Heteroskedastisitas Normalitas Linieritas PENUTUP

d. Heteroskedastisitas

Heteroskedasticity Test: White F-statistic 1.589087 Prob. F5,25 0.1996 ObsR-squared 7.476255 Prob. Chi-Square5 0.1876 Scaled explained SS 3.844112 Prob. Chi-Square5 0.5721 Test Equation: Dependent Variable: RESID2 Method: Least Squares Date: 041216 Time: 06:03 Sample: 2008Q1 2015Q3 Included observations: 31 Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob. C -25.92796 16.58093 -1.563722 0.1305 CAR2 0.030735 0.028785 1.067752 0.2958 NIM2 0.824873 0.322956 2.554136 0.0171 NPL2 -0.037195 0.247223 -0.150452 0.8816 ROA2 -0.321613 0.768817 -0.418321 0.6793 BOPO2 -0.000195 0.000819 -0.237641 0.8141 R-squared 0.241170 Mean dependent var 6.110622 Adjusted R-squared 0.089403 S.D. dependent var 7.810850 S.E. of regression 7.453518 Akaike info criterion 7.027235 Sum squared resid 1388.873 Schwarz criterion 7.304781 Log likelihood -102.9221 Hannan-Quinn criter. 7.117708 F-statistic 1.589087 Durbin-Watson stat 2.596540 ProbF-statistic 0.199625

e. Normalitas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 Series: Residuals Sample 2008Q1 2015Q3 Observations 31 Mean -1.29e-15 Median -0.066232 Maximum 5.759079 Minimum -5.423624 Std. Dev. 2.512829 Skewness 0.133620 Kurtosis 2.581195 Jarque-Bera 0.318803 Probability 0.852654 LAMPIRAN F.2 : BUSN DEVISA a. Multikolinieritas LDR CAR NIM NPL ROA BOPO LDR 1,000000 -0,084956 -0,761574 -0,754628 -0,132770 -0,649063 CAR -0,084956 1,000000 -0,228107 0,240175 -0,143228 0,369939 NIM -0,761574 -0,228107 1,000000 0,430843 0,237482 0,339667 NPL -0,754628 0,240175 0,430843 1,000000 -0,258081 0,794822 ROA -0,132770 -0,143228 0,237482 -0,258081 1,000000 -0,260136 BOPO -0,649063 0,369939 0,339667 0,794822 -0,260136 1,000000

b. Linieritas

Ramsey RESET Test Equation: DEVISA Specification: LDR C CAR NIM NPL ROA BOPO Omitted Variables: Squares of fitted values Value df Probability t-statistic 0.342255 24 0.7351 F-statistic 0.117138 1, 24 0.7351 Likelihood ratio 0.150936 1 0.6976 F-test summary: Sum of Sq. df Mean Squares Test SSR 0.806263 1 0.806263 Restricted SSR 165.9982 25 6.639927 Unrestricted SSR 165.1919 24 6.882996 Unrestricted SSR 165.1919 24 6.882996 LR test summary: Value df Restricted LogL -69.99593 25 Unrestricted LogL -69.92047 24

c. Autokorelasi