Translation by cultural substitution. No SL Source Language Translation using a loan word or loan words plus explanation. No

2. Translation by cultural substitution. No SL Source Language

TL Target Language 1. The Baron gave it to me when he became my danna. Baron memberikannya padaku ketika menjadi pelindungku. 2 He looked at me, that s all one-san. Dia melihatku. Itu saja, kakak. 3 My dear oka-san. Ibuku sayang Based on the table above, translator uses the strategy of translation by cultural substitution. In Japan, danna is a cultural subtitution. Danna is used for someone that has close relationship with the others one. The words onesan and okasan are also cultural subtitution that has close relationship. ST : The Baron gave it to me when he became my danna. TT : Baron memberikannya padaku ketika menjadi pelindungku. ST : He looked at me, that is all one-san. TT : Dia melihatku. Itu saja, kakak. In Japan, especially for Geisha, the word “Danna” is used for someone or the girl as Maiko that has close relationship with the other men that women meet through thier work, such relationships are carefully chosen and unlikely to be casual. The translator does the strategies for giving the explanation to the reader that Danna, Okasan and Onasan are the cultural substitution from Japanese culture that tight relationship.

3. Translation using a loan word or loan words plus explanation. No

SL Source Language TL Target Language 1 The Baron is a very special man to me, my danna. Baron orang yang spesial bagiku, Danna-ku Pelindung. 2 Your mizuage. Mizuagemu keperawananmu. Universitas Sumatera Utara In this last table, the translator uses the strategy of translation using a loan word or loan words plus explanation. It is used in the subtitling of “ Memoirs of a Geisha” movie, in order to the readers or the audiences can understand the meaning of the words. In the subtitling of “Memoirs of a Geisha”, the translator gives the explanation for words “Danna and Mizuage” at once. Therefore, the reader or the audiece can know the meaning of those cultural terms. Simply, the translator gives the meaning, in order to the reader or the audience are misunderstanding about the words because the words are very specifics meaning for a geisha. Beside that, in the subtitling of “Memoirs of a Geisha” movie, the writer sees some of the cultural terms based on Japanese culture. And finally, the writer categorizes cultural terms and made the meaning of them into Indonesian. In the “Memoirs of a Geisha” movie is found fifteen of the cultural terms that is categorized by Newmark 1988:94. No Cultural Terms Categories Meaning 1 Geisha Custom art Kata geisha berarti seniman. Geisha semata – mata adalah pelayan profesional yang menghibur tamunya dengan talenta yang memukau dan daya tarik yang luar biasa. 2 Okiya Material Culture house Rumah geisha. 3 Kimono Material Culture clothe Pakaian Jepang. 4 Danna Social Culture Danna adalah klien yang memiliki hubungan yang lebih dekat secara emosional dan seksual dengan seorang geisha. Memiliki seorang danna bukanlah keharusan bagi seorang geisha. 5 Maiko Custom art Maiko diterjemahkan menjadi penari Universitas Sumatera Utara pemula . Secara literal mai = menari, ko = anak, tetapi dalam konteks geisha, maiko adalah seorang calon geisha yang masih perlu dibimbing dan harus menjalani masa latihan umumnya 5 tahun. 6 Sake Material Culture Minuman beralkohol dari beras. 7 Sumo Custom art Gulat. 8 Hatakicomi Concept art Salah satu strategi menjatuhkan lawan dalam sumo dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan lawan. 9 Ekubo Material Culture food Jajan dari beras ketan yang dibuat untuk merayakan wanita yang mendapatkan haid pertama biasanya di daerah Kyoto. 10 Sakura Tree Ecologi flora Bunga sakura. 11 Tatsumura Silk Material Culture Nama sutra. 12 Mizuage Concept Menarik dari air dari anggapan bahwa segala sesuatu yang ditarik dari air pasti segar sebagaimana halnya keperawanan seorang gadis. 13 Hanamachi Material Culture Kata Hanamachi secara literal berarti kota bunga hana = bunga, machi = kota. Kata ini adalah sebuah nama yang mengacu pada distrik-distrik tempat tinggal para geisha. 14 Onesan Social Culture Onesan berarti kakak perempuan. 15 Okasan Social Culture Wanita pemilik okiya Universitas Sumatera Utara Based on the table above, the translator take out the fifteen cultural terms in the subtitling of “Memoirs of a Geisha” movie to make them in the categories based on the Newmark”s theory. And then, the translator makes them in Indonesian. The translator makes them in Indonesian, in order to the reader can specify meaning from the Japanese cultural terms. In order to the misunderstanding about the meaning can not be happened, the writer gives the meaning and history of the cultural terms below. Newmark categories “Geisha” as custom art. Custom can be included dancing and singing. The word “geisha” itself literally means person of the arts - indeed the earliest geisha were men - and it is as performers of dance, music and poetry that they actually spend most of their working time. But while many people assume that geisha is just a Japanese word for a prostitute, the somewhat more romantic word courtesan is probably closer in nuance. But Newmark gives the meaning of “Geisha” in Indonesia is “Seniman”. The word “Okiya” is included as the material culture. The material culture can be called something like house, clothes, and etc. An okiya is the lodging house in which a maiko or geisha lives during the length of her nenki, or contract or career as a geisha.But according to Newmark, Okiya has meaning “Rumah Geisha”. “Danna” is a social culture. It means that a“danna” was typically a wealthy man, sometimes married, who had the means to support the very large expenses related to a geishas traditional training and other costs. This sometimes occurs today as well, but very rarely. “Maiko” is the custom art. Maiko pronounced “my-ee-ko is a Japanese term meaning “Dancing Girls”, a title given to women who are striving to perfect themselves in the fine arts. Its exciting to see Maiko drum and dance across the stage. “Mizuage” is a concept of culture base on the Newmark’s Theory. Mizuage is same as virginity of women or geisha. Mizuage was not considered by geisha to be an act of prostitution. The money acquired for a maiko’smizuage was a great sum and it was used to promote her debut as a geisha. Mineko Iwasaki, a geisha that Universitas Sumatera Utara Arthur Golden met while writing “Memoirs of a Geisha” described mizuage in her autobiography as being an initiation party, symbolized on the geisha-to-be by a change in hairstyle rather than the loss of virginity. It is a celebration of the passage of girl maiko to woman geisha. Hanamachi is material culture. Nowadays, the term “hanamachi” is commonly used in modern Japan to refer to the areas where modern-day okiya are still operating. And the last for words “Onesan and Okasan”. The words are used for close relationship. The proprietress of the okiya is called oka-san the Japanese word for mother and onesan is a sister. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION

5.1 Conclusion

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