The Effects of regimes in Afghanistan on Afghan women as revealed in Khaled Hosseini`s A Thousand Spendid Suns.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Niken Fitriningtias Student Number: 061214163










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Niken Fitriningtias Student Number: 061214163










Never Let the Fear of Striking Out

Keep You from Playing Games

"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes

courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day,

saying “I will try again tomorrow”."

~ Mary Anne Radmacher

I dedicate this thesis to: ¾ My Beloved Parents: Suparlan and Suryati ¾ My Lovely Brothers: Danang Eka Saputra and Dimas Wibisono ¾ My Close friends





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, February 14, 2011 The writer

Niken Fitriningtias 061214163




Fitriningtias, Niken. 2011. The Effects of Regimes in Afghanistan on Afghan Women as Revealed in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. This novel tells about the life struggle of two women. Mariam and Laila are the characters that represent women in this novel.

There is one research problem analyzed in this thesis. It is: What are the effects of Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban regime in Afghanistan on the life of Afghan Women as seen through the characters of Mariam and Laila in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns?

The writer uses sociocultural-historical as the approach in order to analyze the problem. By using this approach, the writer tries to reveal the effects of regimes on Afghan women in three different regimes namely Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban. The method used for the analysis was library research. Some books on Afghanistan history were used in gathering the information that was needed to support the evidence.

Based on the analysis, each regime gives some effects in women’s life. The first regime was Soviet Union. During the Soviet Union regime, women had good opportunities to have good education, job and freedom. Educated women increased, including Laila. Unfortunately, many Afghan people in rural areas opposed the new rules that Soviet Union stated and they formed a group named Mujahideen. Afterward, there was a war between Soviet Union and Mujahideen. Finally, Mujahideen could take over the country and that was the beginning of Mujahideen regime. Mujahideen stated some rules which made women lost their opportunities for having an education and a job. During Mujahideen regime, Mariam and Laila also felt scared because there were many women who were got attacked and raped. Since war always occurred during Mujahideen regime, then Taliban came in Afghanistan and succeeded took over the country. So, the last regime that empowered in Afghanistan was Taliban. Taliban implemented more strict rules for women. The rules were: women could not go to school and work, they had to be secluded from society, they had to wear burqa, and they got bad medical service in the hospital. Taliban practiced some punishments for women who did not obey the rules. The punishments were in the form of stoning, beating, and killing. Taliban also discriminated women and did not give their rights.

There are two suggestions in this thesis. The first is suggestion for future researchers who are interested to analyze this novel. The second is suggestion for teaching English by using A Thousand Splendid Suns. The materials are taken from the content of the novel for Intensive Reading II.





Fitriningtias, Niken. 2011. The Effects of Regimes in Afghanistan on Afghan Women as Revealed in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini membahas sebuah novel berjudul A Thousand Splendid Suns oleh Khaled Hosseini. Novel ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan hidup dua wanita. Mariam and Laila adalah karakter-karakter yang mewakili karakter wanita di novel ini.

Terdapat satu masalah utama yang di analisa di dalam skripsi ini: Apa saja akibat-akibat dari rezim Uni Soviet, Mujahideen dan Taliban di dalam kehidupan wantia-wanita Afghan sebagaimana di gambarkan melalui karakter Mariam dan Laila oleh Khaled Hosseini di novel A Thousand Splendid Suns?

Penulis menggunakan pendekataan sociocultural-historical untuk menganalisa masalah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini, penulis mencoba untuk mengungkapkan akibat-akibat dari rezim terhadap wanita-wanita Afghan di tiga rezim yang berbeda yaitu Uni Soviet, Mujahidin dan Taliban. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa adalah studi pustaka. Beberapa buku sejarah Afghanistan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi-informasi yang di butuhkan untuk mendukung bukti-bukti yang ada.

Berdasarkan analisis, setiap rezim memberikan beberapa akibat-akibat di dalam kehidupan wanita. Rezim pertama adalah Uni Soviet. Selama rezim Uni Soviet, wanita-wanita mempunyai kesempatan yang baik dalam pendidikan, kerja dan kebebasan. Wanita yang berpendidikan meningkat jumlahnya, termasuk Laila. Sayangnya, banyak orang-orang Afghan dari daerah pedalaman yang menentang rezim Uni Soviet dan mereka membentuk grup yang bernama Mujahidin. Stelah itu, Terjadi perang antara Uni Soviet dan Mujahidin. Akhirnya, Mujahidin mampu mengambil alih negara dan itu adalah permulaan dari rezim Mujahidin. Mujahidin menetapkan beberapa aturan yang membuat wanita-wanita kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapat pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Selama rezim Mujahidin, Mariam dan Laila juga merasa takut karena banyak wanita yang di serang dan diperkosa. Sejak perang terus terjadi selama rezim Mujahidin, lalu Taliban datang ke Afghanistan dan sukses mengambil alih negara. Jadi, rezim terakhir yang menguasai Afghanistan adalah Taliban. Taliban menerapkan lebih banyak aturan ketat yang membuat wanita-wanita menderita. Peraturannya adalah: Wanita-wanita tidak bisa pergi sekolah dan kerja, mereka harus dikucilkan dari masyarakat, mereka harus memakai burqa dan mereka mendapatkan pelayanan yang buruk di rumah sakit. Taliban mempraktekkan beberapa hukuman bagi wanita yang tidak mematuhi peraturan. Hukuman-hukumannya adalah dilempar batu, dipukuli, dan dibunuh. Taliban juga mendiskriminasikan wanita dan tidak memberikan hak-hak mereka.



Ada dua saran dalam skripsi ini. Saran pertama adalah untuk peneliti-peneliti selanjutnya yang berminat menganalisa novel ini. Saran kedua adalah untuk pengajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan A Thousand Splendid Suns. Materi-materi pembelajaran di ambil dari isi novel untuk Intensive Reading II.






Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Niken Fitriningtias

Nomor Mahasiswa : 061214163

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin ataupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 14 Maret 2010 Yang menyatakan




I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Allah SWT who gives me the blessing during the completion of my thesis. Without Him, I would never finish this thesis.

I would like to sincerely thank my sponsor, Henny Herawati, S.Pd., M.Hum., for her suggestions, encouragement, comments, kindness, and patience in finishing the thesis. I really appreciate her advice, help and understanding during the completion of the thesis. Her guidance has motivated me when I got stuck in writing the thesis.

I should also thank all lecturers of the English Education Study Program and PBI staff Mbak Daniek and Mbak Tary in the secretariat for helping me with the administrative stuff and for giving me information during my study.

I also want to express my sincere gratitude to my beloved parents, Suparlan and Suryati. They always give their best support and prayer during my study. I thank my father who always trusts me for finishing the thesis. I thank my mother who always encourages me during the hard time. She teaches me to be a better person. I thank her for listening and understanding me during my study. I also want to thank my lovely brothers, Danang and Dimas. Both of them have motivated me whenever I was down. My brothers also keep reminding me to finish my thesis as soon as possible. I thank my families for their encouragement.

My gratitude also goes to my beloved friend, Siska, who always help me whenever I have problems and give me good advice when I need it. I thank Siska




for listening to all my stories and understanding my personalities and thoughts. I thank Sari who always gives me big motivation during the thesis and become my close friend. I also would like to thank to Indi and Yoana for answering all of my questions during the completion of my thesis in the library. I thank all of my friends Uly, Joice, Intan Kaje, Intan WK and Tita for being my good friends. I feel so grateful having friends like them. I would like to express special gratitude for Dionysius Prabawa who is willing to be the proof reader. I thank him for correcting and giving good advice for my thesis.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to all people who cannot be mentioned one by one. I thank them for their advice and support during my study.









