The Role of Workbook

12 textbook helps standardize the instruction. The textbook can be used in different classes and it will help the teacher in assessing the students. The third is that a textbook maintains quality. A well-developed textbook leads the students to the appropriate pace of the learning process. The fourth is a textbook provides a variety of learning sources. A textbook is often accompanied by workbook, cassette, and a comprehensive teaching guide. The fifth advantage is textbook ’s efficiency. The textbook assists the teachers in saving their time for making the materials. The sixth is textbook provides effective language models and inputs. A textbook supports the teachers who may not be able to generate accurate language input on their own. The seventh is textbook can train teachers. The less experienced teachers can use teacher’s manual provided by the textbook which can serve as a medium of initial teacher training. The last is the visual appeal of the textbook. A commercial textbook usually has high standard of design. The theories above show that material --in this case is workbook-- has some advantages and plays an important role in a language teaching. A workbook gives an impact for both the teachers and the students. For teachers, a workbook functions as a partner to help them deliver the materials to the students. As well, for the students, a workbook also functions as a partner to help them review the materials at home, deepen their understanding through the exercises, and also as a record of their progress. 13

3. Material Evaluation

The previous explanation had already explicated the significance of workbooks in the learning process. A good workbook contains of interesting materials and provides a progression of language items as defined by Harmer 1991. A workbook presents what has to be learned and summarizes what has been studied. Consequently, it is necessary to evaluate the workbook before the teachers use it. Since the results of the evaluation can help the teachers decide their next step. The teachers can refuse to use the workbook or they can just use some parts of the workbooks which are suitable for their needs. Tomlinson 2003 defines materials evaluation as “a procedure that involves measuring the value or potential value of a set of learn ing materials”. Hence, material evaluations in this research evaluate the fulfilled criteria of a good workbook in Pakar workbook. Material evaluation is an important phase that must be done by the teachers. Cunningsworth 1995, p. 7 advises that it is essential that “a careful selection is made, and that the materials selected closely reflect the needs of the learners and the aims, methods, and values of the teaching program.” The materials that are used by the teachers indicate some important aspects in the language teaching. It will show the goal and the learning materials which are being taught. It shows that the workbook can give an impact in the learning process, therefore careful evaluation is needed to choose a workbook to be used. Meanwhile, Hutchinson and Waters 1989 divide the evaluation process into four major steps. The first step is defining criteria. This step includes the basic 14 concept to give a judgment on the materials. Moreover, this step also defines the criteria of the material which are considered important in the language learning process. The second step is subjective analysis. This step discusses the realization of the criteria that the teacher wants in the course. The third step is an objective analysis. This step is about how the materials being evaluated can realize the criteria. The last step is matching. This step is about matching the materials with the learner’s needs. This should be done in order to know whether the materials have already matched with learner’s needs or not. Furthermore, Tomlinson and Masuhara 2004, p. 3 define some types of materials evaluation. Those types of the materials evaluation are presented below. a. Pre-use evaluation This evaluation is accomplished before the materials are used. This evaluation is done by making a prediction about the possible value of the materials. b. In-use evaluation This evaluation is done while the materials are being used. Therefore, it is more reliable than a prediction since it is evaluated while the materials are used. c. Post-use evaluation This evaluation is accomplished after the materials are used. This kind of evaluation helps the evaluator to find out the short and long effects of the materials. 15

4. Book Evaluation Criteria

Having known the significance of the workbook from the previous explanation, the following is to know the criteria of a good workbook. It is important to make a list of the criteria that a good workbook should have. One of the criteria is coming from Lado’s Law of Learning 1964: a. Encouraging students’ motivation in the learning process A good workbook should have the capability to challenge the students to complete the exercises which are provided. When the exercises are challenging, the students are motivated to work using the workbook. Thus, it will decrease the students’ tendency to get bored. b. Appropriate materials and exercises for the students Materials and exercises have an important role in language learning. The students learn through the materials and exercises provided by the workbook. The suitability of the materials and exercises w ith students’ ability will help the students to learn the materials easily. c. Adequate tasks for the students Tasks for students act as another guidance that will help them to learn. Adequate tasks help the students to memorize things that they have learnt in the class. In addition, the students can learn better by practicing the language through the tasks given.