employs various question formats. The question formats employed in statement preface discussed in this section are wh-question, declarative question, and yesno question. Each of them gives a distinctive impact to the interviewee. The following example exposes how Andrew Marr delivers a statement preface by employing wh-question. IR: Prime Minister, there‟s a lot in the Sunday papers about your crusade on child pornography. There seem to be two big issues that worry people. One are the very extreme and vile images upon which certain numbers of predatory pedophiles prey and feed, and some of them then become violent. And then there‟s the separate issue of the availability of pornography, often legal pornography, to children - often quite young children. Now which of those are you particularly focused on? IE: I think all of us have been a bit guilty of saying well it‟s the internet, it‟s lawless, there‟s nothing you can do about it. And that‟s wrong…. Datum No. 1 Inserting background of the question in a statement preface is categorized a strange phenomenon. However, it is acceptable because the question is spoken in the beginning of the show after Andrew Marr does opening and greeting to David Cameron. The function of questions‟ background in the statement preface is to give an introduction about the topic that will be discussed in that show. After delivering his question‟s background, Andrew Marr asks a single question to David Cameron. Although the question‟s background is related to pornography, the statement preface asks specific topic on pornography that David Cameron will focus on. The wh-question in that statement preface gives the interviewee a maneuver to respond. David Cameron‟s maneuver is marked by his explanation that internet is not lawless. Then, he continues talking about pornography. In addition, the effect of wh-question in that statement preface gives an opportunity for David Cameron to give a long answer. Other way in expressing statement preface is by delivering declarative question. The negative formulation of declarative question in statement preface below shows strong preference in selecting the question design. In that question, Andrew Marr does not only ask the question but also displays his aggressiveness by inserting his accusation. In other words, the question accuses why David Cameron cannot deal with Google and Yahoo to ban pornography. IR: So you haven‟t persuaded the Google and the Yahoos yet to do what you want? Datum No. 3 The single question asked by Andrew Marr is to confirm whether David Cameron has persuaded Google and Yahoo or not yet to ban the pornography. Andrew Marr directly asks the question by employing a declarative question. the statement preface that he delivers gives a high pressure to David Cameron because the question only requires yes or no response. The common strategy in displaying statement prefaces is by showing yesno questions. The following example describes how Andrew Marr demonstrates yesno question in delivering statement preface. IR: Broadly speaking, do you think immigration at the levels we‟ve seen over the last ten years has been good for Britain or bad for Britain? IE: Well …Migrants bring a benefit to Britain, they come here, they work hard, they contribute…. Datum No. 27 In that statement preface, Andrew Marr asks the impact of immigration to the UK. The question ‟s format in that statement preface employs yesno question by inserting two alternatives of responses to the interviewee. Both alternatives are marked by the word „or‟ in the question. By giving the alternatives in that question, Andrew Marr g ives the limitation toward the interviewee‟s answer. In addition, it gives limited topical domain in the question. Andrew Marr is successful in persuading David Cameron to choose one alternative in that statement preface. It can be described by his answer that only discusses good impact of immigration. In addition, his response is limited because he explains how immigrants influence economy in the UK. In this sense, Andrew is successful in giving the limitation to David Camero n‟s answer by inserting alternatives in his statement preface. 2 Multiple Questions By demonstrating multiple questions, Andrew Marr asks more than one question. However, the questions delivered in multiple questions are still related to one another. Since there is more than one question in multiple questions, it is common that the interviewee does not answer all questions. In his interview, Andrew Marr employs multiple questions 10 times. How multiple questions are employed in the show is described in the following example. IR: Now I spotted you just a moment ago saying that you intended and hoped to be leading a Conservative-only government after the election. Do you feel that‟s the way the opinion polls are going? David Miliband said the British people are going to choose one way or the other and we‟re unlikely to see another coalition government. Is that your instinct? Datum No. 20 There are two questions that Andrew Marr delivers by employing multiple questions. Each question has prefatory statement. Before addressing the first question, Andrew mentions a rumor that David Cameron wants to be Conservative leader as the background of the question. Then, he directly asks