The Teaching Learning Process in English Class.

commit to user 33 Hobby : Playing computer . Parents Job Father : Farmer. Mother : Farmer. Address : Ds. Krembangan, Kec. Panjatan. Kulon Progo.

B. The Study Finding.

In this chapter, the study finding is presented as the answer to the study problem. The data which have been obtained in the field are reported based on three activities. There are the observation of the classroom, the interview with informant and analysis of the documents.

1. The Teaching Learning Process in English Class.

The teaching learning process is complex. Almost all the teacher activities are covered in this process. The teacher activities in teaching learning process include making teaching learning preparation, teaching learning process in the classroom application and making evaluation. Those activities involve some component, which are called instructional components. They are the goal, the teacher, the student, the material, the method, the media and the evaluation. The teaching learning process consists of three steps: a. The Preparation Step. This step includes the teacher activities in preparing a lesson plan. In this step, teacher prepares the instructional goal, the material, the method and the media before going to the class. 1 The Preparation of the Instructional Goal. Based on interview and observation results, teacher usually makes a preparation before teaching. She prepare commit to user 34 the lesson plan; they consider the goals of learning activity and state the goals into some basic competence which have been adapted from the curriculum. As stated by teachers as follows; Informant: “ Ya biasanya sebelum mengajar saya sudah membuat lesson plan. Di dalam lesson plan ada indicator yang harus di capai. dan indicator itu di ambil dari kompetensi dasar yang ada di silabus and tentu sudah suatu kewajiban guru pada waktu mau tampil di kelas harus mempersiapkan perangkat-perangkatnya. Dari kompetensi dasar yang sudah ada dalam kurikulum menjadi indicator”. Interview with teacher on May 17, 2010. Based on the interviews above, teacher states the instructional goals which have to be achieved. When she prepare the lesson plan, she also states the goals. She states the goals into some basic competence which are stated in the curriculum. She prepares the indicators of the teaching activities. 2 The Preparation of the Material. In the lesson plan, teacher also prepares the material. The teacher uses some books, they are; Use Your English grade VIII that is published by Sahabat and English On Sky on 2 that is published by Erlangga. Informant: “ Dalam pembelajaran saya menggunakan buku pedoman yaitu Use your English Grade VIII English for Junior High school yang diterbitkan oleh Sahabat dan English On Sky yang di terbitkan oleh Erlangga. Dan kadang –kadang saya mengubah buku tersebut dalam bentuk Braille supaya commit to user 35 siswa lebih mudah mengerti”. Interview with teacher on May 1, 2010. Informant: “ Biasanya bu Anis sudah mempersiapkan materi sebelum pembelajaran di mulai, beliau mengubah text bahasa inggris ke huruf Braille atau ke bentuk rekaman audio”. Interview with students on May 17, 2010. Based on interview, the teacher use some book in the teaching learning English but something she translate the book to Braille book. 3 The Preparation Method. Before teaching, the teacher usually prepares the method that is appropriate with the material. Informant: “ Ya untuk metode yang digunakan saya sesuaikan dengan materi yang akan diajarkan, contohnya dalam menulis surat. Saya menggunakan metode oral dimana saya mengulangi kata –kata yang saya sebut kemudian saya dikte satu per satu huruf nya; c-o-m-e”. Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Biasanya bu Anis menggunakan metode oral jadi beliau member explanation kemudian jika kita tidak mengerti beliau akan mengulang –ulang kata yang sulit supaya kami mengerti mbak”. Interview with students, on may 17, 2010. Based on interview above, the teacher prepares some teaching methods which will be used in the class. When she prepares the lesson plan, she also prepares the methods. She usually prepares more than one method which are appropriate with the material, although for some commit to user 36 materials She does not use appropriate methods because the lack same facilities. 4 The Preparation of the Media. Before teaching, the teacher usually prepares what kind of media will be used in the classroom. She chooses the media which are appropriate with the type of material. Informant: “ Ya untuk medianya disesuaikan dengan materinya, contohnya dalam text description, itu banyak terdapat paragraph dan untuk mempermudah siswa untuk memahami text tersebut saya edit menjadi text Braille”. Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Biasanya bu Anis mempersiapkan text Braille atau tape recorder jadi beliau tinggal menyetel dan mengulang – ulang kaset dalam belajar bahasa inggris “. Interview with student on May 17 , 2010. Based on the interviews above, the teacher prepares some media which she wants to use in the class. When she prepares the lesson plan, she also think about the media that will be used. The teacher tries to use the media that are easy to be found. b. The Application Step. The application of the teaching learning process of English class was observed in two dimensions; the classroom interaction and the application of teaching – learning component the goal, the material, the method and the media. 