ABSTRAK ... vii





CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 3

C. Objectives of the Study ... 3

D. Benefits of the Study ... 4

E. Definition of Terms ... 4

CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theory of Critical Approach ... 6

B. Review of Related Studies ... 8

C. Review of Regime Changes in Afghanistan ………. 8

1. Soviet Union ……….. 8

2. Mujahideen ……… .. 11

3. Taliban ……… .... 13

D. Review of Afghanistan History ………. 16

E. Theoretical Framework ... 20





A. Object of the Study... 21

B. Approach of the Study ... 22

C. Method of the Study ... 22

CHAPTER 4. ANALYSIS A. Soviet Union Regime ... 24

B. Mujahideen Regime ……… ... 27

1. Fear ... 27

2. Losing Freedom and Opportunities ... 29

3. Sufferings ... 29

C. Taliban Regime ... 30

1. Education ... 31

2. Work ... 32

3. Seclusion ... 33

4. Clothes ... 34

5. Health ... 35

6. Sadness ... 37

7. Injustice ... 38


B. Suggestion ... 41

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers ... 41

2. Suggestion for Teaching English by Using Literary Work ... 42





Appendix A. Short Summary ... 47

Appendix B. Biography ... 52

Appendix C. Lesson Plan ………... 54

Appendix D. The Implementation of Teaching Reading ……… 57 Page




This chapter consists of five parts. They are background of the study, problem formulation, objectives of the study, benefits of the study, and definition of terms. The background of the study discusses the reason for choosing the topic. In problem formulation, I give general description of the problems. Objectives of the study explain the goal of the study. Benefits of the study give explanation about who can get benefits from the study. The last part, I want to discuss the definition of some terms related to the study.

A. Background of the Study

According to Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in their book Theory of Literature, there is a difference between literature and literary study (15). Literature is an art, while literary study is a piece of knowledge or of learning. I think that reading a literary work needs an imagination to understand the story or the meaning of the literary work. People can also improve their knowledge by reading a literary work.

Prose fiction, poetry, and drama are the genres in literature. This study focuses on the novel. Novel is a kind of prose fiction. Prose fiction is generally regarding “one or a few major characters or deal with problems or difficulties in their lives” (Robert and Jacobs 2). There are many genres of novel, such as, romance, science fiction, horror, thriller, crime fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction.



One of the most interesting genres of the novel is historical fiction. Carlos Mata Indurain from University of Navarra defines historical novel as a novelistic action unfolds in the past; its main characters are imaginary, whereas the historical figures and the real facts constitute the secondary element of the story. A Thousand Splendid Suns is an historical novel fiction regarding the life of the people in Afghanistan during the war. Actually, the novel tells the story about two female characters struggling for life. It includes the struggle from the physical abuse which is done by their husband and struggle from the regime changes that happened in Afghanistan. There are also some society problems during the regimes and wars. I find that wars and the regimes changes give many effects to the characters in the novel.

The reason why I choose this novel because Khaled Hosseini’s novel is a bestseller and the story of the novel teach people about the value of life. Moreover, I also find an interesting topic in this novel about the effects of regimes on the life of the people in Afghanistan. I am interested in discussing on how regimes give many effects to the life of women. By using sociocultural-historical approach, I try to find some supporting data form some books of Afghanistan history to support the evidence. Afghanistan is one of the countries which have a long story of conflict between colonizers as well as the civil war on the country.

Thus this study discusses A Thousand Splendid Suns, a novel by Khaled Hosseini. The study focuses on the history of Afghanistan which tells clearly in the novel. The novel gives information related to the three regimes that invaded Afghanistan and the wars which gave many effects to the life of Afghan women.



In the novel, Khaled Hosseini tells about the story of two women who struggle to face the abusement from their husband and the life difficulty. This study intends to discover the effects of regimes on Afghan women through the characters Mariam and Laila.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the background stated above, there is one important thing that is discussed in this study.

What are the effects of Soviet Union, Mujahideen, and Taliban regime in Afghanistan on the life of Afghan Women as seen through the characters of Mariam and Laila in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objective of the study is to discuss the effects of regimes on the life of Afghan women during the three regimes as reflected in the novel. A Thousand Splendid Suns discusses the Soviet Union Regime, Mujahideen Regime and Taliban Regime. The effects of regimes for Afghanistan women can be seen through the life of the characters in the novel. Mariam and Laila represent the characters of women in this novel. Both characters that will be discussed experience the effects of the regimes in Afghanistan.



D. Benefits of the Study

There are two benefits of this study. First, this study can give more information about Khaled Hosseini’s work. This study is expected to give the reader an understanding about war and historical work as reflected in the novel. Second, this study shares knowledge related to the history of Afghanistan during the war. Hopefully, this study can give a better understanding for the students in learning the history of Afghanistan.

E. Definition of terms 1. Regime

The New Oxford American Dictionary states that “regime is a system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above”. Meanwhile in the book of Dictionary of sociology and Related Sciences states that regimentation means “organization of people through doctrinaire teaching and discipline, perhaps for the conscious purpose of developing uniformity in behavior and stereotyped sterility in thought”.

The changes of regime also happen in Afghanistan. There were three regimes invading Afghanistan. Those three regimes were Soviet Union, Mujahideen, and Taliban. Each regime had their rules, doctrine, discipline, and law. The regimes also gave different effects on the life of Afghanistan people.



2. War

According to Henry Pratt Fairchild in his book Dictionary of sociology and Related Sciences, war is “armed extensive conflict between organized bodies of people, regarding themselves as politically sovereign and ethically entitled to assert by force their rights, which they claim to be blocked or invaded by their armed opponents” (336).

This study discusses the wars which occurred in Afghanistan. The first war happened when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. After Soviet Union surrendered then Mujahideen came and the war between societies occurred. The war became worse when Taliban took over the country. So, this study discusses the effects of war that happened in Afghanistan.

3. Mujahideen

Mujahideen is Muslim guerilla warriors engaged in a jihad. Some people usually call them as holy warriors. On April 1992, Mujahideen came to Kabul after Soviet Union surrendered.

4. Taliban

A movement conducted by Sunni extremists which controlled Afghanistan from 1996-2001. Taliban were a guerrilla force made up of young Pashtun men whose families had fled to Pakistan during the war against the soviets. The Leader named Mullah Omar ‘Leader of the faithful’. Taliban ruled the country and set some strict rules for the people.






In conducting this study, I present a theory and some reviews which are relevant to the analysis of the novel. This chapter consists of four sections to be discussed: review of related theories, review of related studies, review of regime changes in Afghanistan, review on the historical background, and theoretical framework. Review of related theories reveals the theories which are applied in conducting the study. Review of related studies explains the previous study with the similar novel. Review on the historical background reveals the socio-historical approach which is employed. Theoretical framework explains how the theories are applied in the analysis of this study.

A. Theory of Critical Approach

To have a reasonable judgment of the study, it is better to understand the nature, the function and the benefit of the critical approach. As Rohrberger and Woods state in their book, literature is said to have an aesthetic value (10). The aesthetic value brings the aesthetic response in which the readers give an evaluative judgment to the work of literature. Rohrberger and Woods state that in order to have a reasonable judgment, the writer need to employ a means which is called a critical approach (10). There are five approaches to literary works that are mentioned by Rohrberger and Woods, namely The Formalist Approach, The Biographical Approach, The Sociocultural-Historical Approach, The Mythopoeic Approach, and The Psychological Approach.




The Formalist Approach focuses on the literary work. This approach concentrates on the work without paying attention to the relevance of sociological, biographical, and historical information. The formalist approach criticizes only to the elements the literary works. The focuses are also on the demonstrating the harmonious involvement of all parts to the whole and on pointing out how meaning is derived from structure and how matters or technique determine structure.

In the biographical approach, the writer should appreciate the ideas and personality of the author and the biographical provisions of works. Therefore, we must know the author’s life to understanding his writings better (8). This approach is seeking the ideas, personality, and life of the author.

The sociocultural-historical approach focuses on the civilization and its effect to the society and culture. This approach insists people to have fully understanding about the society. It leads to the conclusion that the only way to locate the real work is in reference to the civilization that produces it. Rohrberger says, “Literature is a criticism of life that affects men in society, and that great literature express the values of order, restraint, and human dignity” (10). It means that a literary work may appear in a society. People believe that social, cultural, and historical background cannot be separated from the literary work. The past event represents the present or future life. A past event cannot be erased but enrich both present and future life.

