The elaboration of steps in designing the materials



This chapter presents the answers to the questions in the problem formulation in chapter I 1 How is a set of English speaking instructional materials for guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir using Communicative Language Teaching designed?, and 2What does the designed set of materials look like? To answer the first question the writer discusses the elaboration of steps in designing the materials, the results of needs analysis and discussion. The second question will be answered by the presentation of the designed materials.

A. The elaboration of steps in designing the materials

In this research the writer adapted the Kemp’s and Yalden’s instructional model but the writer did not apply all the steps in those instructional models to make the designed materials simpler and more applicable. Here are the writer’s steps 1. Needs Analysis 2. Stating Goals, Topic and General Purpose 3. Stating Learning objectives 4. Selecting the syllabus type 5. Listing the subject content 6. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities. 7. Evaluation PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The writer presents the results and elaboration of those steps as follows: 1. Needs analysis: The writer conducted the needs survey to the instructors and tourist guides in Banyu Sumilir in order to get sufficient data from the respondents. The result of the needs survey was very important to be the consideration to make the suitable materials for the learners. The writer wanted to find out what the learners needed, what the learners achieved and what their difficulties in learning English were. The learners were the guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir so they are supposed to be able to give good service to both domestic and foreign guests. In guiding foreign tourist, being able to speak English is much needed. The writer conducted the survey using a questionnaire. The result was the learners needed to be able to speak and give instructions in English. From the result of the questionnaire the writer found that there were only some instructors who were able to speak English. Most of them knew only a little about English. They never joined an English course and they hardly used it in their daily life. Speaking in English would be very difficult for them since they have to adjust to the speaker’s pronunciation and accent to get the point, and they also have to be able to respond to it. 2. Stating Goals, Topic and General Purpose After conducting the needs survey, the writer stated the goal, topic, and general purposes. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI a. Goals In this study the writer used the term competence standard to refer to the goal. The competence standard of the designing English speaking materials for guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir were aimed to: 1 Help the learners to be able to communicate appropriately with foreign guests using the target language 2 Help the learners to be able to use suitable expressions related to their field. b. Topics The topic of the materials will be: 1 Greeting and introducing 2 Giving Direction 3 Explaining things 4 Explaining the steps of making something 5 Managing complaints 6 Giving instruction 7 Thanking Those seven topics were developed in 8 units. The units in the material were orderly designed based on the process of activities in Banyu Sumilir. Here are the units of the materials. Unit 1: Welcome to Banyu Sumilir. “Welcome to Banyu Sumilir” consists of greeting and introducing. The guides and the instructors need this material to be the guidance when they meet foreigners for the first time. Before starting the activities, the guides and instructors held “Welcome drink” to introduce the guests to the villagers. Greeting and introducing is very important since they are required to be able to greet anytime they meet guests and introduce themselves to the foreign guests. Unit 2: Where’s the market? “Where’s the market” is about giving direction. The guides and instructors need to be able to give instructions to foreign guests since they can not accompany the guests all the time. Sometimes the guests need to have time to be free. They want to experience new things which are out of schedule. In this case guides and instructors only need to give the direction to the guests then the guests will enjoy themselves finding the place. Giving clear directions is s good service. Unit Three: Let’s go around The next unit is “Let’s go around”. In this unit the writer presented the materials about explaining things. The guide and instructors have to be able to explain any object they meet during the vacation. There are a lot of objects that they need to explain to the guests. The guides and instructors are responsible to give information about the object as clear as possible. In this case they play a very important role in making the vacation alive. The writer provided one example of explaining an object and also the expressions of explaining things. The writer expected the guides and instructors to develop the materials by themselves. Unit 4: Enjoy our culture This unit is still related to explaining things. The difference between this unit and the previous unit is that the object of this unit is about culture. Banyu Sumilir is located in Sorowulan tourism village which has a lot of cultures. Culture becomes very interesting for foreign guests. They are interested to know more deeply about the culture. That is why the guides and instructors need to be able to fulfill the guests’ needs by giving complete information. Unit 5: How to make it? “How to make it” deals with a procedure text. This is another important topic since the tourism village provides the program for the guests to be involved in making handicraft and cooking traditional food. The guides and instructors need