Taliban Review of Regime Changes in Afghanistan

3. Taliban

The last regime that is discussed in this study is Taliban regime. Since Taliban took over Afghanistan from Mujahideen, Women felt suffer a lot. Everything was difficult for women. In this review, I will dicuss the events when Taliban rule the country. When the Mujahideen ruled the country, there was a civil war and the chaos between Mujahideen itself then Taliban was formed. Meredith l. Runion 141 explains that Taliban means student or seekers of knowledge. They were formed as a Sunni Muslim who had strong believed of Islam and composed of Pashtun students. Most of them were students from madrassas or religious school. In 1996, the Taliban controlled in Afghanistan and in 1997 renamed the country the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The leader of Taliban was Mullah Mohammad Omar. Gilles Dorronsoro mentions that Mullah was the political key leaders in the society. In September 1996, the Taliban succeeded rule Kabul. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi 18 describe “the Taliban simultaneously launched a theatrical and bloody campaign to impose their vision of Islamic discipline on Kabul’s residents”. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi 20 also explain the Taliban “travelling by Toyota trucks and wielding guns and whips made of radio antennas, the Taliban strung television sets as well as audio and videotapes, along with the bodies of their political opponents, on lampposts and trees in a spectacular assault on the modern world”. They also changed the soccer stadium into killing fields and a place for men to throw stones at women. In March 2001, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Taliban also destroyed many heritages; one of them was the monumental statues of Buddha in Bamiyan. During the Taliban regime, most of the population suffered a lot. They lost their independence and their human rights especially women. Taliban implemented strict Islamic law or Shari’a. Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman mention some of the Taliban rules. All of the rules were the same as mentioned in the novel. Women lost their rights to work and receive an education. Women were not allowed to work. Since many women worked as nurse, teacher, or work in government, then they were banned for work, it made many services at those field were decreased. Taliban also banned education for girls. Shaista and Barry states “starting in the 1960s, the number of female students at universities and institutes of higher education was on the rise. With the support of the government, women were once more sent to foreign countries for further studies.” Since Taliban came, the educational system had changed. Taliban closed girls’ schools. Education was just for men. Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman mention “a ban on most education for girls, even in private homes and a near total ban on women working outside the home” 231. Women had to be secluded from the society. When they want to go outside their homes, they had to wear burqa and accompanied by their male relatives. Meredith L. Runion describes “the burqa is a head-to-toe garment that must cover every inch of a woman’s skin and is different than the Pakistan or Iranian form of the burqa, in which the face and eyes are exposed”. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Taliban practiced some extreme rules for women. For example, when a woman exposed her hand to reveal the nail polish or her fingertips in the road, she would get punishment from Taliban. Since she broke the law of the Taliban and insulted against Islam, several Taliban men held her down and cut off the tips of her fingers. Women would get beaten and covered in acid, if they were caught wearing nail polish, makeup and white socks under their burqas. Shaista Wahab and Barry youngerman wrote, “a requirement that women be covered from head to toe in public; a ban on white socks, perceived as an insult to the white Taliban banned; a ban on makeup and nail polish”. Women also had difficulty to receive medical treatment in the hospital. Female doctors had been chased out of the hospitals because women were forbid to work. Meanwhile, male doctors were banned from treating women. Women hospital was lacking medical facilities, severely limited and the female doctors often unable to help women in giving a birth. The hospital’s condition was also very pitiful. The building was without running water and sometime no enough electricity to turn on the light. Sometime, the Taliban allowed female doctors to work but they had to wear the burqa during operations and medical procedures. Television, video players and stereos were banned then the Taliban transformed the Radio Kabul into Radio Voice of Sharia. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi explained “they used radio broadcasts to incite violence against Shias and to announce repressive decrees”. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI During the Taliban regime, most civil were suffering. There were many people killed and poverty around the city. The Taliban regime could be said as the darkest era of Afghanistan.

D. Review of Afghanistan History