Problem Identification Problem Limitation Problem Formulation

Communicative competence is the focus of the classroom goals and not restricted to grammatical or linguistic competence. Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that can be applied in English Language teaching as a second language. Since this study focuses on teaching speaking skill to enable the learners to be able to communicate with foreigners, CLT is the appropriate basic theory for language teaching methodology to be applied in this study.

B. Problem Identification

Being able to speak English is very important. The real world requires that everybody is supposed to be able to speak in English. Those who are not able to communicate in English will lose out in the competition. From the background of this study we can see that a good service is badly needed. In this case, giving a good service means being able to speak English in order to serve foreign tourists during their vacation in the village. One of the principles of tourism village is that all the services are done by the villagers themselves, including the guides if there are visitors from other countries. From the background it can be seen that the problem in the development of tourism village and Banyu Sumilir is that the villagers and the instructors are not able to speak English. From the background above the writer identifies a problem that Banyu Sumilir needs a program to train the guides and the instructors to be able to PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI communicate in English. In this study the writer tries to develop materials for guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir.

C. Problem Limitation

This study is limited to the teaching of speaking materials for instructors in Banyu Sumilir and the materials focus on how to guide tourists to do games and activities conveyed in English.. To be able to give a satisfying service to the guests, the guides should be able to know what the guests need. In this case the ability to communicate in English is much needed. Guides should be able to use English properly. This means that they have to know how to use English in their daily work. Considering the importance of English for tourist guides, the writer tries to develop speaking materials for guides and instructors in Banyu Sumilir.

D. Problem Formulation

Based on the background, problem identification and problem limitation above, the problems of this study are formulated as follows: 1. How is a set of English speaking materials for guides and outbond instructors in Banyu Sumilir using Communicative Language Teaching designed? 2. What does the designed set of materials look like?

E. Research objectives