The mythopoeic approach is an approach that uses myth to analyze the literary works. The mythopoeic approach try to find certain recurrent patterns of




human thought, which are considered sharing the same universal belief to certain community.

The psychological approach focuses on the psychological side of human being. Feldmen states one important branch of psychology is developmental psychology (21-22). It studies consistency and change in people’s behavior and the characteristics that distinguish people. Personality changes also one of the samples of psychological side.

B. Review of Related Studies

There is a study which discusses the same novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. The title of the study is The Influence of Jalil, Rasheed, and Laila on Mariam’s Personality Changes in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. The study discusses the characters in the novel and personality changes. The previous study discussed some characters on the novel and the personality changes of one particular character. Meanwhile in this study, I discuss the history of Afghanistan and the effects of regimes to the characters in the novel. Therefore, this study is significantly different from the previous study and can enrich discussion regarding the novel.

C. Review of Regime Changes in Afghanistan 1. Soviet Union

According to M. Hasan Kakar, “twice in the 1970s the Afghans were outraged: in 1978 by the communist coup, and in 1979 by the Russian




invasion” (95). Soviet Union came to Afghanistan on 27th April 1978 and the troops and tanks moved into Kabul. President Daoud and his family were killed in the presidential palace. Then Nur Muhammad Taraki became the President of the Revolutionary Council under controlled of communist regime.

Meredith wrote in her book, Soviet Union officially invaded Afghanistan since 1979 until 1988 (126). In 1978, Soviet Union had not fully invaded in Afghanistan but there was a Party which under controlled of communist regime. When Soviet Union began the invasion, Hafizullah Amin had a major role. M. Hasan Kakar (32) states that in the early time of Amin’s rule, Kabul was having a great enthusiastic about Soviet Union and adopted the new slogan that was friendship with the Soviet Union as an integral part of “Afghan Patriotism”. Afghanistan people wish to get the economic assistance as well as military aid. The government was wishing to have a good relationship with Moscow. The irony of Soviet Union invasion was that Afghanistan government who requested Soviet Union to come to Afghanistan to give the government support against the rebellion.

Kabul is a cosmopolitan city or it can be said as modern city. Many educated women live in Kabul because they were allowed to work side by side with men. Kabul also had a large number of schools and higher educational institutions. M. Hasan kakar states that in 1959 women were allowed to unveil (9). The unveiling had a good response because the number of educated women who mostly worked as teachers, nurses and midwives had




been increasing. Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman (162) explain that Soviet Union gave the opportunity for people to have an education because they wanted to reeducate the young generation in Soviet beliefs and values. The curriculums of the school were written for all levels. The students also had to attend the political classes and had to learn Russian.

When Soviet Union invades in Afghanistan, the first city that they controlled was Kabul. At that time, Afghanistan named as the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA). The government was divided along partisan, including the Khalq faction against the Parcham. The Khalq party implemented the Marxist ideas. They measured the concept of instituting educational requirements for both men and women. The reforms also included the marriage rules, by banning the forced marriages and minimum age of marriage.

Even though Kabul had great enthusiasm with Soviet Union regime, but people in rural areas could not accept the changes. That was why Mujahideen was formed. The Mujahideen also took part in rising up Soviet Union. The Mujahideen acted as local rulers. The success of the Mujahideen meant an increase in their numbers. A tragic aspect of the situation was the destruction of schools, which were destroyed with no remorse. From this moment, there was a war between Mujahideen and Soviet Union. Kabul seemed like a war zone. There were many people from both sides killed. The Soviet invasion disturbed Afghan society greatly.




2. Mujahideen

The withdrawal of the Soviet Union army was reputed as a victory for Afghanistan. After Soviet Union left Afghanistan, the control of the country was taken by the Mujahideen. The name of Afghanistan also changed became the Islamic State of Afghanistan. Unfortunately, there was civil war in Kabul city under the controlled of Mujahideen. The Mujahideen fight each other to get the control of the city. As a result, the fighting among those Mujahideen itself killing Afghan people and putting the country into a civil war. Jalali and Grau (13) explain “the tactics of mujahideen were not standard, but different from Valley to Valley and tribe to tribe”. The people in mujahideen were true volunteers’ warrior. They were unpaid and fought in order to protect what they believed, their community and their nation. Meredith (134) mentions, under the control of Ahmed Shah Masood, the Mujahideen were heavily armed, well trained and got the full support from United States and Pakistan. “Ahmed Shah Masood was a legendary military commander in Afghanistan who lived not only to fight the Soviets but also to fight against the Taliban” (134).

During the Soviet invasion, many of Afghan fled the country as refugees. After the Soviet withdrawal, the refugees came back to the country. Meredith (141) mentions at that time, Kabul still full of lawlessness, poverty and destruction all over the city. Because the situation in the city was not stable, many people had been killed. Women got attacked and raped, even occurred in daylight. Many young Afghan around 16 years old often got kidnapped and




raped by the Mujahideen forces. The girl also being taken in the night and then the Mujahideen gangs stripped, raped and beaten them. The Mujahideen rebels needed food and amount of money, so Mujahideen set up some checkpoints along the roadways then impose the travellers to pay. If the travellers did not have enough money to through all the checkpoints, they would be beaten and killed. In the first year of Mujahideen rule, many civilians were killed and wounded. By 1994, more than 10.000 people had been killed in Kabul.

According to M. Hasan Kakar (228), the fighting inside of the Mujahideen gave a big destruction to the country, especially Kabul. In many cases, the fighting began when one group of men incited the men of another. The men were looting property, raping women and kidnapping persons for money. Up to 70 percent of the buildings in Kabul were destroyed. Under the Mujahidden controlled, the country became the Islamic State of Afghanistan. At first Sibgatullah was the leader of the country for short time, after that Burhanuddin Rabbani replaced him. The country began to adopt Islamic law or it called Shari’a. Cinemas were closed, alcoholic drinks were banned and all officials and workers should pray at fixed time. All the women also had to use veil again, women could not work in the office and all schools for girls were closed.




3. Taliban

The last regime that is discussed in this study is Taliban regime. Since Taliban took over Afghanistan from Mujahideen, Women felt suffer a lot. Everything was difficult for women. In this review, I will dicuss the events when Taliban rule the country. When the Mujahideen ruled the country, there was a civil war and the chaos between Mujahideen itself then Taliban was formed. Meredith l. Runion (141) explains that Taliban means student or seekers of knowledge. They were formed as a Sunni Muslim who had strong believed of Islam and composed of Pashtun students. Most of them were students from madrassas or religious school.

In 1996, the Taliban controlled in Afghanistan and in 1997 renamed the country the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The leader of Taliban was Mullah Mohammad Omar. Gilles Dorronsoro mentions that Mullah was the political key leaders in the society. In September 1996, the Taliban succeeded rule Kabul. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi (18) describe “the Taliban simultaneously launched a theatrical and bloody campaign to impose their vision of Islamic discipline on Kabul’s residents”.

Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi (20) also explain the Taliban “travelling by Toyota trucks and wielding guns and whips made of radio antennas, the Taliban strung television sets as well as audio and videotapes, along with the bodies of their political opponents, on lampposts and trees in a spectacular assault on the modern world”. They also changed the soccer stadium into killing fields and a place for men to throw stones at women. In March 2001,




Taliban also destroyed many heritages; one of them was the monumental statues of Buddha in Bamiyan.

During the Taliban regime, most of the population suffered a lot. They lost their independence and their human rights especially women. Taliban implemented strict Islamic law or Shari’a. Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman mention some of the Taliban rules. All of the rules were the same as mentioned in the novel. Women lost their rights to work and receive an education. Women were not allowed to work. Since many women worked as nurse, teacher, or work in government, then they were banned for work, it made many services at those field were decreased.

Taliban also banned education for girls. Shaista and Barry states “starting in the 1960s, the number of female students at universities and institutes of higher education was on the rise. With the support of the government, women were once more sent to foreign countries for further studies.” Since Taliban came, the educational system had changed. Taliban closed girls’ schools. Education was just for men. Shaista Wahab and Barry Youngerman mention “a ban on most education for girls, even in private homes and a near total ban on women working outside the home” (231).

