India CHTNP Chittagong Hill Tracts

ter; constant hot water

C/I Certificate of Insurance; National Park (Bangladesh)

CHW Charleston, West Vir-

Consular Invoice cht tanks collect, hold, transfer

ginia (airport)

C & I Currier and Ives (raw sewage) tanks (used by

CH & W Canadian Health and

C of I Church of Ireland (Ro- naval vessels to overcome


man Catholic) harbor pollution when in port)

CHWA California Health and

CI Colour Index; Comédie-Ital- chu (CHU) central heating unit

Welfare Agency

ienne (Paris) Chu Centrigrade heat unit

Chwdn Churchwarden(ess)

cia captured in action; cash in CHU Christelijk-Historische

chx chiro-xylographic; chlor-

advance; chief inspector of Unie (Dutch-Christian His-


armaments; child(ren) in torical Union)—political

Chx Châteaux (French—wine

arms; computer interface party


adaptor CHUA Canadian Hail Under-

chy chimney

Cia Compagnia (Italian—Com- writers Association

C Hy Commission for Hydrol-

pany); Companhia (Portu- chub chubasco (violent storm


guese—Company); Com- on west coast of Guatemala

chyd churchyard

and Mexico) pañía (Spanish—Company)

Chy Div Chancery Division

Chub Chubut (Argentine prov- CIA Caribbean International

ci cardiac index; cardiac insuf-

ince) Airways; Catering Institute of

ficiency; cast iron; cerebral

Australia; Central Institute of Chugach Chugach National

infarction; chemotherapeutic

Chuck Charles

Australia; Central Intelli- Forest in Alaska

index; clonus index; coeffi-

gence Agency; Commerce Chugaches Chugach Moun-

cient of intelligence; colloidal

and Industry Association; tains of Alaska

iron; color index; compres-

sion ignition; confidential in-

Cook Island Airways; Correc- Chukchi Chukchi Peninsula

formant; contamination in-

tional Industries Association; and the Chukchi Sea in the

dex; contrast index; coronary

Cotton Insurance Associa- Arctic between Alaska and

insufficiency; cost and insur-

tion; Cowboy and Indian Al- Siberia where the peninsula is

ance; counterintelligence;

liance; Culinary Institute of located

criminal informant; crystal-

America Chulajuana Chula Vista-Ti-

line insulin; cubic inch

CIA Comité International juana area of southwestern-

ci (CI) clinical investigator;

d’Auschwitz (French—Inter- most California and north-

consular invoice; cooperative

national Auschwitz Commit- westernmost Tijuana

individual (informant)

tee); Conseil International CHUM Computing and the Hu-

c-i criminal-investigation

des Archives (French—Inter- manities

ci. child

c.i. (C.I.) consular invoice

national Council on Archives)



CIAA Cheese Importers Asso-

mation Centre; Community ciation of America; College

CIB California Industries for

Information Centre(s); Con- Inventory of Academic Ad-

the Blind; Canadian Infantry

sumer Information Center justment; Coordinator Inter-

Brigade; Canadian Interna-

(Pueblo, Colorado 81009); American Affairs

tional Bank; Central Intelli-

Continental Insurance Com- CIAB Canadian Immigration

gence Board; Cognac Infor-

panies; Cooperative Insur- Appeal Board

mation Bureau; Combat

Infantryman Badge; Com-

ance Corporation; Council of

C iac Campania (Spanish—com-

I n d e p e n d e n t C o l l eg e s ; pany)

monwealth Investment Bank;

Counter-Intelligence Corps; CIAC Canadian Independent

Criminal Intelligence Bureau;

Coupon Information Center; Adjusters Conference; Career

Criminal Investigation Bu-

Crime Intelligence Center; Information and Counseling


Criminal Investigation Com- (USAF)

CIB COBOL Information Bul-

mand; Critical Issues Coun- CIAL Communauté Internatio-

letin (USAF)

cil; Curacao Information nale des Associations de la

CIBA Corporation of Insurance

Center; Customer Identifica- Librairie (French—Interna-

Brokers of Australia

tion Code tional Community of Book-

CIBC Canadian Imperial Bank

CIC Comité International de la sellers’ Associations)

of Commerce; Council on In-

Conserve (French—Interna- CIAM Computerized, Inte-

terracial Books for Children

tional Canning Committee); grated, Automated, Manufac-

CIBG Canadian Infantry Bri-

Conseil International des turing

gade Group

Compositeurs (French—In- CIAM Congreso Internacional

cibha congenital inclusion

body hemolytic anemia

ternational Council of Com-

posers); Consejo Interameri- (Spanish—International Con-

de Arquitectura Moderna

cibhp closed-in-bottom hole

cano Cultural (Spanish— gress of Modern Architec-


Interamerican Cultural Coun- ture)

cil); Cymdeithas yr laith CIANY Commerce and Indus-

CIBNC Cook Islands Broad-

Cymraeg (Welsh Language try Association of New York

casting and Newspaper Cor-


Society) CIAO Congress of Italian-

CICA Canadian Institute of American Organizations

CIBNZ Corporation of Insur-

Chartered Accountants; CIAP Comité Interamericano

ance Brokers of New Zealand

CIBS Chartered Institution of

Building Services; Cosmetic

Council of International Civil

Aviation greso (Spanish—Inter-Amer-

de la Alianza para el Pro-

CICA Centro de Investiga- ican Committee of the Alli-

Industry Buyers and Suppli-

ciones Ciencias Agronómicas ance for Progress)—ICAP


(Spanish—Agronomic Sci- CIAPS Customer-Integrated

cic cardio-inhibitor center;

ences Investigation Center) Automated Procurement Sys-

cloud in cell; command input

CICAR Cooperative Investiga- tem

coupler; critical item code

tions of the Caribbean CIAS California Institute of

Cic Marcus Tullius Cicero

a n d A d j a c e n t R eg i o n s Asian Studies; Council for In-

CIC Calcium Information Cen-

ter; Canadian Intelligence


CICAS Computer-Integrated CIASSR Cecheno-Ingush Au-

Corps; Career Initiatives Cen-

ter-American Security

Command-and-Attack Sys- tonomous Soviet Socialist

ter; Caribbean Investment

tems Republic

Corporation; Cedar Rapids &

Iowa City (railroad); Center

CICB Criminal Injuries Com- CIAT Communications Instal-

pensation Board lation Advisory Team

for Instructional Communica-

tions (Syracuse University);

CICC California Institute of CIAT Centro Interamericano

Central Inspection Commis-

sion; Central Intelligence

Color Consulting; Criminal

Injuries Compensation Com- ios (Inter-American Center of

de Administradores Tributar-

Center; Change Identification

mission (Hawaii) Revenue Administrators);

Control; Chemical Institute of

CICCU Cambridge Inter-Col- Centro Internacional de Agri-

Canada; Combat Information

legiate Christian Union cultura Tropical (Spanish—

Center; Combat Intelligence

CICESE Centro Investigación International Center of Trop-

Center; Combined Intelli-

y Educación Superior de ical Agriculture)

gence Committee; Command

Ensenada (Spanish—Center CIAU Canadian Interuniversity

Information Center; Com-

of Investigation and Higher Athletic Union

mander-in-Chief; Commis-

Education of Ensenada) CIAW Commission on Inter-

sion on Interracial Coopera-

Cicestr. Cicestrensis (Latin—of collegiate Athletics for

tion; Committee on

Chichester) Women

Institutional Cooperation;

CICI Composite Index of Co- cib. cibus (Latin—food)

Commonwealth Industrial

Court; Commonwealth Infor-

incident Indicators



CICJ Comité International

CIDH Comisión Interameri- pour la Coop ération des

CICYP Consejo Interameri-

cana de Derechos Humanos Journalistes (French—Inter-

cano de Comercio y Produc-

(Spanish—Inter-American national Committee for the

ción (Spanish—Interameri-

Commission of Human Cooperation of Journalists)

can Council of Commerce

Rights) CICMA Canadian Insurance

and Production)

cidi crimping die Claims Managers Association

cid cash in drawer; charge-in-

cidnp chemically induced dy- CICO Combat Information

jection device; chick infective

namic nuclear polarization Center Office(r)

dose; commercial item de-

CIDOC Centro Intercultural de CICOM Centro de Comercial-

scription; cubic-inch dis-

Documentación (Spanish— ización Nacional e Interna-


Intercultural Documentation cional (Spanish—Center of

cid (CID) cytomegalic inclu-

Center) National and International

sion disease

cids cellular immunity defi- Marketing)

CID Center for Industrial De-

ciency syndrome CICP Capital Investment Com-

velopment; Central Institute

CIDS Chemical Information puter Program; Center Pro-

for the Deaf; Change in De-

and Data System gram(ming); Committee to

sign; Classification of In-

cidstat civil disturbance status lems

structional Disciplines; Com-

(USA reporting activity) CICRIS Cooperative Industrial

Investigate Copyright Prob-

mission for International

cie coherent infrared energy; and Commercial Reference

Development; Committee for

Imperial Defence; Council

counter immunoelectrophore- and Information Service

sis; customer-initiated entry; CICs Community Inprovement

for Independent Distribution;

customs input entry Corpsmen; Community Im-

Criminal Investigation De-

partment (Scotland Yard);

Cie Compagnie (French— provement Corpswomen

Ciminal Investigation Divi-

company) CIC’s Change Information

sion; Counterintelligence Di-

CIE Center for Independent Control (numbers)


Education; Chrysler Institute CICS Committee for Index

CID Centre d’Information et de

of Engineering; Cleveland In- Cards for Standards; Cus-

Documentation (French—

stitute of Electronics; Com- tomer Information and

Center for Information and

monwealth Institute of Ento- Control System; trademark of


mology; Companion of the International Business Ma-

Colegio Interamericano de

Order of the Indian Empire chines

Defensa (Spanish—Inter-

C.I.E. Companion of the Order CICSB Coalition of Indian-

American Defense College)

of the Indian Empire Controlled School Boards

cida cometary and interstellar

CIE Centro de Informções do CICS/VS Customer Informa-

dust analyzer

Exército (Portuguese—Mili- tion Control System/Virtual

CIDA Canadian International

tary Intelligence Center)— Storage

Development Agency

Brazil; Comité Interameri- CICT Commission on Interna-

CIDA Comité Interamericano

cano de Educación (Span- tional Commodity Trade

de Desarollo Agricola (Span-

ish—Inter-American Com- CICT Conseil International du

ish—Inter-American Com-

mittee of Education); Cinéma et de la Té1évision

mittee of Agricultural Devel-

Commission Internationale (French—International


D’Eclairage (French—Inter- Council of Cinema and Tele-

CIDALC Comité International

national Commission on vision)

du Cinéma d’Enseignement et

Light) cicu cardiology intensive care

de la Culture (French—Inter-

CIEA California Indian Educa- unit (CICU); computer-inte-

national Committee of Film

tion Association grated converter unit; coro-

Education and Culture)

CIEA Centro Internacional de nary intensive care unit

CIDC Cyogenic Information

Estudios Agricolas (Span- (CICU)

and Data Section; Curriculum

ish—International Center of CICU Commission for Inde-

and Instructional Develop-

Agricultural Studies) pendent Colleges and Univer-

ment Center

CIEBM Committee on the In- sities

cide (Latin suffix—destroy)—

terplay of Engineering with CICUNM Council of Indepen-

germicide, insecticide

Biology and Medicine dent Colleges and Universi-

CIDEM Consejo Interameri-

CIEC Centre International ties of New Mexico

cano de Música (Spanish—

d’études Criminologiques CICUP Commission for Inde-

Inter-American Music Coun-

(French—International Cen- pendent Colleges and Univer-


ter of Criminological Studies) sities of Pennsylvania

CIDG Civilian Irregular De-

CIECC Consejo Interameri- CICV Council of Independent

fense Groups; Civil Indige-

cano para la Educación, la Colleges in Virginia

nous Defense Group (Viet-


Ciencia, y la Cultura (Span-



ish—Inter-American Council

CIFF Cannes International for Education, Science, and

CIET Centro Interamericano

Film Festival; Comprehen- Culture)

de Estudios Tributarios

sive International Freight For- CIEE Companion of the Insti-


warders tution of Electrical Engineers;

Center of Revenue Studies)

cif & i cost, insurance, freight, Council on International Ed-

CIETA Calcutta Import and

and interest ucational Exchanges

Export Trade Association

CIETA Centre International

CIFIUS Current Interagency

Cie Gle Transadantique

Committee on Foreign Invest- Compagnie Générale Trans-

d’Etude des Textiles Anciens

ment in the United States atlantique (French Line)

(French—International Cen-

cifLt cost, insurance, and CIEM Conseil International

ter for the Study of Ancient

pour l’Exploration de la Mer freight, London terms


(French—International Com- CIFO Catalogue of Interface

cif cash in fist; central in-

Features and Options the Sea)

dex(ing) file; central integra-

mission for the Exploration of

cig cigarette CIEN Comisión Interameri-

tion facility; corporate in-

come fund; cost, insurance,

CIG Comité International de cana de Energía Nuclear

and freight; customer infor-

Géophysique (French—Inter- (Spanish—Inter-American

mation file

national Geophysics Com- Commission for Nuclear En-

CIF California Interscholastic

mittee); Commonwealth In- ergy)

Federation; Canadian Insti-

dustrial Gases CIENES Centro Interameri-

tute of Forestry; Construction

CIGA Compagnia Italiana dei cano de Enseñaza de Estadís-

Industry Foundation

Grandi Alberghi (Italian— tica (Spanush—Inter-Ameri-

CIF Commission Interaméri-

Italian Great Hotels Com- can Center for the Study of

caine des Femmes (French—

pany) Statistics)

Interamerican Commission of

CIGAR Common Interactive CIENT Cambridge and Isle of

Women); Conseil Interna-

Graphics Application Routine Ely Naturalist Trust (En-

tional des Femmes (French—

(USA) gland)

International Council of

CIGGT Canadian Institute of CIEO Catholic International


Guided Ground Transporta- Education Office

CIFA Courtauld Institute of

tion ciep counterimmunoelectro-

Fine Arts

CIGNA Connecticut General phoresis

cifane cost, insurance, freight,

CIEP Council on International

and slight difference in ex-

Corporation combined with

Economic Policy the Insurance Company of


CIER Centro Interamericano North America

CIFAR Central Institute of For-

CI Gov Cook Islands Govern- ish—Inter-American Center

ment of Rural Education)

de Educación Rural (Span-

eign Affairs Research

CIFAS Consortium Industriel

CIGS Chief of the Imperial CIES Comparative and Interna-

Franco-Allemand pour Sym-

General Staff (Great Britain) tional Education Society;

phonie (French—Franco-

cigsmug cigarette smuggler Council for International Ex-

German Industrial Consor-

CIGTF Central Inertial Guid- change of Scholars

tium for Symphonie)—com-

ance Test Facility CIES Consejo Interamericano Economico y Social (Span-

munication satellite linking systems between points in Af-

perglyceridemia ish—Inter-American Eco- nomic and Social Council)

rica, the Americas, Europe,

cih carbohydrate-induced hy-

and the Middle East

cif & c cost, insurance, freight,

CIH Central India Horse; Cer- tified Industrial Hygienist

CIESMM Commission Interna-

and commission CIFC Council for the Investi-

CIHR Clinical Institute for Hu- tional pour l’Exploration Sci-

man Relations entifique de la Mer Méditer-

gation of Fertility Control

ranée (French-International

CII Chartered Insurance Insti- Commission for the Scientific

cif & e cost, insurance, freight,

tute; Coffee Information In- Exploration of the Mediterra-

and exchange

stitute; Combat Information nean Sea)

cifci (CIF and C & I) cost, in-

Intelligence; Council of Inter- CIESPAL Centro Internacional

surance freight (plus) com-

mission and interest

national Investigators

CIIA Canadian Institute of In- riodismo para America Lat-

de Estudios Superiores de Pe-

CIFE Central Index File—Eu-

ternational Affairs ina (Spanish—International

rope; Combined Intelligence,

CIIB Consumers Insurance In- Center for Advanced Studies

Far East

formation Bureau of Journalism in Latin Amer-

CIFEJ Centre International du

CIIC Chemical Industry Insti- ica)

Film pour l’Enfance et la Jeu-

tute of Toxicology; Counter CIESS Chief Inspector of Engi-

nesse (French—International

Intelligence Interrogation neer and Signal Stores

Center of Films for Children

and Young People)




C ˘ ASoedinennye Shtaty

CIMMYT Centro Internacional Ameriki (Russian—United

for Industry and Manpower;

de Mejoramiento de Maíz y States of America)—U.S.A.

Computer Integrated Manu-

Trigo (Spanish—Interna- c-i info criminal-investigation

facture; Computer-Integrated

tional Center for the Improve- information

Manufacturing; Curtis Insti-

ment of Corn and Wheat) CIIR Central Institute for In-

tute of Music; Council of In-

CIMP Conseil International de dustrial Research

dependent Managers

l a M u s i q u e Po p u l a i re CIIS California Institute of In-

C & IM Chicago & Illinois

(French—International Folk ternational Studies

Midland (railroad)

Music Council) CIIT Chemical Industry Insti-

CIM Centro Italiano della

CIMR Commander’s Internal tute of Toxicology

Moda (Italian—Italian Fash-

Management Review cij control joint

ion Center); Conseil Interna-

cims chemical ionization mass CIJ Consejo Interamericano de

tional de la Musique

spectrometry Jurisconsultos (Spanish—In-

(French—International Mu-

CIMS Computer-Integrated ter-American Council of Le-

sic Council); Consejo Inter-

Manufacturing System; Con- gal Consultants)

nacional de Mujeres (Span-

vair Integrated Management CIJE Current Index to Journals

ish—International Council of

System in Education

CIMTP Congrés International CIKCU Council of Indepen-


CIMA Certified Investment

de Médecine Tropicale et de dent Kentucky Colleges and

Paludisme (French— Interna- Universities

Management Analyst; Con-

tional Congress of Tropical cil control interpreter language;

struction Industry Manufac-

Medicine and Malaria) core-image libray; currentin-

turers Association; Coordi-

cimu compatibility-integration hibit logic Cil Cilicap

n a t e d I nve s t i g a t i o n o f

mockup cin cervical intra-epithelial neo- CIL Canadian Industries Lim-

Micronesian Anthropology

Cimabue Cenni di Pepo

plasia; code identification ited; Center for Independent

cimb cimbalom (Hungarian—

number; component identifi- Living; Commissioner of


cation number; cost item Irish Lights; Council for In-

CIMB Construction Industry

number terinstitutional Leadership

Management Board

cin (CIN) c o m m u n i c a t i o n C/I/L Computer/Informationl

CIMBA Contractor Installation

identification navigation Library Sciences

Make-or-Buy Authorization

c in insulin clearance cila casualty insurance logistics

CIMC California Institution for

cin cinéma (French—motion automated

Men in Chino (state prison);

picture theater) CILA Centro Interamericano

Certified Investment Manage-

ment Consultant; Com-

Cin Cincinnati

CIN Change Incorporation No- ish—Inter-American Center

de Libros Académicos (Span-

mander’s Internal Manage-

tice; Change Instrumentation of Academic Books)

ment Conference

Notice; Cooperative Informa- CILES Central Information Li-

CIMC Colegio Interamericano

tion Network brary and Editorial Section

Médicos y Cirujanos (Span-

CIN Chemical Industry Notes Cilla Priscilla

ish—Interamerican College

CINAT Cook Islands National cilop conversion in lieu of pro-

of Physicians and Surgeons)

Art Theatre curement

cimco card image correction

CINB & T Continental Illinois CILSA Chief Inspector of Land

CIMCO Congo International

National Bank and Trust Service Ammunition

Management Corporation

Cinc Cincinnati CILT Center for Information

CIME Council of Industry for

C-in-C Commander-in-Chief on Language and Teaching

CINC Commander-in-Chief cim capital investment model;

Management Education

CINCAF C o m m a n d e r- i n - communication-interface

CI Mech E Companion of the

Chief, Allied Forces module(s); computer-input

Institution of Mechanical En-

CINCAFE C o m m a n d e r- i n microfilm(ing); computer-in-


Chief, Air Forces Europe tegrated manufacturing; con-

CIMIC Civilian Military Co-

CINCAFLANT Commander- ductance-increase mecha-


in-Chief, Air Force Atlantic nism; continuous-image

CIMIS California Irrigation

Command microfilm(ing)

Management Information

CINCAFMED Commander- CIM California Institution for


in-Chief, Allied Forces Med- Men; Canadian Institute of

cimm constant-impedance me-

iterranean Management; Canadian Insti-

chanical modulation

CINCAFSTRIKE C o m - tute of Mining; Canadian In-

CIMM Canadian Institute of

mander-in-Chief, Air Force stitute of Music; Channel Is-

Mining and Metallurgy

Strike Command land Militia; Chief Inspector

CIMMS Civilian Information

CINCAL C o m m a n d e r- i n - of Machinery; Commission

Manpower Management Sys-

tem (USN)

Chief, Alaskan Command



CINC ATL FLT Commander-

cins child(ren) in need of super- in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet

CINCSOUTH Commander-in-

vision CINCEASTLANT C o m -

Chief, Southern Europe

CINS CENTO Institute of Nu- mander-in-Chief, Eastern At-


clear Science lantic

in-Chief, United States Strike

Cin Sym Cincinnati Symphony CINCENT C o m m a n d e r- i n -


CINTA Compañía Nacional del Chief, Central Europe

CINCSWPA Commander-in-

Turismo (Spanish—National CINCEUR C o m m a n d e r- i n -

Chief, South-West Pacific

Travel Company)—Chilean Chief, Europe


Airline CINCHAN Commander-in-

CINCUKAIR Commander-in-

Cinty Cincinnati Chief—Channel (NATO)

Chief, United Kingdom Air

CINVA Centro Interamericano CINCHF C o m m a n d e r- i n -


de Vuvienda y Planteamiento Chief, Home Fleet (British)

CINCUNC C o m m a n d e r- i n -

(Spanish—Inter-American CINCHOMEFLT C o m -

Chief, United Nations Com-

Center of Housing and Plan- mander-in-Chief, United


ning) Kingdom Home Fleet

CINCUSAFE Commander-in-

cio central input/output (multi- Cinci Cincinnati

Chief, United States Air

plexer) CINCIBERLANT C o m -

Forces in Europe

CIO Careers Information Of- mander-in-Chief, Iberian At-


ficer (recruiter); Chief Infor- lantic

mander-in-Chief United

mation Officer; Church Infor- Cincin Cincinnati

States Air Force, Atlantic

mation Offlce(r); Congress of CINCLANT Commander-in-


Industrial Organizations Chief, Atlantic


CIO Commission Internation- CINCLANTFLT Commander-

States Air Force Strike

CINCWA C o m m a n d e r- i n -

ale d’Optique (French—In-

in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet ternational Optical Commis-

