Method and Design of the Study

14 2. Determining mean variable X2 with the formula as follows: M2 = 3. Determining deviations variable X 1 with the formula: X 1 = X1 – M1 4. Determining deviation variable X 2 with formula: X 2 = X2 – M2 5. Determining t-table in significance level 5 with the formula: df = N1 + N2 – 2 F. Statistical Hypothesis Alternative Hypothesis Ha : If there is an increase in students’ score from the pre-test to post-test, using peer feedback is effective to teach writing. Null hypothesis H0 : If there is no increase in students’ score from the pre-test to post-test, using peer feedback is not effective to teach writing. 1. t0 tt : The null hypothesis H0 is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. 2. t0 tt : The null hypothesis H0 is accepted and the alternative hypothesis Ha is rejected.

G. Time and Location of the Study

The study is done at SMA N 11 Kota Tangerang Selatan. The time of the study is on April 2015. 15


This chapter will discover the research result from the data description and the data analysis. This chapter also discuss about the discussion of the test result and the correclation of the result and the theories given in the second chapter.

A. Data Description

The data of students’ achievement is divided into two kinds, pre-test and post-test data which gained from experiment and control class. The result of pre-test and post-test in both classes is presented in the table below: Table 4.1 Pre-test and Post Test Result of Experimental and Control Class Experiment Class Control Class Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test Mean 40.375 62.5625 37.875 56.125 D ƒ 62 62 62 62 Median 40 65 38 57 Mode 40 66 20 52 Table 4.1 above shows the test score mean, degree of significance, median and mode which gained from both classes. From the table, it can be seen that there were improvement from pre-test and post-test score of experimental and control class data. The writer provides a graphic to ease readers to understand the significant result of the test in experiment and control class which make the research become more valuable.