27 time, thus, clear instructions are needed in the workbook. In addition, checklists by Sheldon and Tomlinson were used to formulate the teachability and flexibility aspect of the checklist. A good workbook must be able to help the teacher to deliver the material to the students with different abilities, therefore teachability and flexibility aspect is important for a workbook. 28


This chapter presents the methodology used to obtain the data of the research. Six main sections include in this chapter three, namely the research method, research setting, data sources, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was qualitative research. The method of this research was content or document analysis. Ary, Jacobs and Sorensen 2010, p. 457 define content or document analysis as “a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the materials”. Furthermore, Krippendorff 2004 states that “content analysis was a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts or other meaningful matters to the c ontexts of their use” p. 18. Meanwhile, the materials or the texts were usually in the forms of newspapers, scripts, textbooks, advertisements and any other types of documents. This research was considered as a content analysis since a workbook was used as the subject of this research. There were five purposes of applying content or document analysis in educational research as stated by Ary et al. 2010. The first was to identify bias, prejudice, or propaganda in textbooks. The second was to analyze types of errors in students’ writing. The third was to describe prevailing practices. The fourth was to discover the level of difficulty of the material in the textbooks or publications. The 29 last was to discover the relative importance of, or interest in, certain topics. This research intended to identify the fulfilled and unfulfilled criteria of a good workbook on the Pakar workbook that was used in SMP N 2 Mlati. Therefore, the first purpose was suitable with the objective of this research.

B. Research Setting

This section emphasized the time in which the research was conducted. The research was conducted from March until July 2015. Therefore, it was conducted in about five months.

C. Data Sources

The subject of this research was a workbook named Pakar. This workbook was used in SMP N 2 Mlati Sleman, Yogyakarta as the supplementary material for seventh grade students. Pakar workbook was published by CV. AVIVA. There was just one workbook which was analyzed. The researcher took one sample of the workbook used in SMP N 2 Mlati to evaluate the materials. The researcher used relevance or purposive sampling in order to take the sample. Purposive sampling is a method that used researcher’s judgment to choose sample based on the “prior information” Fraenkel Wallen, 2009, p. 99.

D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique

One of qualitative research ’s characteristics was its instrument to gather the data. The primary instrument for gathering and analyzing data in qualitative research is human investigators Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, 2002. Furthermore, Merriam 2009, p. 15 states that “the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and analysis”. Therefore, the primary instrument in this research was the 30 researcher. The researcher is an eight semester student of English language education study program in Sanata Dharma University. The evaluation of the workbook was done by the researcher herself. As stated by Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh 2002, p. 435, documents can be personal, such as autobiographies, diaries, and letters; official, such as files, reports, or minutes that have been prepared by observers of an event or setting, or documents of popular culture, such as books, films, and videos. In addition, document referred to “a wide range of written, physical, and visual materials” Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, 2010, p. 442. Therefore, in this research, the Pakar workbook acted as a document to be analyzed. The workbook was the primary source to gather the data. Furthermore, in this content or document analysis research, there were several steps to gather the data. The first step that the researcher done was making the categories to be applied in analyzing the data. The next step was deciding the sample. In this research, the researcher applied purposive sampling. Therefore, the researcher chose Pakar workbook that was used to teach SMP N 2 Mlati students as the subject of this research. The next step was evaluating the data. The researcher used some checklists in order to evaluate the data. In addition, the researcher conducted library study in order to answer the research problem.

E. Data Analysis Technique

This research used content or document analysis to evaluate the workbook. The researcher made some checklists in order to identify the fulfilled criteria of a good workbook in Pakar workbook. The theories which were used to make the checklists were the criteria proposed by Cunningsworth 1995, Sheldon 1998 and