Background of the Study

5 since the main story of this novel is Otoko’s struggle of love that changes her life completely.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two problem that are formulated based on the background of the study explained above. The problem are formulated as follows: 1. How does Otoko’s characterization reveal her sexual pattern? 2. What factors caused Otoko’s homosexuality?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation, there are two objectives stated in this study. The first one is to reveal Otoko’s sexual pattern as seen from her characterization. This objective explains Otoko’s Sexual Pattern through her characterization. The second objective is to find out the factors which caused Otoko’s Homosexuality. This objective explains the causal factors of Otoko’s homosexuality and how the factors caused her homosexuality. 6

D. Definition of Terms

In order to help the readers in interpreting some words which are frequently used in the study, the definition of those terms are presented here: According to James C. Coleman in his book Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life, “Homosexuality is sexual behavior directed toward a member of one’s own sex.” 1976: 589 According to Herbert A. Carroll in his book, Mental Hygiene, homosexuality is Homosexuality is usually defined as sexual relationship between individuals of the same sex. In a somewhat broader sense it may be considered as a sexual attraction toward individuals of the same sex, even though no overt practices are involved. 1961: 69-70 From the explanations above, it can be concluded that homosexuality is sexual behavior or sexual relationship between individuals of the same sex. In the broader sense, it is a sexual attraction toward individuals of the same sex even though there is no overt practices involved. A person may be claimed as homosexual as he is sexually attracted to an individual of the same sex as him even though they do not do any sexual practice. 8


A. Review of Related Studies

There are related studies of Yasunari Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness to help the readers understand on the study is really about. The reviews of the novel are studies about the same novel and the study of same topic discussed in this thesis. The first study has the same novel which is used as the main source as this thesis. The study is an undergraduate thesis by Linangkung Sri Indarsih, entitled “Revealing Messages through the Characters in Yasunari Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness”. Unlike this thesis which focuses on the sexual pattern of the main character, the study focuses on revealing the message through the major characters and also their view of love. Those characters are Otoko, Oki, and Keiko. Otoko’s view of love is “a sacrifice” Indarsih, 2007: 50. She sacrificed everything she had for Oki, her virginity and most of all, her life. Oki had ruined Otoko’s life. He took her virginity, made her pregnant, and then left her without marrying her. He had made Otoko suffered from both physically and mentally for the rest of her life. Oki’s views of love are “passion and money”. The passion comes from Otoko’s and Keiko’s youth and beauty, and the money comes from his novel about his experience with Otoko. And the last is Keiko’s view of love as “obsession” Indarsih, 2007: 51. 9 The second study is an undergraduate thesis by Angela Astrid S. C. A. entitled “The Influence of Patriarchy on Otoko and Keiko’s lesbianism in Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness”. Again, this study has the same novel for the main source as the writer does, but the focus is different. This study reveals patriarchal oppression which is faced by Otoko and Keiko as the factor which is contributing their transition in lesbianism through feminism point of view. In this study is stated that “patriarchal oppression serves as one of the psychological, social, and cultural factors which triggers Otoko and Keiko’s transition in lesbianism” Ayu, 2008:65. Altough this thesis analyzed the same novel as this study, but the topic was different. Angela’s thesis analyzed the patriachal oppression as the factor which contributed to Keiko and Otoko’s transition in lesbianism through feminism prespective, while this study analyzed the causal factors of Otoko’s homosexuality through psychological prespective. The third study is an undergraduate thesis by Regina Rita Sri Maryati entitled “A Study on Maurice’s Character Development as A Homosexual in E.M Forster’s Maurice”. Although the thesis does not have the same main source as this study, this thesis analyzes the same topic with the topic in this study. It analyzed Maurice’s character development as a homosexual which is caused by psychosocial and sociopsychological factors. The first causal of his homosexuality is family patterns which is the absence of the father figure of his life. The second causal of his 10 homosexuality is the changes of the significant people around him, Clive Durham and Alec Scudder Maryati, 2012: 60. The last study is an undergraduate thesis by Immanuela Langgeng Santini entitled “Maurice Self-Realization of Being A Homosexual after His Conflicts Seen in E.M Forster’s Maurice”. Like the previous thesis, this thesis has the same topic as this study which is homosexuality. It revealed Maurice’s complete self-realization of being a homosexual was led by the conflicts he experienced throughout his life. The first conflict is the conflict between his homosexual desire and his social reality which lead on his anxiety and longing for the harmony within his life. He also faced social conflict which was related with religion which also lead his irrational anxiety for became what was society so-called a “normal person’. As in his suffering of sexual identity indistinctness, he got his first homosexual experience and its positive reinforcement thus encouraged him to a decision of his self-realization of being a homosexual as his real personality Santini, 2011:65. This thesis use the same approach as this study, psychological approach. From all the related studies above, the writer convinced that this study is different from the others because in this study the writer uses a different novel as some of those above, and also this study will reveal the causal factors of Otoko’s Homosexuality as seen in Yasunara Kawabata’s Beauty and Sadness. The writer finds it best to analyze the study with psychological point of view as it is a study about a character’s behavior patterns, feelings, and thoughts.