access activities in a computerized auction conducted by connecting through the Internet. 2. The use of electronic data storage media that systematically 3. Provide alternative information for selecting the contractors decision is in accordance with the fast, as well as provide information and interaction on auction at Dinas Cipta Karya.


AND IMPLEMENTATION In the development process of decision support system for selecting the contractor on the auction Dinas Cipta Karya using data analysis techniques with methods of software development in a waterfall. For the system data stream method use structure method that is using Data Flow Diagrams DFD in depicting functional model and Entity Relationship Diagram ERD to illustrate data model. 2.1 General Description of System The identification of this system are as follows users Adminnistrator, Staff Admin, Leadership, and Partners to log into the system, then the Administrator is available on page five of them cultivate process master data, see information on auction data, mengolaha standard assessment criteria, see the information list black, account. On master data will be no partner data processing, user data, pre-qualification criteria, criteria for post-, sub. On process of data there are four auction auction auction process that information, ainwijiing information, prequalification information, information on post-, and the Standard Assessment Calculation menu using AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process, there are three such processes, the assessment criteria for prequalification, post-assessment and assessment criteria post-subcriteria. On this page the admin staff there are five processes, including information on master data, data processing auction, participants pre- qualification and post-assessment, info blacklist, account, on valuation calculation method used by participants include MAUT Multi Attribute Utility Theory. On this page there are five process management information including a master list, the report data partners, project reports, auction information, ainwijiing information, prequalification information, post- information, auction reports, reports ainwijiing, pre-qualification statements, reports pascakualiifikasi, pre-qualification approval, post-approval

2.2 Analysis System

1. Calculation AHP

The calculation of the pre-qualification criteria and assessment standards pacakualifikasi using AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process, for example case below: Problem of selecting the contractor conducted by the Office of Office of Cipta Karya Cipta Karya get into trouble choosing one of three contractors that meets the requirements. Public works has decided to create a hierarchy that can be seen figure 1 SIUJK Pemenang Lelang KPK BPP SK APP Kontraktor A Kontraktor B Kontraktor C Figure 1 Structure of AHP Hierarchy Proof of Tax Payment CPP, Certificate of Skills SK, Contract Work Experience KPK, Deed of Establishment and Changes APP, SIUJK After preparation of the hierarchy is complete then the next step is to make comparisons between the elements by taking into account the influence of elements on the levels above comparison is done by a scale of 1 to 9. Can be seen in table 1 Table 1 Matrix comparison Krit siujk bpp app sk kpk siujk 1 2 3 1 1 bpp 0.5 1 2 2 3 app 0.33 0.5 1 1 1 sk 1 0.5 1 1 1 kpk 1 0.33 1 1 1 ∑ 3.83 4.33 8 6 7 Values in Table 1 can be synthesized by adding up the numbers contained in each column, after that the numbers in each cell divided by the number on the relevant column. This process will produce a matrix that has been normal Table 2 Matrix comparison level 2 Krit siujk bpp app sk kpk ∑ siujk 0.26 0.46 0.38 0.17 0.14 1.41 bpp 0.13 0.23 0.25 0.33 0.43 1.37 app 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.64 sk 0.26 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.81 kpk 0.26 0.08 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.77 TPV = ∑ row n Table 3 TPV Value Kriteria TPV siujk 0.18 bpp 0.17 app 0.08 sk 0.10 kpk 0.10 The average value of each line indicates that the level of importance factor for each criterion is: 18, 17, 8, 10, and 10. After completion of level 2 matrix is filled and calculated the weight of its priorities, the next step to make comparisons between the matrix element level 3 with respect to its association with the level. This process has the same steps as the process described previously. Consistency Calculation AHP Tabel 4 Normalisasi Matrik Krit siujk bpp app sk kpk ∑ siujk 0.18 0.34 0.24 0.10 0.10 0.96 bpp 0.09 0.17 0.16 0.20 0.29 0.91 app 0.06 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.42 sk 0.18 0.09 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.54 kpk 0.18 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.10 0.51 Further on the value of each vector multiplication result is divided by the value of each cell in the priority vectors in order to obtain the results as follows: 5.37 5.43 5.39 5.31 5.43 10 . 10 . 08 . 17 . 0.18 52 . 54 . 42 . 91 . 96 . λmaks value can be searched with the following calculation: λmaks = n n 3 2 1 = 5 37 . 5 43 . 5 39 . 5 31 . 5 43 . 5 = 5 93 . 26 = 5.33 Value of Consistency Index CI can be found by calculation as follows: CI = 1 n n maks = 1 5 5 33 . 5 = 0.08 Based on the Random Index RI for the number of element 5 is 1:12 then the value of consistency ratio CI is : CR = IR CI = 12 . 1 08 . = 0.07 A value of 0.07 states that the ratio of the consistency of the results of comparative studies above have a constellation of 7. This value causes the valuation is acceptable as it has been suggested by Saaty 2. Calculation MAUT Calculation of the total weight of the criteria to obtain a global priority globally is a global priority with a combination of AHP and MAUT methods can be done by following these steps: The first step determines an alternative to determine the value of Xij can be seen in table 5 Table 5 Classification Rating No Kriteria Classification Rating Xij 1 siujk a. Match 80 b. Not Suitable 2 bpp a. Match 80 b. Not Suitable 3 App a. Match 80 b. Not Suitable 4 Sk a. Match 80 b. Not Suitable 5 kpk a. Match 80 b. Not Suitable The second step provides an alternative value is shown in table 5 with the weight of the criteria shown in Table 3 by multiplying the value of each alternative and sum weighting criteria and the process can be seen in table 6 Tabel 6 V value calculation Kriteria Penilaian Nilai Xij Bobot wj Jumlah siujk Match 80 0.18 11.2 bpp Not Suitable 0.17 app Match 80 0.08 11.2 sk Match 80 0.10 11.2 kpk Cocok 80 0.10 11.2 Vi = ∑ xij wij 67.2 Tabel 7 Calculation of Final Score Krit siujk bpp app sk kpk PG Ket 0.18 0.17 0.08 0.10 0.10 K A 80 80 80 80 67.2 TR K B 80 80 80 80 67.2 TR K C 80 80 80 80 80 80.5 R Keterangan : Krit = Criteria K = Contraktor PG = Global Priority TR = Not Recommended R = Recommended

