Tampilan Masukan Program Bendahara

135 Tampilan Masukan Program Bendahara

Gambar 4.53 Tampilan Jurnal Umum Gambar 4.54 Tampilan Buku Besar Umum Gambar 4.55 Tampilan Laporan Keuangan Laba Rugi Gambar 4.56 Tampilan Laporan Keuangan Neraca 136 Tabel 4.22 Listing Program Tampil Cetak Laporan Keuangan Laba Rugi dan Laporan Keuangan Neraca Listing Program Keterangan If bln.Text = Or TextBox1.Text = Then MsgBox Silahkan Isi terlebih dahulu bulan dan tahun , MsgBoxStyle.Critical bln.Text = TextBox1.Text = Else Dim konstr As String = select from V_LB_LRkredit where No_Rek = 411 and Bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = TextBox1.Text Dim konstr1 As String = select from V_LB_LRdebit where No_Rek = 113 and Bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = TextBox1.Text Dim konstring As String = select from V_LB_LRdebit where No_Rek = 421 and Bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = TextBox1.Text Dim konstr2 As String = select from V_Saldoawal where Bulan = buln.ToString - 1 And tahun= TextBox1.Text Dim konstr3 As String = select from V_LB_LRkredit where No_Rek = 113 and Bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = TextBox1.Text Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr, kon Dim da1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr1, kon Dim da2 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr2, kon Dim da3 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstring, kon Dim da4 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr3, kon Dim dt As New DataTable Dim dt1 As New DataTable Dim dt2 As New DataTable Dim dt3 As New DataTable Dim dt4 As New DataTable da.Filldt da1.Filldt1 da2.Filldt2 da3.Filldt3 da4.Filldt4 Dim baris, baris1, baris2, baris3, baris4 As Integer baris3 = dt3.Rows.Count - 1 For w As Integer = 0 To baris3 hpp.Text = dt3.Rowsw.Item2 Next Memanggil dan cetak Laporan Keuangan laba Rugi 137 baris = dt.Rows.Count - 1 For i As Integer = 0 To baris If dt.Rowsi.Item3 - dt.Rowsi.Item2 1 Then penj.Text = 0 Else penj.Text = dt.Rowsi.Item2 End If Next i baris1 = dt1.Rows.Count - 1 For y As Integer = 0 To baris1 pem.Text = dt1.Rowsy.Item2 Next baris4 = dt4.Rows.Count - 1 For q As Integer = 0 To baris1 Per.Text = pem.Text - dt4.Rowsq.Item2 Next baris2 = dt2.Rows.Count - 1 For u As Integer = 0 To baris2 saldoawal.Text = dt2.Rowsu.Item4 -1 Next thn = TextBox1.Text thn1 = thn - 1 If bulan1 = 0 Then bln23.Text = December thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = January ElseIf bulan1 = 1 Then bln23.Text = January thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 28 blna.Text = February ElseIf bulan1 = 2 Then bln23.Text = February thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 28 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = March ElseIf bulan1 = 3 Then bln23.Text = March thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 30 blna.Text = April ElseIf bulan1 = 4 Then bln23.Text = April thn23.Text = thn1 Tabel 4.23 Listing Program Tampil Cetak Laporan Keuangan Laba Rugi dan Laporan Keuangan Neraca Lanjutan 1 138 tgl.Text = 30 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = May ElseIf bulan1 = 5 Then bln23.Text = May thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 30 blna.Text = June ElseIf bulan1 = 6 Then bln23.Text = June thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 30 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = July ElseIf bulan1 = 7 Then bln23.Text = July thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = August ElseIf bulan1 = 8 Then bln23.Text = August thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 30 blna.Text = Septrmber ElseIf bulan1 = 9 Then bln23.Text = September thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 30 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = October ElseIf bulan1 = 10 Then bln23.Text = October thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 31 tgla.Text = 30 blna.Text = November Else bln23.Text = November thn23.Text = thn1 tgl.Text = 30 tgla.Text = 31 blna.Text = December End If Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue penj , penj.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue pem , pem.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue saldo , saldoawal.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue buln2 , bln23.Text Tabel 4.24 Listing Program Tampil Cetak Laporan Keuangan Laba Rugi dan Laporan Keuangan Neraca Lanjutan 2 139 If bln.Text = January Then Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue thun1 , thn23.Text Else Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue thun1 , TextBox1.Text End If Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue tgl , tgl.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue tgla , tgla.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue blna , blna.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue thna , TextBox1.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.SetParameterValue persediaan , Per.Text Laba_Rugi.Llaba_rugi1.RecordSelectionFormula = {V_LB_LR.Bln}= bln.Text and {V_LB_LR.Thn}= TextBox1.Text Laba_Rugi.MdiParent = MdiParent Laba_Rugi.Show End If Dim konstr As String = select from V_saldo where bulan = buln.ToString and tahun= txttahun.Text Dim da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr, kon Dim dt As New DataTable da.Filldt Dim konstr1 As String = Select from V_LB_LRKredit where No_rek = 411 and Bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = txttahun.Text Dim da1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr1, kon Dim dt1 As New DataTable da1.Filldt1 Dim konstr2 As String = Select from V_LB_LRdebit where No_rek = 421 and bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = txttahun.Text Dim da2 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr2, kon Dim dt2 As New DataTable da2.Filldt2 Dim konstr3 As String = Select from V_Neraca_Kask where No_rek = 113 and bulan = buln.ToString and tahun = txttahun.Text Dim da3 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapterkonstr3, kon Memanggil dan cetak Neraca Tabel 4.25 Listing Program Tampil Cetak Laporan Keuangan Laba Rugi dan Laporan Keuangan Neraca Lanjutan 4 140 Dim dt3 As New DataTable da3.Filldt3 kas1 = dt.Rows.Count - 1 For a As Integer = 0 To kas1 Kas.Text = dt.Rowskas1.Item4 Next penj = dt1.Rows.Count - 1 For b As Integer = 0 To penj Penjualan.Text = dt1.Rowspenj.Item2 Next hpp = dt2.Rows.Count - 1 For c As Integer = 0 To hpp PerPerbulan.Text = dt2.Rowshpp.Item2 Next akhir = dt3.Rows.Count - 1 For d As Integer = 0 To akhir PerAkhir.Text = dt3.Rowsakhir.Item4 Next Laba.Text = Penjualan.Text - PerPerbulan.Text Neraca1.CRNeraca1.SetParameterValue kas , Kas.Text Neraca1.CRNeraca1.SetParameterValue persediaan , PerAkhir.Text Neraca1.CRNeraca1.SetParameterValue laba , Laba.Text Neraca1.CRNeraca1.RecordSelectionFormula = {V_Neraca_kasK.bln} = Blncmb.Text and {V_Neraca_kasK.Thn} = txttahun.Text Neraca1.MdiParent = MdiParent Neraca1.Show Perancangan Dokumen Bagian Bendahara

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