Multikolinieritas Linieritas Autokorelasi PENUTUP


a. Multikolinieritas

LDR CAR NIM NPL ROA BOPO LDR 1,000000 0,371193 -0,455277 -0,866903 0,695668 -0,747998 CAR 0,371193 1,000000 -0,324699 -0,227274 0,471041 -0,286045 NIM -0,455277 -0,324699 1,000000 0,291952 -0,326576 0,451549 NPL -0,866903 -0,227274 0,291952 1,000000 -0,745421 0,649386 ROA 0,695668 0,471041 -0,326576 -0,745421 1,000000 -0,460093 BOPO -0,747998 -0,286045 0,451549 0,649386 -0,460093 1,000000

b. Linieritas

Ramsey RESET Test Equation: PERSERO Specification: LDR C CAR NIM NPL ROA BOPO Omitted Variables: Squares of fitted values Value df Probability t-statistic 1.002897 24 0.3259 F-statistic 1.005803 1, 24 0.3259 Likelihood ratio 1.272676 1 0.2593 F-test summary: Sum of Sq. df Mean Squares Test SSR 7.619370 1 7.619370 Restricted SSR 189.4293 25 7.577172 Unrestricted SSR 181.8099 24 7.575413 Unrestricted SSR 181.8099 24 7.575413 LR test summary: Value df Restricted LogL -72.04254 25 Unrestricted LogL -71.40620 24

c. Autokorelasi

Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 6.081554 Prob. F2,23 0.0076 ObsR-squared 10.72307 Prob. Chi-Square2 0.0047 Test Equation: Dependent Variable: RESID Method: Least Squares Date: 041216 Time: 05:57 Sample: 2008Q1 2015Q3 Included observations: 31 Presample missing value lagged residuals set to zero. Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 0.663077 10.23183 0.064805 0.9489 CAR 0.304033 0.313316 0.970373 0.3420 NIM -1.236510 1.366484 -0.904884 0.3749 NPL -0.537481 0.706228 -0.761060 0.4544 ROA -0.871348 1.696112 -0.513733 0.6123 BOPO 0.073529 0.056087 1.310977 0.2028 RESID-1 0.638675 0.196656 3.247674 0.0035 RESID-2 -0.586482 0.238334 -2.460761 0.0218 R-squared 0.345905 Mean dependent var -1.29E-15 Adjusted R-squared 0.146833 S.D. dependent var 2.512829 S.E. of regression 2.321026 Akaike info criterion 4.739531 Sum squared resid 123.9047 Schwarz criterion 5.109593 Log likelihood -65.46274 Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.860162 F-statistic 1.737587 Durbin-Watson stat 1.883854 ProbF-statistic 0.149618 Melakukan diferensi untuk penyembuhan autokorelasi Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test: F-statistic 1.236910 Prob. F2,22 0.3097 ObsR-squared 3.032407 Prob. Chi-Square2 0.2195 Test Equation: Dependent Variable: RESID Method: Least Squares Date: 041216 Time: 06:00 Sample: 2008Q2 2015Q3 Included observations: 30 Presample missing value lagged residuals set to zero. Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C 0.011330 0.493855 0.022942 0.9819 DCAR -0.169205 0.520982 -0.324781 0.7484 DNIM -0.369189 1.529753 -0.241339 0.8115 DNPL -0.377158 1.665025 -0.226518 0.8229 DROA 0.990597 2.433564 0.407056 0.6879 DBOPO 0.055801 0.071109 0.784717 0.4410 RESID-1 -0.116559 0.298301 -0.390743 0.6997 RESID-2 -0.423251 0.313447 -1.350312 0.1906 R-squared 0.101080 Mean dependent var 0.000000 Adjusted R-squared -0.184940 S.D. dependent var 2.278325 S.E. of regression 2.480069 Akaike info criterion 4.877629 Sum squared resid 135.3164 Schwarz criterion 5.251281 Log likelihood -65.16443 Hannan-Quinn criter. 4.997163 F-statistic 0.353403 Durbin-Watson stat 2.017013 ProbF-statistic 0.919364

d. Heteroskedastisitas