1 The Classroom Interaction. commit to user 37 Based on the interviews and the observations which have been done by the writer on the teaching learning process in the class, the teacher give a chance to the students to share their ideas, to state what is in their mind, and ask any question about material. Those chances motivate the students to be active in the class. Informant: “ Saya biasanya selalu berikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya, apakah ada kesulitan?”. Interview with teacher on May 17 , 2010. Informant: “ Iya di beri kesempatan mengungkapkan ide atau pendapat. Bentuknya ya kalau ada yang menjawab pertanyaan dan jawabannya kurang tepat kita bisa memberi jawaban sesuai pendapat kita”. Interview with student, on May 17 2010. Informant: “ Bu Anis memberikan kesempatan kita untuk bertanya jika kita mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar”.Interview with student, on May17, 2010. Based on the interview above, the teacher and the students have a good interaction. The students are active to communicate with the teachers although in communicating their idea, the students still use a mixture of Indonesian and English. Their active interaction is a good process and the teacher can get many inspirations from them. Then, based on the observations, the students are active and communicative. Those can be seen by the fact that the students often ask question if they get any difficulties. 2 The Application of the Teaching Learning Component. commit to user 38 a The Statement of the Goals. Before teaching, the teacher usually lets the students show about the instructional goals that should be achieved. The teacher states the goals before they give the new topic. By stating the goals to the students, the students are expected to know the reason why it is important for them to learn a certain concept. Informant: “ Ya, biasanya sebelum pelajaran di mulai saya menyampaikan kepada siswa apa tujuan belajar kita hari ini, contohnya hari ini kita akan belajar membuat surat dalam bahasa Inggirs. Kadang – kadang siswa juga memberi masukan mengapa kita harus belajar membuat surat bu?”.Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informat: “ Setelah greeting biasanya bu Anis bercerita kemudian beliau menyampaikan materi apa yang akan diajarkan hari ini?”. interview with students, on May 17 2010. By knowing the goals of the instructional material, the students can focus more on what should be done to achieve the goals. b The Presentation of the Material. Based on observations and interviews which have been done by the writer, the teacher still often uses Indonesian to help the students comprehend the material if they have not understood their teacher’s explanation in English. commit to user 39 Informant: “ Dalam penyampaian materi saya menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, karena kadang jika saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris keseluruhan siswa akan mengalami kesulitan”. Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Pertama –tama bu Anis menjelaskan materi dengan bahasa Inggris dan jika kami tiba –tiba mengalami kesulitan beliau akan menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia”. Iinterview with student, on May 17, 2010. Based on the interviews above, in presenting the material the teacher has not used English totally. She still uses Indonesian in interaction with the students. She uses Indonesian if there is a topic that seems difficult to understand. The teacher mixes both English and Indonesian, but usually at the beginning she always uses English in giving the concepts to the students then if the students have not understood the teacher’ explanation in English, she explaines again using both English and Indonesian. c The Use of Method. In the teaching learning process of English, the teacher uses various instructional methods which are appropriate with the material. The teacher uses various methods in order that the students do not feel bored with the teaching learning process activities. She tries to make the students enjoy in the teaching learning process. And from the interesting teaching learning process, the students can be motivated to learn better. commit to user 40 Informant: “ Untuk metode pembelajaran tergantung materinya, tapi biasanya saya menjelaskan materinya dulu, jika ada kesulitan saya membuka kesempatan untuk bertanya, dan jika ada kata yang kurang jelas saya ulangi sampai siswa mengerti apa yang saya maksud. Kemudian setelah itu saya buka sesi pertanyaan pembagian tugas, bisa di kerjakan sendiri ataupun bersama-sama. Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Biasanya bu Anis menggunakan metode yang bermacam-macam, variasi nya dengan tujuan supaya muridnya tidak merasa bosen ataupun jenuh”. Interview with students, on May 17 2010. Based on the interview above, the teacher tries not to be monotonous in using the instructional methods. The use of appropriate methods can help the students understand the topic easily. Based on interview and the observation which have been done by the writer, some methods which are usually used by the teacher are presentation, question and answer and discussion methods. d The Use of Media. In teaching learning process of English, there are many instructional media. The media are Braille book, tape recorder, Jaws and Daisy.the teacher use the media which are appropriate with the type of materials. Informant: “ Untuk media pembelajaran saya sesuaikan dengan materi kadang saya menggunakan tape recorder, buku commit to user 41 Braille atau dengan computer. Di dalam computer tersebut sudah ada software seperti Daisy dan Jaws sehingga siswa lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris”. Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, bu Anis sudah menyiapkan semua media secara optimally supaya kita mudah memeahami materi pelajarannya”. Interview with students, on May 17, 2010. Based on the interviews above, almost in every teaching learning activity, the teacher uses the media. The teacher tries to use the media optimally because the use of media will help the students understand the material easily but something the media are limited. c. The Evaluation Step. Based on the observations which have been done by the writer, the teacher usually give some exercises. It can also be in the form of homework. Informant: “ Dalam proses evaluasi saya mempunyai beberapa sapek yang mencakup di dalam reading, speaking, listening dan reading. Tugasnya juga bisa berbagai macam seperti search internet, menyusun atau membuat paragraph, mengerjakan soal-soal taupun mendengarkan informasi secara lisan dan mengutarakan nya kembali”.Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010. Informant: “ Tugas dari bu Anis itu biasa komplit sekali, pokoknya mencakup segala aspek di bahasa Inggris. Contohnya kalo lagi commit to user 42 writing disuruh bikin surat, atau bikin text”. Interview with students, on May 17, 2010. Based on the interviews above, the evaluation is conducted in English that needs the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading. 2. The Supportive Factors in the Process of the Teaching and Learning English Class. Teaching in children that have visual impairment is unusually, if properly guided in its definitely a good result. In SLB A YAAT, there are some factors that supportive in process of teaching and learning English, for instance; school, parent and teacher. a. School. The supports from the school are in the forms of the following: 1 Computer. Computer is a supporting factor in learning English. Computer as assistive technology for students with visual impairment. They can roam the world without borders by using the internet. Besides that, the computer can install with Jaws and DBT software. The Jaws software is software for screen reader which is able to change text into sound. Its works if installed in a computer. Then, DBT software has function to change the format of print text into Braille. 2 Recording Studio. Recording studio produce digital books. The digital books are books that can be accessed by anyone including the students with visual impairment. The form of digital book is a file or CD that can be operated with commit to user 43 MP3, VCD, computer and the daisy player. The put out of digital book is a sound. 3 The Online Digital Library. The content of this library are Braille books, cassettes and digital books. In this library, the students can choose the favorite book then the books can be downloaded and finally the result can be printed in Braille or read via computer. b. Parent. The parents really support the teaching learning English. Most of parent that have special children visual impairment is despaired. Therefore, they let their children not in school. They think, it is all useless. However, parents in SLB A YAAT are different. They have motivation to send their children in school. They want their children to succed at a later date. Informant: “ Dulu aku ngalamin kecelakaan, ketika kecil aku berenang dengan bapak. Waktu itu aku berenang ngga pake kacamata, tiba-tiba mataku perih, lama-lama tidak bisa melihat ini mata. Setelah diperiksa ternyata mataku terkena virus yang menyebabkan kornea nya rusak jadinya aku ngga bisa ngeliat. Pertama kalinya, orangtuaku sedih ngeliat keaadaan aku yang seperti ini, mereka membiarkan aku dirumah terus tanpa melakukan kegiatan apapun, bahkan sekolah. Lama-lama aku bosan, aku minta sekolah.. dan akhirnya orang tuaku mencari-cari sekolah kesana sini yang terbaik untukku. Dan sampailah aku di SLB A YAAT ini”. Interview with student, on May 17, 2010. commit to user 44 c. Teacher. Some of people called that teacher in SLB is an angel. The teachers have power to teach their children with special need. I think that true, they never gave up. They kept trying to develop to become a successful for their students. Informant: “ Bu Anis itu orang nya baik banget, beliau orang nya ngga pernah nyerah…biasanya kalo kita ngga bisa pelajaran nya bu Anis selalu cari atau metode yang lain supaya kita mudah memahaminya. Orang nya sabar dan penyayang”., interview with student, on May 17, 2010.

3. The Problems Faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the Process of the Teaching Learning English Class.

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