Monica dwi chresnayany's translation of 'new moon' ( a comparrison of english version and Indonesian version




JAENAL ABIDIN 106026000964






Comparison of English Version and Indonesian Version). Thesis: English Letters Department. Letters and Humanities Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, September 2010.

The research discusses the novel New Moon is written by Stephenie Meyer and translated into Indonesian by Monica Dwi Chresnayani entitled New Moon: Dua Cinta in which to compare the implicit meaning translation from source language (English) to a translation in the target language (Indonesian).

The objects of the analyses are sentences containing implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning in the novel previously mentioned, then, to find out how the three meanings are translated into Indonesian and to see the efforts made by the translator in translating the implicit meaning from English into Indonesian as a target language. The sentences with implicit meanings are taken as data, and analyzed using descriptive andcomparative methods.

The purpose of this research is to study the translation of implicit meanings from the source language into the target language. The results of this research show that (1) an implicit meaning should be explicitly translated if the system of the target language requires it, on the other hand (2) an implicit meaning can be explicitly translated if the system of the target language allows it and the last is (3) an implicit meaning should be explicitly translated if the meaning causes ambiguity or vagueness in the target language.



A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata 1

Jaenal Abidin 106026000964

Approved by:

Abdul Hamid, M. Ed. Supervisor






Title : Monica Dwi Chresnayani’s Translation of “New Moon” (A Comparison of English Version and Indonesian Version).

The thesis entitled has been defended before the Letter and Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on September 2, 2010. It has already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of strata 1.

Jakarta, September 02, 2010

Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Dr.H. Muhammad Farkhan, M.Pd (Chair Person) _________ _________ 19650919 200003 1 002

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (Secretary) _________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006

3. Drs. H. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed (Supervisor) _________ _________ 150 181 922

4. Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd (ExaminerI) _________ _________ 19640710 199303 1 006

5. Inayatul Chusna, M.Hum (Examiner II) _________ _________ 19780126 200312 2 002



knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, September 2, 2010

Jaenal Abidin



Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists) and peace be upon the Master of the Messenger, Muhammad S.A.W.

The thesis is submitted in partial accomplishment of the requirements for the Strata 1 Degree to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, English Letters Department State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

In the terms of completion his study, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude to the Dean of Adab and Humaties Faculty, Dr. Abd. Wahid Hasyim, M.Ag, the Head of English Letters Department, Dr. M. Farkhan, M.Pd., the Secretary of English Letters, Drs. A. Saefuddin, M.Pd., Mr. Zaenal Arifin Toy, Moh. Supardi, M.Hum., Mrs. Elve Octaviany, M.Hum and to all my lecturers who have taught him a lot of things during my study.

The writer’s family deserves his deepest esteem more than whoever, my lovely parents (Alm. H. Dayung and Hj. Amih), my brother and sisters (Icih Suwarcih, Rosadah Lindasari, and Setya Atmaja), and all my nephews (Ayu, Anna, Wulan, Yola, and Fatma), since they who always support the writer; financially, morally and spiritually. This is the only his initial step to the future.

Additionally, the writer is heartily thankful to the persons who too numerous to mention who have given suggestions, corrections, and criticisms, especially Mr. Abdul Hamid, M.Ed, as the writer’s thesis advisor, whose



student of class A 2006 for being his classmates – the writer really enjoyed the four – year - friendship with all you guys, Ayunk, Galih, Aryo, Lazu, Jabbar, Deny, Mira, Ulfa, Wina, Anggi, Tirta, Nopita, Yesika, Jule, Nuni, Zhoya and Kiky for being the immortal fellows, also Kasmir, Dewirini, Hisbi, Aden, Mashuri, Ali, Iqbal, and Yousef for laughs and every funniest things you guys brought and the last for librarians of UIN and Adab and Humanities Faculty for being kind during the completion of this thesis.

Jakarta, September 2, 2010

The writer








A. Background of the Research ... 1

B. Focus of the Research ... 4

C. Questions of the Research ... 4

D. Significance of the Research ... 4

E. Research Methodology ... 5

1. Objective of the Research ... 5

2. Method of the Research ... 5

3. Data Analysis Technique ... 6

4. Research Instrument ... 6

5. Unit of Analysis ... 6

6. Time and Place of the Research ... 7


A. Meaning ... 8

1. The Definition of Meaning ... 8

2. Meaning of Change ... 10

3. Type of Meaning ... 10

B. Implicit Meaning ... 12

1. Implicit Referential Meaning ... 12

2. Implicit Organizational Meaning ... 14

3. Implicit Situational Meaning ... 17








A. Data Description... 30

Analysis ... 33

1. Implicit Referential Meaning ... 34

2. Implicit Organizational Meaning ... 37

3. Implicit Situational Meaning... 41


Conclusion ... 45

Suggestion ... 46




A. Background of Research

Literary work is a medium which is very wide to express and convey the ideas. Today, many of literary works, such as romance, novel and poem have been translated into Indonesian. If we come to a bookstore, soon we can see that amount of literary works translation far exceeded from the number of original works of Indonesian authors, especially in the translation novels.

Translation is very important for the process of exchanging information and findings. Without translation, the future scientist or scientists may be left behind, not able to follow the development of science, especially if they are less able to read in a foreign language. That is why, the translation not only needed by developing countries, but also needed by the developed countries that still keep to translate the foreign books. Dick Hartoko said, “The need to translate the book is not a sign of backwardness. On the contrary, a sign of openness, a sign of events to participate in the exchange of information.”1

Translation is the conversion from one form into another form, or alteration of one language into another language (The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 1984). The meaning of language form is a word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, etc., either orally or in writing. The shape is called a structure that is born of language, is the structural part of ordinary language appeared in



print or heard in the speech. In translation, form the source language is replaced with the target language forms.2

A good translator must not only be able to overcome differences in language and cultural systems, but he also must get the message or the implicit message in the source language and deliver it back into the target language. This is important because the integrity of a text to some extent influenced by the messages or implicit meaning contained in text. To be able to capture well the implicit message needs the ability to recognize various kinds of meanings and ways of translating. In the text, sometimes the meaning is not conveyed explicitly. It is called with the implicit meaning. Here is an example of implicit meaning: SL : “How many people came?”


TL : “Berapa orang yang datang?”


In any text, the reference to certain things, events or attributes, and relations will be left implicitly. The meaning is exist but not expressed explicitly. In this context it is clear "ten" means "Ten people came." References to people

and came left implicitly in the answer. SL : “Where did you get that Hourglass thing?”

She had to write all sorts of letters to the Headmaster so I could have one.

        2 Mildred L. Larson,

Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence (USA: University Press of America, 1984) p.3 


TL : “Dari mana kaudapat jam pasir itu?”

Dia harus menulis bermacam-macam surat kepada Kapala sekolah supaya aku bisa mendapatkan jam ini.

In the sentence I could have one on the above data has a one word substitution that replaces a single object. Objects implied by this word can be known from several previous sentence is Where did you get that thing Hourglass?

This question of the sentence shows that the object in question is an hourglass. Translator can not implicit the substitute one word for this form is unknown in the target language. The only way to translate it to match the sentence patterns in the Indonesian language is the translation sentence must be explicit that is supaya aku bisa mendapatkan jam ini. This translation has been in accordance with the pattern and structure of sentences in the target language, but it would be clearer if the sentence is to be supaya aku bisa mendapatkan jam pasir ini because the word is substituted by one, is the Hourglass, the Indonesian language means jam pasir.

