Students’ Lack The Student

35 extracurricular program when the researcher asked about the purpose of the English extracurricular program itself. The answer was: Tujuan dari kegiatan ekstrakurikuler bahasa Inggris ini sebenarnya adalah untuk membantu kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah. Jadi seharusnya, materi yang diajakan di ekstrakurikuler bahasa Inggris berhubungan dengan materi yang diajarkan pada kegiatan belajar-mengajar pada jam sekolah. The coordinator of the English extracurricular of Pangudi Luhur elementary school. The purpose of the English extracurricular program is to support the teaching- learning activities in school. Thus, the materials given in the English extracurricular program should be matched with the materials given in the school time. Another thing given to the students was the additional material about English vocabulary with its acceptable pronunciation. This point was obtained based on the answer of the English teacher from the interview. The English teacher also said that, Tutor bahasa Inggris juga sebaiknya memberikan murid-murid lebih banyak ‘pengayaan’ mengenai vocab bahasa Inggris terutama British vocabulary. Para siswa juga perlu memperkaya diri mereka dengan vocab bahasa Inggris sebanyak mungkin sebagai pengetahuan dasar untuk dapat menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai sarana untuk dapat berkomunikasi. Selain itu, para siswa juga perlu diberikan latihan mengenai Simple Present Tense. The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school The teacher should give the students enough additional materials about English native vocabulary British. The students needed to enrich their selves with as much as possible English vocabulary as the basic knowledge to be able to use English as the means of communication. The other important thing beside English vocabulary was the simple present tense exercises. The students needed to learn this simplest pattern of English sentences so that they will be able to compose sentences started from the simplest one

b. Students’ Lack

Based on the interview, class observation, and the questionnaire, the researcher could conclude that the students were lack of motivation to study. The 36 students would pay less attention to the teacher or the tutor when they were given materials without any visual media, games, or music. The students would prefer busy playing to chatting with their friends. It was proven by the answers of the English teacher ab out the students’ motivations, Para siswa akan lebih memperhatikan pelajaran jika mereka diberi materi menggunakan media visual media atau realia atau permainan. The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school. The students have more attention to the materials which are delivered in the form of visual materials media or realia or games. The English teacher also added an answer about the students ’ willingness to learn through songs by saying; Para siswa senang untuk bernyanyi, teruatama jika ada musiknya. Namun ketika tidak menggunakan musik, mereka jadi tidak begitu berminat. The English teacher of Pangudi Luhur elementary school The students like to sing, especially when there are some music. They will lose their interest when the teacher asks them to sing without some music. The similar answer was given by the English tutor about the students’ motivation. The English tutor said that, Ketika diberi penjelasan, murid-murid tidak begitu memperhatikan, hanya beberapa siswa saja yang mendengarkan dengan sungguh-sungguh, terutamayang perempuan. Tetapi ketika mereka diberi materi dalam bentuk visual video stories, animasi sederhana murid-murid terutama siswa laki- laki akan lebih proaktif. The English tutor of Pangudi Luhur elementary school When it comes to listening to the teacher’s explanation, the students will directly lose their interest to join the activity, only some students will listen to the teacher’s explanation seriously, especially female students. But when they are given materials in the form of visual materials video stories, simple animation the students, especially the boys will be proactive. 37

c. Students’ Wants