. 5 Family Members Relationship: Character Development

adds that a boy is more influenced by the divorce. The family conflict and divorce cause children, especially a boy, disturbed in his social intercourse.

2.3 . 5 Family Members Relationship: Character Development

Each member of the family relate to one another. It creates a kind of relationship. The references below will help to value the influences of the absence of Tom’s father. It is also useful to analyze the factors that influence Tom’s character development. Dagun 1990 provides several statements about family’s relationship. Dagun 1990: 19 states that when a husband and a wife have a good relationship, they will support each other in nursing their children. For example, when a husband support his wife while she is feeding her baby, she will be more effective to feed him. This situation is on the contrary with strain relationship between them. Moreover, in family’s life, husband and wife are alternately supporting and filling in handling some works Dagun, 1990: 150. In general, the growing children need the existence of their father to guide them in developing their competence whether it is in the social intercourse or in knowing new situation Dagun, 1990: 96. A baby will cry in a longer time if she is not accompanied by his father when she is bathed, changed clothes etc. Dagun, 1990: 97. Apart from all thoughts above, Gunarsa and Gunarsa 1990: 7 utter a thought related to the study. The figure of a mother and a father as the first one’s inner self filler must do the nurturing with great PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI responsibility in love atmosphere—when a milieu of child is getting larger, there will be more figures to her or his inner self filler. When parents take good care of their children, the warmth relationship is built. On the contrary, when a parent is “alternately affectionate and violent, caressing him one minute and throwing a piece of furniture at him at the next, the child will become an impulsive and an emotional temperament” one Pressey et al, 1939: 445- 446. Bursteln 1990: 264-267 states some thoughts related to communication in the family. The thoughts as listed below are very useful to analyze the whys Tom does actions in particular ways in the play. 1. Good communication between parents and children make them feel supported or spirited to find solution they face. 2. Through good communication, parents can notice personalities of their children so that they can be more appreciative to them. 3. Parents’ comments that tend to exhort their children will only teach them to be afraid and hate. Related to the term of family relationship, Parsons 1987 present some understanding about it. Parents’ roles are very important. Parents are to guide their children to develop. Hall as cited by Parsons, 1987: 23 conceptualizes that “adolescent as a period of storm and stress, a period characterized by a lack of emotional steadiness, violent impulses, unreasonable conduct, lack of enthusiasm, and sympathy”. Parsons 1987: 34 states that adolescents tend to increase privacy by PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI spending more time outside the family and by holding the information. Here, the family functions as the institution to erase the negative impact of being lonely Parsons, 1987: 121. If there is no good communication, youths tend to erase their painful feeling by retreatism which can direct them to do drug Parsons, 1987: 124. Once they do not feel comfort at home, they will run away. They satisfy their desire to do adventure and leave the intolerable home life. Furthermore, the act of leaving home is based on the inability to do communication Parsons, 1987: 124. In term of communication, Hurlock 1974: 352 adds that communication influences personality development. She clarifies that the influences are coming from the unconscious attitudes imitation. Of course, the relationship and communication in the family will influence the member of it. Hurlock 1980: 2-3 defines what is called by development. It is succession of progressive changes happen because of maturity process and experience. Then, she affirms the intention of development. It is intended to enable oneself to adapt to the environment where she or he lives. In term of development, parents take a big role in it. Watson Lindgreen 1973: 300 verifies about the parental influences: “personality pattern that persist are set by the way in which parents characteristically restrict, comfort, admonish, instruct, and express acceptance and worth”. As stated above, the act such as restricting, comforting, and admonishing will form a relationship between parents and children. Hurlock 1974: 355 confirms that the relationship formed in the family will influence the personality pattern of the members of the family. Moreover, she adds that to consider the effects of family toward the member must also consider the type of relationship existing amongst the members of the family.

2.3 Theoretical Framework