Chief Western Approaches

CINCMEAFSA Commander- sion)


in-Chief, Middle East, South- CIOCS Communications In-

mander-in-Chief, Western At-

east Asia, Africa South of the put-Output Control System


Sahara CIOMS Council for the Inter- CINCMED Commander-in-

Cincy Cincinnati

Cindy Cinderella; Cynthia

national Organization of

Chief, Mediterranean Medical Sciences

cine cinema; cinematography

CINCMELF Commander-in- ciopw charcoal, ink, oil, pencil,

CINE Council on International

Chief, Middle-East Land and watercolor (title of a

Nontheatrical Events

Forces book illustrated and written

CINECA Cooperatiive Investi-

CINCNELM Commander-in- by e e cummings in 1931)

gation of the Eastern Central

Chief, U.S. Naval Forces in CIOSL Confederación Interna-


Europe, the Eastern Atlantic, cional de Organizaciones

cinemactor cinema actor

and the Mediterranean Sindicales Libres (Spanish—

cinemactress cinema actress

CINCNORAD Commander- International Confederation

cinerama cinematic panorama

of Free Trade Union Organi- in-Chief, North American De-

(three-dimensional film)

zations) fense Command

CINFAC Counterinsurgency

CINCNORTH C o m m a n d e r- cip cast-iron pipe; cataloging in

Information Analysis Center

publication; certified inhala- in-Chief, Northern Europe

CINFO Chief of Information

tion protection; cipher CINCONAD Commander-in-

CINM Channel Islands Na-

cip (CIP) capital investment Chief, Continental Air De-

tional Monument (Southern

program; commercially im- fense Command


portant passenger CINCPAC C o m m a n d e r- i n -

cinn cinnabar

C i P Cataloging in Publication Chief, Pacific

Cinn Cincinnati

(Library of Congress pro- CINCPACFLT Commander-

cinna cinnamon

gram) in-Chief, Pacific Fleet

cinnabar m e r c u r i c s u l fi d e

CIP Canadian International Pa- CINCRDAF Commander-in-


per; Career Internship Pro- Chief, Royal Danish Air

Cinn Sym Orch C i n c i n n a t i

gram; Carriage/Freight and Force

Symphony Orchestra

Insurance Paid (to); Catalog- CINCRDN C o m m a n d e r- i n -

CINO Chief Inspector of Naval

ing-in-Publication; Chartered Chief, Royal Danish Navy


Investment Planner; Citizens CINCRNAF Commander-in-

CINOA Confédération Interna-

Involvement Project; Civilian Chief, Royal Norwegian Air

tional des Négociants en Oeu-

Institution Program; Commu- Force

vres d’Art (French—Interna-

nications and Information CINCRNORN Commander-

tional Confederation of Art

Policy; Composite Interface in-Chief, Royal Norwegian


Program; Consolidated Intel- Navy

CINPDis Cincinnati Procure-

ment District (US Army)

ligence Program; Cook Is-



lands Party; Coordinated In-

CIRADS Counter-Insurgency strument Package; Cost

CIPM Council for International

Research and Development Improvement Proposal

Progress in Management

System CIP Comisión Interamericana

Cipo Cipriano

CIPO Conseil International

cir ant. circular antenna

cir bkr circuit breaker American Peace Commis-

de Paz (Spanish—Inter-

pour la Préservation des

circ circle; circular; circulate; sion)

Oiseaux (French—Interna-

circulation; circumcision; cir- CIPA Canadian Industrial Pre-

tional Council for the Preser-

cumference; circumferen- paredness Association; Char-

vation of Birds)

tial(ly); circumstance; circus tered Institute of Patent

CIPP Cataloging-in-Publica-

Circ Circimus; Circle; Circus Agents; Committee for Inde-

tion Program (Library of

CIRC Central Information pendent Political Action

Congress); Comprehensive

Reference and Control; CIPAC Collaborative Interna-

Income and Price Policy

Cross Interleave Reed-So- tional Pesticides Analytical

CIPP Conseil Indo-Pacifique

lomon Code Council (UK)

des Pêches (French—IndoPa-

CIRC Centre International de CIPASH Committee for an In-

cific Fisheries Council)

Recherché sur le Cancer ternational Program in the At-

CIPR Commission Internation-

(French—International Cen- mospheric Sciences and Hy-

ale de Protection Contre les

ter for Cancer Research) drology

Radiations (French—Interna-

CIRCA Computerized Infor- cipc cast-in-place concrete

tional Commission on Radio-

mation Retrieval and Current CIPC Christmas Island Phos-

logical Protection)

Awareness phate Commission

CIPRA Cast-Iron Pipe Re-

circad circadic; circadian; cir- CIPCE Centré d’Information et

search Association

CIPRA Commission Interna-


circal circuit analysis Fer Européens (French—In-

de Publicité des Chemins de

tional pour la Protection des

CIRCALS Circle Analysis formation and Publicity Cen-

Régions Alpines (French—In-

System ways)

ternational Commission for

CIRCAS Contract Information CIPE Center for International

ter of the European Pail-

the Protection of Alpine Re-


Retrieval and Cost Account-

ing System Private Enterprise

CIPREC Canadian Institute of

Circi Circinus (Latin—Pair-of- CIPE Centro Interamericano

Public Real Estate Compa-

Compasses constellation) para la Promoción de las Ex-


CIPs Commercially Important

portaciones (Spanish—Inter-

circltr circular letter American Center for the Pro-


circs circumstances motion of Exports); Consejo

CIPS Canadian Information

circum circumcision; circum- Internacional de la Pelicula

Processing Society

CIPT Canadian Institute for the


circum (Latin prefix—around)— national Council for Educa-

de Ensena (Spanish—Inter-

Prevention of Torture

circumnavigation tional Films)

CIQ Customs, Immigration,

circum haema circumorbital CIPEC Conseil Intergouvern-


haematoma (a black eye) mental des Pays Exportateurs

cir circle; circuit; circular

cir. circa (Latin—about)

Circumv Stz Circumvesuvi-

ana Stazione (Neapolitan rail- ernmental Council of Copper-

de Cuivre (French—Intergov-

cIR crime on Indian Reserva-

road station serving Hercu- Exporting Nations)

laneum, Mt Vesuvius, and CIPFA Chartered Institute of


Pompeii) Public Finance and Accoun-

Cir Circimus; Circinis (constel-

Circus circular intersection tancy

lation); Circle; Circus

(Oxford Circus, Piccadilly ciph cipher

CIR Commission on Intergov-

Circus, St Giles Circus, etc.) CIPHER Calculations of Pa-

ernmental Relations; Com-

missioner of Internal Reve-

circuscade circus parade tient and Hospital Education

nue; Consumer Information

CIREI Commercial Investment Resources

Report; Cost Information Re-

Real Estate Institute ciphony enciphered telephony

port; Court of industrial Rela-

Ciren Cirencester (Sisister) CIPL Canada India Pakistan

tions; Current Industrial Re-

CI Rep Communist Interna- Line; Commission of Inquiry


tional Representative into Public Libraries (Austra-

CIRA Committee on Interna-

CIRES Chief Inspector of lian)

tional Reference Atmosphere;

Royal Engineers Stores; Co- CIPL Comité International

Conference of Industrial Re-

operative Institute for Re- Permanent de Linguistes

search Associations

search in Environmental (French—Permanent Interna-

CIRA Centro Interamericano

Studies tional Committee of Lin-

de Reforma Agraria (Span-

CIRF Corn Industries Research guists)

ish—Inter-American Center

of Agrarian Reform)




CIRF Centre International

CISL Confederazione Italiana d’Information et de Recher-

Cost Inspection Service;

Sindacati Lavoratori (Ital- che sur la Formation Profes-

Council for Inter-American

ian—Confederation of Labor sionelle (French—Vocational

Security; Cranbrook Institute

Syndicates) Training and Research Cen-

of Science

CISLE Centre International ter)

CIS-12 Commonwealth of 12

des Syndicalistes Libres en CIRIA Construction Industry

Independent States (Armenia,

Exil (French—International Research and Information

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,

Center of Free Trade Union- Association

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,

ists in Exile) CIRIEC Canadian Interna-

Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan,

cislun cislunar; cislunarian; cis- tional Centre of Research and

Turkmenistan, Ukraine,

lunarite Information on Public and


CISPES Committee in Solidar- Cooperative Economy

CISA Canadian Industrial

ity with the People of El Sal- Range-Instrumentation Sys-

Safety Association; Cook Is-

CIRIS Completely Integrated

vador tem (NASA)

lands Sports Association;

CISR Center for International CIRJP Commission on Inter-

Council for Independent

Systems Research; Common- national Rules of Judicial

School Aid

wealth Inscribed Stock Regis- Procedure

CISA Commission Internation-

ale pour le Sauvetage Alpin

try CIRM Centro Internazionale

(French—International Com-

CISS Computerized Informa- Radio-Médico (Spanish— In-

mission for Alpine Rescue)

tion Storage System ternational Medical Radio

CISAC Confédération Interna-

Cissie Cecilia Center); Comissão Intermin-

tionale des Auteurs et Com-

Cissy Cecilia isterial de Recursos do Mar

positeurs (French—Interna-

Cist Cistercian (Portuguese—Interministe-

tional Federation of Authors

CISTI Canada Institute of Sci- rial Commission for the Re-

and Composers)

entifiic and Technical Educa- sources of the Sea)

cisam compressed index se-

tion CIRO Consolidated Industrial

quential access method

CISV Children’s International Relations Office

CISC Commission for Investi-

Summer Village CIRP City Improvement and

gation of Special Crimes;

cit citation; cited; citizen(ship); Restoration Program; Coop-

Complex Instruction Set

citrate; a citric acid; compres- erative Institutional Research

Computer; Complex Instruc-

sion in transit; computer in- Program

tion Set Computing

terface terminition; configu- CIRS Certified Insurance Re-

CISCA Ceilings and Interior

ration identification table(s); habilitation Specialist

Systems Construction Asso-

counterintelligence team CIRVIS Communication In-


cit (CIT) call-in time structions for Reporting Vital

Cisco San Francisco

cit citat (Dano-Norwegian— ufo’s from aircraft)

CISCO Civil Service Catering

quotation) cis carcinoma in situ; catalog-

Intelligence Sightings (of

Organization; Commercial

Cit Citadel ing in source; central inhibi-

and Industrial Security Cor-

poration (Singapore)

CIT Calcutta Improvement tory state; contact image sen-

cisd critical incident stress de-

Trust; California Institute of sor


Technology (Cal Tech); Car- cis (CIS) cataloging in source

CISE Colleges, Institutes, and

negie Institute of Technology; ci’s conflict indicators

Schools of Education (Li-

Case Institute of Technology; Cis Cecilia

brary Association)

Center for Information Tech- CIs Current Investigations

CISF Confédération Interna-

nology; Central Institute of CIS Cancer Information Ser-

tionale des Sages-Femmes

Technology; Chartered Insti- vice; Career Information Sys-

(French—International Con-

tute of Transport; Coal Indus- tem; Catholic Information

federation of Midwives)

try Tribunal (Australian); Society; Center for Interna-

CISHEC Chemical Industry

Conference of Interpreter tional Studies (MIT); Central

Safety and Health Council

Trainers; Continental Inclu- Industrial Secretariat; Central

CISI Command Inspection

sive Tour; Counterintelli- Instructor School; Chartered

System Inspection (USAF)

gence Team; Court of Interna- Industries of Singapore;

CISI Compagnie Internation-

tional Trade; Cranfield Chartered Institute of Secre-

ale de Service et Information

Institute of Technology taries; Commonwealth of In-

(French—International Ser-

CIT Compagnia Italiana di dependent States; Communi-

vice and Information Com-

Turismo (Italian—Italian cations and Information


Travel Bureau) Systems; Congressional In-

CISIR Ceylon Institute of Sci-

CITA Commercial-Industrial- dexing Service; Congres-

entific and Industrial Re-

Type Activity; Cook Islands sional Information Service;


Cisister Cirencester, England

Tourist Authority



CITAB Computer Instruction

CIWS Close-in Weapons Sys- and Training Assistance for

citrine false topaz (quartz with

tem the Blind

ferric iron)

CIX Commercial Internet Ex- CIT (ARIA) Commission on

cits central integrated test sys-



Ci(x) cosine integral (American Risk and Insur-

I n s u r a n c e Te r m i n o l o g y

CITS C h i n a I n t e r n a t i o n a l

cixa constant infusion excretory ance Association)

Travel Service

urogram CITARS Crop Identification

CITT Canadian Institute of

cj clip joint; conjectural; con- Technology Assessment for

Traffic and Transportation

struction joint Remote Sensing (NATO)

citu (CITU) coronary inten-

CJ Chief Justice; Civil Jail; CITB Construction Industry

sive-care unit

County Judge; Court of Judi- Training Board

Cit U City University

ciary CITC Canadian Institute of

City The City—business and fi-

C of J Collector of Junk Timber Construction; Cook

nancial section of London

CJ Computer Journal Islands Trading Corporation

City Ed City Editor

CJA Carpenters and Joiners of cite. compression ignition and

CIU Central Interpretation

America; Criminal Justice turbine engine

Unit; Coopers’ International

Act CITE Consolidated Index of

Union; Criminal Intelligence

CJA Criminal Justice Abstracts Translations into English; Co-

Unit (police)

C-jam cocaine ordinating Information for

CIUL Council for Interna-

CJB Constructors John Brown Texas Educators; Council of

tional Urban Liaison

(British shipbuilders) the Institute of telecommuni-

CIUS Conseil International des

CJC Colby Junior College; cation Engineers; Current In-

U n i o n s S c i e n t i fi q u e s

Community Junior College neers


formation on Tapes for Engi-

Council of Scientific Unions)

CJC Corpus Juris Canonici

(Latin—Code of Canon Law) CITEL Comisión Interameri-


civil; civilian; civilization;

CJCA California Junior Col- cana de Telecomunicaciones

civilize CIV Central Inspectorate of

lege Association (Spanish—Inter-American

Vehicles; City Imperial Vol-

Telecommunication Commis-

unteers (London); Common-

CJCiv Corpus Juris Civilis (Latin—Code of Civil Law)


CJCs Criminal Justice Coun- Teacher Education Projects

wealth Institute of Valuers

CITEP C a n a d i a n I n d i a n

cils CITES Convention on Interna-

CIV Commission Internation-

ale du Verre (French—Inter-

national Glass Commission)

CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease C-J disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob

tional Trade in Endangered

CIVA Cook Islands Visitors As-



disease cje corretaje (Spanish—broker-

CITGO Cities Service Gulf Oil

Civ Air NM Civil Aircraft Na-

age) cithp closed-in tubing head

CJE Citizens for Jobs and En- pressure

tional Marking(s)

civd cold-induced vasodilation

ergy CJF Carlos J. Finley Citibank First National City

Citi Citibank

Civ E Civil Engineering

civ eng civil engineering Civ Eng Civil Engineer

CJFWF Council of Jewish Bank

Federations and Welfare CITIC China International

civies civilian clothes; civilians

Funds Trust and Investment Corpo-

civiling civilingenier (Dano-

CJI Concrete Joint Institute ration

Norwegian—civil engineer) CIVIS Centro Italiano per i Vi-

CJI Comite Juridico Interamer- Citicorp First National City

icano (Spanish—Inter-Amer- Bank Corporation

aggi d’Instruzione per Stu-

ican Juridical Committee) CITIS Centralized Integrated

denti (Italian—Italian Center

CJIS Criminal Justice Informa- Technical Information Sys-

for Students’ Educational

tion System (Rhode Island) tem


CJLF Criminal Justice Legal CITL Canadian Industrial Traf-

civ svc civil service

Foundation fic League

civ svt civil servant

CJM Congregation of Jesus CITO Charter of the Interna-

civvies civilian clothes; civil-

and Mary tional Trade Organization


C-joint cocaine joint cito disp. c i t o d i s p e n s e t u r

civvy civilian

CJP Criminal Justice Publica- (Latin—dispense rapidly)

ciw current instruction word

tions CITP Civilian Industrial Tech-

CIW California Institution for

CJR Cecil John Rhodes nology Program

Women; Catering Instruction

CJR Columbia Journalism Re- CITRAIL Centre Inter-Re-


view gional de Transit Rail-Route

CIWF Compassion in World

CJRL Criminal Justice Refer- (French Canadian)


ence Library (Austin) citricult citriculture

CIWMB California Integrated

Waste Management Board

cjs cotton, jute, or sisal (cargo)



CJS Canadian Joint Staff; Col-

Association; Copyright Li- lege of Jewish Studies

ogy); chloride; city limits;

censing Agency; Culinary In- CJS Corpus Juris Secundum

clarinet(s); class; classifica-

stitute of America CJTF Commander Joint Task

tion (baseball); clause; clavi-

C.L.A. Certified Laboratory Force

cle; clear; clearance; climb;

Assistant ck cask; certified kosher; check;

clinic; close; closure; com-

CLAA anti-aircraft light cruiser coke; cork; creatine kinase

parison level; conceptual

(4-letter naval symbol) ck ceekay (Spanish-American

level; confidence limits; cor-

CLA-ACB Canadian Library slang—cocaine)

pus luteum; critical list

Association—l’Association Ck chalk; Creek

cl (CL) control leader (data

Canadienne des Biblio- CK Cook Islands (Internet


théques code); cyanogen chloride

c/l combat loss

Clack Clackmannan(shire) (poison gas)

c/l (C/L) carload lot; cash letter

cl. clip

cl ad collet adapter

CLAE Council of Library As- ckb cork base

C K Cape Kennedy

cl. classis (Latin—class or col-

sociations Executives ckbd cork board


CLAH Conference of Latin CKC Canadian Kennel Club

Cl chlorine; chlorine gas; Clois-

American History CKCJP Center for Knowledge in Criminal Justice Planning

ter; Close

CLAIMS Class Codes As- CKCL Chicago-Kent College

Cl Calle (Spanish—street)

CL Cambridge Library; Cana-

signed Index Method Search

CLAIRA Chalk Lime and Al- of Law

lied Industries Research As- ckd completely knocked down

dian Legion; Capital Airlines;

sociation clalt comparison level for alter- signer

Certified Lymphologist;

CKD Certified Kitchen De-

Chile (Internet code); chlo-

natives clam (CLAM) chemical low- (see Ori Exp)

rine; chlorine gas; Communi-

CKE Central Kingdom Express

cations Lieutenant; Coopera-

altitude missile ckf cork floor

tive League; Critical List;

clam. chemical low-altitude ckfm checking form

light cruiser (2-letter naval

missile c/Kg coulombs per kilogram


ckg. checking

C-L Canadair Limited (Divi-

sion of General Dynamics);

clamato clam-and-tomato juice clamsan clam sandwich

ckga checking gage


C/L craft loss (insurance)

clamwich clam sandwich cland lit clandestine literature

CKIC Chemical Kinetics Infor-

mation Center (NBS)

C & L Canal and Lake; Coo-


ckm cents per kilometer

cland press clandestine press ck-MB creatinine kinase, MB

pers and Lybrand

CLAO Contact Lens Associa- isoenzyme

C of L Count(y) of Lippe

tion of Ophthalmologists C/K mol coulombs per kilmol

CL. Clericus (Latin—cleric or

CLAP C i t i z e n s L o b b y i n g CKMTA Cape Kennedy Mis-


Against Prostitution sile Test Area

CL-1 Computer Language One

clar clarification; clarify; clari- cko checking operator

CL-13 Canadair-built F-86 Sa-

net ck os countersink other side

bre aircraft

Clar Clarence ckout checkout

CL-28 Canadair-built long-

Clara Clarabelle; Clarissa; CKPG Containerboard and

range reconnaissance version

Clarita Kraft Paper Group

of the Britannia

Clare Clara; Clarita ckpt cockpit

CL-41 C a n a d a i r- bu i l t j e t -

Clar(en) Clarendon cks casks; checks

trainer aircraft nicknamed Tu-

clark combat launch and recov- CKS Chiang Kai-Chek (inter-


ery kit national airport)

cla center line average; commu-

Clark William Andrews Clark ckt circuit

nication link analyzer; conju-

Memorial Library of the Uni- CKT Chung-Kuo Kung-ch’an

gated linoleic acid

versity of California at Los Tang (Chinese—Chinese

Cla Clare College, Cambridge

Angeles Communist Party)

CLA California Library Asso-

CLARNICO Clark, Nichols, ckt bd circuit board

ciation; Canadian Library As-

and Coombes (confectioners) ckt bkr circuit breaker

sociation; Canadian Lumber-

Clarrie Clarice; Clarissa ckt cl circuit closing

men’s Association; Catholic

clas classification; classify; ck tp check template

Library Association; Chinese

congenital localized absence ck ts countersink this side

Librarians Association; Coin

of skin ck viv check valve

Laundry Association; College

c-l-a-s crowd-lift-actuate-swing ckw clockwise

Language Association; Com-

(tractor backhoe control) cl carload; ceiling level; ceiling

mercial Law Association;

CLAS Chartered Land Agents value; center line; centiliter;

Computer Law Association;

Society; Computer Library chest and left arm (cardiol-

Connecticut Library Associa-

tion; Conservative Library

Applications Service



CLASB C i t i z e n s L e a g u e

CLDAS Clinical Laboratory Against the Sonic Boom

clat communication line adapt-

Data Acquisition System CLASC Confederación Latin-

ers for teletype

cldwn cooldown oamericana de Sindicalistas

CLAT Confederation of Latin

cldy cloudy Cristianos (Spanish—Latin

American Teachers

CLE City of London Engi- American Confederation of

clav clavecin; clavichord; clav-

neers; Cleveland Forest City Christian Trade Unionists)


(National Association); clasn classification

clave autoclave; steamclave

Cleveland, Ohio (Hopkins clasp. (CLASP) computer lift-


Airport) off and staging program

clavicemb clavicembalo (Ital-

Clea Cleopatra CLASP Center for Law and So-


CLEA Canadian Library Ex- cial Policy; Citizens Local

claw. clustered atomic warhead

hibitor’s Association Alliance for a Safer Philadel-

CLAW Community Law Work-

clean. comprehensive lake- phia; Client’s Lifetime Advi-

shop (New Zealand)

eco-system analyzer sory Service Program; Com-

clax claxon

CLEAN Committee for Leav- puter Language for

Clay Claypool (northern Indi-

ing the Environment of Aeronautics and Space Pro-

ana farming center)

America Natural; Common- gramming; Computer Launch

Claymont Girls Wo o d s H a -

wealth Law Enforcement As- and Separation Problem

ven-Kruse School for (delin-

sistance Network (Pennsylva- CLASPS Coded Label Addi-

quent) Girls at Claymont,

nia) tional Security and Protection


CLEAPSE Consortium of Lo- cal Education Authorities for class. classification

Clb Caleb


CLB Church Lads’ Brigade;

the Provision of Science Class Classical

Configuration Liaison Board

Equipment CLASS California Library Au-

clbbb complete left bundle

CLEAR Center for Lake Erie vices; Carrier Landing Air

branch block

thority for Systems and Ser-

clbr calibration

CLBs Combat Lessons Bulle-

Area Research; Civic Leaders for Ecological Action and Re-

Stabilisation System; Chris-

sponsibility; Closed-Loop tian Leaders And Speakers


Evaluation and Reporting Seminars; Class Action Study

c & lc capital and lower case

(system); Committee to and Survey; Close Air-Sup-


Leach the Environment of port System; Closed-Loop

CLC Canadian Labour Con-

Acid Rain; County Law En- Accounting for Store Sales;

gress; Canners League of Cal-

forcement Applied Region- Computer-based Laboratory

ifornia; Chiriqui Land Com-

ally for Automated School Sys-

pany; Cost of Living Council;

Clearwaters C l e a r wa t e r tems; Cooperative Library

task-fleet command cruiser

Mountains of Idaho Agency for Systems and Ser-

(naval symbol)

clec closed-loop ecological cy- vices; Current Literature

CLCB City of Liverpool Col-

cle; competitive local-ex- Alerting Search Service

lege of Building; Committee of London Clearing Banks

class A’s class-A narcotics (ad-

CLCCS Cammel-Laird Cable-

change carrier

CLEC Citizen/Labor Energy dictive drugs such as opium and its derivatives)

Coalition class B’s class-B narcotics (al-

Control System

cl/cll counseling learning/com-

Clem C l e m e n s ; C l e m e n t ; Clementina; Clementine most non-addictive drugs

munity language learning

CLEMARS California Law such as codeine and nalline)

CLCMD Cleveland Contract

Management District

Enforcement Mutual-Aid Ra- CLASSIC Classroom Interac-

CL & Co Cammell Laird and

dio System tive Computer

Company (shipbuilders)

Clemte Clemente classif classification

CL Cr Communications Lieu-

CLENE Continuing Library CLASSMATE Computer Lan-


Education Network and Ex- guage to Aid and Stimulate

clcs c u r r e n t - l o g i c - c u r r e n t

change Scientific, Mathematical, and


cleo clear language for express- Technical Education

clct collector

ing orders class M’s class-M narcotics

cl ct claims court

Cleo Cleopatra (non-addictive drugs)

CLCT City of Liverpool Col-

CLEO Council on Legal Edu- classn classification

lege of Technology

cation Opportunity class X’s class-X narcotics

c1d cancelled; chronic liver dis-

cleopatra comprehensive lan- (drugs containing small

ease; chronic lung disease;

guage for elegant operating amounts of narcotics such as

cleared; colored; cooled; cost

system and translator design cough syrups with non-nar-

laid down

CLEP College-Level Educa- cotic and almost non-addic-

cld (CLD) called (line)

tion Program; College-Level tive codeine)