A good translator must be skilled in capturing the kinds of implicit meanings in the text. This capability is absolutely necessary to avoid the equivocal so that readers who read the translation of the novel did not confuse in understanding the message of the novel. Submission of this implicit meaning in the target language is also important. This is what has motivated the writer to examine more deeply about the problems of implicit meaning in the translation.


B. Focus of the Research

Relating to the background of the study above, the writer focuses on the problem of the equivalence of implicit meaning translation from source language (English) to a translation in the target language (Indonesian) in the novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Besides that, the writer wants to see the efforts made by the translator in translating the various forms of implicit meaning, so that the integrity of the text and the meaning still easy to understand. As a base for research, the writer uses a theory about implicit meaning of Larson's quoted from the book Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence. In this book, Larson divided the implicit meanings into implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning.

C. Questions of the Research

Based on background of the research, there are two questions to be discussed:

1. What types of implicit meaning are used in the novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer?

2. How does Monica Dwi Chresnayani translate the implicit meaning in English version into Indonesian version?


D. Significance of the Research

This research is useful to understand about the implicit meaning translation that a translator can learn more about the implicit meanings and a variety of techniques to translate implicit meaning properly without causing any ambiguity. This study is also expected to help the readers make a better translation, especially for translation which related to the implicit meaning.

E. Research Methodology

The research methodology involves some important aspects that complete the research:

1. Objective of the Research

The purpose of this study is to know the implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning in the novel New Moon and the translation work of Stephenie Meyer, as well as to find out how the three meanings are translated into Indonesian and to see the efforts made by the translator in translating the implicit meaning from English into Indonesian as a target language. Beside that, the writer wants to compare between Monica Dwi Chresnayani’s translation and the novels of implicit meaning.

2. Method of the Research

The research uses qualitative method. In this method the writer will describe implicit meaning translation in the novel “New Moon” by Stephenie


Meyer and then, the writer makes comparison between English and Indonesian translation versions.

3. Data Analysis Technique

Based on method above, data analysis in this research is descriptive analysis technique. The writer analyzes collected data that will be analyzed objectively. In this case, the writer analyzes a novel “New Moon” by Stephenie Meyer. He reads it repeatedly, understands texts containing implicit meanings in the novel and classifies the data with the theories of implicit meaning suggested by Larson about implicit meaning translation. Larson divides implicit meaning into three meaning, the implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning, and implicit situational meaning. Then compared and analyzed based on the theories of Larson. Through this way, it will explain the implicit meaning in the translation which does not lead to the confused-meaning, implicit meaning that clearly to be understood, in accordance with the rules of the target language and also does not deviate from the applied-theory.

4. Research Instrument

In his research, the writer uses himself to become the subject of research. He reads and understands the novel. Moreover, he gains comprehension about theories of implicit meaning translation.


5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this research is the novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, published in 2006 by Little, Brown and Company, New York and the Indonesian translation version by Monica Dwi Chresnayani published in the year 2008 by PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

6. Time and Place of the Research

This research was conducted in the 8th semester of 2010 in English Language and Literature Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University of Jakarta and in the library of Atmajaya Catholic University to support the expected-research.




A. Meaning

1. The Definition of Meaning

Lyons argued that “Meanings are ideas or concepts which can be transferred from the mind of the speaker to the mind of the hearer by embodying them as it were, in the forms of one language or another.” So the meaning is the ideas that can be transferred from listener's mind with the realization the meaning, as appropriate in one or any other form of language.3

According to Richards, Platt and Weber, meaning is (in linguistics) what a language expresses about the world we live in or any possible or imaginary world.4

The field of semantics in so far is it is objectified by not considering particular situations and the real intentions of speakers and writers examines the ways in which words, phrases, and sentences can have meaning. This type of semantics is contrasted with communication-focused semantics where understanding the intent and assumptions of particular speakers and writers is primary as in the idea that people mean and not words, sentences or proposition. An underlying difference is that where causes are identified with relations or laws then it is normal to objectify meaning, while if causes are identified with


John Lyons, Language and Linguistics (London: Cambridge Universitty Press, 1981), p.136 

4 Richards, Jacks, John Platt and Heidi Weber,

Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics


particular agents, objects, or forces as if to cause means to influence as most historians and practical people assume, then real or non-objectified meaning is primary.5

Frans Sayogie quoting from Hurford the understanding of the meaning and reference is the essence of meaning study. The idea of reference is easy to understand, but the idea of meaning is more difficult. For example the word

electricity, we all can use it and talk about it in various ways, without a known true meaning of electricity.6

In daily conversation, the word “meaning” is used in various fields and contexts of use. Meaning is also aligned with the meaning of understanding, ideas, concepts, statements, messages, information, feelings, contents and mind.7 Aminuddin also explained that the meaning contained in the word it has a close relationship with:

1. Socio-cultural systems and also the external reality that were referred. 2. Users and speakers.

3. Use of Situational social context

From the above description can be drawn the conclusion that the meaning is a thought or idea that comes from the mind of speakers that can be expressed in speech or writing and the meaning itself is very closely connected with the outside environment elements of language.


Taken from on April 28, 2010 


Frans Sayogie, Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia (Jakarta: LPUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008),p.131 



2. Meaning of Change

According to Ullmann (1972: 193-195) changes of the meaning of words can occur due to several factors such as:

• language passed down from one generation to the another generation. Therefore, it is very possible misunderstandings in interpreting the meaning of the words.

• fuzziness (vagueness) meaning of a word is also one of the causes of the changing meaning of the word.

• words that their presence was too constrained in their environment can also change away from the true meaning.

• polysemy presence adds flexibility in the language factor.

• ambiguity meaning of a word can also lead to semantic change these words.

• vocabulary structure is easier to change compared with the phonological and grammatical system of language. 8

Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn that the meaning can changing, and the changes that occur in the meaning depends on various factors.

3. Type of Meaning

The language experts have varying opinions about the classification of meaning. The following will be described according to Abdul Chaer:9

1. Lexical, Grammatical, and Contextual Meaning


Stephen Ulmann, Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning (London: Oxford University Press London, 1972),pp.193-195 



Lexical meaning is the meaning that has or is in lexeme even without any context. For example, horse has word lexical meaning ‘a kind of four-footed animals that can be driven’. Unlike the lexical meaning, grammatical meaning only there in case of grammatical processes, such as affixation, reduplication and composition. And contextual meaning is the meaning of a lexeme or word in one context.

2. Referential and Non-Referential Meaning

A word or lexeme called referential meaning if there a reference. Words such as horses, red, and images are included the words referential meaning because there is reference in the real world. Instead of words and, or, and because

that is including the words that are not meaningful or is non-referential, because the words have no reference.

3. Denotative and Connotative Meaning

Denotative meaning is the original meaning or the real meaning owned by a lexeme. So, this denotative meaning is the same as lexical meaning. For example, the word pig denotative meaning ‘a kind of normal animals to be used livestock meat’. While connotative meaning is another meaning of 'added' to the denotative meaning was associated with a sense of value from persons or groups of people who use the word. For example, the word pig in the example above, in Islam or in Islamic society has a negative connotation; there is a sense or feeling uncomfortable when they hear that word.


