Land Use Change 2002 - 2005

50 Other lands 14,639 ha 5. Furthermore in the same period, Grassland had also large transitions after Forest land and Cropland. From 75,248 ha of Grassland which transformed into other land uses, 55,590 ha 39.5 of Grassland in 2002 of the transitions transformed into Cropland, 10,635 ha 7.5 transformed into Forest land, and 6,338 ha 4.5 into Other lands. Otherwise, there are 119,157 ha of other land uses transformed into Grassland which was dominated by Cropland 64,807 ha or 35.1 of Grassland in 2005 and Forest land 45,946 ha 24.9. Table 9. Transition Area Matrix 2002 – 2005 in hectares Land Use 2005 2002 F C G W S O Total 2002 Forest land F 282,887.07 50,624.05 45,946.37 0.00 842.00 25,711.42 406,010.91 Cropland C 23,637.46 168,916.30 64,807.23 0.00 2,255.61 11,736.75 271,353.35 Grassland G 10,635.24 55,590.75 65,515.65 0.00 2,683.80 6,338.29 140,763.72 Wetlands W 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,814.17 0.00 0.00 12,814.17 Settlements S 11.61 87.37 194.80 0.00 7,584.71 30.53 7,909.02 Other lands O 3,422.36 14,639.60 8,208.90 0.00 687.91 2,307.88 29,266.65 Total 2005 320,593.74 289,858.07 184,672.94 12,814.17 14,054.03 46,124.86 868,117.82 Land Use Change 2002 ‐ 2005 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 Th o u san d s 2002 20 05 1. Forest land 2. Cropland 3. Grassland 4. Wetlands 5. Settlements 6. Other lands Figure 18. The Graph of Land Use Transitions 2002 – 2005 Two last land uses which had land use transitions were Other lands and Settlements. Other lands transformed into other land uses reached 26,958 ha, and reversely other land uses that transformed into Other lands were up to 43,816 ha. Most of Other lands transformed into Cropland 14,639 ha or 50 of Other lands in 2002 and Grassland 8,209 ha 28, whereas the other land uses which 51 transformed into Other lands were Forest land 25,711 ha or 55.7 of Other lands in 2005 and Cropland 11,736 ha 25.4. Furthermore, Settlements were the land use category which had smallest land use transitions than the other land uses. During 2002 – 2005, only 195 ha of Settlements transformed into Grassland, and 87 ha into Cropland, with total land use transition from Settlements into other land uses were only 324 ha or less than 5 of Settlements in 2002. However, in 2005 Settlements had area enlargement quite large for about 46 of Settlements in 2005 were new settlements. The settlements development mostly transformed Cropland 2,256 ha and Grassland 2,684 ha into Settlements, with total area which were occupied by the new settlements up to 6,469 ha.

4.2.2 Land Use Change 2005 - 2008

Siak District had land use changes dynamically during 2005 – 2008. During that time, Siak District was still dominated by Forest land, Cropland, and Grassland. However, the composition of each land use category in 2008 had changed because of the land use transitions occur during 2005 – 2008. In 2008, Cropland came into the first place as largest land use category with total area 373,295 ha, and exceeded the total area of Forest land in second place which came up with 235,819 ha. The Grassland was in third place with 189,259 ha. At the same time, Settlements increased became 19,341 ha, and Other lands decreased and it became 37,590 ha. Cropland experienced the expansion of the area by occupying Grassland, Forest land and Other lands, 87,779 ha 23.5 of Cropland in 2008, 52,081 ha 13.9, and 23,835 ha 6.4 respectively. In the same period, Cropland also experienced transitions into other land uses for about 80,561 ha 28 of Cropland in 2005, mostly transformed into Grassland 55,906 ha 19.3 and Other lands 14,561 ha 5. Forest land as the second largest land use category in 2008 had quite significant land use transitions which experienced deforestation for about 99,249 ha, whereas only 14,474 ha were reforested. Mostly, Forest land in 2005 transformed into Cropland and Grassland in 2008 with total area are 87,395 ha 27.3 of Forest land in 2005. The reforestation occurred during 2005 – 2008 which was contributed by Cropland and Grassland with total area of both land use 52 categories which transformed into Forest land about 13,463 ha only 5.7 of Forest land in 2008. Figure 19. Land Use Change Map 2005 – 2008 Snapshot In aggregate, Grassland increased only 4,586 ha, but when observing the land use transitions which were experienced by Grassland, this land use category had very dynamic land use transitions. During 2005 – 2008, large area of Grassland had been transformed into Cropland 87,779 ha or 47.5 of Grassland in 2005, and in smaller area, it was transformed into Other lands, Forest land, and Settlements which in total for about 16,278 ha 8.8. At the same period, Grassland area was expanded by occupying Cropland 55,905 ha or 29.5 of Cropland in 2008, Forest land 35,314 ha 18.7, and Other lands 17,168 ha 9. As in 2002 – 2005, Settlements and Other lands during 2005 – 2008 were the land use categories which had land use transitions smaller than the other land uses discussed earlier. Settlements increased 5,902 ha 30.5 of Settlements in 2008 which mostly occupied Cropland 1,357 ha 7 and Grassland 3,574 ha 18.5. In the same time, only 615 ha or 4.4 of Settlements in 2005 transformed into other land uses which mostly transformed into Cropland and Grassland with total area of 558 ha 3.9. Furthermore, Other lands have decreased during 2005 – 2008 for about 8,535 ha in total. Most of Other lands have been transformed into Cropland and Grassland with total area 41,003 ha or 88.9 of Other lands in 2005. Expansion of Other lands mostly occurred on Cropland and Forest land