to be able to explain every step of the process of the activity. Unit 6: I’m sorry for the inconvenience “I’m sorry for the inconvenience” deals with managing complaints. This topic is important since during the activities there might be chaos or troubles that make the guests feel upset. When facing this situation the guides and instructors have to able to manage and handle the situation. One of the ways to handle the situation is by saying sorry. It might calm the guest down. In this unit the writer gave some expressions of apology. Unit 7: Let’s play This unit deals with the materials about giving instructions. Banyu Sumilir as the Out Bound center provides various games. The instructors play a very important role in giving the instructions. They should be able to give clear instructions to make the games run well. Unit 8: Thank you for staying with us “Thank for staying with us” gives the learners some expressions of thanking. Thank you is one of the polite remarks that the learners should understand. The order of the units in figure 2 can be seen at page 63. c. General Purpose In this study the writer uses the term Basic Competence to refer to the general purpose. Basic competence is the competency that the learners have to achieve after learning the topics. In table 1 the writer elaborates the basic competence of each unit. No Topics Basic Competences 1 Greeting and introduction Welcome to Banyu Sumilir - The learners are able to greet foreigners - The learners are able to respond to the greeting from the foreigners - The learners are able to introduce themselves and introduce others - The learners are able to ask personal questions to foreigners - The learners are able to explain the time table to the guests. 2 Giving Directions Where is the market? - The learners are able to explain the attractions in the tourism object - The learners are able to use the expressions of giving direction correctly - The learners are able to follow their friend‘s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI direction 3 Explaining things Let’s go around and Enjoy our culture - The learners are able to explain objects in their village - The learners are able to use the expressions of explaining things appropriately - The learners are able to recognize the vocabulary related to the object 4 Procedure How to make it - The learners are able to explain how to make something - The learners are able to use and recognize the expressions in procedure dialogue 5 Giving instruction Let’s Play - The learners are able to give clear instructions to the guests - The learners are able to use correct vocabulary in giving instructions during the games - The learners are able to give instructions using the right patterns 6 Managing Complaints I’m sorry for the inconvenience - The learners are able to recognize the expressions of apology and the response of apologizing. - The learners are able to handle the guests’ complaints 7 Thanking Thank you for staying with us - The learners are able to recognize the expressions of thanking and replying to thanks - The learners are able to express thanking using the right expressions - The learners are able to reply to thank correctly Table 1: Basic Competence 3. Stating Learning objectives In this study, the writer used the term learning indicator to refer to learning objectives. Learning indicator is the competency that the learners have to achieve after doing every activity in each unit. In table 2, the writer elaborates the learning indicators of every activity in each unit. Topics Indicators 1 Greeting and introduction Welcome to Banyu Sumilir - The learners have the idea about the materials - The learners can read the dialogues correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expressions used in greeting and introducing - The learners can use the expressions correctly and properly - The learners match the English words with its meaning - The learners can introduce themselves to the other learners - The learners can introduce other people - The learners can ask the personal identity 2 Giving Direction - The learners can share their ideas about the Where is the market? materials - The learners can read the dialogue correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expressions used in giving direction - The learners can find the meaning of the Indonesians words in English on the jumbled words - The learners can give direction from one place to another place - The learners can follow the direction given by their partner 3 Explaining things Let’s go around - The learners can read the dialogue correctly - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expressions used in explaining things - The learners can use the expressions correctly and properly - The learners can find the meaning of the words in English by filling the puzzle correctly - The learners can practice speaking based on the materials by completing the task 4 Explaining things Enjoy our culture - The learners can read the dialogue correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expressions used in explaining things PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI - The learners can use the expressions correctly and properly 5 Procedure How to make it -The learners can have an idea about the materials - -The learners can read the dialogue correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners can use the expressions in procedure text correctly - The learners can find the meaning of difficult words by themselves - The learners can practice their speaking ability about how to make something - The learners can share information about what they need and what they have with your friends. 