B. Implicit Meaning

Larson stated that the “implicit meaning is a meaning that is not shown but it is the part of the conversation or intention to convey the speaker.” In the process of understanding the implicit meaning, the responders sometimes have to try hard to get the proper interpretation by the imagery or interpretation. Responders need to know certain things that become a reference, the situation and context. Knowledge of context will help responders to get the right interpretation.10

Larson revealed implicit meaning. He also divided the implicit meaning into three groups, as follows:

1. implicit referential meaning 2. implicit organizational meaning 3. implicit situational meaning.11

1. Implicit Referential Meaning

According to Larson, In any text, the reference to certain things, events, attributes, and relations will be left implicit. The meaning is there but not expressed explicitly.12 For example, if someone asks, “How many people came?”

the person asked may answer, “Ten.” In this context it is clear that “ten” means

“Ten people came.” The reference to people and came is left implicit in the answer.


Mildred L. Larson, Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence

(USA: University Press of America, 1984), p. 36  


Ibid, pp.36-37 



All languages have grammatical forms which are obligatory, but languages differ in what is obligatory. For example, in English, it is obligatory to make explicit whether a noun is singular or plural. On cannot say, “I saw dog walking down the street.” One must say, “I saw some dogs walking down the street,” or “I saw a dog walking down the street.” Number must be made explicit in English, but in many languages it can be left implicit.

Nouns which refer to events contain implicit information. Since a noun form is used, there is no indication of who the agent and affected are. The sentence “Help will come,” has no subject or object (the agent and affected are implicit), but in a language which uses verbs to describe this event, the subject and object would need to be supplied; that is, a form something like the following:

Someone will come and he/they will help us. No new referential meaning has been has been added. The information has simply been made explicit rather than left implicit.

Pidgin (Papua New Guinea) has no difference in grammatical forms for

masculine and feminine, but when translating from Pidgin into some languages of Papua New Guinea, it is obligatory to make this information explicit. To translate this same material into English, it would be obligatory to distinguish masculine, feminine, and neuter, even though the original text in Pidgin left this implicit.

Which referential meaning is implicit and which is explicit will depend on the individual language. Since languages differ greatly in this matter, many adjustments will need to be made in translation. These will be discussed in more detail later in the book.


The fact that some information is left implicit in certain grammatical constructions leads to ambiguities. For example, the shooting of the hunters is ambiguous in English. It has two different semantic structures. If the implicit information is made explicit, it may mean either someone shot the hunters or the hunters shot something. In one case, the agent is left implicit; in the other, the affected. In translating such ambiguous forms, the ambiguity is often resolved since the receptor language will make explicit the implied information. However, for translation, it is important to note that implicit information and ambiguity are sometimes related.

2. Implicit Organizational Meaning

A text is a unit. It is organized in some logical way. It is characterized by cohesion, continuity, grouping, and patterns of prominence. There is a flow of old and new information, redundancy which helps signal the unity, and various ways to indicate the topic or theme of the text, but languages differ in how these matters are indicated. One language may use pronominal forms a great deal and another may have an abundance of pro-verbal forms. One may have clear markers of which events make up the backbone of the story. Another may rely on chronological order.13

In many languages, leaving some information implicit is one feature used to signal organizational meaning. Part of the information which occurs in the semantic structure is left implicit in the grammar in order to indicate old



information, in order to add cohesion, and, in some cases, even to mark theme or focus.

In the Hebrew, the description of creation in Genesis 1 uses the explicit name of the God thirty-two times in this rather short text because God is the agent of the many actions described. But in other languages, God, once introduced at the beginning of the translation, would need to be left implicit throughout the rest of the story. Pronouns would be used in some languages to retain a part of the meaning, but in some languages only verb affixes indicating third person would occur. Some of the information would be left implicit in the sentences of this text in order to add cohesion to the story. No information is los; it is simply made implicit. In translating from Hebrew into Aguaruna, for example, the equivalent form for God in Aguaruna would be made explicit only at the beginning when the agent is new information, and then, because it is old information, would not be repeated explicitly but would be left implicit throughout the rest of the text. If it were repeated explicitly again and again, the Aguaruna reader would be very confused and think there were many gods involved in creation rather than one.

Some languages use passives constructions to indicate focus. By using a passive construction, some of the meaning left implicit since the agent need not be indicated. For example, the school was founded in 1902 might be used to put the school in focus, but to do this, the information of who founded the school has to be left implicit. The information left implicit is referential meaning, but it is left implicit to signal organizational meaning; that is, that school is in focus. The semantic preposition would be (someone) founded the school in 1902. In one


language, a completely different from may be needed to indicate focus and the passive would not occur. In this case, the agent of the action would need to be made explicit. In Aguaruna, for example, it would need to be translated (the community) founded a school. The organizational meaning of focus would need to be indicated by a special suffix on the word school marking focus.

Less explicit forms are often used to signal organizational meaning. For example, pronouns, pro-verbs, and other substitute words are less explicit than the nouns and verbs which they refer to. Substitution, according to Halliday and Hasan is a relation between linguistic items, such as words or phrases.14 Then they also explained the substitution also has a relationship that is more associated with grammatical factors, that’s what to characterize substitute words will described grammatically. It is important that the translator be aware of the need to adjust these in translation. Some languages will require that the receptor language translation be more explicit than the source language. At other times, the translation may need to be less explicit. The translator expects to find differences between languages in the matter of how much information must be stated explicitly.

Aminuddin said that the meaning is the meaning of organizational arising from the existence of grammatical events, either between the particle with the basic words and between words in a word or phrase by phrase called organizational.15 A sentence formed from the words in a sentence that unity is an


M. A. K. Halliday dan Ruqaiya Hasan, Cohesion In English (London:Edward Arnold, 1976), pp.88-87 



organizational sense. Sometimes the meaning of organizational is left implicit, so that we know the meaning of organizational (contextual) implicit.

Implicit organizational meanings can be divided into three-sentence formation, namely: elliptical sentences, passive sentences and the use of substitute words in a sentence (Larson).16 Ellipsis is the removal element of the sentence, even though the structure of ellipsis sentence remains in compliance with the rules applicable sentence patterns. In the passive sentence is often the perpetrators of these can be made implicit, it is because the subject in the passive voice is not the point. The use of substitute words in a sentence is usually due to avoid repetition or redundant. All three formations are caused organizational implicit meaning. Although in the sentence structure is incomplete, but the meaning still easy understanding.

3. Implicit Situational Meaning

Information which is left implicit when talking to one person might be made explicit when talking to one person might be made explicit when talking to another. A woman might say to her husband, “Peter is sick.” In reporting the same information to the doctor she would say, “My son Peter is sick,” or “My son is sick.” The information my son was not needed to identify Peter when taking to her husband who knew very well who Peter was.17

Often in normal conversation, there is much which is going on in the situation which makes it possible to understand exactly what is meant without        

16 Mildred L. Larson (1984),op.cit.P.41  17


using many words. For example, a mother, seeing her child about to put his hand in the fire, cries out, “No!” the child understands the message, “Don’t put your hand in the fire!” all of this information is carried by one word, “No,” because the situation. In a different situation “No!” might mean something very different, as when used to answer the question, “Did you go to town today?” in that case, the implied information is not found in the situation but in the question which had been asked; that is, in the linguistic context.

It is quite possible for a person from one culture to read a story written about a happening in another culture and not understand the story at all because so much information is left implicit. For example, Richards (1979) working with speakers of Waura (Brazil), was attempting to translate one of their stories into Portuguese. But she found it very difficult because the text itself did not identify the various participants in the story. The storyteller had not made this information explicit because everyone in the culture knew who did what at the festival he was describing. The language structure did not make it necessary to include this information, and since the common culture supplied it to his audience, it was left implicit. However, a translation into Portuguese required that the information be made explicit if the story was to be understood. In order to adequately determine the meaning of the text, one must know the situational setting of the communication.