Women had to be secluded from the society. When they want to go outside their homes, they had to wear burqa and accompanied by their male relatives. Meredith L. Runion describes “the burqa is a head-to-toe garment that must cover every inch of a woman’s skin and is different than the Pakistan or Iranian form of the burqa, in which the face and eyes are exposed”. The




Taliban practiced some extreme rules for women. For example, when a woman exposed her hand to reveal the nail polish or her fingertips in the road, she would get punishment from Taliban. Since she broke the law of the Taliban and insulted against Islam, several Taliban men held her down and cut off the tips of her fingers. Women would get beaten and covered in acid, if they were caught wearing nail polish, makeup and white socks under their burqas. Shaista Wahab and Barry youngerman wrote, “a requirement that women be covered from head to toe in public; a ban on white socks, perceived as an insult to the white Taliban banned; a ban on makeup and nail polish”.

Women also had difficulty to receive medical treatment in the hospital. Female doctors had been chased out of the hospitals because women were forbid to work. Meanwhile, male doctors were banned from treating women. Women hospital was lacking medical facilities, severely limited and the female doctors often unable to help women in giving a birth. The hospital’s condition was also very pitiful. The building was without running water and sometime no enough electricity to turn on the light. Sometime, the Taliban allowed female doctors to work but they had to wear the burqa during operations and medical procedures.

Television, video players and stereos were banned then the Taliban transformed the Radio Kabul into Radio Voice of Sharia. Robert D. Crews and Amin Tarzi explained “they used radio broadcasts to incite violence against Shias and to announce repressive decrees”.




During the Taliban regime, most civil were suffering. There were many people killed and poverty around the city. The Taliban regime could be said as the darkest era of Afghanistan.

D. Review of Afghanistan History

Afghanistan is an Islamic country. Afghanistan is a vast country and as a result has a rich mix of ethnicities and tribes. There are some ethnics namely, e.g. Pashtun, Tajiks, Hazarras, Uzbeks, Turkomen, and Baluchis. In the book of Afghanistan: The Soviet Invansion and the Afghan Response, 1979-1982, it is stated that the land of Afghanistan links Central Asia with South Asia and, to some extent, with West Asia or the Middle East. Afghanistan people have thirty languages and dialects belonging to four main linguistic groups: Indo-Aryan, Turkic-Mongolian, Semitic, and Dravidian. The Indo-Aryan languages Pashto and Dari (Afghan Persian) serve as lingua franca, hence the significance of their speakers, that is, Pashtuns and Tajiks. These two groups constitute the overwhelming majority of Afghanistan’s inhabitants. For centuries the Pashtuns have played the dominant role in politics (3).

Afghanistan is also an ancient land that has a long and eventful history. There are some regimes which empower in Afghanistan. The regimes give many impacts to the society. According to Amin and William (10) “a society is a collection of individual and organizational actors within which key relations between actors are defined by certain shared norms, and the behavior of actors in to a degree patterned and predictable.” There is one characteristic of Afghan




people which is strong societies. A strong society is defined by Migdal as one in which ‘the overall level of social control is high’. He mentions such kind of society is ‘web-like societies’, where ‘social control is spread through various fairly autonomous social organizations’ (Amin and William 10-11). Afghanistan is web-like societies because there are multiple, largely autonomous, social units, most importantly tribes and their subdivisions, have retained their identity within a political unit in the face of bureaucratic-administrative accretions within their territories (Amin and William 13).

Afghanistan has a long story. I discuss the history of Afghanistan from Soviet Union invasion in this country to Taliban regime. The history is taken from the book Afghanistan and Central Asia, A Modern History by Martin McCauley and The History of Afghanistan by Meredith L. Runion. The Soviet Union invasion began with the deployment of the 40th Army into Kabul Airport on December 25, 1979 and withdrawal on May 15, 1988 with the last of the Soviet forces leaving in February 1989.

Communism was a perfect way to people whose looking for a way out from under development, poverty, and backwardness. The Soviet Union was a country which adopted communism as the principal of life. The Soviet had an enthusiastic audience for their version of the good life among Afghan students and military in the Soviet Union. Many young men and women in Afghanistan were also eager to embrace Marxism. The People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) – the communist party – was founded on 1 January 1965 in Kabul. The first meeting took place in the home of Nur Mohammed Taraki and, appropriately, he was




elected secretary general. PDPA wanted to deeply implemented Marxist in Afghanistan through the policies.

There was a personal feud between Taraki and Karmal which led to the splitting of PDPA, in June 1967. Taraki became leader of the Khalq (masses) and Karmal was the leader of the Parcham (flag) factions. Unfortunately, Babrak Karmal had banishment and many of Parcchami supporters arrested and then executed. The Khalq grew stronger and signed a partnership with Soviet Union. PDPA believed on soviet assistance and depended on the military support and advisers. The Khalq changed many policies in the country but Afghan people felt that Khalq’s policies were against Islam. People began revolting against the monopolistic rule of the PDPA. Since the revolt began rising, the Soviet Union began to invade in Afghanistan. By the 1st January 1980, there were more than 50.000 Soviet troops and 1.000 military vehicles in Afghanistan.

Many groups were formed to backlash against communist regime such as, Mujahideen. Mujahideen was made up from Islamic warrior who fought against Soviet invasion. Most of Afghanistan topography is mountainous so Soviet detonating the villages and towns in order to drive the people into the cities that made them easier to monitor the people. The mujahidin became very skilled guerrilla fighters and Soviet Union got difficulty to overcome it. Finally, Soviet Union withdraws the troops from Afghanistan in 1988 and the final troops leaving on February 15, 1989. They had poured over 350,000 troops into the country and had lost about 15,000 dead. The Afghans lost about 1.3 million dead and the same number maimed. Now, after the Soviet left from Afghanistan, it was also the




beginning of Afghan Civil War from 1989 to 1996. The Government was under the control of Mohammad Najibullah. President Najibullah declared a state of emergency in Afghanistan because the Afghan Civil War still continued. At first, Najibullah was succeeding to defend from Mujahideen attacked for three years from 1989 to 1992. Finally in 1992, Najibullah was defeated when Russia refused to sell oil products to Afghanistan and block the need of food and fuel. He was tortured, castrated, shot and hanged. The government at Kabul surrendered to the Mujahideen forces led by Dostam and Massoud then on April 18, 1992, they declared the Islamic State of Afghanistan..

Burhanuddin Rabbani, a Tajik, then became President in 1992. For the first time in 300 years the Tajik took over the city, Kabul. The Pasthun felt angry and wanted to attack Kabul in order to regain control of the capital. For the next two years Afghanistan fell in to chaos. The failure of peace that Mujahideen brought made open the way for a movement or organization. The chaos that happened inside the country caused the rise of Taliban. Taliban consisted of young and idealistic people who have wanted to build a strict Islamic Law. Their ambition was serving to Allah and their fellow man. Taliban intervened in 1994 and they could take over the city in 1996. Many of the members of Taliban had received the education when they became refugee in Pakistan. Taliban was headed by a charismatic leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar. By the end of 1994, about 12,000 young Afghan and Pakistani students had joined the Taliban. Taliban began to conduct the strict law of the Sharia in Afghanistan. They determined some rules for people based on the Islamic way of life. For men, they had to wear turbans and




grow their beards. For women, they were required to wear burqa in public. If the women wanted to go outside their houses, their male blood relative had to accompany them. Women were not allowed to work. These rules made many schools were closed because women were the primary teachers. Since then Taliban took over the country and controlled the country until 2001. The era of Taliban regime could be said as the darkest era in the history of Afghanistan. Many people in Afghanistan lost their human right especially women.

E. Theoretical Framework

There is one main problem which is discussed in this study that is the effects of regime Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban on the life of Afghan women.

The first thing to do is to analyze a literary work. I use the appropriate approach of literary criticism. From the five approaches that Rohrberger and Woods present, I choose the sociocultural-historical as the best approach because this study focuses on historical side of the country in certain decade. Sociocultural-hitorical approach focuses on the civilisation and its effect to the society and culture. While, the study focuses on the civilization and the effects to the society, especially women. So, the approach is used to find supporting data from some books of Afghanistan to support the evidence.