2.3 DFDData Flow Diagram

administrator Kontraktor Pimpinan panitia Staff admin panitia 1.0 Login 3.0 Pengolahan Data Master 5.0 Lelang pengguna Kriteria pascakualifikasi Kriteria prakualifikasi Nilai prakualifikasi Nilai Pascakualifikasi Join lelang prakualifkasi Join lelang pascakualifikasi Login admini s trator v al id Login Sta ff Admin V alid Login pimpin an p anit ia l elang Data login Info id_pengguna, password invalid Info id_pengguna, password invalid Data kriteria prakulifikasi Info data kriteria prakualifikasi Data kriteria pascakuailifikasi Info data kriteria pascakualifikasi Rekanan Data kriteria prakulifikasi Data bobot kriteria prakualifikasi Data kriteria pascakuailifikasi Data pengguna Data rekanan Data biodata proyek Info kriteria prakulifikasi Info kriteria pascakuailifikasi Info pengguna Info rekanan Info biodata proyek Info daftar hitam Info ainwijiing Daftar hitam Info dat a rek anan Data login Info user, password invalid Data rekanan Info rekanan Login staff admin valid Login peserta valid Data Lelang proyek Data Join lelang prakualfikai Data nilai kriteria prakualfikas Data Ainwijiing Data join lelang pascakualifikasi Data nilai kriteria pascakualfikasi Info lelang proyek Info join lelang prakualfikai Info nilai kriteria prakualfikasi Info ainwijiing Info Rekaanan Info nilai pascakuualifikasi Info join lelang pascakualifikasi 6.0 Pengolahan Laporan Data rekanan Data joi n le lang prak ual fik as i Info join lelang prakualifikasi Info kriteria prakualifikasi Info kriteria pascakualifikasi Info rekanan Data nilai lel ang prak uali fik as i Info nilai lelang prakualifikasi Data nilai lelang prakualifikasi Info nilai lelang pascakualifikasi Data join lelang pascakualfikasi Info join lelang pascakualifikasi Data pen gguna In fo Login Dat a lo gin Info id _ peng guna , pas s word inv alid In fo da fta r hi ta m Dat a jo in l elang prak uali fik as i Dat a jo in l elang pasc a k ual ifik asi In fo join lel ang prak ualif ik a s i In fo join lelan g pa s c ak u alif ik asi 2.0 Registrasi penyedia jasa Data rekanan Info rekanan Ainwijiing Info ainwijiing Data ainwijiing info Join lelang prakualfikai info nilai kriteria prakualfikasi Info Ainwijiing Info nilai pascakuualifikasi info join lelang pascakualifikasi Info rekanan Data rekanan Info rekanan Data pengguna yang dirubah Info pengguna yang dirubah subkriteria pascakualifikasi Data subkriteria Info Data subkriteria Info nilai lelang prakualifikasi D at a n ilai lela ng p rak u alifi k asi Lelang Proyek Data lelang proyek Info daftar hitam Info lelang proyek Info join lelang prakualifikasi Info join lel ang pas c akualif ik as i Data join lelang prakualifikasi Data join lelang pascakualifikasi Persetujuan Prakualifikasi Persetujuan Pascakualifikasi Info join lelang prakualifikasi Info join lelang pascakualifikasi Info Prakualifikasi Info Pascakualifikasi Log in re k an an Info lelang proyek Data login Info rekanan Inf o p enggu na Data Pengg una Info Rekanan Data Rekanan In fo Login Data rekanan Inf o pe nggun a Biodata Proyek Dat a Pro y ek Info Proy ek Data Proyek Info