Approaches in Language Teaching

nature of the subject matter to be tough. It also describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language, and makes statements about the conditions, which will promote successful language teaching. The approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning. According to Antony‟s model in Richards and Rodgers 1986: 16, Approach refers to theories the nature of language and language learning that serves as the sources of practices and principles in language teaching. There are four kinds of approach which are used in language teaching process. They are: Natural Approach Natural approach belongs to tradition of the language teaching methods base of the observation and interpretation of how the learners acquire both first and second language in formal setting. A focus on comprehension and meaningful communication as well as the provision of the rich kind of comprehensible input provide the necessary for successful classroom. Communicative Approach Communicative approach can be considered as an approach that used in teaching – learning process in other to stimulate the learners to communicate the meaning in the real situation. The Electric Approach It is meant by an approach which it absorb from the technique of all the well -known language – teaching methods into the classroom procedures, using them to several purposes and classify them into the most appropriate one. Oral Approach Material is tough orally before it is presented in written form. Before reading a new structure a new vocabulary, the teacher should teach orally both of the new structure and vocabulary.

2.3.2 Methods of Language Teaching

Based on Richard and Rodgers 1986:14 there are several methods used in second and foreign language teaching, such as: Grammar Translation Method, Direct method, Audio-lingual Method, Communicative Language Teaching Method, and Total Physical Response Method. All were discussed in following chapter. Direct method Direct method is also well known as natural method. In this method, students learn to understand a language by listening to a great deal of it and that they learn to speak it by speaking it associating with appreciate action. Learning a new language through direct association a words and phrases with objects and actions, without the use of the native language by teacher or students. Oral communication skills are built up in carefully grade progression organized around question and answer exchanges between teachers and students in small intensive classes. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures. Grammar Translation Method This method is way studying languages that approach the language first through detailed analysis of its grammar rules, followed by application of his knowledge to be task of translating sentences and texts into and out of the target language Richards and Rodgers, 1986:3. It is simply a combination of activities of teaching grammar and translation. The teaching begins with English rules, isolated vocabulary items, paradigms, and translation. The teacher explains the rules in student‟s first language and then put the sample into the slot of grammatical rules. The grammar rules are memorized as units. The teacher provides the class with other words and translation. Then, the students practice using the rule by using the word provided. The texts usually are translated in classics; this type of texts is used to have the students practice understanding the literature in the target language. Audio-lingual Method In this method, the teacher‟s role in central and active; it is a teacher who dominated method. Tape recorder and audiovisual equipment often have central role in Audio-lingual Method. The types of learning and teaching activities within this method are mostly using dialogue and drills. The students play a reactive role by responding the stimuli and by listening to the teacher, imitating accurately, and responding to and performing controlled task they are listening a new form of verbal behavior. Whereas, in this method, the teacher roles is central and active, in which the