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Submitted of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University to Fulfill One of the Requirements for Getting the Undergraduate

Degree of Education in English Departement




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commit to user 26 July 2011


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The research was held at SLB A YAAT Klaten. It is located at Jln. AngsanaTrunuh, Klaten Selatan . SLB A YAAT is one of the schools in Klaten which has good education for visual impairment. The research carried on by taking a classroom setting of second grade of Junior High school.

The research use the descriptive study. The aim of this research is to determine a descriptive study of the teaching learning process of English of children with visual impairment in SLB A YAAT Klaten, the Supportive factors in the process of the teaching and learning English to Children with visual impairment at SLB A YaatKlaten, and the problems faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the process of the teaching learning English.

The teaching learning process of English class in SLB A YAAT usually consists of three steps, as follows: the preparation, application and evaluation. The first step is preparation. It usually includes the preparation of the lesson plan. She makes a preparation before teaching such as preparing a lesson plan. In the lesson plan , she states the instructional goal, material, the media and the method. The second step is application. There are two dimensions in this step; the classroom interaction and application of teaching- learning component (the goal, material, the method and the media). In this step, the teacher applies all of the teaching components which have been prepares before. From the observations which have been done, the teacher reviewes before she goes to the new topic. She goes to the new topic by stating the goals to the students. The teacher let the students know the reason why it is important for them to learn a certain concept. In presenting the materials, the teacher uses two languages. The teacher uses various teaching methods which activate the students. The teacher use presentation, questions and answers and discussion. Then, the teacher uses various instructional methods which are appropriate with the topic. The last step is evaluation. The evaluation is conducted in English that needs the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading.

There are some supportive factors in teaching and learning process in English class. It gets many supports from many people. The first is from the school. The school provides some facilities. The second is from the parents. They give moral support to their children. They help their children in their problem at the class. The third is from the teacher. The teacher has a good motivation in getting appropriate material. The teacher always gives spirit for the students.

There are some problems faced by SLB A YAAT in teaching learning process English class. The first is the problems faced by the school. The problems faced by the school are about the financial problem which affects the lack of facilities.


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The second is the problems faced by the teacher. The problems faced by the teacher are about the English language, especially in vocabulary. The third is the problem faced by the students. As students who learned English, sometime they get some difficulties such as new vocabulary or spelling the word.


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 Verily, with every difficulty, there is a relief (Al Insyirah : 6)

 If You can Dream it You can Do it ( Walter Samuel Disney)


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This thesis is dedicated to: My beloved mother and father who always love and support me. My close friend (yuyuy) who always motivate me to be a better person and the last for all my friend in English Department specially for KG 2008.


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Alhamdullilahirabbil’ alamin….Praise and thank to God the Almighty who has given the writer His blessing so that I can finally finish this thesis as a partial fulfillment in achieving the Undergraduate Degree of Education in English.

The writer realizes that this thesis could not be completed without the help guidance from others. In this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the following:

1. Prof. Dr. M. Furqon Hidayatullah, M. Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty.

2. Dr.M. Rohmadi, S. S., M. Hum as the Head of the Language and Art Education Department of Teaching Training and education Faculty.

3. Endang Setyaningsih, S. Pd, M. Hum as the Head of Teaching Training and Education Faculty.

4. Drs. Suparno, M. Pd as the writer’s academic consultant.

5. Drs. Sujoko, M.A as the writer’s first consultant for his guidance and advice.

6. Drs. A. Handoko Pujobroto as the writer’s second consultant who patiently gave me guidance, advice, encouragement of this thesis writing. 7. Drs. Subagya as the Headmaster of SLB A YAAT Klaten who permitted

me to conduct a research at the school.

8. Anis, S. Pd as the English teacher who has helped her in doing this thesis. 9. All of students at SLB A YAAT Klaten for participating well in this


10. My beloved family and friends who always support me.

I realize that this thesis is far from being perfect. However, I hope that thesis can provide contribution to the improvement of teaching English.


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Surakarta. July 2011 The writer



... ... i


... ... iii


... ... iv ABSTRACT ... ... v MOTTO ... ... vii DEDICATION ... ... viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ... ... ix


... ... x


... ... xii



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A. The Background of the Study


B. The Identification of the Problem


C. The Problem Limitation


D. The Objectives of the Study


E. The Benefit of Study



A. The Concept of Teaching


B. The Concept of Learning Process


C. The Component of Teachers Roles


D. The component of Students Role


E. The Component of Teaching and Learning Process 11

F. The Types of Exceptional Children



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G. The Concept of Visual Impairment


H. The Cause of Visual Impairment


I. The Characteristics of Children with Visual Impairment 17

J. The Education for Students with Visual Impairment 19

K. The concept of Extraordinary School


L. The Concept of SLB A YAAT Klaten 22


A. The Form of the Research


B. The Research Method


C. The Place and the Time of Research


D. TheSources of the Data


E. Technique of Collecting the Data



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F. The Validity of the Data


G. The Technique of analyzing the Data


CHAPTER IV THE RESULT OF STUDY A. The Description of the Setting

1. Description of Location SLB A YAAT Klaten ... ... 30

2. Description of Facilities in SLB A YAAT Klaten ... ... 30

3. Description of the Study Setting

... ... 31

4. Description of the study Subject

... ... 31

B. The Study Finding

1. The Teaching Learning Process in English Class ... ... 32

2. The Supportive Factors in the Process of the Teaching and Learning English Class

... ... 41

3. The Problem Faced by SLB A YAAT Klaten in the


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Process of the Teaching Learning English Class

... ... 43

C. The Discussion

The discussion of Study Finding 44


A. The Conclusion


B. The Suggestion


Bibliography... 50

Appendices……….. 52



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1. The Instrument of Interview


2. The Interview Guidance for the Teacher


3. The Interview Guidance for the Students


4. The Instrument of the Observation


5. Data of the Interview (Student)


6. Data of the Interview (Teacher)


7. Data of the Observation


8. The Photos



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IkaWidyPrasetyaningsih. A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF THE


Penelitian di laksanakan di SLB AYAAT Klaten yang terletak di jalan Angsana Trunuh, Klaten Selatan. Sekolah ini merupakan salah satu sekolah yang terbaik untuk tuna netra. Objek penilitian adalah SMP kelas VIII.

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian descriptive. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris, factor yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar tersebut dan masalah yang terjadi dalam proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris khususnya tuna netra.

Proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di SLB A YAAT terdiri dari tiga proses, yaitu: proses persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Yang pertama adalah proses persiapan. Dalam proses periapan, guru menyiapkan lesson plan. Di dalam lesson plan, guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran, materi, media dan metode pembelajaran. Dan yang kedua adalah proses pelaksanaan. Dalam proses ini ada dua bagian yaitu interaksi kelas dan pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran ( tujuan pembelajaran, materi, media dan metode). Dalam proses ini, guru mengaplikasikan apa yang sudah disiapkan dalam proses persiapan. Setelah dilakukan observasi, guru melakukan mengulangan materi sebelum menuju topic yang baru. Kemudian guru memberitahukan kepada siswa tentang tujuan pelajaran hari ini. Dalam penyampaian materi guru menggunakan dua bahasa. Guru juga menggunakan metode yang bervariasi dalam pembelajaran yaitu menggunakan metode penjelasan, Tanya jawab dan diskusi. Proses yang terakhir adalah evaluasi. Dalam evaluasi mencakup kemampuan empat aspek dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu speaking, listening, writing, dan reading.