In answering the question about the effects of regimes in the novel, I did some research on the history concerning the Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban. All the historical reviews in chapter two are a general truth.




This chapter presents the methodology of this study. There are three parts presented in this chapter. The first part is object of the study which discusses the novel. The second part is approach of the study that discusses the approach I applied in this study. The last part is method of the study which tells about the procedures of gathering and arranging the data used in writing this study.

A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini. A Thousand Splendid Suns was first published in 2007. The novel has 402 pages and 51 chapters. There are some extra pages for afterword, acknowledgments, postscript by Khaled Hosseini, reading guide, and a note on the author.

The novel tells a story of two Afghan women who lives during 1974-2001. There are two main female characters in the novel, Mariam and Laila. The story begins with the story of Mariam’s life. Mariam is a harami or illegitimate child whose father has three wives. Her father insists her to be Rasheed’s wife. Mariam always feels unhappy and afraid of her husband since she cannot give her husband a child and Rasheed always has bad temper and always abuse her physically and mentally.

Mariam has a neighbor whose house gets hit by a rocket. Her name is Laila. Fortunately, she is alive. Then, Mariam and Rasheed have taken care of Laila.



Rasheed is married to Laila. Laila and Mariam get closer to each other because Rasheed always abuse them.

In 2001, Tariq back to Kabul and meet Laila. Tariq is Laila’s childhood friend and they love each other. Tariq asks Laila to marry to him. Rasheed knows about Tariq and he is angry, then Laila, Rasheed, and mariam have a fight. After that, Rasheed died and Mariam tells Laila to leave with Tariq. Meanwhile, Mariam is put into a women's prison guarded by the Taliban. Finally, Mariam gets executed and Laila lives happily with Tariq and their children.

B. Approach of the Study

In this study, I used Sociocultural-Historical approach to analyze the work. This approach helps me find the effects of regimes for Afghan women life as revealed in A Thousand Splendid Suns. This novel revealed the story about regimes which empowered in Afghanistan. The regimes give an impact on the changes of human life and human culture especially women. This study focuses on the history of women’s life during three regimes in Afghanistan, while the approach focuses on the civilization and its effect to the society. Therefore, the Sociocultural-historical approach is used to find data from some books of Afghanistan history to support the evidence from the novel.

C. Method of the Study

In this study, the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns was used as the primary source. The method of the study was library research. I also used secondary



sources; it included some books which could support the analyzing of the study and some references. The books that used by the writer were Regime Change in Afghanistan, A Handbook to Literature, Afghanistan and Central Asia A Modern History, and A Brief History of Afghanistan.

There were some steps which had to be done to analyze the study. The first step was I read the primary source which was the novel by Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and found an interesting topic. Afterward, I began to formulate the question. The second step was I tried to find some secondary sources which could support to analyze the study and it related to the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. The electronic sources were also used to gather more information about the story of the novel and the real history of Afghanistan in order to help me support the ideas. Then, I started to analyze the novel. The third step was writing the chapter I as the starting point then the chapter III. After those two chapters are fixed, I began to write chapters IV and V.




This chapter discusses the effects of regimes on women in three different regimes. Every regime which is discussed in this study gives many good and bad effects. In this chapter, I focused on Mariam and Laila as the representative of women in this novel.

A. Soviet Union Regime

Soviet Union started the invasion in Afghanistan since 1979 until 1988. In fact, Soviet Union had started to come in Afghanistan in. The novel also gave brief description when Soviet Union came to Afghanistan for the first time. This situation below was taken from Mariam’s point of view,

On April 27 1978, Soviet Union came to Afghanistan. Mariam’s heard crackling sounds and intense, sudden roars. She could see military planes zooming past, heading north and east. Their deafening shrieks hurt her ears. In the distance loud booms resonated and sudden plumes of smoke rose to the sky (99).

When Soviet came to Afghanistan, Afghan people responded differently. Many of them had a great enthusiasm, some of them rejected it and few of them did not understand what communist was. One example was shown in the character of Mariam. She still did not understand what Soviet Union and communist were. She even asked Rasheed what communist was, “What’s a communist?” she asked. Rashed mumbled that it was someone who believed in Karl Marxist (97).




There were many reforms which had been made in the new government in Afghanistan. There were some good effects that women had during Soviet invasion such as, education, work, and freedom to unveil their hair. Many educated women live in Kabul and they were allowed to work side by side with men. The number of educated women had been increasing since the unveiling was allowed in this country. Laila was one of the fortunate women who could have a good education. She could go to school when she was a child. Her father was a teacher therefore he wanted her to be an educated woman. Many women worked as teachers, nurses and midwives. Under the communist rule, women had more rights to have education and work at the office with men. they also had right in marriage. The novel also gave an example of a woman, who could work as a teacher.

Khala Rangmaal was Laila’s teacher. Khala Rangmaal did not wear makeup or jewelry. She did not cover and forbade the female students from doing it. She said women and men were equal in every way and there was no reason women should cover if men didn’t. She said that the Soviet Union was the best nation in the world, along with Afghanistan. It was kind to its workers, and its people were all equal (111).

This example of Laila’s teacher showed the freedom of women during Soviet Union invasion. Laila’s father also said the same thing to Laila. He was a teacher and he wanted his daughter to have a better education. He thought Soviet regime gave many opportunities for women. Babi, Laila’s father, said,

“women have always had it hard in this country, but they’ve probably more free now, under the communists, and have more rights than they’ve ever had before. Almost two-thirds of the students at Kabul University were women. Women who were studying law, medicine, engineering” (133).




In reality, there was a reason behind the opportunity that Soviet gave. Soviet Union wanted to reeducate the young generations in Soviet beliefs and values. The content of the novel also showed the same thing. Khala Rangmaal, Laila’s teacher, taught the children to lend their hand to defeat the primitive nation or the rebels. Jihad was the forbidden word in her class. I also found another proof that Soviet tried to reeducate the young generations. The curriculums of the school were written for all levels. The students also had to attend the political classes and had to learn Russian.

Although many good opportunities had been arising during soviet invasion, there were some people in tribal areas who opposed the new rules. Since many people in the village still adopted ancient law, there were no freedoms for women in the village. Khaled Hosseini stated clearly in the novel,

In Kabul women taught at the University, ran schools, held office in the government. In the tribal areas, women were rarely seen on the streets and only then in burqa and accompanied by men. Men who lived by ancient tribal laws had rebelled against the communists and their decrees to liberate women, to abolish forced marriage, to raise the minimum marriage age to sixteen for girls (133).

The people who opposed the new rule under communism formed a group named Mujahideen. Mujahideen succeeded in increasing their number of people. At last, there were a war between Mujahideen and Soviet Union, then Kabul became like a war zone. Finally, Mujahideen succeeded to make Soviet left the country. That was the story of Soviet Union and the effects that the women got. The good effect could be seen from the increasing of educated women such as Laila. The other effects that the women got were the freedom to go to work side by side with men and the freedom to unveil.




B. Mujahideen Regime

The control of Afghanistan was taken by Mujahideen since Soviet Union left the country. Unfortunately, it led the country to the civil war because Mujahideen fought each other to get the control of Afghanistan. The fears arouse in the middle of civilization. There were many homicides and destructions all over the country. Some effects also occurred in the life of Afghan women.

1. Fear

The civil war began since Soviet Union left the country, precisely in 1989. The war happened because there were many refugees came back to Afghanistan and the political situation in the country was chaotic. Kabul was full of lawlessness, poverty and destruction. There was a fighting between Mujahideen itself.

The situation of the country was not stable. Women were attacked, raped and killed. Many young Afghan around 16 years old often got kidnapped and raped by the Mujahideen forces. Mariam and Laila also had the same fear as the other women felt. They always stayed at home to avoid the war but they also realized, even though they were staying at home, there was no guarantee they would be safe. Fortunately none of them got raped or attacked. The novel described the situation,

In June 1992, Laila heard that Pashtun militiamen were attacking Hazara households, breaking in and shooting entire families, execution style and that Hazara were retaliating by abducting Pashtun civilians, raping Pashtun girls, shelling Pashtun neighborhoods, and killing indiscriminately. Every day, bodies were found tied to trees, sometimes burned beyond




recognition. Often, they’d been shot in the head, had had their eyes gouged out, their tongues cut out (173).

