Teaching Reading Using Semantic Mapping Compared to Lecturing

commit to user 25 c. Lecturing can present large amounts of information. d. Lecturing can be presented to large students. e. Lecturing can help the students in getting up-to date of information. f. Lecturing appeal to those who learn by listening.

4. Disadvantages of Lecturing

Although the lecturing can be an effective and efficient teaching startegy, it has a number of disadvantages, according to Cashin 1985: 87 as follows: a. In lecturing students are often passive because there is no mechanism to ensure that they are intellectually engaged with the material. b. Students attention wanes quickly after fifteen to twenty-five minutes. c. Information tends to be forgotten quickly when students are passive. d. Lecturing presumes that all students learn at the same pace and are at the same level of understanding. e. Lecturing requires effective speakers. f. Lecturing emphasizes learning by listening, which is a disadvantage for students who have other learning styles.

D. Teaching Reading Using Semantic Mapping Compared to Lecturing

In this research, the reseacher uses two strategies in teaching reading: semantic mapping and lecturing. The following are the steps how to teach reading by using those strategies. commit to user 26 Table. 2. 1 Teaching Reading Using Semantic Mapping Compared to Lecturing STEPS SEMANTIC MAPPING LECTURING Pre- Reading Activity 1. The teacher explains the purpose of learning and the benefit of lesson. 2. The teacher introduces the material. 3. The teacher asks everything related to the topic being taught. 1. The teacher explains the purpose of learning and the benefit of lesson. 2. The teacher introduces the material. Whilst- Reading Activity 4. The teacher distributes a text to be read and carefully selects the key words. 5. The teacher introduces the selected key words using the semantic word map and guided discussion and write the topic or main concept in the center of the map. 6. The teacher gives model the semantic maps to the students and directs the students to do same. 7. The teacher begins the pre- reading discussion that focuses on the content word. 8. Before directing the students to read, the teacher provides a quick review of the key words. 9. The teacher instructs the students to add the information from their readings to clarify the meaning of key words. 10. Then, the teachers encourages the the students to note additional words that further explain the ideas from their reading. 11. The teacher reminds students to write down questions about words that need clarification. 12. The teacher directs the students to use their semantic maps during the discussion of their reading. 13. The teacher directs them to clarify the information that they get from their readings. 14. The teacher guides the discussion with questions that will help students to further understand what they have read. 15. The teacher notes their responses on the large semnatic map as they take additional notes on their own map. 4. The teacher distributes a text of reading material to all students in the class class. 5. The teacher gives a time to students to read silently. 6. The teacher gives the explanation of the lesson. 7. The teacher uses examples to illustrate each idea. 8. Teacher asks the meaning of some new words to the students, if they don’t know the meaning, teacher will assist them. 9. Teacher distributes task and they will do the task individually. 10. Teacher monitors the activity. 11. Teacher makes crosscorrection of the result with the other students in the class. 12. Teacher discusses the answer of the task with the class and teacher writes down the correct answer on the board. commit to user 27 Post- Reading Activity 16. Asking the students’ difficulties. 17. Giving the assingnment 18. Leave taking. 13. Reinforcing and summarizing the material which has been discussed. 14. Giving the assingnment 15. Leave taking.

E. Intelligence