CLD Central Library and Doc-


Examination Program



CLEPR Council on Legal Edu-

CLIP C a n c e l L a u n c h i n cation for Professional Re-

Cl H Clare-Hall, Cambridge

Progress (USAF); Country sponsibility

CLH Calcutta Light Horse; Ca-

Logistics Improvement Pro- cler clerical; controlled letter

nadian Light Horse

gram (USAF) contract reduction

CLH Croix de la Légion d’Hon-

clips. clippings; computer CLERC Citizen’s Law En-

neur (French—Cross of the

launch interference problems forcement Research Commit-

Legion of Honor)

CLIS Central Library and In- tee

CLHU Computation Labora-

formation Services; Clearing- cleric. clerical(s); clerical error;

tory of Harvard University

house for Library Information clericalism; clericality; cleri-

Sciences cally

cli central life interests; coin-

clit clitoral; clitoridectomy; cli- CLES Customs Law-Enforce-

level indicator; cost-of-living


ment Service

CLI Cornwall Light Infantry;


C. Litt. Companion of Litera- CLETS California Law En-

ture forcement Telecommunica-

Cost-of-Living Index

CLIX Compression Labs In- tions System

CLIA Clinical Laboratory Im-

corporated CLEU Coordinated Law En-

provement Act; Cruise Lines

clj control joint forcement Unit

International Association

Clj Callejon (Spanish—alley, Clev Cleveland

C-library circulating library

blind alley, cul-de-sac, lane) Cleve Cleveland

CLIC Corporate Library Infor-

CLJ California Law Journal Cleveland Cleveland Stadium

mation Centre (Canadian)

CLJC Copiah-Lincoln Junior Cleve Orch Cleveland Orches-

clics computer-linked informa-

College tra

tion for container shipping

clk clerk; clock CLEVPDis Cleveland procure-

Cliff Clifford; Clifton

CLK hunter-killer cruiser (na- ment District (US Army)

clim climatic

val symbol) CLEW Chicago Law Enforce-

CLIMAPS C l i m a t e L o n g -

clkg caulking ment Week

range Investigation, Map-

clks clockwise clf capacitive loss factor; cen-

ping, and Prediction Study

clkws clockwise tral liquidity facility CLF Chicano Liberation Front;

cll cholesterol lowering lipid; chronic lymphoblastic cytic Church of the Larger Fellow-

climat climatological; climatol-

ogist; climatology

Climatol Climatology

ship (Unitarian Universalist);

CLIMPO Contract Liaison and

leukemia; chronic lympho- cytic leukemia; circuit load

Commander Land Forces;

logic; community language Commonwealth Literary

Master Planning Office

learning Fund(ing)

clin clinic; clinical; clinicial;

CLL Chief of Legislative Liai- CLFC C o m m a n d e r L a n d


son Forces, Cyprus

CLIN Contract Line Item

cllo cuartillo (Spanish—fourth CLFFI C o m m a n d e r L a n d


of a real, pint) Forces, Falkland Islands

clin/d clinical death

Cllr Councillor CLFNE Conservational Law

clink (generic nickname—

clm column; culumnar Foundation of New England

prison)—also the nickname

c-lm common-law marriage Clfs Cliffs

for brothels and in London,

Clm Culham clg calling; ceiling; clearing

where it originated in Clink

CLM Canadian Liberation Clg College

prison, also stands for the

Movement CLG Civil Labor Group; light

Southwark Fair depicted by

CLMA Cigarette Lighter Man- guided-missile cruiser (3-let-


ufacturers Association; Con- ter symbol)

clin path clinical pathology

tact Lens Manufacturers As- CLGA Composers and Lyri- cists Guild of America

sociation CLML Current List of Medical CLGES California Life Goals

clin proc clinical procedures

Clint Clinton

Literature Evaluation Schedules

Clinton Wi l l i a m J e ff e r s o n

CLMS Clinical Laboratory clgp (CLGP) cannon-launched

Clinton, 42nd President of the

Monitoring System; Com- guided projectile

United States

pany Lightweight Mortar clgsfu clear glazed structural

Clinton Men Clinton Correc-

System facing units

tional Facility at Dannemora,

cln colon; corrective lens clgsub clear glazed structural

New York

Cln Colón unit base

Clinton Women Correctional

clnc clearance cl gt cloth gilt

Institution for Women at Clin-

CLNG City of London Na- CLGW Cement, Lime and

ton, New Jersey

tional Guard Gypsum Workers (union)

clip. compiler language for in-

CLNP Crater Lake National CLGW Columbia Lippincott

formation processing; con-

Park (Oregon) Gazetteer of the World

fused, lacerated, incised, and

punctured (wounds)

clnr cleaner



CLNS Cape Lookout National

clu central logic unit; circuit Seashore (North Carolina)

CLR Common Law Reports;

lineup clnt coolant

Commonwealth Law Reports

CLU Chartered Life Under- CLNTS China Lake Naval Test

CLRA Consumer Law Reform

writer Station


CLUB Central Library of the CLNWR Crescent Lake Na-

CLRB Canada Labour Rela-

University of Baghdad tional Wildlife Refuge (Ne-

tions Board

Club Med Club Méditerranée braska)

CLRI Council on Library Re-

CLUC Central Library Union clo closet; cloth; clothing; cod

sources Incorporated

Catalog liver oil; computerized loan

clrm classroom

CLUE Comprehensive Loss origination

clr test chloride test

Underwriting Exchange Clo Callao

CLRU Cambridge Language

CLUM Civil Liberties Union of CLO Cali, Colombia (Calipu-

Research Unit

Massachusetts erto airport); Chief Liaison

CLRV Canadian Light Rail Ve-

CLUMIS Cadastral and Land- Officer; Citizens for Law and


Use Mapping Information Order; Civic Light Opera

cls coils

System (Los Angeles); Cornell Labo-

cls (CLS) close (flow chart)

clurt come let us reason to- ratory of Ornithology

CLS Certificate in Library Sci-

gether (mediator’s motto) CLOB Composite Limit Order

ence; Congressional Liaison

CLUS continental limits United Book

System; Country Library Ser-

States CLOC Computerized Logging


CLUSA Cooperative League of and Outage Control

CLSA Conservation Law Soci-

the USA CLOCE Contingency Lines of

ety of America; Contact Lens

clut color look up table Communication Europe

Society of America; Contact

clv clevis; constant linear veloc- CLODS Computerized Logic-

Lens Society of Australia

ity Oriented Design System

CLSB California Library Ser-

Clv Cleveland clog. change log (for software);

vices Board

clvd calved; clavichord computer-logic graphics

CLSC Chautauqua Literary and

clvs calves clor container loaded at owner’s

Scientific Circle

Clw Collingwood risk

CLSCS Cain-Levine Social

CLW Council for a Livable clora closed-form ray analysis

Competency Scale

World clos closure; command to line

clsd closed

clwg clear wire glass of sight

clsg closing

clws clockwise clousy c l o u d y — l o u s y

CLSG Contact Lens Study

Cly Clyde; Clydebank (weather)


CLY County of London Yeo- clp common law procedure;

CLSI Computer Library Ser-

manry control line platform; crimi-

vices, Inc

Clydebank Scotland’s shipyard nal law and procedure

clsl chronic lymphosarcoma

city on the River Clyde north- clp (CLP) command language


west of Glasgow processor

CLSP Cape Lookout State Park

clz copper, lead, or zinc (cargo) Clp Cornell list processor (lan-


cm center of mass; centime- guage)

clsr closure

ter(s); circular mil; circular CLP Cargo Loss Prevention;

clst clarinettist

muscle; cochlear micro- Carnegie Library of Pitts-

clsx close-loop support ex-

phonic; compounded burgh; Country Liberal Party


monthly; contrast media; cos- CLPA Common Law Proce-

clt communications line termi-

tal margin; countermortar; dure Acts


coupling multiplier; cruise cl pal cleft pallet

CLT Certified Landscape Tech-

missile; mechanic (symbol) clpr caliper

nician; Charlotte, North

cm2 square centimeter clq cognitive laterality quotient

Carolina (airport)

cm3 cubic centimeter clr center of lateral resistance;

CLT Canadian Law Times

cm (CM) command module; clear; clearing; cooler

CLTA Canadian Library Trust-

communications multiplexor clr (CLR) computer language

ees Association; Canterbury

c’m’ come recorder

Lawn Tennis Association;

c/m color modulation (tv); CLR California Law Review;

Chinese Language Teachers

communications multiplexer; Central London Railway;


control and monitoring; cor- City of London Rifles; Coun-

CLTC Continental Lawyers Ti-

rected manifest current month cil on Library Research;

tle Company

c & m care and maintenance; Council on Library Re-

C Lt-Cdr C o m m u n i c a t i o n

cocaine and morphine sources; County of London


cm carat métrique (French— Regiment

cltgl climatological

metric carat); Zentimeter CL & R Canal, Lake, and Rail

cltgr climatographer

cltv closed-loop television

(German—centimeter) (German—centimeter)


c.m. causa mortis (Latin— cause of death); cras mane (Latin—tomorrow morning)

cM centimorgan (measure of genetic length) Cm curium Cm Camino (Spanish—high-

way) CM absolute coefficient of pitching moments (symbol); Cameroon (Internet code); Canada Medal; Canadian Mi- litia; Certificate of Merit; Cer- tificated Master (or Mistress); Circulation Manager; Clyde- Mallory (steamship line); Command Module; Commer- cial Message; Common Mar- ket; Configuration Manage- ment; Corporate Member- (ship); Corresponding Mem- ber; Court Martial; Cow Month (New Zealand); mine layer (naval symbol)

C-M Charente-Maritime C.M. central meridian; Chir-

urgiae Magister (Latin— Master of Surgery)

C/M Curtis/Mathes

C of M Certificate of Merit; Count(y) of Mark CM Collegiate Microcomputer; Correo Maritimo (Spanish— sea mail)

cm 2 square centimeter cm 3 cubic centimeter

CM4 Comet 4 jet airplane cma civil-military affairs Cma Camilla

C ma Cima (French or Itatian— summit)

C Ma Canis major CMA Cable Makers Australia; California Maritime Acad- emy; California Medical As- sociation; Canadian Manu- facturers Association; Canadian Medical Associa- tion; Candle Manufacturers Association; Canterbury Manufacturers Association; Cash Management Ac- count(ing); Casket Manufac- turers Association; Central Monetary Authority; Certi- fied Medical Assistant; Chemical Manufacturers As- sociation; Childrenswear Manufacturers Association; Chinese Manufacturers As- sociation; Chocolate Manu- facturers Association; Cigar

Manufacturers Association; Cleveland Metal Abrasive (company); Clothespin Man- ufacturers Association; Col- leges of Mid-America; Colo- rado Mining Association; Commonwealth Medical As- sociation; Confederate Me- morial Association; Conti- nental Marketing Association; Contract Manu- facturers Association; Con- troller Military Accounts; Corps Maintenance Area; Corps of Military Accoun- tants; Country Music Associ- ation; Court of Military Ap- peals; Crucible Manu- facturers Association

CMA (C.M.A.) Certified Man-

agement Accountant CMA Compañia Mexicana de

Aviación (Spanish—Mexican Aviation Company)

CMAA Chief Master At Arms;

Cleveland Musical Arts Asso- ciation; Club Managers Asso- ciation of America; Cocoa Merchants’ Association of America; Comics Magazine Association of America; Con- struction Management Asso- ciation of America; Courts- Martial Appeal Act; Crane Manufacturers Association of America

CMAAC Certified Medical As-

sistant Administrative and Clinical

CMAAO Confederation of

Medical Associations in Asia and Oceania

cmab clothing maintenance al-

lowance, basic CMAB California Milk Advi-

sory Board CMAC Capital Military Assis-

tance Command; Catholic Marriage Advisory Council; Computer Management and Control; Courts-Martial Ap- peal Court

CMAD Computer Manufacture

and Design cmai clothing maintenance al-

lowance, initial

C Maj Canis Major CMAL Clothing Monetary Al-

lowance List; Coal Mines Au- thority Limited

CMAR Can’t Manage A Rifle

C/marca Cundinamarca, Co- lombia CMAS Council for Military Aircraft Standards CMAS Confédération Mondi- ale des Activités Subaqua- tiques (French—World Con- federation of Sub-aquatic Activities)

CMAT Canadian Mathematics Achievement Test; Common- wealth Military Advisory Team (Ghana)

CMAV Coalition Mondiale pour l’Abolition de la Vivisec- tion (French—World Coali- tion for the Abolition of Vivi- section)

Cmax maximum capacitance cmb carbolic methylene blue;

chloromercuribenzoate; coastal motor boat; core-man- tle boundary

Cmb Colombo CMB Chase Manhattan Bank;

Cheese Marketing Board; Cina Motor Bus; coastal mo- tor boat; Colombo, Ceylon (airport); Combat Maneuver Battalion(s)

CMB Compagnie Maritime Belge (Royal Belgian Lloyd Line); Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (Spanish—World Box- ing Commission); cuyas manos beso (Spanish— whose hands I kiss)—very re- spectfully yours

CMBARMTNG C o m b i n e d Arms Training CMBG Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group CMBI Caribbean Marine Bio- logical Institute CMBO Cape May Bird Obser- vatory cmbs commercial mortgage- backed securities CMBs C e r t i fi e d M o r t ga g e Loan Brokers cmbt combat cmc code for magnetic charac-

ters; computer-mediated communications; contact- making clock; coordinated manual control; cruise-mis- sile countermeasures

cmc (CMC) c a r b o x y m e t hy l cellulose CMc coastal mine layer (naval symhol)



CMC California Men’s Col-

cmha confiidential, modified ony; Canadian Marconi Com-

CMEA Chief Marine Engineer-

handling authorized pany; Canadian Museum of

ing Artificer; Council for Mu-

CMHA C a n a d i a n M e n t a l Civilization (Ottawa); Cana-

tual Economic Assistance

Health Association dian Music Council; China

(also called CEMA or

CMHC Central Mortgage and Machinery Company; Com-


Housing Corporation; Com- mandant of the Marine Corps;

CMEC Council of Ministers of

munity Mental Health Cen- Commercial Metals Com-

Education (Canadian)

ter(s) pany; Computer-Mediated

CMERD Centre for Medical

CMHCA Community Mental Communication; Computer

Education, Research, and De-

Health Centers Act Musician Coalition

ve l o p m e n t ( N ew S o u t h

CMHQ Canadian Military cmca cruise-missle carrier-air-


Headquarters craft

c’mere come here

CMHPA Cloves Memorial CMCC Canadian Memorial

CMERI Central Mechanical

Hall for the Performing Arts Chiropractic College; Classi-

Engineering Research Insti-

(Indianapolis) fied Matter Control Center

tute (India)

cmi cable microcell integrator; cm-cellulose carboxymethyl

cmet coated metal

carbohydrate metabolism in- cellulose

cmf calcium-and-magnesium-

dex; cellular-mediated im- CMCHS C iv i l i a n - M i l i t a r y

free; countermortar fire; cy-

mune (response); container Contingency Hospital System

lindrical magnetic film; cy-

master information; cumula- cmcr continuous melting, cast-

toxan + methotextrate + 5-flu-

tive monthly issue ing, and rolling


cmi (CMI) computer-managed CMCR Compagnie Maritime

cmf (CMF) cy c l o p h o s p h a -

instruction des Chargeurs Réunis

mide methotrexate 5-fluorou-

C Mi Canis Minor CMCSK Comcast Corporation

racil (anticarcinogen)

CMF California Medical Facil-

CMI Can Manufacturers Insti- tute; Career Maturity Inven-

cmct communicate; communi-

ity; Canadian Military Forces; Central Mediterra-

tory; Case-Mix Index; Christa cation

McAuliffe Institute; Christian cmd command; common meter

nean Fleet; Central Mediter-

Michelson Institute (for Sci- double

ranean Forces; Ceylon Mili- tary Forces; Citizen Military

ence and Free Thought— CMD California Moderate

Bergen, Norway); Church Democrats; Center for Man-

Forces; Commonwealth Mili-

Management Institute (Epis- agement Development; Cen-

tary Forces; Composite Med-

copal); Cleaning Manage- ter for Moral Democracy

ical Facility

ment Institute; Command (NYC); Central Marine De-

Maintenance Inspection (US pot; Chief Medical Director;

CMFNZ Chamber Music Fed-

Army); Commonwealth Min- Contract Management Dis-

eration of New Zealand

ing Investments; Common- trict

CMFRI Central Marine Fisher-

wealth Mycological Institute; cmdg commanding

ies Research Institute

cmfsw calcium-and-magne-

Communications Manage-

Cmdr Commander ment Inc; Consolidated Metal

sium-free seawater

CMDR Council for Micropho- Industries; Cornell Medical

cmg call me gov(ernor); con-

tography and Documentary Index; Cultured Marble Insti-

trol-moment gyroscope; cys-

Reproduction tute


Cmdre Commodore CMI Comité Météorologique

CMG Color Marketing Group;

Cmdt Commandant Internationale (French—In-

Computer Management

ternational Meterological cmdty commodity

Group; Congress Medal for

Committee); Commission cme continuing medical educa-

Gallantry; Corning Museum

Mixte Internationale (Span- tion; coronal mass ejection

of Glass

ish—International Joint CME California Motor Ex-

C.M.G. Companion of the Or-

Commission); Cornell Medi- press; Center for Musical Ex-

der of St Michael and St

cal Index perience; Central Medical Es-


CMIA Coal Mining Institute of tablishment; Chicago

CMGC Canadian Machine-

America; Cultivated Mush- Mercantile Exchange (for-

Gun Corps

room Institute of America nerly Chicago Butter and Egg

CMGH Cleveland Metropoli-

cmid cytomegalic inclusion Board); Chicago Merchan-

tan General Hospital

disease dise Exchange; Courtesy Mo-

cmh countermeasures homing

cmif career-management indi- torboat Examination (U.S.

CMH Columbus, Ohio (air-

vidual file Coast Guard)

port); Combined Military

CMIK C h o s o n M i n j u j u u i CME Conférence Mondiale de

Hospital; Congressional

In’min Konghwaguk (North l’Energie (French—World

Medal of Honor; Council for

Korea) Power Conference)

the Mentally Handicapped;

County Mental Health

cmil circular mil cmil circular mil


c/min cycles per minute

CMP Canadian Military Police; Cmin minimum capacitance

CMMBE Comissão Militar

Mista Brasil-Estados Unidos

Catoctin Mountain Park

(Maryland); Christian Move- CMIP Common Management

C Min Canis Minor

(Portuguese—Joint Brazil-

ment for Peace; Church Mu- Information Protocol

ian-American Military Com-

sic Publishers; Commissioner CMIU Cigar Makers’ Interna-


of the Metropolitan Police; tional Union

cmmch combat Mach change

Company of Mission Priests; CMJ Church Mission to the

cmme chloromethyl-methyl

Competitive Medical Plan; Jews; Church’s Ministry


Controlled Materials Plan; among the Jews

CMMGB Canadian Motor Ma-

chine-Gun Brigade

Cornell Maritime Press; Corps of Madras Pioneers;

CMJ Computer Music Journal

Corps of Military Police cml chemical; circuit micro-

CMMM C h a s e M a n h a t t a n

CMPC California Manpower logic; commercial; current

Money Museum (New York City)

Planning Council; Canadian mode logic

Military Police Corps cml chronic myeloblastic leu-

CMMNA Catholic Major Mar-

CMPC Compañia Manufactur- kemia

kets Newspaper Association

era de Papeles y Cartones cml (CML) chronic myelocytic

cmmnd command(ing)

(Spanish—Paper and Carton leukemia

CMMP Commodity Manage-

Manufacturing Company) CML Central Music Library;

ment Master Plan; Corps of

CMP(I) Corps of Military Po- Colonial Mutual Life; Con-

Military Mounted Police

lice (India) tainer Marine Lines

CMMS Columbia Mental Ma-

cmpd c o m p o u n d ; c o m - CML Camara Municipal de

turity Scale

pounded; compounding Lisboa (Portuguese—Lisbon

cmn commission; cystic medial

cm pf cumulative preference; Town Council)


cumulative preferred (shares) CMLA Canadian Music Li-

CMN Children’s Miracle Net-

cmpl complement (flow chart) brary Association; Central

work; Common Market Na-

tionals; Common Market Na-

cmpld compiled

cmplt complete Medical Library Association;


cmpltn completion Chief Martial Law Adminis-

CMN Common Market News;

cmplx complex Maimed and Limbless Asso-

trator (Bangladesh); Civilian

Conselho Monetario Nacio-

Cmpn Companion ciation

nal (Portuguese—National

Cmpn IAP Companion of the CmlC Chemical Corps

Monetary Council)—Brazil

Institution of Analysts & Pro- cml def chemical defense

cmn-aa cystic medial necrosis

of the ascending aorta


cmpnt component CMLEA California Media and

cmnce commence

CMPO Calcutta Metropolitan Library Educators Associa- tion

CMNH Cleveland Museum of

Natural History

Planning Organisation

cmps centimeters per second cmlops chemical operations

cmpt component CMLS Cleveland-Marshall

CMNM Capulin Mountain Na-

tional Monument; Craters of

cmptr computer Law School

the Moon National Monu-

cmr cerebral metabolic rate; CM/LSCNP Cradle Mountain/


common-mode rejection Lake Saint Clair National

CMR Canadian Mounted Ri- Park (Tasmania)

cmnr commissioner

fles; Cape Mounted Rifles; CMLU Container Marine Lines

cmo calculated mean organism;

Ceylon Mounted Rifles; (container) Unit

cardiac minute output; com-

Communications Monitoring cmm commemorative; cubic

puter microfilm output

Report; Consolidated Mail millimeter(s); cutaneous ma-

CMO Chief Medical Officer;

Room; Contract Management lignant melanoma

Collateralized Mortgage Ob-

ligation; Commonwealth

Region; Convention Mer-

CMM Capability Maturity chandises Routiers; Court-

Medical Officer; Configura-

Martial Reports; Court of Model; Center for Male Med-

tion Management Office;

Military Review icine; Central Methodist Mis-

Contract Management Of-

cmrO cerebral metabolic rate sion; Chief Machinist’s Mate


for oxygen 2 (USN); Commander of the

c’mon come on

CMRA Chemical Manage- Order of Military Merit;

cmos (CMOS) c o m p l e m e n -

ment and Resources Associa- Commission for Maritime

tary metal-oxide semiconduc-

tion Meteorology (WMO)


CMRB Chemicals and Miner- cmma clothing monetary main-

cmp chronic mental patient;

als Requirements Board tenance allowance

corrugated metal pipe; cost of

Cmrd comrade CMMA Concrete Mixer Manu-

maintaining product

CMRE California Marriage- facturers Association

cmp (CMP) c o m p a r e ( fl ow

chart); computation(al)

Readiness Evaluation



CMRF Childrens Medical Re-

CMU Central Michigan Uni- search Foundation

CMSC Cape Medical Staff

versity; Church Management cmrg cerebral metabolic rate

Corps; Central Missouri State

Institute of glucose

College; Corps of Military

C-M U Carnegie-Mellon Uni- CMRL Chamber of Mines and

Staff Clerks

versity Research Laboratories

CMSEP Contractor Manage-

CMUA Commercial Motor Us- CMRN Cooperative Meteoro-

ment System Evaluation Pro-

ers Association logical Rocket Network


cmv current market value CMRNWR Charles M. Russell

CMSER Commission on Ma-

cmv (CMV) cytomegalovirus National Wildlife Range

rine Science, Engineering,

CMV Controlled Mechanical (Montana)

and Resources

Ventilation cmro cerebral metabolic rate of

CMSG Canadian Merchant

cmvm c o n t a c t - m a k i n g ( o r oxygen

Service Guild

breaking) voltmeter CMRO County Milk Regula-

CMSgt Chief Master Sergeant

CM von W Carl María von tions Office(r)

