Research Respondent Setting Research Instruments

B. Research Respondent

To gather the data, the researcher chose some respondents who were considered reliable to help the researcher to get information. 1. Research and information collecting. In research and information collecting, the respondents were the guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir. They were experienced in guiding and accompanying tourist guests. The guides and instructors knew the real situation, the difficulty in guiding tourist guests, and what they need to solve the difficulties, so the writer expected they could give suggestion to the writer to make the suitable materials. The writer also interviewed some of the instructors and the manager of Banyu Sumilir. The interview with the instructors aimed to get deeper information about the answer in the questionnaire, while the interview with the manager of Banyu Sumilir aimed to find out what the guests needed. Usually guests told the manager what their needs in tourism are. 2. Preliminary field testing In preliminary field testing, the respondents were two English lectures, two English instructors and one English teacher. They were considered experienced in designing English materials. The respondents were expected to evaluate the designed materials especially about the content. The researcher also expected they can give their opinion, suggestion, and share their knowledge in order to improve the materials.

C. Setting

The researcher conducted the research in Banyu Sumilir in February 2008. Banyu Sumilir was located in Sorowulan Purwobinangun Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta.

D. Research Instruments

Before designing the materials, the researcher conducted needs analysis to get any information about the learners. The instruments were used in Research and information collecting to gather data about the learners and in preliminary field testing to evaluate the designed materials. The instruments were explained as follows: 1. Research and information collecting In the first step the researcher conducted needs survey to collect information about the learners to obtain the information; the writer used instruments as follows: a. Questionnaire The questionnaires were distributed to the guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir. The questionnaire was used to get information from the learners about the learner’s background knowledge, the materials they need, the suitable technique, and the media to support the learning activities. There were two types of question in the questionnaire. They were open-ended questions and close-ended questions. For open- ended questions, the respondents could freely answer the questions. In other words, the respondents could give their opinion and suggestion freely based on their understanding. While in close-ended questions, the writer provided some options, and the respondents were to choose one or two of the answers. b. Interview Another instrument that the wrier used to gather information from the learners was interview. The writer needed to get further information from the learners. Besides, the interview was done to get additional information from the learners and the problems that occured related to guiding tourist visitors from the manager of Banyu Sumilir. 2. Preliminary field testing The writer distributed questionnaires to English lecturer, English teacher, and English instructors. Preliminary field testing questionnaire was used to evaluate the designed materials whether the materials had fulfilled the learner’s needs, whether the topics were suitable with the real situation, whether the activities provided opportunities to practice the learner’s ability to speak. The result of this questionnaire was very important to improve the materials before it was really applied.

E. Data Gathering Technique