Meaning of Change Type of Meaning

2. Meaning of Change

According to Ullmann 1972: 193-195 changes of the meaning of words can occur due to several factors such as: • language passed down from one generation to the another generation. Therefore, it is very possible misunderstandings in interpreting the meaning of the words. • fuzziness vagueness meaning of a word is also one of the causes of the changing meaning of the word. • words that their presence was too constrained in their environment can also change away from the true meaning. • polysemy presence adds flexibility in the language factor. • ambiguity meaning of a word can also lead to semantic change these words. • vocabulary structure is easier to change compared with the phonological and grammatical system of language. 8 Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that the meaning can changing, and the changes that occur in the meaning depends on various factors.

3. Type of Meaning

The language experts have varying opinions about the classification of meaning. The following will be described according to Abdul Chaer: 9 1. Lexical, Grammatical, and Contextual Meaning 8 Stephen Ulmann, Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning London: Oxford University Press London, 1972,pp.193-195 9 Drs. Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2007,p. 289 Lexical meaning is the meaning that has or is in lexeme even without any context. For example, horse has word lexical meaning ‘a kind of four-footed animals that can be driven’. Unlike the lexical meaning, grammatical meaning only there in case of grammatical processes, such as affixation, reduplication and composition. And contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or word in one context. 2. Referential and Non-Referential Meaning A word or lexeme called referential meaning if there a reference. Words such as horses, red, and images are included the words referential meaning because there is reference in the real world. Instead of words and, or, and because that is including the words that are not meaningful or is non-referential, because the words have no reference. 3. Denotative and Connotative Meaning Denotative meaning is the original meaning or the real meaning owned by a lexeme. So, this denotative meaning is the same as lexical meaning. For example, the word pig denotative meaning ‘a kind of normal animals to be used livestock meat’. While connotative meaning is another meaning of added to the denotative meaning was associated with a sense of value from persons or groups of people who use the word. For example, the word pig in the example above, in Islam or in Islamic society has a negative connotation; there is a sense or feeling uncomfortable when they hear that word.

B. Implicit Meaning