Functions of Code Switching

between Indonesian and English. The difference can be seen from the example b. The sentence in example b consists of subject temanku and predicate seorang dokter. The words seorang dokter are a predicate because those words represent the verb adalah that can be omitted. When it is translated into English, the verb is is required because it has the function as a predicate. 2. Elliptical Sentence Kalimat Luas Rapatan Density compound sentence or elliptical sentence is formed by integrating the same element in the sentence. For example: Ayah makan nasi goreng dan minum teh My father eats fried rice and drinks. The sentence is formed from two clauses: a. Ayah makan nasi goreng My father eats fried rice b. Ayah minum teh My father drinks tea Based on the example above, the similarity between Indonesian and English grammar is seen from the integrating of the same element which is the verb. The difference is that in Indonesian the example belongs to compound sentence, while in English the example belongs to simple sentence that consists of compound verbs eats and drinks. In Indonesian not only the predicate that can be integrated but also the object, subject, and complement. 3. Compound Sentence Kalimat Luas Setara This sentence is constituted by two clauses. The role of each clause in this sentence is same. The clauses are connected by the conjunctions dan, tetapi, atau, apalagi, and kemudian. For example: a. Ibu memasak di dapur dan Ayah menyiram tanaman My mother cooks in the kitchen and my father waters the plants b. Saya ingin melanjutkan belajar ke perguruan tinggi tetapi orang tua saya tidak mampu membiayayainya. I want to continue studying in university but my parents do not have enough money. This kind of sentence is similar to English sentence. In English, this sentence is called compound sentence and in this sentence, the clauses are also connected by the conjunctions and, or, but. Besides, the clauses in English compound sentence are always called independent clauses. This is similar to Indonesian sentences that the clauses have the same role. Furthermore, In Indonesian equivalent compound sentence, the clause can be connected by the conjunctions apalagi moreover and kemudian then while in English compound sentence, the clauses can only be connected by and, or, so and but. 4. Complex Sentence Kalimat Luas Bertingkat This sentence consists of two clauses which are main clause and minor clause. Below are two examples of complex sentence; a. Ia hanyut terseret air karena Ia tidak pandai berenang. He is drowned because he cannot swim b. Monumen nasional itu dibuat ketika kamu masih kecil. The national monument was built when you were a kid c. Orang yang duduk di depan itu gendut sekali. The one who sits in front is very fat On the other hand, the clauses in this type of sentence are also connected by other conjunctions such as sehingga so, kalau, agar in order to, meskipun athough, kecuali except, bahwa that, and seperti alike. Actually the sentences above are similar to English sentence which is called complex sentence. The English complex sentences are also connected by because, when, although, in order to, except etc. Azar 1941 : 239 also added When the conjunctions are because or although in the English complex sentence, the clauses are divided into main clause and minor clause which is called an adverb clause. 5. Complex Compound Sentence Kalimat Luas Kompleks This sentence is established from two or more clauses. The clauses in this complex compound sentence are connected by the conjunctions of compound and complex sentence. The first example is connected by the conjunctions tetapi and karena while the second example is connected by the conjunctions karena and dan. a. Orang itu meminta tolong kepada saya, tetapi saya tidak mau menolongnya karena dia adalah seorang penipu. That person asks me for help but I refuse it because he is a liar. b. Kemarin saya tidak masuk kantor karena hujan lebatnya bukan main dan kesehatan saya agak terganggu. Yesterday I did not go to work because the rain was so heavy and I got headache. Based on the examples above, the sentences consist of two or more independent clauses and one dependent clause. The clauses of the sentences above are connected by the conjunctions tetapibut, karenabecause, danand. This sentence also similar to English that these sentences are called complex compound sentence. In English complex compound sentence, there are also two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

C. Theoretical Framework

The objectives of this study are to identify the types and the functions of Code Switching that occurs in Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013. The first problem is the identification of the types of code switching that occur in Hitam Putih talk show in 12 June 2013. In answering the first problem, the writer uses theory of type of code switching from Stockwell and then the writer will also apply the theory of Indonesian Grammar from Chaer because the form of the data