According to Larson meaning can be affected by such things as: the relationship between the speakers and responders, cultural background, where the application of the communication process, the timing of speech, age and


gender, social situation speakers and responders, presumptions arise in this situation gesture to communicate and which occurred during the communication process. Elements as mentioned above is very influential in determining the meaning, because that's the things outside of language also plays an important role in determining the implicit situational meaning.

Of the many factors that influence the emergence of implicit situational meaning in the discussion of this thesis it will be restricted to four categories, namely: implicit situational meaning arising from differences in cultural factors, situational meaning arising implicit gesture that occurs during speech , meaning implicit situational happened because the time and place of speech, and the last is implicit situational meaning arising from the existence of certain relationships between the speakers and responders.18

1. Implicit Situational Meaning Caused by Culture factors

A text may not be understood by people who do not know the cultural background in which speakers because there are so many situational meaning left implicitly. If speakers and responders have the cultural background of the same then there would be many terms associated with a culture that is left implicit. This is caused by the knowledge that has been shared.

Implicit situational meaning caused by cultural factors stumbling block will be large enough if the responder has a cultural background very different from the speakers. Therefore, the implicit meaning of this translation should be



made explicit so that messages can be transmitted speakers well, except if the term used is familiar to responders. For more details see the following examples:

"I really really love Jodie Foster in The Silence of the Lambs."

The Silence of the Lambs is a movie that is well-known in America and

Jodie Foster is the leading female artist film. For those who do not know Jodie Foster or The Silence of the Lambs, the sentence above does not mean anything even tend to confuse. But for most Indonesian people are familiar with American films in the top line has been quite clear, because they know that Jodie Foster was a leading female artist and The Silence of the Lambs is one of her film.

2. Implicit Situational Meaning Caused by The Speech Signal Movement

Sometimes a new word or sentence can be understood best when supported by the gesture made speakers during speech occurs. This is what lies behind the implicit meaning caused by the gesture. For more details can be seen in the following examples:

James pointed to his car and said, "Get in. I'll drive you home."

From the example sentences above appear in the first sentence there is a movement made by speakers, the movement pointed to the car. Through this movement, more clearly that what is meant by the word get in the next sentence is


3. Implicit Situational Meaning Caused by Time and Place The occurrence Communication

Sometimes a new sentence can be understood its meaning when linked with other terms brought by place or time at the time of the speech. For example, the word masuk! can have various meanings depending on the pronunciation. In the classroom can mean the word in attendance, whereas the same word can mean

di dalam garis at playing badminton in the field.

Time communication can also cause an implicit meaning. For example, if a child went home before midnight parents would probably say why you not just go home in the morning? And of course parents do not mean like that. There is an implicit meanings contained in the statement that could have been a plea that her son could come home early or even insinuations about the return of the child who was too late.

4. Implicit Situation Meaning Caused by The Relations Between Speaker and Responder

The relationship between the speakers and responders are affecting the meaning of the sentence. The existence of certain relationships between the speakers and responders can cause a sense of purpose that will left implicitly, for example Budi will say to his classmate, Mr. Iwan is not attending to the class today because of the responders have to know that what is meant by Mr. Iwan is their science teacher. When Budi want to talk about the same person to his


mother, maybe he'll say Mr. Iwan, our science teacher, is not attending to the class today.

Meaning contained in a text can be classified into different types, one of which is the implicit meaning. The nature of the implicit meanings that are not shown to make its existence is sometimes difficult to be seen and understood in passing. However, the implicit meaning is part of the text so that its role in maintaining the unity and integrity of the text is not less important than other components of meaning.

C. Translation

The experts have their own opinions about the translation. Newmark, gives the definition as “rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text” ‘shift the meaning of a text into another language in accordance with what is meant by the author’.19

Then Nida and Taber suggests that the translation is as close as the transfer of meaning from the closest source language text into the target language text, the first and second meaning concerns about his style. Translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and Secondly in terms of style.20

Catford defines translation as the replacement text in one language (source language) with the equivalent text in another language (target language).

Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (Source


Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (Prentice Hall Internatioanl, 1988), p. 7 

20 E. A. Nida dan Charles Taber,

The Theory and Practice of Translation (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969), p.1 


Language) by equivalent textual material in another language (target language).21

Meanwhile, according to Larson translated it means:22

a. study the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural context of the source language text.

b. analyzing the source language text to discover its meaning.

c. reveals again the same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structures appropriate in the target language and cultural context.

It was clear from the above definition that the translation is not just a synonym for the word, but the message or the message is in the original text should be maintained wherever possible. Integrity of the text, style and intention of the author's text should remain visible.

1. Translation Method

Newmark divided into eight translation methods, as follows.23

1. Translating word for word (word for word translation). The wording retained in the source text and translated word for word one by one to the most common meaning out of context.

2. Literal translation (literal translation). Grammatical composition of the source language is replaced by the nearest equivalent in the target language, but elements of lexical translated one by one out of context.        


J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p.20 


Mildred L. Larson, Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence

(USA: University Press of America: 1984), p.3 



3. The exact translation (faithful translation). This translation method produces the exact contextual meaning to the original in the target language grammatical structure.

4. Translation semantics (semantic translation). Almost similar to the third method, only in this translation the beauty and fairness of value and meaning contained in the source language more attention. Through this method of translators can freely express their skills.

5. Adaptation (adaptation). This is a way of drama and poetry translation. Within this translation themes, actors and the story kept. But the term culture in the source language is replaced with its equivalent in the target language.

6. Translation free (free translation). Here the content and form are preferred. The results of this method is usually longer than the original text.

7. Idiomatic translation (idiomatic translation). In the original text messages sought to be conveyed, but no trend to change it into the language and phrase that are used everyday in the target language.

8. Communicative Translation (communicative translation). Contextual meaning of the source text is translated in such a way that both the content and language can be accepted and understood by the reader.


2. Implicit Meaning Translation

Larson suggests one of the greatest challenges facing a translator is to know when the meaning should be made explicit or implicit still be implicit in the translation. In a text, there is meaning conveyed openly (explicitly) but there is also implicit. The implicit meaning must be submitted well in translation because of the implicit meaning is part of the text so that the meaning must not be abandoned.24

In translation, according to Larson implicit meaning can be left implicit but can also be made explicit if deemed necessary or there are other considerations. A good translator must be able to know when the implicit meaning must be translated explicitly and when to remain implicit translated. Translation implicit meaning may only be made explicit if required delivery or precise meaning to get a reasonable shape in the translation.

The translation of English implicit meaning into Indonesian can be done explicitly or implicitly with consideration of making the translation clear and understandable. The translation of English implicit meaning should also pay close attention to aspects of culture, gesture, contextual perspective and relationship between agents.

The translation of English implicit referential meaning into Indonesian can be done explicitly or implicitly by paying attention on the references. Implicit referential meaning has three kinds of references, namely personal reference, demonstrative reference and comparative reference. An explicit translation should



be put into consideration if an implicit translation will make the translation of references unclear and ambiguous. An implicit translation can be done if the entailment of references, either anaphoricly or cataphoricly, is clear and understandable without causing ambiguity and without sacrificing the unity of meaning.

The translation of English implicit organizational meaning into Indonesian can be done explicitly or implicitly by paying attention on the grammatical relationship between one sentence to another. There are three kinds of implicit organizational meaning, namely ellipsis sentence, passive sentence and substitution word. An explicit translation should be put into consideration if an implicit translation will make the translation of implicit organizational meaning unclear and not understandable. An implicit translation can be done if the grammatical entailment is clear and understandable between one sentence to another without causing ambiguity and without sacrificing the unity of meaning and also if the target language has grammatical patterns which allows implicit meaning to be translated implicitly.

