Background of the Study

3 or feedback in every stages of writing is needed before it turns into final product as when it is in the readers’ hand, writer does not have time to explain ideas or mistakes in their writing. Thus, they should make it clear from the beginning. From the explanation above on the problems of writing, limited time brings teacher’s correction uneffective for the students writing. Thus, she starts to apply peer feedback as she believes it could solve the time problem which occured on teachers’ feedback. The writer preliminary study on peer feedback shows that it bring more advantages than teacher feedback. It is not only bring advantages for teachers but also students. Students could save time of giving correction on their students writing as it is already done by the students peers. As the correction is done by peers, the time in the class can be used by teacher to give guidance and explanation on how writing should be done. This study is conducted to examine whether students will gain significant writing achievement after they have peer feedback in their writing. The study is focused on investigating the effect of peer feedback on students writing achievement. The writer wants to find the effectiveness of peer feedback in improving students’ writing achievement.

B. Problem Identification

In Indonesian class, the writer found that teacher is hampered to teach writing as they have limited time. The condition appears as Indonesian teacher has large class. It causes teacher correction on students’ writing become less advantageous. First, teacher sometimes misread the students’ composition. They have different understanding with their students about the content of the text. Teacher should provide correction in a lot of aspects in every stages of writing. Meanwhile, it is difficult for students to correct tose things in a very large class of Indonesian students. C. Limitation of the Problem The writer limits the problem on finding whether or not the use of peer feedback has an effect o n student’s writing achievemnt. 4

D. Research Problem

1. Is there any significant difference between experiment using peer feedback and control group without peer feedback in their writing achievement? 2. Does peer feedback in teaching writing affect students’ writing achievement? E. Objective of the Study The objective of the study is to examine whether peer feedback in teaching writing affect students’ writing achievement.

F. Significance of the Study

This study is held in the purpose of giving the teacher idea of what can make students easy to learn writing. It is also hoped that the teacher can have idea on what is the suitable technique of teaching writing. And then, the writer hopes that after getting the result of this study, the teaching and learning process of writing can be better and make Indonesian students can learn writing better. 5


In this chapter, the writer explains about the theories used in this study. There are also previous studies which become the references for this study. Theoretical framework is also included in this chapter which consists of the writer conclusion based on several theories explained. The last is the hypothesis of this study.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Definition of Writing

According to Hamp- Lyons and Kroll, writing is “an act that takes place within a context, that accomplishes a particular purpose, and that is appropriately s haped for its intended audience”. 1 Writing has a lot of aspect that must be taken care such as the passive voice, matching subject and verb, adjectives and adverbs, pronouns, like-sounding words, prepositions, punctuation period, comma, semicolon, colon, hyphen, dash, parentheses, question and exclamation marks, ellipses, quotation marks, spelling. The writers have to take care of those aspects because they cannot explain to the readers if there are mistakes in the text. Beside those aspects, the writers also have to make the sentences or paragraphs coherent, so each sentence flows logically to the next. 2 Writing is not a one-step action. There are some processes that must be followed so it can produce a good text. When people write something, they have to know about what to write and how they will write it. They have the ideas. They arranged the idea into a paragraph. When they finish writing, it does not mean that it is done, but they still have to read it and make correction into it. They have to write and revise and write 1 Sara Cushing Weigle, Assessing Writing, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 P. 19 2 Robert Keith Miller, Motives for Writing,New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2006, P.30