Ada beberapa factor yang mendukung proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris. Factor tersebut dating dari beberapa aspek. Yang pertama dari pihak sekolah yang menyediakan beberapa fasilitas. Yang kedua dari pihak orang tua yang selalu memberikan dukungan moral. Yang ketiga dari pihak guru yang selalu memberi motivasi kepada siswa untuk selalu semangat.

Disana juda ada beberapa masalah yang menghambat proses belajar bahasa Inggris. Masalah pertama berasal dari pihak sekolah kurang nya bagian keuangan dan fasilitas. Masalah kedua berasal dari pihak guru, masalah tersebut mengenai struktur bahasa Inggris dan kosakata. Masalah ketiga berasala daru siswa. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam pembendaharaan kosakata.



A. The Background of the Study

A language plays a great part in our life. We need to learn language because of its importance. Therefore, language is used in almost every aspect of human life, such as communication, politics, economy, education, science and technology.

English is a language of power because it provides the means for social, economic and academic upward mobility. As every body knows, English is becoming more and more important in the world. Furthermore, it is considered as an international language. English is one of the compulsory subjects which are taught in all education levels, namely elementary school, junior high school and senior high school, and all department of university. Hence, the Indonesian government always makes effort to improve the quality of society especially adult generation in order to be to confront in era globalization era.

In this globalization era, due to the rapid development of science and technology, one is more demanded to be able to communicate with others, either with the development in his own country or that which happens in other countries, a language is needed. Therefore, a foreign language, especially English is very much needed by people for communication or cooperation with others because English is an international language.

Considering the importance of English in communication among nation, the widespread need of English as a second or foreign language is spreading extremely rapidly across the world as well as in Indonesia. Many countries develop English which has economical, political, and social power within their educational programs because they are aware of the value of the knowledge of English. Much of the growing awareness can be seen by the fact that many countries take education as an appropriate setting for developing English.


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Therefore, the existing needs for more good teaching of English grow day by day.

The Indonesian government via the Ministry of National Education decided to take English subject within Educational programs. English is taken as the first foreign language in Indonesia and established as an obligatory subject to learn. English teaching is held from primary to tertiary level of students. In Indonesia, English is learned as the obligatory subject started from primary school. It is intended for helping learners acquiring a language needed for wider.

In fact, there are two types of children, those are: normal and exceptional children. The normal children usually get education in public school whereas the exceptional children get education in Exceptional School (SLB).

In this case, there are two kinds of exceptional children, those are: intellectual physical, emotionally and multi handicaps exceptional. The intellectual exceptional is related with intellectual development. The iIntellectual development is affected by such factors as inherent capacity, the emotional climate, whether one has a strong intellectual drive, and whether one has oppurtunies for experiences and learning. Then, the physically exceptional is related with physical development. It depends partly on hereditary potentials and partly on such environment factors as food, general health, sunlight, fresh air, climate, emotions and physical exertion, for example: visual impairment, hearing impairment. Emotionally exceptional is related with personality development, which is influenced by genetic factors as well as by attitudes and social relationship both in the home and outside.

The exceptional children also have the right to get education because in fact they have the same potency with people in common. A constitution about human right article 54 states that” setiap anak cacat fisik dan atau mental berhak memperoleh perawatan, pendidikan, pelatihan dan bantuan khusus atas biaya Negara, untuk menjamin kehidupannya sesuai martabat kemanusiaan, ,meningkatkan rasa percaya diri dan kemampuan berpartisipasi dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara”.


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The impelementation of Exceptional School SLB is based on the Basic Constitutions knows as Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945 pasal 31 ayat 1 and Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No.20, 2003 about National Education System. It is based in Pasal 3” bahwa pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dan membentuk watak serta peradapan bangsa yang bermartabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warganegara yang demokratis serta bertanggung jawab. In Bab IV pasal 5 ayat 1” bahwa setiap warganegara mempunyai hak yang sama untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang bermutu. Warganegara yang memiliki kelainan fisik, emosional, intelektual atau sosial berhak memperoleh pendidikan khusus”. Then, pasal 32” pendidikan khusus merupakan pendidikan bagi peserta didik yang memiliki tingkat kesulitan dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran karena kelainan fisik, emosional, mental,sosial atau memiliki potensi kecerdasan dan bakat istimewa. This shows that children who have the disorder or have the potential of intelligence and special talent is also entitled to obtain the same opportunities as other children (normal children) in education.

So far, education for children who have the disorder or has the potential of intelligence and special talents or special needs children are provided in three different educational institutions, namely exceptional school (SLB), Extraordinary Primary School (SDLB) and Inclusive Education. The SLB as special education institutions to accommodate children with special needs with the same type of disorder. Therefore, there are visual impairment, deaf,

tunagrahita,and quadriplegic SLB. The SDLB while accommodating various types of special needs children so that in it there are visual impairment children, deaf, quadriplegic, tunagrahita. Meanwhile, inclusive education is a normal school that also accommodates children with special needs with teacher curriculum, a means of the same of teaching and learning activities.


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In Klaten there is a SLB that accommodates special needs of children with visual impairments. There are three grade of education, such as, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Junior High School. The name is school is SLB- A YAAT. This school is equipped with educational support facilities, for example; computer rooms, living skills, early detection, library, auditorium and special service units. Moreover, this school has a good image because of his good English lesson. In order to this school can create an intelligent student in the field of English.

Teaching children with visual impairment is different from teaching children with normal children. The teaching children with visual impairment is more difficult than teaching “normal” children. Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a research about teaching learning process English to children with visual impairment. The researcher wants to know the teaching learning process of English to children with visual impairment. So, the researcher choose the title that is “A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF CHILDREN WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT IN SECOND GRADE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL AT SLB A YAAT KLATEN IN ACADEMIC YEAR 2009/2010”.

From the brief explanation above, it is interesting to describe the teaching learning process of the English. The purposes of this thesis are to look at some issue and ways in English can be exploited in the classroom.

B. The Identification of the Problem

There are some problems that can be identified. The identification of this study are as follow:

1. How is the process of teaching and learning English to children with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten?

2. What are the problems faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the process of the teaching learning English to children with visual impairment?

3. What are the solutions factors by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the process of the teaching learning English to children with visual impairment?


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4. What are the Supportive factors in the process of the teaching and learning English to Children with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten?

C. The Problem Limitation

To avoid misunderstanding and to make the study more clearly, the writer would like to limit the problem as follows:

1. How is the process of teaching and learning English to children with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten?