The translation of English implicit situational meaning into Indonesian must pay attention on aspects such as culture, gesture, contextual perspective and relationship between agents because implicit situational meaning is closely related to situation and context of the origin, culture and flow of the source language when it is used.


3. Equivalence in Translation

Catford's approach to translation equivalence clearly differs from that adopted by Nida since Catford had a preference for a more linguistic-based approach to translation and this approach is based on the linguistic work of Firth and Halliday. His main contribution in the field of translation theory is the introduction of the concepts of types and shifts of translation. Catford proposed very broad types of translation in terms of three criteria:

1. The extent of translation (full translation vs. partial translation);

2. The grammatical rank at which the translation equivalence is established

(rank-bound translation vs. unbounded translation);

3. The levels of language involved in translation (total translation vs. restricted translation).

We will refer only to the second type of translation, since this is the one that concerns the concept of equivalence, and we will then move on to analyze the notion of translation shifts, as elaborated by Catford, which are based on the distinction between formal correspondence and textual equivalence. In rank-bound translation an equivalent is sought in the target language (TL) for each word, or for each morpheme encountered in the source language (SL). In

unbounded translation equivalences are not tied to a particular rank, and we may additionally find equivalences at sentence, clause and other levels. Catford finds five of these ranks or levels in both English and French, while in the Caucasian language Kabardian there are apparently only four.


Thus, a formal correspondence could be said to exist between English and French if relations between ranks have approximately the same configuration in both languages, as Catford claims they do.

One of the problems with formal correspondence is that, despite being a useful tool to employ in comparative linguistics, it seems that it is not really relevant in terms of assessing translation equivalence between SL and TL. For this reason we now turn to Catford's other dimension of correspondence, namely

textual equivalence which occurs when any TL text or portion of text is 'observed on a particular occasion ... to be the equivalent of a given SL text or portion of text'.25 He implements this by a process of commutation, whereby 'a competent bilingual informant or translator' is consulted on the translation of various sentences whose ST items are changed in order to observe 'what changes if any occur in the TL text as a consequence’. 26

As far as translation shifts are concerned, Catford defines them as 'departures from formal correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL’.27 Catford argues that there are two main types of translation shifts, namely

level shifts, where the SL item at one linguistic level (e.g. grammar) has a TL equivalent at a different level (e.g. lexis), and category shifts which are divided into four types:

1. Structure-shifts, which involve a grammatical change between the structure of the SL and that of the TL;


J.C. Catford, A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965), p.27 


Ibid, p.28 



2. Class-shifts, when a SL item is translated with a TL item which belongs to a different grammatical class, i.e. a verb may be translated with a noun; 3. Unit-shifts, which involve changes in rank;

4. Intra-system shifts, which occur when 'SL and TL possess systems which approximately correspond formally as to their constitution, but when translation involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system'.28 For instance, when the SL singular becomes a TL plural.

Catford was very much criticized for his linguistic theory of translation. One of the most scathing criticisms came from Snell-Hornby (1988), who argued that Catford's definition of textual equivalence is 'circular', his theory's reliance on bilingual informants 'hopelessly inadequate', and his example sentences 'isolated and even absurdly simplistic'. She considers the concept of equivalence in translation as being an illusion. She asserts that the translation process cannot simply be reduced to a linguistic exercise, as claimed by Catford for instance, since there are also other factors, such as textual, cultural and situational aspects, which should be taken into consideration when translating. In other words, she does not believe that linguistics is the only discipline which enables people to carry out a translation, since translating involves different cultures and different situations at the same time and they do not always match from one language to another.




Research Finding

A. Data Descriptions

The writer would like to show the following data which are taken from novel New Moon, written Stephenie Meyer and the Indonesian translation is New Moon: Dua Cinta which is translated by Monica Dwi Chresnayani. The object is the sentences that contain implicit meanings in the novel. The collected sentences written in the form of data and classified them based on the theory of implicit meaning by Larson. He divided implicit meaning into three groups, namely:

1. Implicit referential meaning, 2. Implicit organizational meaning, 3. Implicit situational meaning.


The Analysis of Implicit Meaning Translation in Novel “New Moon” By Stephenie Meyer

No. English Version Indonesian Version The Types of Implicit


The Ways of Monica Translation 1. “What was he doing?

The whole reason he lived in Forks, the rainiest place in the world...”

(NM: 7)

“Apa yang Edward lakukan? Alasan utama ia tinggal di Forks, kota yang curah hujannya tertinggi di dunia…” (NMDC: 17) Implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning translated explicitly.

2. “You know how your mother gets—she'll be wanting to see the pictures faster than you can take them.” (NM: 18)

“Kau tahu sendiri bagaimana ibumu—dia pasti sudah tak sabar ingin segera melihat foto-foto itu.” (NMDC: 36) Implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning translated explicitly.


3. “He slammed the door and twisted the keys in the ignition at the same moment. His hands were shaking so hard I didn't know how he managed it.” (NM: 237)

“Jacob membanting pintu dan memutar kunci mobil pada saat bersamaan. Kedua tangannya gemetar sangat hebat hingga aku tahu bagaimana ia bisa melakukannya” (NMDC: 399) Implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning translated implicitly.

4. “There was never enough homework to keep me busy. Quil nudged Embry's arm and they exchanged grins.” (NM: 87)

“Tak pernah ada cukup PR untuk

menyibukkanku. Quil menyenggol lengan Embry dan keduanya nyengir.” (NMDC: 155) Implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning translated implicitly.

5. I wrapped my fingers around the clutch. "Now this is crucial, Bella," Jacob stressed. "Don't let go of that, okay?

(NM: 113)

Kuremas kopling dengan jari-jari tanganku

“Sekarang ini penting, Bella,” Jacob

menekankan “Jangan lepas kopling itu, oke?” (NMDC: 198) Implicit referential meaning. Implicit referential meaning translated implicitly.

6. “Bella, what are you doing?” Charlie asked, surprised to see me standing there alone and dripping.

“Nothing.” I turned and trudged back to the house.”

(NM: 44)

“Bella, kau ngapain?” Tanya Charlie, terkejut melihatku berdiri sendirian di sana, air hujan menetes-netes membasahi tubuhku. “Tidak sedang apa-apa.” Aku berbalik dan terseok-seok kembali ke rumah (NMDC: 78)

Implicit organizational meaning.

Implicit organizational meaning in ellipsis sentence formation translated explicitly. In the sentence

7. "There was only one piece of news I could think of, try as I might not to.” (NM: 57)

“Hanya ada satu kabar yang terpikir olehku, meski aku berusaha untuk tidak memikirkannya.” (NMDC: 98) Implicit organizational meaning. Implicit organizational in ellipsis sentence formation translated explicitly.

8. “Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal

“Sofa-sofa kulit berwarna lembut ditata membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang Implicit organizational meaning. Implicit organizational in passive sentence formation translated


vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets.” (NM: 292)

nyaman, dan mejs-meja mengilap dihiasi vas-vas kristal penuh karangan bunga berwarna-warni meriah.” (NMDC: 491)


9. “I racked my brain for a clue—hadn't I heard someone talk about a movie recently? Seen a poster? “How about that one with the female president?”

(NM: 64)

“Aku memeras otak mencari petunjuk— bukanlah baru-baru ini aku mendengar seseorang berbicara tentang film? Melihat poster? “Bagaimana kalau film tentang presiden wanita itu?” (NMDC: 114) Implicit organizational meaning. Implicit organizational meaning in substitution sentence formation translated explicitly.