6 Managing Complaints I’m sorry for the inconvenience - The learners can have the idea of what they are going to learn - The learners can read the dialogue correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can find the meaning the expressions used in managing complaints - The learners can find the meaning of the words by finding its meaning in English in the dialogue - The learners can practice handling complaints using the correct expressions - The learners can practice their speaking ability related to handling complaints 7 Giving instruction Let’s Play - The learners can share their idea about the materials - The learners can read the dialogue correctly by listening to the listening passage - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expressions used in giving instruction. - The learners can guess the meaning of English word - The learners can explain the games - The learners can share information with others - The learners can give clear instructions about the games 8 Thanking Thank you for staying with us - The learners can share their ideas about the materials - The learners can read the dialogue correctly - The learners can pronounce the words correctly - The learners understand the expression used in thanking - The learners can match the English words with its synonims - The learners can practice their speaking based on the situation Table 2: Learning indicators 4. Selecting the syllabus type Selecting the syllabus type used in this study is the next step after stating learning objectives. Since the basis of these instructional materials is speaking, so the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI appropriate syllabus type is notional functional syllabus. The content of the language teaching in this study is a collection of function. 5. Listing the subject contents The designed materials consist of 7 topics and those topics are presented in different units. The material of each unit is divided into some parts called subject content. Subject contents are the activities in each topic. Each unit consists of four types of activities. Those are: Brain storming, practice this dialogue, expression, exercise, today’s magic words and time for grouping. Those subject contents will be clarified as follows: a. Brain storming Before entering the main materials, it is better for the teacher to lead the learners to a general question related to the topic. It helps the learner to understand what they are going to learn b. Practice dialogue In this activity the learners are given some dialogues related to the topic between guides and foreign tourists. Each dialogue is expected to help the learners to be familiar with the expressions in their daily conversation. By giving a dialogue the teacher can also help the learners how to pronounce words and expressions correctly. The teacher asks the learners to listen to the listening passage, and then the learners were asked to practice the dialogue with their friends. While the learners practice reading the dialogue, the teacher can check and correct the mis pronounced words. If PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the learners make a mistake in pronouncing a word, the teacher corrects them by giving the correct pronunciation. c. Expression In this part the writer provides some expressions related to the topic. Some of the expressions have been used in the dialogue as the examples to help the learner to use the expressions correctly. The writer also provides some other expressions related to the topic. d. Today’s Magic Words Since the learners were beginner learners, it is important for the writer to help the learners enrich their vocabulary. In this section, the writer writes new vocabulary or the meaning of difficult words from each unit. e. Time for Grouping. Since the focus of this material is to give the learners a chance to speak, the learners have to be able to practice the materials orally. Time for Grouping is an activity where each student should practice speaking using the target language. In this activity the learners will be given a situation and they have to make a dialogue related to the situation. After that they should practice it. Those subject contents were arranged based on the sequence of activities in Littlewood 1981, p. 86. The Pre-activity includes brain storming, practice the dialogue, expression, and today’s magic words. Pre-activities give the learners guidance before they practice their speaking ability. While time for grouping is the main activity. In Time for Grouping the learners have opportunity to practice their PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI speaking ability. It is suitable with the principles of CLT where the activities should give the learners opportunities to speak. 6. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities In selecting the teaching learning activities, the writer selected simple activities, so the learners will not be confused with the activities given. Since the learners were beginners, simple activities like reading and understanding useful expressions shown in the dialogue practice and language focus, doing exercise and doing communicative tasks such as role-play and game were used. The writers gathered the materials from English textbooks. The materials were modified based on the context and the students’ need 7. Evaluation Since this research deals with constructing materials, evaluation is an important step. The term ‘evaluation’ is not meant as the evaluation after the implementation. Since the designed materials have not been implemented yet, the evaluation was fulfilled by distributing some questionnaires to lectures and English instructors. It was conducted to find out whether the materials were well developed and appropriate with the learners’ need or not. The result of the questionnaires was used as a feedback and consideration to revise and improve the designed material Figure 4: unit materials START FINISH PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI B Results of Survey Research In this part the writer presents the results of the two types of needs surveys. The first type was taken from the guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir. The survey was conducted to assess the learners’ needs. The second result was taken from the responses given by teachers and lecturers who evaluated the designed materials. The results from the survey are elaborated bellow. 