The Policy of Nomination and Remuneration 1.

2. Nilai-Nilai Etika Kerja

a. Komite bertindak secara mandiri dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya. b. Setiap Anggota Komite harus tunduk kepada pedoman perilaku, kode etik dan peraturan Perusahaan yang berlaku di Perseroan. c. Setiap anggota Komite dilarang mengambil keuntungan pribadi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dari kegiatan Perseroan sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerugian terhadap Perseroan.

3. Sistem Pelaporan Kegiatan

a. Komite harus melaporkan pelaksanaan tugas, tanggung jawab dan prosedur Nominasi dan Remunerasi kepada Dewan Komisaris. b. Laporan dari Komite merupakan bagian pelaksanaan tugas Dewan Komisaris dan disampaikan dalam RUPS. Mengenai hal-hal yang spesifik mengatur mengenai Komite Nominasi dan Remunerasi, Perseroan telah memiliki kebijakan tersendiri.

H. Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran 1.

Tata Cara Pelaporan a. Definisi Pelaporan Pelanggaran Whistle Blowing. Pelaporan pelanggaran whistleblowing adalah pengungkapan tindakan pelanggaran atau pengungkapan perbuatan yang melawan hukum atau perbuatan lain yang dapat merugikan Perseroan, yang dilakukan oleh karyawan kepada pimpinan Perseroan atau lembaga lain. b. Jenis Pelanggaran Pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang dimaksud sebagai berikut: 1. Fraud Kecurangan; 2. Kesalahan prosedur yang berat; 3. Benturan kepentingan; 4. Pelanggaran etika dan moral; 5. Penyuapan; 6. Pencurian;

2. Value and Work Etics

a. The Committee must act independently in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. b. Every member of the Committee must follow the code of conduct, code of conduct and company regulations as applied in the Company. c. The Committee is prohibited to profit either directly or indirectly from the activities of the Company that may cause losses to the Company.

3. Reporting

a. The Committee must submit a report about their duties, responsibilities and procedures of Nomination and Remunerations to the Board of Commissioners. b. The report from the Committee forms part of the duties of the Board of Commissioners and must be conveyed during the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Specific things concerns Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Company has own policy. Annual Report | Laporan Tahunan 2015 PT TIFA FINANCE Tbk 83 H. Whistle Blowing System

1. Procedures of Reporting

a. Definition of Violations Reporting Whistleblowing Reporting breaches whistleblowing is disclosure of violations or disclosure of act against the law or other acts that could harm the Company, committed by employees of the Company to the Management of the Company or other institutions. b. Type of Violaton Delinquencies referred are the following offenses: 1. Fraud; 2. Severe violation of procedures; 3. Conflict of interests; 4. Violations of ethics and morals; 5. Bribery; 6. Theft; 7. Pelanggaran melawan hukum pidana maupun perdata. c. Proses Penanganan Laporan 1. Pelaporan yang diterima disaring untuk ditentukan apakah terdapat indikasi awal pelanggaran yang harus ditindaklanjuti, Bila YA laporan Pengaduan Penyingkapan diteruskan ke Komisi Pelaporan Pelanggaran, bila TIDAK proses Sistem Pelaporan Pelanggaran selesai. 2. Dari laporan Komite Pelaporan Pelanggaran, Direksi menetapkan rekomendasi, apakah akan dilakukan investigasi lanjutan oleh Tim Investigasi Satuan Pengawasan Intern danatau Eksternal Investigator, serta melaporkan hasil keputusan tersebut kepada Dewan Komisaris. 3. Tim Investigasi Internal Control danatau Eksternal Investigator melakukan investigasi lanjutan terhadap Pengaduan pengungkapan dan melaporkan hasilnya kepada Direksi. 4. Dari laporan investigasi lanjutan oleh Tim Investigasi, Direksi menetapkan rekomendasi tindakan selanjutnya. Bila tidak terbukti atau selesai, maka laporan Pengaduanpengungkapan akan ditutup. Apabila Pengaduan Penyingkapan tersebut terbukti atau memerlukan tindak lanjut, maka akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Dalam setiap pelaporan pelanggaran agar mempercepat proses penanganan maka perlu diperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut: • Permasalahan yang ingin diadukan beserta kronologisnya; • Pihak-pihak yang terlibat; • Lokasi kejadian; • Waktu kejadian; • Ketersediaan bukti terhadap pelanggaran tersebut 7. Violations against criminal and civil law. c. Reports Process Handling 1. Reportings received are filtered to specify which of them is showing indications of irregularities which should be followed up, If YES the report forwarded to Komisi Pelaporan Pelanggaran, if NOT the report process is closed. 2. From the report of Komite Pelaporan Pelanggaran, the Board of Directors establishes recommendations whether, there will be further investigated by the investigation team Internal Control Unit and or External Investigator, and report the results of the decision to the Board of Commissioners. 3. Investigation Team Internal Control andor External Investigator conduct further investigations on the complaintdisclosure and report the results to the Board of Directors. 4. Based on further investigation report by the investigation team, the Board of Directors set the next action recommended. If it is not proven or completed, the report Complaintdisclosure will be closed. If the complaintdisclosure is proved or require follow-up, parties involved will be sanctioned according to applicable regulations. Based on irregularities report, to speed up the process of handling it is important to notice the following: • The problems complained and its chronology; • Parties involved; • The location; • Time of events; • The availability of evidence. Annual Report | Laporan Tahunan 2015 PT TIFA FINANCE Tbk 84