2. The supportive factors in the process of the teaching and learning English to children with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten?

3. What are the problems faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the process of the teaching learning English?

D. The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of study are as follows:

1. To describe the process of teaching and learning English to children with visual impairment.

2. To find out the supportive factors in the process of the teaching and learning English to Children with visual impairment at SLB A Yaat Klaten.

3. To find out the problems faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the process of the teaching learning English.

E. The Benefit of Study

The study will give some contribution in the teaching learning process English to children with visual impairment. There are at least two significance contributions from this study as follows:


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1. The Teacher

The result of the study will be useful for the teachers, especially those who teach English in school for children with visual impairment and the reader. So, they will understand how to teach English to children with visual impairment. Then, for teacher generally it can add their knowledge about visual impairment.

2. The Researcher

For the study herself, this study gives better understanding about the teaching learning process English to children with visual impairment.


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A. The Concept of Teaching

In Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (1980: 480), teaching means to give instruction to something (knowledge, skill etc).

Kimble and Garmezy (1963:133 in Brown, 1994:7) state that “ teaching is showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand”. Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Considering that concept, Nathan Gage (1964:269 in Brown, 1994:7) states that “teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the condition for learning”.

Arends (2001:56) states “teaching as a process of attempting to promote growth in students. The intended growth here for reaching, such as developing a completely new conceptual framework for thinking about science.

Teaching means giving someone knowledge or instructing or training. According to Kimble and Garmezy (1963:133 in Brown, 1994:7) teaching is showing or helping someone learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Language teaching is describe broadly as creating situations that promote second or foreign language use and learning. It is also an interactive process between the teacher and e students or group of the students to get knowledge, skills or attitudes what they are learning.

From the idea above, it can be concluded that teaching is some activities that give instruction for helping students to learn something (knowledge or skill).


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B. The Concept of Learning Process.

In Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary (1995: 480), learning is knowledge gained by study.

A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or skill by study, experience or instruction.

Skinner (2009: 3 in Sobry) states that” learning as a process adaption or adjustment of behavior that is going on progressive.

M. Sobry Sutikno (2009:3) states that ” learning as a process that is done someone to get a new changing as a result experience itself in interaction with environment.

C. T Morgan (2009:4 in Sobry) states” learning is relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior that result from previous experience.

Brown (1994: 7) says that learning is “acquiring of getting of knowledge of a subject or skill by study, experience or instruction.” Another definition of learning is also proposed by Kimble and Garmezy (in Brown,1994:7). They define learning as a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and are the result of reinforced practice. From the definitions, we can conclude that:

1. Learning is acquisition or getting.

2. Learning is retention of information or skill.

3. Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.

4. Learning involves active, conscious focus and on acting upon events outside or inside the organism.

5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

6. Learning involves some from of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.


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According to definitions above, learning activity is a process which can motivate someone to change their behavior and maturation into relatively permanent position through experiences that involve their cognitive process, and should be done interactively between the teacher and the students. The interactive nature of learning means that evaluations designed to guide instruction must focus on interaction themselves, not on individual component of interaction.

Klein, S (1987:2) states” learning can be defined as an experiential process resulting in a relatively permanent change in behavior that cannot be explained by temporary, maturation, or innate response tendencies. This definition of learning has three important components. First, learning reflects a change in the potential for a behavior. Second, changes in behavior due to learning are relatively permanent. Third, changes in behavior can be due to process other than learning”.

From the idea above, it can be concluded that learning process is a process in relatively permanent change in an individual’s knowledge or behavior.

C. The Component of Teachers Roles.

In teaching learning process, teacher has important roles, and so do the students. Nunan (1989:87) states that the roles of teachers and learners are in many ways, complementary. Giving the learners a different role requires the teacher to adopt a different role. According to Beren and Candlin( 1980 in Nunan 1989:87), the teacher has three main roles in the communicative classroom. The first is to act as facilitator, the second is to act as participant and the third is to act as an observer and learner.

Harmer(1991) in Nunan and Lamb (1996:138) suggests that most classrooms need the teacher as controller and the teacher as facilitator. The controller role is appropriate at those times in the lesson when the


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teachers want the whole class to be attending to what they have to say, for example, when setting up a new activity, providing explanations or giving feedback. Other roles include the teacher as assessor (when the teacher corrects or provides feedback to the students), the teacher as organizer; the teacher as prompter (when the teachers needs to encourage students to participate or to provide information on procedural issues), the teacher as participant (Harmer point out that there is no reason why the teacher should not participate as an equal in communication activities such as role plays and simulation), the teacher as resource (providing information and assistance as needed), the teacher as tutor (helping to clarify ideas, point out errors in rough drafts) and the teacher as investigator(in this role, teachers futher their own professional competence through the observation and investigation of processes of teaching and learning in their own classroom).

D. The Component of Students Role.

Richards and Rodgers (1986) in Nunan and Lamb (1996: 140) point out that different method will reflect assumption about the contributions that learners can make to learning process. While Parrot (1993) in Nunan and Lamb (1996:141) point out that some models of learning and teaching see students as sponges who soak up knowledge from the teacher and textbook. Other roles can include experimenter, researcher, negotiator, obeyer, explorer, struggler, path – follower, initiator.

Nunan (1989:80) analyzes the learners’ role from Richards and Rodgers, that there are wide varieties of learner roles which are possible in the language class. These include the following:

1. The learner is the passive recipient of outside stimuli.

2. The learner is an interactor and negotiator who is capable of giving as well as taking.


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3. The learner is a listener and performer who has little control over the content of learning.

4. The learner is involved in a process of personal growth.

5. The learner is involved in a social activity an the social and interpersonal roles of the learner cannot be divorced from psychological learning processes.

6. The learner must take responsibility for their own learning, developing autonomy and skills in learning how- to- learn.

E. The Components of Teaching and Learning Process. 1. Curriculum.

A curriculum takes an important role to the education. It influences the taking of decision of direction, content and an education process. Curriculum can come from anything around us like from our own traditional lifestyles, our culture, needs and goals. Parallel to the curriculum, the learners have to at least meet the requirement of the curriculum. It means that curriculum is to keep the learners going in the right directions.

Curriculum is concerned with the planning, implementation, evaluation and administration of education program (Nunan, 1997:9).

Curriculum refers to all aspects of planning, implementation and evaluation of an educational program, the why, and the how together with what of the teaching learning process (Fauziati, 2002:51). It means that beside curriculum as a planning arranged to get success I teaching learning process, it can be reason to the teacher to teach the students suitable with the material in teaching learning process. There are some types of curriculum, namely:


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curriculum 2004, competence based curriculum, and school based curriculum.

The aspect of curriculum, those are: a. The Goal of Curriculum.

In the end of teaching learning process of SLB is that they are have skills such as reading, listening and speaking in English with topic that based on grade of development (Kurikulum Pendidikan Luar biasa, 2002:2). b. The Syllabus.