CMSI California Museum of

Science and Industry; Coun-

Weber CMVPB California Motor Ve-

cmrr common mode rejection

cil of Mutual Savings Institu- tions

hicles Pollution Board ratio

CMVS Cavalry Mobile Veteri- cmrs computer-managed rota-

CMS & I California Museum

nary Section tion schedules

of Science and Industry

cmw critical minimum weight CMRs Classified Material Re-

cm/sm command module/ser-

CMW Citizens for Migrant ceipts

vice module

Workers CMRS Countermeasures Re-

CMSN China Merchants Steam

CMWA County Meat Works ceiver System

Navigation (company)

Association CMRW Coalition for the

CMSTP & P Chicago, Mil-

cmy civilian man-years; cyan, Medical Rights of Women

waukee, St Paul and Pacifiic

magenta, yellow cms coastal minesweeper;

CMY Cape Mounted Yeomanry complete matched set; con-


cmt comment; confluence of

cmz concordant memory zone versational monitor system

major and tributary (rivers);

CMZ Compagnie Maritime du cm/s centimeters per second

cut, make, and trim (clothing)

Zaire (French—Zaire Mari- c.m.s. cras mane sumendus

time Company) (Latin—to be taken tomorr-

CMT California Mastitis Test;

CMZS Corresponding Mem- ow morning)

California Motor Transport;

Camden Marine Terminals;

ber of the Zoological Society CMS California Malacozoo-

cn canal; cannon; cellulose ni- logical Society; California

Certified Medical Transcrip-

tionist; Charcot-Marie-Tooth;

trate; condensation nuclei; Museum of Science; Center

Chief Medical Technician;

combined nomenclature; co- for Measurement Science

Compulsory Military Train-

ordination number; credit (George Washington Univer-

ing; Concert Memory Test;

note sity); Central Monitoring Sta-

Country Music Television;

cn (CN) chloroacetophenone tions (Africa); Chicago Med-

Current Medical Terminol-

c/n carbon-to-nitrogen ratio; ical School; Chief Master

ogy; Current Mortuary Tables

carrier-to-noise ratio Sergeant; Christian Medical

c/n (C/N) credit note Society; Church Missionary

CMT Confédération Mandiale

du Travail (French—World

c.n. cras nocte (Latin—tomor- Society; College Music Soci-

Confederation of Labor)

row night) ety; Computer Management

CMTA Chinese Musical and

cN centinewton System; Configuration Man-

Cn canon; contract number; cu- agement System; Consumers

Theatrical Association

mulonimbus and Marketing Service; Con-

CMTC Citizens Military Train-

CN absolute coefficient of yaw- temporary Music Society;

ing Camp

ing moments (aerodynamic Contractor’s Management

cmt/conc cement or concrete

symbol); Carl Nielsen; Cen- System; Conversational Mon-

CMTCS Computer Manage-

tral Airlines; China (Internet itor System; Correctional

ment Transaction Control

code); Chinese Nationalists; Medical Systems; County


CMTCU C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Code Napoléon; Commercial

Medical Services Node (zone); Cornmonwealth

Message Traffic Control Unit

Nations; compass north; Con- CMS Compagnie Maritime de la

cmte committee

federate Navy; cosine of the Seine (French—Seine Mari-

Cmte committee

amplitude (mathematical time Company)

Cmto Caminito

symbol) CMSA Consolidated Metropol-

Cmto Caminito (Spanish—

C/N Consignment Note; Cover itan Statistical Areas

small street)

Note CM & SA Canning Machinery

cmu central markup unit; chlo-

C & N communication and and Supplies Association

rophenyldimethylurea; con-

crete masony unit




CN Canadian National-Grand

CNET Centre National d’Etude Trunk Railways

CNBS Comisión Nacional Ban-

des Télécommunications cna code not allocated

caria y Seguros (Spanish—

(French—Telecommunica- CNA California Nurses Associ-

National Banking and Secu-

tion National Study Center) ation; Canadian Nuclear As-

rity Commission)—Mexico

CNEXO Centre pour d’Exploi- sociation; Canadian Numis-

cnc central navigation com-

tation des Océans (French— matic Association; Canadian

puter; computer numerical

Center for the Exploitation of Nurses Association; Center

control; consecutive number

the Oceans) for Naval Analyses (Franklin


cnf confine Institute); Central News

Cnc Cancer

CNF Caribbean National Forest Agency (Nationalist China);

CNC Christopher Newport

(Puerto Rico); Cleveland Na- Central Northern Airways;

College; Counter Narcotics

tional Forest (near San Diego, Certified Nurses Aide; Certi-


Cncl(r) Council(or)

CNCMH Canadian National

California); Commonwealth

fied Nurses Assistant; Chem-

Nurses’ Federation ical Notation Association;

cng compressed natural gas Chief of Naval Air; Chief of

Committee for Mental Hy-

cng (CNG) compressed natural Naval Aviation; Community


CNCO China Navigation Com-

gas Newspaper Association; Con-

CNG Connecticut Natural Gas federate Navy of America


CNCP Canadian National/Ca-

CNGA California Natural Gas CNA Comisión Nacional del

nadian Pacific (telecommuni-

Association Azúcar (Spanish—National


CN-gas cyanide gas Sugar Commission)—

cncr concurrent

CNGB Chief, National Guard Mexico

cnct connect(ion)

Bureau; Chief of the National CNAA Council for National.

cnd condition(ed); conduit

Guard Bureau Academic Awards

CND Campaign for Nuclear

CNGO Committee on Non- CNAC China National Aviation

Disarmament; Commission

Governmental Organizations Corporation

on Narcotic Drugs (UN)

(UN) CNACO Canada National Arts

CND Code Names Dictionary

CNGT Commonwealth New Centre Orchestra

CNDC Canadian National De-

Guinea Timbers CNAD Center for a New Amer-

fence College

CN-GT Canadian National ican Dream

cndi commercial nondevelop-

Railways-Grand Trunk West- CNADS Conference of Na-

ment items

ern tional Armaments Directors

cn di combination die

CNH Community Nursing CNAEA California Narcotic

CNDP Communications Net-

Home Addict Evaluation Authority

work Design Procedure(s)

cnhd congenital nonsphero- CNAF Chinese Nationalist Air

cnds condensate cne chronic nervous exhaustion

cytic hemolytic disease Force

CNHI Committee for National CNAN Compagnie Navale Af-

CNE Canadian National Exhi-

Health Insurance rique du Nord (French—

bition; Commission on Na-

CNHM Chicago Natural His- North Africa Naval Com-

tional Elections

cnee consignee

tory Museum (Field Museum pany)

Cnel Coronel (Spanish—Colo-

of Natural History) CNAS Chief of Naval Air Ser-


CNI Chief of Naval Informa- vices; Civil Navigation Aids

CNEL community noise equiv-

tion; Chief of Naval Intelli- System

alent level

gence; Coalition for Net- CNASA Council of North At-

C’nelia Cornelia

worked Information; lantic Shipping Associations

CNEN Comisión Nacional de

Communications—Naviga- CNATra Chief of Naval Air

Energia Nuclear (Spanish—

tion and Identification; Com- Training

National Nuclear Energy

munity Nutrition Institute CNAV Canadian Naval Auxil-


CNI Centro de Información Na- iary Vessel

CNEngO Chief Naval Engi-

cional (Spanish—National CNAVSTA Charleston Naval

neering Officer

CNEO Chief Naval Engineer

Information Center)—Chil-

ean security police; Centro Station (South Carolina)


Nacional de Informaciones CNB Central Narcotic Bureau

CNEP Cable Network Engi-

(Spanish—National Informa- (Singapore); Crocker Na-

neering Program (Bell)

tion Center)—Chile’s intelli- tional Bank

CNES C e n t re N a t i o n a l

gence service CNBC Consumer News and

d’Etudes Spatiales (French—

CNIB Canadian National Insti- Business Channel

National Center for Space

tute for the Blind; Cham- Cnbr Canberra


pagne News and Information Cnbry Canterbury

CNET Chief of Naval Educa-

tion and Training




CNIE Comisión Nacional de

cns central nervous system; Inversión Extranjiera (Span-

C no Como (Italian—peak, sum-

construction; continuous net ish—National Commission


settlement for Foreign Investment)—

CNO Chief of Naval Opera-

cns (CNS) central nervous sys- Mexico

tions; Chief Nursing Officer

tem CNIF Conseil National des In-

CNOA California Narcotics

c.n.s. cras nocte sumendus génieurs Français (French—

Officers Association

(Latin—to be taken tomorrow National Council of French

CNOAE Council of National

night) Engineers)

Organizations of Adult Edu-

Cns Cairns CNIN California Narcotic In-


CNS Catholic News Service; formation Network

CNOBO Chief of Naval Oper-

Center for New Schools; CNIPA Committee of National

Chief of the Naval Staff; Institutes of Patent Agents

ations Budget Office

Community Nursing Ser- CNJ Central of New Jersey

cnop conditional no operation

vices; Congress of Neurolog- (railroad)

cnor consignor

ical Surgeons; Copley News CNJA Chief Naval Judge Ad-

C-note $100 bill

Service vocate

CNP Canyonlands National

CNS Chubu Nippon Shinibun cnl cancel(lation); cardiolipin

Park (Utah); Caramoan NP

(Central Japan Newspaper) natural lecithin

(Philippines); Center for Na-

CNSA Carl Nielsen Society of cnl (CNL) circuit net loss

tional Policy; Chief of Naval

Personnel; Cleveland NP


CNL Canadian National Li- CNSC China National Soft-

(South Australia); Colonial

brary (Ottawa); Common- ware Corporation

NP (Virginia); Corbett NP

wealth National Library cnsg consolidated nuclear

(India); Council for National

(Canberra) steam generator

Policy; Cyril Northcote Par-

CNLA Canadian National Li- cnsl console (flow chart)


brary Association; Council of CNSS Center for National Se- National Library Associa-

CNP Compañia Navegación

curity Studies tions

Peruana (Peruvian Naviga-

CNSSO Chief Naval Supply CNLIA Council of National Li-

tion Company)

and Secretariat Officer brary and Information Asso-

CNPA California Newspaper

Cnst Pty Constitution Party ciations

Publishers Association

cnstr canister CNM Cabrillo National Monu-

CNPB Canadian National Pa-

cnstrn construction ment; Certified Nurse Mid-

role Board

CNSWTG Commander, Naval wife; Chief of Naval Mate-

CNPC China National Petro-

Special Warfare Task Group riel; Chiridahua National

leum Corporation

cnt (CNT) celestial navigation Monument; Colombo Na-

cn/pnl contractor’s panel

trainer tional Museum; Colorado Na-

CNPP Centre National de

CNT Canadian National Tele- tional Monument

Prévention et de Protection

graphs; Composite Negotiat- CN-M Certified Nurse-Mid-

(French—National Preven-

ing Text(s) wife

tion and Protection Center)

CNT Compañia Nacional de CNMB Central Nuclear Mea-

CNPS California Native Plant

Teléfonos (Spanish—Na- surements Bureau

Society; Central National

tional Telephone Company); cnmbp chronic nonmalignant

Philharmonic Society


Confederación Nacional de

Trabajo (Spanish—National back pain

Confederation of Labor); CNMI Commonwealth of the

cnr carrier-to-noise ratio; com-

Conselho Nacional de Tele- Northern Mariana Islands (in

posite noise rating; corner

communicação (Portu- the western Pacific)

Cnr Corner

guese—National Telecom- CNMP Comprehensive Nutri-

CNR Canadian National Rail-

munications Council)— ent Management Plan

way; Civil Nursing Reserve;

government controlled radio CNN Cable News Network;

Coleford Nature Reserve

and television for all Brazil Certificated Nursery Nurse

(South Africa); Council of

CNTB Colombia National CNN Compagnie de Navigation

National Representatives

Tourist Board Nationale (French—National

CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle

CNTCA Canadian National Navigation Company)

Ricerche (Italian—National

Railway—Transcanada Air- CNNI Cable News Network In-

Research Council)

lines ternational

CNRA Curecanti National Rec-

cntn contain CNNR Caerlaverock National

reation Area (Colorado)

CNTO Centocor Incorporated Nature Reserve (Scotland);

CNRS Centre National de la

Cn Tower Canadian National Cairngorms National Nature

R e ch e rch e S c i e n t i fi q u e

Tower, Toronto, Ontario Reserve (Scotland)

(French—National Center for

cntr container; contribute; con- cno computer non-operational

Scientific Research)

cnrt concrete

tribution; counter


cobra. (COBRA)

Cntr Centaur (space vehicle)

Coah Coahuila (inhabitants— cntrfugl centrifugal

Co cobalt; Colombia; Colom-

Coahuileños or Coahui- cntrl central; control(ler)

bian; Colombiano; Columbia;

lenses) cntrs containers

C o l u m b i a n ; c o m p a ny ;

Coal. Coalition CNTU C a n a d i a n N a t i o n a l


coalit govt coalition govern- Trade Unions; Confederation

C/o complained of

ment of National Trade Unions

Co cerro (Spanish—hill or

co/alr cooper/aluminum CNUCE Centro Nazionale Uni-


coam c o a m i n g ; c u s t o m e r- versitàrio di Calcol Elettron-

CO carbon monoxide; Certifi-

ow n e d - a n d - m a i n t a i n e d ico (Italian—National Uni-

cate of Origin; Chief Officer;

equipment versity Center of Electronic

Cleveland Orchestra; Colom-

coam equip customer-owned- Calculation)

bia (Internet code); Colonial

and-maintained equipment Cnut King Canute II of Den-

Office; Colorado; Command-

(data processing) mark and England

ing Officer; Commissioners

CO-AMP Cost Optimization cnv contingent negative varia-

Office; Communications Of-

Analysis of Maintenance Pol- tion

ficer; conscientious objector;

icy CNV Cape Canaveral, Florida

Continental Airlines (2-letter

coas crewman optical align- (tracking station)

code); Controller’s Office; Copyright Office; Correc-

ment sight CNVA Committee for Non-Vi- olent Action

COAS Council of the Organi- zation of American States cnvc conveyance

tional Officer; Criminal Of-

fice; Crown Office(r)

Coast The Coast (Pacific coast cnvr conveyor

C/O cash order; Chief Officer

C & O Chesapeake & Ohio

cnvt convict


of Canada and the United States)

Coastal Eastern East-Coast- Western (railway)

C & NW Chicago and North

C of O Count(y) of Oldenburg

of-the-United-States English CNWDI C r i t i c a l N u c l e a r

co 1mo canto primo (Italian—

reflecting cultural influences Weapons Design Information

first treble)

Coastal Express N o r w eg i a n CNWR Camas National Wild-

CO 2 carbon dioxide

steamship line linking ports life Refuge (Idaho); Chassa-

Co 60

radioactive cobalt

from Bergen to Kirkenes howitzka NWR (Florida);

coa certificate of authority; con-

Coast Line Atlantic Coast Line Chatauqua NWR (Illinois);

dition on admission; corps of

Railroad Chincoteague NWR (Vir-

ordnance artificers

coax coaxial ginia); Columbia NWR

coA coenzyme A

c-o-b close of business (Washington)

CoA College of the Atlantic;

CoB Chief of Base (CIA) sition

Committee on Accreditation

CNX Canadian National Expo-

C o B Chief of Boat (subma- CNYP C e n t r a l N ew Yo r k

(ALA); Council of the



COB Change Order Board; Power (corporation)

C o A Committee on Accredita-

COBOL (Common Business- co carbon monoxide; cardiac

tion (ALA); Court of Appeal

Oriented Language); Com- output; castor oil; central of-

COA Canadian Orthopedic As-

mand Operating Budget fice; cervicoaxial; choir organ;

sociation; Change Order Ac-

COBA Correction Officers Be- cleanout; coenzyme; com-

count; Chattanooga Opera

Association; Conchologists

bined operations; command

nevolent Association order; company; conscientious

of America; Connecticut Op-

COBAS Council of Black Ar- objector; consolidated obliga-

era Association; Control Op-

chitectural Schools tion; consultation; conve-

erating Authority (NATO);

cobble(s) cobblestone(s) nience outlet; corneal opacity;

Cordova Airlines; Correc-

COBE Cosmic Background criminal offense; crossover(s);

tional Officers Association

Explorer Satellite cutoff, cutout; output capaci-

CO(A) Change Order (Aircraft)

COBF Cobol-F (program) tance

COA Comunidad Oriental Af-

cobh carboxyhemoglobin Co. county

ricana (Spanish—East Afri-

cobility cobol utility (program) co (CO) close/open (to official

can Community)

coblib cobol library correspondence)

coac clutter-operated anti-clut-

C & O-B & O C h e s a p e a ke c-o cutoff

ter receiver

and Ohio-Baltimore & Ohio c/o care of; carried over; cash

COAC Commanding Officer,

(merged railroads) order; complains of

Atlantic Coast

COBOL common business-ori- co compagno (Italian—com-

Coad Coadjutor

ented language pany); (Latin prefix—to-

COADS Command and Ad-

cobra cabinet officer briefing gether)—copulation

ministration System (USA)

action co. compositus [Latin—com-

coag coagulant; coagulate; co-

cobra. (COBRA) coolant boil- pound(ed)]


coag time coagulation time

ing in rod arrays



COBRA Consolidated Omni-

COD Concise Oxford Diction- bus Budget Reconciliation

cock. cockney (dialect of Lon-

ary Act (of 1985); Counter Bat-

don’s East End and waterfront

coda cash or deferred arrange- tery Radar

residents born within sound

ment COBRA C o m p u t a d o re s

of the bells of the Church of

CODA Came Out Decades Brasileiros (Portuguese—

Saint Mary-leBow—Bow

Ago; Committee on Drugs Brazilian Computers)


and Alcohol COBRAY C o b r a + M o r a y

Cock Cockburn; Soviet An-

codac coordination of operating (anti-terrorist academy)

tonov 350-passenger plane

data by automatic computer COBSI Committee on Biologi-


CODAC Community Organi- cal Sciences Information

cockapoo cocker spaniel-poo-

zation for Drug Abuse Con- COBTU Combined Over-the-

dle mix-breed dog

trol Beach Terminal Unit

cockaterr cocker-terrier mixed

CODAF Commission on Bor- coc cathodal opening clonus;

breed dog

der Development and Friend- cathodal opening contraction;

Cock Engl Cockney English

ship (U.S.-Mexican) cocaine; coccygeal; combina-

(spoken by people in Lon-

codag combined diesel and gas tion-type oral contraceptive;

don’s East End and tradition-

(turbine machinery) combined operations center

ally born within sound of

codan carrier-operated device Coc Cleveland open cup; Cocos

Bow bells)

anti-noise Islands

coci cathodal opening clonus

CODAP Client-Oriented Data- CoC Chamber of Commerce

C & OC NM Chesapeake and

Ohio Canal National Monu-

Acquisition Process; Control

Data Assembly Program ness

C o C Council on Competitive-


CODAS Customer-Oriented COC Canadian Opera Com-

co-co carried-on-carried-off

Data System pany; Combat Operations

(break-bulk cargo)

CODASYL C o n f e r e n c e o n Center

cocohol coconut-oil-extended

Data Systems Languages coca cocaina (Spanish—co-

ethanol (diesel fuel)

CODATA Committee on Data caine)

COCOM Coordinating Com-

for Science and Technology coca-colon coca-colonization;

mittee for Export to Commu-

CODC Canadian Oceano- coca-colonize; coca-colo-

nist Area(s); Coordinating

graphic Data Center nizer

Committee on Multilateral

Export Controls

codd codices

CODE Collaborating on Drug Ohio Canal

C & O Canal Chesapeake and

COCOMO Constructive Cost

Education; Commission on COCAST Council for Over-


Declining Enrollments; Com- seas Colleges of Art, Science,

COCOSEER C o o r d i n a t i n g

mittee on Donor Enlistment and Technology

Committee on Slavic and East

Code Blue (medical jargon) cocb crossed olivochochlear

European Library Services

frequently used to mean car- bundles

cocp closed olivocochlear po-

diac arrest cocc coccyx


codec coder decorder cocci coccidioidomycosis

cocr cylinder overflow control

coded. computer-oriented de- coccy coccidioidomycosis


sign of electronic devices COCESS Contractor-Operated

COCS Container-Operating

CODEF Chairman of Defense Civil Engineer Supply Store

Control System

Committee coch coach(es)

coct. coctio (Latin—boiling)

CODELCO Corporación del coch. c o ch l e a re ( L a t i n —

Co Cts County Courts

Cobre (Spanish—Copper spoonful)

COCU Churches of Christ

Corporation)—Chile Coch Cochin

Uniting; Consultation on

codel(s) congressional delega- coch. ampl. cochleare amplum

Church Union (of Episcopa-

tion(s) (Latin—tablespoonful)

lians, Methodists, Presbyteri-

CODELS Computer Develop- COCHASE Code for Coupled-

ans, and others)

ment System Channel Schrödinger Equa-

cod cancellation of debt; carrier

Code N Code Napoléon tions

on-board delivery; cause of

CODES Computer-Oriented coch. infant. cochleare infantis

death; central ordnance de-

Data Entry System (Latin—teaspoonful)

pot; change over delay; chem-

codic computer-directed com- coch. mag. cochleare magnum

ical oxygen demand; cleanout

munication(s) (Latin—tablespoonful)

door; codeine; collect on de-

codiphase coherent digital- coch. med. cochleare medium


phased array system (Latin—dessertspoonful)

c-o-d cargo-on-deck

CODIS Combined DNA Index coch. parv. cochleare parvum

cod. codicil

System (Latin—teaspoonful)

c.o.d. cash-on-delivery

codit computer direct to tele- COCI Council on Consumer

CoD Chief of Detectives

graph Information

Co D Costume Designer

COD coding

codl cash on the dotted line codl cash on the dotted line


cod. memb. c o d ex m e m -

cogag combined gas and gas branacius (Latin—book

COEPS Cortically-Originat-

CoGARD Coast Guard printed or written on skin or

ing Extra-Pyramidal System

cogas coal-oil-gas vellum)

COESA Committee on Exten-

cogb certified official govern- CoDoC Cooperation in Docu-

sion of the Standard Atmo-

ment business mentation and Communica-

sphere (United States)

cogent. compiler and general- tion

coet (COET) crude oil equal-

ized translator CODOFIL Council for the De-

ization tax(ation)

cogita computerized general velopment of French in Lou-

COEV Canadian Ocean Escort

I.Q. test(ing) isiana


cogn cognomen codog combined diesel or gas

coew combined operations ex-

cognit cognition(al)(ly); cogni- CODOT Classification of Oc-

perimental wing

tive(ly) cupations and Directory of

cof cause of failure; coefficient

cogn w cognate with Occupational Titles (UK)

of friction; cost of funds

cogo coordinate geometry CODSIA Council of Defense

CoF Chaplain of the Fleet;

COGP Commission on Gov- Space Industries Association

Chief of Finance

ernment Procurement coe cab over engine (truck);

COF Captain of the Fleet

cog/prsl cognizant personnel close of escrow (realty);

c of a coat of arms

cogs cost of goods sold crude oil equivalent

COFACE Confederation of

cogs. combat-oriented general coe (COE) crossover electro-

Family Organizations in the

support phoresis

European Community

COGS Computer Oriented CoE Corps of Engineers

cofad computerized facilities

Geological Society; Continu- COE Commonwealth Office of


ous Orbital Guidance System Education; Corps of Engi-

cofc container on flat car

COGSA Carriage of Goods by neers; Council for Occupa-

coff cofferdam

Sea Act tional Education; Council on

COFFEE Community Organi-

cogtt cortisone-primed oral glu- Optometric Education

zation for Full-Employment

cose tolerance test CO(E) Change Order (Elec-


coh cash-on-hand; coefficient tronic)

c/offer counter offer

of haze; coheir COE Conseil Aécuménique des

Coffs Coffs Harbour, Australia

COH carbohydrate (general- Eglises (French—World

COFHE Consortium on Fi-

ized formula); Corporal of Council of Churches)

nancing Higher Education

Horse coea cost and operational effec-

COFI Committee on Fisheries

COHA C o u n c i l o n H e m i - tiveness analysis

(FAO); Cost of Funds Index

spheric Affairs COEA Chief Ordnance Electri-

COFIDE Corporación Finan-

COHATA Compagnie Haiti- cal Artificer

ciera de Desarrollo (Span-

enne des Transports Aériens COEA Consejo de la Organ-

ish—Financial Development

(French—Haitian Air Trans- isación de los Estados Amer-


port Company) icanos (Spanish—Council of

COFIPS Central Ohio Federa-

cohb carboxyhemoglobin the Organization of American

tion of Informatioim Process-

COHb Carboxyhemoglobin States)

ing Societies

Co Hd coral head coed coeducation(al); female

COFIS Canadian On-Line Fi-

nancial Information Service

COHD Copyright Office His-

student tory Document coed (COED) computer-oper-

COFO Council of Federated

coher cohere(d); coherence; co- ated electronic display

O rg a n i z a t i o n s ( C O R E ,


herency; coherer; cohering;

coherent(ly) co-ed co-editor

COFPHE Capital Outlay Fund

COHM Copyright Office His- co-edn(s) co-edition(s)

for Public Higher Education

tory Monograph COEDS Char Oil Energy De-

co/fr counter offer

coho coherent oscillator velopment Systems

COFRC Chevron Oil Field Re-

COHO Council of Health Or- COEES Central Office Equip-

search Company

ganization ment Engineering System

cofron copper iron (patent med-

Cohoun Colquhoun (Bell)

icine mixture)

cohq combined operations coef coefficient

COFSAF Chief of Staff, U.S.

headquarters coel (Greek koilos—cavity, hol-

Air Force

COHSE Confederation of low)—coelenterate, coelo-

cofx component fixture

Health Service Employees mate, coelostat(ic)

cog center of gravity

COHST Certified Occupa- Coel Coelenterata

cog. cognate

tional Health Safety Techni- COENCO Committee for En-

c-o-g coal to oil to gas

cian vironmental Conservation .