All the women felt threatened since the war became worse. The bad situation was showed through Laila’s point of view. The feeling of fear could be seen from the explanation of the situation that Laila saw. What Laila saw and heard were,

The reflection of their half-lit faces in the pitch-black window, their shadows unmoving on the wall. The whistling. Then the blast, blissfully elsewhere, followed by an expulsion of breath, and the knowledge that they had been spared for now while somewhere else, amid cries and chocking clouds of smoke, there was a scrambling, a bare-handed frenzy of digging (170).

Even at night, Laila also could felt the tension of the war. When she laid on bed and suddenly she watched white flashes reflected in her window. She also listened to the sound of automatic gunfire. She could count the rockets whining overhead of the house. It made the house shook and the flake of plaster rained down from the ceiling (171).

The situation on January 1994 got worse. The war in Kabul had destroyed half of the city, 10.000 civilians died, and thousands of people in Kabul moved out to Pakistan. The main characters in the novel lived in Kabul. That was why most of the situations were told in Kabul city.

In January 1994, there was looting, murder, and increasingly, rape, which were used to intimidate civilians and reward militiamen. Mariam heard of women who were killing themselves out of fear of being raped, and of men who, in the name of honor, would kill their wives or daughters if they’d been raped by the militia (247).




2. Losing Freedom and Opportunities

Under the control of Mujahideen, the country became the Islamic State of Afghanistan. Mujahideen adopted Islamic law (Shari ’a) and implemented it to the country. All the women had to use veil. They also could not work in the office and could not go to school. Mujahideen rejected all the reforms from the previous regime, such as women’s rights. Women had loss their opportunities to have an education and loss their freedom to work. All of them were forbid to work outside home. All they had to do was becoming a housewife. This quotation below was taken from the novel.

The freedoms and opportunities that women had enjoyed between 1978 and 1992 were a thing of the past now. Since the Mujahideen takeover in April 1992, Afghanistan’s name had been changed to the Islamic State of Afghanistan. The Supreme Court under Rabbani was filled now with hardliner mullahs who did away with the communist-era decrees that empowered women and instead passed rulings based on Shari ‘a, strict Islamic laws that ordered women to cover, forbade their travel without a male relative, punished adultery with stoning (253).

Mujahideen wanted to completely remove all the Soviet Union law that gave women power to choose what they wanted to do. Mujahideen stated some rules for women and they would punish them with stoning if women broke the laws.

3. Sufferings

The war which happened in Afghanistan gave the bad effects to the environment. The setting of the novel was in the Kabul, the capital city of Afghanistan. The war ruined the building up to 70 percent. Many people died




and many houses were destroyed. Laila was also felt suffer because she loss everything that she loved. Her house got hit by a rocket and her parents died.

She looked up to the sky. Shielded her eyes with one hand. Then a giant roar.

Behind her, a flash of white.

The ground lurched beneath her feet.

Something hot and powerful slammed into her from behind.

The last thing she was aware of was seeing something thud to the ground nearby. A bloody chunk of something (188).

Laila was suffered enough because of the rocket. Fortunately, she could be safe with minor injuries, whereas the rocket smashed her house into rubble. “It hurts everywhere. Her chest hurts. Her arms and legs hurt” (189).

Mariam and Rasheed saved her life then she lived in Rasheed’s house. She was suffered a lot since her home was destroyed, her parents died and her lover moved out from the city.

It was Rasheed who found the girl, who dug her out from beneath the rubble. He helped Mariam watch over the girl that first week. One day, he came home from work with a new blanket and pillow. Another day, a bottle of pills (194).

C. Taliban Regime

Many people know what Taliban is. Taliban invaded Afghanistan in 1996 and succeeded taking over the country from Mujahideen. Taliban ruled in Afghanistan since 1996 until 2001. The story in the novel gave brief explanation during the Taliban era. The example below occurred when Taliban came in Afghanistan.

Mariam awoke on the morning of September 27, 1996, to the sounds of shouting and whistling, firecrackers and music. She ran to the living room, found Laila already at the window, Aziza mounted on her shoulders. Laila turned and smiled. “The Taliban are here”, she said (266).




Mariam and Laila were watching when Taliban came. From the expression of Laila, it could be said that they were happy when Taliban took over the country. They thought the war would be ended when Taliban bore down Mujahideen.

In the novel, Khaled Hosseini gave the explanation about Taliban, “Taliban was a guerilla force, made up of young Pashtun men whose families had fled to Pakistan during the war against Soviets” (266). I also give explanation about Taliban in chapter 2. Taliban means student or seekers of knowledge. The members of Taliban were Pashtun students who had strong believed of Islam. Most of the members of Taliban were recruited from madrassas. The leader of Taliban was Mullah Omar. Taliban gave him a title emir al-muminin (commander of the faithful).

On October 1997, the Taliban changed the name of Afghanistan became the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Taliban were against the centralizing and modernizing programs in Kabul. It made women lost their human rights. At that time, many women decided to suicide in order to end their suffering. As a matter of fact, Taliban regime was the darkest era in Afghanistan. Here are some of the effects that women got during the Taliban era.

1. Education

One of the rules which Taliban made for women was women had no rights to receive any education. Girls were forbidden from attending school. They even could not have private education at home. Education was just for men. There were many madrassas or religious school but they were only for boys.




Although the prohibition for women to school had been implemented since Mujahideen regime, but Taliban regime insisted again about it. Actually, in the 1960s, the numbers of female students were increase. The educational systems were giving equal opportunity for both men and women. Sometimes, the government gave support for women to have further study in foreign countries. Since Mujahideen came, the educational systems began to change, especially during Taliban era. Taliban made women loss their rights to have an education. They could not study at their houses. Education for girls after the age of eight was prohibited. The rule stated, “All schools for girls will be closed immediately” (271).

Laila was lucky because she could have a good education at school and home. Her father was a teacher and he wanted his children to have better education. Laila could have an appropriate education in the school during Soviet Union regime. When Mujahideen came, she could not go to school. Fortunately, her father always taught her at home. She was lucky to have such kind of father. During Taliban regime Laila could not have education since her parents had died and she had to marry to Rasheed.

2. Work

Many women in Kabul had worked before Taliban came. They worked as doctor, nurse and teacher. Since the Taliban ruled the country, women were banned to work. Women were lost their independence and their human rights. In one of history books also explained that there was a total ban for women




on working outside of the home. Whereas, mostly women who worked in those field than men. Since women were unemployment in working at company, government or hospital, many services at those fields were decreased. Taliban also stated the rule, “Women are forbidden from working” (271).

Both characters Mariam and Laila were not working. They were just doing work at home as a housewives. In spite of the fact that civilians were suffered from poorness, women still could not help their husband to raise money. Mariam and Laila were also suffered from poorness because Rasheed could not earn much money after his shop had been burned. They could not help Rasheed since the law prohibited them.

3. Seclusion

Women had to be secluded from the society. The Taliban implemented Muslim law that enforced the hijab which means the seclusion of women from society. When women wanted to go outside their house, they had to wear burqa. They also had to be accompanied by their male relatives. During Soviet Union, all women had right to go everywhere. Meanwhile in Mujahideen regime, women did not have any courage to go outside because of the war. Women got attacked and raped at that time. Since Taliban took over the country, women could not have freedom to go outside because Taliban had stated the rules. There was a time when Mariam wanted to go outside to find her father, Jalil. She had to be accompanied by Rasheed and




she also had to wear burqa. Laila had ever gone outside when she had to send her child, Aziza, to an orphan house. She was also accompanied by Rasheed and Mariam. The novel also showed the rule which Taliban announced,

“You will stay inside your homes at all times. It is not proper for women to wander aimlessly about the streets. If you go outside, you must be accompanied by a mahram, a male relative. If you are caught alone on the street, you will be beaten and sent home” (271).

