Parents’ Role Behavior and Child Development

15 background. The personality which each spouse brings to marriage is, as we have indicated, a basic consideration in the success of the marital relationship. Fourth is age at marriage. Age at marriage is another factor in divorce. People who get married at a very young age have a pronounced instability of marriage and a high rate of divorce. This is especially true of women who marry before the age of 18. Those are common factors that appear in marriage and if the couple cannot find the problem solving, their marriage will end up with divorce. Divorce, nowadays, is not only initiated by men but over the last twenty years women have begun to take more initiative in ending intolerable marriages Young, 7. Young also states, changing role concepts in marriage, altered religious, social and cultural attitudes, and financial independence increasingly have put men and women on an equal footing when it comes to resolving a bad marriage 8. In conclusion divorce can happen to many people. Divorce does not only happen in poor families or uneducated people but also happen in rich families and educated people. Divorce can give bad effect to children, if they have any, since children in the process of growing up and learning it is necessary for them to have their both parents figure. Loosing one of the figures can ruin their self esteem. Therefore, divorce can be avoided if each spouse can control their self- centeredness.

5. Parents’ Role

Father, mother and children are the main members of family. Each member has his or her role. Parke and O’Neil categorize parents role into some. 16 Parents become instructors, educators, advisors, supervisors, facilitators, and role models for their children 32-39. As instructors, parents give the order and information to the children. As educators, parents transfer the knowledge of the things happening around the children. Parents are not only responsible for theis children’s intellectuality but also morality. As advisors, parents give their children some advises on what happens and what will happen in order to make the children able to choose to the appropriate way that leads them to find the best solution. As supervisors, parents watch and control the children. Therefore, the children are under controlled. As facilitators, parents provide some facilities to support the children’s developments. As role models, parents become models in doing something to their children.

6. Behavior and Child Development

According to Schwartz, behavior is something which can be readily observed and measured and behavior theory emphasizes environmental events playing the key role of determining human behavior 4. Schwartz also states that the source of every action lies not inside the person, but in the environment and behavior is influenced by the environmental events. Schwartz adds that if we are able to understand how environmental events influence behavior, we will arrive at a complete understanding of behavior 5. Schwartz focuses on two central features of behavior. First, it concerns the action or behavior of human beings. In this case, human beings think and feel every event that happens in their life. These internal events cannot be observed 17 easily, because his or her suffering events are internal. Internal events can be observed when the subjects express them through their behaviors. Second, the theory behavior emphasizes that environmental events in human life determine their personality. The source of action lies not inside the person, but the environment. Environment motivates human beings to do some actions 4.

B. Criticism