Syllabus design concern the selection of items to be learnt and the grading of these items into an appropriate square. It is different from curriculum design (Nunan, 1998 chapter 1) in Hammer (2002:295) in the latter, the designer is concerned not just with lists of what will be taught and in what order but also with the planning, implementation, evaluation and administration of education programmers. c. Material.

Material has important role in teaching learning process. The teacher uses the material to develop the student’s ability and knowledge and hopefully, It should help the students to understand the lesson easily, the material should be appropriate to the lesson plan.

According to Hardjono (1998:93) there are some functions of instruction material, those are,: medium of information, to stimulate the student’s interest, to develop the ability, to illustrate the things to the students.


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Teacher has responsibility in the choosing the material. Sometimes, it makes them feel overwhelmed. Before the choosing the right material, they are supposed to consider the factor especially for the suitability of their class. Besides using the handbook for the material, the teacher can use cassette, poster, picture and dictionary to support the teaching learning process (House, 1997:13-15).

d. Method of Teaching English.

According to Antony (in Fauziati, 2002:5), method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts and all of which is based upon the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic whereas method is procedural.

The method of teaching is necessary and it plays a significant role in achieving the desired learning. Thus, method is theoretically related to all approach and is organizationally determined by a design. The method is treated at the level of design. Without method a teacher will not be able to teach optimally, since the teaching method is the means by which a teacher attempt to bring about the desired learning.

e. Media of Teaching Learning.

According association or education and communication technology (EAT) in Program Guru Bantu (2003) media is all of the term that use to lead the information. According to National Education Association (NEA) Program guru Bantu (2003) media is all of the term


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that can manipulate, seeing, listened, reading, talked with instrument that used to do it.

f. System of Evaluation.

According to Mehrens and Lehman in Purwanto (1994:3) evaluation is the process of planning, getting, and applying the information that needed to make degree alternative.

According to (Purwanto, 1994:5), there are the functions of the evaluation in teaching learning, such as:  To know the development of success of the learners in

teaching learning process in the certain time.

 To know the grade of success in teaching learning program.

 To develop and remark the curriculum. F. The Types of Exceptional Children.

According to Chauhan (1978:470), there are four types of exceptional children, those are:

1. Intellectual Exceptional.

Intellectual exceptional is related with intellectual development. The intellectual development is affected by such factors as inherent capacity, the emotional climate, whether one has a strong intellectual drive, and whether one has opportunist for experiences and learning. The intellectual exceptional includes the gifted and creative the slow learner, educable mentally retarded and several retarded.

2. Physically Exceptional.

Physically exceptional is related with physical development. It depends partly on hereditary potentials and partly on such


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environment factors as food, general health, sunlight, fresh air, climate, emotions and physical exertion.

There are two kinds of physically exceptional, for instance: a. Visual impairment.

1) Low vision: visual activity between 20/70 and 20/200 in the better eye after correction.

2) Blindness: visual activity at 20/200 or less in the better eye with correction, or visual activity of more than 20/200 if the widest diameter of the field of vision subtends an angle of the field of vision subtends an angle no grater than 20 degree.

b. Hearing Impairment.

1) Deafness: absence of hearing in both ears and a hearing disability that prevents understanding of speech with or without a hearing aid.

2) Hardness of hearing: significant difficulty in understanding speech, even when equipped with a hearing aid.

3) Speech impairment: a disorder such as stuttering, impaired articulation, or a language or voice impairment that adversely affects educational performance.

c. Emotionally Exceptional.

Emotionally exceptional is elated with personality development, which is influenced by genetic factors as well as by attitudes and social relationship both in the home and outside.

d. Multi Handicaps Exceptional.

The children who have more than one defect given above.


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Hallahan and Kauffman (1994: 344) state that there are two definitions of visual impairment; those are based on legal an educational. Legal definition depends on the measurement of visual acuity and field of vision. A person who is legally blind has visual acuity of 20/2000 or less in better eye, even with correction, or has very narrow (less than 20 degrees)field of vision. Educators, however, prefer to define blindness according to how well the person functions, especially in reading. For educator, blindness indicates the need to read Braille or use oral methods.

There are two kinds of visual impairment; those are:

1. Low vision: visual activity between 20/70 and 20/200 in the better eye after correction.

2. Blindness: visual activity at 20/200 or less in the better eye with correction, or visual activity of more than 20/200 if the widest diameter of the field of vision subtends an angle of the field of vision subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.

So, based on the definition above, the writer concludes that there are two kinds of visual impairment that are low visions and blindness. Their difference is on the visual acuity.

H. The Cause of Visual Impairment.

The cause of visual impairment is various. There is visual impairment that a person had brought since he or she was born and also there is visual impairment that happens when he or she is adult. Hallahan and Kauffman (1994: 546) state that” the most common visual problems are the result of errors of refraction. Myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (blurred vision) are all examples of refraction errors that affect central visual acuity”.

The cause of visual impairment is divided into 2; internal and external, such as:


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Internal factor is the cause of handicapped that commonly come from themselves. The marriage between a family can cause the children born with visual impairment. There is gen recessive that does not appear to parent can appear in children.

3. External Factor.

The visual impairment can be caused by some diseases such as lack of nutrition that is needed when pregnant, lack of vitamin A, diabetes mellitus, stroke, blood high pressure, effect of chemical and accidents.

The abilities of eyes to see can not be predicted at the babies’ birth, but if there are eye problems that develop continuously the problem can be predicted. According to Hallahan and Kauffman (1994: 347, there are some sign indicating possible eye problems those are:

a. Behaviors.

- Rubs eyes excessively.

- Shuts or covers one eye, tilt head, or thrust head forward.

- Has difficulty in reading on in other work requiring close use of the eyes.

- Blinks more than usually or is irritable when doing close work. - Holds book close to eyes.

- Unable to see distant things clearly. - Squints eyelids together of frown. b. Appearance.


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- Red-rimmed, encrusted or swollen eyelids. - Inflamed or watery eyes.

- Recurring styles. c. Complaints.

- Eyes itch, burn, or feel scratchy. - Cannot see well.

- Dizziness, headaches, or nausea following close eye work. - Blurred or double vision.

I. The Characteristics of Children with Visual Impairment.

People have different characteristics, like children with visual impairment; they have characteristic that are different from children who have normal vision. Children with visual impairment generally are suspicious to others, sensitive, depending on something, blindism, unpretentious, like to daydream, have strong imaginations, critical, and courageous.

There are another characteristic for children with visual impairment on their psychological and behavioral based on Hallan and Kauffman (1994:349), those are:

1. Language Development.

Most people believe that lack of vision does not alter very significantly the ability to understand and use language. They point many studies which show that students who are visualy impaired do not differ from sighted student on verbal intelligence test. Because auditory more than visual perception is the sensory modality through which we learn language, it is not surprising that


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studies have found people who are blind to be unimpaired in language functioning. The child who is blind is still able to hear language and may even be more motivated than the sighted child to use language because it is the main channel through which he or she communicates with others.

2. Intellectual Ability.

a. Performance on standardized intelligence tests.