10. “I heard that was scary. Did you think so?” Mike was eager to continue the conversation.” (NM: 98)

“Dengar-dengar, filmnya seram ya. Menurutmu begitu?” Mike bersemangat meneruskan obrolan. (NMDC: 172) Implicit organizational meaning. Implicit organizational meaning in substitution sentence formation translated implicitly.

11. “You get ten years for this one.”

“Cool! I'm middle-aged now.”

(NM: 105)

“Usiamu bertambah sepuluh tahun karean ini.”

“Keren! Jadi sekarang aku sudah separo baya.”

(NMDC: 184)

Implicit situational meaning.

Implicit situational meaning caused by the culture factor translated implicitly.

12. “Thankful for Embry's warning, I quickly turned my eyes to the muffins in her hands.” (NM: 209)

“Bersyukur karena sudah diperingatkan Embry, aku buru-buru mengalihkan

pandangan ke kue-kue

muffin.” (NMDC: 352)

Implicit situational meaning.

Implicit situational meaning caused by the culture factor translated implicitly.

13. “I inhaled deeply and turned to Alice. “Give it to me,” I sighed. Emmett chuckled with delight.

I took the little package.” (NM: 196)

“Aku menghirup napas dalam-dalam dan menoleh pada Alice. ”Berikan padaku,” aku mendesah.

Emmett terkekeh gembira.

Aku mengambil kado

Implicit situational meaning.

Implicit situational meaning caused by the speech signal movement translated implicitly.


kecil itu dari tangannya. (NMDC: 228) 14. “I froze in place, but she

pushed me out of the car. “Forget about them. You have two minutes. Go, Bella, go!” she shouted, climbing out of the car as she spoke. (NM: 283)

“Aku langsung tegang, tapi Alice

mendorongku keluar mobil. “Lupakan mereka. Waktumu tinggal dua menit. Lari, Bella, lari!” teriaknya, turun dari mobil sambil bicara.

(NMDC: 474)

Implicit situational meaning.

Implicit situational meaning caused by time and place the communication translated explicitly.

15. “Chief Swan, please,” I said when the deputy answered.

“Charlie's getting up; I'd better leave,” Edward said with resignation. (NM: 343)

“Kepala Polisi Swan, please,” kataku waktu teleponku dijawab seorang deputi. …

“Charlie bangun; sebaiknya aku pulang,” kata Edward dengan sikap menyerah. (NMDC: 576)

Implicit situational meaning.

Implicit situational meaning caused by the relationship between the speaker and the responder translated implicitly.

From the data description above, it can be analyzed as follows: B. Analysis

Having been mentioned in the previous chapter that the purpose of the study is to find out the implicit meaning used in New Moon novel by Stephenie Meyer. This chapter will describe the research and discussion on the translation of implicit meanings. Translating the implicit meaning can be left implicitly or explicitly with various considerations.


1. Implicit Referential Meaning Data 1

English Version Indonesian Version “What was he doing? The whole

reason he lived in Forks, the rainiest place in the world...” (NM: 7)

“Apa yang Edward lakukan? Alasan utama ia tinggal di Forks, kota yang curah hujannya tertinggi di dunia…” (NMDC: 17)

The data above is containing an implicit subject of persona reference he that refers to the third person singular of male. Unfortunately, the name of the subject here which is left implicit and not exists in previous sentence. In the English version, the name of the subject is about two paragraphs before the sentence. To avoid the ambiguity due to distant location of the reference of the word replacement, the translation into the target language must be explicit becomes “Apa yang Edward lakukan?.” This persona reference is replaced with the original reference of the name of the subject. This explicit translation is important in order to avoid ambiguity of meaning. Implicit meaning translation should be made explicit because the implicit meaning in the third person singular pronouns in source language is unknown in the target language.

Data 2

English Version Indonesian Version “You know how your mother gets—

she'll be wanting to see the pictures faster than you can take them.”

(NM: 18)

“Kau tahu sendiri bagaimana ibumu— dia pasti sudah tak sabar ingin segera melihat foto-foto itu.” (NMDC: 36)


In the sentence ...the pictures faster than you can take them on data 2 which has a pronoun them, the implicit form of the pictures in the previous part of the sentence. Word them here is the implicit of plural objects. In target language has no plural pronoun for the object; therefore in the translation of pronoun should be made explicit and appropriate with the reference into foto-foto itu. Implicit meaning translation should be made explicit because the pronoun for plural objects in the source language is unknown in the target language.

Data 3

English Version Indonesian Version

“He slammed the door and twisted the keys in the ignition at the same moment. His hands were shaking so hard I didn't know how he managed it.” (NM: 237)

“Jacob membanting pintu dan memutar kunci mobil pada saat bersamaan. Kedua tangannya gemetar sangat hebat hingga aku tahu bagaimana ia bisa

melakukannya” (NMDC: 399)

In the sentence on the data 3 he managed it. The pronoun reference

it is contained in the sentence implied the events described in the previous sentence, namely He slammed the door and twisted the keys in the ignition at the same moment. In Indonesian version, the implicit meaning contained in word it

must be left implicit into –nya. However, it does not obscure the implicit meaning in the sentence ...bagaimana ia bisa melakukannya.

This translation was made implicit because the suffix -nya is always explained things previously spoken in context. This kind of translation proper and


justified, because the sentence is generated in the target language can be clearly understand the point and there is no reduction in the meaning of this sentence.

Data 4

English Version Indonesian Version

“There was never enough homework to keep me busy.

Quil nudged Embry's arm and they exchanged grins.” (NM: 87)

“Tak pernah ada cukup PR untuk menyibukkanku.

Quil menyenggol lengan Embry dan keduanya nyengir.” (NMDC: 155)

In the sentencethey exchanged grins has a reference they referring to the previous sentence. Pronouns they in this sentence contains a meaning of plural noun objects. The agents who left implicit with a reference they in this sentence is

Quil and Embry. In the target language also known plural noun, therefore in the translation used word keduanya. Although in this case, word they is left implicit in the target language, the translator did not need for making explicit the meaning that is due to have been represented well with word keduanya. This may be done to avoid repetition of words. However this translation is quite good because appropriate with the language patterns in the target language and have been able to convey the purpose of speakers.


Data 5

English Version Indonesian Version

I wrapped my fingers around the clutch.

“Now this is crucial, Bella,” Jacob stressed. “Don't let go of that, okay?” (NM: 113)

Kuremas kopling dengan jari-jari tanganku

“Sekarang ini penting, Bella,” Jacob menekankan.n “Jangan lepas kopling itu, oke?” (NMDC: 198)

In question sentence Don’t let go of that? have a demonstrative reference

that. That here refers to the clutch, as noted in the previous sentence. In the translation, the reference can be made implicit or explicit. When elected to be made implicit the reference, then the sentence would be jangan lepaskan itu, oke?

But the translator chose to made explicit the reference so that the sentence into

jangan lepas kopling itu, oke? This explicit makes the sentence clearer. Meaning contained also reads well without sacrificing the integrity of text.

2. Implicit Organizational Meaning Data 6

English Version Indonesian Version

“Bella, what are you doing?” Charlie asked, surprised to see me standing there alone and dripping.

“Nothing.” I turned and trudged back to the house.” (NM: 44)

“Bella, kau ngapain?” Tanya Charlie, terkejut melihatku berdiri sendirian di sana, air hujan menetes-netes

membasahi tubuhku.

