Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

10 homosexuality is the changes of the significant people around him, Clive Durham and Alec Scudder Maryati, 2012: 60. The last study is an undergraduate thesis by Immanuela Langgeng Santini entitled “Maurice Self-Realization of Being A Homosexual after His Conflicts Seen in E.M Forster’s Maurice”. Like the previous thesis, this thesis has the same topic as this study which is homosexuality. It revealed Maurice’s complete self-realization of being a homosexual was led by the conflicts he experienced throughout his life. The first conflict is the conflict between his homosexual desire and his social reality which lead on his anxiety and longing for the harmony within his life. He also faced social conflict which was related with religion which also lead his irrational anxiety for became what was society so-called a “normal person’. As in his suffering of sexual identity indistinctness, he got his first homosexual experience and its positive reinforcement thus encouraged him to a decision of his self-realization of being a homosexual as his real personality Santini, 2011:65. This thesis use the same approach as this study, psychological approach. From all the related studies above, the writer convinced that this study is different from the others because in this study the writer uses a different novel as some of those above, and also this study will reveal the causal factors of Otoko’s Homosexuality as seen in Yasunara Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness. The writer finds it best to analyze the study with psychological point of view as it is a study about a character’s behavior patterns, feelings, and thoughts. 11

B. Review of Related Theories

This part consists of explanation on the theories that are applied in this study. They are theory of character and characterization, theory of homosexuality, theory of trauma, theory of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, theory of motivation, and also some explanation on the relation between literature and psychology.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

According to Abrams in A Glossary of Literary Terms, character is described as the person in a dramatic or narrative work naturally possesses moral, dispositional and emotional qualities that are reflected in the dialogue and action among the people Abrams, 1998:20. Based on their importance, characters are devided into two, major characters and minor characters. Major characters are substantially involved in the main action as well as becoming the central and the most important in a story. While minor characters are characters who appear in certain setting, and they are necessary to become the background for the major characters Abrams, 1998:20. Based on internal complexity, As Laurence Perrine said in his book, Literature: structure, sound, and sense, characters are divided into two sorts of character based on the development of the characters, static character and dynamic character. Static character is a character who does not change from the beginning to the end of the