. 3.3 Tom is Untruthful .3.4 Tom is Resentful

are not feeling neglected. Fifth, Amanda knows how to gather their respect. Sixth, Amanda knows how to conduct a good conversation atmosphere. Irresistibly, the art of conversation has made Amanda succeeded in conversing with them. The fact that Amanda has been able to entertain the gentlemen callers with the art of conversation is on the contrary with her inability to talk to Tom. Amanda’s inability to implement a good art of conversation makes Tom acts temperamentally. Parents are to “learns to converse with their children in psychological language expressive of empathy and acceptance” Joseph and Bird, 1972: 100. From the dialogue of drama script, it is clearly seen that Amanda cannot advise Tom with empathy—she cannot understand and enter into Tom’s feelings. To confirm, the fact that Tom acts temperamentally is caused by Amanda’s bad treatment to him Pressey et al, 1939: 445-446.

4.3 . 3.3 Tom is Untruthful

Hurlock 1974: 355 states that the consideration of the effect of the family toward the member must also consider the type of relationship exist amongst the members of the family. He adds that the relationship formed in the family will influence the personality pattern of the family members. In the family, Tom is often treated inappropriately. This condition makes him does not feel at home. He is depressed to stay in the family. He tries to satisfy his uncomfortable feeling by watching movies and smoking. He also acts like he is happy to be in the family by saying he likes adventure Williams 1711—watching movies for adventure. Tom’s saying of craving for adventure is his plan to hide the unhappy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI feeling to be in the family. This fact is in the contrary with his intention to leave the family without letting her mother know about it Williams 1726. TOM: I wont be here. JIM: How about your mother? TOM: Im like my father. The bastard son of a bastard See how he grins?And hes been absent going on sixteen years JIM: Youre just talking, you drip. How does your mother feel about it? TOM: Shhh - Here comes mother Mother is not acquainted with my plans By saying “Mother is not acquainted with my plans” he is a liar. Explicitly, if Tom is happy to be in the family, he will not plan to leave the family in such a manner.

4.3 .3.4 Tom is Resentful

Claninger 2004: 11 provides a hypothesis derived from the theoretical preposition. Here, I would like to implement the same principal to analyze Tom’s behaviors as can be seen in the following chart: Hypothesis derived from Theoretical Pro position as seen in Tom’s behaviors Theoretical Constructs + Tom’s frustration + Tom’s aggression Theoretical Proposition + Tom’s frustration leads to aggression Operational Definition: Frustration + Depressed by the uncomfortable feeling in the apartment and Amanda’s negative acts Aggression = Expressing anger in return Hypothesis 1. Tom who is suppressed by the depression will unbearably express his anger to the other one who stimulates the conflict. Amanda says rude words to Tom. Amanda says: “What is the matter with you, you - big - big IDIOT” Williams 1705. Being suppressed by Amanda’s negative way of speaking, Tom finally cannot bear anymore his uncomfortable feeling toward his mother. He cannot keep on acting nice to his mother any longer. He finally releases his anger to his mother by saying rude words to her Williams 1706. TOM: What do you think Im at? Arent I supposed to have any patience to reach the end of, Mother? I know, I know. It seems unimportant to you, what Im doing - what I want to do - having a little difference between them You dont think that - Tom’s response to Amanda’s rude words above shows how hurt his heart is. He defends himself from being suppressed by his mother. This response indicates the cumulative uncomfortable feeling because Amanda’s inappropriate manner of saying to him—relates to scene 1, 1698. At this point, Amanda’s knowledge of the art of the conversation with gentlemen caller is useless because she responses Tom’s anger with sort of negative tone of words Williams 1706. AMANDA: I think youve been doing things that youre ashamed of. Thats why you act like this. I dont believe that you go every night to the movies. Nobody goes to the movies night after night. Nobody in their right mind goes to the movies as often as you pretend to. People dont go to the movies at nearly midnight, and movies dont let out at two a.m. Come in stumbling. Muttering to yourself like a maniac You get three hours sleep and then go to work. Oh, I can picture the way youre doing down there. Moping, doping, because youre in no condition. Since Amanda says rudely to Tom, Tom begins to say rudely as well. In this case, Amanda is the one to blame because she cannot conduct an intimate conversation with his son. Furthermore, she cannot conduct a good conversation atmosphere in the family to make Tom feels supported, and she cannot apply a manner of conversation to notice Tom’s personalities—to make Tom appreciate her. The thought is in line with what Bursteln 1990: 264-267 states about how parents should communicate with their children. Instead of responding warmly to calm down Tom, Amanda keeps on her rigid manner of speaking. Subsequently, Amanda’s manner of speaking leads to Tom’s releasing his anger. Williams 1706-1707. TOM: Listen You think Im crazy about the warehouse? … You think Im in love with the Continental Shoemakers? You think I want to spend fifty- five years down there in that - celotex interior with - fluorescent - tubes Look Id rather somebody picked up a crowbar and battered out my brains - than go back mornings I go Every time you come in yelling………that God damn Rise and Shine- Rise and Shine I say to myself, How lucky dead people are But I get up. I go For sixty- five dollars a month I give up all that I dream of doing and being ever And you say self - self’s all I ever think of. Why, listen, if self is what I thought of, Mother, Id be where he is -G 0 N E …[He starts past her. She grabs his arm.] Don’t grab at me, Mother Amanda: where are you going? Tom: I’m going to the movies Amanda: I don’t believe that lie TOM: …. Youll go up, up on a broomstick, over Blue Mountain with seventeen gentlemen callers You ugly - babbling old – witch…. Amanda as a mother in the matriarchal family often create inadaptable situation for his son. The above dialogues between Tom and Amanda have shown how Amanda keeps suppressing Tom so that he cannot say wisely to his mother. This condition makes Tom releases his anger because he is already fed up with his mother’s saying.

4.3 . 3.5 Tom is Revengeful