Subtitle Data 2 00:01:33 ~ 00:01:39 Subtitle Data 3 00:04:05 ~ 00:04:07

31 context would sync with each other. The synchronization of this data‟s translation balances the outcome of the translation. 43 Concerning the equivalence result, because there is an act „deviation‟ of adding “tersambung” in the translation of TL, it qualifies as a dynamic equivalence. The addition of “tersambung” will give the audience an understanding that the first line is in rhyme with the second line and the line that comes after it. Therefore, it creates a communicative effect towards the audience.

2. Subtitle Data 2 00:01:33 ~ 00:01:39

SL TL 1st -Sorry, Michael. I didnt see you. - Thats okay. 2ndWhen I was on the bus, I found a nickel 1st -Maaf, Michael. Aku tak melihatmu. -Tak apa. Aku menemukan 2nduang 5 sen di bis when I was is deleted As for this subtitle data, a rare translation process has occurred here, namely, the quadruplets combination of four translation procedures. The translation involves the transfer of the name of a character “Michael” which is completely unchanged. Next is the deletion of “when I was on the bus”. If it‟s translated, it would become: “ketika aku di dalam bis”. Notice that in the TL, there were no translations of “when I was”. The last one, the phrase “I found a nickel” was translated first and the “on the bus” was translated last, which indicates a 43 Ibid. 32 translation shift. Hence, by the chronological order of the process, Transference was used first, reduction second, and then proceeds to Transposition and Functional Equivalent. Regarding the equivalence result, this data qualifies as dynamic equivalence emphasis. This is because of its three main deviations that involve: Deleting some of the words, changing the position of the sentence, and neutralizing cultural word nickel into 5 sen. By doing so, the translator managed to save space in the subtitle and gave the audience a clear and precise translation.

3. Subtitle Data 3 00:04:05 ~ 00:04:07

SL TL How about we do tallest in the back? Tolong yang tinggi berdiri di belakang This data is translated by using the Modulation procedure. The translation approach cab be seen in the change of SL‟s question sentence ? into TL‟s imperative sentence . The literal translation of SL in data above would be: “Bagaimana kalau kita melakukan yang tertinggi di belakang?” This version is way too long and the expression is too “foreign” to the audience. To deal with this, the translator used modulation to make the subtitle in TL feels natural. Normally, people in our language will say “Tolong yang tinggi berdiri di belakang” in any situation, time, and place if there is a tall person that needs to stay in the back. 33 Consequently, the naturalness that this data contained has resulted this data to be called as dynamic equivalence. This is because the translation qualifies the condition of dynamic equivalence which is the “deviation” from the original. And also, the modulation is one of the emphasis of the dynamic equivalence from the inclination table. This points strongly to the transla tion‟s attempt to make the subtitle‟s translation natural and easier to understand to the target audience.

4. Subtitle Data 4 00:07:20 ~ 00:07:23