CoG Council of Governments

coi classroom observation in- COEP Community Outreach

COG Change Our Gender;

strument; crack-opening in- Educational Program

Change Our Goal; Council of





COI Central Office of Infor-

colet. coleatur (Latin—let it be mation; Certificate of Origin

cokesmoke(s) cocaine smoker;

strained, strain it) and Interest; Coordinator of

cocaine smoking

COLI Corporate-Owned Life Information

col chain overseas low (radar);

Insurance COI Comité Olimpico Interna-

colon; colonial; colonic; col-

colidar coherent light detection cional (Spanish—Interna-

onist; colonization; colonize;

and ranging tional Olympic Committee);

colony; color; coloring; col-

Colin Nicholas Commission Oceanagraph-

orist; colors; column

colingo compile online and go ique Intergouvernementale

col (COL) computer-oriented

(data processing) (French—Intergovernmental


coll collected; collection; col- Oceanographic Commission)

c-o-l (COL) cost of living

lective; collect(or); col- COIC C a n a d i a n O c e a n o -

col. colatus (Latin—strained, as

loid(al); colloquial(ism) graphic Identification Center;

through a filter); collum

Coll College; Collegiate Combined Operations Intelli-

(Latin—collar); colon

collab collaboration; collabora- gence Center

(Latin—large intestine)

tor CoID Council of Industrial De-

co-L co-latitude

collabo(s) collaborator(s) sign

Col Colchester; Colima; Coli-

coll agc collection agency coif coiffure

seum (London); College; Co-

collat collateral COIMS Council for Interna-

logne; Colombia(no); Colón

collect. collection; collective; tional Organizations of Med-

(Panamanian port city facing

collectively ical Sciences

Christóbal); Colonel; Coloss-

Coll Ency Colliers’ Encyclope- coin. coinage; counterinsur-

ians, Epistle to the; Columba

dia gency—anti-guerrilla warfare

(constellation); Columbia(n);

Collier-Macmillan C o l l i e r- coin. (COIN) complete operat-

Columbus; Coronel

Macmillan Library Service ing information

COL Computer Oriented Lan-

Collins Wm Collins Sons & Co COIN Counterinsurgency


Collins Bay Canadian peniten- Coin & Curr Coin and Cur-

cola (COLA) cost-of-living ad-

tiary on Collins Bay near rency Institute

justment; cost-of-living al-

Kingston, Ontario coin gold 90% gold, 10% cop-


Coll L Collection Letter per

cola. cost-of-living allowance

colloq colloquial(ism); collo- coin-op coin-operated

cola colonia (Spanish—col-

quium COINS Computer and Infor-


coll’ott coll’ottava (Italian— mation Sciences; Computer-

COLA Committee on Latin

play in octaves, with the oc- ized Information System(s);

America; Committee on Li-

tave) Control in Information Sys-

brary Automation (ALA);

collr collector tems; Cooperative Intelli-

Cost of Living Adjustment

collun. collunarium (Latin— gence Network System

COLAC Central Organization

nose wash) coin silver 50 to 92.5% silver

of Liaison for Application of

collut. collutorium (Latin— with balance of copper or


mouthwash) other metals

Col Alb College of the Alberm-

coll vol collective volume co-intel counterintelligence


Coll Wooster C o l l eg e o f COINTELPRO Counterintel-

COLAs Cost-of-Living Adjust-



colly colliery ligence Program (FBI)

colat. colatus (Latin—strained)

COIR Commission on Inter- collyr. collyrium (Latin—eye- group Relations (NYC)

col bh collision bulkhead

col C col canto (Italian—fol-


colm column Cois François

low the voice)

Colm Columba COIT Central Office of the In-

COLC Cost of Living Council

COLMIS Collection Manage- dustrial Tribunal (UK)

cold. chronic obstructive lung

ment Information System COIU Congress of Independent

disease; colored

colo colophon (printer’s or pub- Unions

Col$ Colombian peso

lisher’s device, symbol, or COJ Court of Justice

COLDEMAR Compañia Co-

trademark) COJO Conference of Jewish

lombiana de Navegación

Colo Colorado; Coloradan Organizations

Maritima (Spanish—Colom-

Colo Colossians Cok Cochin

bian Maritime Navigation

Colo Assoc Colorado Associ- coke coca drink; cocaine


ated University Press Coke Coca Cola; NATO nick-

colen. colentur (Latin—let

colog cologarithm name for the Soviet Antonov

them be strained, strain them)

colograph color lithograph AN-26 350-passenger trans-

Col Ency Columbia Encyclo-

Colom Colombia; Colombian port plane


Colom Christovão Colom (Por- Coke Rep C o k e ’s E n g l i s h

Col Ent Exam C o l l eg e E n -

tuguese—Christopher Co- King’s Bench Reports

trance Examination

coleop coleoptera; coleopterist




Colombia Republic of Colom-

COMAIRNORTH C o m - bia (South American two-

com. commentary; commoner;

mander, Allied Air Forces, ocean nation), República de

communicate; companion

Northern Europe Colombia

com (COM) computer output

COMAIRSONOR C o m - Colombian West Indies Saint

on microfilm; computer-out-

mander, Allied Air Forces, Andrew and Providence is-

put microfilm(ing)

Southern Norway lets, seven groups of coral

com comunicaciones (Span-

COMAIRSOUTH C o m - cays on Nicaragua’s Mos-


mander, Allied Air Forces, quito Coast

com or con or cor ( L a t i n

Southern Europe Colombo Christoforo Colombo

cum— together, with)—com-

Comalco Commonwealth Alu- (Italian—Christopher Colum-

pound, confine, correct

minum Company (Australia) bus)

com. commemoratio (Latin—

COMAMF (1) C o m m a n d e r colón unit of currency in Costa


Ace Mobile Force (land) Rica and El Salvador

Com Coma Berenices (constel-

COMANDOS C o n s t r u c t i o n coloph colophon

lation); Commander; Comoro

and Management of Distrib- Colorado Springs U . S . A i r

Islands; Republic of Comoros

uted Office Systems Force Academy at Colorado

(whose capital is Moroni)

COMANSEC C o m p u t a t i o n Springs, Colorado

Com. Commissioner

and Analysis Section (Cana- colorectal colon rectal (area or

COM Chief Operations Man-

dian Defense Research cancer)

ager; Church of Melanesia;

Board) coloreds c o l o r e d p e r s o n s

Council of Ministers

COMANTDEFCOM C o m - (South Africans of mixed

COMA Coke Oven Managers’

les Defense Command Colo St U Comm C o l o r a d o


Association; Council On Mi-

mander, United States Antil-

nority Aging

State University Institute in

comac continuous multiple-ac-

comar computer aerial recon- naissance

Technical and Industrial

cess comparator

COMARAIRMED C o m - col p color page

mander, Maritime Air Forces COLPA Commission on Law


COMACH C o n f e d e ra c i ó n

Maritima de Chile (Span-

ish—Maritime Confederation

Mediterranean COMARC Cooperative Ma-

and Public Affairs

of Chile)

colrad collegiate research and

COMAEGEAN Commander,

chine Readable Cataloging

COMARRHIN Commander, development


COLREG Regulations Gov-

comaf commodore amphibious

Maritime Rhine

COMART Commander, Ma- erning Collisions


COLS Communications for

rine Air Reserve Training On-Line Systems

COMAINT Command Mainte-

comat computer-assisted train- Col-Sgt Colour-Sergeant


ing colspd collapsed

COMAIR Commercial Air-

COMAT Committee on Mate- Col Sym Columbia Symphony




COMATS Commander Mili- colt computerized on-line

mander Baltic Air Forces

tary Air Transport Service COLT Council on Library



Com Aus Commonwealth of Technology; Council on Li-


Australia brary-Media Technical-As-

mander, Allied Air Forces,

comb. combat; combination; sistants

Central Europe

combine; combing; combus- Colu Columba


tion Columbia School C o l u m b i a

Commander, Central Atlantic

Com Bah Commonwealth of Training School at Columbia,


the Bahamas Mississippi

Commander, Channel

COMBALTAP Allied Com- Columbis Columbidae (doves


mand Baltic Approaches and pigeons)

Commander East Atlantic

(NATO) Columbus House C o l u m bu s


COMBARFORCLANT Com- Workhouse and Women’s


mander, Barrier Forces, At- Correctional Institution at

Commander, Eastern Atlantic

lantic Columbus, Ohio


COMBATCRULANT C o m - com comedy; comma; com-

Air Force, Atlantic

mander, Battleship-Cruiser, mand; commercial; commis-

COMAIRNON Commander,

Atlantic Fleet sion; committee; common;

Allied Air Forces, Northern

combi combination communication(s); comple-


combine. combined harvester ment; compliment; compo-


COMBISLANT Commander, nentized architecture

Commander, Northern Atlan-


Bay of Biscay, Atlantic




COMGENEUCOM C o m - mander, Black Sea Defense

Comdr Commander

manding General, European Sector

Comdt Commandant

Command combo combination (of musi-

COME Chief Ordnance Me-

COMGENTHIRDAIR C o m - cians, or of a safe)

chanical Engineer

manding General, Third Air COMBO Combined Arts of

comeas countermeasures

Division San Diego


COMGENUSAFE Command- combo lock(s) c o m b i n a t i o n

mander, Eastern Sea Frontier

ing General, U.S. Air Forces, lock(s)

COMECON Council of Mu-

Europe COMBOSFORT C o m -

tual Economic Assistance (of

COMGENUSAREUR C o m - mander, Bosphorus Fortifica-

communist nations)

manding General, U.S. Army, tions

COMED Communications Ed-

Europe COMBQUARFOR Combined

iting Unit

COMGERNORSEA C o m - Quarantine Force

COMEDBASE Commander,

mander, German North Sea Com Brit Comunidad Brit-

Mediterranean Defense Sec-

Subarea ánica (Spanish—British


COMGIBLANT Commander, Commonwealth of Na-

COMEDI Commerce Elec-

Atlantic Approaches Gibral- tions)—Great Britain and

tronic Data Interchange

tar former colonies

COMEDS Continental Meteo-

Com/I Commercial Invoice COMBRITELBE C o m -

rological Data System

COMIBERLANT C o m - mander, British Naval Elbe

COMEINDORS C o m p o s i t e

Squadron mander, Iberian Atlantic Area

Mechanized and Document

COMBRITRHIN C o m - COMIBOL Corporacíon Min-

Retrieval System

mander, British Naval Rhine era de Bolivia (Spanish—Bo-

COMERMEX C o m m e rc i a l

Squadron livian Mining Corporation)

Mexicano (Banco) (Span-

combs. combinations COMICEDEFOR C o m -

ish—Commercial Bank of

combu combustion mander, United States Iceland


combust combustion Defense Force

Com Err Comedy of Errors

COMCANLANT C o m - COMICS Computer-Oriented

comet. computer operated man-

mander, Canadian Atlantic Managed-Inventory Control

agement evaluation technique

COMET Committee for Mid-



Commander, Caribbean Sea COMIL Chairman of Military

dle East Trade; Computer-

Frontier Committee

Operated Management Eval-

uation Technique; Construc-

COMCAT Computer Output

comin’ coming Microfilm Catalog

COMINCH Commander-in- COMCEN Communications

tion Organization Member-

Chief, United States Fleet Center

ship Education Training;

Controllability, Observability,

COMIND Commander, Indian COMCENTLANT C o m -

and Maintenance Engineer-

(USN) mander, Central Atlantic

ing Technic

Cominform Communist Infor- ComCm C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

COMETS C o m p u t e r- O p e r-

mation Bureau counter-measures and decep-

ated Multifunction Electronic

comint communications intelli- tion

Test Station


COMETT Community Pro-

Comintern Communist Inter- mander Cruiser-Destroyer

gram for Education and

national; Cominform Flotilla

Training in Technology

Com Int Sec Committee on In- COMCRUDESPAC C o m -

COMEX C o m m o d i t y E x -

ternal Security (formerly mander Cruisers and Destroy-

change (NY)

House Committee on Un- ers in the Pacific (USN)

COMEXCO Committee for

A m e r i c a n A c t iv i t i e s — COMCRULANT C o m -

Exploitation of the Oceans

HUAC) mander, Cruisers, Atlantic


Comiskey C o m i s k ey Pa r k , comd command

Air Fleet, Eastern Atlantic

Chicago COMDARFORT C o m -

and Mediterranean

Com Isl Comoro Islands mander, Dardanelles Fortifi-


comis o comisario (Spanish— cations

Commander, Fleet Air Wing,

commissary, delegate, deputy, COMDESFLOT C o m -


manager, police inspector) mander, Destroyer Flotilla

Com Fran Cumunidad Franc-

comit computer operations COMDEV C o m m o n w e a l t h

esa (Spanish—French Com-

management information Development

munity of Nations)—France

training comdg commanding

and former colonies

COMITEXTIL Coordination Com Dom Commonwealth of

comfy comfortable

Committee for the Textile In- Dominica

Com-Gen Commissary-Gen-


dustry in the EEC



COMJUWATF Commander,

comn common Joint Unconventional Warfare

commem c o m m e m o r a t i o n ;

ComNAB Commander, Naval Task Force


Air Bases comkd completely knocked

Comments Nucl Part Phys

COMNAV Commander Naval down

Comments on Nuclear and

Forces coml commercial

Particle Physics

COMNAVBALTAP C o m - COMLA Commonwealth Li-

Commerce D e p a r t m e n t o f

mander Baltic Naval Forces brary Association

Commerce; High School of

(NATO) COMLAND Commander Land


COMNAVBASE Commander, Forces

COMMFEX Communications

Naval Base COMMANDCENT C o m -

Field Exercise

commfu complete and utterly

mander, Bremerhaven Naval COMLANDEAST C o m -

mander, Allied Land Forces,

COMNAVBREM C o m - Central Europe

monumental foulup

commi communism; communist


commie commissary; commu-

Naval Forces, Central Army COMLANDMARK C o m -

mander, Allied Land Forces,

CONAVCAG C o m m a n d e r, Southeastern Europe


Group Area and Bremerhaven mander, Allied Land Forces,

COMMIR Commissioner of

COMNAVCENT C o m - Denmark

Inland Revenue

mander, Allied Naval Forces, COMLANDNON C o m -

Commiss Commissary

Central Europe mander, Allied Land Forces,

comm’l commercial

commn commission

commo communications


Commander, Naval Recruit- COMLANDNORWAY C o m -

Northern Norway

Commo Office of Communica-

ing Command Instructions mander, Allied Land Forces,

tions (CIA)

commod commodity


ANAS Commander, Naval COMLANDSOUTH C o m -


Commons House of Commons

Forces, Marianas Islands mander, Allied Land Forces,

common salt sodium chloride

COMNAVFORJAPAN C o m - Southern Europe


mander, Naval Forces, Japan COMLANT Commander, At-

Commonwealth British Com-

COMNAVGERBALT C o m - lantic (USN)

monwealth of Nations: the

mander, German Naval COMLOGNET Combat Lo-

United Kingdom, Australia,

Forces, Baltic gistics Network

Bahamas, Bangladesh, Bar-

COMNAVNORCENT C o m - comm commerce; commercial;

bados, Botswana, Canada,

mander, Northern Air Forces, commission; committee;

Cyprus, Ghana, Grenada,

Central Europe commonwealth; commune;

Guyana, Fiji, India, Jamaica,

COMNAVNORTH C o m - communication; commutator

Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Ma-

mander, Allied Naval Forces, comm. commissioners

laysia, Malta, Mauritius,

Northern Europe comm. commune (Latin—all

Nauru, New Zealand, Nige-

COMNAVSONOR C o m - the people, the community)

ria, Sierra Leone, Singapore,

mander, Allied Naval Forces, Comm community

Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanza-

Southern Norway Comm. Commodore

nia, The Gambia, Tonga,

COMNAVSOUTH C o m - Comm Commendatore (Ital-

Tr i n i d a d a n d To b a g o ,

mander, Naval Forces, South- ian—Commander, knight)—

Uganda, Western Samoa,

ern Europe equivalent to the British Sir

Zambia, and their dependent



Commr Commissioner

COMNAVSUPPACT C o m - mander, Naval Support Activ-

ity Gibraltar, Atlantic

m a n d e r, M a r i t i m e A i r,

commstitch communications

failure detecting and switch-

Commanders Commander Is-

comnd commissioned lands in the Bering Sea

COMNEATLANT C o m - Com Mat Cen C o m m u n i c a -

ing (equipment)

mander, Northeast Atlantic tion Materials Center (Co-

commun communication

commun dis c o m m u n i c a b l e

COMNON Commander, Allied lumbia University)

Forces, Northern Norway Comm Bio Pest C o m m i t t e e


Commun Math Phys Commu-

nications in Mathematical


Commander, North American (San Ysidro, California)

for Biological Pest Control


Anti-Submarine Defense COMMCEN C o m m u n i c a -

Commun Pure Appl Math

Force, Atlantic tions Center

Communications on Pure and

COMNORLANT C o m - commd command(ing); com-

Applied Mathematics

mander, Northern Atlantic missioned

commuterport(s) commuter-

COMNORSEACENT C o m - commdg commanding

type airport(s)

mander, North Sea Subarea, Commdr Commander

commy commissariat; commis-

Central Europe Commdt Commandant

sary; communist

commz communications zone

comnr commissioner



Como Commodore; Como-

Comptes Rend. Comptes ren- doro, Rivadavia (Argentine


dus de l’Académie des Sci- naval hero and seaport name);

Commander, Patrol Forces,

ences (Proceedings of the Comoro

Northern Subarea, Atlantic

Academy of Science) comp accompaniment; accom-

comp case compensation case

comp time compensatory time pany; comparative; compara-

Comp Curr Comptroller of the

off in lieu of overtime wages tor; compare; comparison;


COMPTUEX C o m p o s i t e compass; compensate; com-

compd compound

Training Unit Exercise pensation; compensatory; compilation; compile(d);

compdes compensator design;

compu computable; computa- compiler; complimentary;

competitive design

COMPELS C o m p u t e r i z e d

bility; computation(al); com-

puter; computerization; com- compose(d); composition;

Evaluation and Logistics Sys-

puterize compositor; compound(ed);

tem (USA)

compen compensate; compen-

COMPUSEC Computer Secu-

rity sive; comptroller; computer;

comprehension; comprehen-

sation; compensatory

CompuServ Computer Service rhetorician’s mark meaning

(network) false comparison

compend compendious; com-


Compu Sex C o m p u t e r S ex

comp (COMP) complainant

(erotic messages conveyed to comp. company

Compendex Computerized En-

home-computer owners) comp. compositus (Latin—

gineering Index

comput computer compounded of)

compf composition floor

Comp Gen Comptroller Gen-

computa computational computes. computers

COMP College of Osteopathic


Medicine of the Pacific; Con-

computime c o m p u t e r- c o m - matics Program

compl complaint; complete;

ceptually-Oriented Mathe-

compilation; compiled

Compl A Lovers Complaint

puted time Comr Commissioner

comp a compressed air

COMRAC Combat Radius Ca- crofilm package; computer

COMPLEX C o m m i t t e e o n

compac computer-output mi-

pability (DoD) program for automatic con-

Planetary and Lunar Explora-

com rcm command reconnais- trol


sance COMPAC Commander, Pa-

complic complications

comirel community relations cific (USN); Commonwealth

complt complainant; complaint

COMRNDN Commander, Riv- Pacific Telephone Cable

comp mar companionate mar-

erine Division (USN) (linking Australia, New


COMRNFLOT Commander, Zealand, and Pacific Ocean

COMPMR Commander, Pa-

Riverine Flotilla (USN) islands with the rest of the

cific Missile Range

compn composition

COMRNRON C o m m a n d e r,

world) Riverine Squadron (USN)

compo compensation; compo-

COMPACS Computer-Output coms communications support

nent; composer; composite;

COMS College of Osteopathic Concept Study (USA)

composition; compositor

Microforms Program and

Medicine and Surgery (Des compact. compatible algebraic

compool common pool; com-

Moines) compiler and translator; com-

munications pool(ing)

comsab communist sabotage; puter planning and control

compos components; compos-

communist saboteur technique

ers; composites; composi-

comsabs communist saboteurs COMPACT Computator Plan-

tions; compositors

COMSAMAR C o m m a n d e r, ning and Control Technique

compound A 11-dehydrocorti-

Straits and Marmara Defense compand compress to expand


Sector (radio communication term)

compound B corticosterone

Comsat Communications Sat- compar comparative

compound E cortisone

ellite (corporation) compare. computerized perfor-

compound F cortisol

comsat(s) communications sat- mance and analysis response

compound S 11-deoxycortisol

ellite(s) evaluator; console for optical

Compr compressor

ComSeaFron Commander Sea measurement and precise

compreg compressed-impreg-

Frontier (USN) analysis of radiation from

nated (wood)

comsec communications secu- electronics

comprosl compound proce-

rity COMPASS C o m p r e h e n s ive

dural scientific language

COMSEC Communications Assembly System: Comput-

comp(s) c o m p l i m e n t a r y

Security erized Movement Planning


COMSECONDFLT C o m - and Status System

compt catecholomethyltrans-

mander, Second Fleet (USN) COMPATFOR Commander,

ferase; compartment; comp-

COMSENEX Combined Sen- Patrol Forces


Compt Comptroller

sor Tracking Exercise


Con Eng

COMSER Commission on Ma-

conbat converted battalion anti- rine Science and Engineering

COMUSAFSO Commander,

tank Research

U.S. Air Force, Southern

conc concentrate; concentra- Com Ser Cen C o m m u n i t y


tion; concentric; concrete Service Center


CONCACAF Confederación COMSEVFLT Commander,

U.S. Forces, Azores

Centro Americano y Carí- Seventh Fleet (USN)


bean Futbal (Spanish—Cen- COMSIXFLT C o m m a n d e r,

U.S. Forces, Japan

tral American and Caribbean Sixth Fleet (USN)


