Personality Theory Sigmund Freud

15 An expressed struggle at least occurs between two interdependent people. In fact, people are interdependent on each other, what one person says or does affects the others. People are more likely to have conflict with others whom they spend time with because one person is connected to the other in some way. The conflict that weighs most heavily on a person is those with people with whom we interact most frequently. Conflict takes at least two people to have interpersonal conflict. The conflict may occur because two parties recognize they have incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference. Conflict often happens because two people want the same thing, but both can’t have it, or because what one person wants is the opposite of what the other wants. The other reason is when resources time, money, or something else are scarce. Also happens when there are conflicting or incompatible goals, not enough of something to go around, or someone is blocking what you belive is rightfully theirs, conflict happens. Isenhart 2000 states that conflict is a struggle for power, the way decisions are made, the way we talk with each other, or unresolved problems from past interactions p. 2. Isenhart then adds in his book that there are several ways on how conflicts occur and several ways that people approach conflict. There are seven sources of conflict, this theories give clear knowledge on how conflict mostly occurs pp. 14-15, those are; PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 1. Data People have differences of opinion about the best sources, reliability, and interpretation of data. Disputes about contractual, environmental, or physical loss even reimbursement for damages often require objective interpretation by neutral third parties to resolve the disagreement. 2. Interest Every single person has their own of interests. The most common sources of disagreement happens when people have their own specific interest that different. This disagreement happen in where people bargain to get their own needs - their own interests - such as; organizational policies, work agreements, an divorce settlement. 3. Procedures People may engage in a discussion if they agree with a way to solve problems, make a decision, or resolve conflict. People put their interest on the election result because they believe that election procedures are fair. People trust on a certain thing or condition where it managed systematically. 4. Values The hardest conflict to resolve involve differences of opinion about the importance or priority of interests, opinions, or choices of directions. Problems begins with a value about the way things should be. People see 17 value of certain things or conditions differently, these differences of point of view mostly arouse conflicts. 5. Relationships People cooperates with with others if they trust other people, feel respected by others, do believe that other person is honest. A relationship collaborates when there is a high level of comfort. 6. Roles Roles often create conflict because of expectations for the role or power imbalances created by the role. Every role where people takes positions can be the reason why the conflicts occur. People from a different roles, have different knowledge, and also different point of view on understanding certain things or conditions. 7. Communication Conflict is due to the results from how something is said. People’s emotion become triggered by words that other person takes it personally or interprets it as threatening. Conflict also occur when other people have certain information that they believe is relevant that not being shared. There are factors that influence the choice of style include in the importance of the issue to the party, contextual or cultural norms for how the conflict should PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 be approached. There are also several common ways of people approach conflicts that Isenhart found. Those common ways are pp. 26-27 ; 1. Avoiding Avoidance occur when a person denies that there is conflict, changes topics, and avoids discussion, and is noncommittal. This is the most effective style in situations in which the complexity of the situation prevents solutions. 2. Accommodation This condition happens when a person sacrifices its interests and concerns while enabling others to achieve their interests. This style is effective in situations in which there is not much chance of achieving one’s own interests. 3. Compromising This condition means that concessions by all parties, each party settles for partial satisfaction interests. This kind of style becomes effective when there will be no hard feelings for settling for less than expected. 4. Competitive This style is characterized by aggressive, self-focused, forcing, verbally assertive, and uncooperative behaviors that strive to satisfy one party’s interests at the expense of the interests of others. This style is effective when the situation which decision must be made quickly.