There is no reason to believe that individually with visual impairment result in lower intelligence. There are kind of test would be a more accurate measure of intelligence than tests that contained items of a visual nature. Several intelligence tests that emphasize these nonverbal areas are now available in a few countries, namely; Blind Learning Aptitude Tests (Newland, 1979) and intelligence tests for visually impaired children (Dekker, Drent, Zoal, 1991; Dekker, Zoal, Koole, 1990).

b. Conceptual abilities.

Some important differences exist between how those with a without sight perceive the world, most of which are due to the difference between tactual and visual experiences. Persons who are blind more non tactual and auditory information to learn about world than to the sighted, who obtain a great deal of information through sight. According to Hull (1990) in Hallan (1994:367), a person who is blind described it, he “sees” with his fingers.

c. Mobility.

A very important ability for the successful adjustment of many people with visual impairment is their mobility-their skill in moving about their environment. Mobility skills depend to a


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great extent on spatial ability. Mobility skills vary greatly among people with visual impairment. A critical variable appears to be motivation, and some authorities have noted that those who have more residual vision and those who become frustrated by their loss of vision and less motivated to acquire mobility skills.

d. Academic Achievement.

The academic achievement of students who are blind with sighted students must be interpreted cautiously because the two groups must be tested under different conditions. Compared with student who are hearing impaired is not as adversely affected. e. Social Adjustment.

An important point to keep in mind is that even though people with visual impairment differ from the sighted in how they interact socially, this does not mean that they are socially maladjusted. It does mean, however, that initial interactions between sighted and those without sight may be strained. Another important point is that it should not only be up those who are visually impaired to change their ways of interacting socially.

J. The Education for Students with Visual Impairment

Tuttle (1986:239) states that the purpose of education is to equip children and youth with life competencies that enable them to love, to work, and to play within the context of an acceptable system of values. The education model for handicapped children especially visual impairment is inclusive which the purpose is to optimize children’s potential.

Based on Sapon-Shevin as quoted by Subagya (2006:3) there are profile of education in inclusive school, namely:


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1. Inclusive education means create and keep the community of class, accept and appropriate the difference.

2. Teaching in heterogenic class needs change of curriculum implementation essentially. The class form changes from competitive to collaborative and cooperative.

3. Inclusive education means prepare and support the teacher to teach interactively.

4. Inclusive education means giving support to teacher and class constantly and removing the obstacle related with profession isolation. The important of inclusive education is the form of teaching in team, collaborative, and consultative. For example are the cooperative between teacher and specialist (therapist, rehabilitation, expert and etc)

5. Inclusive education means education that involves the parents of students.

K. The Concept of Extraordinary School (SLB).

Education is one important thing for humans. Form of education may be academic or non academic. The Government has taken various ways to improve the quality of education in Indonesia this beloved. Start of Program Fair (compulsory education) Nine Years to Twelve Years Fair. Distribution of scholarships at home and abroad were included in one of the government program. The existence of the Law on Education provides a thick line that education should be implemented uniformly and without exception. Public schools, private schools, even special schools (SLB), a formal place to get about SLB, will not escape from the existence of exceptional children (ABK). ABK is the children who have growth charts that differ from normal children. The graph can rise and fall. There are several categories including


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Tunagrahita ABK, Tunawicara, Deaf, Tunalaras, Blind, quadriplegic, Children learning difficulties, and children who are too smart

Special education as contained in Regulation No.72 year 1991 was a special education that is used for students who bear the physical or mental defect. Exceptional education aims to equip students with special needs to be able to play an active role in society. the exceptional education aims to help learners who bear the physical or mental abnormalities to be able to develop the attitudes knowledge and skills as a personal and community members in their relationship with timbale behind social environment, culture and natural surroundings as well as to develop skills in the working world knows to follow further education.(www.ditplb.or.id/cetak/2008/1003).

In the implementation of special education. Directorate of exceptional education coaching education classifies into five areas, namely SLB A, SLB B, SLB C,SLB D and SLB E.

In other hand, SLB is “special” school built to give education for exceptional children to give nine year education service in basic education level. There are some SLB in Indonesia, and each SLB is for different exceptional children. SLB A is for children with visual impairment, SLB B is for children with hearing impairment, SLB C is for children mental retardation, SLB D is for children with orthopedically handicapped and SLB E is for children for delinquency children or maladjustment (Sapariadi, 1982:10).

L. The Concept of SLB A YAAT KLATEN.

SLB is “special” school built to give education for exceptional children to give nine year education service in basic education level. It is located at Angsana Trunuh street, Klaten Selatan . SLB A YAAT is one of the schools in Klaten which has good education for visual impairment. This school is different from other schools. This school is known by its superiority in English. Even though it is small schools but


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there are many facilities that support its English language learning or children with visual impairment such as daisy player, Braille library, printing Braille books, software Jaws, software open book. Then, there are three level of education, such as, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Junior High School.



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In Oxford Dictionary, research is careful research or investigation, especially in order to discover new facts or information. Cholid Narbuko (2003:1) defines research as” Kegiatan untuk mencari, mencatat, merumuskan, dan menganalisa sampai menyusun laporannya”. It is more than to discover but to note, formulate, and analyze facts or information. Futher, David H. Penny (in Cholid Narbuko, 2003: 1) states “ Penelitian adalah pemikiran yang sistematis mengenai berbagai jenis masalah yang pemecahannya memerlukan pengumpulan dan penafsiran fakta-fakta.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that research is an active, diligent and systematic process of inquiry in order to discover, interpret or revise facts, events, behaviors, or theories. Based on its definitions, there are some importants points of research, (1) It is a research of an object; (2) The method is systematic and objective; (3) the objectives are to get a better understanding upon that object and to develop the theory of that object.

A research has methodology. Methodology is used as the method to do an inquiry. Futher, it can be said that metholodology is the way someone uses to conduct a research. Cholid Narbuko(2003:1) states “ Metodologi penelitian adalah suatu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang membicarakan atau mempersoalkan menegenai cara-cara melaksanakan penelitian yaitu meliputi kegiatan mencatat, merumuskan, menganalisa sampai menyusun laporannya berdasarkan fakta-fakta atau gejala gejala secara ilmiah”.

Based on the definitions above, it can be concluded that research methodology is a research which talks about the way used in the research.

In this research, the researcher uses some aspect of the methodology. Those aspects are the selection of the time and the place of the research, the form of the research, the research method, the source of data, the technique of collecting data, the validity of the data and the analyze of data.

A. The Form of the Research.

There are two kinds of research; quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research is a research that describes phenomena in


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the form of numbers and measures, while qualitative research describes phenomena in the form of words. This research belongs to qualitative because it is done for the purpose of understanding social phenomena and the descriptions are in the form of words (descriptive data).

In (http://www. Translationbureau.ge.ca/pwgse_internet/fr/_e.html) stated that qualitative research is a research technique that is used to gain insight into the underlying issues surrounding a research problem by gathering nonstatiscal feedback and opinions rooted in people’s feelings, attitudes, motivations, values, and perceptions often from small samples; also called soft data.