Soccer Association) comsn commission

U.S. Forces, Korea

concb concrete block comsoal computer method of


conc c concrete ceiling sequencing operations for as-

mander, U.S. Military Assis-

conc clg concrete ceiling sembly lines

tance Command Vietnam

concd concentrated; concerned comstar communications satel-

COMUSRHIN Commander,

concentr concentrate(d) lite network

U.S. Rhine River Patrol

CONCEPT Computation On- Comsteel C o m m o n w e a l t h

COMUSTDC C o m m a n d e r,

line of Networks of Chemical Steel

U.S. Taiwan Defense Com-

Engineering Processes comstock comstockery


Com Ver Common Version (of

Concertg Concertgebouwork-


est (Dutch—Concert Hall Or- Commander, Strategic Re-

the Bible)

com wc c o m m a n d w e a p o n

chestra)—Amsterdam’s cele-

brated symphony orchestra serve, Allied Land Forces,


conc f concrete floor Central Europe

Comy-Gen Commissary-Gen-

conc fl concrete floor COMSTRIKFLTLANT Com-

concg concentrating mander, Striking Fleet Atlan-

eral Com Z Communications Zone

conch. conchology tic (USN)

con confidence (game, man);


conned; conning; consoli-

concis. concisus (Latin—cut)

concn concentration Commander, Naval Striking

concomp conversational com- and Forces Support, Southern

dated; control; conversation;

putation project Europe COMSTS Commander Mili-

convict con. conservation

Con Con Constitutional Con-

vention tary Sea Transport Service

con (CON) c o n s t a n t ( fl ow

Con Cpt Constructor Captain COMSUBEASTLANT C o m -


concr concrete mander, Submarine Force,

con (Latin prefix—together or

cond condenser; condition; Eastern Atlantic

with)—confab, conference

con. contra (Latin—against)

conductivity; conductor


condeep(s) concrete deepwater Commander, Submarines,

Con Concord(e); Congo (Re-

structure(s) Northeast Mediterranean

public of the; whose capital is

condit conditional COMSUBPAC Commander,

Brazzaville); Connie; Conser-

condiv continental divide Submarines, Pacific

vative; Constance; Consuela;

consul; consultation

condo(s) condominium(s)

comsy commissary condr conductor comsymp communist sympa-

CON Certificate of Need; Con-

servative; Conservative Party

cond ref conditioned reflex

thizer cond resp c o n d i t i o n e d r e -

con8va. con ottava (Italian—

comt comptroller sponse

with octaves)

comt (COMT) catechol-O-me- condrill concrete drill(ing)

CONAC Continental Air Com-

thyltransferase conds condoms


COMTAC Command Tactical conductimetric conductance +

CONACS Contractor’s Ac-

(USN) metric

counting System

COMTAFDEN Commander, CONE Chamber Orchestra of

CONACYT Consejo Nacional

Tactical Air Force, Denmark New England; Collectors of

de Ciencia y Tecnologia

Numismatic Errors comte committee

(Spanish—National Council

CONEA Confederation of Na- COMTEC Computer Micro-

for Science and Technology)

tional Educational Associa- graphics Technology (group)

CONAD Continental Air De-

tions com tech c o m m u n i c a t i o n s

fense Command

Con Ed Consolidated Edison technician

CONADE Consejo Nacional de

CONEFO Conference of New COMTRAC Computer-aided

Desarrollo (Spanish—Na-

Emerging Forces Traffic Control

tional Development Council)

CONEG Conference of North- comtran commercial transla-

conaloc continuity and logic

eastern Governors tion; computer translation

ConArC Continental Army

conelrad control of electro- COMUSAF Commander U.S.


magnetic radiation Air Forces

CONASA Council of North At-

lantic Shipping Associations

Con Eng Convent English



CONESCAL Centro Regional

Cong Christ Congregational

conobjtr conscientious objec-

tor para America Latina (Span-

de Construcciones Escolares


CONOCO Continental Oil ish—Regional Center of

Cong Digest Congressional Di-

Company School Construction for Latin


con of consisting of America)

congen common specification

conopt constrained optimiza- con esp con espressione (Ital-

statements generator; conge-

tion ian—with expression)

nial; congenital(ly)

conq conquer(ed); conquering; co-netic h i g h - p e r m e a b i l i t y

Con Gen Consul General

conqueror; conquest nonshock-sensitive (alloy de-

Cong Fr Congolese franc

Conr Conrad veloped for maximum attenu-

Congl Congregational

conrad contour radar data ation at low flux density)

conglom(s) conglomerate(s);

CONRAD Contraceptive Re- conex connection(s); container

conglomerateur(s); conglom-

search and Development export


ConRail Consolidated Rail conex (CONEX) connection(s)

Congo Republic of the Congo

Corporation (government- Coney Coney Island (amuse-

(formerly the French Congo

sponsored railroads including ment center on southwest side

in west central Africa), Ré-

the Ann Arbor, Central Rail- of Brooklyn, New York)

publique Populaire du Congo

road of New Jersey, Erie- conf confer; conference; confi-

Cong Orat Congregation of

Lackawanna, Lehigh and dential

the Oratory

Hudson River, Lehigh Valley, conf. confer (Latin—compare)

Congrats congratulations

Penn Central, Reading) Conf Confucian; Confucius

Cong Rec C o n g re s s i o n a l

con rod connecting rod CONF Conference Papers In-


cons conservatory; consider; dex

Congreg Congregationalist

consist; consonant confab confabulation; confabu-

con(s) confidence (games); late

Cong Staff Congressional Staff


consultant(s); conviction(s); CONFAD Concept of a Fam-

convict(s) ily of Army Divisions

Cong U Congregational Union

cons. construction confec. confectio (Latin—con-

(England and Wales)

cons. conserva (Latin—a pre- fection)

CONGU Council of National

serve) Conf Econ Prog Conference

Golf Unions

Cons Conservative on Economic Progress

conics conic sections

conif coniferous

CONSAL Congress of South-

confed confederation east Asian Librarians

conj conjugal; conjugate; con-

Confed Confederate CONSCIENCE Committee on

junction; conjunctivitis

Confederacy C o n f e d e r a t e National Student Citizenship

conject. conjecture

States of America (Virginia, in Every National Case of

CONLIS Committee on Na-

North and South Carolina, Emergency

tional Library and Informa-

Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Consc o Consejo (Spanish—

tion Systems

Mississippi, Louisiana, Council)

Con Lt Constructor Lieutenant

Texas, Arkansas, Tennes- con sect conic section

Con Lt-Cdr Constructor Lieu-

see—and temporarily in Ken- Cons Eng Consulting Engineer


tucky and Missouri) CONSER CONversion of SE-

con man c o n fi d e n c e m a n ;

confer. conference; conferred Rials (Council on Library Re-


confi confidant(e); confidence; sources project)

CONMAROPS C o n c e p t o f

conserv conservation; conser- confidential

Maritime Operations

vationist; conservatoire; con- CONFICS Cobra Night Fire

conn connection; connective;

servatory Control System (helicopter)


Conserv Conservatoire; Con- confid confidential

Conn Connecticut; Connecti-

servatory confid(l)(ly) confidence; confi-


cons. et prud. consilio et pru- dential(ly)

CONN Connellan Airways

dentia (Latin—by counsel confit(s) confiture(s)

CONNECT Connecticut On-

and prudence) confr confectioner

Line Enforcement Communi-

Cons Gen Consul General cong congress(ional)

cation and Teleprocessing

consgt consignment cong. congius (Latin—gallon)

(computerized criminal file)

conshelf continental shelf Cong Congress; congregation;

Connie Conrad; Constance;

conship control by ship Vietcong

Consuela; Cornelia; Corne-

conshore control from shore congal (cuarto) con gal [Mexi-


consid consideration can-American—(room) with

Conn Turn Connecticut Turn-

consig consignee girl]—house of prostitution


Con S-Lt Constructor Sub- con game confidence game;

Conny Constance

Lieutenant confidence trick(ery)

co/no current operator/next op-


consltnt consultant consltnt consultant


consol consolidated

contr. contract Consol Consolidated Coal

cont. bon. mor. contra bonos

cont. rem. continuetur reme- consolex consolidation exercise

mores (Latin—contrary to

dia (Latin—let the remedy be consols consolidated annuities

good manners)

continued) CONSORT Conversation Sys-

Cont Cong Continental Con-

contrib contribution; contribu- tem with On-Line Remote


tor Terminals

contd contained; continued

contrit. contritus (Latin—bro- consperg. consperge (Latin—

cont drift continental drift

ken, ground, macerated) dust, sprinkle)

coutemp contemporary

cont shelf continental shelf of a conspic conspicuous

contempo contemporary

continent extending into the const constant; constitution;

conter. contere (Latin—rub to-

sea before it descends sharply constitutional; construction;


CONTU Commission on New constructor

conter US c o n t e r m i n o u s

Technological Uses of Copy- Const Constable; Constitution;

United States (48 states hav-

righted Works (Library of Constructor

ing common boundaries)

Congress) Const Constitution (of the

Cont Eur Continental Europe

contus. c o n t u s u s ( L a t i n — United States)

Cont Eur & Br I Continental

bruised, contused) constab constabulary

Europe and British Isles

cont w continuous window Constan Constantine; Constan-

contg containing

CONU Contrans (container) tinople (Istanbul)

Cont HH continental range of

Unit Constance Lake Constance

ports from Havre to Hamburg

conurb(s) conurbation(s) called Bodensee by the Aus-

cont hp continental horse-

Con US (CONUS) Continen- trians and the Germans


tal United States constit constituent(s); constitu-

Conti Constantine; Constanti-

CONUS Intel C o n t i n e n t a l tion(al)


United States Intelligence constn constitution; construc-

contigs contiguous states (48

(USA) tion

abutting states that form the

conv convalescent; convention; constocs contingency support

continental U.S.)

conventional; conversa- stocks

contig US contiguous United

tion(al); convertible constr construction; construc-

States (48 states that border

Conv convention, conversion tor

one another)

Conv Convento (Spanish—con- construct. construction(al)(ly)

contin continental; continuous

vent) Const US Constitution of the

contin continuo (Italian—con-

convair conveyed by air United States

tinuous); continuetur

convce conveyance consub continental-shelf sub-

(Latin—let it be continued)

conv encl convector enclosure mersible

contin US continental United

convert convertible consult. consultant

States (Alaska plus the 48

convex convoy exercise consumcrit c o n s u m e r

states occupying much of the

convg convergence critic(ism)

North American continent)

ConVis Convention and Visi- consv conservation; conserve

contl continental

tors Bureau cont contact; content(s); conti-

contr contract; contracted; con-

Convis Bur Convention and nent(al); continue(d); contin-

traction; contractor

Visitor’s Bureau uous(ly); contract(or); con-

contra against; contra-indi-

convl conventional trol(ler)


convn convenient cont. contra (Latin—against);

contra (Latin prefix—against or

convt convert(ible) contusus (Latin—bruised,

opposite)—contradict, con-

conv te conveniente (Spanish— confused)


convenient) Cont Continent; Continental

CONTRA Coalition of Non-

CONWR Crab Orchard Na- contac continuous action

Theist Religious Alternatives

tional Wildlife Refuge (Illi- contag contagious

contrail condensation trail

nois) containerport container-ship

contralat contralateral

coo controller of ordnance seaport (equipped for han-

contran control translator

Coo Coos Bay dling and storing containers)

contraprop contra + propeller;

Coo Coo blimey (Cockney— contam contaminant; contami-

contrarotating propeller

God blind me) nate; contamination

contrapun contrapuntal(ist);

CoO Chief of Operations; CONTAM Committee on Na-


Committee on Organization tionwide Television Audience

contra(s) contraceptive(s)

CoO (COO) Chief of Outpost Measurement

Contras Contra Sandinistas

(CIA) contax consumers and taxpay-


COO Chief Operating Officer; ers

tas)—Nicaraguan rebels

Chief Ordnance Offficer contb contraband

contr. bon. mor. contra bonos

cooc contact with oil or other contbg contributing

mores (Latin—contrary to

good manners)




COOC Commission on Orga-

Copen Copenhagen nized Crime

Copa Copacabana

COPES College Occupational COOH (carboxyl group found

COPA Council on Postsecond-

Programs Educational Sys- in all organic acids)

ary Accreditation

tem; Committee on Program cook. cookery

COPA Compañía Panameña de

Evaluation and Support; Con- Cooks Cook Islanders; Cook

Aviación (Spanish—Panama-

nian Aviation Company)

ceptually-Oriented Program

in Elementary Science (Thomas Cook and Son, Ltd)

I s l a n d s ; C o o k ’s To u r s

copac continuous operation

COPH Congress of Organiza- cool. coolant

production allocation and

tions of the Physically Handi- Cool-Kal Coolgardie-Kalgoor-


capped lie

COPAFS Council of Profes-

COPIAT Coalition to Preserve coon(s) coonhound(s)-contrac-

sional Associations on Fed-

the Integrity of American tion of racoon hounds

eral Statistics

Trademarks ’coon(s) racoon(s)

COPAL Cocoa Producers’Alli-

COPICS C o py r i g h t O ffi c e coop. cooperation


Publication and Interactive co-op cooperative; customer

COPANT Comisión Panameri-

Cataloging System (Library on-line order processing

cana de Normas Tecnica s

of Congress) Coop Cooper

( S p a n i s h — Pa n a m e r i c a n

COPL Council of Planning Li- COOP ED Cooperative Educa-

Commission for Technical

brarians tion


copo copolymer coopg cooperage

COPAO Council of Philippine-

COPO Council of Philatelica Co-op L Cooperative League

American Organizations

Organizations COOPLAN Continuity of Op-

COPAR Corrective or Preven-

copp cobaltiprotoporphyrin; erations Plan (USN)

tive Action Report

combined operations pilotage Coop Rep Guy C o o p e r a t ive

COPARS Contractor-Operated

party Republic of Guyana

Automotive Parts Store

Copp Copperplate Co-op U Co-operative Union


COPP Conservation Organiza- coorauth coordinating author-

COPAS Council Of Petroleum

tion Protesting Pollution ity

Accountants Societies

copperas ferrous sulfate; green coord coordinate; coordination;

copay. copayment

vitriol coordinator

copc combined operations plan-

COPPS Committee on Power COORS Communications Out-

ning committee

Plant Siting (Nat Acad Engi- COOS Chemical Orbit-to-Or-

copd chronic obstructive pul-

neering) bit Shuttle (NASA)

rage Restoration Section

monary disease; coppered

COPR Center for Overseas cop capillary osmotic pressure;

COPD chronic obstructive pul-

monary disease

COPDAF Continuity of Opera-

Pest Research; Critical Of- ficer Personnel Requirement

casing operating pressure;

(USAF) constable on patrol (origin of

tions Plan—Department of

COPRED C o n s o r t i u m o n tomer owned property; po-

the Air Force

cop); copper; copyright; cus-

Peace Research, Education liceman (slang)

cope chronic obstructive pul-

and Development cop (COP) computer optimiza-

monary emphysema

cops c o p p e r s ; p o l i c e m e n tion package

COPE Champions of Private

(slang) cop. coefficient of performance;

Enterprise; Committee on Po-

COPs Coalition on Police commencement of passage;

litical Education (AFL-CIO);

members custom of port

Committee for Original Peo-

ple’s Entitlement (Canadian

COPS California Organization c-o-p change of plea

Eskimo’s claim to Canadian

of Police and Sheriffs; Chief Cop Copernican; Coptic

land); Concerned Organiza-

of Operations (CIA); Com- Cop Copenhague (French, Por-

tion of Parents to Educate;

mittees Organized for Public tuguese, Spanish—Copen-

Congress on Optimum Popu-

Service; Community-Ori- hagen)

lation and Environment;

ented Policing Services; Con- COP Career Opportunity Pro-

Council on Population and

cerns of Police Survivors gram; Certificate of Participa-


Copsa Mica ( R o m a n i a n — tion; Certificate of Profi-

COPEC Compañía Petrolera

Black Town) ink-soaked town ciency; City of Prineville

Chilena (Spanish—Chilean

near chemical plants (railroad); Coalition on Po-

Petroleum Company)

Copt Coptic lice; Combat Outpost; Com-

COPEI Comité Organizador

coptec controller overload pre- missary Operating Program;

del Partido Electoral Inde-

diction technic Community-Oriented Polic-

pendiente (Spanish—Organi-

copter(s) helicopter(s) ing; Continuity of Operations

zation Committee of the Inde-

co-ptr co-partner Plan; Cox’s Orange Pippin;

pendent Electoral Party)—

copu copulate; copulation; cop- Custom of the Port

Venezuela’s Social Christian





COPUL Council of Prairie

CORGI Confederation for University Libraries

CORCO Commonwealth Oil

Registration of Gas Installers copy. copyright

Refining Company (Puerto

corin corinthian coq cost of quality


Coriol Coriolanus coq. coque (Latin—boil)

cord computer on-line devices

CORL Canadian Operations co Q coenzyme Q

cord. cordillera (Spanish—

Research Society coq. s.a. coque secundum ar-

mountain range)

CORLS Central Ontario Re- tem (Latin—boil correctly)

Cord Cordelia; Córdoba

gional Library System coq. in s.a. coque in suffuciente

C of Ord Chief of Ordnance

CORM Council for Optical Ra- aqua (Latin—boil in suffi-

CORD Center for Occupational

diation Measurements cient water)

Research and Development;

CORMA Corporación de la coq. sim. coque simul (Latin—

Commissioned Officer(s)

Madera (Spanish—Wood boil together)

Residency Deferment; Con-

Corporation) cor cold-regulated (genes);

gress on Research in Dance

cormant cormorant contactor, running; corner;

cordat coordinate data set

CORMAR Coral Reef Man- cornet; correction

cordic coordinate rotation digi-

agement and Research cor corno (Italian—horn)

tal computer

Cor Mem C o r r e s p o n d i n g cor. corpus (Latin—body)

Cordilleras Cordillera Moun-

Member Cor Corinthians; Corona;

tains of the Americas

Corn C o r n e l i u s ; C o r n i s h ; Coronado; Coroner; Corsica;

CORDIPLAN Oficina Central

Cornwall Coruña

corned-beefsan c o r n e d - b e e f Cor Corea (Portuguese or

de Coordinación y Planifi-

cación (Spanish—Central

sandwich Spanish—Korea); Corvus

Office of Coordination and

corned-beefwich corned-beef (Latin—Crow constellation)


sandwich COR Commonwealth Oil Re- fineries

CORDIS C o m m u n i t y R e -

Maritime Press COR Comisión(es) de Orient-

search and Development In-

Cornell Maritime C o r n e l l

Cornell U Pr Cornell Univer- ación Revolucionaria [Span-

formation Service

sity Press ish—Revolutionary Orienta- tion Committee(s)]—Cuba

cordoba monetary unit of Nic-


cordpo correlated radar data

Corner House Central Mining and Finance Corporation

cora conditioned orientation re-

(South Africa) Cor A Corona Australis


flex audiometry

cords. corduroy pants; cordu-

roy trousers

Corney Cornelia; Cornelius

Cornie Cornelia; Cornelio; CORA Corporación de la Re-

Cornelis; Cornelisz; Corne- forma Agraria (Spanish—

CORDS Civil Operations and

liu; Cornelius; Cornewall; Agrarian Reform Corpora-

Revolutionary Development

Cornwall; Cornwallis tion)—Chile


Corning Mus C o r n i n g M u - coral. class-oriented ring-asso-

core computed oriented report-

seum of Glass ciated language

ing efficiency

Corns Corn Islands in the Car- Coral Coral Sea; Coral Sea Is-

CORE Competitive Opera-

ibbean land Territory beyond Austra-

tional Readiness Evaluation

coroll corollary lia’s Barrier Reef

(Air Force); Congress of Ra-

coron coronary CORAL Coherent Optical Ra-

cial Equality

Coron Convair 990 Coronado dar Laboratory (USAF)

corex coordinated electronic

(aircraft) Cor Aus Cornona Australis

countermeasures exercise

Coronados Coronado Islands (Latin—Northern Cross con-

corf classroom observational

(Los Coronados) south- stellation)

rating form

southwest of San Diego Cor B Corona Borealis

corf(ing) cut(ting) off reflected

COROT Committee on Regu- cor bd corner bead


lar Officer Training corbfus copy of reply to be fur-

CORF Comprehensive Outpa-

corp (Latin prefix—body)— nished us

tient Rehabilitation Facility

corporation, corpus delicti Corbin Corbin on Contracts by

corfam microporous artificial

(the body of the crime) Arthur L Corbin


Corp corporal; Corporation; Cor Bor C o ro n a B o re a l i s

corflu correction fluid

Corpus Christi College, Cam- (Latin—Northern Cross con-

CORFO Corporación de Fo-

bridge or Oxford stellation)

mento (Spanish—Develop-

Corp Coll Corpus Christi Col- Corbu Le Corbusier (nickname

ment Corporation); Corpo-

lege—Oxford of Edouard Jeanneret-Gris)

ración de Fomento de la

Corpl Corporal Corc Cornell computing (lan-

Producción (Spanish—Pro-

Corpn Corporation guage)

duction Development Corpo-

CORPOANDES Corporación Cor Chr Col Corpus Christi


de los Andes (Spanish— College—Cambridge

CORG Combat Operations Re-

search Group

Andes Corporation)




COSCOE Congress of Seniors ración de Oriente (Spanish—

Corv Corvette; Corvus

and Coalition of Elders Corporation of the East)—

CORVA California Off-Road

cosd command supply depot Venezuela

Vehicle Association

COSD Council of Organiza- corppin corporeal pin (tubercu-

Cory Cornelia

tions Serving the Deaf lin testing)

cos cash-on-shipment; contac-

Cos de Mar Costa de Marfil Corpus Corpus Christi, Texas

tor, starting; cosine; cosmic;

(Spanish—Ivory Coast) CORPUS Corps of Reserve

cosmogany; cosmography;

COSE Council of Smaller En- Priests United for Service

cosmology; cosmopolitan

terprises corr correction; correspon-

co’s career officers

CoSEA Colorado Society of dence; corrosion; corrugate

Cos Consul; Counties

Enrolled Agents corr corregido (Spanish—cor-

Cos Kosinus (German—cosine)

COSEBI Corporación de Ser- rected); corriage (French—

CoS Chief of Staff; Chief of

vicios Bibliotecarios (Span- corrected)


ish—Librarian Services Cor- Corr Corriere della Sera (Ital-

C-o-S Clacton-on-Sea

poration)—Puerto Rico ian—Daily Courier)—Mi-

COS Canadian Ophthalmolog-

cosec cosecant lan’s leading newspaper

ical Society; Central Opera

CORRA Combined Overseas COSEC Coordinating Secre-

Service; Chamber of Ship-

tariat of National Unions of Rehabilitation Relief Appeal

ping; Chief of Section; Col-

Students corr case corrugated case

orado Springs, Colorado

cosecy company secretary corregate correctable gate

(airport); Conservative Op-

correl correlated; correlation; cosfad computerized safety and

portunity Society; Corpora-

correlative facility design

tion for Open Systems;

COSFPS C o m m o n s , O p e n spondent; corresponding

Czechoslovak Ocean Ship-

corres correspondence; corre-

Spaces, Footpaths Preserva- corresp corresponding


tion Society corrig corrigenda

COS College Outline Series

cosh hyperbolic cosine (sym- Corr Memb Corresponding

cosa combat operational sup-

bol) Member

port aircraft

COSHTI Council for Science corros corrosive

co sa come sopra (Italian—as

and Technological Informa- corrosive sublimate mercuric


tion chloride

COSA Chief of Staff, Army

COSI Center of Science and corr te corriente (Spanish— cur-

COSAD Classroom Observa-

Industry (Columbus, Ohio); rent month)

tion System for Analyzing

Committee on Scientific In- corrupt. corruption


formation Cors Corners; Corsica; Corsi-

cosag combined steam and gas

Cosie Kathleen can

(turbine machinery)

COSAL Consolidated Ship-

COSINE Committee on Com- CORS Canadian Operational

board Allowance List

puter Science in Electrical Research Society

COSAMREG Consolidation

Engineering Education corsa (CORSA) c o s m i c - r a y

COSIP College Science Im- satellite

of Supply and Maintenance


provement Program Cor Sec Corresponding Secre-


COSIRA Council for Small In- tary

Oriented System And Newly

dustries in Rural Areas cort cortex; cortical

Organized Storage-To-Re-

cosis care of supplies in storage cort. cortisol

trieval Apparatus

COSLA Chief Officers of State cort. cortex (Latin—bark)

cosar compression scanning-

Library Agencies CORT Council On Radio and

array radar

cosm cosmetic; cosmetics; cos- Television

COSAS Congress of South Af-

metologist; cosmetology CORTEX C o m p u t e r- b a s e d

rican Students

cosma computerized service for Optimization Routines and

COSATI Committee on Scien-

motor freight activities Techniques for Effective X

tific and Technical Informa-

COSMD Combined Operations Corfissoz Aeropuerto Ernesto

tion (Federal Council for Sci-

Signals Maintenance Depart- Cortissoz (Barranquilla, Co-

ence and Technology)

ment (Division) lombia’s airport)

