Review of Related Study

9 However, Toru is preferred to live in a comfortable solitude which means that his solitude and detachment are a conscious choice. In his study, Mihalo stated that being detached from society means a person cares only on himself or herself. Thus, he concluded that overcoming detachment can be done by conveying feeling towards others. It can be seen on the novel when Toru is finally able to portray any internal feeling besides loneliness and this feeling is directed towards another person. This study is also going to analyze the same character on the previous study. However, the goal of this study is different from the goal of previous study. The previous study analyzed how Toru Watanabe overcomes his detachment. Meanwhile, this study will analyze the character of Toru Watanabe and discover the causes of loneliness as experienced by Toru Watanabe.

B. Review of Related Theories

There are numbers of theories related to this study. This part includes those theories used in conducting this study. They are theory of character, theory of characterization, theory of human needs, and review of loneliness.

1. Psychological Approach to Literature

Rohberger and Woods 1971 note that there are five critical approaches used to analyze a work of literature, one of them is a psychological approach. Psychological approach is an approach which focuses on the character’s feeling, attitudes, and thought that motivate character to act. They also explain that 10 psychological approach analyzes a novel from psychological side of human beings. It intends to understand the pattern of human personality and behavior. Thus, the characters’ behavior and thought can be appropriately understood by using a psychological approach pp. 6-15. In this study, a psychological approach is used to explore the information related to the personality of a character from the psychological point of view.

2. Theory of Character

Character is one element in a novel despite setting, plot, theme, symbolism, point of view, etc. In the novel, characters have important roles since they enliven the story and build the readers’ interest. The creations of character make the readers understand and experience what the author wants to convey through the works since characters are the representation of human being. Abrams 2012 defines characters as the persons introduced in a dramatic or narrative work that show moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities which are revealed through the action and the dialogue p. 46. In this point, character is understood as the qualities that describes a particular figure in the story. Characters in fiction drama have many categories, depending on the context. Henkle 1977 divides characters into two categories, namely major character and secondary character or minor character p. 88. Henkle defines major character as a character which is presented with fullness of detail and he or she usually becomes the central or the focus of the story. The importance of major character includes his or her behavior, action, and speech that happen from the