Kirk and Miller (in Lexy. J. Moleong, 2002:3) states “ penelitian kualitatif adalah tradisi tertentu dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan social yang secara fundamental bergantung pada pengamatan manusia dalam kawasannya sendiri maupun dalam peristilahannya”. Qualitative research has the aim of understanding experience as nearly as possible as its participants feel it or love it. Researchers interact with people in a natural setting. When researcher research people qualitatively, they need to know people personally about their daily experience.

B. The Research Method.

Method is a way of doing something. As stated above that this research is qualitative, so the method is qualitative as well. Qualitative method yield descriptive data which are appropriate with the characteristic of the qualitative research. Moleong (2005:6) states that the descriptive data are collected in the form of word or pictures instead of numbers. In qualitative method, researchers interact with people in natural setting because researchers try to get deeply involved in the world of people being studied. Researchers can do all these activities by using observation and interview


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The research was carried out at SLB A YAAT Klaten from May to June 2010. It was based on the consideration that this school has good English in teaching learning process.

SLB A YAAT Klaten is located at Angsana Trunuh Street, Klaten Selatan. The SLB A YAAT Klaten is one of the schools in Klaten which has good education for children with visual impairment. There are three grade of education, such as, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Junior High School. The name is school is SLB- A YAAT. This school is equipped with educational support facilities, for example; computer rooms, living skills, early detection, library, auditorium and special service units. Moreover, this school has a good image because of its good English lesson.

D. The Sources of the Data.

Data sources of the qualitative research can be taken from man and his behavior, phenomena, documents, archives and others (Sutopo, 2002:23). The sources of the data in this research were:

1. Events.

Considering the aim of qualitative research, the researcher tries to get a description about English teaching learning process for children with visual impairment. In this research, the objects observed were those related with about English teaching learning process. They were: the role of the students, the role of the teachers, the goal of the instructional, the material of instructional process, the teaching method, the media and evaluation.

2. Informant.

Hornby (1995) states that informant is a person who gives information about something, for example in doing research. Here the researcher has some informants, those are teacher, staff and students.


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Document is written information about something. In this research, the researcher’s information is in accordance with the setting of the research and every single thing that is related to describe the teaching learning process of English. The documents used by the researcher are in the form textbook, student’s worksheet, teacher’s hand out and lesson plan.

E. The Techniques of Collecting the Data.

The technique of collecting data is a way used by investigator to get data. In this research the writer used observation, interview, and review of related documents.The following are the detail explanation of each technique according to Creswell (2003:17 in Emzir).


Observation is based on direct experiences in order to researcher interact with people in setting directly. The researcher can make a field note based on what she have seen; setting, manner and whatever in accordance with real situation.


Interview is a research method in which an investigator asks another individual, questions designed to obtain answer relevant to a research problem.

3.Review of related documents ( Document Analysis)

Documents are collected in order to get real situation such as social situation and many kinds of factors around research setting. It is used to support and complete in the information which is obtained from observation and interview.

F. The Validity of the Data.

The validity of the data is important in doing inquiry, to check the credibility of the data. Therefore, researchers have to able to choose the


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exact ways to develop validity of their data. In this research, researcher uses data triangulation that is multiple data sources, in a single research research. Data triangulation involves collecting data at different times, different places and with different people.

This research exploits different data sources to get information. First, the researcher held observation from May to June 2010 at SLB A YAAT Klaten. Then the researcher used informant and document to support and complete the data. These methods are aimed to get data about decription of teaching learning process of English.


Figure 1: The Diagram of the Method Triangulation.

G. Technique of Analyzing the Data.

H. B. Sutopo in “Metodologi Penelitian kualitatif” defined analyzing data as a process of organizing and arranging the data into pattern, category,


Informant 1


Informant 3 Informant 2




Observation Content analysis



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Conclision and verification Data Reduction

Data Display Data Collection

and a set a basic classification so the theme can be found and the research hypothesis can be formulated as what the data advised(2002: 96).

The researcher used an interactive modal of analysis that includes there main component, namely the reduction data, presentation data and conclusion and vertification.


Figure 2: The diagram of interaction model of analysis

1. Reducing the Data.

Not all of the result of research is important. It means that the important information must be taken and unimportant information must be

Collecting the data

Reducing the data



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ignored. In this process, the researcher must select, focus, simplify and abstract the data in the field note. The data reduction was done during the research activities. In this case, the researcher reduced the information during research activities if the data are unimportant or they are not support the data the researcher needed.

2. Presenting the Data.

Presenting the data means describing the data in the form of description or narration. As the second component in analyzing the data, this technique is used in arranging information, description or narration to draw the conclusion. By presenting the data, the researcher considered what she should do- in addition, she could make the analysis or take the other actions- based on her understanding.

3. Drawing Conclusion.

The third technique of analysis the data is drawing conclusion. In this research, the conclusions are drawn continuously throughout the course of the research. The researcher tended to accumulate and formulate her interpretations as she has gone along. She was likely to write up not only what she has seen each day but also her interpretations of those observations.



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In the result of the study, the writer presents the description into three major points. The three major points are the description of the setting, the study finding and the discussion.

A. The Description of the Setting.

1. Description of Location SLB A YAAT Klaten.

The study was carried out at SLB A YAAT. The school is one of the schools in Klaten which has good education for children with visual impairment. There are three grade of education, such as, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Junior High School. Identity the school


Address : Jln. Angsana Trunuh, Klaten Selatan Telephone : (0272) 320645

Email : bagyayaat@plasa.com

District : Klaten

Province : Central Java

Operational permits : No. 425.1/0004147 tanggal 3 Juni 2002

2. Description of Facilities in SLB A YAAT Klaten. SLB A YAAT has the following facilities:

a. Comfortable classrooms. b. Large yard.

c. Boarding school. d. Radio station. e. Computer room. f. Music studio. g. Recording studio. h. Daisy player. i. Braille library.


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k. Software Jaws. l. Software open book

3. Description of the Study Setting.

Study carried on by taking a classroom setting of second grade of Junior High school. A physical description of the condition the class is simple room. There are a cabinet to save instructional media, two chairs and table chairs of students and one chair and table of teachers. The class is a space that size 5x4 meter coupled with other spaces that are interconnected. Beside that, the class is neat and clean with a large yard and overgrown grass.

4. Description of the Study Subject.

Subjects in this study were students in grade 2 of Junior high School. There are 2 students. They are totally blind because of an accident. Identities of the subjects in this study are as follows: a. Name : Imam Budi Prasetyo.

Place of birth : Klaten. 07 Mei 1992.

Sex : Man.

Religion : Moslem.

Hobby : Listen the music. Parents Job

Father : Teacher.

Mother : House wife.

Address : Perumda II, Gergunung Klaten Utara.

b. Name : Rio Waluo.

Place of birth : Lampung, 04 Oktober 1991.

Sex : Man.


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Hobby : Playing computer . Parents Job

Father : Farmer.