COSATU Congress of South

COSMEP Committee of Small CORU Coordinación de Organ-

African Trade Unions

Magazine Editors and Pub- izaciones Revolucionarias

COSBA Computer Services

lishers Unidas (Spanish—Coordina-

and Bureaus Association

cosmetol cosmetologist(ic); tion of United Revolutionary

COSBAL Coordinated Shore-

cosmetology Organizations)—Cuban ex-

based Allowance List

COSMIC Chief of Staff, Mili- iles

COSBO Council on Small

tary Intelligence Committee; corundolite emery

Business Organizations

Computer Programmes Infor- corundum aluminum oxide

COSCO China Ocean Shipping


mation Center (Univ of Geor-



gia); Computer Software

COTPAL Comité Tecnico Per- Management and Information

coster costermonger

manente sobre Asuntos Labo- Center

COSTPRO Canadian Organi-

rales (Spanish—Permanent COSMIS Computer System

zation for the Simplification

Technical Committee for La- for Medical Information Ser-

of Trade Procedures

bor Matters) vices

COSTS Committee on Sane

COTR Contracting Officers’ cosmo cosmoline; cosmopoli-

Telephone Service

Technical Representative tan

COSVN Central Office for

COTRANS C o o r d i n a t e d cosmog cosmogony; cosmo-

South Vietnam

Transfer Applications Sys- graphical; cosmography

COSW Citizen’s Organization

tem cosmograph(s) composite pho-

for a Sane World

cots. checkout test set; cottages tograph(s)

coswap coaxial switch and al-

cot’s classical organizational cosmonaut. c o s m o n a u -

ternator panel

theories tic(al)(ly); cosmonautics

COSWL Committee on Status

’cot(s) apricot(s) cosmor component open/short monitor

of Women in Librarianship

COSY Checkout Operating

C o t S College of the Sea

COTS Commercial, Off-The- COSMOS Coast Survey Ma-


Shelf rine Observation Station;

COSYWOG Communications

Cotswolds Cotswold Hills of Cost Management with Met-

System Working Group

Cott Cottesloe co so come sopra (Italian—as

rics of Specification

cot. c a r d o r t a p e r e a d e r ;

south-central England

cathodal opening tetanus; co-


tangent; cotter; cotton

COTT Central Organization for Technical Training

COSPAR Committee on Space

Cottians Cottian Alps between Research (International

Cot Côte d’Ivoire (whose capi-

France and Italy Council of Scientific Unions)

tal is Abidjan)

COT Consecutive Overseas

COSPEC Christian Organiza-


cott(s) cottage(s) coty car of the year

cou civilian observer unit; clip- COSPUP Committee on Sci-

tions for Social, Political, and

COTA Certified Occupational

Economic Change

Therapy Assistant; confirm-

ing telephone or message au-

on unit; coupon COU Coalition Unionist

couch couchant cosr cutoff shear

ence and Public Policy (Na-


couldn’t could not COSR Committee on Space

tional Academy of Sciences)

COTAL Confederación de Or-

Coun Council; Councillor; Research

ganizaciones Turísticas de la

América Latina (Spanish—

Counsellor; County coss. consules (Latin—consuls)

Confederation of Tourist Or-

Coun Biology Eds Council of COSSA Consortium of Social

ganizations of Latin America)

Biology Editors Science Associations

COTAM Commandement du

Coun Exc Child Council for cossac cooled spectral shared-

Transport Aerien Militaire

Exceptional Children aperture concept

(French—Military Air Trans-

couns. counsellor COSSAC Chief of Staff to the

port Command)—Air Force

Counterpart t r a d e m a r k o f Supreme Allied Commander

cotan cotangent

Fifth Generation Systems— cost. contaminated oil settling

cotar correction tracking and

Baton Rouge, Louisiana tank; costume


COUP Congress of Unrepre- COST Congressional Office of

sented People Science and Technology;

CotB Commonwealth of the

cour courant (French—current) Costco Wholesale Corpora-


Court Courtenay; Courtland; tion; Cost-Oriented Systems

COTC Canadian Officers’

Courtney Technique; Council Opposing

Training Corps; Canadian

cous cousin Signal Theft; (European) Co-

Overseas Telecommunica-

tions Corporation

COUSA Confederation of On- operation in the Field of Sci-

tario University Staff Associ- entific and Technical research

cote cathodal opening tetanus

ations Costa Costa Rica (whose capi-

COT & E Contractor Opera-

cov concentrated oil of vitriol; tal is San José)

tion Test and Evaluation

covenant; cutout valve; cover costar conversational on-line

cotfin cotton finish(ed)

c-o v cross-over value storage and retrieval

cotg component tooling gage

Cov Covell; Covenant; Coven- Costa Rica Republic of Costa

coth hyperbolic cotangent

try Rica (Central American na-


COVA Combined Organization tion), República de Costa

COTH Council on Teaching

for the Visual Arts Rica


COVE Citizens Opposed to the COSTEP Commissioned Of-

cotics narcotics

Violation of the Environment ficer Student Training and Ex-

cotnsd cottonseed

coven. covenant tern Program

Coto Cotopaxi

CotP Captain of the Port

covers. coversed sine



COVET Cooperative Venture

tration; Classroom Publishers in the Education of Teachers

bining power; command post

Association; Cocoa Produc- covff coverings, facing, or floor

(CP); commercial paper;

ers Alliance; Combat Pilots (cargo)

compare; compound; com-

Association; Combined Pen- COVINCA Corporación Vene-

pressed; concrete-piercing;

sioners Association; Com- zolana de la Industria Naval

constant pressure; copy-pro-

monwealth Parliamentary As- (Spanish—Venezuelan Cor-

tected; copyright page; cor

sociation; Commonwealth poration of the Naval Indus-

pulmonale; cover point (la-

Preference Area; Communist try)

crosse); creatine phosphate

Party of Australia; Computer COVIRA Computer Vision in

cp (CP) carotid pulse; cerebral

Press Association; Connecti- Radiology

palsy; construction permit

cut Prison Association; Con- cov pl coverplate

c/p carport; change package;

sumer Protection Agency; cow chlorinated organics in

composition/printing; control

Control of Pollution Act; wastewater; computer on


Council of Professional Asso- wheels; crude oil washing

c/p (C/P) charter party

ciations; Country Press Asso- COW C ove n t r y O r d n a n c e

c & p carriage and packing;

ciation; Creditors Protection Works

collated and perfect

Association COWAR Committee on Water

cP centipoise; polar continental

CPA Community Planning Act Research


CPAA Current Physics Ad- Coward Coward, McCann and

Cp Caucasian pimp; Chicano

vance Abstracts Geohegan

pimp; Chinese pimp; Com-

CPAAI Certified Public Ac- COWEAEX Cold-Weather Ex-


countant Associates Interna- ercise (military)

CP Canadian Pacific; Canadian

tional cowl. cowling

Press (news agency); Central

CPAB California Prune Advi- Cowles Cowles Education Cor-

Province (Solomon Islands);

sory Board poration

cerebral palsy; Characteriza-

CPAC Center for Protection COWLEX C o l d - We a t h e r

tion Plan; charter party;

Against Corrosion; Conserva- Landing Exercise (military)

chemically pure; Civil Parish;

tive Political Action Confer- COWPS Council on Wage and

Combined Protocol; Com-

ence; Corrosion Prevention Price Stability

mand Paymaster; Common

Advisory Center COWRR Committee on Water

Pleas; Communist Party;

CPACS Coded Pulse Anti-clut- Resources Research

Community Physician; Con-

ter System cox cyclo-oxygenase (enzyme)

servative Party; Constitution

CPAE Certifiied Public Ac- Cox Coxwain

Party; copilot; Country Party;

countant Examination cox’n coxswain (pronounced as

Crescendo Publishers; cy-

cpaf cost plus award fee contracted)


cpafsk continuous phase ampli- Cox’s Cox’s Criminal Cases

C-P Colgate-Palmolive

tude frequency shift keying coxsec coexsecant

C & P Compensation and Pen-

CPAG Collision Prevention Coy Company


Advisory Group coydog(s) coyote(s) + dog(s)—

C of P Captain of the Port

C pah para-aminohippurate mixed-breed canine(s)

CP Caminhos de ferro Portu-

clearance COYOTE Call Off Your Old

guese (Portuguese Railways);

CPAI Canvas Products Associ- Tired Ethics

C e n t re P é n i t e n t i a i re

ation International Coyte Coyte Lines

(French—Penitentiary Cen-

CP Air Canadian Pacific Air coz cousin (colloquial contrac-


C Pal Crystal Palace Coz Cozumel Island, Mexico

cpa claims payable abroad;

cpam continental polar air mass cozi communication zone [indi-


closest point of approach;

CPAM Committee of Purchas- cator(s)]

cost planning and appraisal;

critical path analysis

ers of Aircraft Material cp camp; candlepower; capil-

c-p a cattle-prod approach

CPAO Country Public Affairs lary pressure; carrier packed;

(electric-shock stimulation)

Office(r) cellulose propionate; center

CPA California Protection

cpap continuous positive air- of pressure; centipoise; cen-

Agency; Canadian Pacific

way pressure tral processor; cerebral palsy;

Airlines; Canadian Petroleum

CPAP Committee on Pan- cesspool; chemically pure;

Association; Canadian Psy-

American Policy chloropurine; chloroquinine

chological Association;

CPAR Cooperative Pollution and primaquine; chronic

Canaveral Port Authority; Ca-

Abatement Research (Cana- pyelonephritis; circumpolar;

thay Pacific Airways, Catho-

dian) claw plate; closing pressure;

lic Press Association; Certi-

CPARS Compact Programmed cochlear potential; code of

fied Puiblic Accountant;

Airline Reservation System practice; coldpunch(ed);

Chartered Patent Agent; Chi-

CPAS Catholic Prisoners’ Aid combination product; com-

cago Publishers Association;

Civilian Production Adminis-




CPAUS & C Catholic Press

CPDS Computerized Prelimi- Association of the United

CPC Congreso Panamericano

nary Design System States and Canada

de Carreteras (Spanish—

cpe chlorinated polyethylene; cpaws computer-planning and

Pan-American Highway Con-

chronic pulmonary emphy- aircraft-weighting scales


sema; circular probable error; cpb cardiopulmonary bypass;

cpca coolant pumping and con-

compensation, pension, and casual payments book; cetyl

ditioning assembly

education; coupe; customer pyridinium bromide; compet-

CPCC Central Piedmont Com-

premises equipment; cus- itive protein-binding (clear-

munity College

tomer-provided equipment; ance); corporation for public

c-p-c cycle circumspection-

cytopathic effect; cytopatho- broadcasting

preemption-control (or

choice) cycle

genic effect

cpb (CPB) charged-particle cpe (CPE) central programmer

CPCG Comité Panamericano

beam(s) and evaluator

de Ciencias Geofícicas

cpb cuyos pies beso (Spanish— CPE Center for Packaging Ed-

( S p a n i s h — Pa n a m e r i c a n

ucation; Central Park East; whose feet I kiss)

Committee of Geophysical

Certificate for Proficiency in Cpb Campbelltown


English; Certified Profes- CPB California Prune Board;

CPCGN Canadian Permanent

sional Ergonomist; Certified Casual Payments Book; Cen-

Committee on Geographical

Property Exchanger; Chief tral Planning Bureau; Con-

Names (Ottawa)

Polaris Executive (missiles); sumer Protection Bureau;

CPC(M-L) Communist Party

Clinical Pastoral Education; Corporation for Public

of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)

College of Physical Educa- Broadcasting

CPCN C a n a d i a n Pa c ifi c —

tion; Continuing Professional CPB Centraal Plan Bureau

Canadian National (telecom-

Education; Contractor Perfor- (Dutch—Central Planning


mance Evaluation Bureau)

cpcs cabin pressure control sys-

CPEA Confederation of Pro- cpba competitive protein-bind-


fessional and Executive Asso- ing analysus

CPCS Canadian Pacific Con-

ciations; Cooperative Pro- cpbl capability; capable

sulting Services

CPCU Chartered Property and

gram for Educational

CPBMP Committee on Pur- Administration

Casualty Underwriter

chases of Blind-Made Prod- CPEC California Post-second-

c-p cycle constant-pressure cy-

ary Education Commission ucts


cpe d vle coupe de ville cpc card-programmed calcula-

cpd charter pays dues; commis-

CPEG Contractor Performance tor; chemical protective cloth-

sioner of public debt; com-

Evaluation Group ing; chronic passive conges-

pound; contact potential dif-

CPEHS Consumer Protection tion; clinicopathological

ference; contagious pustular

dermatitis; container-padded

and Environmental Health

Service paper copier; commercial

conference (CPC); coated-


c pen code pénal (French—pe- property coverage; common

cpd (CPD) charter (party) pays

nal code) projectile capped; compound

(port) dues

CPEP Contractor Performance puter-production control

CPD Committee on the Present

Evaluation Plan CPC California Polytechnic

parabolic concentrator; com-

Danger; Community Plan-

ning and Development; Con-

CPEQ Corporation of Profes- College; Canadian Parachute

sumer Protection Division;

County Probation Depart-

sional Engineers of Quebec CPERB California Public Em-


ployees Relation Board Corps; Canadian Provost

Corps; Canadian Postal

CPD Catalog of the Public

cpf conditional peak flow; con- Corps; Canterbury Promotion

Documents CPDA Council for Periodical

trol program facility; cost per Council; Cessna Pilots Cen-

flight ter; China Petroleum Com-

Distributors Associations

CPF Central Processing Facil- pany; China Productivity

cpdd command-post digital dis-

ity; Central Provident Fund; Council; Church Periodical


Church Pension Fund; Com- Club; City Planning Commis-

CP Div Cinque Ports Division

mission on Federal Paper- sion; City Police Commis-

CPDL Canadian Patents and

work; Committee to Protect sioner; City Projects Council;

Developments Limited

the Family; Commonwealth Cogswell Polytechnical Col-

C-P D L Christian-Patriots De-

Police Force lege; College Placement

fense League

cpfa (CPFA) cyclopropenoid Council; Communist Party of

CPDM Cameroon People’s

fatty acid China; Consumers Power

Democratic Movement

cpff (CPFF) cost plus fixed fee Company; Creole Petroleum

cpDNA cytoplasm deoxyribo-

CPFS Council for the Promo- Corporation

nucleic acid

cpds compounds

tion of Field Studies tion of Field Studies


cpg controlled-pore glass; cot-

cpm captured personnel and ton piece goods

CPILS Correlation-Protected

material; cards per minute; CPG Collectibles and Plate-

Integrated Landing System

commutative principle of makers Guild; College Pub-

CPIM Curaçaosche Petroleum

multiplication; condensed lishers Group

Industrie Maatitschappij

particulate matter; counts per CPGA California Personnel

(Dutch—Curaçao Petroleum

minute; critical path method; and Guidance Association;

Industry Society)

cycles per minute Colorado Personnel and

cpin crankpin

cpm (CPM) cost per thousand Guidance Association; Con-

CPI-U Consumer Price In-

cp/m control program/micro- necticut Personnel and Guid-


computers ance Association

CPI-U-NSA Consumer Price

CPM Center for Preventive CPGB Communist Party of

Index—Urban—Not Season-

Medicine; Central Pacific Great Britain

ally Adjusted

Minerals; Certified Property Cpgc course per gyro compass

CPI-W Consumer Price In-

Manager; Certified Purchas- cph cards per hour; cycles per


ing Manager; Chief Postmas- hour

CPJ Communist Party of Japan

ter; Colonial Police Medal CPH Certificate of Public

(also called JCP)

(British); Communist Party of Health; Copenhagen, Den-

CPJI Cour Permanente de Jus-

Malaya; Critical Path Method mark (airport); Corps of Pub-

tice Internationale (French—

CP/M Control Program for Mi- lic Health

Permanent Court of Interna-

croprocessors (trademark of C-PH Columbia-Presbyterian

tional Justice)

Digital Research) Hospital

cpk (CPK) creatinine phos-

CPMA Computer Peripheral CPHA Canadian Public Health


Manufacturers Association Association

CpK plate-cathode capacitance

CPMC Columbia-Presbyte- CP & HA Canadian Port and

cpkg cents per kilogram

rian Medical Center Harbour Association

cpl cement plaster; characters

CPMEEW Council for Post- CPHC Central Pacific Hurri-

per line; common program

graduate Medical Education cane Center (Honolulu)

language; complete; comple-

in England and Wales cpi characters per inch; chronic


CPML C o m m u n i s t Pa r t y, public inebriates; clutch

Cpl Corporal

pitching index; commercial Marxist-Leninist

CPL Calgary Public Library;

performance index; constitu- CPMS Civilian Personnel

Canadian Pacific Limited;

Cats’ Protection League;

tional psychopathic inferior;

Management System; Com- consumer price index; corps

puter Performance Monitor- of permanent instructors;

Central Public Library; Certi-

ing System crash position indicator

fied Parts List; Certified Prod-

cpn chronic pyelonephritis; CPI California Personality In-

ucts List; Charleston Public

coupon ventory; California Psycho-

Library; Charlotte Public Li-

Cpn Copenhagen logical Inventory; Canadian

brary; Chattanooga Public Li-

brary; Chicago Public Li-

CPN Communistische Partij Pacific Investments; Chemi-

brary; Cincinnati Public

van Nederland (Dutch— cal Processing Industries;

Library; Civilian Personnel

Netherlands Communist Chief Pilot Instructor; Com-

Letter; Cleveland Public Li-

Party) mittee on Public Information;

brary; Clio Press Limited

Cpnhgn Copenhagen Communist Party of India;

(Oxford); Colonial Products

CPNP Cape Perth National Conference Papers Index;

Laboratory; Columbus Public

Park (Western Australia) Consolidated Plastic Indus-

Library; Commercial Pilot’s

CPNZ Communist Party of tries; Consumer Price Index;

License; Commonwealth Par-

New Zealand Credit Professionals Interna-

liamentary Library; Com-

cpo command pay office; cost tional

monwealth Public Library;

proposal outline cpia close-pair interstitial atom

Coronado Public Library;

CPO Calgary Philharmonic Or- CPIA Chemical Propulsion In-

Council of Planning Librari-

chestra; Center for Population formation Agency

ans; Council of Prison Locals;

Options; Chief Petty Officer; cpiaf (CPIAF) cost-plus-in-

Crew Procedures Laboratory

Chief Post Office; Civil Post centive-award fee

CPLA California Palace of the

Office; Civilian Personnel Of- cpib chlorophenoxyisobutyrate

Legion of Honor

fice(r); Community Post Of- CPIB Corrupt Practices Investi-

cpld coupled (flow chart)

fice; Community Producers gation Bureau

cplg coupling

Organization; Comprehen- CPIC Canadian Police Infor-

cplmt complement

sive Planming Organization; mation Centre

cplr center of pillar; coupler

Constitutional Protection Of- cpif character position in frame

CPLS Canberra Public Library

fice (Germany); County Plan- cpif (CPIF) cost plus incen-

Service; Certified Profes-

ning Office(r); Czech Philhar- tive fee

sional Legal Secretary

Cplt copilot

monic Orchestra



CPOA California Peace Offic-

tional Publishing Society; ers Association; Chief Petty

(Australian Northern Terri-

Consumer Price Survey; Con- Officers Association

tory); Committee on Polar

sumer Purchasing Service; CPOG Canadian Pacific Oil

Research; Cost Performance

Conversational Programming and Gas

Report; Council for Public

System; Current Population cpp critical path plan


Survey CPP Caltech Population Pro-

CPRA Council for the Preser-

C.P.S. Custos Privati Sigilli gram; Canada Pension Plan;

vation of Rural America

(Latin—Keeper of the Privy Center for Policy Process;

CP Rail Canadian Pacific Rail

Seal—Great Britain) Chemical Processing Plant;

CPRC Ceylon Planters Rifle

CPS Compendium of Pharma- Communist Party of the Phil-


ceuticals and Specialities; ippines; Critical Path Plan-

CPRE Council for the Preser-

Conseil Permanent de Sécu- ning

vation of Rural England

rité (French—Permanent Se- CPP Civilian Personnel Pam-

CPRF Cancer and Polio Re-

curity Council) phlet

search Fund

CPSA Canadian Political Sci- CPPA Canadian Pulp and Pa-

CPRG Computer Personnel

ence Association; Civil and per Association

Research Group

Public Services Association cppb continuous positive-pres-

CPRI Council for the Protec-

(UK); Clay Pigeon Shooting sure breathing

tion of Rural Ireland

Association; Commonwealth CPPB Canada Pension Plan

CPR-nummer Centrale Person

Public Service Association Benefits; Commonwealth

Register nummer (Dano-Nor-

CPSAA Commonwealth Public Prickly Pear Board

wegian—Central Person Reg-

Service Artisans Associations cppc cost plus a percentage of

ister number)

cost cpsac cycles-per-second alter-

CPRS Council for the Protec-

CPPCA California Probation, nating current

tion of Rural Scotland

C psc course per standard com- sociation

CPRSA Cape Peninsula Road

Parole, and Correctional As-

pass cppd calcium pyrophosphate

Safety Association

CPSC C o n s u m e r P r o d u c t dihydrate

CPRV Cinque Ports Rifle Vol-

Safety Commission CPPD Collaborative Program


CPSCU College of Physicians for Professional Development

CPRW Council for the Protec-

tion of Rural Wales

and Surgeons—Columbia CPPL Canadian Pacific Prin-

CPR-WBS Cost Performance

University cess Lines (Vancouver-Na-

Report—Work Breakdown

cpsd cross-power spectral den- naimo run)


sity CPPP Center for Public Policy

cps c a r t r i d g e p n e u m a t i c

cpse counterpoise Priorities (Austin, Texas)

starter; characters per second;

cpsi causing pressure shut in CPPR Cassel Psychotherapy

constitutional psychopathic

CPSI Council of Profit-Sharing Progress Record

state; coupons; creative prob-

Industries cpps critical path planning and

lem solving; critical path

CPSL Canadian Pacific Steam- scheduling

scheduling; cycles per second

ship Line CPPS Comisión Permanente

Cp(s) Caucasian pimp(s); Chi-

CPSLCS Complete Power Sig- para la Explotación y Con-

cano pimp(s); Chinese

nalling Local Control System servación de las Riquezas


CPSM Colonial Prison Service Maritimas del Pacifico Sur

CP’s Command Posts

(Spanish—Permanent Com- Medal (British)

CPS Cable Programming Ser-

mission for the Exploitation CPSP Cove Palisade State Park

vices; California Physician’s

(Oregon) itime Riches of the South Pa-

Service; California Produc-

and Conservation of the Mar-

CPSR Calibration Procedure cific)

tion Service; Canadian Pa-

Status Report (Polaris); Com- CPQ Children’s Personality

cific Steamships; Canadian

puter Professionals for Social Questionnaire

Penitentiary Service; Catho-

Responsibility; Contractor cpr cardiopulmonary resuscita-

lic Pamphlet Society; Center

Procurement Systems Review tion; conditional prepayment

for Population Studies (Har-

vard); Central Park South;

CPSS Certificate in Public Ser- rate; copper

Central Philharmonic Society

vice Studies; Common Pro- cpr (CPR) chemical propul-

(Beijing); Certified Profes-

gram Support System sion rocket

sional Secretary; College

C p stg c course per steering com- CPR Canadian Pacific Rail-

Placement Service; College

pass way; Cape Peninsula Rifles;

Press Service; Commission

CPSU California Polytechnic Carlos Peña Romulo; Center

on Presidential Scholars;

State University; Combined for Public Resources; Central

Commonwealth Public Ser-

Public Service Unions; Com- Premonitions Registry; Co-

vice; Computer Processing

munist Party of the Soviet bourg Peninsula Reserve

Service(s); Condensate Pol-

ishing System; Congrega-

Union Union


cpt carpet(ed); casement-pro-

CQR Church Quarterly Re- jected transom; change-parity

CPV Combination Pump Valve;

view time; chest physiotherapy;

Communist Party of Vietnam

CQs Citizens for Quieter Cities cockpit procedure trainer;

