Superiority Incongruity The Theory of Humor

confrontation of two or more linguistic structures with more or less similar forms and more or less different meanings. According to the type and degree of similarity puns can be further divided into the following categories: 1. Homonymy identical sounds and spelling 2. Homophony identical sounds but different spellings 3. Homography different sounds but identical spelling and 4. Paronymy there are slight differences in both spelling and sound. For instance linguistic humor found in the movie Penguins of Madagascar: Discover Their Untold Story Thanksgiving SL: “Splash, flash, and crash is a go” TL: “Operasi “cepat, kecipak dan hajar” dilaksanakan” The wordplay is created by manipulating its last sound and spelling. Since the sounds and spellings are identical, it may be considered as homonymy. In the phrase “Flash, splash and crash is a go” the homonymy is the last syllable of the word “splash, flash, and crash”. There is an identical sound and spelling of “ash” in that phrase. So, it may be conclude this phrase as the example of linguistic humor because contains a homonymy.

b. Cultural Humor

Cultural humor is also bound to cultural elements such as reference to some customs or the name of some special places, works or people and application of proverbs, idioms or catchphrases 36 . 36 Ali Akbar Jabbari, and Z. Nikkhah Ravizi, Dubbing Verbally Expressed Humor: An analysis of American Animations in Persian Context, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science2, no. 5, 2012, p. 265 The example of cultural humor is below: “The football unit is coming in the spring, and they split the teams up into shirt and skins. And I always get put on skins. I think they do that make all of the out-of-shape kids feel ashamed of themselves”.

c. Universal Humor

According to Raphaelson-West universal joke is a bicultural joke 37 . In other words that universal humor is the humor which is considered as funny for most people in general. Jabbari also adds that universal humor is not related to linguistic features or cultural elements, but it is humorous by itself 38 . Raphaelson states there is now way for him to know whether there are any situations of universal humor. However, there being semantic universal. He venture that there are a good number of cultures who would find the following situations funny: a a child making extremely mature, adult-like statements b a victim getting harmless but embarrassing revenge on his offender c the unexpected, unusual response 39 . “But the worst change is that Mrs. Norton actually wrote a song that us TREES have to sing. So, today we spend an hour learning the worst song that’s ever been written”. 37 Raphaelson-West op.cit.,p., 130 38 Jabbari and Ravizi, op. cit., p. 266 39 Raphaelson-West, op. cit., p. 131 26 CHAPTER III RESEARCH FINDINGS

A. Data Description

In this chapter the researcher would like to tabulate the selected data of humor translation which are found in the movie Penguins of Madagascar including the types of humor, and its acceptability of humor translation. I would like to analyze the type of humor translation based on Raphaelson-West theory. Then, the researcher will analyze the acceptability of humor translation by the instrument of acceptability rates assessment based on Mangatur Nababan theory. Below are the data of humorous text from Penguins of Madagascar that have been collected and classified into each type of humor. Table 3. The Data of Humor Translation No Source Language Target Language Types of Humor Accepta bility Classifi cation 1. And we’re gonna take your deadly green goop and sashay right out the exit hatch Akan kami rebut cairan hijau mematikanmu dan keluar begitu saja lewat pintu palkamu. Linguistic NA