Principles, Laws, Rules, Theories, and Doctrines

Principles, Laws, Rules, Theories, and Doctrines

Amdahl’s Law A c o m p u t e r

mete, and genes are not influ- system’s speed is determined

Four Noble Truths Suffering

enced by the other (for Gregor by its slowest components

is an unavoidable part of ex-

Johann Mendel) (named for Gene Amdahl)

istence; suffering is caused by

Monroe Doctrine Oppose for- Benoulli’s Principle Pressure

desire; elimination of desire

eign attempts to gain influ- of water against sides of a

will end suffering; desire and

ence in the Americas (James wooden pipe decreases as the

suffering can be eliminated

Monroe, fifth president of the velocity of the water in-


United States) creases (observation of

Gödel’s Theorem All branches

Moore’s Law A semiconduc- Daniel Benoulli, Swiss math-

of mathematics are based on

tor chip’s computing power ematician in mid-1700s)

propositions that can’t be proved within that branch (for

will double every eighteen Buys Ballot’s Law I f o n e

mathematician Kurt Gödel,

months (named for George stands in the Northern Hemi-

Moore) sphere with his back to the

Hebb’s Learning Rule A mem-

Murphy’s Law If something wind, atmospheric pressure

ory is produced when two

can go wrong, it will (Murphy will be lower to his left hand

connected neurons are active

was fictitious) than to his right, and the re-

simultaneously and the syn-

Nixon Doctrine U s e J a p a n , verse in the Southern Hemi-

apse is strengthened


Iran and South Africa to op- sphere (for Christoph Hein-

Donald O Hebb)

pose communist influence in rich Diedrich Buys Ballot,

Hobson’s Choice This or noth-

their regions (Richard M 1817–1890)

ing (for Thomas Hobson,

Nixon, thirty-sixth president Carter Doctrine Defend the

of the United States) Persian Gulf (Jimmy Carter,

January Effect Small-capital-

Occam’s Razor What can be thirty-ninth president of the

ized stocks tend to outper-

done with few assumptions is United States)

form large-capitalized stocks

in January

Eisenhower Doctrine Contain

Law of Infinitesimals D i l u t e

preferable to what can be done with more (formulated

the Soviet Union in Europe

by William of Occam, 1285– and the Middle East (Dwight

substances can have very

strong effects Law of Similars L i ke c u r e s

D Eisenhower, thirty-fourth Reagan Doctrine Undo Soviet president of the United

gains in the Third World States)


(Ronald Reagan, fortieth Ferrel’s Law A body moving

Mendel’s Law of Independent

Assortment Each pair of dif-

president of the United in any direction over the

ferent characters in a hybrid

States) Earth’s surface will tend to be

union is independent of the

Truman Doctrine D e f e n d deflected to the right in the

other characters (for Gregor

Greece and Turkey, contain Northern Hemisphere and to

Johann Mendel, 1822–1884)

the Soviet Union in Europe the left in the Southern Hemi-

Mendel’s Law of Segregation

(Harry S Truman, thirty-third sphere (for American meteo-

As gametes are formed, the

president of the United rologist William Ferrel)

pairs of hereditary units sep-

arate, one going to each ga-


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