For English Teachers For Future Researchers

65 APPENDICES 66 APPENDIX 1 Letters of Permission 67 68 69 APPENDIX 2 Lesson Plan and Teaching Instruments of Cycle One 70 LESSON PLAN

A. Lesson identity

Subject : English Extracurricular class. School : SMP PANGUDI LUHUR 1 Yogyakarta Topic : Narrative text: The princess and the pea Time allocation : 90 minutes Cyclemeeting : 11

B. Competence Standard

Understand the meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of simple narrative text to interact with their surroundings.

C. Basic competence

Responding to the meaning contained in a simple short functional text or essay accurately, smoothly, and acceptable to interact with their surroundings, in text form of narrative.

D. Indicators

At the end of the teaching and learning activities, students are able to perform the following achievements: - identify language feature simple past tense - identify text organization of narrative text - arrange the paragraph into a good storyline - identify the meaning of the difficult words - Identify main idea of the text - identify specific information from the text - identify the synonym and antonym of certain words in the text - differentiate the verb 2 form

E. Teaching – Learning Methods

Cooperative learning Approach: Students Team Achievement Division - Class presentation - Group work - Individual Quiz 71

F. Teaching - Learning activities

Section Method Teacher‟s Activity Student‟s Activity Time Pre-activity -R greats Ss - R checks Ss‟ attendance lists -Ss great R -Ss pay attention to R 1 ‟ 3 ‟ Whilst- activity Exploration and Elaboration Class discussion Group work Group work -R shows pictures in slideshow -R distributes the handout - R explains communicative purpose, generic structure and language feature of narrative text -R and Ss discuss the narrative text “The ant and the Grasshopper” -R asks questions related to material -R explains the rules for group work in STAD -R divides Ss into 8 groups 4 to 5 Ss -R distributes task 1 the unarranged paragraphs of narrative text “ Princess and the Pea” -R asks Ss to do task 1 -R distributes the worksheet Task 2 and 3 Ss pay attention to R Ss answer the questions Ss pay attention to R Ss do task 1 Ss do task 2 and 3 1‟ 1‟ 5‟ 10‟ 3‟ 5‟ 5‟ 1‟ 10‟ 1‟ 15‟ 2‟ 72 after the group finish task 1 -R asks Ss to do task 2 and 3 - R asks Ss to submit the work Ss submit the work Post- activity Confirmation Class discussion -R discusses the score development of each task - R concludes the material discussed Ss discusses score development of each task Ss conclude the material discussed 10‟ 5‟ Total 78‟

G. Teaching Learning Sources and Media

1. Handout 2. Worksheet 3. Laptop 4. Narrative text taken from: http:www.eastoftheweb.comshort-storiesUBooksAntGra.shtml http:www.eastoftheweb.comshort-storiesUBooksPriPea.shtml

H. Assessment

Group work -Task 1 Arranged the paragraphs Score: 5 -Task 2 Find the meaning of the difficult words in Bahasa Indonesia Score: 15 x 1 = 15 -Task 3 Answer the comprehension questions based on the text Score: 5 x 2 = 10 Individual quiz - 20 x 5 = 100 73 Narrative Text Meeting 1 PURPOSE: The communicative purpose of narrative is to amuse or to entertain the readers by telling the story. GENERIC STRUCTURE: The narrative structure contains: 1. An orientation that sets the scene time and place and introduces the characters. 2. A complication that describes events that leads to a problem. 3. A resolution that describes why and how the complication is resolved. Kinds of narrative: Fable; myth; legend; folklore; fairytale. Language Feature: Simple Past Tense Function: to describe things that happened in the past. S + V 2 + O Example: 1. An Ant passed by

2. The Ant went on its way and continued its toil.

The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer s day a Grasshopper was hopping , chirping and singing happily. An Ant passed by , bringing great pieces of corn to his nest . Why not come and chat with me, said the Grasshopper, instead of toiling and moiling in that way? I am helping to lay up food for the winter, said the Ant, and recommend you to do the same. Why bother about winter ? said the Grasshopper; We have got plenty of food at present . But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. A B 74 When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need. VOCABULARY CORNER C http:www.eastoftheweb.comshort-storiesUBooksAntGra.shtml Summer : musim panas Hopping : melompat Chirping : berkicau Passed by : melewati Pieces : potongan-potongan Corn : jagung Nest : sarang Toiling : bekerja keras Moilling : bekerja keras Lay up : menyimpan Recommend : menyarankan Winter : musim dingin Plenty : banyak Present : saat ini Dying : sekarat Distributing : membagi- bagikan Grain : gandum Stores : tempat-tempat penyimpanan

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