CPV Compañía Peruana de Va-

CQS California Q-Set coding physician treatment;

pores (Peruvian Steamship

CQSW Certificate of Qualifica- continuous performance task;


tion in Social Work counterpoint; critical path

cpvc critical pigment volume

cqt circuit; correct technique; current procedural


CQT College Qualifiication terminology

cpvc (CPVC) c h l o r i n a t e d

Test cpt (CPT) California Public

polyvinyl chloride

CQU College Qualification Television; critical path tech-

CPVPL Charles Patterson Van

(test) nic

Pelt Library (University of

CQUCC C o m m i s s i o n o n Cpt Capitaine (French—Cap-


Quantities and Units in Clin- tain)

cpw commercial projected win-

ical Chemistry CPT Canadian Pacific Tele-


cr calculus removal; calculus graphs; Cape Town, South

cPw polar continental air

removed; cardiorespiratory; Africa (Malan Airport); Civil-

warmer than underlying sur-

carriage return; cathode ray; ian Pilot Training; Commu-


center; center of resistance; nist Party of Thailand; Con-

CPW California Press Women;

chest and right arm; chlorine tinuing Performance

Central Park West

resistant; church report; class Test(ing)

CPWH Committee for the

rate; clinical research; clot re- CPT Current Physics Titles

Preservation of the White

action; coefficient (of fat) re- C.P.T. Contador Público Titu-


tention; cold roll; cold-rolled; lado (Spanish—Certified

cpx complex

colon resection; combat Public Accountant)

CPX Command Post Exercise

ready; complete remission; CPTA Cinque Ports Training

cpy copy

complete round; compression Area

CPY Communist Party of Yu-

ratio; conditioned reflex; con- CPTB Clay Products Techni-


ditioned response; continuing cal Bureau

cpz chlorpromazine

resolution; control rating; CPTL Canadian Pacific Trans-

CPZ Central Park Zoo

copy recorder; cranial; cre- port Limited

cq chloroquine quinine; circa-

ated; creatinine; credit; creek; Cptn Captain

dian quotient; come quick;

cresyl red; crew; critical; crit- cptng mats rgs c a r p e t i n g ,

compounded quarterly; con-

ical ratio; crown; crown- mats, or rugs

ceptual quotient; copy cor-

rump; cruise cptr capture; carpenter; carpen-

rect; copy (spelled) correctly

cr (CR) carriage return (data try

cq (CQ) class quotient (lower-

class, upperclass, etc.)

processing); conditional re- lease (parole); conditioned re-

CPTS California Public Televi-

CQ call to quarters (radio signal

flex; conditioned response; sion Stations; Coalition for

meaning message following

critical ratio Peace Through Strength;

is intended for all receivers);

Council of Professional Tech-

cr curia regis (Latin—the nological Societies

Charge of Quarters; Condi-

tionally Qualified

king’s court)

c-r cognitive restructuring CPTV Connecticut Public

CQ Caribbean Quarterly; Con-

c/r carrier’s risk; company risk; Television

gressional Quarterly

cpu (CPU) central processing

CQC Citizens for a Quiet City

correction requirement(s)

c & r cops and robbers unit

CQCA Central Queensland

cr. crux (Latin—cross) CPU California Pacific Univer-

Coal Associates

c/r cuenta y riesgo (Spanish— sity; Canadian Paperworkers

cqcm cryogenic quartz-crystal

for account and risk of) Union; Central Processing


Cr chromium; Commander; Unit; Commonwealth Press

CQD wireless distress signal

creatinine; creditor Union; Crime Prevention

cqi continuous quality improve-

Cr Contador (Spanish—Book- Unit


keeper, Cashier, Purser) CPUBINFO Chief of Public

cqm chloroquine mustard

Information Division (NATO) Cr. Credo (Latin—I believe, the

CQM Camp Quartermaster;

c r e e d ) ; C e s ko s l ov e n s ky CPUC California Public Utili-

Chief Quartermaster; Com-

rozhlas (Czechoslovak—Ra- ties Commission

pany Quartermaster

dio) cpue catch per unit effort

CQMS Company Quartermas-

CR Camping Reserve; Carriers CPUSA Communist Party USA

ter Sergeant

Risk; Central Registry; cpv command post vehicle;

cqr secure anchor (British short

Change Recommendation; common pressure vessel

form for a plowshare-shaped

Characterization Report; cpv (CPV) cytoplasmic poly-

single-fluke anchor)

Chief Ranger; Classified Reg- hedrosis virus

CQR Customer Quality Rep-


ister; Columbia Records; Co-


cr bl

crap crapola; completely ridic- Commendation Ribbon;

lumbia River; Combat Ready;

CRABS Close-Range Analyti-

ulous anthropic principle Commonwealth Railways

cal-Bundle System

CRAR Critical Reliability Ac- (Australia); Compound Risk;

crabsan crab sandwich

tion Request Connaught Rangers; Contract

crabwich crab sandwich

cras coder and random access Requisition; cost reimburse-

CRAC Careers Research and

switch ment; Costa Rica; Costa

Advisory Center; Com-

CRASC Commander—Royal Rican; Current Rate

mander Royal Armoured

Army Service Corps C-R Crouse-Hinds; Cutler-

Corps; Community Research

CRASH Center for Reproduc- Hammer

Action Center; high-potency

tive and Sexual Health; Citi- C/R Chicago Rawhide (manu-


zens Rally and Appeal to Save facturing company)

CR Acad Sci Comptes Rendus

Hebdomadaires des Seances

Our Homes; Citizens to Re-

C & R convoy and routing

de l’Academie des Sciences

duce Airline Smoking Haz-

ards; Community Resource CR Centre de Réadtation

C of R Count(y) of Ravensberg

(French—Weekly Reports of

and Self Help; Community (French—Rehabilitation

Meetings of the Academy of

Resources Against Street Center); Ceskoslovenska Re-


Hoodlums (Los Angeles Po- publika (Czechoslovakian

crac-coc crack-cocaine

lice Department detail) Republic); Corpus Reforma-

CRACK Children Requiring a

crast. crastinus (Latin—of to- torum; Computing Reviews;

Caring Kommunity

morrow) Consumer Reports

CRAD Committee for Re-

search into Apparatus for the

’crastinator(s) p r o c r a s t i n a -

tor(s) proceedings, report)

C R comptes rendus (French—

Disabled; Contracted Re-

Crat Crater C.R. Carolina Regina (Latin—

search Development

craf comet rendezvous asteroid

Queen Caroline); Carolus


crat craton (immobile center of

a continent) Rex (Latin—King Charles);

Crater Lake national park in Civis Romanus (Latin—Citi-

CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet

CRAFT Commonwealth Re-

zen of Rome); Custos Rotu-

bate for Apprentice Full-time

Oregon Craters of the Moon C r a t e r s

of the Moon National Monu- cra central retinal artery

lorum (Latin—Roll Keeper)

Training; Computerized Rel-

ment, Idaho Cra Carretera (Spanish—high-

ative Allocation of Facilities

C-rat(s) C-ration(s) way); Contadora (Spanish—

Technic; Cooperative Re-

search Action for Technol-

CRAV Compañía Refineria de Cr A Commander at Arms; Co-

Bookkeeper, Cashier, Purser)

ogy; Cycle Reporting and Fa-

Azucar Viña del Mar (Span- rona Australis

tigue Tracking

ish—Viña del Mar Sugar Re- CRA California Redwood As-

CRAG Combat Readiness Air


fining Co)

CRAW Combat Readiness Air sociation; California Republi-

CRAGS Chemical Records and

Wing (USN) Rheumatism Association;

can Assembly; Canadian

Grading System

cray(s) crayfish(es) Cave Research Associates;

cram. card random access

CRAY Cray Computer Corpo- Church Records Archives;


ration Coal Research Association;

CRAM Contractual Require-

crb central radio bureau; curb; College of Radiologists of

ments Recording, Analysis,

curbing Australia; Colorado River

and Management

crb (CRB) chemical, radiolog- Aqueduct; Colorado River

CRAMM t r a d e m a r k o f

ical, biological (warfare) Authority; Commander Royal


Cr B Corona Borealis Artillery; Community Rede-

cran cranial; craniology; cra-

CRB Central Reproduction Bu- velopment Agency; Commu-


reau; Certified Residential nity Reinvestment Act; Con-

cranapple cranbery-and-apple

Broker; Change Review centrated Rehabilitation


Board; Civilian Review Area; Continuing Resolution

Cranch’s C ra n ch ’s U n i t e d

Board; Commission for Re- Authority; Convair Recre-

States Supreme Court Reports

lief in Belgium; Commodities ation Association; Conzinc

craniol craniologic(al)(ly);

Research Bureau; Cooper Riotinto of Australia

craniologist; craniology

River Bridge (Charleston, CRA Centres de la Recherche

craniom craniometry

South Carolina); Country Ra- Appliqué (French—Applied

cranple cranberry-apple cider

dio Broadcasters; County Research Centers)

or juice

Roads Board C.R.A. Conzinc Riotinto of

cran(s) cranberries; cranberry

crbbb complete right bundle Australia

Cranston Juvenile (delinquent)

branch block CRAB Central Registry at Be-

Diagnostic Center at Cran-

CRBC C h i n e s e R o a d a n d thesda; coastal-research am-

ston, Rhode Island

Bridge Company phibious buggy

CRAOC Commander Royal

Army Ordnance Corp

cr bl credit balance cr bl credit balance


cr & br crown and bridge

Creek The Creek—oilfields (dental)

CRD Central Registration De-

scattered along the creeks of CRBRP Clinch River Breeder

pository; Community Rela-

western Pennsylvania Reactor Plant

tions Department; Crop Re-

CREEP Committee to Re-elect CRBS Customer Records and

search Division (USDA)

the President (Nixon) Billing System

CRDHE Center for Research

CREF College Retirement Eq- crc candida-related complex;

and Development in Higher

uities Fund cavity rim cap (contraceptive


CREFAL Centro Regional de device); combined recruiting

crdl cradle

Educación Fundamental para center; complete round chart;

CRDL Chemical Research and

la America Latina (Spanish— crop revenue coverage; cyclic

Development Laboratories;

Regional Center of Funda- redundancy check

Contractor Data Require-

mental Education for Latin CrC control and reporting cen-

ments List

America—United Nations or- ter; Crew Chief

crdm control-rod device mech-

ganization) CRC California Rehabilitation


CREG Cancer Research Em- Center; Certified Recreation

CR & DP Cooperative Re-

phasis Grants Counselor; Chemical Rubber

search and Development Pro-

CREI Capitol Radio Engineer- Company; Civil Rights Com-


ing Institute mission; Commonwealth Re-

CRDS Clarence Ralph De Sola;

ply Coupon; Computer Recy- crem cremation

Colgate-Rochester Divinity


cling Center; Consolidated

cremains cremation remains Rail Corporation; Consoli-

CREME Commander Royal dated Railroads of Cuba;

CRDSD Current Research and

Electrical and Mechanical Control and Reporting Cen-

Development in Scientifc

Engineers ter; Coordinating Research


CREMI Credito Minero y Mer- Council; Corrosion Reaction

cre combat-readiness evalua-

cantil (Spanish—Mining and Consultant; CRC Press

tion; corrosion resistant

Cre Crescent

Mercantile Credit) CRCA Canadian Rodeo Cow-

crem mus crematorium music boys Association

CRE Center for Radical Educa-

tion; Commander Royal En-

(Beethoven’s Marcia funebre CRCC Consolidated Record

gineers; Commission for Ra-

from his Eroica Symphony, Communications Center

cial Equality; Congress of

Berlioz’s Death March from (USA)

Racial Equality; Counselor of

Les Troyens, Chopin’s Fu- CRCE Centaur Reliability

Real Estate

neral March, Handel’s Death Control Engineering; Chi-

March from Saul, Mozart’s cago Rice and Cotton Ex-

CREA California Real Estate

Association; Chief Radio

Masonic Funeral Music, change

Electrical Artificer; Clearing-

Rachmaninoff’s Isle of the crchf crew chief

house of Resources for Edu-

Dead , Richard Strauss’s Tod CRCNJ Central Railroad Com-

cators of Adults

und Verklaerung , Wagner’s pany of New Jersey

funeral music from Siegfried) crcp continuously reinforced

C Real Ciudad Real

cream of tartar p o t a s s i u m

cremo crematorium concrete paving

acid tartrate (KHC 4 H 6 O 6 )

CREN Corporation for Re- CRCP Certificate of the Royal

creat creatine

search and Educational Net- College of Physicians

CREAT Combined Resources

working CRCR Center for Rate-Con-

for Editing Automated Teach-

CREO Central Real Estate Of- trolled Recordings


fice; Crystalline Regions Ex- CRCRS Civil Rights Commu-

CREATE Computational Re-

ploration Office (ONWI) nity Relations Service

quirements for Engineering,

crep. crepitus (Latin—crepita- CRCS Canadian Red Cross So-

Simulation, Training, and Ed-

tion) ciety; Certificate of the Royal

ucation (USAF time-sharing

crepe(s) crepe(s) suzette College of Surgeons

computer complex)

cres corrosion-resistant stain- Crct Circuit

Creation Sci Creation Science

less steel; crescent; crescentic CRCT C o m m a n d e r R oy a l

Research Center

cres crescendo (Italian—ex- Corps of Transport

Creative Ed Creative Educa-

panding, swelling) crd central recruiting depot;

tional Society

Cres Crescent chronic renal disease; chronic

crectte creciente (Spanish—

CRES Center for Reproduction respiratory disease; complete

crescent, growing)

of Endangered Species (San reaction of degeneration

cred credit; creditor

Diego Zoological Society); cr&d contractural research &

credd customer requested ear-

Center for Research in Engi- development

lier due date

neering Science (University Cr$ cruzeiro (Brazilian—mon-

CREDO Chaplain’s Religious

of Kansas); Corrosion Resis- etary unit)

Education Development Or-


tant Stainless Steel



CREST Calcinosis, Committee

CRIS Command Retrieval In- on Reactor Safety Technol-

tute; Committee for Reci-

formation System; Confer- ogy; Reynaud’s phenomenon,

procity Information;

ence Resource and Informa- Esophageal motility disor-

Communications Research

tion Services; Current ders, Sclerodactyly and Te-

Institute; Composers Record-

Research Information System langiectasia

ings Incorporated

crisco cream received in sepa- cresc crescendo (Italian—in-

CR & I Chicago River and In-

rating cottonseed oil creasing, swelling)

diana (railroad)

CRISP Computer Resources Crescendo Crescendo Publish-

CRI Croce Rossa Italiana (Ital-

Integrated Support Plan; Cos- ing Company

ian Red Cross)

mic Radiation Ionization creso crescendo (Italian—in-

CRIB Computerized Resources

Spectrographic Program creasing, swelling)

Information Bank

(NASA) cress garden cress; watercress

CRIC Canon Regular of the

crit critic; critical; criticality; CRESS Combined Reentry

Immaculate Conception

criticism Effort in Small Systems;

CRICAP Carpet and Rug In-

CRITICOMM Critical Intelli- Computer Reader Enquiry

dustry Consumer Action

gence Communications Sys- Service System


tem crest. crew-escape and rescue

CRIEPI Central Research In-

crits critical reactor experi- techniques (USAF)

stitute of the Electrical Power

ments Cret Cretaceous


Crk Creek; Cork CrewTAF Crew Training Air

CRIF Comité Représentatif des

crkc crankcase Force

I s ra é l i t e s d e Fra n c e (French—Representative

crf capital recovery factor; car-

Committee of the Jews of

crl cross register line; crown

rump length rier frequency; chemical re-


CRL California Republican inforcements; control-

leasing factor; continuous re-

CRILC Canadian Research In-

League; Cambridge Research reference file; corticotrophic-

stitute of Launderers and

Laboratory; Cardiac Re- releasing factor; corticotropin


search Laboratory; Center for releasing factor

CRILI Center for Research in

Research Libraries; Chemical crf (CRF) corticotropin-releas-

Learning and Instruction

Research Laboratory; Civil ing factor

crim criminal; criminalism;

Rights Law(s); County CRF Cadet Royal Fusiliers;

criminalist; criminologist;

Rugby League; Crown Re- Cancer Research Foundation;


newable Lease Citizens Research Founda-

crim con criminal conversation

C.R.L. Certified Record Librar- tion; Constitutional Rights

(British euphemism—adul-

ian; Certified Reference Li- Foundation; Credit Research


brarian Foundation

Crimea Crimean Peninsula be-

C & RL College and Research CRFA Czechoslovak Rational-

tween the Sea of Azov and the

Libraries ist Federation of America

Black Sea

CRLA California Rural Legal CRFG California Rare Fruit

criminol criminologist; crimi-

Assistance; Canadian Rail- Growers


way Labor Association crfs copper reverbatory furnace

criminotechnol criminological

CRLLB Center for Research slag

technology (using electronic

on Language and Language crf’s change request forms

and photographic devices and

Behavior (Univ Mich) crg carriage

techniques to apprehend

crls carelessness CRG Cave Research Group;

criminals and secure evidence

crm confidence rulemaking; Cooperative Republic of

needed for their conviction)

count rate meter; counter-radar Guyana (forinerly British

criminotic criminal neurotic

missile; cross-reacting mate- Guiana)

crip cripple

rial; crucial reaction mea- crh corticotropin releasing hor-

CRI & P Chicago, Rock Island

sure(ment); customer-relation- mone

and Pacific (railroad)

ship management cri chemical rust inhibitor; cold

CRIPA Civil Rights of Institu-

cr/m crew member running intelligibility; color

tionalized Persons Act

CRM Certified Records Man- rendering index; criminal;

crips cripples

ager; Cockpit Research Man- criterion-referenced instruc-

crip(s) c r i p p l e r ( s ) — g a n g -

agement; Combat Readiness tion

ster(s) noted for crippling vic-

Medal; Communications/ Re- CRI Caribbean Research Insti-


search/Machines (publisher); tute; Carpet and Rug Institute;

CR & IR Chicago River and

Counter-Radar Missile Chinese Regiment of Infan-

Indiana (railroad)

CRM C o n s u m e r R e s e a rch try; Coconut Research Insti-

Cris Cristina; Cristine; Cris-

tóbal; Cristopher




CRMA City and Regional

CROSSBOW Computerized Magazine Association; Cot-

CRO Carnarvon, Australia

Retrieval of Organic Struc- ton and Rayon Merchants As-

(tracking station); Chief Re-

tures Based on Wiswesser sociation

cruiting Officer; Common-

’crosse lacrosse; lacrosse stick crmch cruise Mach change

wealth Relations Office;

CROW Conditions of Roads CRMD Children with Retarded

Community Relations Office;

and Weather Mental Development

Contractor’s Resident Office;

CROWCASS Combined Reg- CRME Council for Research in

County Recorder’s Office;

istry of War Criminals and Music Education

Criminal Records Office

Security Suspects Crml Carmel

CrO 2 chromium dioxide (re-

Crowell C r ow e l l C o l l i e r ; crmn crewman

cording tape coating)

Thomas Y Crowell crmnls criminalism; criminalist;

Croat. Croatia; Croatian

Crown Crown Publishers criminalistics; criminals

C Rob Christopher Robinson’s

Crozets Crozet Islands in the crmoly chrome molybdenum

Reports of Cases Argued and

South Indian Ocean CRMP Corps of Royal Military

Determined in the High Court

crp cathode-ray tube/keyboard Police

of Admiralty

CROC Committee for the Re-


Crp C-reactive protein crmr continuous-reading meter

jection of Obnoxious (tv)

CRP Committee to Re-elect the crms close-range missile sys-



CrP creatinine phosphate

President (Nixon’s fund-rais- tem

CROC Confederación de Revo-

ing organization also known Management Team (parole

l u c i o n a r i o s O b re ro s y

CRMT Community Resources

Campesinos (Spanish—Con-

federation of Revolutionary

as CREEP); Conservation Reserve Program; Control

and probation)

Workers and Peasants)

CRMWD Colorado River Mu-

crock. crockery; crocks (En-

and Reporting Post; Corpus Christi, Texas (airport); Cost

Reduction Program; Crime crn crane; crown

nicipal Water District

glish slang—broken-down

Restitution Program; Crisis Crn (The) Crown (The Monar-

animals or athletes)

Relocation Plan chy)

Crockett Girls Crockett State

CRP Cruz Roja Peruana (Span- CRN Council for Responsible

School for (delinquent) Girls

ish—Peruvian Red Cross) Nutrition; Course Reference

at Crockett, Texas

CRPD Chicago Regional Port Number; Customs Registered

Croco Crocodilia

District Number

crocodiliol c r o c o d i l i o -

cr pl chromium plate CRNA Certified Registered

logic(al)(ly); crocodiliologist;

CRPL Central Radio Propaga- Nurse Anesthetist


tion Laboratoy CRNL Chalk River Nuclear

croc(s) crocodilian(s)—alliga-

Cr Pr Criminal Procedure Laboratories (Canada)

tor(s), caiman(s) or cay-

CRPR Child-Rearing Practices CRNLE Center for Research in

man(s), crocodile(s), ga-

Report the New Literatures in En-


CRPS Center for Research on glish (Australian)

Croix St Croix, American Vir-

Population and Security CRNM Capitol Reef National

gin Islands

crr constant ratio roll Monument

cro’jack crossjack

CrR Croix-Rouge (French— cr note(s) credit note(s)

crom control read-only mem-

Red Cross) CRNP Cape Range National


CRR Cost Reduction Repre- Park (Western Australia)

Crom Cromwell

CROM Confederación Re-

sentative CRRA Component Release Re-

CRNPTG Commission on the

gional de Obreros Mexicanos

Review of the National Policy

(Spanish—Regional Confed-

liability Analysis CRRB Centaur Reliability Re-

view Board CRNSS Chief of the Royal Na-

Toward Gambling

eration of Mexican Workers)

CRRC Costa Rica Railway val Scientific Service

CROP Christian Rural Over-

Company CRNWR Cape Romain Na-

seas Program; Community

crrd conceptual reference re- tional Wildlife Refuge (South

Response in Opposition to

pository description Carolina); Clarence Rhode


CRREL Cold Regions Re- National Wildlife Range

cross. crossing

search and Engineering Lab- (Alaska)

Cross King’s Cross (Sydney,

oratory (USA) cro cathode-ray oscilloscope;

Australia’s nightlife section

CRRERIS C o m m o n w e a l t h contract research organization

also called The Cross)

Regional Renewable Energy Cro Croatia (whose capital is

CROSS Committee to Retain

Resources Information Sys- Zagreb)

Our Segregated Schools (Ar-

tem Cr O chrome oxide (recording

kansas); Computerized Rear-

CRRES Combined Release and tape)

rangement of Special Sub-


Radiation Effects Satellite Radiation Effects Satellite


crrl contour roller

CRUPAC Cruiser Forces, Pa- CRRS Combat-Readiness Rat-

crst syndrome c a l c i fi c a t i o n

cific ing System (USAF)

and clinical signs of

cru’s collective reserve units crs coast radio station(s); cold-

Raynaud’s phenomenon,

(international banking cur- rolled steel; colon-rectal sur-

scleroderma, and telangiecta-

rency) gery; creditors; credits; crew


CRUSK Center for Research reserve status

crt cargo-restraint transporter;

on Utilization of Scientific cr’s character reactions

cathode-ray tube; charitable

Knowledge (Univ Mich) Crs Cristóbal, Panama

trust; cold-rolled and tem-

Crust Crustacea CRs counter-revolutionaries

pered; complex reaction time

crustas ice-encrusted cocktails (sometimes appears as KRs)

Crt Court; Crater

Crux (Latin—Cross constella- CRS Calibration Requirements

CRT C a n a d i a n R a i lwa y

tion) Summaries; Career Service

Troops; Certified Radiologic

cruz cruzeiro (Brazilian cur- Status (USAF); Certified Res-

Technician; Combat Readi-

rency)—also appears as C, idential Specialist; Childcare

ness Training; Criterion-Ref-

Cr, Cruz, Crz Resource Service; Child

erenced Tests

Cruz(an) St Croix Island (or Rearing Study; Coast Radio

cr tan lthr c h r o m e - t a n n e d

person from there)—Ameri- Service; Commonwealth Re-


can Virgin Islands habilitation Service; Commu-