4. Clothes

As I described in chapter two, burqa is a cloth which covers women’s skin from head to toe, even the face also has to be covered. The rules of women were very strict, even women could not show their fingers. They would get punishment for the mistakes, for example, if a woman showed their fingers, several Taliban men would hold her down and cut off the tips of her fingers. Women also would get beaten and covered in acid, if they were caught wearing nail polish, makeup and white socks under their burqas.

Women had to respect Islamic law by wearing burqa. Mariam had worn burqa since she got married to Rasheed. There was no such strict rule to wear burqa when Mariam got married but Rasheed wanted Mariam to wear the cloth. Before Taliban came, all women had the right whether they want to wear the burqa or not. Sometimes women wear burqa after married but some of them decide not to wear. After Taliban came all women had to wear burqa. The rules stated,

“You will not, under any circumstances, show your face. You will cover with burqa when outside. If you do not, you will be severely beaten. Cosmetics are forbidden. Jewelry is forbidden. You will not wear charming clothes. You will not speak unless spoken to. You will not make




eye contact with men. You will not laugh in public. If you do, you will be beaten. You will not paint your nails. If you do, you will lose a finger” (271).

5. Health

Women experienced difficulty in every aspect of life. Ironically, women also experienced difficulty for having a good treatment in the hospital. Female doctors had been chased out of the hospitals because women were forbidden to work. Meanwhile, male doctors were banned from treating women. Women hospital was lacking of medical facilities and severely limited medicine. The female doctors were often unable to help women in giving a baby birth. The novel gave a brief description about hospital and the treatment that women got through the characters of Mariam and Laila. “In January 1997, Mariam had heard the announcement, that men and women would be seen in different hospitals, that all female staff would be discharged from Kabul’s hospitals and sent to work in one central facility” (278).

The hospital’s condition was also very pitiful. The building was without running water and sometime no enough electricity to turn on the light. This condition also affected Mariam and Laila. When Laila gave a baby birth, she encountered difficulty in the hospital.

“Go to Rabia Balkhi,” the guard said.

A young women pushed forward, said she had already been there. They had no clean water, she said, no oxygen, no medications, no electricity. “There is nothing there”.

“That’s where you go,” the guard said (279).

Rasheed, Mariam and Laila had to go there. The condition of the hospital was very bad, “the waiting room at Rabia Balkhi was teeming with women in




burqas and their children. The air stank of sweat and unwashed bodies, urine, cigarette smoke and antiseptic” (279).

Then, Mariam and Rasheed tried to find doctors. Unfortunately there were only two doctors and they were busy. Finally a nurse called them. The doctor was wearing a dark blue burqa. The hospital equipment was limited so the doctors had to use it several times, like gloves. “She put on one of the gloves hung by a clothespin over the sink. When the doctor was done, she gave the glove to a nurse, who rinsed it and pinned it back on the string” (282).

The equipment was not really hygienic. The gloves should be thrown away after it was used to one patient but since the hospital was lack of medical equipment, they had to use several times.

Sometimes, the Taliban allowed female doctors to work but they had to wear the burqa during operations and medical procedures. Eventually, those female doctors needed to remove their burqa when they had to do an operation and they would do so as long as Taliban did not know. “The doctor was out of her burqa now. “They want us to operate in burqa,” the doctor explained, motioning with her head to the nurse at the door. “She keeps watch. She sees them coming; I cover” (284).

Sometimes women who got injured in punishments were not able to receive proper medical treatment since male doctors were banned to give women treatment unless they were accompanied by male relatives. Most of them died because of infections and unsanitary conditions. Although many male doctors disagree with the policies, they could not oppose the policies




because they were afraid of execution. The condition that Laila faced was felt by other women too. Most of the women were suffered since Taliban stated the law.

6. Sadness

One of the sadness that women felt was the destruction of something memorial to them. Khaled Hosseini wrote about the destruction of Buddha’s statue which made Laila sad.

Laila had learned that the Taliban had planted TNT in the crevices of the hiant Buddhas in Bamiyan and blown them apart, calling them objects of idoltry and sin. Taliban detonated their explosives inside the two-thousand-year-old Buddhas. They had chanted Allah-u-akbar with each blast (306).

Taliban destroyed the statue in March 2001. When Laila heard the news of the destruction of the statue, she felt very sad. She remembered in 1987, she was standing on top of the Buddhas with her father and Tariq. She also remembered when her father brought her to the trip. The feeling of sadness that Laila felt, it could be seen from the description when she wanted to breathe but she felt lack of air in her lungs. The condition also felt by other women but maybe in different cases. In this case, Laila had a great memory in the statue with her lovely father and her lover Tariq. Khaled Hossein described the sadness of Laila,

Laila sat on the foor in a corner of the living room, not speaking and stone-faced, her hair hanging round her face in straggly curls. No matter how much she breathed in and out, it seemed to Laila that she couldn’t feel her lungs with enough air (306).




7. Injustice

During the Taliban regime, most civilian were suffered. There were many killed people. Ironically, women were suffered the most throughout the years in Afghanistan. There was no justice for women. Taliban would believe to what man said rather than woman. The punishment was in the form of stoning or killing. Rasheed emphasized that Taliban would believe to his words rather than hers. Taliban also would give a bad punishment to her. It could be seen from the conversation between Rasheed and Laila. Rasheed said “I could go to the Taliban one day, just walk in and say that I have my suspicions about you. That’s all it would take. Whose word do you think they would believe? What do you think they’d do to you?” (275).

There was also injustice in Mariam’s trial. Mariam got into prison because she killed Rasheed. She admitted that she was the one who killed her husband. Unfortunately, Mariam also experienced injustice in the court. “There was no legal council, no public hearing, no cross-examining of evidence, no appeals. The entire thing lasted less than fifteen minutes” (354).








This chapter consists of conclusions and suggestions. I can draw the conclusions based on the analysis. The other is suggestion which I divide into two parts. Firstly is suggestion for future researchers and secondly is for English instructors.

A. Conclusions

After having analyzed the novel in chapter 4, I can conclude several points. There are some advantages and disadvantages that women faced during the different regimes. The characters of Mariam and Laila represented the character of women. During the first regime which was Soviet Union, women got the advantages in education, work and freedom. There were many schools for girls during the Soviet invasion. Women could work in the office, government and school. They also had the freedom to choose what they had to wear. The character of Laila was one of the luckiest children because she could have a good education. Her father also said that under the communist which was Soviet Union, women have more rights than they have ever had before. Many women also work as teachers. Laila’s teacher, Khala Rangmaal, was one of the examples that women could work. Khala Rangmaal also showed that women got freedom to choose if they wanted to wear veil or not. Those were the advantages during Soviet invasion. The novel did not tell any disadvantages that women faced.





After Mujahideen ruled the country, the women lost their human rights. The character of Laila showed some bad effects. Mariam and Laila felt scared during the Mujahideen invasion. They could feel the tension of war while they stayed at home. They still felt unsaved although they stayed at home all the time. Laila also lost her right to have an education. Mujahideen implemented the strict law of Islam which ordered women to cover and forbade women to have an education and work. Fortunately, Laila’s father always taught her at home but it was not long until her parents died. Laila suffered a lot since her parents died because a rocket that fell in her house. She also got injured, luckily, Rahseed and Mariam saved her. After her parents died and she stayed in Rasheed home, her life began changing. Those were that women felt and got during the Mujahideen regime through the character of Laila.

Many people felt happy and save after Taliban came to Afghanistan. Laila and Mariam also felt the same. In fact, Taliban brought much unhappiness moment for women. Taliban implemented the strict law of Islam but it was much extreme than Mujahideen. Taliban announced some rules and all Afghan people had to obey it. Both women and men had their own rules but women got more rules than man. All schools for girls were closed, they were banned to go to work, they could not go outside alone, and they had to wear burqa. The punishments were in the formed of stoning, cutting off their fingers, beating, covering in acid, and killing.