1. The result of the needs Analysis. Before designing the materials, the writer distributed questionnaire to 20 guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part consisted of ten multiple choice questions. The respondents were asked to choose one of the answers provided. The second part consisted of three questions. In this part the respondents could answer freely. In the first part the data showed that 20 4 people were female and 80 16 people were male. All of the respondents used the Javanese language in their daily communication. They came from the village around Banyu Sumilir so the language was influenced by the environment around them. Almost all the people living in this village used Javanese in their daily communication. 20 4 people of the respondents were able to speak English while the other 80 16 people could not speak English well. The data showed that all of them 20 people studied English when they studied in school. Unfortunately they did not continue it after they finished their study in senior high school.15 3 people learned English for the last time about a year ago, 20 4 people learned English for the last time about 5 years ago, 35 7 people learned English about 2-4 years ago, and 30 6 people learned English for about more than 5 years ago. Since their responsibility as guides and instructors is to accompany foreign guest they are required to convey or explain information in English, but the data showed that from the twenty people only 20 4 people could convey information in English, while the other 80 16 people could not. Those who could not convey information in English had various reasons. 50 8 people felt afraid when they had to speak English, 31, 25 5 people did not have enough vocabulary and 18, 75 3 people said that they could not speak English because they never use English at all. During their work in Banyu Sumilir 55 of the respondents 11 people accompanied foreign guest, 35 7 people often became guides and instructors for foreign guests while 10 2 people never be guides or instructors for tourists. In the next question the writer wanted to know what the respondents said when they had to speak to foreign guest, or how they express it. When the guides and instructors had to accompany foreign guest 40 8 people prefer to keep silent, 45 9 people tried to speak as the best they could and 15 3 people tried to express it using gestures or body language. When the respondents talked to a native speaker sometimes they found problems in catching what the tourist was saying. 35 7 people could not understand what the tourist was saying at all, while 65 13 people understood what the tourist said but they did not have idea to reply. The next question was about the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI opinion whether English is important or not in their job, the data showed 100 agree that English is important. In the second part, the writer summarized the respondents’ answers. The questionnaire showed that most of the guides and instructors could not understand what the tourists said because the tourists’ pronunciation sounds strange and they speak very quickly. Another problem faced by the guides and instructors is related to vocabulary. They only mastered limited vocabulary so they got stuck when they spoke to foreign guests. The common problem acquired among the guides and instructors was they felt afraid and nervous. In the next question, the writer wanted to know the respondents’ background knowledge. From the questionnaire, the writer found out that there were only few people who were able to speak English. They can communicate with the tourists well. While most of them still feel confused to express their idea in English. They did not have enough vocabulary and they felt difficult to arrange a sentence in English. The next question was used to consider the learning activities. The respondents prefer to have fun class so if it is possible the learning process was not merely conducted in the classroom. The activities should provide opportunities for the learners to practice their speaking ability. Beside that the learner needs to practice speaking with native speaker to practice their listening skill. After analyzing the questionnaire, the writer conducted an interview to 3 people. 2 people were the respondents of the questionnaire. The interview was conducted to get deeper answers related to the questionnaire. The researcher chose the respondents based on the result of the questionnaire. The respondents were classified into two. They were one respondent who had been able to speak English well and one respondent whose English was considered as poor. The last respondent was the manager of Banyu Sumilir. The questions for the interview to the guides and instructors only consisted of the questions related to topics, activities and background knowledge of the interviewee. The first interviewee was the one whose English was rather good. When the researcher asked what were the topics that he wanted to learn, he answered that the topics were about the condition related to their job field. He needed to be able to give information about the object and the activities in Banyu Sumilir. The second question was about what kind of activities that he wanted. He answered that the activities should focus on speaking not writing or grammar. He thought that writing and grammar were complicated and if he had to think about the grammar when speaking to foreign guests he would be speechless. The last question for the first interviewee was related to his background knowledge. He answered that actually he could