Proyek 4.0 Penilaian AHP Info nilai kriteria prakualifikasi Info nilai kriteria pascakualifikasi Data nilai kriteria pascakualifikasi Data nil ai s ubk rite ria pas c a k ua lifi k asi Inf o ni lai s ubk rit eria pas c akuali fik as i Dat a ni lai k rit eria pra k ua lifi k asi Data nilai kriteria prakualifikasi Data nilai kriteria pascakualifikasi Info nilai kriteria prakualifikasi Info nilai kriteria pascakualifikasi Data nilai subkriteria pascakualifikasi Info nilai subkriteria pascakualifikasi Data login useronline Info us eronl ine D ata D aft ar h ita m Figure 2 DFD Level 0 2.4 Menu Structure Design MENU UTAMA DATA MASTER DATA LELANG STANDAR NILAI HOME LOGIN Daftar Rekanan Pengguna Kriteria Prakualifikasi Kriteria PAscakualifikasi Subkriteria Pascakualifikasi Info Ainwijiing Info Lelang Proyek Info Pascakualifkasi Info Prakualifiaksi Penilaian Pascakualifiakasi Penilaain Prakualifikasi DAFTAR HITAM Logout Ganti Password MY ACCOUNT Figure 3 Menu Structure

2.5 Design Interface

Figure 4 Interface

2.6 Implementation

Implementation phase is done after doing the analysis stage of design in the system. In the implementation process of making applications require identification of this word is the author of hardware equipment hardware and software software in completing this research. 1. Processor Dual Core 2.20GHZ 2. RAM 1 GB 3. VGA 256 MB 4. Monitor 15 “with resolution 1024 x 768 Specification of software software used to make the application identification of this word is: 1. Operating System Windows XP Profesional 2. MySQL as database 3. PhpMyadmin as interface 4. Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 code dan design interface 5. Mozilla Firefox,Operah, Google Chrome for web browser


Results of identification of this research can be seen in the tables below: 1. Do you agree that the auction system is built easily learned and used? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 8 80 3 Simply Agree 2 20 4 Less Agree 5 Disagree 2. Do you agree this auction system can help you in the process of information flow auction? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Strongly Agree 7 80 2 Agree 2 20 3 Simply Agree 1 10 4 Less Agree 5 Disagree 3. Do you agree to the auction conducted on a system built with computer? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 6 60 3 Simply Agree 4 40 4 Less Agree 5 Disagree 4. Do you agree the process of submission of tender documents on this system using electronic media the Internet ? jaringan internet ? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 6 60 3 Simply Agree 4 40 4 Less Agree 5 Disagree 5. Do you agree that this system will be more easier for you in conducting the auction? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Strongly Agree 2 Agree 6 60 3 Simply Agree 4 40 4 Less Agree 5 Disagree 6. Does your partner agree on a system pendaftaraan process is done electronically online? A. Strongly Agree D. Less Agree B. Agree E. Disagree C. Simply Agree No Keterangan Responden 1 Sangat Seuju 2 Setuju 6 60 3 Cukup Setuju 4 40 4 Kurang Sertuju 5 Tidak Setuju