Subtitle Data 6 00:07:40 ~ 00:07:43 Subtitle Data 7 00:14:30 ~ 00:14:38

35 From the process above, the act of neutralizing and deleting a word has qualified this data as dynamic equivalence. This is because the data fits the condition of dynamic equivalence of minimizing deleting the translation in order to gain simplicity. This can also be called deviation from the original because of the translator‟s decision to remove some part of the text. This is why the dynamic equivalence is the dominant one in this data.

6. Subtitle Data 6 00:07:40 ~ 00:07:43

SL TL Im welling up with tears. Now, get off. Aku banjir air mata. Sekarang turunlah. For this data, a rare translation process is found here. The translation process in question is the cultural equivalent; the act of translating SL culture into TL culture. The word “welling up with tears” in SL match perfectly in the TL version “banjir air mata”. Because the translator has managed to match the English-only expression with the TL, this subtitle data can be considered a dynamic equivalence emphasis. This is because of the the translation fulfills the condition of dynamic equivalence, which is the “integration” of the cultural-bound elements of the SL into the TL. The mentioned cultural-bound elements consist of language-exclusive expressions, idiom or slang, or cultural terms. In this data in particular, the cultural-bound element is an expression. Not all of them can be successfully 36 integrated into Indonesian language. For example, common expressions such as “I’m all ears” can‟t be translated to match the expression in Indonesian language. The only way to translate it is to neutralize the meaning, which is”aku mendengarkan”, not literally translate it into ”Aku semua telinga”. However, expressions such as”Looking for a needle in a haystack” can be integrated perfectly into the culture in Indonesian. It can be translated into “Mencari jarum dalam tumpukan jerami”. Looking at those examples, it can be concluded that this data‟s translation is a culture into culture translation cultural equivalent which is the dynamic equivalence emphasis.

7. Subtitle Data 7 00:14:30 ~ 00:14:38

SL TL 1stIts my job to make great students greater, 2nd not make mediocre students less mediocre. 1stTugasku membuat murid yang hebat lebih hebat... 2nd bukan membuat murid yang Biasa saja bertambah buruk. The translation process that occurred are synonymy and modulation. The synonymy is found on the first line, which is “it’s my job”. It literally translates to “pekerjaanku” in TL. However, “pekerjaan” has another meaning in english as “occupation”, which is commonly used to state one‟s job or occupation as a status . So, if the translator used “pekerjaanku” in TL instead, it will definitely sound awkward and stiff. Here‟s an example: “Pekerjaanku membuat murid yang hebat lebih hebat.. ”. Looking at the example, The word “pekerjaanku” doesn‟t 37 seem to fit at all. As mentioned before, it is commonly used in sentences like this: “Pekerjaanku adalah guru sekolah menengah”, “Instruktur beladiri sudah menjadi pekerjaanku sejak dulu ”, etc. So, the translator‟s choice to use “tugasku” is a reasonable decision. Next one is the modulation that was found on the second line , which is “less mediocre ”. The translation of the second line here relies on context. Meaning that i t is connected with the first line, notably the “great students greater” which is connected to “mediocre students less mediocre”. The lines are in rhyme with each other, so a literal translation is not appropriate. The literal translation of “less mediocre ” is “kurang biasa”. If it is applied in TL, it would look like this: - The first line “murid yang hebat lebih hebat” - The second line “murid yang biasa saja kurang biasa” The result, the second line is not in rhyme with the first line, which in turn disrupts the balance of the translation. To compensate for this, the translator switched the literal meaning “kurang biasa” into “tambah buruk”. In this way, the two lines would have a perfect rhyme with each other. This shows that a literal meaning is not always better. In addition, because there is a change of meaning in the second line modulation, this subtitle‟s translation qualifies as a dynamic equivalence. 38

8. Subtitle Data 8 00:14:00 ~ 00:14:02