“Tidak sedang apa-apa.” Aku berbalik dan terseok-seok kembali ke rumah. (NMDC: 78)


In the sentence …Nothing on the data above that has a form of ellipsis. It is the ellipsis of clause. The ellipsis form contained in the word nothing, a sentence that is the answer to previous questions. When it’s written in full then the answer would be I am doing nothing. In this ellipsis sentence translation was made explicit to be tidak sedang apa-apa, and it’s appropriate with the complete form of the answer sentence. This was done to conform with the applicable sentence patterns in the target language so that misinterpretation or double meaning can be avoided.

Data 7

English Version Indonesian Version

“There was only one piece of news I could think of, try as I might not to.” (NM: 57)

“Hanya ada satu kabar yang terpikir olehku, meski aku berusaha untuk tidak memikirkannya.” (NMDC: 98)

In the sentence try as I might not to on the data above is the ellipsis form of verb. The verb that left ellipsis is think which is contained in the previous sentence. When it’s written in full then the ellipsis above sentence become as I might try not to think. This is appropriate with the translation, which reads meski aku berusaha untuk tidak memikirkannya. Here translators made the meaning of the sentence was left explicitly, so it becomes clearer.


Data 8

English Version Indonesian Version

“Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings, and the glossy tables held crystal vases full of vibrantly colored bouquets.” (NM: 292)

“Sofa-sofa kulit berwarna lembut ditata membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang nyaman, dan meja-meja mengilap dihiasi vas-vas kristal penuh karangan bunga berwarna-warni meriah.”

(NMDC: 491)

In the sentence Pale leather couches were arranged in cozy groupings on data above is a passive form sentence. In this sentence the agent did not exist, so that in the translation the agent in the sentence can not be made explicit. The pattern of passive sentences in the language of the same source with the pattern of passive sentences in the target language causes the translation can do directly. Translation in the target language becomes Sofa-sofa kulit berwarna lembut ditata membentuk kelompok-kelompok yang nyaman.

Data 9

English Version Indonesian Version

“I racked my brain for a clue—hadn't I heard someone talk about a movie recently? Seen a poster? “How about that one with the female president?” (NM: 64)

“Aku memeras otak mencari

petunjuk—bukanlah baru-baru ini aku mendengar seseorang berbicara tentang film? Melihat poster? “Bagaimana kalau film tentang presiden wanita itu?” (NMDC: 114)


In the sentence How about that one sentence with the female president? on the data above has a word substitution one that replaces a single object. The thing that made implicit by this word can be known from several previous sentence

hadn't I heard someone talk about a movie recently? From this interrogative sentence is seen that the object in question is a movie. The translator can not be made implicit the substitution word one, because this type unknown in the target language. The only way to translate it to appropriate with the sentence patterns in the Indonesian is so that the sentence translated should be made explicit into

Bagaimana kalau film tentang presiden wanita itu? This translation is appropriate with the pattern and structure of sentences in the target language.

Data 10

English Version Indonesian Version

“I heard that was scary. Did you think so?” Mike was eager to continue the conversation.” (NM: 98)

“Dengar-dengar, filmnya seram ya. Menurutmu begitu?” Mike

bersemangat meneruskan obrolan. (NMDC: 172)

In the sentence Did you think so? on the data above has the word substitution so. Substitution word so used to replace the entire clause, while the clause in question can be known from the previous sentence I heard that was scary. The clause is replaced by the word substitution so usually for positive clause. The translator is made implicit the word substitution to be begitu.


Although the meaning is left implicitly, the purpose of the author has been conveyed clearly.

3. Implicit Situational Meaning Data 11

English Version Indonesian Version

“You get ten years for this one.” “Cool! I'm middle-aged now.” (NM: 105)

“Usiamu bertambah sepuluh tahun karean ini.”

“Keren! Jadi sekarang aku sudah separo baya.”

(NMDC: 184)

On the data above is contained the culture term cool! as an expression of astonishment. Translator uses the word Keren as equivalent in the target language. This translation is clear enough that the corresponding equivalent in the target language. Maybe there are translators keep translated the word remain become

cool, because this expression some people already know. But for readers who do not understand the meaning of this word will have difficulty in interpreting its meaning.

Data 12

English Version Indonesian Version

“Thankful for Embry's warning, I quickly turned my eyes to the muffins in her hands.” (NM: 209)

“Bersyukur karena sudah diperingatkan Embry, aku buru-buru mengalihkan pandangan ke kue-kue muffin.” (NMDC: 352)


In the sentence I quickly turned my eyes to the muffins on the data above is contain the culture term muffin which is a cake come from England and it was found in the Victoria era. In target language is unrecognized the culture term

muffin, so it is difficult to translate. Translator chose not to translate it and use it without any changes at all. To show that the word muffin is the foreign terms then in the translation the word is given italic. So this culture term is better be made implicit and not caused the ambiguity about the meaning.

Data 13

English Version Indonesian Version

“I inhaled deeply and turned to Alice. “Give it to me,” I sighed.

Emmett chuckled with delight. I took the little package.” (NM: 196)

“Aku menghirup napas dalam-dalam dan menoleh pada Alice.

”Berikan padaku,” aku mendesah. Emmett terkekeh gembira.

Aku mengambil kado kecil itu dari tangannya. (NMDC: 228)

The word it in the sentence Give it to me on the data above can be understood properly if we read the movement that stated in the next sentence I took the little package addressed. By connecting the statement and movements that occur in the conversation can be seen that what is meant by the word it in the statement is the little package. In translation the word it, the translator decided to eliminate it become Berikan padaku. If the translator wants to be left implicit into

itu, it will make the reader understand the meaning of the word from the signal movement to be Berikan itu padaku.


Data 14

English Version Indonesian Version

“I froze in place, but she pushed me out of the car. “Forget about them. You have two minutes.

“Go, Bella, go!” she shouted,

climbing out of the car as she spoke.” (NM: 283)

“Aku langsung tegang, tapi Alice mendorongku keluar mobil. “Lupakan mereka. Waktumu tinggal dua menit. “Lari, Bella, lari!” teriaknya, turun dari mobil sambil bicara. (NMDC: 474)

Sometimes the timing of communication is something that must be considered more carefully to understand the meaning of a word. The wordGo! On the data above shows the timing of communication. If it translated directly the word go should be pergi, but if we look at the way the story line can be known that this speech occurs within a hurry and the characters in the story must be short on time. Hence the word go here is the implicit meaning form of go find him. The translator decided to left explicit and translating go into lari. With this explicit, the meaning of these words becomes clear and the ambiguity that can arise have been avoided.

Data 15

English Version Indonesian Version

"Chief Swan, please," I said when the deputy answered.

"Charlie's getting up; I'd better leave," Edward said with resignation.

(NM: 343)

“Kepala Polisi Swan, please,” kataku waktu teleponku dijawab seorang deputi. …

“Charlie bangun; sebaiknya aku pulang,” kata Edward dengan sikap menyerah. (NMDC: 576)


In the data above is the example of implicit meanings that occur caused by the relationship between the speaker and responder. In this example there are two names that refer to the same person. The names referred to is Chief Swan and

Charlie, both refer to someone who’s full name Charlie Swan. Surname Chief Swan is addressed to him by a younger person to show politeness and because he is a head of police. While the second surname, Charlie, spoken to a common name or friendly, in the source language calls someone older with his name it's acceptable and a normal thing. Each nickname contains the implicit meanings that can show the relationship between the speakers and responders. In the sentence translation this relationship is not necessary to made explicit because in the target language is difficult to make appropriate with the source language.




