Research Participants RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

24 The writer implemented structured questionnaire in the pre-design study. This questionnaire was distributed during the research and information collecting step. This questionnaire aimed to collect the learners’ needs and characteristics. Meanwhile, in the post-design study, the second questionnaire was evaluation questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed together with the designed materials to the English teacher and lecturers of English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University to assess the designed materials. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. In the first part the respondents stated their degree of agreement of the statements and in the second part the respondents wrote down their opinions and suggestions to improve the designed materials.

E. Data Analysis Technique

They are two important things to be discussed in this part, data analysis technique of pre-design study and data analysis technique of post-design study.

1. Data Analysis Technique of Pre-design Study

In the pre-design study, the analysis of the data was aimed to find the student s’ needs and interest in speaking English. The questionnaires were distributed to the students in the form of structured questions. Each participant’s opinion of the questionnaires was calculated in percentage as most people find it easier to understand data in percentage than in raw frequencies Brown and Rodgers, 2002. 25 The percentage was calculated by the amount of the students who chose the options divided by the total number of the students. The formulation is presented as follows. � � x 100 Note: n = the number of the students who chose the option N = total number of the students The result of the questionnaires can be seen in the appendix C.

2. Data Analysis Technique of Post-design Study

In the post-design study, the writer distributed questionnaire to the English teacher of SMKN 1 Nanggulan and two lecturers of ELESP Sanata Dharma University. They were two types used in the questionnaire, likert scale and open- ended questionnaire. The likert scale which ranged from 1 to 4 was adopted from Best 1970, p. 173. The degrees of agreement were classified as follow: 1 strongly disagree, 2 disagree, 3 agree, and 4 strongly agree. The designed materials would be acceptable if the central tendency for each statement was range 3 to 4. According to Brown and Rodgers 2002, central tendency, the trend of a set of numbers that clusters around particular value, is a convenient way of summarizing data of nominal categories such as Likert scale. In this study, the writer used mean to measure the central tendency. The formulation of calculating the mean is as follows.