Criticism Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE

17 easily, because his or her suffering events are internal. Internal events can be observed when the subjects express them through their behaviors. Second, the theory behavior emphasizes that environmental events in human life determine their personality. The source of action lies not inside the person, but the environment. Environment motivates human beings to do some actions 4.

B. Criticism

This novel was criticized by some mass media and experts. Schickel, a film critic for TIME magazine, in his article Looking for Mr. Goodfather says: All cross-dressing comedies are improbable. Most of the fun comes from seeing people fooled by what seems to us, who are in on the joke, a completely penetrable ruse. Curiously enough, what’s really unpersuasive about Mrs. Doubtfire not to say draggy is its nondrag sequences. The children are goody-goodies, without mischief or quirks , and their father’s relationship with them is unclouded by even minor impatience, let alone major outrage 1993. His statement above shows that it is not just a humorous novel but inside of this humorous novel there is a great value about parents and children relationship. Schickel also says that the character of Daniel Hilliard whom we see entirely too much, is winsome, childlike, too good for this world, the kind of wimped-out modern male Williams ought to be satirizing, not celebrating Monday, November 29, 1993. According to Geller 1988 the New York Times’ journalist, Alias Madame Doubtfire is sweet and amusing. I cant imagine anyone not enjoying it. 18 Laidman, a movie critic, says that this novel seems to want to make some sort of message about the painful realities of divorce and the couple end up arguing as bitterly if not more so than before 1993. Ebert the movie reviewer for the Chicago Sun Times says, any review of Mrs. Doubtfire must take into account Dustin Hoffmans transvestite comedy, Tootsie, which remains by far the better film: more believable, more intelligent and funnier. Tootsie grew out of real wit and insight; Mrs. Doubtfire has the values and depth of a sitcom 1993.

C. Theoretical Framework

To analyze a novel, applying a certain approach is necessary. Therefore, theory of approaches is used to decide which approach is the most suitable in this study. Therefore, I assume the psychological approach is the most appropriate to analyze the influences of family separation on children. In order to analyze Lydia’s, Christopher’s, Natalie’s, and their parents’ characteristics I employ theory of character and characterization. Through these theories the writer can give the clear and detail characteristics of each character. I also employ some theories related to this study in review of related literature. First is the theory of marriage. This theory can be used to observe the reason for a couple to decide to get married and also to understand the nature of marriage. The second theory is theory of divorce. Divorce is one of conflict that 19 may appear in marriage to analyze this problem I employ the theory of divorce. Third is theory of parents’ role. The theory is used to analyze the significant value of parent’s role in growing up the children. The last theory is the theory of behavior. This theory is really needed to analyze the children behavior in facing their parents’ divorce and finding the effects of the divorce on their behavior. By using those theories, the influences of divorce on children’s behavior are revealed. The detail and explicit explanation about those theories above will be discussed in chapter four. 20 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY This chapter is divided into four parts namely, subject matter, approaches, data collection and procedures. Subject matter deals with the physical description of a novel. The approaches concern with literary approaches which are used to analyze the novel. Data collection deals with the sources which are used in analyzing the study. Finally, the procedures concern the steps used in completing the study.

A. Subject Matter