Women also got difficulty to have a good treatment in the hospital. There was only one hospital for women and it was in the bad condition. This condition also




occurred when Laila gave a birth. Mariam also experienced the injustice situation in the court. There was no legal council, no public hearing, no cross-examining of evidence and no appeals during Mariam’s trial. Women suffered a lot during Taliban regime.

B. Suggestion

1. Suggestion for future researchers

The novel which is discussed A Thousand Splendid Suns is an interesting novel. The story of the novel tells about two women’s life in Afghanistan. In this novel, I limited the discussion on the effects of wars for women. I want to discuss some effects that women faced during three regimes, namely Soviet Union, Mujahideen, and Taliban. Mariam and Laila are the representative characters of women. Some events that Mariam and Laila faced also felt by other women. Therefore, I try to find some review that related to the real history of Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, there is another aspect that can be discussed from this novel. I want to give suggestion for future researchers who want to discuss this novel. The future researchers can discuss the Jalil and Nana personality. Jalil is Mariam’s father, while Nana is Mariam’s mother. He loves Mariam but he doesn’t love Nana. The future researchers can discuss what the personalities of both characters are. The future researchers can also discuss the attitude that Jalil showed to Mariam and the attitude that Nana showed to Jalil.



Mariam heard the answer in his laugh: that in the eyes of the Taliban, being a communist and the leader of the dreaded KHAD made Najibullah only slightly more contemptible than a woman.


II. Whilst-Activities

A. After reading the passage, answer the following questions

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 2. How many characters are there? Mention them!

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. What is Taliban? Explained briefly!

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4. How does Taliban take over Afghanistan?

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 5. What do you think about the rules that discriminate women?

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________





6. What is the meaning of this sentence “being a communist and the leader of the dreaded KHAD made Najibullah only slightly more contemptible than a woman”? Explained briefly!

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 7. What feelings or attitudes do the characters reveal toward the setting and


___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 8. Explained your opinion briefly about the passage above?

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

B. Guess the meaning of these words.

1. Overthrown : _________________________________________ 2. Warlord : _________________________________________ 3. Disdain : _________________________________________ 4. Jihad : _________________________________________ 5. Melee : _________________________________________ 6. Perch : _________________________________________ 7. Corpse : _________________________________________ 8. Tribal : _________________________________________ 9. Communist : _________________________________________ 10. Disregard : _________________________________________





C. Decide whether the statement is True (T) or False (F)

Statements T/F Evidence

1. Laila felt happy when Taliban came in Afghanistan.

2. In 1994, Taliban took over the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul.

3. Everybody happy to celebrate their new world, their new leaders.

4. Rasheed agree to the new rule that Taliban made.

5. Laila agree regarding the rule that Taliban was announced. 6. Najibullah was a communist

7. Rasheed disliked Mujahdeen role

8. Mujahideen was United

9. Taliban made Women stayed at home all the time

10. All of Taliban members are Muslim

III. Post-Activity

Write a short reflection about the passage and what you have learned today.






Fitriningtias, Niken. 2011. The Effects of Regimes in Afghanistan on Afghan Women as Revealed in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses a novel entitled A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. This novel tells about the life struggle of two women. Mariam and Laila are the characters that represent women in this novel.

There is one research problem analyzed in this thesis. It is: What are the effects of Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban regime in Afghanistan on the life of Afghan Women as seen through the characters of Mariam and Laila in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns?

The writer uses sociocultural-historical as the approach in order to analyze the problem. By using this approach, the writer tries to reveal the effects of regimes on Afghan women in three different regimes namely Soviet Union, Mujahideen and Taliban. The method used for the analysis was library research. Some books on Afghanistan history were used in gathering the information that was needed to support the evidence.

Based on the analysis, each regime gives some effects in women’s life. The first regime was Soviet Union. During the Soviet Union regime, women had good opportunities to have good education, job and freedom. Educated women increased, including Laila. Unfortunately, many Afghan people in rural areas opposed the new rules that Soviet Union stated and they formed a group named Mujahideen. Afterward, there was a war between Soviet Union and Mujahideen. Finally, Mujahideen could take over the country and that was the beginning of Mujahideen regime. Mujahideen stated some rules which made women lost their opportunities for having an education and a job. During Mujahideen regime, Mariam and Laila also felt scared because there were many women who were got attacked and raped. Since war always occurred during Mujahideen regime, then Taliban came in Afghanistan and succeeded took over the country. So, the last regime that empowered in Afghanistan was Taliban. Taliban implemented more strict rules for women. The rules were: women could not go to school and work, they had to be secluded from society, they had to wear burqa, and they got bad medical service in the hospital. Taliban practiced some punishments for women who did not obey the rules. The punishments were in the form of stoning, beating, and killing. Taliban also discriminated women and did not give their rights.

There are two suggestions in this thesis. The first is suggestion for future researchers who are interested to analyze this novel. The second is suggestion for teaching English by using A Thousand Splendid Suns. The materials are taken from the content of the novel for Intensive Reading II.





Fitriningtias, Niken. 2011. The Effects of Regimes in Afghanistan on Afghan Women as Revealed in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Studi ini membahas sebuah novel berjudul A Thousand Splendid Suns oleh Khaled Hosseini. Novel ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan hidup dua wanita. Mariam and Laila adalah karakter-karakter yang mewakili karakter wanita di novel ini.

Terdapat satu masalah utama yang di analisa di dalam skripsi ini: Apa saja akibat-akibat dari rezim Uni Soviet, Mujahideen dan Taliban di dalam kehidupan wantia-wanita Afghan sebagaimana di gambarkan melalui karakter Mariam dan Laila oleh Khaled Hosseini di novel A Thousand Splendid Suns?

Penulis menggunakan pendekataan sociocultural-historical untuk menganalisa masalah. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan ini, penulis mencoba untuk mengungkapkan akibat-akibat dari rezim terhadap wanita-wanita Afghan di tiga rezim yang berbeda yaitu Uni Soviet, Mujahidin dan Taliban. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa adalah studi pustaka. Beberapa buku sejarah Afghanistan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi-informasi yang di butuhkan untuk mendukung bukti-bukti yang ada.

Berdasarkan analisis, setiap rezim memberikan beberapa akibat-akibat di dalam kehidupan wanita. Rezim pertama adalah Uni Soviet. Selama rezim Uni Soviet, wanita-wanita mempunyai kesempatan yang baik dalam pendidikan, kerja dan kebebasan. Wanita yang berpendidikan meningkat jumlahnya, termasuk Laila. Sayangnya, banyak orang-orang Afghan dari daerah pedalaman yang menentang rezim Uni Soviet dan mereka membentuk grup yang bernama Mujahidin. Stelah itu, Terjadi perang antara Uni Soviet dan Mujahidin. Akhirnya, Mujahidin mampu mengambil alih negara dan itu adalah permulaan dari rezim Mujahidin. Mujahidin menetapkan beberapa aturan yang membuat wanita-wanita kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapat pendidikan dan pekerjaan. Selama rezim Mujahidin, Mariam dan Laila juga merasa takut karena banyak wanita yang di serang dan diperkosa. Sejak perang terus terjadi selama rezim Mujahidin, lalu Taliban datang ke Afghanistan dan sukses mengambil alih negara. Jadi, rezim terakhir yang menguasai Afghanistan adalah Taliban. Taliban menerapkan lebih banyak aturan ketat yang membuat wanita-wanita menderita. Peraturannya adalah: Wanita-wanita tidak bisa pergi sekolah dan kerja, mereka harus dikucilkan dari masyarakat, mereka harus memakai burqa dan mereka mendapatkan pelayanan yang buruk di rumah sakit. Taliban mempraktekkan beberapa hukuman bagi wanita yang tidak mematuhi peraturan. Hukuman-hukumannya adalah dilempar batu, dipukuli, dan dibunuh. Taliban juga mendiskriminasikan wanita dan tidak memberikan hak-hak mereka.





Ada dua saran dalam skripsi ini. Saran pertama adalah untuk peneliti-peneliti selanjutnya yang berminat menganalisa novel ini. Saran kedua adalah untuk pengajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan A Thousand Splendid Suns. Materi-materi pembelajaran di ambil dari isi novel untuk Intensive Reading II.