not speak English well. He only felt confident no matter what he said was right or wrong. He thought that as long as the addressee understands what he means that was enough. The researcher continued the interview to the second interview in a different place to avoid the same answer. The second interview was the respondent of the questionnaire whose English was considered as poor. The questions were the same questions which were given to the first interviewee. In the first question, the interviewee did not give specific answers. He only said he had difficulty explaining steps of making something. The interviewee explained his experience when he had to explain the process of making handicraft and explain the rules in the outbound area. At that time he preferred to keep silent and let his partner to do the job. In the second question, the interviewee answered the activity done outside the room. So after finishing the material the learners practice it in the real situation. The activities can be games or practicing to be a guide. In the last questions, about the background knowledge, the interviewee answered that his English was very bad. Sometimes he could not understand what foreign guests said. He asked his friend to translate it. Besides, he only had limited vocabulary and he got confused to make a good sentence in English. He needed to learn English from the very basic level; even he needed to learn to read simple English words. The last interview was conducted to the manager of Banyu Sumilir. The researcher wanted to know what the tourists wanted to get in Banyu Sumilr. The researcher also wanted to know whether tourists had special request especially related to the instructors. The manager said that there was no special request from the guest. They followed all the activities provided in Banyu Sumilir. When the researcher asked the manager’s opinion about the materials, he answered the materials can be about leadership and basic training about outbound skill. The researcher felt that it could not be put in the designed materials since the program focus on speaking ability. The leadership and basic outbound skill should be taught by the expert. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 2. The Result of the Survey Research on the Designed Materials After designing the materials, the writer conducted a survey to evaluate the materials. The survey research aimed to evaluate the materials. The questionnaires were distributed to an English teacher of SMP, two English lecturers and English instructors. The data of the respondents was presented as follows: Group of respondents Sex Education Background Teaching Experience years F M D3 S1 S2 1-4 5-9 9 Lecturers 2 - 2 1 1 Instructors 2 1 1 1 1 Teacher 1 1 1 Table 3: The data of the respondents The questionnaire was divided into two parts. In the first part the respondents gave points to each statement related to the design materials. The range was from 1 to 5 and each score. The score indicated their degree of agreement. Each score was elaborated as follows: 1: strongly disagree with the statement 2: disagree with the statement 3: doubtful with the statement 4: agree with the statement 5: strongly agree with the statement. After the questionnaire had been filled, the writer calculated the result to find the mean, median and Modus. The result of the questionnaire was presented bellow: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Central Tendency No Respondents’ opinion N Mn Mdn Md 1 The materials are appropriate for the learners 5 4 4 4 2 The materials match with the goals and objectives 5 4.2 4 4 3 The topics are well organized 5 4.2 4 4 4 The level of difficulties is appropriate with the learners 5 4.2 4 4 5 The activities of the materials are suitable with the learners’ need 5 3.8 4 4 6 The activities are quite varied 5 4.2 4 4 7 The page layout is suitable with the topics 5 4.2 4 4 8 The use of pictures is effective 5 4 4 4 9 The materials are interesting 5 4 4 4 10 The font is readable 5 4 4 4 11 The materials are easy to comprehend 5 4,2 4 4 12 The subject content has fulfilled the learners need4.1 5 3,8 4 4 13 The instructions are clear enough 5 3.6 4 4 Table 4: The Result of the Survey Research on the Designed Materials Notes: N : the number of respondents Mn : the average points, resulted from the total scores divided by the number of the respondents Mdn : the middle points that occurs Md : the score that most frequently occurred PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI In the second part the respondents gave their opinions. The points of the suggestion are stated below: a. Goals and objectives: All of the respondents said that the goals and the objectives of the materials were suitable with the learners. b.Layout and font Three of the respondents said that the layout and font were good and readable but two of the respondents suggested to differentiate the font of the heading and the content c. Vocabulary lists Four of the respondents stated that the vocabulary was good enough and it had fulfilled the learners’ need. While one of the respondents suggested to explain the words in English not directly give the Indonesian meanings. d.The content of the materials All of the respondents said that the materials were good enough. e. Grammar One of the respondents said that the grammar was good but four of them still found grammatical mistakes. The writer should pay attention to minimum requirements and some of the sentences in the dialogue sound unnatural. f. Other suggestions One of the respondents suggested to distinguish which one belongs to the student’s book, and which belongs to teacher’s book. The respondents suggested the writer to be careful in choosing appropriate words. Some expressions in the dialogue sound Indonesians English. In “Brain storming” section it would better to add more questions to lead the learners to the topic.

C. Discussions