A. Conclusion

As it has been mentioned in the chapter I that the purpose of the study is to know the types of implicit meaning in the novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer and the translation version by Monica Dwi Chresnayani, as well as to find out how the types of meaning are translated into Indonesian and to see the efforts made by the translator in translating the implicit meaning from English into Indonesian as a target language. Based upon the analysis process in the chapter III, which has been supported by theoretical framework in chapter II, the writer comes up with the following conclusions.

In the translation version by Monica Dwi Chresnayani, the writer concludes implicit meaning must be translated explicitly if the system of the target language requires it. And the implicit meaning can be translated explicitly if the system of the target language allows that or implicit meaning must be translated explicitly if it causes ambiguity or vagueness of meaning in the target language. But implicit meaning could be left remain implicitly if they are in appropriate with the rules applicable in the target language; it aims to maintain the Monica’s writing style.

The writer reveals the occurrences of implicit meaning in the translation version that make the readers understand with the meaning in target language. The


writer found three kinds of implicit meaning, they are implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning.

B. Suggestion

The only suggestion from this research is for the students especially, and for the readers who do not have adequate knowledge about the translation of implicit meaning in the novel to be vigilant and alert to the literary works like novels. In the novel translation, there are some ways to translate it. Sometimes, we must see the source language and the target language first, before we decide the type of translation. To translate the novel into target language needs shrewdness and prudence that quite a lot from a translator to be able to capture the meaning implicitly in the text and convey a good source into the target language. A good translator must be able to know when the implicit meaning is maintained and to know when make a translation do explicitly.



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Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation, UK: Prentice Hall Internatioanl, 1988.

Nida, E. A. and Charles Taber, TheTheory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969.

Platt, John and Heidi Weber. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, London: Longman Group UK Ltd, 1985.

Sayogie, Frans. Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, LPUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008.

Ulmann, Stephen. Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, London: Oxford University Press London, 1972.



Meaning (Linguistics), Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on April 28, 2010.

Semantic Change. Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on April 28, 2010.

Translation Journal by Magdy M. Zaky, Volume 4, No. 4 October 2000 Accessed on April 28, 2010.

Translation Journal by Vanessa Leonardi, Volume 4, No. 4 October 2000 Accessed on April 28, 2010.

New Moon (Novel), Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on May

1, 2010.

Stephenie Meyer, Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia




A. Conclusion

As it has been mentioned in the chapter I that the purpose of the study is to know the types of implicit meaning in the novel New Moon by Stephenie Meyer and the translation version by Monica Dwi Chresnayani, as well as to find out how the types of meaning are translated into Indonesian and to see the efforts made by the translator in translating the implicit meaning from English into Indonesian as a target language. Based upon the analysis process in the chapter III, which has been supported by theoretical framework in chapter II, the writer comes up with the following conclusions.

In the translation version by Monica Dwi Chresnayani, the writer concludes implicit meaning must be translated explicitly if the system of the target language requires it. And the implicit meaning can be translated explicitly if the system of the target language allows that or implicit meaning must be translated explicitly if it causes ambiguity or vagueness of meaning in the target language. But implicit meaning could be left remain implicitly if they are in appropriate with the rules applicable in the target language; it aims to maintain the Monica’s writing style.

The writer reveals the occurrences of implicit meaning in the translation version that make the readers understand with the meaning in target language. The


writer found three kinds of implicit meaning, they are implicit referential meaning, implicit organizational meaning and implicit situational meaning.

B. Suggestion

The only suggestion from this research is for the students especially, and for the readers who do not have adequate knowledge about the translation of implicit meaning in the novel to be vigilant and alert to the literary works like novels. In the novel translation, there are some ways to translate it. Sometimes, we must see the source language and the target language first, before we decide the type of translation. To translate the novel into target language needs shrewdness and prudence that quite a lot from a translator to be able to capture the meaning implicitly in the text and convey a good source into the target language. A good translator must be able to know when the implicit meaning is maintained and to know when make a translation do explicitly.



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Larson, Mildred L. Meaning-Based Translation: A Guide to Cross-Language Equivalence, USA: University Press of America, 1984.

Lyons, John. Language and Linguistics, London: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Newmark, Peter. A Textbook of Translation, UK: Prentice Hall Internatioanl, 1988.

Nida, E. A. and Charles Taber, TheTheory and Practice of Translation, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1969.

Platt, John and Heidi Weber. Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, London: Longman Group UK Ltd, 1985.

Sayogie, Frans. Penerjemahan: Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, LPUIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2008.

Ulmann, Stephen. Semantics: An Introduction to the Science of Meaning, London: Oxford University Press London, 1972.



Meaning (Linguistics), Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on April 28, 2010.

Semantic Change. Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on April 28, 2010.

Translation Journal by Magdy M. Zaky, Volume 4, No. 4 October 2000 Accessed on April 28, 2010. Translation Journal by Vanessa Leonardi, Volume 4, No. 4 October 2000 Accessed on April 28, 2010. New Moon (Novel), Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia Accessed on May 1, 2010.

Stephenie Meyer, Wikipedia, Free Encyclopedia




New Moon is a fantasy novel by author Stephenie Meyer, and is the second book in the Twilight series. According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of the protagonist Bella's life. The book was originally released in hardcover in 2006, following the successful publishing of Meyer's debut novel Twilight. A film adaptation was released on November 20, 2009.

On Isabella "Bella" Swan's 18th birthday, Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his family throw her a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, she gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's adopted brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill Bella. To protect her, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks. This leaves Bella very heart-broken and depressed.

In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Bella later discovers that Jacob and other tribe members are shape-shifters who assume gigantic wolf forms. Jacob and his pack protect Bella from the vampire Laurent and also Victoria, who seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens killed in Twilight.

Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Volterra, Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward's dismay. However, Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Carlisle change her after her graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself.



Stephenie Meyer (born December 24, 1973), née Morgan, is an American author best known for her vampire romance series Twilight. The Twilight novels have gained worldwide recognition, won multiple literary awards and sold over 100 million copies globally, with translations into nearly 37 different languages. Meyer is also the author of the adult science-fiction novel The Host.

Meyer was the biggest selling author of both 2008 and 2009, having sold over 29 million books in 2008 alone, with Twilight being the best-selling book of the year. She sold an additional 26.5 million books in 2009, making her the first author to achieve this feat. Meyer was ranked #49 on Time magazine's list of the "100 Most Influential People in 2008", and was also included in the Forbes Celebrity 100 list of the world's most powerful celebrities in 2009, entering at #26. Her annual earnings exceeded $50 million.

Stephenie Meyer was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to Stephen and Candy Morgan. She grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, with five siblings: Seth, Emily, Jacob, Paul, and Heidi. She attended Chaparral High School in Scottsdale, Arizona. She then attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, where she received a B.A. in English in 1997. Meyer met her husband Christian, nicknamed "Pancho", when she was growing up in Arizona, and married him in 1994 when they both were 21. Together they have three sons: Gabe, Seth, and Eli. Christian Meyer, formerly an auditor, has now retired to take care of the children.

Meyer is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and has stated that she is "straitlaced" about her beliefs, and does not drink alcohol or smoke. Meyer had never written even a short story before Twilight, and had considered going to law school because she felt she had no chance of becoming a writer; she later noted that the birth of her oldest son Gabe changed her mind, saying, "Once I had Gabe, I just wanted to be his mom." Before becoming an author, Meyer's only professional work was as a receptionist in a property company.

Meyer currently lives in Cave Creek, Arizona, and also owns a home on Marrowstone Island, Washington.