Omniscience Responsibility Coping Strength Security Self-image

motivation do not have self standard. Since they do not have it, they will get confused if there is no assistance from others. The standard is obtained from outside world. In addition, Wiwoho 2004: 71 confirms that people who have standard motivation are not egoist ones who do not want to listen to others. They still gather information, but by using their own standard they make decisions.

2.3 . 2 Parents’ Roles in Educating Children

In fact, parents have many roles in the family. One of them is to take care of children. Here, I provide some roles to be taken by parents in taking care of their children. In order to help to analyze deeply about the influences, the writer will use some key terms about children from Joseph and Bird 1972: 29-45.

1. Omniscience

Children need to believe their parents can answer all their questions so that they can pass the new world, but the parents are also to make sure their children have found answers. This answer is important to encourage them to have purposes in their life.

2. Responsibility

Reaching the age of adulthood, children are hoped to have formulated goals. The goals are in extended span of time, and by practicing to be responsible they will be able to reach it. Here, family plays a very important role because the family is the place to train themselves to be discipline and to have reward for their interpersonal responsibility. They will also learn about the rights and obligation in the relation with others.

3. Coping

Parents’ role to be children’s role model to cope with frustration is unquestionably needed. Undeniably, children are great imitator in almost everything. Parents are to act nicely because what they are doing will be imitated by their children. Parents are to show calmness when they are dealing with problems.

4. Strength

Children need good figure of parents to rely on. They must figure out that their parents possess the strength of conviction because their knowledge about it will help them to build their own conviction as they mature.

5. Security

Parents have to be able to make their children feel secure emotionally, physically, and financially. As omniscience role for parents, they are to give the children security. This condition will encourage them to grow normally—no psyche disturbance. Moreover, children will feel more comfort to live in the family.

6. Self-image

Parents must provide information to their children that they have special values in their life. If a child is valued positively, he will grow up with positive self- image. Parents must not discourage the ir children by treating them badly. The positive PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI self- image the children acquire will also determine their motivation and behavior to step forward to their future.

7. Limits