Mother : Farmer.

Address : Ds. Krembangan, Kec. Panjatan. Kulon Progo.

B. The Study Finding.

In this chapter, the study finding is presented as the answer to the study problem. The data which have been obtained in the field are reported based on three activities. There are the observation of the classroom, the interview with informant and analysis of the documents.

1. The Teaching Learning Process in English Class.

The teaching learning process is complex. Almost all the teacher activities are covered in this process. The teacher activities in teaching learning process include making teaching learning preparation, teaching learning process in the classroom (application) and making evaluation. Those activities involve some component, which are called instructional components. They are the goal, the teacher, the student, the material, the method, the media and the evaluation. The teaching learning process consists of three steps:

a. The Preparation Step.

This step includes the teacher activities in preparing a lesson plan. In this step, teacher prepares the instructional goal, the material, the method and the media before going to the class.

1) The Preparation of the Instructional Goal.

Based on interview and observation results, teacher usually makes a preparation before teaching. She prepare


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the lesson plan; they consider the goals of learning activity and state the goals into some basic competence which have been adapted from the curriculum.

As stated by teachers as follows; Informant:

Ya biasanya sebelum mengajar saya sudah membuat lesson plan. Di dalam lesson plan ada indicator yang harus di capai. dan indicator itu di ambil dari kompetensi dasar yang ada di silabus and tentu sudah suatu kewajiban guru pada waktu mau tampil di kelas harus mempersiapkan perangkat-perangkatnya. Dari kompetensi dasar yang sudah ada dalam kurikulum menjadi indicator”. (Interview with teacher on May 17, 2010).

Based on the interviews above, teacher states the instructional goals which have to be achieved. When she prepare the lesson plan, she also states the goals. She states the goals into some basic competence which are stated in the curriculum. She prepares the indicators of the teaching activities.

2) The Preparation of the Material.

In the lesson plan, teacher also prepares the material. The teacher uses some books, they are; Use Your English grade VIII that is published by Sahabat and English On Sky on 2 that is published by Erlangga.


“ Dalam pembelajaran saya menggunakan buku pedoman yaitu Use your English Grade VIII English for Junior High school yang diterbitkan oleh Sahabat dan English On Sky yang di terbitkan oleh Erlangga. Dan kadang –kadang saya mengubah buku tersebut dalam bentuk Braille supaya


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siswa lebih mudah mengerti”. (Interview with teacher on May 1&, 2010).


Biasanya bu Anis sudah mempersiapkan materi sebelum pembelajaran di mulai, beliau mengubah text bahasa inggris ke huruf Braille atau ke bentuk rekaman audio”. (Interview with students on May 17, 2010).

Based on interview, the teacher use some book in the teaching learning English but something she translate the book to Braille book.

3) The Preparation Method.

Before teaching, the teacher usually prepares the method that is appropriate with the material.


Ya untuk metode yang digunakan saya sesuaikan dengan materi yang akan diajarkan, contohnya dalam menulis surat. Saya menggunakan metode oral dimana saya mengulangi kata –kata yang saya sebut kemudian saya dikte satu per satu huruf nya; c-o-m-e”. (Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010).


“ Biasanya bu Anis menggunakan metode oral jadi beliau member explanation kemudian jika kita tidak mengerti beliau akan mengulang –ulang kata yang sulit supaya kami mengerti mbak”. (Interview with students, on may 17, 2010).

Based on interview above, the teacher prepares some teaching methods which will be used in the class. When she prepares the lesson plan, she also prepares the methods. She usually prepares more than one method which are appropriate with the material, although for some


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materials She does not use appropriate methods because the lack same facilities.

4) The Preparation of the Media.

Before teaching, the teacher usually prepares what kind of media will be used in the classroom. She chooses the media which are appropriate with the type of material. Informant:

Ya untuk medianya disesuaikan dengan materinya, contohnya dalam text description, itu banyak terdapat paragraph dan untuk mempermudah siswa untuk memahami text tersebut saya edit menjadi text Braille”.

(Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010). Informant:

“ Biasanya bu Anis mempersiapkan text Braille atau tape recorder jadi beliau tinggal menyetel dan mengulang – ulang kaset dalam belajar bahasa inggris “. (Interview with student on May 17 , 2010).

Based on the interviews above, the teacher prepares some media which she wants to use in the class. When she prepares the lesson plan, she also think about the media that will be used. The teacher tries to use the media that are easy to be found.

b. The Application Step.

The application of the teaching learning process of English class was observed in two dimensions; the classroom interaction and the application of teaching – learning component (the goal, the material, the method and the media).


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Based on the interviews and the observations which have been done by the writer on the teaching learning process in the class, the teacher give a chance to the students to share their ideas, to state what is in their mind, and ask any question about material. Those chances motivate the students to be active in the class.


“ Saya biasanya selalu berikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya, apakah ada kesulitan?”. (Interview with teacher on May 17 , 2010).


“ Iya di beri kesempatan mengungkapkan ide atau pendapat. Bentuknya ya kalau ada yang menjawab pertanyaan dan jawabannya kurang tepat kita bisa memberi jawaban sesuai pendapat kita”. (Interview with student, on May 17 2010).


“ Bu Anis memberikan kesempatan kita untuk bertanya jika kita mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar”.(Interview with student, on May17, 2010).

Based on the interview above, the teacher and the students have a good interaction. The students are active to communicate with the teachers although in communicating their idea, the students still use a mixture of Indonesian and English. Their active interaction is a good process and the teacher can get many inspirations from them. Then, based on the observations, the students are active and communicative. Those can be seen by the fact that the students often ask question if they get any difficulties.


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a) The Statement of the Goals.

Before teaching, the teacher usually lets the students show about the instructional goals that should be achieved. The teacher states the goals before they give the new topic. By stating the goals to the students, the students are expected to know the reason why it is important for them to learn a certain concept.


“ Ya, biasanya sebelum pelajaran di mulai saya menyampaikan kepada siswa apa tujuan belajar kita hari ini, contohnya hari ini kita akan belajar membuat surat dalam bahasa Inggirs. Kadang – kadang siswa juga memberi masukan mengapa kita harus belajar membuat surat bu?”.(Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010).


“ Setelah greeting biasanya bu Anis bercerita kemudian beliau menyampaikan materi apa yang akan diajarkan hari ini?”. (interview with students, on May 17 2010).

By knowing the goals of the instructional material, the students can focus more on what should be done to achieve the goals.

b) The Presentation of the Material.

Based on observations and interviews which have been done by the writer, the teacher still often uses Indonesian to help the students comprehend the material if they have not understood their teacher’s explanation in English.


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“ Dalam penyampaian materi saya menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris, karena kadang jika saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris keseluruhan siswa akan mengalami kesulitan”.

(Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010). Informant:

“ Pertama –tama bu Anis menjelaskan materi dengan bahasa Inggris dan jika kami tiba –tiba mengalami kesulitan beliau akan menerjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia”. (Iinterview with student, on May 17, 2010).

Based on the interviews above, in presenting the material the teacher has not used English totally. She still uses Indonesian in interaction with the students. She uses Indonesian if there is a topic that seems difficult to understand. The teacher mixes both English and Indonesian, but usually at the beginning she always uses English in giving the concepts to the students then if the students have not understood the teacher’ explanation in English, she explaines again using both English and Indonesian.

c) The Use of Method.

In the teaching learning process of English, the teacher uses various instructional methods which are appropriate with the material. The teacher uses various methods in order that the students do not feel bored with the teaching learning process activities. She tries to make the students enjoy in the teaching learning process. And from the interesting teaching learning process, the students can be motivated to learn better.


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“ Untuk metode pembelajaran tergantung materinya, tapi biasanya saya menjelaskan materinya dulu, jika ada kesulitan saya membuka kesempatan untuk bertanya, dan jika ada kata yang kurang jelas saya ulangi sampai siswa mengerti apa yang saya maksud. Kemudian setelah itu saya buka sesi pertanyaan (pembagian tugas), bisa di kerjakan sendiri ataupun bersama-sama. ( Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010).


“ Biasanya bu Anis menggunakan metode yang bermacam-macam, variasi nya dengan tujuan supaya muridnya tidak merasa bosen ataupun jenuh”.

(Interview with students, on May 17 2010).

Based on the interview above, the teacher tries not to be monotonous in using the instructional methods. The use of appropriate methods can help the students understand the topic easily. Based on interview and the observation which have been done by the writer, some methods which are usually used by the teacher are presentation, question and answer and discussion methods.

d) The Use of Media.

In teaching learning process of English, there are many instructional media. The media are Braille book, tape recorder, Jaws and Daisy.the teacher use the media which are appropriate with the type of materials. Informant:

“ Untuk media pembelajaran saya sesuaikan dengan materi kadang saya menggunakan tape recorder, buku


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Braille atau dengan computer. Di dalam computer tersebut sudah ada software seperti Daisy dan Jaws sehingga siswa lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris”.

(Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010). Informant:

“ Dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, bu Anis sudah menyiapkan semua media secara optimally supaya kita mudah memeahami materi pelajarannya”. ( Interview with students, on May 17, 2010).

Based on the interviews above, almost in every teaching learning activity, the teacher uses the media. The teacher tries to use the media optimally because the use of media will help the students understand the material easily but something the media are limited.

c. The Evaluation Step.

Based on the observations which have been done by the writer, the teacher usually give some exercises. It can also be in the form of homework.


“ Dalam proses evaluasi saya mempunyai beberapa sapek yang mencakup di dalam reading, speaking, listening dan reading. Tugasnya juga bisa berbagai macam seperti search internet, menyusun atau membuat paragraph, mengerjakan soal-soal taupun mendengarkan informasi secara lisan dan mengutarakan nya kembali”.(Interview with teacher, on May 17, 2010).


“ Tugas dari bu Anis itu biasa komplit sekali, pokoknya mencakup segala aspek di bahasa Inggris. Contohnya kalo lagi


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before teaching such as preparing a lesson plan. In the lesson plan , they state the instructional goal, material, the media and the method. The second step is application. There are two dimensions in this steps; the classroom interaction and application of teaching- learning component (the goal, material, the method and the media). In this step, the teacher apply all of the teaching components which have been prepare before. From the observations which have been done, the teacher review before they go to the new topic. She goes to the new topic by stating the goals to the students. She lets the students know the reason why it is important for them to learn a certain concept. In the presenting the materials, the teacher use two language. The teacher uses various teaching methods which activate the students. The teacher uses presentation, question and answer and discussion. Then, the teacher use various instructional methods which are appropriate with the topic. The last step is evaluation. The evaluation is conducted in English that needs the skills of speaking, listening, writing and reading.

As stated in the study finding. There are some supportive factors in the process of the teaching and learning English class. It gets many supports from many people. The first is from the school. The school provides some facilities. The second is from the parent. They give moral support to their children. They help their children in their problem at the class. The third is from the teacher. The teacher has a good motivation in getting appropriate material. The teacher always give spirit for the students.

From all the factors supporting in SLB AYAAT Klaten, it makes the school that have achievement. Most of people know that SLB A YAAT is good school for children with visual impairment.

Besides the supportive factors, there are some problems faced by SLB A YAAT in teaching learning process English class. The first is the problems faced by the school. The problems faced by the school


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the teacher are about the English language, especially in vocabulary. The third is the problem faced by the students. As the students who learned English, sometime they get some difficulties for example new vocabulary or spelling the word.


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The discussion in this chapter is divided into two major. There are conclusion and suggestion.

A. The Conclusion

Based on the data and the data analysis are drawn to answer the problems of the study.

1. The Teaching Learning Process in English Class

The Teaching Learning Process in English Class are an educative interaction of some instructional component which are intercolerated to one another in achieving the goal. The Teaching Learning Process in English Class consist of three steps, there are the preparation, the application and the evaluation step, such as :

a. The preparation step is the teachers’ activity in preparing a lesson plan in English. This activity includes the preparation of the goal, the material, the method and the media which will be used in the class.

b. The application step is the application of teaching learning component (the goal, the material, the method and the media) in the classroom.

c. The evaluation step is the step to check the students’ comprehension of the topic. It can do by doing exercises or homework.

2. The Supportive Factors in the Process of the Teaching and Learning English, for example :


commit to user a. School.

The supports from the school are in the forms of the following; computer, recording studio, and the online digital library.

b. Parent.

The parents really support the moral spirit. They give motivation for their children in order that they are frustration with the condition (visual impairment).

c. Teacher.

The teacher have power to teach their children with special need. I think that true, they never gave up. They kept trying to develop to become a successful for their students.

3. The Problems Faced by SLB A Yaat Klaten in the Process of the Teaching Learning English, for example:

a. Problem at the School.

Problem at the school are financial problem which affects the lack of facilities.

b. Problem of the Teacher.

The problem that is faced by the teacher is the problem of the English language especially about the use of technical terms of a certain discipline, the use of vocabulary, pronunciation and translation. Sometimes, teacher have difficulties when she teach new topic by using new vocabulary because the vocabulary’s students are limited. c. Problems of the Students.

As the students who are learned an English, the students sometimes get problem dealing use of language. They are


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difficulties in vocabulary. Then, they confuse in spelling grammar.

B. The Suggestion.

After analyzing the data and making the conclusion, the writer has some suggestions to the teacher, the students and the school. The suggestions can be described as follows;

1. To the Teacher.

a. It should be better, if the teacher often give exercise for the students.

b. It is necessary for the teacher to be more patient. 2. To the Student.

a. To be successful learners, the students must be diligent. After the class, it should be better if they review the material this day.

b. It is necessary for the students to read the some vocabulary everyday. It can help them to remember the word

c. The students should be more active in teaching learning process.

3. To the School.

a. It is necessary for the school to provide much more facilities,for example computer or printer Braille.

b. It is necessary for the school to repair the facilities that is broken .


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